2B 3En; LIFE/ Cjiarlotte ^02t Thursday, April 27, 2006 Novel pre-dates Duke You are reading the oldest newspaper in the Carolinas... Continued from page 1B allows Xavier intx) her life, but still refuses to share with him the full details of her past. This, of, course eventually leads to some major drama, and when the rapist shows up. In an interview with the author, she offered her take on the Duke lacrosse team scandal. “When I first heard about this, I thought this is going to get ugly,” the South Carolina writer said before she knew the alleged victim was black. Perkins isn’t surprised that many people have mixed emo tions toward the victim, because many of her readers felt the same way about Gwen, who isn’t the most sympathetic victim. “I had some people say to me, ‘it’s been 10 years, why doesn’t she get over it? Or I had people say that they did n’t like Gwen,” she said. HTV: The deadly truth Continued from page 1B “hidden” for years, so people may not know they have the virus. However, the virus can still be transmitted to other people during that latency period! HIV can multiply inside the cells of the immime system and destroy so many of them that the body can no longer fight infections. Repeated infections, known as oppor tunistic infections, are the hallmark of AIDS. Many medications are available to prevent the progression of HIV infection to AIDS. How can HIV infection be prevented? The best way to prevent HIV is to avoid risky behav iors, such as using intra venous drugs or having unprotected sex. No matter what your age, if you are sex ually active (particularly with a new partner), msde latex condoms and female pol3mrethane condoms offer the best protection and should be used for all sexual encounters. How do I know if I have HIV? Some people experience flu like symptoms shortly after contracting the virus, but other people may have no symptoms at aU. Sometimes, the virus can live for years in the body before producing clinical symptoms. This is often the time when it is spread unknowingly from person to person. The only way to know for sure whether you are infected with HTV is to get a blood test. Many free clinics and health organizations across file state provide AIDS test ing and counseling. Detecting the virus early allows for the best treatment options and for behavior changes to prevent others from becoming infected! Remember, knowledge is power, but it is what you do with it that makes all the dif ference! Contribution by Natasha Fontaine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Class of 2008. For more information about the Maya Angelou Research Center on Minority Health, visit our web site at hitp://www.wfubmc.edu/minority- heaith. Or, for health information call (336) 733.7578. Northeast Corridor Light Rail Project Help us build Charlotte's future! Tell us what you think about the proposed alignment options and station locations at the next round of Northeast Corridor workshops. We want your feedback about decisions that will shape your community. We look forward to seeing you there! It's Your Community. It's Your Decision. The Competitive Edge: Excellence in Healthcare for a Diverse Community Wednesday, May 3 7:30 a.ni.-4:30 p.m. at The Westin Charlotte 601 South College St This conference helps healthcare organizations expand their commitment to diversity in the workplace. Featured speakers include Carl Hammerschlag, MD,CPAE, a Yale-trained psychiatrist, speaker, internationally recognized author and healer; Therman Evans, MD, PhD, the founder and CEO of Whole Life Association, Inc.; and Wayne Sotiie, PhD, who is recognized as a pioneer in the field of health psychology and work/family balance for busy medical professionals. For more information or to register for the conference, call 704-512-6597 or visit www.carolinashealthcare.org/upcomingevents Carolinas Healthcare System www.carolinashealthcare.org In coiiaboration with The Diversity Advisory Committee, Carolinas Healthcare System Free Financial Aid Information For Students & Parents » figure out the financial aid process » find information about scholarships and grants » save money on education loans for students and parents » talk to a financial aid specialist » complete aid forms online CFNC.org Helping You Plan, Apply, and Pay for College Skcvicios en espanol disponibles 866-866-CFNC College Foundation of North Carolina A service of the State of North Cacrjlina provided by Pathways, CFI, and NCSfiAA © 2006 College Foundatiofl. inc.