A- I I. WIIOM2S AvEK PRICKS CURRENT, 10 oo a in 00 per pound! " a,-! 10a AXES, Per doz. BACON, Haws, Middlings Shoulders, Hog round, Western aides 8!a BEANS, per bush. White, i , BEESWAX, ' Per pound, , BUTTER,! Per pound, 21 BEEF, per bbl 17 50 N.'Mca, I'liisie, BEEF CATTLE, pr 100 lbs., corn, r-rbunir Xoal, bush 1 50 DO 95 14 10 9 a 1 25 a 25 a.20 27 00 a 5 a a MOLASSES, per gab ' uuoa, 23 a 25 Porto Eico, ! n . V MACKEKE pcrbbb r No. 1, hi 00 aOO 00 No: 2, ; o h) aOO 00 No. n r o 00 MULLETS, - i Per bbL, ;.Atr 00. a 6 50 NAILS, per lb. r ' Cut, Wrought, - 10 NAVAL STORKS, Turpentine, prfbbl, 2 SO lbs a. a 85 00 13 00 14 ;, per lb. 1C 35 8a 104 a a a a COTTON, I Per lb JUf t fil,. nr JO Rio, St. Domingo, Laguarra Cuba, Java, CANDLES Tallow, Sperm, Adamantine, 25 EGGS, per doz. 18 EMPTY BBLS. Sots. Turn; 2 25 2 40 FEATHERS, I Ter pound, FLOUR, per bbl, ! Northern,! 12 50 Baltimore, 0 00 a Fayette ville, a HOLLOW WARE, Per pound, 3 a HAY, per 100 lbs. 9 r 1 13 00 15 18 55 SO 20 1 55 al3 00 O 00 9 50 41 a a 75 00 .'- a a Si a 14 12 5 OO 15 13 North River, Eastern, IRON, per lb. English as'd, American i-ef, Swede, ;Amer. sheer, -, Best Swede, LARD, per lb. - N. Carolina, Western, j LIME, per bbL Thomas town, LUMBER, River, per M. Floorvb'd alO 00 Wide do. a 8 50 ' Scantling, ' a 6 00 LIQUORS, per gaL I N. E, Rum, a Gin, I 45 a Whiskey, 1 45 a : Do. N. O.L al Do. 0. Nick, a Apple Brandy, 50 a - Peach do., I al a 1 05 50 50 46 75 75 50 a a 70 a i a i - a a a a, a a a a a a a a 65 92 00 25 CO ZO 62 a!5 al2 a a' a a 4451 22 00 80 50 15 00 00 00 50 50 00 50 Yellow Dip, Virgin Dip, Hani. Tar, ' j Pitch, j liosix, No. 1. 2 t' Da No. 2, . : Do. No. S, Spt's Tnrp, gallon, Varnish, pr gal,2 OIL, per gal. j Sperm, - ! Linseed, N. C.,75 Neats Foot, j PEAS, per buU Pea Nuts, I Black Eve, i Cow, J 85 PORK, per bbL N.Mesa, 14 00 Do. Prime, POTATOES, Irish. bbL, 2 50 a 3 00 POULTRY,. Chickens, live, 40 Do. dead, 00 Turkeys, live, 1 6o Do. dead, j RICE, per 100 lbs. Clean, cask, j a Rough, bush., 1 10a SALT, per bush.! Alum, 55 a Liv'I sack, 1 35 a SHINGLES, per M., Common, 3 00 a Contract, 6 00 a STAVES, per MI $14 a $16 Ash heading, i al2 00 W. 0. barrel, I rough, 14 00 al6 00 R. O. hhd., ' I. dressed, a Do. rough, : I a20 SUGAR, per pound, New Orleans, J5a Porto Rico, ;6$a St. Croix, 7 a TIMBER, per M., Shipping, . .j a Mill, prime, 8 00 alo Do. ord'y, 6 00 a 7 WINES, per gaLj Madeira, - 70 a 4 00 Port,' 75 a 4 00 Malaga, 43 a - 60 nv 3i. SALES. . I "'I J ill Ifc SI TO WNSHEND bavin? purchased the in- H te CRONPY, Auctioneer. REALJ ESTATE AT AUCTIOX I ILL sell at public auction, on Tuesdar. cth Dec. x next, at 11 o'clock. A: M t ha - .,r t. , T valuable: ILL sell next, at 11 O clock. A. M tliat valuable tract of land. of about 7 acrea, known as "Point Peter, Eltuated in the Town of Wilmington, otx the Point, between the t wo branches of the Cape Fear Hirer, at their Junction. There k upon the property a Steam Saw Mill, readv for nss capable of sawing 15,000 feet of lumber per day, with all necessary out-buildings for laborers, work-shops. office, and sheds ; the location being tie most desirable It lit terest of J. R. Restox. in the linn cf : Reston t Townsbend ; the business - triH now be conducted under the title of WM. L. S. TOWNSHENp. There will be no winding up of accoant bnt Imply aj change in the firm. Thankful for the very Cbcral patronage heretofore exten ded to the old, a continuance of the same Lj most re spectfully solicited to the- new establishment. Oct 25. , WM. L. S TOWNSBLEXD. one m the Ticitntrx-f the town, it has a large River Front of 1.K feet, improved with wharves ready for use, L heretofore extended to the firm of R Oct. 2G. FOE RENT & SALE. 11, L. " A Card. RESTON will ?tiH be fonrii at the stand of W. S. TownshentL where he 'solir its the DairOnaffe &T. j. r. n. I and any required depth of w ater; eitensirc Timber Pcu, and cmbracinr: every facHitv and convenience. ! The nliice is ako well adanted to the construction of I Iiiotice. Marine RaHwaT, SJun Yard, or Coal Depot - I A I T ' I. S. TOWNSllEND has just received and o Furt;cr descriptir'n is deemed tinnecessarv, as partic t v fer3 for fcale, thejmost splenrd lot of Preserves wisiun to purcJiase, wui or cfnr?e aitane tnc premises. ever ynborted: connstmg oi l'eacic. 'rc;n lagei, Fcrms .niade. known at' sale. . r ' V M. CRONLY, Auct fir t! ! meanUnic private bid will be received if de-ir able, or lurthcr particulars fnrmshed, Ty ''lIIE Large and Comrnodiou- House and Lot, JL next North of the Prcabtterian Chnrch, At- ply to- A. 0. BRADLEY, or in absence to S. JEWETT. Sxit. 7. i ; : - 157-tt , -1 - i-- For Rent. - . : ' plIE subscriber oflbrs for Rent from the 1st Oc-AiA X tober next, those new and convenient ffir just fimhel, opposite the Court House. They are three in number, and well adapted for Lawver's offices. Apply to ) i: II. GRANT. Attf.24. 145-tf. 00 15 60 45 50 00 00 6 8 00 00 RATES OF FREIGHT. i To New York, Rosinj .... .j. . . . Turpentine.!. Spirits Turpentine, . .1. . , Yarn and Sheeting, ... Cotton, per bale, . . . -J . . Pea Nuts, per bushel L Lumb3r, per M.,. . To Philadelphia, Naval Storcsi, per bbl. Spirits Turpentine, 41 Yarn and Sheeting. ,. Pea Nuts, To Baltimore, Spirits Turpentine, . . Rosin, Cotton, per bale,. . . Lumber,. Boston, -Rosin, ...... L. .... . Spirits, ......!......, Turpentine,.!. Lumber,. . . j. J. .. . . . . . . .20 on deck! 25 under. ...... 30 " , 45 ; 44 ...... 6 cents per foot. 75c. . . ,5 a 6 cents. ... . $5 00 I . 20 on deckj 23 under. . 45 cents., !" 6 cents pef foot. . 5 a 6 cents per bushel. i 65 cents. ' . . . . 30 on deck,? 35 under. ..1,00 . .?o,00 per M. . . . , 40 on deck, 140 under. . . . GO per bbl. . . . 40 cents. . . fB.OO per.M. MERCHANT TAIL0R1NC. 6 SCOTT & BALDWIN ' " LAIM to be the first who ventured to"; open a Fikst 'Jj ' Ola. is- CLOTinxa-'SvOflE iu Wilmington. For five years past they have taken measures, and sent to their Northern House, and in this way have done an extensive Merchant Tailoring Trado. It is tith no little pride that they refer to this feature of the p.is It show s that they have had the confidence of their numerous customers, generally relying upon! them for the election of tle goods to be male. DtROSSET k BROWN, Agts. New York Jotn nal of Commerce, Boston Daily Ad vcr 'Lscr, Albany Evening Journal, Baltimore Sun, copy three weeks Raleigh Standard, Fay cttevillc Observer, till day ot sale and send bills to this office. Oct.' 31 - ... - 101-ti f Prunes, Raspbcrrv, Black berry, trawbertv, Tine Ap- I pics, and Lbne?. Aho, the above Feesh Fruiu hermet I ically seaIeL Pine Apples and Pcaclhftj in Brandy, En- glisli and American Sauces und Catsup and Extracts FIj- n Iit ftf Jin r)j ft Hecker s i arena. Brandies, Wines, For Pliiladclpliia. . THE fine cUpper Schr. D. S. MERSHON, Gmliam, will have despatch as above. For freight or passage. applv on board, or to T. C. WOKTH. Oct .11 io4 ; For Xew York. riHE fine, fast sailing clipper Schr; LILLY, Capt JL Joxks, will have quick uespatch for the above SX port. For freight or passage, applv on b)ard, or to Oct. 81. " T. C. WORTH. For Hew York. The Schr. ADELE, Capt Applegit, will have ii i despatch for the above port For freight or pas sage, apply to J. II. FLANNER. Oct 27. For Philadelphia. The new schr. WILLIAM L. SPRINGS. Wiilets. master, will have despatch - for the above port. For freight or passage, apply to T. C. WORTH. Nov. 3d. 10.000 and retail, by Oct 30202 Paints! Paints! LBS. Brooklyn White Lead, Pure ; 5,000 lbs. 44 Eitra; 5,000 44 44 44 No. I ; 5,000 44 Baltic 44 Pure; 5,000 44 N. J. Zinc, Snow White ; 2,000 44 44 44 Brown Stone; 2,000 44 44 44 Porcelain finish ; 50 bblsl Sibon's Plastic Paint; 200 44 Blake's Fire Proof do. 2,000 lbs. Venetian Red, in Oil; Yellow Ochre, Spanish Brown, Chrome Green, -, 44 4i Dry; Chrome Yellow " 44 in Oil; 50 bbls. Red Ochre; 50 4 Venetian Red ; 10 44 Yellow Ochre ; 5 44 Putty in bladders ; 3 44 Lamp Black. For sale wholesale W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist. 2,000 44 O AAA 500 44 200 44 200 44 500 14 44 THE AMERICAN READY RECKONER and complete assistant for Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers. Just published. Received and for sale af Oct 24197 S. W. WHITAKER'S. 4 - ARNISH ! VARNISH ! 1 cask Furniture VarnisiT; 1 cask best Coach do. ; 1 4 1 ' 1 4 tail bv' Oct 24 Japan Demar 44 Copal 44 For sale at wholesale and rc W. H. LIPriTT, Druggist and Chemist J . .. v - . - . . 107 N ew ooos-Unew goods. HE SUBSCRIBERS have just received and opened a full assortment of Ready Made Clothing, of fashiona make, consisting of all qualities of Vests, Pants, .ts, Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Socks, Stocks, which tpey will sell at a slight advance upon New York cost. jr0 A. superior stock of Drv Goods. . - CASON k MOORE. Oct 0 . 184-liu Colgate, Ex ceHor aud(fai;cy Soap Soap, a new article; Arrow Boot, Corn Starch, Pot Ash, i Salcratus, Whiskey, Apple Brandy, land fancy Liquors, Champagne and Longworth's sparktue Catawba, I Sperm Oil Spenu Candles; Linseed Oil ; an assortment j of house keeping articles, Buckets, Pails, Baskets, Ac. j tSrA new article called 4401d Toni" Gin, much ahead of Schnapps or any Gin ever importeld. 5Q Fancy Goodi Doz. English Tooth Brushes, 50 25 44 25 44 25 44 5 44 12 44 3 44 200 44 12 44 12 44 1 4 25 44 50 44 100 44 100 44 200 44 French and! American Tooth Brushes, English Hair English "j Amcr. 44 1 Flesh Brushes, Hat Nan Comb Fancy Soaps, Lubin's Toilet Powder, 44 Extracts, Shell DressingtCornbs, Port MonnaJes Shaving Cream, 44 - Soaps, Toilet Powder, Chalk Balls, r Offices for Kent ! TOl'R Ncwi OiEces being fitted up in the second .tt- ry of building corner Princess and Water streets, ' ill be ready for occupation by or before 1st October ! next Arplv to DeROSSET & B1IOWN. Julv lSth. f Journ.d Conv.l 122-tf Office Wilmington & Raleigh Kail tload Co, : ,--. 1 .L f .... " ; v " .xaaarciit,,; is5i. ( VV . Saturdaj neit, thp raoming Passenrer K Train will leave al fcoYtock. JOHN XtJTTj 5't1 . .Agent Transportation. Office Wilmington A. Halcigh iT. llI CoT, i , - WimrxcTox, MarMhtiSM. i . . HEREAFTER Tickets to pasi over Ihe Road of thij Company wfl, in Wa car, U fold to a NEGRO. Owners m:ist apply in person and purchase' for thm hand the Ticket to the Conductor, and point out to hb the negro for whom it tv a? bought. ' H ' . -y- Store Ioj r Rent. 1st Jauuarv next, the Store wc uoiv occupy will be for ret. Applv to SCOTT & BALDWIN. Yi il, S: Mas, Rail NOTICE! Rur nrricr.. Sept. 27, ISl. 174-tf Valuable Real ltate For Sale. rpHE NEW and comfortable BUILDING on Fifth St, X. between' Dock and Orange. Persons desirous to purcliase can at any time look at the premises by callin on the servant at the house - ALSO Thej Lots on corner of Front and Church and Chnrch and Surry Streets, with all improvements there on. The Lot is 132 feet on Front, SS0 feet on Church, and 132 feet on Surry street has a new and comforta ble Dwelling, with necessary out-buildings and kitchen ou Front street, a Store on the corner, and a comfortable Dwelling house on Church street For further particu lars apply to the subscriber, or in his absence, to Weasel 1 j Sept. 0. & Eilers. Sept 19. For sale wholesale and ' retail by Oct 25. W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist and Chemist. EXPRESS CARD. LUJ.lJJJi.l-UI TnE Public are respectfully informed that The Adams Express Company have established Offices in Colum bia and Camden, South Carolina, and are prepared to forward every description of packages to the interior of North or South Carolina, I via those offices. Oct. 25, 1854. j 198-tf. HE ORATORS TOUCHSTONE, or Eloquence Sim plified embracing aj comprehensive system of in struction for the improvement of the jroice, and for the advancement in the general art of p c.blio speaking; by Hugh McQueen, 4th supplv, 'received I this dav and for sale by . (Oct. 2(5.) ; j. T. MUNDS. DRUGS! DRUGS! O BBLS. Castor Oil; j j jU 100 lbs. Pv. Rhubarb, China; 10 44 44 44 Tuikcv; 5 44 Red 4 j " 20 bbls. Epsom Saltjs ; 1 cask Cr. Tartar ; I 1 44 S. C. Soda ; . I 44 Sal IV 10 bbls. Alcohol; ! 1 41 Gum Camphor; 20 lbs. Chamomile Flowers ; 25 44 Pv. Ipecac ; 25 44 Jalep; 1 cask Sulphur ; 1 44 Brimstone; 50 lbs. Sage ; ! 50 44 Thyme ; J 1 cask Sal Nitre ; j 50 lbs. Cayene Pepper, Afric ; i ' EXTENSION OlTHE EXPRESS, m HE AD AXIS EXPRESS COMPANY take pleasure in 1 It has not been, until recently, in the power; of S. & B. to, conduct this branch of their trade in Wilmington WAST or room -having forbid the undertakiuirr In view of completing their "New Establishment this winter, they have opened this tall the Merchant tailoring,! and em ployed the services of : J. R. ASHBY, who isacknowledg cd to be in the front kaxk of his profession. Twenty years experience has established for him an enviable rkpdtatiox in the Northern cities. The Workmen employed by this concurs are aH first class, to whom the best prices arc paid for the best work and nono other will be done in the establishment In all they ! have nine Merchant Tailoring and Clothing Establishments, mostly located South. You will see, at once, the Necessity for their having an European agent constantly abroad, selecting and forwarding to the re spective houses, the new and desirable styles of foreign fabrics. Such is the one important feature, "giving them numerous advantages over those who are confined to one locality, and doing but a limited trade. Another important consideration they cater for the ! taste of Gents alone. I They keep no Ladies' wear at alL The Cloths, I Cassimeres and Testings, imported for HtOcL-K: 183.1. In addition! to the any gentleman wantin; this House, afe all selected expressly for Ccstom Wor.r, no goods being sold by the piece or yard. 1 The Trimmings used are the best all purchased for ordered work. Merchant Tailoring Department, g a well made and j asuioxablk Spit of Clothes, can always supply himself at Scott & Baldwin's. Tiiet, mark all their Clothing they war rant every garment and pride themselves upon Unifor mity of Prices. A complete assortment of G Ent's Dress Goods constantlv on baud, best and newest styles. The celebrated "Patent Yoke Shirt," is sold only at this House and is the best fitting garment worn. measures and make your purcha- SCOTT & BALDWIN'S, Merchant tailoring kud Clothing Store, Market-st Oct. 21. Call and leave your ses at TTARPERS MAGAZINE for November. (Received S. W. W H IT AK.ri.KTB. XJu and for sale at (Oct 31) Blankets. UTeccivedTpeij-AnAM's & Co.'s Express; 20 pair extra fine and large size. Persons wishingL to "sup ply themselves, bad better call soon, as the article is in great demand. Oct 31. THE MODERN HOUSE-WIFE, OR MEN AGERE; J- comprising 1,000 rcceipts for the economic and ju dicious preparation of every meal of the day, with those of the nursery and sick room, liiustratea witn, engra vings, by Alexis Sayer. For sale at " - - 0et31 I i J. T. MtlNDS1 Bookstore" Corn! Corn! "i K A A . BUSH. Prime White Baltimore Corn, LfJAJ J sale tn lots to suit purchasers, bv for Oct 31 104-tf 171 LEASON'S - Oct 30 Wsr. A.tiWYER. Piciwial, and the Flag of Our J Union, for SaturdayNov. 4tb., received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. WHISKERS ! Who don't wear whiskers 1 "Who has not been troubled to get collars to fit the whiskers ? SCOTT & BALDWIN hav just opened 20 aioz. couars, maoe ana cut expressly for wtnakers, Xov 4,i- (Jour, conv.'k . I informing their patrons and the public, that they have extended their line over the South Side Rail Road, and ave daily forwarding goods and valuables &c, to Stations along the line of that road and the ""interior of Virginia. ; . 198-tf 1 ODEY'S LADY'S BOOK For Novi mler. Recciv VXed and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. fgJOct 23 . 195 by'. " Oct 27 1 case Calc Magnesia 1 44 Carb. 44 I 2 rro. Husbands 44 1 1 44 Henry's W. H. "i For sale w lolesale and retail, LIPPITT, Druggist and Chemist. 200 HE "OLD NORTH STATE IN IT 76." Rcvolu- JL tioriarv incidents and skotclips of scharacter. chiffiv in the 4'01d North Statc,4-by Rev. E,; W. Caruthers, D. WESSEL. 167-tf. For Sale. THE Dwelling House, and Lot with all iinprovc- t b S- ments thereon, property of p. K. McRac, adjoin ing the residence of Jas. S. Green, Esq., corner of Sixth and Orange streets. ' The buildings are new and in fine order. Persons wishing to purchase can examine the premises and apply to DeROSSET & BROWN. July 28, 1834. 12 -tf. SCHOOL JACKETS and PANTS for Boys. A new assortment just opened, at Oct. 5. , SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. : Notice. JIIE subscriber having obtained letters" testamentary on the estate of Alfred Shepard, deceased, at the September Term, 1854, of the Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions for the County of New Hanover, hereby no tifies the creditors of said' estate, to present their claims within the time limited by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to said estate will also please make payment immediately. C. SHEPARD, Executrix. Oct 13 18S-30t THE Men of the Time, or Sketches of Living Notables, a new supply received to dav, and for sale by Oct 27 J. T. MUNDS.j T OBERT BRUCE, the Hero i King. Just from, the JL) Press, and for sale at J. T. MUNDS'. BALLAST WANTED at the wharf of the Clarendon Iron Works Company. Applv to ' HENRY M. DRANE, Agent. . Oct. 26. . - lH'.)-3t, '"pUE SINGERS COMPANION Containing a choice X selection of popular Songs, Duetts, Glees, Catches, &c, with music arranged, for the voice, Flute, Violin, and Piano. Ju3l published, received and for sale by Oct. 2G. rrilE SEA TALES'; Oct. umcs. I'nce $5. by Fennimorc For sale by 26. J. T. MUNDS. Cooper, in 5 vol J. T. MUNDS. F Shelves aiicLCoiintcrs. OR SALE, two sets of Shelves with Drawers com plete, and two Counters, al nearly new. Apply to S. M. WEST. Oct. 2. 178-tf. Y7'INDOW GLASS! WINDOW GLASS !! 3,000 T T boxes French and American Window Glass from 1x9 to 24x36. For sale by C. & D. DuPRE, Oct 4 -180 Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. WO CHARMING NEW BOOKS for Children: "Our Talks at Home," and 4 'Talks and Tales," by II. frus ta, mtthor of "The Sunny Side," "Peep at No. 5," "The Tale,'' Sec'. Just published. For sale at Oct, 10. S. -W. WHITAKER'S.- . uHuit.. mo u.rougu uckcc to CUatksnu Au gusta, ;or ColuiU, win.be sohl cm tlii lload x 44DAY PASSK.MirRTRAi.v" M Uifl conicctipri with that train has been stopped t , S. V. if jil Road, r I ' j J. P. ROBERTSON, Act. a up. syt- w. : , j - m-tf Subscriber ,will open a SCHOOL far Haw ; Wilmington, on the 1st Monday, in October, next. HE J. P. SMITH. Refers to , ; ; v Hon. Da vi n L. S w x ix, Chapel H2L N, C.' Robt. U: CowraN, Esq.. T. D. Walker, En W. llatt, Sept. S. , ' Wilndngton, N1, C, 159-3md. and Teacher of . V l?miu ton itialc and Female He innrr. rpHE SECOND ANN UAL bEbSiON oi this bCitUOL X will commence on Mundat, the 2d day of October in Society Hall, near tho Episcopal Church, on Market-st! ; jiUAnu ur liNol KLCTI0N : G. W. JEWETT, PrincipaL Mrs. M. A. JEWETT, Preceptress Drawing and Paint inc. t Misses M. L. STETSON, and J. M. WHIPPLE. A. sistants. j The rates of Tuition range from HO to $12 pcf year according to tho studies pursued. ; ' The course of instruction is designed to embrace all the branches usually taught in the higher Seminaries of the country i - J Students will be thorough! GtiaA IX-r- A Primary Department will be formed for pupils 'of the earnest a Lit For further particulars inquire of the principal, or e his School Card, which may be obtained at Whitakcr'a or Munds Botk store, or of S. Jovtett, at the Commercial Bank. ' r . Sept. SO. ZEIUIAX'S ANTI-SCORBUTIC TOOTH WASH TO TII1SXADIJ2S. ! IVfOTHING adds more to beauty than clean, w hite -LI teeth and gums of healthy color. Ihe most beau tiful face and vermilh'on lips become repulsive, if the ht ter, when they open, exhibit tho horrible ppcctaplc of neglected teeth. AU who wish clean, white teeth, healthy gums, and a sweet breath, should, give German's 'looni Wa5u a trial. For sale by C. & it. DrPRE, Agents. Sept. 30. 178 r ( BAGS Laguyra Coffee, just at hand and for sale y lo? ,b' - MuOKE, STANLY &. Co. vet. I U1. Straved. ON Saturday niglit last, a small red and white 5pottcd Cow, marked with 2 slits in the ) right car, land a crop slit in tho left ear. A liberal reward wiU bo paid Oct 16th 100 W. C. HOWARD. a n.Tiir tit irrs An r r ... y a A V"" ,Afy.AUli!Aij- lhQ histrated American journal, oi. l, ap. 1, received and for sale at 0ct- y- S, W. WHITAKER'S. Copartnership Notice. THE undersigned have this day formed a Copartner ship, under the name and style of Marsh & EitiOTT wi """whuii wi a general commission and i For.- October 4, 1854. W. H. MARSH. v. P. ELLIOTT. 18(Mf. ! i ' PIIE Subscribe JL have, on the purpose of carrying ou Notice. nbci s an successors of John Dawson & Co.; me itn nifct., entered into partnciahio for the Dry Goods and Hard- u. licceivea mis work. For sale by dav a large su (Oct pply o Tj. J iust at hand; whole and half Candles. Oct 27 f this popular j T. MUNDS. 10FFEE Si CANDLES. 60 bags Superior Laguyra, Doxes Auamaniine MOORE, STANLY & CO. 200-tf. lO Oils ! Oils ! Oils I ! 1 BBLS. Linseed Oil, " 5 44 Train Oil 5 4- Machinery Oil, 5 44 Sperm' 44 5 44 Lard For sale wholesale and retail by Oct 25. W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist and Chemist O ATURDAY Mail, Saturday Evening Post, Gleason's O Pictorial Flag of Our Union, Little's Living Age, New York Herald, &c., for to-day. For sale at Oct 28 S. W. WHITAKER'S. WHITE LEAD and Spanish Brown. 100 kegs Pure, extra and No. 1, White Lead; 25 bbls. Spanish Brown ; to close consignment Oct. 27. 2CHMf. MOORE, STANLY k CO. FRED. ARDEN, or the Jesuit's Revenge, by the au thor of Amy Lawrence, Stanfield HaS, Harry Ash- ton, Ellen de Vere, Minnie Gaay, Gus Howard, Woman and her Master, &c. Just published, received and for sale at (Oct 27.) S. W. WHITAKER'S. M HE FLYING CLOUD A Romance of New York - Bay and the Chagres River,- by Professor In gra ham. Just published. Received and for sale bv Oct 27200 . S. W. WHITAKER. OUR Honeymoon, and other Qpmicalities from Punch. Just received, the 4 th supply of humorous works, and for sale at (Oct 27) J. T. MUNDS' XTANCY CASSIMERES. New importations, just re- U ceived per Adam s & Co., at - . Oct 25. . SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. Fall Importations. "inO CRATES Earthenware, ,jtesorted, for wholesale JLU U trade ; 50 crates Granite, and . other styles .of ware, for hotels and housekeepers : 25 casks French China dinner and tea sets, and Fancy Ware some very rich and handsome sets. To Merchants I oner the same inducements that are offered in New York, or any other place I North of this, in time, price, &c ; To Famihes, CTTcatcr inducements than are offered anywhere. '"-- v ALEX. McRAE Jr., Importer, Front st ..Oct 21 - Jour, copy Ira. ; ,.194 'is TONE BALLAST. WANTED two thousand tons of STONE BALLAST. Apply .to the undersigned or John IfacRae. Jr. V at , the oflSce of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company - . x ,,. L. J. FLEMING, Oct 17. 191. ' GenT Sup't W. & M. R. R. 1 IBBONS ROME Two complete setts, for sale by VJ Oct 27 ' . J, T. MUNDS. A NEGRO MAN, aged about 30. A NEGRO WOMAN, 20C For Sale. aed about 30. first rate Cook, Washer, aad Ironer, with her daugh ter, aged about 14. These.Negroes are an ot gooacnar acterwarranted found - and healthy, ' and sold for ? no fault and will be sold to none but a city resident Ap- Dlvto - - -' - M. CRONLY. Broker. Attc Ja-? N4t i , :; " i03- 1500 I?oxis Cisrars. MBHACING iu! varieties Manufactured, on hand and for sale low. Also, Suuff, Tobacco, Cigar C-;ie?, Tubes, Pipes, &c, &C at the Citv Cigar Store. VAN SICKLE. . Mav IS Ui. 58-tf. ware business, in the Ttvn of Wilmiu nun oi a. aiacican & Vo. Thcv v,5 1 roudin-t th!.r. I ncss at the store occupied bv th'e late firtu aiwl ,r. i .1 1 .1 ... "V-t V...f...V, i niL-niftivc-s inc paironage oi me public. ! ANDREW 3,uly 17 th. 112-tL jton, undir t!i .MACLEAN, JAMES L McCALLUM, r ir m i OPENED THIS DAY 1 boxes and two large bun dles of New Books, just from thelPublishcrs : The Royal Favorite, or the Mysteries of the Court of Charles the Second ; The Rival Beauties, or Love and Diploma cy, a Sequel to 44 The Rbyal Favorite!" ; Robert Bruce,, the Hero King, by the Author of Wallace, the Hero of Scotland, &c, &c. ; Alice Seymore, a Home Tale, by Mrs. Grey; The Mysteries of a Convert, by a noted Me thodist preacher; Envy,! by Eugene; Sue; The Flying Cloud, a Romance of New York Bay and the Chagres River, by Professor Ingraham ; Ned Musgrave, or the Most Unfortunate Man in the World, a comic novel, by Theodore Hook ; Rosa Woodville, or the Jailor's Daugh ter, by Alex. Dumas ; Agatha Beaufort, or Family Pride, by the author of Pegur, Ac, kc. Received and for sale by i i J. T. MUNDS. Notice. APPLICATION wiil be made at the next session of the Legislature of this State, for authority to extend the Capital of the Commercial Bank of Wilmington. . Oct 6 i 182-tf P ARTICULAR attention is called; to our new and large assortment of j Shaker Undershirts, opened yesterday. They are the handsomest of the Shaker fab rics. Call and examine at i Oct 24197 I SCOTT k BALDWIN'S. assort- "T TELVETTESTINGSi A new and beautiful V ment just opened-tHlirect importation, at Oct 24 197 SCOTT '& BALDWIN'S QUILTED SILKS AND PARTY VESTING. Opened VJ yesterday a new assortment at I OCX Zi IVi I OUU 11 & SiAtU W 12 S. ;- .' Stocks tor ale f , C A SHARES Commercial Bank Stock, for sale ; 20 do. OKI Wa. andjl. R. R. Co. Apply at this office. Oct 24 ; -! ;" j. . ". ; 197 - sss Woticc. riTlHE undersigned have this day formed a copartner ' U ship, under the name and style of KEITH k FLANNER, for the transaction of a General Commission Business. Office corner; Walter and Chesnut streets. E. Aj KEITH, J N DESTRUCTIBLE BOOKS, for Children beautiful publications, printed on linen. For sale at Oct. 11. J S. W. A series of Just issued. WHITAKER'S. TH. VOL. BANCROFT'S U. S. The Cth vol. Ban croft's History U. S. Just published. Received and for sale at . S. W. WHITAKER'S. : Oct 24 197 . HEAP HORSE & COW FEED. -We have in store superior article of Corn and Cobs, at C2c perbu. Oct 9181 PETTEWAY k PRITCnETT. - . TO THE BEIfEVI.EIT. 'lHE Ladies' Benevolent Society's Clothing Store is JL again open, and thy are ready to receive orders at their Depository on Front street under the. Seamen's Home, for garments of all descriptions, which shall be filled promptly and well. Farmers and Contractors will find it to their interest to encourage this institution, in doing which they will at the same time be dispensing char itvin the most effectual and least offensive manner. ' "Wilmington, N. C, Oct 2. 178-2mo. Notice; is llc.cby CJiVrn ' J ' HAT the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the X Wilmington and lUleigh Rail Road Company, will be held in this Town, on Thursday the tth day of Nov. next i A dividend of 4 per cent oifthe Capital Stock of the Compaay, for the last six months, has been declared and will be payable on the loth of November n ex f ' The Books for the transfer of Stock will be closed on 20th instant. By order. ' " a . j JAM Kb S. GREEN, Sec rv. Oct 16, ' .. . . lOo-tm Papers of Wilminston. Goldsboro. TarhnpnT -ii.iw. ' Weldon, Raleigh, Portsmouth and Norfolk ?!! -mkba the above till time of meetinjr. 1 I K f DOZEN assorted Tooth Brushes ; O J ted Nail Brushes: 10 doz. 4 dozen assor- Shavlng do.;" 10 doz. Hair Brushes; 5 doz. assorted Port Monnaies; 1. dozen do. Ladies; 1 doz. fine Gent Dressing Cases ; 8 -dozen Combs, Dressing Combr, Shells, Buffalo, Ivory, Horn, &c; 2 dozen extra Hair Brushes, Chfldrens; 4 doz. Ma nilla Clothes do. ; 1 doz. Gent's travelling Companions; 4 doz. Ladies Pocket Cuttlery, &c. &c The above arti cles selected from recent importations. For the retail trade, will no doubt give satisfaction both as regards style and priccs. A. O. BRADLEY, Oct 25. Chemist and Dniffsisti TT'OR SALE A Fi JO . Sept 6. 156; n e CarriaSe. COW PEAS, For sale by Oct 24. I Apply to M. CRONLY. J. H. FLANNER. Oct 23195 Wm. B: FLANNER. IVoticc. " A PPLICATI0N will be made at the next Session of jljL the Legislature, for an Act of Incorporation for the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of N. C. : Oct 5th, 1354K 1 - 181-30t F0 SALE 2000 Bushels good white Corn, in store (UCt 26.) MUUK1S, STANLY k CO. PORK 100 bbls. Citv Mesa, for sale by Oct 26.) MOORE. STANLY k CO. Jost "Received and for Sale' BALES Blount Creek Sheeting; t bale Beavers Creek do.: 8 bales Cedar Fans do.; 50 bbls. Fav etteville Flour by . .. MARSH k ELLIOTT Oct. 18, 19V 10 UNDER SHIRTS AND - sizes and qualities, at DRAWERS. 200 doz., all SCOTT k BALDWIN'S. T70R NOVEMBER We have received Putnam Monthly ; V Graham's Magazine i Godey's Ladys Book ; Household Words; Yankee Notions, &ev In a day or two we shall have Harper Magazine; Chamber's Edinburg Journal; Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion; Hunt's MccIlant3, Magazine; The Schoolfellow; Peter son's Magazine rThe National do.f Blackwood do.; The Four RcViews, kc, (Oct 28) S. W. WHITAKER. ; THE SCHOOL FELLOWJbr November. Received and for sale at (Oct 30) S. W.I WHITAKER'S. Proposals WILd, HE RECEIVED, until the 10th November next, tor the building of a Plank Road from the up per Rail Road Bridge, along Fourth street rto Market - also, along Fourth to its intersection - with Red Cross ; thence down Red Cross to Front street also, for Plank ing, or Paving Water street, ; from Orange street to the W.kVL R. B. Cos wharf, at North boundary street aiso tor xne paving 01 Ann street from t rout to Water-st Oct J4. 18?-t ; O. X. PARSLEY, M.T. 1 a liiuiuai 1 fpreju mat application will be made to JL the .General Assembly of this State, at ita next ensuine t . . 0 cssiuii, wr we puasii; ui i-iwj aumonzmg me cm an cipauon cf J. ti. ll OSTLER. ; Oct 19 193-30t -VfEW BOOKS BY EXPRESSRcceived to daV froni A narpers, "Memoirs of Celebrated Characters n bv Lamartine, 2 vols. "Life's Lesson," new and re markably interesting tale. No's. 5 and 6 of Harper's Gazetteer of the world. Dockharty's ArithmeUc, &cT&c. ' J. T. MUNDS. 1! Cat. lT EW GOODS ! FRESH GOODS ! ! GOOD GOODS f AJ Just received, rer Schrs. Helen. lionets, teas bugars, Hour; Biscuit of oil kinds and descriptions: K , Preserved and Pickled Meats, Fruit3,aod Vc-irttables Sauces of every variety; j And, in truth, auv stvle of Groerv ty L '. . tidiooa palate. In kore, and for sale bv " "'7 uctio-iao QUINCE k COWAN. BLE TALK ..-On Books, Men, ,d Manner. From X Sydney Smith aad others. Edited bv C. EtpItt, Pp saie at t i(nChoD..L;.-: V Oct 18 - ' : owfcswre. . . 5 ' '' . ;1)2 PICTURES. An assortment of Lithographs received this morning, and for sale at : . J. . ' ' XOY. I. S. XT.- WHITAKER'S KLANK BOOKS Those beautiful Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books, Records, kc, made to order ' ui W expected, have just arrived, per schr. Matilda E. Wells. if v ub uaw we largest, oest, ana cheapest stock of Blank Books ever in Wilmington. The attention-of fmr Merchants is respectfully invited. "t OctZl S. W. WHITAKER, ' Copartnership notice.' ) MR. Wm,B. UTLEY, having bees admitted as a member of our firm, the General Commission busi ness from this date, will be continued under tho 1 name and style of J. k J. L. Hathawat & Co. j . J. HATHAWAY k SON'. -Nov. 1st, 1854. j 2CS-tf Turpentine Mill for Sale. LL run about 15 bbls., and will bo cold cheap, v Oct 31 104-tf WJL A.GWYER. HISTORY of the Insurrection in Cina ; with notices of the Christianity Creed, and Proclamation of the Insurgents, by Callery and Ivan, with a fac simile' of a Chinese map of the course of the Insurrection and it por trait of Seine, &c, its chief. Received and for sale by Oct 19. J. T. MUNDS, Bookstore. HE VIRGINIA ILQUSEVWIFE, OR METHODICAL COOK, by 3Ir3. Mary" Randolph. Received and for sale at . (Oct.31) J. T. MTJNDS Bpoksiwc. I - 1 I $ 1 ii " V