M DAlliL EUJlQALIli). 1 WEDNESDaV, NOVEMBER 8,4854.4 ' orFICIAL ORGAN. OF THE CITY. Meeting of Stockholder. -. - The Annual Meeting Tthe Stockholder of the Wilmington & Raleigh : Rail Road Company will take place in this town to-morrow. As usual on such occasions, we presume that the meeting will ho well attended.. The friends of the Road, through evil and through good- report, attended with their families, will embrace the opportunity of paying our town a visit. We concratulate them, and all thej friends of this improvement, upon tne auspicious . ' J, :n ,,Lku . circuroMances unuer v. mvu iu v . .The Road1 having passed, figuratively speaking, through the darkness into the sunshine, is now 1 yielding the returns naturally due to successful terprise and skillful management. These are pin- dend day, and with the tangible results to be ex perienced by the folders of the stock, and. with the assurance that the future is safe, so far as the suc- cessiui opcmuons w xu xwauaie wuu, annual meeting will take place. Wc wish that the session - mar be a harmonious one. Let us hope . . . , - - . tion i and that our fnends from the country, up and along the line of the Road, may enjoy a pleasant visit here, and return in safety to their homes. With- . nut iho hrntrrm of a sinp-le incident calctilatcd to 7 , P I mar their pleasure. The Salisbury Convention. aa Vi?o mrir-nirnr t Vin nilhllril '.foil nf I ' . . . tj r. U; me proceeomgs oi vne nrouv iu v-v at Salisbury, and shall give the remainder to-mor- row.. The resolutions, among other plans, recom- j mend the'passage! of an act for the rorth Carolina, Tennessee and Ohio Rail Road Company, to run from this townl of from some point on the Wilming ton & Manchester! Road, through the town of Char 1 lotto to the Tennessee line, and that the State, sub scribe two-thirds of the stock necessary for the com pletion of this object, so soon as oae-third shall be subscribed by private stockholders. Deep River navigation Company ! There is to be a meeting of the stockholders of tb f!.m Fpnr Deen River Naviiration ComDanv : t: c., k iofW Jntf a . 1 V . interesting report, relative to the work, will be made by Mr. K A. Douglass, .we see, an Engineer ofhiirh character, and other important business is to be transacted. Mr. Dobbin and the Senator-ship, j For a day or so past the rumor obtained circula here that, Mr. Dobbin had recently withdrawrr his name from any connection with the office of Sena tor, and we see by the Washington Union of yes terday a confirmation of this report. The (fnion learns upon in$u try. that the honorable Secretary haS veryj recently written to his friends at home, desiring them not to present his name t the Legisla ture as a 'candidate for an election to the Senate. "Wo have reason to know," continues the Union. "that the relations between the President and Mr. D. are not merely agreeable, but are of a warm and friendly and confiding character which causes the President to be deeply solicitous . that ho should remain in the cabinet. We believe it will be con ceded by all that Mr. Dobbin has administered the department over which he presides with impartiali ty, ability and eijergy; that his suggestive mind, animated by a depp interest in the navy, has al ready presented for consideration reforms calculated to infuse a spirit in our gallant navy, and make it truly "a right arm of defence." North Carolina may well be proud of her son, and well may the President be happy to retain the benefit of his pru dent counsels,-his ardent friendship, and his untirf Jng energy." - This diclension of Mr. Dobbin, looks as tho' the Metropolitan was about half right when it announced as if by authority that Reid and Clingman were to he the.Senators. ; The Departure of the Minister. I Justico was not done the importance of the event in yesterday's issue. Wt refer, of course, to the departure of our historian, Minister Wheeler, for the groves of blarney we mean Nicaragua. A friend on board the Princeton sent us the following description, just prior to the departure of the vessel : The Reception of the Minister. J Capt. Engle, in command of the Princeton, i hav ing sent word to tlje Minister that he would be hap py to see him on board ship whenever it would be agreeable for himi to pay a visit, the Minister re turns answer that he will accept the invitation at 11 o'clock. Whereupon, every thing is got ready. The snip is prepared ior . action ; tne marines are piped up ; the; boson's mate whistles up the boys; raiddits are arranged midships ; steward puts grog in Captain's office ; Captain and officers survey scenery from quarter deck. Sun continues to shine as usual, if he is coming aboard. j At last ho leaves the wharf in a barge, with twelve oars! with the National flag, and a handsome little midshipman without whiskers in the stern ; the oars" dip altogether in the water ; the scene is quite .enlivening, yonder is the Princeton, here is the barge, and Norfolk in the rear. Sun keeps on shining. On arriving along side all hands piped up to gangway to receive the distinguished visitor. Up he goes; soon as he comes over the side is re ceived by boson who blows his whistle in Minister's ear, and six small 'boys take off hats and salute ; drummer; rolls drum three times and no more; marine guard present arms ; Englc marches up and receives him'; invites him down to cabin, introduces officers, and all. hands take a , drink. Middies and mariries lick chops outside. Minister gets sociable, and has rather a fancy for Davenport, of Georgia, who, he thinks, is a clever fellow! On leavingship's barge pulls directly ahead. auu lays on, its oars; booms are3 topped; then begins the ' red artillery " to roar bang, bang, fifteen times , a full Ministerial salute ; Minister stops his cars, and thinks that glory is a great thing ; barge leaves, hotel, gets baggage comes aboard again, is welcom- mf VkW "GWMiIa lfeVtf1 ' WMklTW KAflWAO 4- tWVlinfl hA.. A. . give vent to his, emotions. r - - J s We are offi llave only time to add that Minister and Davenport are mixing toddies as I seal this. l Yours, aboard ship. -PpAfew days ago, as the wife of a butch fl.And, was whitewashing their ?JU5S1 away an0Id.board from the ceil- 2 ucu j.o ( via goia icu to the floor. . . IXnil Road Convention. X: ' c ' , Sausbtbt. iot. 2nd. 1854. i Pursuant to call, a general Internal Improve ment Content ion met this day. ' 4 On motion, E. J. Erwin, l!sq;riof the couutj of Burke, was called to tho Chair, and N. N. Fleming of Rowan, were requested to act as Secretaries. On motion of Mr. Reid of Duplin, the members of ims LonTeniion were requested to present meir j a n 'a' . - 4i names at the becretaty's table, when the Ibllowmg delegates were reported from their respective conn- ties, viz Alexander A. C. Mcintosh. Hugh Oxford, J. AT. Jones, Ij. W. I-ong, A. if. Bogle. t : Burke E. J. Erwin. A. Mrer?. E. E. Greenlee, Phillip Warlick, W. L. McKce. Catawba D. B. Gaither, F. 11. Crawford, T. L. - i i Craven hdward R. Manly. Cambel Und Geo. McNeill, D. G. McRae. John jj. Cook, H. L. Myrover, Joseph Ary, Duncan McLaurin, Theodore Martine, Thomas A. E. Evans, en-Hphn M. Roe, T. L. v nderwood, TV. McL. McKay; Gen. AD. McLean, J. C. McNair. Carteret C. R. Thomas. Caldwell X. A. Powell. Duplin David Reid; Iredell David Waddell, John Davidson, Andrew Baggarly, A. F. Wallace, L. Griffith, E. Wooton.O. Wooton T Heath A Willard, W. Smith, J. F. csh. Col D. Ksnisay, Sara! R. Bell, D. L. Sharpe, J. S. O. Byers:, W. P. Caldwell, M. H. Brandon, Jno. Trivitt, Joha'K. Potts. P. P. Chambers. Col. John Murdoch, J. r. AI cicely. . - iront?;micrvS;imn Christian, Edward Bur rage, New Hanover R. W. V'ick, W. H. Marsh. Onslow Col. L. W. Humphrey, John A. Aviritt. i n-l T f ir.'t-i.i- nr r I t iwowhii ;n. o. r. JicvvorKit:, ru. iuurpiiy, I. Shaver, D. A. Davis, John A. Boyden. B. F. Fra- ley, John D. isrown, 15. 15. llobcrts, I. L. Cowan, John McRoric, Chas. F. Fisher. M. Brown, J. F. Chambers, II. L. Robards, A. II. Caldwell, N. Boy x x Fleming, Samuel Reeves, Dr. Samuel Kcrr j c McConnaughey, C. U Torrence, D. Bar ringer, C. A. Rose, C. L. Pai tce, M. S. Mckenzie, Daniel Wood, Geo. R. Johnson. B. Craige, J. M. Horan. T. T. Maxwell, Samuel Uarrison, Moses L. Brown, W. P. Graham, J, M. Coffin, G. A. Miller, J. J. Bruncr, J. C. Cannon, Robert Murphy, Benj. Sumner. Dr. J. G. Ramsay. J. G. Fleminjr. Wm. Murdoch, II. C. Simonton. Samnson W. S. Devanc. Patrick Murnhv. Stanly A. C. Freeman, . M. McCorkle, 11, Marshall. J. S. Turner. On motion of Col. Humphrey, of Onslow, the Chairman was requested to appoint one "member from each County, to report permanent officers for the Convention. The Chairman appointed, Col. S. W. Humphrey, of Onslow; 15. BGaithcr, S. II. Christian. MontornerT: A. M. Borfe. Alex- andria; N". A. Powell, Caldwell; Patrick Murphy, Sampson; A. C. Freeman, Stanly; David Reid, Dup- n, w. tu .Marsn, iNcw tianover, vv. Mcuce, isurKe; E. R. Stanly, Craven; C. R. Thomas, Carteret; P. B. Chambers, Iredell; C. F. Fisher, Rowan; D. G. McRac, Cumberland. On motion, of Mr. Sumner, of Rowan, Resolved, That all persons present, or who shall be in attendance on this Convention, who havo not been appointed delegates thereto, be requested to take seats iu the same. On motion of Mr. McNeill, Rev. Mr, Gilchrist was requested to open the proceedings of this Con- vcntion by Prayer. After the same, adjourned till 3 o'clock. InUESDAY AVTEKNOOS NOV. 2. '. : Convention met as adjourned. The Committee appointed to recommend perma nent officers of the Convention, made a report re commending the following personsj For President DAVID REID, of Duplin. For Vice President E. J. Erwin, of Burke; Geo. McNeill, of Cumberland; Benj. Sumner, of Rowan; S. R. Bell, of Iredell; Edward R. Stanly, of Cra ven. For Secretaries Jno. M. Rose, of Cumberland, N. N. Fleming, of Rowan. . The report of the committee was unanimously adopted, and the officers appointed 7 conducted to their several scats. - ,A The President made his acknowledgements to the Convention, in a few eloquent arid appropriate re marks, which were received with considerable ap plause by the convention. On motion of Mr. Marsh, of New Hanover, Resolved, That the rules of order of the House of Commons of the Legislature be adopted as Rules for the Governmenfof this convention so far as the same may be applicable. On motion of Mr. Humphrey of Onslow, Resolved, That the counties represented in this con vention, be entitled to vote upon all questions before it, according to their representation in the House of Commons in the Legislature of North Caroli na. The following delegates appeared and took seats in the convention, viz : From Mecklenburg Jno. A. Young, "William Johnson, C. J. Fox, J. R. Davidson. " New Hanover Hon. TYilliam S. Ashe W. H. McRary. .Cabarrus Dr. F. M. Henderson. , On motion of Mr. Murphy, of Sampson, . Revolted, That a Committee consisting of one member from each county represented in this con vention, be appoiuted by the President, to whom shall be referred all matters offered for the conside ration of this convention, and that they have leave to report thereon.) The President appointed , , Nathaniel Boyden, of Rowan; A. M. Bogle, of Alexander; W. L. McKee, of Burke ; D. B. Gaither, of Catawba; John H. Cook, of Cumberland; C. R. Thomas, of Carteret; N. A. Powell, of Caldwell; W. P. Caldwell, of Iredell ; S. H. Christian, of Mont gomery ; Hon. Wm. S. Ashe, ofNew Hanover; J. A. Averett, of Onslow ; Wm. S. Devane, of Samp son ; J. fc. lurner, oi Manly ; U. J. Fox, of Meck lenburg; Dr. F. II. Henderson, of Cabarrus. On motion of Mr. Murphy, the President and Vieo Presidents of the Convention were added to the Committee. A communication from W. A. Lenoir, of the coun ty of Caldwell, addressed to the President of this convention,' was laid before the same, and on motion. reierrea 10 me seiect commuiee. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Hum phrey, of Onslow. Jcesotvea, That it is expedient to construct a main trunk line of the railroad from the most eligi ble point on Beaufort Harbor, via Kenansvflle, Fay- .11 :v i oir i it a i a i . ettuYiiw auu oausuurj, inence weal, oy ine most practicable route to the Tennessee line; that the said line is strictly a great State work, and that the Legislature be requested to appropriate two-thirds of the amount. of the cost or said work. On motion of Mr. Devanc, of Sampson, the reso lution was referred to the select committee. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Mc Corkle, of Catawba. Resohed, That this convention recommend to the Legislature of North Carolina at its next session, that two-thirds of the capital stock necessary to complete the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad from Goldsboro to Beaufort "Harbor, via Kingston and Ncwbern, and also, the extension of the North Carolina llailroad west from Salisbury to the Tenn essee line, be appropriated by the State, as soon as one-third of the capital stock necessary for the con struction of the same shall be subsedbad by indi viduals and counties. ' ' : '" ' -; - On motion of Mr." McKay, of Cumberland." the convention adjourned tin nino o'clock, to-morrow. COXCMJDCD TO-SCOBBOW.j The strongest-minded; woman snnns from beinz caught in her night -cap. . Instruction to Xautlcal 3IeoLin the Noble: Art I Lc pASfiLOX. Haul cpon themrbord tack and let the other craft pass-then bear up arid get your hvad on the other tactc-regainyonr the port" tack backhand vim with -your -partner ana boxhnul herwear round twice "against the ftin In romDtnv with the crmotite craiL then vour own afterwards boxliaul her again and bring her up. . . . . FT- I . . jErt. Shoot ahead about two iathofntftnt jou ncarir come stem with Hhe othercraft under wcieh then make a stern .board to your berth and side out for a bend, first to starboard, then to port ; mate sau ana .pass ineopposuecrau -iux txy wur i - ' 3 ' .1 L : V il - h. . I tri t-nnnr? on thp othpr tark another fade to star- I wear round, back and fill boxhaul your partner, j La Pocle. 11 care ahead and pass your adver- sary yard-arm to yard-arm regain your berth on i in a line with your partner back and fill-fail on J your heel and bring j- up witn your partner sne i then manoeuvres ahead and heaves all aback, hiisi and shoots ahead again and pays joflf alongside yon then make sail in company, till nearly stem on witn the other line make a stern boaftl and cast her off to shift for herself regain your berth in the best means possipie ana tec co your ancuor. La Irexise. W ear round as before against the sun twice, boxhaul the lady, and ranere up along side her. and make sail in company when half way across the other shore, drop a&tern with the tide shoot ahead again, and cast on the tow now back and till as before, ana boxhaut ncr ana yourself into your berth, and bring up. IjA 1 astorale.- bhoot ahead alongside your partner, then make a istern board again make all sail over to the other coast let co the hawser. I iTul oav off into voiir ou-n bfrth and skp a turn I ' j : j . . . . i tne tnree craic opposite range up aureasi lowaroa you twice, and back astern acainnow manoeuvre any ng you like, only uuder easv sail, as u is at ways light winds ' Zephyrs in this passage as soon as you sec their; heims down, haul rouna in company with them on port tack then make sail with your partner into your ownL berth, and bring up. - : '. ' I ! La r ikaxe. V ear ground ;to starboard, passing under-your partner's bows sight the catheads of craft on jou starboard bowtheai make sail into your own berth, your partner passing athwart your bows now proceed according to I the second order of sailing to completef the evolutions shoot ahead and back astern twice jm company with the squad ron, in me circular oruer oi sailing. Putnam on Slavery. , Mr U. if. Putnam is industnouslv wntins down his Magazine in the South. In the last number, he characterizes slavery in these j words : r rom ; its very nature it is a despotism of force, of law, and of ooinion combined nartiallv mitigated in practice by humane personal considerations, but in theory absolute. It is administered for the most pan-, , uy i wuip ; u issancuonea oy legisiauon, and it admits of no serntinv or discussion. All that can be said of it, in the regions where it prevails, even by those most deeply interested in its results, must be said in its favor on pain of peremptory banishment or assassination. If all Northern pen odicals would sneak in this soirit. ithere would be some hopes of Southern literature. We are glad to a i a r ! learn irom the booksellers here that Futnam is rap- idly vanishing from thq market. The void should be supplied bj the Southern Quarterly Review, the ablest periodical in the countryi i Richmond Enquirer. Tue Fastest Marriage on Record. On the night of the 18th ult, on board the cars of the Water- town and Rome Railroad, by Elder Judd, one of the passengers acting i as interpreter, Johannes Schcilel to "Miss Magdalepa Blou, both of Germany. v e unuerstanu that tne passengers maue up a purse which was presented to the happy couple. 1 his is decidedly the fastest marriage that we have ever heard of. For the Herald. Mr. Editor: Permit me, through your paper, to uggest the name of JOHN A. TAYL0R, for President of the Wilmington k Raleigjh Rail Road Company., NovS-2t ' A STOCKHOLDER. T j Ear the Herald. Presidency of tliej W. & It. R. Road. Mr. EniTOR. The annual meeting of the Rail Road Company being near at hand, and as a new President is to be chosca, I take the liberty to suggest the name of Mr. G. G. LYNCH, now employed on the Road, as the most suitable person for thej office. i -Nov 2 205-tc j A. STOCKHOLDER, IT1ARINI? NEWS. ' " " r.. , ARRIVED. Nov. V- Brig Beronda, Cox, from . C. Worth, with hay and brick?. Newcastle, Me., to 8. Schr Wave, Davis, from Oak Island, to Master, with fish. II CLEARED. 5. Brig Prentiss Hobbs, parver, for 1 Boston, by Ad ams, Bro. & Co., with naval Stores. For New York. THE Schr. BEN STRONG, Capt! Hawkins, will Tor freight or have despatch for the above port passage, apply to J. R. BLOSSOM. Aov. 8. Hay and Brick. j'AA Bales Prime Eastern Hat, 7,000 Hard Brick, JLyJVJ landing from Brig Beronda, and for sale from wharf, in lots to suit, by T. iC. WORTH. .Nov. 8. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. ALL Taxes not paid by December Court, will, with out reservation, be sold. ! as further indulgence can not be granted. E. D. HALL, Sheriff. .Nov 8 I 201-3t WOOD-NOTES, or Carolina Carols ; a collection of North Carolina Poetry.! Compiled ; by Tenella. Just published. Received and for sale atl Nov 8 S. W WHITAKERU FASHIONS ferXovember.-f Another supply of "Frank Leslie's Lady's Gazette" of Paris, London, and New York Fashions for November. Received; this morning, and for sale at (Nov. 8) J S. W. WHITAKER'S. ERINO HALF HOSE. 50 doz. Merino Half Hose, i A all sizes, just opened at Nov 8 SCOTT & BALDWINS. OPENED YESTERDAY. 2.000 worth of Coatings, present styles. Also 6 pieces Beaver Cloths "for Overcoats ; 20 new pieces fancy Cassimeres, which we can make up in superb styles), land to fit. ' Nov 8 SCOTT & BALDWIN. POT ASH. Constantly on hand a prime article, and for sale by (Nov 8) M. McINNIS. VTESTERN SHOULDERsJ A prime bright article, V? forreleby , - j r M.. McINNIS. ff TOBACCO. 50 boxes common and medium article, jl for sale by ; : t C M- McINNIS. RIO & LAGUYBJL COFFEEi 100 bags :in store, and for sale cheap, by (Not 9) , M. McINNIS. PRESSED BRICK. 4,000 Kirk's pressed brick, for sale in lots to suit (Not 9 T. C WORTH. ; " --v - For Sale oi- Rent. . ; . . .. THE new and comfortable, 1 Dwelling House, with all necessary out-bnildings, where I now liTe, on the corner of Second and Ann streets. Apply to.the subscriber. SAMUEL J. BEERY. ; 4fSk Nor 8 . r " - 'c -203-2w - r Iatet Dates. From LIVERPOOL. . . From HAVRE;". ... . From HAVANA..... . . . . ..r. ...Oct. 2l Oct. 21 Oct. 1 EXPORTS. From Wilmington, X. C, for the wrek endln;, Nor. 8th, 1831. Coastwise. Foreirn. Tunientiuc, Lbk m 2429. . . 9 ....... 100..... . 5..... 41...:.....,. :V50,04 iV4,000... 4?6 2.068... ... S,SO0.... j200 '. -,is; ... &'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. n...... 25.,..' 3.;... cspini..s. oou...... III. . c 10 Rositt.......do. 64 i.. tZ to a.' "q Sweet Potatoes, do. ...... . uamber, iect... tiuSLht: V.".; V. Rough Rice, bunh Lime, casks Shingles, . 51 .) Sugar, boxes. . . Yarn, bales Wool, do Hides, bndls.. j. .. Sheep Skin$, do.. rapcr. do....J.. ALSO, COASTW1SK DgS i libds. Wax, 2 hlwl. Sn- gar. tQpEjGN o casjcs Kice. TcRrEXTiSE. We note an advance since last review of 15 cts. per bbl. for yellow dip, 1 2 cts. for virgin, and 20 cts. per bhL for hard, with sales of .1,691 bbl?. as fol- lows : Yellow Din. Virgiu. 2,80 ,9J 2,92 O 04 Hard. 1,80 per bbl. 2,0 44 Wednesday . 128 bbls. at 3,30 397 " 3,65 Friday. . .,...100 N.co. 3,70 Saturday 46 " 3.65 V 2;00 2,00 2,00 Monday ..... 260 3,65 Tuesday. . . ..696 44 3,65 4t Further sales jciterdav of C7 bbls. North County at $2,70 per bbl. for veilow dip. There is none offering to-day that we have heard of. There is a good demand from shippers. SriRiTS. The market has been extremely dull since our last report, and we note the sale of only 1204 casks, as follows: ' Thursday. . . .436 casks at 40 a 46$ cts. per gal. Friday ..118 " 46 " 44 Yesterday and to-day 550 casks changed hands at il ct3. per gal being an advance of 4 et. per gaL At tbe time of closing inquiries the market appeared quiet. Tar. We note an advance of 10 cts. per bbL in this AriirlA fitnna luct rawiatr wifri a1a nf 1 A 1 7 KKla no frv' lows: ! , : Friday . . .900 bbls. in ship, order at 3,87$ a 8,40 per bbl Saturday. 133 44 44 3.15 44 Mondav 184 1,4 7"9nn ! 3,15. 3,25 44 3,37, a 3,40 44 We hear of nothing doing to-day in this article. Aucr " a iair uemana exisung. Kosin. There has been some j activity in this article for the past week, with a very light stock offering. We note sales of 2,512 bbls., as follows: On Wednesday, 50 bbls. No. 2, at 1,50 per bbL ; 600 No. 1 at $2 a 2,12, and 2,25 per bbl. Thursday, 1,000 do. Common, at 1,50 per do; 90 do. No. 2 at 1,62 do. Saturday, 122 No. 2, at 1,75 do; 200 do. Common at 1,50 do. Monday 450 do Common at 1 ,50 do. There have been no transactions to-day tliat wc are aware of a good demand existing. Corn. Only one cargo, 1,250 bushels, arrived since our last, which is on the market, unsold. " Supply on hand is fully equal to the demand. Selling from store at 90 cts. per bushel for white, and 85 do. for yellow. , Cobs Meal. No change to note selling from store in lots at 95 cts. to $ 1 per bushel. . Oats. 250 hushcl3 arrived and sold at 47 cts. per bushel. Supply! fair demand moderate. Bacon. In N. C. we note sales from store of some 8 or 9,000 lbs. at 14 cts. for haras, 12 cts. for hog round, and 10 for sides and shoulders. Supply light demand fair. In Wcatem, the supply is about equal to demand, with small sales from store, at 7f cts. for shoulders, and 9 cts. for sides per lb. Rice. Clean is retailing from store at oT cts. per lb. In rough we note no transactions. nAT. In this' article we have no sales to report for the week. Dealers have a full stock in store, and there is very little demand. For pf ices sec table. Salt. N receipts of either Liverpool or Alum Salt this week, withj a good supply of both qualities on mar ket, and not much demand. Molasses. No receipts since our last. Selling from wharf at 23 cts. per gal. in lots of 5 hhds. and upwards ; from store, at 2l!a 25 cts. per gal. - Lard. Is very scarce and wanted, and tho price has advanced a shade. Selling from store at 14 a 15 cts. per lb. Pork. Northern Mess is in good supply, with .sales from store at $14 a $ 15 per bbl. ' " - Coffee. Of all descriptions is in fair supply with a moderate demand. See table for store rates. Cottox. Wc note the sale of only 37 bales since our last, at 7f for ordinary, 8 cts. for middling, and cents per lb. for good middling, stock light with only a mod erate demaud. Fish. Wc note a light supply of all kinds y3 bbl. Mullets, have been received since our last, and disposed of at f 6 a 6,50 per bbL as in size of bbls. A lot of 24 bbls. small No. 3 Mackerel changed hands at 4 per bbl. Peas. 127 bushels CW Pern have been recei red and disposed of at 85 cts. per bushel. Ground Peon are ar riving freely, and selling from carts and wagons at $1 a 1,20 per bush. Potatoes. Iritli are in light supply, aid selling at $2,50 per bbl. Street are selling from carts and boats at 65 a 75 cts. per bushel. , SmsGLES. Are in good enquiry, and but few coming in, with small sales of Common at 3,50 a 4,25 and pf contract at 6,00 a 8,00 per M. , Timber. There has been none brought to market for the past week, and we, therefore, have no sales to report The supply in Millers hands is getting quite light Freights. Owing to the large number of vessels in port, and the very light receipts of produce, freights are very hard to get, and are taken at even less figures than we give in our aUe of rates. - - Fixc. -The supply is very light, and we quote Fay etteTile super at 9,50 and family at $10 per bbL T NEW YORK, Not. 6. Cotton is unchanged. Flour is dull and tending down, ward. Corn is easier bat not lower. Spirits of Tur pentine is easier at 50 cts. per- gallon. . Crude from North Carolina is quoted at 4,75 per bbL Common Rosin is worth $2 per bbL . : ':J; '' : ' ftS "''' M'- BALTIMORE, Nov. 6. Uoward street flour is held at $8,75; - sales of Citv Mills at t8,50. 23,000 bushels wheat sold; white 80 1,85 a 1,90; red 1,U' a 1,85. Com sales of 16 000 bushel white 72 a 75 ct?. yellow 75 a 71 cts. - iuwHL avKct UBcnan Market unchanged the sales to-day bavin? 700baleatfrorara3f. 6 amounted to ; Bacon sUIl rules high. Cotton continues steady with very little change.' Flour seems steady at quotations. Lard receipts lisrht: sales this ITttrpentineYeliow Dip 3, 15, Virgin 2,40, Hard (conni3B(DiiAPiii3y; CHARLOTTE, Xov, Z. Cottoa, hl icry hiatv ibH eek: maikel buoi ant. Extremes ran from Mo S0. FlouDeVt brar.us ft to large qaantitlrt comiag In. AV heat Demand brisJtJ from 1 to 1, 25 According to quality atul weight.- rorniO lo 1i cts. Meal 7u ct.i.Jand in demands Bacon 11 to JSe., and wiatinl; uprJv r.ot large. Tlte 75 to H cfs.; and meet whh a uaJ sale. Trade Of all Linda active; a large number of West -era wagons in thj f eekj and .a heav r holesle Wsi cess transacting. " - Variety store! Call snrt Scd..; JTMIE gub.vCTiler has rcccivini, ana L conii iritU criving lrge addition- to hi? rock of LSKFtL AM FAXCV AHTICU-S mien e asia the-aTlentiii tY il?r.nf .TT jfaiLnW his purehas in ratten at tb North, jW hcj wea to wll the lct gjois at cp pH Call, and vou will be suittsl I There are PWktr fur the L;.:iiis. -ppte-, IONF tK TUK LAVA: T AM I !.- I.OljS t U kiini, for the Gentlemen. Toytt (the largest tnd ntost t-pki iid asuumctit. ttn offered in this market, t'lmvtn.a- i rcn.fnp) for the children. i ; tr, (tiie grvattt aijtt a-toli-iwuo aiictv) kr every ooay. A fine lot of Lcntoim. ; Iu sbort all the arucica gu ciallv used it F'ru'U Con- Icctionary, aou variety ttorc: nt to nt veh rca- sonablc pricc. TI j - Wm. II. DtXEALK, Market btrceti under the Hot aid Oflice.l .caiiy opiosiie tne t aroima noui. Mrs. DlXealk would be happy to havo the Ladies call, and examine the good, befoicpurrhaHiigel-eWhere, as ahe 15 confident oi being able ,to piene. ov 2 i 05-tf For Rent. . C OHNEll Store, under the Seamen's Home. pplv CHAS. D. KLL1S. ' to Nov 1 rpnE NEWSBOY A beautiful 12 ino. volume 44Tle History of a veritable typo of this clas." ... Just pub- lished. Received and for sale at I . i Nov 4 , : S. W. WillTAKKK'S. ' ;, , i. i MONDAY 6Tn., will be opened at SCOTT k BALD WIN'S, 20 pieces, new style French Cassioicrcf, expressly for Business Coats. . Also 40 new pieces iCassi nieres for Pant and a variety of other articles in their line. Call and examine. K 1 Nov 4 (Jour, copy.) " 20a W. P. MOOKE. JSO. A. STASLV. !. J. W. JONES: JIOOHE, STANLY At CO. C O M MIS SI OK M EE Oil AKTS, WILMINGTON, N. C J. HATHAWAY. J. L. I1TAWAV. j WM. R. lTI.EV. J. & J. L. HATHAWAY 4 CO, I COMUIS S I O N M E R G II A N T S, WILMINGTON. Nov 1, 1834. 204-jjnu e. murrav. k. h. grant. l, peacock. JHUKItAY, Ci It ANT & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING AIERC11 AjJTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will givo prompt and personal attention to the! sale and shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. " . Nov 1 204-1 y JOSEPH. It. BLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARD MERCHANT, I PROMPT I'EIISOXAL ATTENTION GIVEN Tp fONSHJNM FOR SALE OR HIPJILNT. NG ;nt Liberal Cash Advances mode on ConsirHwri(s to Wilmington, Nov. 2d. j 2Q.: W ILLIS M. SHERWOOD At CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COAIMISSTON FORWARDING MERCHANTS, A TWO IOOnS NOKTH. OF TUK ITSTOM IIOTM:, I WILMINGTON, N. V ) J, Soy'I . . - j 105 SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASK& liaud, ia piimc ortler. . J. -New and second K. RLOSSuM. Nov. 20f m oor IRON. Of the best A mei lean lnunufactur 2, J. . UL0SS0ML Nov G LUE. Of the best Olialitv. ainl ,'iianrra Sf nil iL,... A always on hand. J. II. RLOSSOML VJKA and i JA'I ti.lw) bushels V 'late Corn. 150 :J Maryland Oats for ao bv J. R. BL0.SS031L Nov. 2, 205 IVolicc. I APPLICATION will be m.idc to the next Gencial Assemblj, for the paseage of an Act to incorporate the Wilmington Steam Tng Companv. , ." KT ' ' ioo-riot THE 'SCIENTIFIC- AMERICAN Subscriptions k ceived, and single copses for sale at Nov 1 S. W. WHITAKER'S JTIiillet BBLS. just received. Nov 8 MOORE, STANLY &tu THE SUBSCRIRER kecpu constantly on hand a stock of Lime, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, Plis tering Hair, &c Ac ; all freh, and of very lest quaUtr, which he is prepared toclt on favorable tCrms. Orders from the countrv will receive prompt attention. EDWARD J. LUTTERLOH. aov (, 208-2wl MESS PORK. New York City inspected, for sale by ovO M. McINNIS.! t anners' A; JTIcrcliant Hn'iik. ArPLICATIOX will be made to the General Assem bly of this State, at its next Session, to charter the "Farmers' and Merchants Eank," to be located in tlie town or v ilmmgton, N: C Nov 1 : 2ui-S0t For Charleston, Colombia, and Camden, 8, C. DRAFTS, BILLS, kc, on the above points, are trans mitted daily in charge of Special Messengers, by the Adams' Express Co. NQT4-tf JNO. L. CANT WELL, Agt " Flour. ' ; j . T X BRLS. Flour, daily expected, from Fayetteville, by OO NotS t ; - J. J. LIPPITT: f MAtCOM McINNIS, j GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, rrKsf door Noarn market dock, water sr. VffLMlXGTOX, N. C. " :h Nov 0 ' ' " -" 201 ?i UNNY BAGGING. A beaTT article in store, and VJ for sale by (Nov 9) M. McINNIS. SPIRITS CASKS.' 25i new and large size to arrive, and for sale by (Nov 9) M. McINNIS SPIRIT CASKS. 350 second hand spirit casks, land ing from Schr. EMILY; and for sale low, by Not 9 T. C. WORTH. LXpINE LIQUORS. A good assortment of Whbkey, 1 X7 . Brand r. Rum. Gin. Ac., for sale cheaD. bv Not 9 M. McINNIS. w w m w j- " TTUNrS MERCHANTS MAGAZINE fOrNOTcmbcr. 11 Kcccivcd and for sale at Not 9 W. WHITAKER'S. ERANK LESLIE'S LADY'S GAZETTE for November. - Received and for sale at I Sot$-:::X S. W. WHITAKER'S. DVENTURISOF A BALLET GIRL. By Falcon bridge, author of "Life of Dan Marble. Ac. Just published. Received and for gale at - Not 9 - S. W. WHITAKER'S,

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