«y ^\)t Charlotte ^Dosit 1 TOP The Voice of the Black Community issue: Spring 2007 Senior of Year Leads Well Rounded Life Quentin Robinson enjoys all his interests and the challenges they present. . :40 i»V' # V iy: ii#*%^**'* ■'yj|^%.-".Ji ‘T ■■ ->tt I- '’■',2!^^**^ ‘W. * ' -3^ i JKf'jit SENIOROF THE YEAR " . RUNNER-UP ^ IS SUCCESSFUL « TANGUAGE BhK student amBassador HiS . ::C: attending high school in j^gB '■'.' ■ Germany under the Congress Bundestag Youth fcT^^y! Exchange Scholarship... ffci ■ ' The Charlotte Post0S 1531 Camden Road C ' Charlotte, NC 28203 y I (T) 704.376.0496 : (F) 704.342.2160 ; www.thecharlottepost.com ^