; -r--. -4 - - ; t. t i ' - v :- - . . - , -1- - ...... . - v V. .. ' .! - 3. J."irtv, w 1 sTm HV n Itt Jr-t Mifor and proprietor SIX DOLLARS YEAR, I HA D V A T.' Cli V()L: H.'--iKO. 2G5; . ; JiQ ,0AY, jreENINGv JANUARY 14, 1856. 1 i - 0 T Pi r 1 i. - . ' " V! 1 V . IlATrS OF . ADVEUTISIKO. 05C SQCABt. 50' 75 2 iltfjir 3 ilir.v 4 (I ata 00- f;' iv; 1 '2 i r r 473i!,i 25 50. 75. DO I - STi l week-,.-. :. "I'-sSTi- 2-Weekf. tit . j; " 2 00 1 month,v .vr : " wee . -f ,00 .10 00 ; 16 00 1 rnoivJi. f S 50 , 2 months,-. . . .V'O'tJ'-'S month, i. . Ob 6 nionth, . 1 " yearW'. w .SO 00 4. 7earr .15 00 and fire line orless a , , rt n ixsTft-yit. Jorsrthialu jinltrnd .4Ti.JV.-trti.' - 1 iTT.'-j. pa. teller '.rr.j! . - . 1 .4 Ho'j iltSSlON ASD FOUWARDINP : MERCIIAMr ah tit fwnhe Ce4ar FaUiAfonulacturw Co., ; t?rIJial AdftCes made bv.-cOignraehts; : 11 VNBOKtvELE? & BROTHER, 5 Stores.' fair '.fnsKPiL'J. -JLiPi-rn-.- OM MISSION . MERpH ANT, Wlmintoiv. C. 52-tf: rilMISSIONiEROnANT ind .f-f " . " r- ' 2 fvG-tf. ;iEaALWEo1d IN Hi E RG It Ai Wilmington, N..G. f . . riartieu!aVatention given to tlvc sale .ndpurchpe Cut Naval Stares, - C.Tan 1st: 1853. JOSEPH II- EtATER, -: .Vater Str.ee.V.Wilmington, N. C. - ; : r . f r , r My lothl ' .f .,v, .-'r V; RNER iuCOMMtSStO F0RTARDl NG ' MER- T Ci I ANT an I DISTILLERS AGENT. 1 - " I W -r-Pro:pt pe.ial aUentbn ven oftsignments 'March ,! Art 1?' i' i .!' ' --s - "ZT-iiitftw rfl DeRosset, New Tl ork, I ;-prtxrsset Rrawa, Wilmington N. C., iAvirtf Commission meuchts; - 45-tf. . u 0iibet.lttu. "TV ( jAVIS & HUNTING, ; ' i 'iMBSlON &; FORWARDING ; MERCHANTS ol0T0R,:kn 1 FORWARDING AGENT,fWiUr gyro db ::!ttein-Toi353r;:f';;:-ai'r.- ..... , " - M 't'r II -WATER ST.,WII,MIKGTON, V-jS, c. v. ..-r-' 209 -tf . fsa Mis srox-iKj O il A NTS, '' ' ' ': 4 -WILMINGTON, N..C. ; . . .. . OTTrtrtfctf Xr HITF.MIST. WlLMlSaTON, !N 0 X lfIigipurolejl.thor)ig3tabU3hme V j v i Er an?; will keep always on liand at Whole ri Atiil a iarce and very "select stock of Drugs, dicines, Chemicals, Faints, Oils, fflasss i, Surgical Instru Vte'.Patent Meiidnes, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, 1 mil rtara' Vtth dispatch.- . . t i t, . .....cu ll-tf. VJ , .. ..4....: , t,v 'tK.,':i.rf oF TiMBsa. g-i'irLiiuUr attention - Riveiv -tor- taasati NVau SroSs -and nil kinds .outry produce. 15, 11 iLLtvji ir; T.1PPITTV? r''itf'if tVR.lItGl3T" Wliolesale aad Retail, Deal - , 1 OS E pit, a. BLOSSOM, .rt'ifiiA'.vi.t.5 f J. MnArrnAWAY.; i X & J. 1, HATirAWAY & CO., Commission m e rc n a n t - i Nov. lll,f A: ni Joa& Magmas cD AUcRak-;' J.! W. K. Dix .-.f : jj. D. 3IacUAE& CO., r . t GEEkArz-OOMMISSION MERClUNTS,-; Jan. 185S. JOSEPH L.'-KCEIV, - "Ho&f rACTOR'AND" BUILt)ER;' .respectfully infonns V'ihe pubSc, that he is prepared to; take Coatraa ia his line brb'usiaess. He keeps constantly oa bandOuie, . -CeTnaat, Poster-Plastering Ilair, Philadelphia Press V -TBrl&i -Fire iBrickl v; -r Vj vtdffei H . Bi .VM Distillers or.Tureoanae Jthat ..w prepared putup,Stiilat thoshoEtest notice; ,:r? A.;. "-';. 1 S .AS, PF.TTEWAT GIO. PRIXCHSTT. PETTEWX & PlllTCETT, V ri ENERAL COMMISSION ; A X D J?X)RVARD1NG - VT MEtlCHANTSN6cthWuter-3trjet,- Wilmington, . Vf.T-f.li Carolina. . . " . '. . r ' AVTd give 9 Vti culan atjb9toaHq th t, sale oi Na : , Vai. Storks, Cotton - v v" - f. . :" ; -. ; i - . , t2, 1I-it t -v.r oil u.,p..-nrit-Wines.- Pevfumcryi and Fancy ; sorted qualities from " aL x tR ':Mmer Front and Marked streets; YVjl- hTU above? goods :-!- -'-w O ' -- :-- '.- .v. i ' -' ; '--ifti a slight advance? u .NFfUi 0OM3ri33lON,ANU FORW AuniiNU ullSulph. Quinine, 50. " : ' - .-rr ;H'Ti vrV-iV - : : : ! Acetate Morphine. 25 o; , . ,ti- .-A-f-r.5it vu)vv; - f. 0s; jjiue Mass, 10 ozs. "tfo'Ii . iitHAV ATFETKix-my us ,ww,ivVo a.ehoiceicollection of r . i-'ivisii;-- -f 'Jpoi'.vtite;Oie;nrrai.ST;-f l of Poms Weigbtman, .,! . : fihlr.il -xtr' Advances maUri ConiigAmt&mer ati;i s.ir,,f : v; I; . r - o .:y-iiffc frww 4-- - - ; ;JuaeTlth. r! Druj; vv: i: in ill. i . i i , ;. Itankin & Iartia, I nOMilTSSION' ITEnCIIiNTS. AND f ! -GEN'ERAL AGENTS, . 1-tf . 1 .HOrA!iD. It A L ;PKO J)U;C EJ.JJ HORP.R, - W 1 1 H I X GT.O X, X. c. 167-tf. COTTO (GENERAL 0HMISSI0X MEIIC HANTS, : ; , I'iiiLAnFLpnu. - Oct. 2S ''ii , ' t 201 -tf ! jfJEOIlCE HARRIS, -ENEHAL COMMISSION MEKCIIANT. G t-fbr Powell regular If nc of iNew fork ar line of Phi!a&phy Packiet3. ' -rid HeronVreifutar .TrTv 2fth. 22-.ly. Watson ; rsAST x me.u:i;, jJ i. KhuNTiin. -..nrAT!SaXi-. HIE A. RES &IUOU.VTREI-;, itHM.. H I S S I O N , H E 1 1 gi JI i AJN t S, i rottt .Street, Jcw. YorkJ-. - T"tf5p.Q3iWitt9aUoii paid to te aitd;Soutliern ; Prodaco general sal of Niival Stor Mar I, 1835 iv.v ; - " . . . : . - j ... .. .... .;i .. ,.t , . . - -. - .. ... . -- - fSCCCKsson to'tiiomaS At'M no?dK cot A ) ENERAL .OMJTiSSrpN MERpIIANlfc?, Nj) . 22Novth . , vnarves ana 63 .North Water St., rhlladdlfthla. j XioeraI advances made oa Lonstgwefi -24-tf. (illOCRU AND COMMISSION MFJiQ 1 1 ANT, FIlt.T. UOOi N'OUTfl .HrAHKET iDOCK WATiHt ST. f wrr.'.nxoTON, k. c ' j -. t - . t. . Nov; 209 I..' IT. r.AKF.i: C. DuPilE & bO., E5lvR XL ' A GENTS ' COMMISSIOIN FOR, C. '0-1 v JT WARDING MfiRCIlAN'fS, Ayn.aijrarpx, N. Wiiiv ist, i.:- - . i -i;. miihav.1 . i.. tkacqck. .,; :' C. H. fiOIilXX. : '"'I " CO.,!;. '-., rbMMTSSTON & FORWARDING MERCflANTS, . WILMINGTON, N. C "iV ill - 2,ive prompt and persona! atte htiou to the sale ! and sldpment of Cottohaval- S?'tcres, itc, L , . March 22, 1855. , 1323-ly . j I AND j . - J VILLIS jl.'SHEUU'Oop fc CO.. WHOLESALE (iROCflCRS, COMMISSION 1OHWA!IDINj; MERCnANTS, TVVO TV.OlS NOUTIl! OF "TUEi CUSTOM rot :se. SouthVFroiit street' Wilmin -Ii LI. I H UUlIj i tJJJTL. i ' ' ' ' ""r: ;-. Z- C-&:-I. -lluPllE, TTHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers Jn D:.ugs, Medi- :t T-"cincs, Chemicals,. Paints, Oil, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Perfumeryt Cigars, Old j Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c, Market street';. Wilmington, Nj C. r " j ' ' - C": Prescriptions carefully co ripouiided by experi-cncel''p'erson3..;-! . ? - f)eS. if, 1S58; , 1VT( jYlCTTH.iTlie snhsrihor rtsnp.".tfnllv informs -tfo i - puouc. taat he is nowtirausacttnsr the Auction-business 1. ... - jr-. j . " " on his own aceount, an.d hopes byfstnct siaeasy-to in erit a, continuance of taat patronage hereto fore so iioerally bestowed, upon nun. - M. r,:OXLY;' -'-' . jF Stock, Real Ectate and Negroes, bought and sold on a commission of 1 pert cent., either at private or pub lie sale; ... - -..--- . ... j j . i . ; January 8th, 1S5:.- ; 70-tf. f 3ERFUMERY I Just received from New York and i . Philadelphia: 1 gross Lubin's Extracts for the Hankerchief; I-do. Lubixi's Toilette Soaps ; 4 do. Glenny Mush ; Toilette VVatcr ; do. ; Glenny ; Yerbena Toilette Water; 2. do. Yankee Soap ; 4 d4- Camphor Soap ; 4 do. Pomine Soap. A large assortment of Hair Brushes, and aiiumbcf offaricy articles usuallvlkcpt in Drug Stores. r f C. & D. DpPRE, Wholesale Druggists, . Oct, 4180 y --Market streej, Wiljuington, N. C. : OLE AGENCY FOR BOARDM AN & GRAY'S CELE brstedDiilce Carapaiia Attachment PIANO FORTES 3?5 Chesnut street, opposite U.. Mi"4t, Pjulapelphu ;. Branch 1 IT Market street, "Wi .MIXGTON, DEL. t JOHN MARSn. Jan 22 27 2-1 vc ii: HERMANN L. SClIRSfNER liaV rptnrnP.L and 11 1 . --Af . . . ' . 1 -namerai socm-os convenient. , !:, ;.X'.."' : . 4S6 tf. - " ':rrSEYJAND BLANKETS.-5 cases Kerseys, com---AprMagaTl jth'e- leading kinls: for , plantation use; f wkfji 1 eases Shaker Kerseys, a new rtyle and the;bes 50 cents to 1,50. ..- '.. Were bought tiiKAP, and will"be sold ! . ... UKDRICK & RYAN. I UST: REGEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA. 1 Cas cis. Caionjel, 10 ozs. Sulph. and ?st Ciucli onia, 5 'ozs. Salarine. 23 Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts. iChcmicaTs from the Laboratories ahd Chasj Ellia. -J For sale cheap U. & I). DcPRES and Chemical Store, Market st. . i . . , . i . E have now in store a fine assortment of Freach . Enghsh, ami American paper haagiogs, borders decorations, &c. Also, curtains, .cornices, shades, tas sels, &c.f for sale, and bang in the latest stvle. . " . V . - I WILKINSON & ESLER. " . . lUpholstereri and Paper Hangers. Sept:. 27. ' 7 ' (Q. & J, c:opy "' 174 WILMINGTON MARBLE i&r STONE YARD. rfHE subscriber iavingiacceptejd the agency of several ; JL -large establishments at the North, which will furnish him with aa unlimited supplv of j5nished or unfinished, foreign or domestic MARBLE of all qualities; ia prepared to fill ail Orders for HON CMENTS and TOMIJSTONES ; aad every other article in the Had of the business at rea- vsortable rates. Scclptcrixo, Ltteriso er CAavrKO executed as well as caa be done either North or Sonti. . -Th best .ox. .teferer.ee caa be given if required. " - ' r " - r-.4' J . . JAS. McCLARAr.AN . De;31st,!1851,; . . ;' - - '. - 65-tf. fpRUSSES, Braces, Abdominal Support-' ' JL- er?. Shoulder Braces for .Gentlemen and Ladies. "A- large . assprtmcftt for sale by ! W. II. LIPPITT, . June 7. w- Diugrfst and Chemist. HAY. JOS. J. LIPPITT has just received at his Haif Wnrehouset a fresh supply of Hay, good quali - f or sale cheap. . . March 20. - " .. i : ' : I , : EOTASII ! 20.00 Ibsl Potash for makihg Soap. . For ..satebv; i C.&D.DcPRE, . Oct 11 Wholesale' Drusgists, 45 Market rtree,- -. HpLESALE AND IRETAIL; GROCER, kieps con- j - V suiiitl'v oil hand.. Wines. Teas. Liduors: Provisions'- - gton, N. C. i !- ' i. I , . . . , i . , - ,- , i , J.' : -. 5 To the beat Cirotrers, Cotton aad Corn Plan ters or aortJi caroiioa. rpIIE uadersigned will the coming autumn, take lixeas-A- urea to attract a more extensive enquiry into the ?al uc and merits of, his chemical compound, than he has heretofore done, in your State. . They hare been tried to a moderate extent by several planters of North Carolina, and as far &s he has understood, with" decided approval. In other States it has commanded an attention and use," subordinate to neither Peruvian Guano, or any other ma nure. It has been recommended as the best cotton and corn manure known to this age by the distinguished State Chemist of ! Maryland, Dr. Hlggins. It is aot infe rior as a fertilizer of - wheat, and second only to lime, as a permanent and durable improver of theisoU. Lands in MafylaudTthat have been bought at $10 per acre, hare by the use of Guano and Salts, in -less, than four years readily .commanded 0 per acre, with a yearly large and profitable. crop. . . " ; , The undersigned is anxious that the agriculturists ef North Carolina should extend the experiments they have made . of his fertilizers, andif upon trial they prove ineffi cient, he in vite3 them to express their disapproval through the public prints and ; if attended with expense he will defray it, bu if upon the contrary, they should prove .meritorious, advance the public good increase your ag ricultural products and renovate worn out and impover AheJ soil; then will he hope for your patronage, andon y so: fir as experience proves it to be to your interest. - He respectfully asks your consideration and attention to thfollo wing letter, written by dne of the most enter-pi-Lsia and accomplished planters of Maryland anions . r.CSELL.J fa gret in intefligenCe and position .of that band of prac - j tical and intellectual agriculturists 1 of. Hartlandl who by their teaching and example have revolutionised the ap pearance and eh'inged tlw agricultural destiny of that State.; Without .consulting him, I Scan venture to say he will cheerf'illy give any further-information that may be asked, by directing to the Hon. W- W. W. Bowe.'Old Fields, Prince Georges county," Maryland. Col. Bowie "used the Guano and Salts half and half t., i Peruvian Guano-;' "(best) I Chemical Salts ?40 per ton. i ; " : i ' " 35. - " . Chemical Salts, or Renovator, t 25 " . . HENRY NITTT, Esq., - . ; : r " Sole Agent for North Carolina. JOHN KETTLE WELL, Baltimore Md. . August 14 th, 1855. Mr.- John Kkttlewkli.; My Dear Sir: It affords me great pleasure to inform you that the fertiliser prepar ed by you and furnished me last fall, met my most san guine expectations. I tried it sideby side with Peruvian j duauo, on .wheat sown in land that was poor and stiff, and had a north western exposure, Jhad been many year3 in cultivation, mgch nourislied TritH manures and never brought a decent crop until this year, which I effected by -the apphcatiOa ot 300 lbs Peruvian Guano on part, and 20 j lbs of your mixture on the other, part. - The wheat-was sown late last NoVembef and wa3 a fine crop. Where the fertiliser was applied, he wheat was better than "any wnere else ni the heui.- ply best - regards to vour broti.er. j5.Mie ve me vours trpl v, , ; W. W.-W. BOWIE. P. S. Your fertiliser I consider oei my land fully equal to best Peruvian Guaao. Indeed, 00 lbs ha3 yieled jon same sort of land, more wheat than300 lbs of best Peru vian G uano, aftet 200 lips of Mexican applied in the spring ame year. ' " sept 19 v I 477-tf NEW FALL DRY G00JDS.- S. received, Rich,' all wool Plaid D. Allen has just Cashmeres ; Rich De Laines; Woolen Ions and square Slfawl ; Red and white Flannels : Blankets ; Ginchams : Prints; warranted fait colors, for sale by S. D. ALLEN. 'v. -VIissoliitiou of .Copilrtiicrliip. rpIIE PUBLIC, are hereby informed that the copart .jL nership heretofore existing between the undereisrn- fed, under the name of W. M. She'rwood & Co., is this Yy uisuveu uy mutual consent : i t. i j. , All accounts due by M. Sherwood for sct es due them must be attention -to bui'tne lirmi Wl!l oe presented to W, tlement ; and all accounts and no paid immediately, to close the busihess. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD, WM. A GWYER. Willis M. Sherwood will continue! the business as usual, and thankful for the, liberal patronage extended to the irm. hopes a continuance Of it for himself. August 31, 1855. - ! : 461-tf Ir"r A O. 1551 ADLKY, WIilesalc& Retail Iriigs CORNER FRONT & MARKET ST., WILMINGTON. N; i - S, N. c. T71TOULD respectfullv call the attention of the citi- ,? v zens of Wilmington ,and vicinitv. Physicians and planters,' to his extensive nd carefully selected stock oi resh Drugs, Chemicals, a.d Medicines. , - r--:.'.-r-. -.. - PHYSICIANS j . .-'. ' Supplied witli the purest French, English, and Ame rican-Chemicals, " Pharmaceutical Preparations, -Surgical nstrumeats, Trusses, Supporters, sLancets, Cupping In struments, Medical Bags, &c. &c. '.'.-.. -' v W 's PLANTERS With Paints; Oils, Dye Stuffs, Gardea Sec , :ediciae Chests, &c. The atteatioa of the Ladies - espectfally solicited to - hH assortment of Toilet Artic.es, Fancy Goods and Perfumeries. Conntryj Merchants supplied with all articles in, the Drag liae, usually kept by them, at a3 low prices as the saaie qualit J of goods caa be par- chased North. . t . Nov 16-217 INDO W GLASS ! WINDOjW ; GLASS ! ! 3,00f I boxes French" and American Window Glass from 7x9 to '24x38. j For sate by , C. & D. Dul'ttK, Oct 41 80 " .'"-, Wholesale Drngist3j Wilmington. WILSON? has iust.arrived from hew, "York, and we now of f.r for sale boxes ef fine, -sweet ORANGES, fine LEMONS 1 Mountain Srcily I? RU1T, and a large assortment of FECTIOXEUi and FA'U1 ARTICLES.- lersale at the Variety Store, under the Herald Office, Market street. 'June IP v . . . i W.M. 11. !F.jiKAlii:. Scrman's Ahti ScfoSutic TobtUivasli. TO THE LADIES.- "VTOTHING adds more to beauty than cleaa white iv teeth, aad gums of healthy color. The most beau tiful faoe and vermillioa lips- become repulsive, if the lat ter, when they open,-exhibit- the horrible spectacle of neglected teeth. ; All who wish dean, white teeth, heal thy. gum4 and a sweet breath, should give ZERMA?TS TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by . , : . . C. & DrDuPRE, Agents, Sept. so. , ;. '".'; :;" A - A77-tf." ,.: FRENCH QUININE. Another case received by this morning's Express. " For sale bv " ; morning s liXpres3. . AO. BRADLEY, Oct 12 Drug- & Che m. QTRAWBERRY TOOTH WASH. The well kno vn O "antiseptic qualities of thestrawberrr are: ccmbiiad witK other articles loag celebrated for t&eir beneficfa! ef fects on teeth gum3,:&c, giving a pearly whiteness to the teeth, removing spots ct incipient decay, preventing the accumulation of tartar, and giving fragrance to the breath.; Sold by. ; Da. BRADLEY. June 2Sth. -v Journal copy. - QILI A superior lot of Machinery Oil is now; lan ins from schr Mary Staples, and for sale by Sept 19 J. & D. McRAE & CO. :-3Insical. R. HERMANN LSCHREINER, will re-commence . his Music lessoas on the first of October next. Schohvrs will please send in their names a3 soon as possi ble. . Sept 12. iTl-tf. . rprjRPENTlNE STILL'S FOR SALE. 2 Turpentine I . JL Stills, for sale by A.JI. VANBOKKELEN, - - .f arch 20.1, . ... - No. 5, Sooth wharyst. " TORE FRUIT. We are constantly receiving fresh sup It l plies of- Fruit and ConfectionerVi The schr. J. S Omci cr ts Maktlaxd Coxsoudatxd Lottewes, r ? -Balttmom, July 1st, I Au Ticxrra oa CxcnriCArts or Packaues or Tickew, ui mt Lotteries airraoaxxcD bt;TH State of Marvlaxoeeab Tint utbookatheo sigxatcsk or F. X. BItENAN, Gkxesau Agist toe the Coxtractok, asd axt others aiIe rBAtuH. I Owiqv to numerous applications from all parts of the country, the management will jrive their attention to the tilling of orders Tor Tickets or Certificate, in the Maryland Lotteries, i .k- h- -f: .'-.- Pexsins at a distance mav ctufideutiy rtlr mnm haviajr their orders fori Ticket promptly filled, and the trictet confidence observed. " , ' These Lotteries are drawn dailv in public in the city o Baltimore, under the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner, j Heavy lnds are given to the State se curity for the payment of all Prizes. The prices of Whole tickets are from ft to f2. Hair ana (Quarter Tickets in proportion. 1 1 -'; -----, ; 1 here are never leas than 2VV "nze in aby IxjiK-nr, which Prizes vary in amonnt from $1 to f I00,tH accord ing to the price of the Tickets; For instance" T When the price of Ticket is 1 tf. hijrhest Prize is about 15,000 u u .14 " , "5 i- n. - 2fl,noo .. t, , u iq t . k - 4(000 With numerous Prizes of SIO.OO, $5,000, tl,Ot.HJ5iM), o0. Ac. Ac I'ersons can remit us anv amount,' from $1 up wards; that they wih to invest, on receipt of which we for ward its value in Tickets in the Lottery designated by the purchaser, or, if none, be designated, tlicn some Ixttery that will be drawn after the buyer Has pot the ticket in his possession. An Official Scheme f the Lottery will be sent with all tickets jordered, carefully sealed in an onlinan" en velope, and on i the day . the Lottery is drawn, the ofilcial Drawing will be sent, togetherlwith a written erplanaticn of the result of the purchase. The Drawn Numbers are also published in tha dailv papers of the city of Baltimore, and in the Daily National Intelligencer, W&shington, D. C. -, A Circular containing all the: Schemes will be ?ent to any one by addressing the undersigned, v Address orders for tickets to F. XrKRENAN, No. 4 Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. Aur 1 I - , - 'I -435-daw-lv Licatlier'Reltin: or Smids. ' ' subscribers of different ATANUFACTURED by the ItX widths iuadeof the best Northern Belt Leather- stretched piece by piece by improved machinery ce mented and copper riveted, at New York prices. LINES 5c HARRISS, New Market, Randolph. EST Sold in Fayetteville by W. II. LCTTERLOII.i : Those xvho want largelRelts are requested to gif their orders three week3 ia advanc to give time to htv them substantially manufactured to suit the machinery April IS 542 Police. ,-'; rIHIS is to caution all persons that I hereby forbid X .them working on board the brig Marckllps, of Columbia,. Maine, now lying at Railroad wharf In', this town, or turnisnmg any matewai whatever, as I shall not pay any bills oij contracts unless made by myself, or mv agents, J. & D. Wilmington, MdRae k Co JOSEPH CKAND0N. N. C., March oV 1855. . ; 308-tf , ANDUEWS & JESUP. COMMISSION M E R C U A N T S, . Cotton and Woolen JIm-hinerv. Ste .iu Kngi lies and Boilers, Miti-.hiiiii Tin.l, gA:. nnprtr! A iJeaiersin -u;inufacluii MtlirJe, No. i;7 Pine St , New York. N B. Agents Wr the WOODPUFK k Y.K.UIll IRON WORKF' , STEAM ENGINES AND B til LICKS. Exclusive Agency in New York for - ' "LOWELL MACJUNE'SIIOiy' Machinists' Tools. Sept. 29, 1855 . 48C-ly FURNITURE FOR SALE. I will sell at remarkably lo prices, the following articles of Furniture; " Bureaus, with and without glasses, Rocking Chairs, mahogany chairs, Sotas, Tabms, andliEDSTEADi!. aug" 1 5 W. H. DkNEALE. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! TdlE .'"Wilmington Ice House" is now open the pub ' lie may depend on having their wants supplied all seasons of the year, at reasonable rates. '- " ; 1 Orders from the country addressed to "Wihaington Ice House," will be well packed and promptly forwarded.' I A. II. VanBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 11, i 854. 4-tf.. FRENCH CORSETS By express this .morning'Ooz, more super French Corsets. Also 2 doz. new sty la", lace belore Corsets. Sold at New York prices. Oct 21194 ' HKDRICK & llS'AN. flJWENTY-FIYE CENT DkLANES. RecervedlhTs morning; 50 pieces Plaid DeLanes at 25 cts. per widt worth 40 ct-. ;100 pea. Velvet Ribbons, assored ? "HEDRICK A RYAN. RECEIVED BY EXPRESS this mdrning French Black Cloths and Black Cassinicres a full line. In the lot are a few pieces ex ti-a superfine.' t For sale bv nov 27: ; JAMES DAWSON. L INEN SHEETING and Fillow Case Linen, for sale by nov 29 J. S. WILLIAMS, t n , on a nra stm t.i xtru-v - n WUmington & Manchester R, R. Stock; . 10 ' Commercial Dank btock,. wilt be sold ot cash, or oa time for approved paper, by ' 1 4 f March 29 329 W.-C. HOWARD, Broker. RYE AND BRAN. 150 bushels Rye, and SOObusheU Wheat Bran, just received and for 's-ale bv, - ; oct 6-192-3w ; ." ELLIS & MITCHELL. BLANKETS ! BLANKETS 1 1 Our stock of Blankets is very heavy, and wa3 purchased at unusually low prices we are prepared to offer great inducements U purchaser call and examine them they must be iwld . oct 6 j. JAMES DAWSON. Coat! Coal :!-:;---r"-'r,;-;' THE subscriber has made such arrangements, as wiH enable him to furnish Coal, suitable for parlor gratea and coocing ranges, of very best quality aCprices so low as to satisfy all reasonable persons, ne would here state that he has not yet charged any, and does not intend to." Any person desiring Coal will please send their orders to my agent, v imam isiar&e, iuue n iuuiiigwmcuuuu? and they will receive prompt attention, if accompanied .i .i : i- i " - . -rr i vr t nrrtrvr W'.- Wlin me CaSll. ' r- -A. ii. , Ail ij rnijtjr,. Coal at ATlpcr ton ; TERS0NS desiroua of laying in a supply of Coal foi A the winter, can do so. at $7 per ton. delivered. I This is cheaper than it can be imported in small quac4 titles. .tjeave your oraers Tvitntnecasa, at Wilmington Ice House. - t . ; -'.-' - -' '-' - : ag 9442 A. II. VAN BOKKELEN. - FAIR WARNING, IN TIME. I now say to my cus tomers that I am obliged to you for your past fa vors, which I appreciate very much. In coaseijuence of the hard times and my debtors falling to pay me as punc tual aa they ought, I shall have to decline selling goods ai over thirty days time, aad that to punctual customers who intead to pay at .the end of that time except to my town patrons, : who will -have matters as they have been, as they are punctual when called upon, "s This to go iato efifect th 1st Of October, 1855. t Sept 13-472-t! ; ; frGEO. IL KELLEY. RANGES. LEMONS AND COCOANUTS received I this day by schr. MARINE and L. P, SMITH, a large lot of fresh Cocoanuts, Oranges and Lemons, which we will close out at low rates to make room for next arrivals. which will be in a few days, aad trill bv kept up rfurinjr. the season. Jt or aaie n tae. v ariety afore tower tne iteraia umce . ; Those Empire Cabs for children have arrived, and are a Hne arcicie. tjau na ee luem. Jnlyl4 , , " -; ; WM. HI DsNEALE H AMBER'S JOURNAL, forSepUmber.' For sale Aus . S. W. WHITAKERS. . TARUGGIST CHEMIST, Succer to Vtk J A " XJ ErAK9rmolesa!e and Retalt dealer fn DrelTcd '.j cines, Chemicals, raint, Cls, Gl, -Patciedicisirt Perfumery, Ogara, OM BraiidkitodlViive t&W, ; TJJP0.-' orh ws Corner Front and r$tx 9 i WHrnington, S. Q. March 20, ISSii ttpC'r j -j ,.' '; -Pall Stock, p . -;-' . .- -. 1 T TAKE THIS METIldD of firiiliWi I A country patrons and friend, tUt l hate&icrned 1 from New York ith a full. and complete tock of Gro : ' ceries, laid in under my own eye I fchaif take pleasure t in furnishing all who stay given eJJ, i dowtst I cash, prices, aa I amcompelletl. to sell for ch er m. 1. data to. prompt ctimerfc-V-''-. 7 ' ' : ' My stock 4 consists of Kio, - I.agufraJ-JsvaJ and Cape Coffees Crushed, Cofie and Brown Sngaryy Lardct ter,Chccse, Flour.i llice, paps, X.J nd rale t Can dies, AUmantine and Tallow Can4lrHK Cl.ehiical Olive Soap. Cottoii Yrn;J PieklcK liknip pif. U?s of clariScd Cider Vinegar, oda and sngar Cracker?, Procsis, Buckets, Titba, Half Brushes, XcN lle3t.:rc,' ; I 'cur Paib, Lorillard and Dili's Snuffs; Ink, Oua t r t i i Thd Stones and cranks for same-, Sdnr peiin.t'. ! Well Buckets, Sieves, Axe-Helves, BetlCord.s'.riv-n Linet, Roll' Pins Ground , Coffee, Cinnamon, tike, PcrKr Ginger,: Xntmegs, Yeast Powders.1 Axe. PotapU. Iiieh PoUtoea, Onions, Codfithv' Ac. &c.. Call before bttjing, auu save oy paying rasp; at . sept 22-4 80-tr 'Ii a b o r r?TS V a iTl c d 'CONSTANT Employmejit and Good Wagesven to Men to golnto Uie country t.ivorkm.igTadmg R. R. For further particulars cDouire of May 22 WILLIS M. SIlERWOOC CO. rpiIE GHKAT RED DRAGtVNM ther Master Key to -- Topery. By Anthony -Gayin, Cot wcrW owrof'thc." Roman Catholic priests of, Saragossa, Fpairu ' Rcct ivod and for sale at :TOct S) ' ; u VfXiVt AKER'S, f : -Notice to Traveller. tfoliiy ortj PASSENGERS going North by Weldon aVe Irdormed in tnc Xixpres train leaving ciuou!winTMH,omT to Suffolk, distant seventeen, Juiles from Portsmouth. At Suffolk a steamer Will be inrcadlr.1dmry passen gers to Hampton Road Or Old Point,' and ptocfted tbence by the Bay stearaec to Baltimore, tlieieby nyoiditjgall ia- tercourse with Norfolk and Portsmouth. This couife has been adopted not In cotlsequehCe ot any i-eal ager,litit to allay all cicitement, and tb prevcnt vanyinteitptHn: to the regular transnvisfioa of .the. juail kud pajcngcrs. Passengers may be assured that, by tl!is,arrati, ent there will be no detention, and that they will be laken from Weldon to Baltimore irf the usual, or delicti ule t me. WM. COLLI NS rrc?ult c U I : , OiueeS. i:JR.XB, aug 11144 4 MERICAN PHftENOLOGlCA I -JOl UKM. for a. . x. renipniter.- ruri'iiwc ms joj vtit-Ai '-ri Sept 11 'I'll ft- vi . TEST ItECEIVKH UvEvjfl-tt ijvjji .v f J ana UinitMio 1. Hi t.-, i'j f .i.i i, . I, aug SCOTT 1 1. I.D Wi S ; V i v l ..i.bi TUST KECElVili) AT.THi; BAKDWABK si ijliE ?! Preserving Kettles, allVu " V r ' 4 'Cut NaiLt kll sizes anil exlla'quaUtrff - ' Fafcty-Fuse, Sot blasting rocks.7 j ' - H Hay. Straw and Shuck Cutters the best made. " . .! 'X3I, ROBINSON. CO.. - j Wilmington, N. Cv.SepL T.MssSi; 'f ; . - 1. 462-tf Commercial and .TonfnaFclpV.Jff'' --.j Upholstering, i iV a 1 1 i 1 II r a u r HAVING changed bat basintf S'Ouf ' Wlrofattention will be given to tfce abx) cL Paper Hangings', ' Lacd andl)araask '..Curtaini,-4 Coiinictf, ' Shades and Window Faturesf all fcind-i largc ai having very superior-Workmen froh 5 twt.Ydrk, no ai enabled to Paper atfd .fit up" Private ResndcncisBt a C ing Houses, Hotels SteamboaJSy Rail Road, CaV.C't at shortest notice. We also keep on liaud." and make to or der, Shuck, Moss, Patent Felt, and ,0arl?d - Hair Matrasf er,' Feather Beds, Pillows, Spread, Sheets, Tillew .Casep, cut and make Carped and ChurcU CDhjon.'t In fact any thing connected witb Upholstering V 7-4 . ... WILKINSON ESLER. UrnoistKRttis. 'At our old Stand, riext door to Scott Baldwrn'. March 28, 1$54 " i '. '; ' ' -"i-tf. V :' Commercial and Paily 'Journal copyar3 . " I havefnowy and tthaH'COwtaiiflykeep on j hand, die very best materials for thi man ufacture of wagons. All pereons in" want of gbod-agoi may now depend on ectting t hem of thebest duality. - All orders thankfully received for an.Vof Iho above kinds of work. Repairing done as sual. " V v - ' Feb 7 - .. - w. j. Cornwall; -: - .- - - - ' - -'..- ,' "it r. Ag rja ?.V ,--'--' " '-,--.-.s .'.r--' SoUCf.iv ..(;., 1- A ' SUBSCRIPTION of five hundred thourand tlol'ari XV having been made (6 the'Capltal F&cfe-pf thlfr.Wil mington, Charlotte! atid Riitierford IVaifr the . first instalment of fwcand a half dollars per haie having been regularly paid in,' according tq'the provisoes of thc: Charter, notice is hereby" given tbatHbe' Bookft of Sub scription will be closed jOiriWeducada'yLbo' ttlday of September- next, and a general meeting of.,the?toek holders will be held at Vadesboiough, in thecdtinty of Anson, on Wednesday the 3d day of OctoW'cxt. - It is earnestly 'desired that all of the Stock ihaUrfprfe sented either in person or .by proxyl- . , . r -,. 1 " ' . Chairman Genl Cotntnipsioners. .Wilmingtofc; N. C.f Aug. 2ft, lB55, .tWa j.-4?9-tf ; f" Papers which ? have t published former advertise- I)ERSONSareherebywarBedmtto trespass upon thet . premiss kuowrt as "QUICEff IllLL as-ihe will be enforced against all fotenderiK. D.'jCOWAN, . May. S-rtt . t J A .C copy. fy r t J, B -QUINCE. A NEGRO MAN Earned M ACKLINi : has tiet been f L XJL' seen since. :Wedae8day jaornina lastvhhejeft" his . home toT. go to, P. A.nders9n.s' .ofiTce, As be is a man of good cliartfctcr,he .maybe V;:foroThe sea sonable cause, bt wUiont'pennist64i-wn if caught, - must be; treated as a rucaway. Aewajd will be paid for his confinement in any county jail 'orf for re- -turning him to the subscribers. ,"1--V 'v' -'1 - , , Sept 2S-485-tf . V) ..VAN B0KKELEN & BRO. - - 1 Notice.- rpnOSE indebted to metcdividaally. or to P? .DcPRE X & CO-Twill please rail and make payment without delay a3 further ihdulgeiice'eannot bo given; , May 17th; 1855 . i 'r'I . Q PPKE. ELLINGOFF. S. D; ALLEN will dispose of hht io Summer Dress Goods at bargains. VCqxisigtiog of rich figured Barages, Plain do,and a largo lot of figured Mourning Barages, Tissue vLawni end Muslins, all o. which will be sold At cost for cahxi& manj of them for - -less than cost C&H and cenre bargains, r. . ' . ; May 2ft c - , r V 79 THE BRAZILIAN REMEDY for Diarrhoea and Dys-eatery- Hundreds can testify to its virtues". - -Prepared and sold only by 6. 'it D DuPRE. N.B. No secret preparation'r5-l?i?;l'f -"J"'u-:6jfe;;- -': . . : A LL persons indebted to us for goods purchased pre x.yiousto the-1st July, kre resweetfidly jrequested t call and setUc;( July 9) fIJEPRIC-tf-t jHYAN ORANGES. 20,000 sweet Havana just Received -aad for sale as low as afaay honse ia this placo, by . dec is , : - ;. , ; vf. n. drne.ile. . it- -.t t if.' .

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