TiflBMAflOiKIBlRiiliK '.PROSPECTUS TflP?-T35. 1 ' I i n.e who publish mis xrfvsnecU! should send a nauc- . dir;cicu,ruiur U'ooc, a hire-ton, u. iv ,so marsed Wtta . Till! tililltV' The Official Pnmr of rinrp :.! a V attention U it. - v and Nftvspnpcr for the'.Peop! Daily Paper $0-"Weelil f $2 a year, in Advance. :j.-T' iri.::eA.. a ,y J Lord Brougham, in his ''Jlotorleil sketches KpKjjxrwwi nuey garret Mreci,vneaHr.JuiH l menmll(i fl..umIod in the lime-of Gcors-e the Third ' I r iyAJ.T. UL.. - - . 7 f - - - i. . . . - ponUthe Carolina Hotel ' " : j p , ' . ?r-cf a At the list year. Mid hart been Trceiuiiir the Dallv of Stales-1 (i!..H ther-Jor. ard desire! to rcc-irt-' it ih romlrr vr-af. .' givea I f.VJ rmblish this troswrtitv ' - ' ?r TUr; f "a" M'rbl "-: "A Mie'-PDlCMn! f some remarkable examples, kowir,g the gnat los sustain- 1 dWire to emptor igcnti, bo e?n i-prnhtv" pnod rwru tedby Eiigland the fcjMory ofhs statesmen, and of. its ! rncrid-tt'rons.to obtain cb9cribcr. : iJOIIN P. l: I VIS. ! national jtni'Ti's, through the imperfect tate lie r.xr-ri-. hi Urt. nojh.. mcntarv rtiKjrUiic in foiiatr ianrs. DONE t!f A SUPERlOKj X15Sr,R AI AT SnOKT NOIJCE. her i hardW aii 'W9n'MViiiotiicrViVtlie-s.r -. fi . w. mi AiMi, ilj ! ' Vsouth SMo Mai kit S't 'rj ifminutoii V . C. . v . - 17:j-1v. V i spare tit nr iisjrii. r,r.i i i SKipi b fill ro r(jta J . I BALDWIN'S. Ther mast hire Uie room and Ix-nl :h.i W-; ad! dar r.-f trv k'-.i fu- " ;')Uts.-.-v r t ackm.v, '. ' f rntrx,I . I:lK'!iis in vholi. Mi la '.V ! - i'.t j - ':f t . . 'it f I J t f H. we tiif.w- m hlk, a f 'l:"j'--d tinlv iikt uc- f ' c.- -; 5 i3r..:.; t r IJj.: llii" c.ir.- ju f -i ri- i t c-; ;tf- t v and ;i:i-tlf w'uc-i-iri-ftc:'.-." al v n-a'lv lf .?.; ;.j!s Hf'. v, i,it-3i li v iiniu ami ; v - . i-.vt-r tl.w.'ir -pfw ?rir, tlr-scr- 'r: c::i:l't'A to. rendrjfc In ihe u ;vr u itlrt'iit pft viii the yrm -f ofir .1 !lir.liiil nay, cuntni'iV the l:-t i -voUitjon whh all the di-U. jailoii, i t s.v-ui'.n'.ir !r.d jm;r--tlh-ir - t JI rUn k irsTiCe nptrt 1 :V:i'. I: ; now- j are closing out Truidc atj nearly eot jto make If. i .MJ" " t LUK.- .1 Wjl. jsijnerior Baltimore " Glue. For .nEKOSSET i BROWN"; sale " 1 ' FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK. AppUcaUon '-e 1 a ill be made to the General Aaseniblr of this State ! a ill be made to the General Aasemblr of tLia State, at its rext-?3aion, to charter the "Farmers and Merch- QM Bank, to le located! in the towniff Wilminartou NC Svpt. 15. T rST RECEIVED, pe Schr. ff hbh. '-lhrtrm Smit Hopeton Llllf. fain New York Flour : do.: half-blils "If iram Suiith" do.; i t -.' I trr.: V" ti Hnc roljrate'n Noi 1 and Tale i! rfy -i' I do. re.-irl Starch : lOi-t-d. HOLLOWAVS PILLS. r the Virizcm of He United State ; I nw-d hninWv and Hucerelv tltank you f r tin- iu im uh I patronage which vou have bestowel upo uy TilU. I take I thi .prk'H unfty If stst inp that mr Ancstnr tiere ull Amrr- ican itirens. and that l eurertam ht sii imi coc-riv .- mr-M and tlip Amt-ncans. the nnt Ux.ix .TinpatIae.s w mnch that 1 nripitally cotupunded these I'ills exi'irly fiiit votir cJiiiiate, liabitis constitutions, ad msancrof livint, niti-Ddinsr ? -tab!ii firelC amojiff you, which I ivi r.i.w don-, bv takinjr i4-einiej in New-York. THOMAS IIOLLOWAY. tjhi t- of 'A vt'J yi Sfsrr', Ar-I '-ri-. -t -A- vafy- e sotfnber resicctfuth informs the he that lie has reccnilv recrirt.! aJ.tahMi if hit ol Nddte and Ilarne-. mountings, Arof the iatek aia itost jruprored style and ic mtaotlv maanfaetarlnar, at hJi tore en Jlarket street, cTcrj dcacfutin f artitle in ine 3ootc iiae. t rom ia expcrttDce in iLe btritUii, he iect ennxsaect that tie will be abk to nilr urcxi..n . ii . . ... i .3 VMim" 7. 113.4 ttrm Ml 1.u n ill I kwp a Urp? ass4.njcnt of i r 7.-.W.V, II7.--Ce tscaihtohf Ittitus, V, tf to bt ef the best materlil- and .i nr.icn tie witi warrant . , .. . Tntnks Ac. j 1 ",: rticKs tiMullr kept in nxl ctalHhu ue oucra low Ir r vu short o prunt cjtf.nier. ! SaMlo. Harney TiumVs Mliral ni?N Ac, - Ac uaiut i4rff .Mijmly of .Str.w Ix-tUl.t-r. ' ) mnfiiij'u lt !f.i n iwt - - lfVA thv cut WT tn:tt. fuuttiijTri3 Kt ami imjW. ami .Ktjrtia rt . f H!v Net?'. tLcr in mv :iMrukicit U oap; and for sale QUINCE A JO WAN. I'UKriMlKRY AND PAXCV ARTICLES. fL'ST received, ?o ft dtMi A ('oiOirij.-. r.-li tier-in?,! (Vlofr o t ;-- . 1 A- i September 26th, 1 851 r Vt ben , ! have U- "VV if! ' 1 . - i: 1 Steamer Fauny JLutterloli HAVING been thoroughly repaired and J&Jb neatly ! fitted up for the accommodation .ii g of paaseugere, leaves Fayetterille on Monday and Thura dav rdornings; and Wiimington on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Uarrying light treight ana passengers. , July 18.-tU3-tf MARSH & ELLIOTT, Agonti. t f' .- -ifttlli'.- .-. he.'ij-.!i ui:l lis th"incni-c J-ionp A. .1 1 L i -!. ii: 'ii ii:i& tors have lntLtrto tx-cn iutii to the- world The imperfect state of parliamentary reporting i Invii:ov;Uo; ; clii t" : " io' lo?.. Barr Trif'opJu-roi.f I .'do:. i.uHh' Kx tract -. oici,ral rWps'; odox. ll 'f -I; t it'. u- ti i! v-, :! n u oil! I to4- !riUfiou iamt wLicU hiis kit oihln l i:. th i' f;n ;i.oiv L ni-tnift-stly mubed U-: whil.: of h'. written eouiwsitioii? nrurbcr ; eortmcnt W Cioihe.-. .Nail hnd t'omU B Hair Ifrus'ii' l i do. Ciol lions Ka-' lo7. Phalon tiic ilandke? l!(!UiiU't; La "'O doz. Tooth t. li'fi Jo.. as.-sOite! Soqni, A. Wholesale and Retail Vor. 2, IS.",:;. tl e 'Steamer Snrav for Smithville aud Orton. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, COMMENCING MONDAY, September 4th. STEAMER SPRAY, Capt. J no. B. PiUce, will pi? between Wilmincton and Smitlt- 'ille, landing at Orton, as follows : iLoave Wilmington, Tuesday, Thuri-day and Saturday evenings at 1 3 o'clock!. J i Leave Smithville. Monday. Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at o'clock. . - I Passaea: One Dollar Children and Servants half pt i F eight at customalry ratea Light eight only ta oil. caiuruay, ! Apply to : ) I'UIMFK ATION OF THE ItLOUD. AND I.1VKU ' B1UOUS COMPLAINTS. Tin- Citizen ef the L"n:fi tuiTcr much from di.onlrr ot IJvi r and Stomach, M-arcclv any arc fm from the influence of tbvo dvAtnartive r.ialarfies, lieice life wears fiist. ,The fair pt-ilup t!A- iust luiudsomc iti tbi- World, np to a ct rtiiin. icriol when, distrvtwin'tr'to sav, many Iih-j-p fbeir te tb aud gol htoks., while ,el ui the In vdwv of life, such inr the firtior. w iu--n-.hft will How s-nirimv. rcjmoie ihh in a congenial r'iun-. where int i tcrtial irinr ntKui to rci ai .m an- inritc-il to cjII and evamnw jn'v tl.-nls. ru wuo iu uTt.r ioo wth a can. . v 1 Jl3rnCM ad t-clr Trirumin AND ! sows buyin1; ! upiif;icUm-. r Alio. hip at whoW.-aUv AH kind of rt lin.' Ycbiri,'l.ouUt'lttd .tJU ston. JIIN COXOtv.Y May 1 ISM. . i u 4i s fnr pric 1'vptM i U i.nr lw frrlMjiIiv rrip.isl.id bv roiltliiulI k1l bUw-d noi-c. :h:d the Liver mh! Stomach in healthy Tlnrblr, Stoin and SliUc IX WILMINGTON. HK .-ubscrilcr respectfully i;otiftct tin ha rct ( titlr ci-tabltfhed in thl- town. Van! ublic tjhat !u- i:t,K, SroNt ttnd Si.tn: Y.r,i, and i r.ow pupaitd' to t V -ijr.i. As it rejpirdfl the pre.-rvatioii f the hitman frame, hU order.-' lor Monuments loint-, nirnjtnre and Plnn.V ii? tin- ilurMtion f life, inueh inav be cfllcted. and I sav $ inc work. I a iarx u- feAil(ir. that healtli anil lift can irolonircU lor many pot! Bruhb tor false t(-oth: 'LubihV Toilet ! ye&i-- Wvond their ordinary limit, if llolloway'.s Pills arc ac. J-orsaJe ' taki-n to pnrsiv tnc uuhmi awninijx ro inc ruies iaju uowu Tl. I.IPPITT. for ia" T.A.r each bif.v. W contained in the direction 'which accompany IIIE MORAL PROBE, of One and Two hundred com- -- raon sense essays on; the ratine Kf Men and Things ; interspered with seraps! of pciencei and hitorv, bv L. Carroll-Juuson, author of a biojrra the Declaration of Independence, at the new Book Store, by A CASEOF WEAKNESS AND DEUILITY .OF In lEAKS STANDING, CURED ISYHOLLOWAY'S PILES. Copt of a Istter from Capt. John Johnson. .lVcr Howe, ete-lofl; dated Jan. o, ISoL crcat can?c of this blank. What Soniers and Chatham have lost in fitnie bv the oblivion .f all the junstcrly cfibrts of their minds, wlikh, wielding the power of Parliament, conducted the march of the government during the'r connexion with it, the history of the nation has also losi for-want of the vigor and verity, the clenrnc-s., the freshness, and beaut r with which its events and their causes might have Wn preserved in the TY EXPRESS TO-DAY. 2nd Sur.nl v of that now and acr?Kemtf11 OI..ine."7fr ana ol luminous i-loouence of it oratrrs. t I i n.M,lr wort ftrimUr, T,w,i;A s tr t ROCh an extremity mat i gave tro - . . i v uuaua ' ' w m vji v mm. u l 'v. LA-B wi m m.mm mv. J m. L'li 1 n u-h . w nn m swr ad r n n arvtiuirffle t,i. "rt.i: i. vf tMi.t.. i- t. " K w N M50, all kinds of Marble for buildiiir pnri'c. Also,' ITagging aud Curb Sttme. liue, ttreen ana ancgaicu (sate ur inc-pr-nt rMii- ng furnished at reasonable rates. rv r ww . f m. ' 1 )hv of the Signers of 1 roL "OtLowAT, i.r. 01 aiih arm Nassau si.; 1 . i 1 iol .nif for Ci1o ! !t is with the ,UOat heartfelt pleasure I have to iuforni ! t ' m irTx"-- i von that I have been restored to health and strength ut 1 ' I " taKintr vour nus. ror ine iasi ieu vears, i suuereu inm a . aud on moderate Sept. 2d, ice. von 'Captain on board, or to A. 11. VANBOKKELJiN, 1854. r " - No. 5, South wharve i Adams Ac Co's Cireat Northern and Southern -T v-.-" ; IEXPRESS I ' . j GARRY PACKAGES of every description to Peters burg, RichmondL Fredricksburg, Washington City, 'Portsmouth! Norfoikf Baltimore, &c, in charge of fhc- eial Mewnger. , JNO. L. CANT WELL, Agent Office on 1 ront, near Market st Mav 15th. - i 50-tf- " Wilminarton Empire Restaurant,'; THE subscriber whuld respectfully inform the citizens of this place, tbit he has opened, his "Restaunuit," second door from the corner of Market and Second strcot, where he is now prepared to serve MEALS at short no tice, at any hour, and hopes by strict attention to his bu siness to recommend his establishment to the custom rind favor of the; community. ! Families furnished with OYSTERS at reduced prices. g"Pic-asc give me & cail.6g2 April 1 st, 1854. C. J. TAYLOR; 22-tf, lhe in-eat nitn who conducted our rn'olutioiiarv ?trugg in the great Continental Congress have left r.o histon be hind them of the views and events which hud their birth in their debates, exeunt In the meager formula of a journal. The fervid feeling of the hour, the impelling r.-cuintinccs, the argument, the eager controveracv. whici- set the sub ject in every variety of light, passed away with the breath mat gave tuem utterance; ana men wuo were not urpass- ed, in the opinion of Iord Chathanv byl'lhe master states-j men ol the world, have oeoueathed to posterior nothing of the eloquence which guided our national conucila but "the shadow ot a name. Kecent publications show how graphic history becomes when the actors in . it speak for themselves, and events as they emerge stamp themselves on its page. vougress uas now taken care that this sort ot genuine history shall fall from the press, full and perfect, day by day; aud thus every public man will make his own history, oid blend it imperishable with that of his country. The Congressional Globe and Appendix is so voluminous that it can only be read by our busy countrymen partially duriug its progress. Some are interested in oue measure, some ui another. Different sections look for the most part to the action of their several representatives the .concerns of one frcqueutly possessing no interest for the rest and amidst the iuass it is difficult for each section, or individ ual," to get at the special matter most interesting to them. To obviate this, and wnablw all to get i glance, a general view--of the entire proceedings of Congress, and to fix their attention on what suits , their particular views, I w ill publish in future) in addition th Daly Globe and .tne Congressional Globe and Appeudis, a Tues day's Congressional Globe, containing a brif of each day's debate on uvery importaut subject discussed du ring tbe preceding week, arranging the nan.es of the speakers pro and con., and presenting the poiuts- dis cussed anu leading arguments on each side, .somewhat in the mode in which forensic briefs arc prepared. This pa per I w ill send gratuitously to overt s-ubscriber to the Con gressional Globe- and Appr-ndis ; and to those who may consider their .sumvuarv sufficient without 'them, the sub- John Franklin, A personal narrative bv Elisha Kent Kane, U. S. N.; received at ! j T J. T. MUNDS'. August II TURNIP SEED, just received aj fresh supply from Philadelphia, per Adam's & Co's Express. W. II. LIPP1TT, i. ! Druggist and Chemist. AIR BRUSHES. 100 dozen Of French. Enelish. and American manufacture, also a large assort ment of Paint, Tooth, Nail, and Flesh Brushes, just at hand, and for sale very cheap, by j C. & D. DuPRE. July 1. ! Wholesale Druggists. FREMIU3I COTTON GINS. '"T'MIE subscribers having acceptcdithe Agency of the X above Cottpn Gins, manufactured by E. T. Taylor & Co., in Columbus, Georgia, will be, happy to exhibit a Specimen Gin to the planters of thB vicinity, and to re ceive orders from those; wishing to iurchase. They are equal, if not superior, to! any Gins manufactured, and will be warranted to give satisfaction ia jevery respect, being remarkable fcjr their durability and safety fsom heating, and for the quality of Lint produced! as well as the quan tity they are capable of turning out p a given time. debosset & brown: Jan. 7, 185. TEW BOOKS. A .large varie books, just received at the Book Store, North-side j of Market street. Oct v of miscellaneous derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and w as reduced to j mv iMiip, never expecting tried everv: Remedv that was recommended to me, but all to no, purpose ; aud had given myself up to despair, when I was at last recommended to take your Pills. After using them for three months, the result is that I am now in better health than I have been fr eleven years past, and indeed as well as ever I was in my life. You are quite at liberty, to make this knwn for the bexeftt of others. I remain, sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. Theae celebrated Pills art ' wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints : Ague, Debility, Head-ache, Scrofula, or Asthma. Dropsy. Indigestion. King's Evil, Billious Complt's, Erysipelas, Jaundice, Stone & Gravel, Blotches on the Female Ir- Liver Com- Sec'nd'rv S'ot's. Skin, regularities, plaints, Venereal A at's, Bowel Compl'ts, Fevers of all Piles, v or's of all k'd Constipation of. kinds, Retention of Weakness, from the Bowels. Gout, r Urine, whatever cause, K- -K- Sl-i1rl ..t llm 1'ilahliclimi.nt nf Praf TTrtt l nix- ir C Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New-York ; also, bv all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the United States, in Boxes, at 37 1-2 cents, 87 cents, and 1.50 cents each. To be had W holesale of the principal Drug Houses in tbe Union. 3se?" There is a considerable saving by taking, the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every dis order are affixed to each Box. For sale in Wilmington by Dr. A. O. BRADLEY', Druggist and Chemist, Market Street. June 5, 1854. 4. T. MUNDS. 178 following pieces Book-store. 1 Few Davs ! Few Dlavs ! I'm saddest when I sing to g t any of he of music, reccivod at J. T . MUNDS' tf! TV A 1 1 17 R H V t Tf vrvo' ui thou shining Maid of Sixty- tlow on River!; The Old Three ! The Sensitive Coon ! Sept. 29. 1.000 i Good News from Jlome Sad News from Home ! My dreams are now no more of Thee! Violets! Violets! beautiful Bine Violets !-&c. &e. '' 177 Papers advertising Oct 20 LDS. Brboklin Pure White Lead, 1,000 Bai lie do. do. ; 1,000 Extra do. do. ; 1 case Chrome Yellow; 2 do. do. Green; 2 do. Paris do; 10 bbls. Venetian Redi 1 bbl. Copal v arnish ; do Fine Coach do. : 1 dd. Japan : 1 doz. Reams Sand Paper; i doi. do Emery Paper. t For sale by f - Dr. A. O. BRADLEY OAINTS.-10,000 JL Venitian Red; Coach Bodv July 1. Varnish, SA1 V Sept. 18. for theOtablishment copy. 104 script ion price lor this weekly will bw two per tui- Ibs. Prime White Lead ; 5000 lbs. 40 lbs. Spanish Brown: 25 bbls Fire Proof paint; 500 lbs. Verdigris; 1000 lbs. Chrome Green; 500 do. Paris Green; 5 do. Japan and 0 do. for sale cheap, by . 1 C. k D. Del RE, ATIN VESTS. A new lot of those superior Satin estsjust opened at SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. TXnNDO W GLASS. Wisnow and Picture Glass.-U " t ' v A crood assortment of Window and Picture Glass constantly on hand, and for sale in quantities to suit pur chasers. Merchants from ever' - section are invited io call and examine for themselves before buying. Orders by letter promptly filled. EDWARD P. DICKIE, 1 144 unamoer si. i.i i., near nuason, u. it. xepoit. Feb. 25, 1854. ' . S3-ly: I JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA.! Case Sulph. Quinine, 50. ozs. Calomel 10 ozs: Sulph. and Acetate MorphiheV 25 l)zs7 Cinchonia, 5 ozs. Salarine, 25 ozai. Blue Mass, 10 ozs. Chlonoform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice: collection of Chemicals from the Laboratories of Poms & Weightman, and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap V. V. & D. DcPKE S , Drug arid Chemical Store, Market st. at r June 11th. : Ii:nio Pianos Pianos. A TTENTION of purchasers 13 respectfully called to a new and gigantic invention in Pianofortes now ful ly perfected,! and .before the public, known aa IIall' ' Celksxial .Triple-siringed Piako. . The peculiarity of the Celestial FiAno consists in its capacity, for ocraf vo platfinc wjth the jingle finger, an attainment hither .Vto unknown to the Pianoforte. r .-": "" ' I The most ; ordinary1- performer is enabled by the aid of this improvement to produce effects in octavo playing i that -would confbun a Talberg or a Listz. ;0ne" ?o( Its chief .excellences is ita capacity to be used as an ordin ary Piano of the, sweetest quality ot tone, and is instanti ly changed by , the usej of a common pedal to a combjna-l tion so fhrilUng and majestic, as to captivate and charm the heart. ; These instruments are superior in power to two ordinary , 7 octavo Piano3, while foe sweetness, puri ty, - breadth, and richness of tone, they challenge ; the; competition of theorld.Jucfef , . v-w ; ; j This is the united testimony f Professors and Ama teurs who have tested the Celestial Piano. ' Ordinary Pians of all sizes, new and second hand for sale at re duced prices.' - r- - : . K- . ELY,& MUNGER, 321 Broadway, New York, , ' . Manufacturers and Dealers, wholesale and retail. " Oct 11 " . ; "r'''"X:' "Z. 186-3m num.. The brief synopsis of debates will til' but u tnial! part of the contents of this weekly" 'sheet.' It will 'contain, every important iti-ru of foreign and domestic news which can be gleamed .from -the daily prints during t& week, together with that yvhich may be brought by telegraph at the mo ment of going to press.' It will contain, besides, the inter esting misceuany which is given in the Daily Globe, and the Washington gossip of the letter-vriter3, extracted from the different newspapers which employ them, whenever they shall be esteemed of such import as to interest the rea ders of the Globe, and bear such probability on their face as to warrant their insertion." . As this weekly paper will be sent to all the "subscribers for the Congressional Globe and Appendix, it will certainly have a more general circulation than any other newspaper in the United States, ami will, therefore, invite advertise ments from every section of the Union, especially the whole sale merchants in the great-cities, which will give it addi tional interest with business men everywhere. ' . The Daily Globe Will be printed on a double-royal sheet, twice a day during the sessions of Congress at cleveu o'clock, a. m., and live o'clock, p. m., during the recesses at five dollars a year for either the morning or evening edi tion. The evening edition is the one most suitable for sub 'scribers who live out of this city, as it will contain, besides the full proceedings of Congress of the day before publish ed in the morning edition, a full synopsis of those of the day, together wifn the news by telegraph ; and from other sources, up to the hour that it is put to press. It will con tain, also, all laws and joint resolutions passed by Congress. The Congressional Globe 'and' Appendix will also be prin ted on a double royal sheet, ia book form, royal quarto size, each number containing sixteen pages. The Congressional Globe will be made up of the proceedings of Congress, and the running debates as taken dowu by the reporters. The Appendix wrill contain message's of the President of the U nited States, the reports of the heads of the executive de partments, such speeches as have been withheld by mem bers of Congress for revision, and all the laws and joint res olutions passed during the - session. A complete index will be made soon after Congress adjourns, art! sent to all sub scribers for the. work. Should any numbers fail to reach Jsubscribcrs, they will be sent to them without charge, when ever they advise me what numbers they have not received. Subscribers should be careful to file all the numbers receiv ed, as the complete work will be found to be very valuable ta them, and the expense of furnishing missing numbers very expensive to me.-' . - "foe debates of Congress ar now as fully and as faithful ly reported in the Congressional Globe as those of any other legislative body are in this or any other country, and yet they are sold to .subscribers for vat-sixth of what any other debates are sold for in this country, and onf-eUrfnth of what the debates of the British Parliament are sold for in England, where paper, reporting, type, and type-setting arc each and all, much cheaper than in this country. The liberal sub scription by Congress enables me to self the debates so low. And Congress, for the purpose of enabling the people to ob tain them at as low a rate aa they can be afforueu, ( passed the follow ing joint resolution, authorizing them to go free by mail: ,.. ' ' ' ' - .. - Joint resolution providing for the distribution tf the laws of Congress and the debates thereon." - With a view to the cheap circulation of the laws of Con gress and the debates contributing to the true interpreta tion thereof, and to make free the communication between the representative and constituent bodies: t Be "it rciiolved by the Senate and Jaue Jliprcevjitatl cf the Ijiited Stetc of America in tbngrcss assembled. That from aud a Aer the present session of Congress, the Con gressional Globe and Appendix, which contain the laws and the debates thereon, shall pass "-Tree through the mails so long as the same shall be published by order of Cong ress: Provided t That nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the circulation of tho Daily Globe free of postage. ; - Approved August 6," 1853.' :' ? '.- ., - ' Tuesday's Congressional Globe will be published everv Tuesday, and contain all that is promised above. It' will be commenced on a double royal aheet, but if that shall be found not large enough to coutain all the matter, then the sheet will be enlarged. 5 DAILY EXPECTEDf-12 more of those superior Gim pun Lace-triminedj Cloth Cloaks of the "Empress" pattern assorted colorsl Also 2 doz. more of those graceful fitting Phihbcrtiis decidediv the prettiest cloak t l' of the season. IIEDRICK & RYAN. IN Store and for sale Government Java ; Sept. 2S : J 10 bags Rio Coffee; 5 do. Old 50 bbls. Mess Pork, bv PETTEWAY, & PRlfCHKTT. Dr. A. O. BRADLEY W I DRUGGIST k. CHEMIST. Successor to. B. fc J. A .J Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drugs, Mcdi of the city free of charge. To Country Iflercliaiits. E have now on sale, all new, 1000 pcsJ American and English Calicoes, 100 do. Foreign and domes tic Ginghams; 400 do. Bleached Cottons, assorted quah ties; 200 do. .Marlboro Mnpes ana riaids; jo bales brown Shirtings ; 5 do Cotton Oznaburgs; Bod Ticks; Apron Checks; Kentucky Jeans; Merino Cassimcrcs; Satinetts, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Kerseys, Blank ets, &c. soo pes. uasnmcrcs and Muslin ic L.anes. as sorted qualities ; 50 pes. black, figured, and plaid Alpac cas. it is unnecessarv to say that our winter stock is entirely new, as it is a notorious fact that we never car ry our old stock- consequently, the above goods, can be offered at a reduction of twenty -hve to thirty per cent, less than last Falls prices. Goods delivered to any paat Orderw attended to with dispatch. terms. . ' . ' .Marble Yard on Water street, near the Bai4Ro:il. WJ G. MI 1.1.1(1 AN. Mav 1st, lol. - 47-tf Marion, H. C. Star, Goldsboro' Telegraph, aiuf "VVeeklv ilnungton Journal copy for one year. FEVER AND AGI E. DR. EDWARD BLEECKER'S STAMPEDE MIXTURE, FOR the ievcr and Ague, Xhagres Fever, Dyspepsia and all Billious Affection." j i - " The Proprietor of this Medicine will state, without hesi tation or fear of contradiction, that the Stampede, ITllxtlirk has cured more persons! where it has been introduced, than any other medicine in use forthtj above diseases. This medicine has neither Arsenic nor Quiuino in its composition, all of the ingredients are of a perfectly healthy character and highly stimulating and invigora ting in their tendency.' Persons while using this uvedidne will not be affected-by exposnrc to. water or a damp at mosphere no more than in their usual health. Planters in sections of the country where the I Ague prevails, will do well to adopt this medicine, as the patient jis not obliged to lay by while under treatment, and they Tnay be assured of a speedy cure. Th Proprietor coul intro duce thousands of certificates from those of the jiighcst respectability, but prefers saying to th? sick buy one bot tle and you will have the- infallible proof in yourself. Full directions for its use accompany each bottle. Certificates can be seen at the office, showing where this Medicine has cured when all others have failed. For Dyspepsia and all other Billious Complaint; , there is not a better Medicine in the market. It has also been taken with the most astonishing tuc ccss in several cases of Rheumatism and Gout ; for these complaints take a table-spoonful t trice a day. , Oue Bottle of this Medicine very often has the desired effect. Price 1 per bottle. . I r i For sale by Druggists in all parts of the United! State and Canadas. j I All wholesale orders must be addressed to MEAD k BLEECKER, sole Proprietors, l8 Broadway, New-York. Agents. P: F. Pcscud, Raleigh, N, C. ; Simons, Rul! & Co., Charleston, 5. U. August 28, 1854. ! 143-dly:ivly. FALL SUPPLIES OF FRESH GROCERIES ton & Townshend are receiving jfrom the N( t Res- cw York Marine, Mills, and . Smoked Tongues; cines, Chemicals, Paints,; Oils,- Glass; Patent Medicines; Perfumery, Cigars, Old Brandies and Wines, &c, &c, at low prices. North West Corner Front and Market st's. Wilmington, N. C, March 20, 1854. 11 -tf. cpt. 28 th. IIEDRICK RYAN. GOTTON YARN Dec. 14. -Alwavs on hand, by JOS. J. LIPP1TT. and Baltimore Packets. Aramirto. Powell, a new supply of everything,! Dried Beef; Fulton Market Beef; Milk and Soda .Crack ers; Pilot and Ship Bread ; Boston flutter and I Water Cracker5, in tin cases; Pino Apple and Yankee Chccc : Brown, Clarified, aud Crushed Sugair, mid Golden Syr up ; Tobacco of all grades ; Lamp ami Sperm Oil ; iScot ch Ale, and a new lot "East India AlK;" Sperm and Ada- 50,Oi hi and vfitiouH othei REAMS of Letter, Account, Cap, and Com- T"P. liav now in trtro a fino nciortmcnt. of 'French i AA VV EnirUsh. and American naner hanrin-rs. borders! 'i WVJl'mcrcial note papers now in store and for sale at ,iMrnf;m, zrn i m,-f;ne mtooa chortna inc. less than N ew York prices. Give us a trial and be con 1 U j i S 1. 1 . UVl .4 3. ICO. I JU. V4 J &Js V V 4 illVV UUUUVi.t t- H . i - sels, &e., for sale, and hung in the latest style. maulinc Candles ; 1 0 kegs of superior Butter : Cigars; Java, Jiagtnra'and Rio ( nffw articles to arrive. Sept. 15. :ept. WILKINSON & -ESLER, Upholsterers and Paper Hangers, (b. & J. copy.) j 174 vinced Sept. 28. A DIGEST J. T. IL'NDS, North-side Market st. uuiio i i JU.- uu p s. uiuc : aim nue, lg45 (Deccmbcr ) to the year 1853, (August,) inclusive; prices. i i) BUS. Whiskev, 10 do. Bum. ; wt7 do. Domestic Brandy, 10 hhds. N. 0. ft 1 i gar, 20 bags KioCoflee, and 5 do. Java do. ; ed and for sale low, bv i Sept. 9th.l ; PETTEWAY ot reported cases, determined m the i . WTn. r, 7T : T TT7 1 r Sum-erne Court of North Carolina, from the vcar SiVluV-J "uuo. .v large supply aauy expected . . w - - l .1 If,,.,,!,.,,.., .rill it , i r x iu cijurn .-5 iii iiiiii ii, iu un.i Jones's Digest. In do. Rose Gin, 2o R. Su- Just land- ' I '- A.PRITCHETT. r IIEDRICK "& RYAN. a call before buying elsewhere. advantage to OA A PCS. Prime, Aj No. 1 Bacon, haras, sides and f)U J shoulders, for sale bv j -. H'pt. 11. J. T. MUNDS. Next to C. k D. July 15th. QUINCE & COWAN. beginning with Sixth Iredell's Law, and ending witlr i Busbee's Report, (August,) 1853 ; and beginning with j 1 ourth Iredell's Equity, and ending with Busbec s Equity Report, (August,M8orf. . l ogetner witii an index to the j 1NKX CAMBRIC HDKFS. A tJcw supply oflfiO do names of cases. Two volumes in one, Law and Lquit'. i I j . rt i a 1 tirriTTi j-n a f nwtvc - i M-d & ii. w jm m m m.tt .i.jAai i m a m m mm m . -m f L - -1 " J - - - ve n Rook Store, Dupro's, Drug fcton 1- CASE Sardines, 1 doj. do..- boxes, 4 bbls. Cider Vin egar, 7 doz. boxes Lemon Syrup, j 11 mats Cinnamon, 1 bbl. Lanquidoc Almonds, 1 do. Jordan do., 17 drums Figs, just in store and for sale by , July 18th. j QUINCE k COWAN. Prepared by Hamilton C. Jones, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Just published. Received and for salcbv S. W. WHITAKER. Oct. G 182 j A NOTIIER supply of Strawberry Tooth-Wash, persons i wanting thi elegant detergent can now be -supplied. pR. BRADLEY npiIERMOMETERS. Various styles and 1. opened and for sale at S. W. prices, just WHITAKER'S. r; FERIAL of CAR AW AN, for the miirder of Lassiter A I JL few more copies of ;this interesting book, received j aud for sale by (Sept. 25.) j J. T. MUNDS. ! HARPER'S MAGAZINE FOR OCTOBERRecciv-. cd and for sale bv i j J. T. MUNDS. "Oct. 2. ! ' 178 : ! 1 J : TWENTY YEARS' LNjTHE PHILLIPINE ISLANDS. Translated from tb French of l'aut P.. De La Gnoni erre, Chevalier of the order of .the' Legion of Honor. Re vised and extended by the1 author, expressly for this edition. For sale st y " ! J. T. MUNDS' Bookstore. Oct IS ! U'2 Oct. 9. "VfEWSPAPER ULES. A large assortment of vari ll ous stvles and prices, just opened, and for sale at Oct. 9. ' , W. WHITAKER'S. Drugjgist. 1 E AL BANDANNA SILK 1 1 Imported cxprcsslv for those who HANDKERCHIEFS. believe in the We have a few pieces at y" Oct 10185 SCOTT A BAED WIN'S, j Sold bv Sept. FORM BOOK. A new and practical Form book, containing forms of all those legal Instru ments important to be known by the people of North Carolina, compiled and . arranged" frorii the best author!: tics, bv Calvin H. Wilev, Esq. Received and for ale bv Sept. 25.- J. T. MCND'S. genuine TTNCLE SAM'S FARM FENCE. By A. D. KJ This is OLANKETS AND FLANNELS. French Bath, Eng- JLJ hsh V hitney, an dAmcncaa Baylbtate Bed Blanke all sizes. Welsh, Bullard Vale, and Shaker Flannels. Also 3 pieces Electric Flannel. - Milne. a new and verv interesting J emperaHce Work. Received and for sale by J. T. MUNDS. Oct II ' ' l8o BACHELORS, FAMILIES, HOTELS, STEAM ( boats, Ac, can be furnished with mattrasses bed, j pillows, bolsters, sheets, pillow-case?, Wankets, comfort-; j ppread, towel-s. table-cloths, &c, by calling en ' ! WILKINSON k ESLEll. ' ' Upholsterers ami Paper Hangerji. ftept. tii. (U. & J. copv.) 174 Oct 21191 UEDRICK k RYAN. T?0R PROFESSIONAL MEN, &c We have liuriia x ture Account Books, made with the same' regard to neattics and durability aa our large booka. I Oct 31 : : - ivVS. -WV WHITAKERr; Z Z, i ,?M , - Distil lers' O X . BBLS; for sale a good article. Oct 31 Glne. le.. ,. A. GWYER - 201-tf NOTT & GLIDDON'S BOOK Mankind' Received this -Six copies 'Types of morning, and tor saie at Nov 4 WHITAKER'S. 1 T RS. PUTNAM'S Receipt Book, and Young House A.TJ keepers Assistant, new - and enlarged edition. ; For Bile at 1 (Oct 31) T. MUNDi JJoolsstore. J 00 FRENCH CORSETS rUy express fliis morning, 3 doz. . more super French Corsets. Also 2 doz. new style, lace before Corsets. Solfl at New York prices. Oct 21194 - k - IIEDRICK & RYAN, ti j "VlF' have on hand an assortment of Paper Hangings, i I v T Borders. Decorations. Fire-Screen?, Window I Shades, etc., for ale and put up by - ; 1 ; WILKINSON & ESLER, t at i t ii wj i'r'kj a i iii i r-T firnvift . i mi, i,x,uiiir5 cut, made, and put;? nown, ny S'pt t'i WILKINSON k ESLER.- Paper Hangers and Uphohderei. (C. k J. copy.) 174 Julv l5th. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. NOTICE.; Application will be made to the next Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina for an Act to pro mote direct Importations! - The object is to remove the State Tax upon cargoes of Foreign Importations sold at THE --SUN" is down and I have received, fresh and Drime. 50 bbls. Bavettevillc Suoer. Flour. For cash at - GEO. n. KELLY'S. June 8, 1854. 4. auction in the town of Wilmington. Oct 12. J. ! ' I ' -tf. T LEACH and Brown jShirtings, to! be found at JL Sept SO. ; i - - ! c n AT.Trvc VELVET RIBBONS-A good assortment, to be found v ., at . . toepu ou.i. -- , ?. u. Ai.iifi.i A '; TERMS. For one copy of the Daily Globe, one vear When taken for a less time, the price will be 50 ets. a month. For the Congressional Globe and Appendix during the com-1 ing session - ? -'-- - - - - $3 00 1 Where hank notes under sn nrohiHIrjut Kr Iirr- j - . . ' V T VI Wll- I DRESSING GOWNS. A few beautiful Dressing I 3 Gowns, manufactured for us. Call and see them at Oct. 5. SCOTT t BALDWIN'S. OUSINESS COATS. A full supply our own mak J new style, at t SCOl'T k BALDWIN'S - Oct. 5. -' -"" ': - -:. XZ3?i-'':'-: not be readily obtained, I will send two copies for j T JFE IN ABY'SSINNIA Being notes collected during four for 10; and soonat that rate .' ' i JLi three years residence and travels in that country bv : Subscrip'Uoss.Tor4dss than'sixinonths will not be received.' L"':A?o-; -1 -.-. c , .z i f . - t J- i- -uUADb. Subscripti . Orders tor the Congressional Globe and Appendix; ot for Tuesday's Congressional Globe, should be here bv the-7th of December to secure all the numbers. The Daily Globe is now: iff the conrse of publication, and will be sent from the day a subscription tor it reaches here. ' ' v , An order for any of the papers must : be accompanied by the money for it, else the paper will not be sent.' Bank notes current w'herc a subscriber resides will be received at par. " The Daily Globe, which will contain aU 1 the proceeaings of Congress, will be sent to the papers that copy this. pros pectus as cfteft as three times ibtfere tho meeting of Congress 1FT Y" YEARS IN BOTH HEMISPHERES, or Remi a . niscenccs of the : Life of a Former Mercliant. By Vincent Xolto. Third supply. Received and for sale by "Oct '11 j;j-ir; Zl: ". ' i'" ; i ' .Z;J.rT. MUNDS, VT0TICE is hereby given that application i will be made iV tdctKeTnesf Session of tha Oeneral Assembly of thb State, for an "Act to Incorporate "The Wilmington Cham ber of Commerce."" 5 13 GEGv DAVIS. SecV TEN different kinds Of MattrasBes on hand, and "made to order by WILKINSON & ESLER, July 15th. Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. ' To the Ladies! Great Reduction on Summer Dress Goods. CJ " D. ALLEN will dispose of the balance of his Sum- mer Dress Goods at greatlr reduced prices, consist- C T J I Tti; T - i ' m... : iug ot 1 riuvcu ouu xuuu iMrcgcs, rnnieu ana riaxn o a conets, Printed and Plain Muslins, Collars. Under Sleeves. Embroidered Linen Cambric Hdkfs., plain and figd Swiss MusKns," plain and fig'd Jaconets. Also, Mourning Mus lins and Lawns, and many other kind of goods will be sold at low prices. Please call ; before purchasing else where, at - S. D. ALLEJTS. . June 3d, 1854. -Jtt r 76-tf. Oct 6th 182-30t I 11 E BRAZILIAN REMEDY for Diarrhoea and DyS- jl emery, uunareas can testuy to its -virtues. .; Prepared and sold only by C. At D. DcPRE. ... ' N, B.. No secret preparation. - ' - .. . June 15th. :."' -r.;V; ' .... : - ;-V 1 : : -'' SUPERIOR POTASIL Tut up in tin cans containing five pounds each, with directions for making "either Haki or Soit Soap. One can with proper management, produce ten gallons of good Soap. . ; - Liberal discount made to country dealers. ' . t DR. JL: O BRADLEYV May loth. ; . - r . Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Zf BBLS. MESS PORK, for sale bv . 0J Oct. 17. - M00RE, STANLY k CO. 13 OGERS CUTLERY. The subscriber is now open- aw ing a nne assortment oi iuGECsr selkctei Ksiyks Scissors, kc. ; and lias made an arrangement by j which ne wm De regularly supplied with goods, gotten up especially lor nw retail saJeis. a nose who wish the best in this line will always find them at j J- M: ROBINSON'S. Wilmington, N. C May 17. Town papersf copy. T EECIIES. 10OO Swedish Leeches by Adam's k Co'-, Express For sale at C. ,4) I). DtPREfS Drtig'Sjore. KERSEY AND BLANKETS.-5 cafes KerscjiLW prising all tHjp leading kinds for . plantation use. ; with 4 cases Shaker Kerseys, a new j style and th!e bcrt , article of negn cloth, made ; lo negro Blankets, as 8orte4 qualities from 50 cents to I,Jk j The above goods were lought atKAP, and will lie sold at a slight advance, HEPRICK A RYAN. ' SepL 28. . - v Ys - ; ' 1 1 I- '- FANCY GOODa We have not fjeen into ail the stores, so , cannot say whether r not we have the largest and handsomest stock in town, bu would beg ' our friends to call and look at the goods we Lave ju.-t opened; we think they are very beautiful, and in variety ' and quantity quite equal to the-demands of the market. They consist ia part of Writing Desks Pajnr Machc, Rosewood, Mahogany Work Boxes, do . "r ' i . Reticles from 50 cts. to $10. I ' Ladies Companions of various styles and pricea. . Jewel case. Needle cases, kc ... -.- Fancy Card Baskets; Sewing Birds. Dressing cases some very beautiful, and very ' inanv other things to be found at the Book Store, on the North side of Market street. Sept. 22. J. T. MUNDS. BLACK English Crape, for sale by Sept. SO. iS. D.ALLEN. Ii Ii

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