ROM TIIE JIETIIODlST. BOOK CONCERN,-The 1 LEASONS PICTORIAL and TI1E 'FLAG OF OUR It UNION, for Saturday, December 2nd. Receded and for sale at (Nor 28) 8. W. WHITAKER'S. City Clothing Store. SCOTT k BALDWIN, bare moved to "their Sew Es tablishmentv onto door abore their former location. They hare purchased ft new assortment of Cloths, Cas simeres and Yestinmi. - .- . . Not. 27, 1854. :" ' , .. J, For If ew York. ; THE Schr. HARRIET HALLOCK, Capi Pow. will hare despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to. Nov. 27. " J. IL FLANKER. faiuaoie jrta.uxai.ioii ior sate. r IH V. PlnnfaUnn M tho lata Pl Tvh Vl T-. en Topsail Sound, will be sold at Exchange Coi Y ner, in the Town of Wilmington, on Ifonday lOh ot December, if not previously disposed of at private sale ; also several tracts of Pine land adjoining. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash, balance in four equal annual instalments. with interest from date, payable annually. The purchaser having the privilege of paying all the purchase money whenever desired. : Apply to Alfred Martin Esq., or to Wm. Beddle on the plantation. THE EXECUTORS. Nov. 27, 1854. 226-lw rl1HE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY, by Rev. JV G. i Wood, M.D. With 450 original designs. There never was a more interesting work published for the children than this. For sale at I Nov. 27 J. T. MUNDS. UNDER GARMENTS.- It is true that at SCOTT k BALDWIN'S, the largest assortment of Mero. Shirts, Silk Shirts, Shaker Shirts, and every other kind of under Under Shirt, may be found. Also, Drawers complete assortment. (Nov 21 221 NATURE IN DISEASE Illustrated in various dis courses and essays, to which is added miscellaneous writings, chiefly on Medical subjects, by Jacob Bigelow, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica in Hartford Univer sity, late President of the Massachusetts Medical Society, Ac. kc. " Just published. Received and for sale at f Nov 22" S. W. WHITAKER'S. Pilot Boat " W. W. Shackelford." On Wednesday, the 20th day of December next, in front of the Market Hall in this place, we will sell at 12 o'clock M. the abovesuperior Southern built Pilot Boat, pnly one and a half year old built of the best materials, and is now in the best of order, and has few equal as a sailer. Terms made known at sale. N. B. All bills against said Boat must be rendered liitu w uj via j sjk Dutrj, case; iuct nut ic ucuaucu Fay uuuv SESSIONS k CO. Georgetown S. C. Nov. 28 1854. 227-3t Variety Store ! Call and See.. rTiHE subscriber Las received, and is constantly re- ceiving large additions to his stock of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES, to which he asks the attention of the public. Making his purchases in person at the North, for cash, he is ena bled to sell the best goods at cheap prices, i Call, and you will be suited. -There aro Pickles for the Ladies. . " . AppleS, (OXE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST LOTS EYES KROCGirr here.) Oranges, Nuts of all kinds, fpr the Gentlemen. j. Toy, (the largest and most splendid assortment ever offered in this market, Christmas is coming) for the children. j Candies, (the greatest and most expensive variety) for everybody. A fine lot of Lemons. T t . ,., i. 1, 1 T !i 1 in Hiiurt iu iu aruciea iluuvi au y uacu max ruii, vuu- fectionary, and variety store! and. to be sold at very rea sonable prices. TTT TT T" TT1 Y iiarKet etrcct, uuaer we neraia umce, Nearly opposite tho Carolina Hotel. Mrs. DeNeale would be happv to have the Ladies call, and examine the goods, before purchasing elsewhere, as she is confident of bebng able to please. 1 INOV 2 , zuo-ii TlfULLET ! MULLET ! ! bbls. prime Mullet, jus XA recBived and tor sale, by i Nov 21 J. & J. L. HATHAWAY k CO. t PHE AMERICAN COTTAGE BUILDER. A series X of designs, lana, and specifications, from $200 i to $20,000, for homes for the people, by John Bullock. For sale at (Nov 9) J. T. MUNDS Bookstore. F. C. SINGLETARY, C10MMISSI0N AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ) Wilmington. N. C. rarticuiar attention -given to tne sale oi timber, Lumber, Naval Stoeks, and all kinds of country produce. Nov. 15, 1854. , 216-tfj SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE. Being essays on the cultivation of Corn, Hemp, Wheat, Tobacco, Cotton, &c, and the best method of renovating the soil, by Adam Beatty. For sale at Nov9 J. T. MUNDS' Bookstore. TPOT A T DTTTfTl T. V-V OA OA kn.Aa Cv. aiuti i xuu pel iicn , via. uwio.- ir uijl.ko iju- da Biscuit ; 10 bbls. do ; 6 boxes sugar do ; 4 bbls. do ; 16 boxes milk do ; 10 bbls. do ; 10 boxes butter do; 6 bbls. do ; 1 bbl. wine do ; 1 bbl Dyspepsia do ; 3 bbls. 3arge No. 1 Mackerel; 350 lbs. Codfish; 121 chest Teas (favorite brands ;) i cask Malaga Wine ; do. Malmsley 4o ; i bbl. Superior Scotch Whiskey ; cask old Pile Choice Martel Brandy ; 1 doz. John Bu 1 Sauce ; 2 diz. Worcestershire do ; 2 doz. Harvey's do ; 2 doz. Soho do; 12J boxes Raisins; 1 box Schnapps ; 2 cases of Preserved Ginger ; 1 do Chew Chow ; 4 doz. 1 lb cans Lobster ; J 1 doz. 1 lb cans Salmon ; 5 boxes Adamantine Candles 6's; 1 K 1a fi'fl 1 9 TVtima Vltra 1 RK hnnrhv4 Onionfi ; fi hbla. Irish Potatoes ; 5 boxes Hull's mould Candles ; 10 do; ID oags Liaguyra uonee ; 6 ao. cape ao. Nov 14 QUINCE & COWAN. Dr. A O. BRADLEY, Wholesale Sc Retail Druggist, CORNER FKOXT & MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. m r rtTTr T - 11 iu .i. .rii. f Y zens of Wilmington, and vicinity, Physicians and Planters, to his extensive and carefully selected stock of Fresh Dnjgs, Chemicals, and Medicines. PHTSICIANS SuDnlied with the ourest French. English, and Ame- lican Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Supporters, Lancets, Cupping In struments, Medical Bags, &c. &c. ' PLANTERS With Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Garden Seeds, Medicine Chests, &c. The attention ef the Ladies is respectfnlly solicited to his assortment of Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods and Perfumeries. Country Merchants supplied with - all articles in the Drug line, 'usually kept by them, at as low prices as the same quality of goods can be pur chased North. Nov 16-2l7j GOATS, PANTS and VESTS, are made in best sty and to Jit, at (Nov 21) SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. BUSINESS COATS. A business coat liandsomely made, and to fitr is a most desirable garment, .At SCOTT k BALDWIN'S, you can leave your measures, and select from a new assortment of Coatings just opened -direct importation. (Nov 21) . 221 ATANKEE MOTIONS for Dec. Received and for sale at t Nov. 21 S. W. WniTAKER'S. aLE ASON'S Pictorial, and the Flag of Our Union, for Saturday, Nov. 1th, received and for sale at" Oct SO I S. W. WHITAKER'S. THE HODERN HOUSE-WIFE, OR MENAGERE; comprising 1,000 receipts for the economic and ju dicious preparation of every meal of the day, with those of. the nursery and sick room. Illustrated with engia- vlngs, bjrAlexis Isaycr. "i or sale at V- - Oct CI ' J: ' J. T. MUNDSV Bookstoic. ESTERN SHOULDERS. A prime bright article, forsBlcby M. McINNJSJ X1 Ilome Altar, by, iter. umj. r. ueems ; s. s. jllyinn ; 8. 8. Spelling and llea&ng Books; Longking's Notes ; Longking Questions i 8. 8. Class Books ; Catechiims ; In fant Teacher' Manual: Scripture Question Books; Ac Be. ceived this morning. For sale at 8, W. WHITAKERiS. J AUCTION SALES. JIY SI. CRONLY, Auctioneer. Peremptory Sale of a Valnnble House and Lot. Tuesday, 12th December next, at 10 o'clock, A. H., I will sell at Exchange Comer, without reserve, that valuable HOUSE and LOT situated on the corner of Fourth and Ann Streets, veil bnvnu th lit ri. dence of Edward CantweQ, Esq. , Terms and description atsale. K ; " s M. CRONLY, AnctV. Nov. 18, 1854. , 219-ta. For Sale. ; ON SATURDAY, the Sth of Decemher next, the follow ing property, conveyed by W. C. Howau, to the Sub scribers, by Deed of Assignment, will be sold at Exchange Corner, in the town of Wilmington, viz: Twelve negroes, among whom are valuable house servants, a superior car penter, and an exnerienced hawtit. Also, aeren Kha.rt of Wilmington k Manchester Rail Road Stock, two shares of wasnington aAew Orleans Telegraph Stock, and a Pew in the middle aisle of St. James' Church, No. 54. The foregoing property will be sold at three and six months the purchasers giving notes negotiable at Bank, bearing interest from date, with approved security. JOHN DAWSON, . J. O. WRIGHT, fAss,Snees Nov 22, 1854. 222-U VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. I WILL sell at public auction, on Tuesday, 5th Dec. next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., that valuable tract of land, of about 7 acres, known as "Point Peter," situated in the Town of Wilmington, on the Point, between the two branches of the Cape Fear River, at their junction. There is upon the property a Steam Saw Mill, ready for use, capable of sawing 15,000 feet of lumber per day, with all necessary out-buUdings for laborers, work-shops, office, and sheds; the location being the most desirable one in the vicinity of the town. It has a large River Front of 1500 feet, improved with wharves ready for use, and any required depth of water, extensive Timber Pens, and embracing every facility and convenience. The place is also well adapted to the construction of Marine Railway, Ship Yard, or Coal Depot... Further description is deemed Unnecessary, as parties wishing to purchase, will of course examine the premises. Terms made known at sale. M. CRONLY, Auct. In the meantime private bids will be received if desir- ars furnished, by DeROSSET & BROWN, Agts. New York Journal of Commerce, Boston Daily Adver tiser, Albany Evening Journal, Baltimore Sun, copy three -weeks ; Raleigh Standard, Fayetteville Observer, till day ot sale, and send bills to this office. Oct. 31 I 104-ts W. P. MOORE. JNO. A. STANLY. J. MOORE,1 STANLY & CO. w. JON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON.-NVO. J. HATHAWAY. J. ii HATHAWAY. WM. K. UTLEY. J. & J. L. HATHAWAY & CO., ,C 0 M M I S S I 0 N MERCHANTS, WI MINGTON. Nov 1, 1854. 204-Um E. MCRRAY, R. H. GRANT. L. PEACOCK. MURRAY, GRANT & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale and shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, kc. Nov 1 204-1 y v JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CONSIGNMENTS FOR SALE OR SHIPMENT. . Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments to me or to my New York f riends. , Wilmington, Nov. 2d. 205 WILLIS M. SHERWOOD & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, TWO DOORS NORTH OF THE CUSTOM HOUSE, WILM NGTON, N. C. Nov 2 105 MALCOM McINNIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FIRST DOOR NORTH MARKET DOCK, WATER ST. WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov 9 209 EXTENSION OF THE EXPRESS. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY take pleasure in informing their patrons and the public, that they have extended their line over the South Side Rail Road, and are daily forwarding goods and valuables kc. to Stations along the line of that road and the interior of Virginia. , Oct 25, 1854: 198-tf For Rent. CORNER Store, under the Seamen's Home. Apply KJ to CHAS. D. ELLIS. 206 Nov 4 Notice. APPLICATION willj be made to the next General Assembly, for the passage of an Act to incorporate the Wilmington Steam Tug Company. Nov 2 i 205-aot For Charleston, Columbia, and Camden, S. C. DRAFTS, BILLS, &c, on the above points, are trans mitted daily in charge of Special Messengers, by the Adams Express to Nov 4-tf JNO. L. CANTWELL. Aet F OR SALE. A Still, capable of distilling 20 Barrels. by JUSiirii K. BLOSSOM TEFINED SUGARS."! J ust received. IX Nov 9 MOORE, STANLY k CO. YALE COLLEGE SCRAPES. 3rd supply. For sale by (Nov 10) j J. T. MUNDS, A LICE SEYM0UR.A Home tale, by Mrs. Grev. For sale by (Nov. 10) J. T. MUNDS. FLAVORING EXTRACTS Pure and Fresh Spices, kc Extract Lemon!, do. Nutmegs, do. Cinnamon, do. Vanilla, Vanilla Beans, Ground Ginger, do. Pepper, do. Spice, do. Cinnamon, Rosewater, Orange Flower do., Oil Lemon, Gelatin e, Shred Isinglass, Pure Ground Mustard, English and American, Yeast Powders, kc. ' gg? The quality of the above articles can be depend- ed on. Sold at Dr. BRADLEY iS Drug Store. Nov 11 T UTTER! BUTTER!! 25 firkins of that choice -U Chenango Butter. Nov 9 W, M. SHERWOOD & CO. 211 HEESE ! CHEESE ! 1250 boxes N. Y. State Dairv. V7 just received and for sale by Nov 9 W. M. SHERWOOD k CO. npHE Rival Beauties, or Love and Diplomacy. A Se- quel to the Royal Favorite. For sale by. Nov. 10 J. T. MUNDS. ARCHIBALD WERNER, or the Brothers Revenge. A Romantic tale, by Charles Spindler. For sale by Nov. 10 - I J. T. MUNDS. EW BOOKS The oyal Favorite, or the Mysteries of the Court of Charles the Second, by author of the First False Step, &c Ac. For sale by Nov. 10 J. T. MUNDS. "ITEAL AND HAY. 100 bags fresh ground Corn ITJL Meal, 800 bales N. R. Hav. For sale by Nor 18 PETTEWAY k PRITCHETT. SCHRS. HARRIET HALLOCK and HELLENE are bringing us,, and momently expected 100 boxes Chenango Cheese ; 141 bbls.-Apples ; 25 bbls Pink Eye Potatoes 5 bbls. superior Buck Wheat Flour. ; P. S. These articles will be sold cheap on arrival. Orders from the country filled. 1 . - -Nov is : TjmWOOD k CO. T ARD 5 bbK N. C. ' For sale by - -JU Not 21 WILLIS M. SHERWOOD & CO. 1 OfSce TVitaxinston & Unl tlb Rail Road Co. v WiLMi5GT03rN. CL ilaroh th, 1854. : O N and after Saturday next, the morning Passenger Train will leave at 6 o'clock. , JOHN NTJTT,-, 3-t Agent Transportation. Office Wilmington & Raleigh R. It. Co., WiiiscTOjr, May 5th, 1S54. -PARTICULAH NOTICE. - HEREAFTER Tickets to pass over the Koad of this Company will, in no case, be sold to a- NEGRO. Owners must apply in person and purchase for them, hand the Ticket to the Conductor, and point out to him the negro for whom it was bought By order, S. D. WALLACE, Agent May 6th, 1854. j... : . 52-tf.- . v Wil. k Max. Rail Roab Otticb. NOTICE I ' - HEREAFTER no through ticket to Charleston, Au gusta, or Columbia, will be sold on this Road by "Dat Passexgxr Tkaih," as the connection with that train has been stopped on S. C. Fail Road. J. P. ROBERTSON, Act Sup. Sept 29. r m-tf notice is lierebf given THAT the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Raleigh Rail Road Company, desire to engage the services of an experienced Engineer and Superintendent Application will be made to the President, on or before the 7 th December next Also, that an election of all the Officers, Agents, and other persons employed by the Company, who are usually engaged by the year, will be made on Thursday, the 7th day of December next. Ap plications to be handed to the undersigned. By order JAMES S. GREEN, Sec'y. Nov 11 113-t7d New School. THE Subscriber will open a SCHOOL for Boys in Wilmington, on the 1st Monday, in ctober, next Sept 9. ji J. P. SMITH. Refers to I Hon. David L. Swain, Chapel Hill, N. C Doct W. W. Hakriss, Robt. H. Cowan, Esq.. . T. D. Walker, " Eli W. Hall, Sept 9. v Wilmington, N. C. 159-3md. WJIminton Male and Female Sen inary. THE SECOND ANNUAL SESSION of this SCHOOL will commence on Moxday, the! 2d day of October, in Society Hall, near the Episcopal Church, on Market-st BOARD OF INSTRUCTION: G. W. JEWETT, Principal. Mrs. M. A. JEWETT, Preceptress and Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Misses M. L. STETSON, and J. M. WHIPPLE, As sistants. ! The rates ot Tuition range trom .40 to fi'i per year, according to the studies pursued. The course of instruction is designed to embrace all the branches usually taught in the higher Seminaries of the country. Students will be thoroughly fitted for College. A Primary Department will be formed for pupils of the earliest age. For further particulars inquire of the principal, or see his School Card, which may be obtained at Whitaker's or Munds' Bosk store, or of S. Jewett,! at the Commercial Bank. Sept. 30. 177-tf. Fancy Goods. English Tooth Brushes,! French and American Tooth Brushes, English Hair S u English " " " Amer. " " " 50 Doz. 50 " 25 25 25 3 5 12 3 200 12 12 1 25 50 100 100 200 it Flesh Brushes, ' ! " Hat " ; Naii " i: " Comb " ii" Fancy Seaps, . Lubin's Toilet Powder, 1 " Extracts, Shell Dressing Combs j; Port Monnaies, " Shaving Cream, " Soaps, Toilet Powder, Chalk Balls. it For sale wholesale and retail by W. H. LIPPITT, Oct. 25. Druskist and Chemist. EXPRESS CARD. THE Public are respectfully informed that The Adams Express Company have established Offices in Colum bia and Camden, South Carolina, dnd are prepared to forward every description of packages to the interior of North or South Carolina, via those offices. Oct. 25, 1854. 1 198-tf. t anners' & Jlerclian Bank. APPLICATION will be made to the General Assem bly of this State, at its next Session, to charter the "Farmers' and Merchants' Bank," to! be located in the Town of Wilmington, N: C. ii Nov 1 . . ! 204-30t Corn! Corn ? 1.500 BUSH. Prime White Baltimore Corn, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by Oct 31 104-tf Wm. A. GWYER. rpn.E; AjutinJ-AiN 4iALV KJiiCidiiMiiii and complete J- assistant for Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers. Just published. Received and for sale at Oct 24197 S. W. j WHITAKER'S. VARNISH ! VARNISH I 1 cask Furniture Varnish ; 1 cask best Coach do. ; I 1 " Japan " 1 " Demar " f 1 " Copal " For sale at wholesale and re tail by W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist and Chemist Oct 24 ii 1 97 Hay and Brick. 100 BaleS Prime Easte HAV,iT,000 Hard Brick, -Lvw landing, from Brig Berondi,! and for sale from wharf, in lots to suit by j;T. C. WORTH. Nov. 8. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. 213 bbls. Bright and Good, 30 do. for familv use, Exra; for sale by Nov 23. I M. McINNIS. s PIRITS TURPENTINE.-! 20 bbls. in prime ship- ping order. For sale bv Nov 23 M. McINNIS 'Exchange.' $8,000 sale SIGHT exchange ion New York. For bv f - J. H. PLANNER. Nov 21 PRESERVATION of Health and Preventive of Dis ease, including pjactical suggestions on diet, men tal development, exercise, ventilation, bathing, use of medicine, management of the sick ect, by B. M. Cum- mings. Keceived a supply ot tnis valuable work by ex- pres and for sale by Nov 22 J. T. MUNDS. n A A SPIRIT CASKS, daily expected per Schr., and for sale from wharf, by Nov 23 T. C. WORTH. RANAWAY A negro by the name of JOHN, lef my service, on the morning of the 22d inst He is about 50 years of age, good size and form, hair and beard slightly tinged with grey. He! will, endeavor to get off by some vessel, or make his way to Portsmouth, Va. . I wiU give $10 reward for him. i Nov 23 W. A. GWYER. Office of the Transportation Department of ) the Wilmington & Manchester H. R. Co. . . r . ," . -WiunxGTOX, N. CL, Nov. 16th, 1S54. ON and after December lst 1854,! no freight will be shipped or delivered nntil the freight b paid. shipped freight is paid. Not 16-2w ROBT. ORR, Trans. AgW FOE RENT & SALE. For Sale or Hcut, HPHE Large and Commodious House and Lot, -a. , next ortn or Ihc rresbyterian Church. Ap ply to - A. O. BRADLEY, or is bis absence to S. JEWETT. rScpt i 157-tf. - - . For Xlcnt. MIE subscriber offers for Rent from the 1st Oc-rA . tober next" those new and convenient office .r;- f. just finished, opposite the Court House. They are three in number, and well adapted for Lawyer's offices. - Apply to R. II. GRANT. Aug. 24. 145-t. , Of f ices for Rent ! FOUR New Offices being fittted up in the second sto ry of building corner Princess and Water streets, will be ready for occupation by or before 1st October next Apply to DxROSSET & BROWN. July 8th. Journal Copy. 122-tf Store lor Kent. 1st January next, the Store we now occupv will be for rent Apply to SCOTT k BALDWIN. Sept 27, 1854. 174-tf For Sale. MTHE Dwelling House, and Lot with all improve ments thereon, property of D. K. McRae, adjoin ing the residence of Jas. S. Green, Esq., corner of Sixth and Orange streets. The buildings are new and in fine order. Persons wishing to purchase can examine the premises and apply to DrKOSSKT k HHOW N. July 28, 1854. 122-tf. THE Men of the Time, or Sketches of Living Notables, a new supplv received to da?, and for sale by Oct 27 " J. T. MUNDS. ROBKRT BRUCE, the Hero King. Press, and for sale at Just from the T. MUNDS'. rpHE SINGERS COMPANION- Containing a choice X selection of popular Songs, Duetto, Glees, Catches, &c, with music arranged, for the voice, Flute, loun, and riano. Just published, received and tor sale by Oct 26. J. T. MUNDS. THE SEA TALES; umes. Price $5. Oct. 26. by Fennimore For sale bv Cooper, in 5 vol J. T. MUNDS. Shelve; and Counters. r?0R SALE, two sets of Shelves with Drawers com- plete, and two Counters, all nearly new. S. M. Apply to Oct 2. WEST. 178-tf. ViJINDOW GLASS! WINDOW GLASS! ! 3,000 V V boxes French and American Window Glass from 7x) to 24x36. Oct 4180 For sale by C. & D. DcPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. ' pWO CHARMING NEW BOOKS for Children: "Our JL Talks at Home," and "Talks and Tales," by II. Trus ta, author of "The Sunny Side," "Peep at No,. 5," "The Tale," &c. Just published. For sale at Oct. 10. - S. W. WHITAKER'S. INDESTRUCTIBLE BOOKS, for Children beautiful publications, printed on linen. A scries of Just issued. For sale at Oct. ll.J S. . WHITAKER'S. 6' TIL VOL. BANCROFT'S U. S. The 6th vol. Ban croft's Historv IT. S. Just published. Received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Oct 24 ll7 C1UEAP HORSE & COW FEED. We have in store I a superior article of Corn and Cobs, at 62c per bu. Oct 9184 PETTEWAY k PRITCIIF.TT. TO THE BEMEVTJLET. : y HE Ladies' Benevolent Society's Clothing Store is again open, and thy are ready to receive orders at their Depository on Front street, under the Seamen's Home, for garments of all descriptions, which shall be filled promptly and well. Farmers and'Contractors will find it to their interest to encourage this institution, ir doing which they will at the same time be dispensing char ity in the most effectual and least offensive manner. "Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 2. 178-2mo, 50 DOZEN assorted Tooth Brushes ; 4 dozen assor ted Nail Brushes; 10 doz. Shaving do.; 10 doz. Hair Brushes ; 5 doz. assorted Port Monnaies ; 1 dozen do. Ladies; 1 doz. fine Gents' Dressing Cases ; 8 dozen Combs, Dressing Combr, Shells, Buffalo, Ivory, Horn, &c; 2 dozen extra Hair Brushes, Children?; 4 doz. Ma nilla Clothes do. ; 1 doz. Gent's travelling Companions ; 4 doz. Ladies Pocket Cuttlery, &c. kc. The above arti cles selected from recent importations. For the retail trade, will no doubt give satisfaction both as regards style and prices. A. O. BRADLEY, Oct 25. Chemist and Druggist. F OR SALE A Fine CarriaSe. Apply to M. CRONLY. Sept. 6. 156-tf. F OR SALE 2000 Bushels good white Corn, in Btore by (Oct. 26.) MOORE, STANLY k CO. I ORK 100 bbls. City Mess, for sale by vv r w y-v w-v ir - ww . T W 'ww m n y-v UCt 26.) JMUUKfJ, bTAJNL.1 UU. For Sale. 'T'OW-BOAT JOHN TAYLOR. 230 tons. . SSL J- three years old, has two horizontal con-is densing engines, one hundred horse power each, with side-wheels, draws six feet of water, is about 140 feet long, 24 feet beam, 8 feet hold ; built in Medford, of ex tra heavy oak timber, and is a powerful tow-boat. Terms of payment will be made quite easy. One of the present owners would reserve his interest, or not as may be de sirable to the purchaser. For further particulars and terms, apply by letter, or in person, to ABEL H. COF FIN, No. 223 Commercial street, Boston. Nov 6 20S-d3w CM UNNY BAGGING: A heavy article in store, and X for sale by (Nov -9) M. McINNIS. s PIRITS CASKS. 250 new and large size to arrive, M. McINNIS. and for sale by (Nov 9) SPIRIT CASKS. 350 second hand spirit casks, land iner from Schr. EMILY, and for sale low. bv Nov 9 T. C. WORTH. THE NEWSBOY A beautiful 12 mo. volume "The History of a veritable type of this class." Just pub lished. Received and for sale at Nov 4 S. W. WniTAKER'S. THE ROAD TO RUIN, or the Dangers of the Town, by Edwin F. Roberts. For sale by - Nov 10 J. T. MUNDS. PORK AND BACON 50 bbls. City Mess Pork; 5 hhds. Western Shoulders ; 3,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. For sale bv PETTEWAY k PRITCHETT. T HE CHENANGO VALLEY being exempt from the JL. severe urougut ot toe last season, tne butter and cheese made there, is superior in sweetness and quantity to any in market We offer from there direct 200 boxe3 Cheese Chenango Cheese ; 35 firkins Chenango Butter, just received per Schr. Oswahd. Nov 18 WILLIS M. SHERWOOD & CO. Disolation. . rpHE concern of MARSH k ELLIOTT, is this day dis - JL solved, bv mutual consent. W. IT. MARSTT J Nov 21, 1854. W.P.ELLIOTT. THE undersigned will continue the agency of Lutter loh and CoTs. Steam Boat Line. W. P. ELLIOTT; Nov 21 221 B Y EXPRESS. History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption, of the Constitution of the United States, with notices of its principal Framers,- by George Tickiner Curtis. Receflred and for sale by . : , " Nov 22 - - . . JV T. MUNDS. BUCK GLOVES. Large lot, juts received, some ex tra lined Also Gauntlets, Cloth and Buck, at Nov 16 - T SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. THRESH AND PRIME per Schr. Al j. DeRossett, from a. new xors. -oxs. nne Lfteesef ie Kegs extra Goshen Butter : 5 bbk White Leaf Lard ; bbls: W B. Lamp Oil ; 25 bbls, R. L; k A. Stuart's C. Yellow Fnars. Low for cash, at (Nov 9) GEO. H. KELLERS- ' ' ' ' notice. " . TM. Lt S. TOV.'NSHEND haTiji purchased tie ia- v tercn of J. R. Rfsrox, In the Firm cf Rcslon &. the tide of WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. There will bo no winding up of accounts, but simply a change in the firm. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extra ded to the old, a continuance of the same is most re spectful! - solicited to the new establishment " J. R. RESTON, Oct 26. WM. L. 8. TOWNSHEND. - 'A Cnrt. R. RlTON will still be found at the stand of W. L. S. Townshend. mhere he solicits the natron rp J. heretofore extended to the firm of R. & T. Oct 26. , - J. K. R. IVotice. " - , ' - I- S. TOWNSHEND has just receivc4 and of- fcrs for sale, the most splendid lot of Prcservei ever importetl : consisting of Peaches, Green Gages, Prunes, Uaspberry, Black- berry, Straw berrv. Pine Ap ples, and Limes. Also, the above Fassu Fruits hermet ically sealed. Fine Apples and Peaches In Brandt, En ghsh and American Sauces and Catsup and Extracts Fla voring waters. Colgate, ExccWor and fancy Soap ; a lot of rUr Soap, a new article; Arrow Root, HeckerV Farona, Corn SUrch, Pot Ash, Saleratus, Brandies, Wines, Whiskey, Apple Brandy, and fancy Liquors, Champagne and Longworth's sparkling Catawba, Sperm OUV' Sperm Candles, Linseed Oil ; an assortment of house keeping articles, Buckets, Pails, Baskets, kc tST A new article called 4011 Tom Gin, much ahead of Schnapps or any Gjn ever imported. To tiie Public. - V ;- T nPHE undersigned propose re-Dubishinsr from the Lon- JL don Edition, 1744, LAWSON'S HISTORY OF uii x ii .ikUii.., -eoniaming ine exact uesciipuon and natural history of that country, together with tho present state thereof, and a journal of a thousand miles travelled through several nations of Indians, giving a par ticular account of their manners, customs, 4c., by Joitx La wso.v, Gent., Surveyor General of North Carolina." The above is a rare work (there being but two copies known to the undersigned in the Slate) and should be !h the hands of every North Carolinian. Tho author in a quaint, and most graphic style, narrates the manners and customs of the inhabitants a the period of which he treats interspersing his narrative with many curious and amusing habits of Indian life, and portraying in lively colors withal the great natural advantages of the then infant province of North Carolina. ? ' .i '-V-., The above work will be sold at $1 per copy. Those wishing to subscribe for it will please'senr in their names as early as possible, as but a limited number of, copies will be published. Address O. II. PERRY & CO. Raleigh, Nov. 11, 1854 219 rpHE PRIDE OF LIFE; A NOVEL, bv Lady Scott, A author of "The Henpecked Husband."" This work is superior to the former Novel by this Lady, which had so extensive a sale in this country. For sublimity of sentiment, chastness of tone, lively wit, deep pathos, and extensive knowledge of the secret springs of the human heart, The Pride of Life has no superior in the entire range of modem book -publishing. Thoce who have read "ine lienpecked Husband will need no further incentive to induce them to purchase "The Pride of Life.." For saloat (Nov 16V S. W. WHITAKER'S ZERMAS'S ANTI-SCOKBLTIC TOOTHWAf II. TO TIIE LADII. N' OTHING adds more to beautv than cleam whitn teeth and gums of healthy color. The most beau tiful face and vermillion lips become repulsive, if the Ut ter, whfn they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. All who wish clean, whitcteetb. healthv gums, and a sweet breath, should, give Zkhman'b Tooth Wash a trial, lor sale by C. k D. DcPRE, Agent. Sept. ao. , . jg - 50 BAGS Laguyra Colfce, just at hand and for sale low bv MuOKE. STANLY Jt CCi. Oct. 17th. Strayed. ON Saturday night last, a small red and white spotted Cow, marked with 2 flits in the riffht car. and a crop slit in the left ear. A liberal reward will be nald bv returning her to the subscriber. Oct 16 th 190 W. C. HOWARD. A ?EW XjL. Journ: PICTORIAL The Illustrated' American nal, Vol. 1, No. 1, received and for sale at Oct. 9 S. W. WHITAKER'S Notice. rI"HE Subscribers as successors of John Dawson k Co., Jl. have, on the Pith inst, entered into partnership for the purpose of carrying on the Dry Goods and Hard ware business, in the Town of Wilmington, under tho firm of A. Maclean k Co. They will conduct the busi ness at the store occupied by the late firm, and solicit for themselves the patronage of the public. ANDREW MACLEAN, July 17th 11 2-tf.J . JAMES I. McCALLUM. Copartnership Notice. MR- Wm. R. UTLEY, having been admitted as a nicinber of pur firm, the General Commission busi ness fiom this date, will be continued under the name and style of J. k J L. Hathaway k Co. ' J. nATH AWAY k SON Nov. 1 st., 1 854. 203-tf Turpentine Mill for Sale. . w ILL run about 15 bbls.. and will be told chean. Oct 31 104-tf WM. a). iGW YER. 'X'HE VIRGINIA HOUSE-WIFE, OR METHODICAL- COOK,-by Mrs. Marv Randolph. Received and for sale at (Oct. 31) J. T. MUNDS' Bookstsre. Fall Importations. CRATES Fartbcnware, assorted, for wholesale trade; 50 crates Granite, and other stvlea of 100 ware, for hotels and housekeepers ; 25 casks French China dinner and tea sets, and Fancy Ware some very rich and handsome sets. To Merchants I offer the same inducements that are offered in New York, or any other place North of this, in, time, price, kc. To Families, greater inducements than are offered anywhere. ALEX. McRAE, Jr., Importer, Front st Oct 21 Jour, copy lm. ,194 QTONE BALLAST. WANTED two thousand tons cf O STONE BALLAST. Apply to the undersigned or John MacRae, Jr., at the office of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company;- L. J. FLEMING, 1 Oct 17. 191. Genl Sup't W. k M. R. R. WHITE LEAD and Spanish Brown. 100 kegs Pure, extra and No. 1, White, Lead; 25 j bbls. Spanish Brown ; to close consignment Oct. 27. 200-tf: MOORE, STANLY k CO. OUR Honeymoon, and other Comicalities from Punch. Just received, the 4th supply of humorous works, and for sale at (Oct 27) J. T. MUNDS Stocks for Sale SHARES Commercial Bank Stock, for sale ; 20 do,- Ox) wn. and R. R. R: Co. AddIv at this office. Oct 24 " ' - 197 Notice. . -:;; v,':-'t riTlHE undersigned have this day formed a copartner U ship, under the name and -style of KEITH 'k PLANNER, for the transaction of a General Commission ! Business. Office corner W ater and Chesnut streets. E-JL KEITH, . Wx. B, FLANNER. Oct 23195 M ARY HO WITTS BALLADS k POEMS A very pretty edition, ju3t published. For sale at 1 Nov 13 S. W. WHITAKER'S. HARPER'S MAGAZINE for November. Receive and for sale at (Oct 31) S. W. WHITAKER'S F)R NOVEMBER, We have, received " Putnam's Monthly ; Graham's Magazine GodeyV Lady's Book ; Household Words ; Yankee Notions, kc In a day or two we snail nave iiarper s Magazine.; i,nambcrs j Four Reviews, Ac. (Oct 28) S. W. WHITAiaill. - ; - F f "QRN and; OATS. 400 bushels White Corn.: 150 ? 1 ) Maryland Oats for ?alo by ' Nov. 2, J. R. BLOSSOM. i Edinburg Journal ; Frank LcjJic s Gazette of. Fashion ; i Hunt's Merchants Magazine ; The Schoolfullow j Peter t son' Maerazine : 1 The National do": Blackwood dn ' Tho