T. CLUR, Jr., Editor and Proprietor. WILM I GTO.i; XOliTH-CAI!OL.I!f A . VrOL.:IIL.NO;57. OJft SQffARZ, I day,. i dayt, 8 day, darn. 1 uy, 2 .bya,... ........ 50 3' 75 1 00 1 26 1 50 1 95 2 75 4 00 7 00 ' 50 5 days, .. 4' days... ..... 42r Ml 15 5 dajv- ,1 week,.. .... 87 , i we, 2 weeks, ....... V87T 2 weeks,......- 1 month, 2 00 ; 1 month,. . . . , 3 moatha, . -2 CO 2 months, . . . . . . ?i wV 3 months. 10 W - months-.. ... 00 6 months, . ... . , . 16 00 - 1 year, .. io w i i . y Tea Hues are coon ted as square, and five lines or less a -ilf-eittare.'. Longer advert.emenj in proportion, and all .arable in advance. M ! 1 ' ' . ' - - : ci Wjed a a square. ' . rjfo adrertiaenaaat wit t be continued in this paper, yithoaUpeciaiagrdemeat, longer than 2 months, and the iU will be presented for paring t 1n a'.l ca after lb ex- ration of the, 2 m6atas.'. ;;,. ,,, Notices of Religious meet'iazs, iWneroleut Societies, i ObaWies.ViUkehartdhUHthe above rates. The n for such Jtotices will be rea;nirjd in aU cases before the " - willt A.H it -Aiwn - r tOMMlSSION ANIV FORWARDING MERCHANT, V V and Agent for the Cedar FaCa Manufactures Co., Uaual Advances made on consignments. ' grfl 26th, 1854. ' j VasBOKKELEN & BROTHER, I .liaufactttrers of and dealers in aral Stores, s s&orsse and. Wharfage . for Prodace furnished at far atec under insurance, u aesirea. 254 OA'CTOR and FORWiRDING AGENT, will, gire his 51 personal attention io business entrusted to h care. Septemoer iu, iao. ' t r -1 J ' " JOSEPH J. XrflTT, - n COMMISSION MERCHANTjj VTilmington, N . C. y Nor. ScL S2'tf- aw tf fqmv MERCSANT. and Wholesale and Re- tail Grpcer, Brown's Brick Building, Water street, ' '..' - - ' sTr May llthi, 1854; , g0'tf: t ENERAL C0MMI3SI0N MERCHANT, No. 25, North T Water Street, Wilmington, N.C. rfay 10th. : - ; It' ' - ; ' ' l'tf' IJro wo Jb DeRosset, W.York, rTfllossct At tlrown Wilminsjlon, c' i .. n COMMISSION MERCHANTS. f J3lo7rOTTS BKOWX, AEK1KI J. PSR059KT, jr., JU r. BOWK. . October 15th, , ;;. . . t . - - , -;. ; . ; 45"u -. r p; 5IO(ilE. - JNO. A STAJflT.i. v J... Vf.' JONES MOORE, STANLYfA CO. nOMMISS ION ME:RO H ANT b, r. - WILMINGTON, N, C. 'Messrs. I at Whole- au retau, a inrgw j " r , f Z, ir -;o Prfaraerv. and Fancy Articles, w prices. - : . -.: - "it " , 71 .tTTPhysieians Prescriptions put up correctly; and : MCh 20th, 1854. i:j - . " llatL r '-:-"; :-'"F. C. SINGLETAilYV 4 : OM$ItS3ION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, fPartieular atUntion given -to Hhe sale of Timber, ftnS avalStoiim; and all kinds of country produce. :..!or. 15. 1854.-,:-. . . . . - 216 ' WILLIAM u. xiPPrrrl : ,rt.(3'fi iSorrsnTCT 'Whn1ial and Retail. Dealr M lUQftUll .W UVWM . . 1 garsV 014 BrwidWs and Wlaes, Perfumery -and Fancy : March 25, 1854. ! 16' - R JOSEPH B. DLOSSOM, , SPIRAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING rioirt " RSOKAL ATTEmOS OiyEN .TO CONSIGNMENTS . FOR 3 ALB OR 8HIP5CEKT. r.tKrk1 '"xf Aicaneet'ftM'O on Consignment to me or to nyU' fork rt" WiCMtsaToyNoT. 2d. r v if ' zuo mTHWAY. J. L. HATHAWAY. WM. R. UTLET J,- J.:'iV.;'lt ATH AAY'.'& CO., jVOMVTISStON .MEICH ANTS, v.. 'WILMINGTON. V - . si. A' D. SlacRAE & CO., . I , WlLMiyOTOK, N. C. Jan. 1855.- 24-ly. JOSEPli 1tr itEEN,v - t y G 0NTRACT0R ANB BUILDER, -respectfully Informs tha public, that he is prepared ta Uke Contract in Sis lino of bnsinessi v He keep constantly oa hand Lime, Oeraeui.; Plaster, .Plastering Hair, i PhUadelplna Press nrtck. Fire Brick.."-- xvy--A'-7 " X.? Io u8tulers ot rurpeaane, tui n IB i - F pat up SUUs at the shortest notice.' ' - ; May llthli Ltfl JAB. T P ETT E W AT Ms - -ii i OSO. PRITCHETT. . P E rTEW 4.Y & PRlTCIIETTy - t - XSERL COMMlSStON AND FORWARDING C? VMSr Water street, -Wilmington, ffortk Carolina-s';i .r' T! iTUliTs pi-tic ilar amotion, to the sale of N a- VAL arORC-CoTTOS.fcC.i- 'I " " Rent 2. 1855.1y - ;-f- - " - '. ,.?.v.;J::aAia.::ixeWto-- 1 GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . riSST DJ0rt SORTS AfcKCP- DOCK," WATER 8 ENER AL " AGENTS; COMMLSSION -AND r FOR. Talylst, 1854 , - - 70-ly MCSSAT. v viTv. A ; UPEACbCRVt, C 1 ROBXNSOH. 0OMMIS YflU rr i wrts - -tuirt. wuii.i.y Vrrft rc-"t e3 per:cni Rttenuoa to tne saie . 4 itankio & Jtlaitin, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL AGENTS, .tfaylOth 1-tf WHmington. N. C. J. S. WILUAUS, DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, MARKET STREET, STLMIXGTON, 17. C. April 10 f S39 WM. M. GREIKES. WM. W. HARKNERK. GltEIffER & IIARKNESS, COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " 1 PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28 201 -tf GEORGE IIARRISS, " GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, , Wilmington, N. C. 'BTAnd Agent for Powell's regular line of New York, and Heron's regular line of Philadelphia Packets. July 28th. 22-ly. B. C. WATSOS, GASTON ME ARE?, i. D. ROCNTRE. WATSOX, MEARES & ROUNTREE, COMMISSION MERC H A N T S, 150 Front Street, New York, fty Special attention paid to the sale of Naval Stor Cotton, and Southern Produce generally. S39r Liberal caah advances made on consignments. May 1, 185C 359-lyc . COCHRAS, W. S. RrSSELL. COCHRAJI & RUSSELL. ? (SUCCESSORS TO TH0KA8 ALLIBONE & CO.,) G1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 22 North r Wharves and 63 5forth Water St., Philadelphia. Sjy" Liberal advances -made on ConsignmentiJ. July 30th, 1853. 21-tf. PHILIP PRIOLEAU, JOHN MERCER, W. a, crHTIS. P. PRIOLEAU & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; North Water Steeet, WiLMiNGToy, N. C, Commercial Wharf, Smithville, N. C. "Our business will be conducted in Wilmington by H. M. CURTIS, who is our authorized Agent for that place. July SI 4S4-ly CLIIfES & ORAIIAITI, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 84 BEAVER STREET NEW-YORK. Particular attention given to the sale of N'aval Stores, Cotton, Ac. ff" Liberal advances made on consign ments. May 25 378-lyc AUG. C. SHEPARD. CHAS. D, MYERS. SIIEPARD & MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, Caps, Walking Canes and Umbrellas, N o. 1 Gran ite Row, Front street. Oct 1 " GEORGE MYERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, keeps con stantly on hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and. Willow Ware, Fruit, ConfeCtionaries, &c, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. March 8th, 1854. 1-tf. .. J. te i. OuPRE, " ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers in Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stuffs,! Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c, Market street, Wilmington, N. C. ZSJ Preacriptions carefully compounded by eiperi enced persons. . Dec. 17, 1853. NOTICE The subscriber respectfu y intorma th public, that he is now transacting the Auction buainesx on h& own account, and hopes by strict attention .to bu Biness, to merit a continuance of that patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him. M. iOJSLY. t" Stock, Real Estate and Negroes, bougnt and sold on acommission of 1 per cent., either at private or pub lie sale. January 8th, 1853. ERFUMERY ! Just received from New York and Philadelphia: 1 gross Lubin's Extracts for the Hankerchief; i do. Lubin's Toilette Soaps; 4 do. Glenn Mush Toilette Water;, i do. Glenny Verbena Toilette Water; 2 do. Yankee Soap; 4 do. Camphor Soap ; 4 do. Pomine Soap. A large assortment of Hair Brushes, and a number of fancy articles usually kept in Drug Stores. C. & D. Do PRE, Wholesale Druggists, Oct 4180 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. SOLE AGENCY FOR BOARDM AN & GRAY'S CELi brated Dulce Campana Attachment PIANO FORTEfc 380 Chesnut street, opposite U; S. Mint, Philadelphia Branch 117 Market atreetWiLMiNGTOis, Del. Jan 22 272-lyc . JOHN MARSH. MUSICAL. - MR. HERMANN L. SCHREINER has returned, and will resume his MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS ou the first of October nexL Scholars will please send in their names as soon as convenient. sept 29th, 1855 486 tf . X ERSE Y AND BLANKETS. 5 cases Kerseys, com prising all the leading kinds lor plantation use ; with 4 cases Shaker Kerseys, a new style and the best article of negro cloth, made; 1000, negro Blankets, as sorted qualities from 60 cents to $1,50. The above Roods were bought cheap, and will be sold at a slight advance. HEDRICK & RYAN. Sept. 28. ' . JUST KE0E1VED FROM PHILADELPHIA.! Uast Sulph. Quinine, 50. ozs. Calomel, 10 ozs. Sulpn. and Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinchonia, 5 ozs. Salarine, 26 ozs. Blue Mass, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts, and a choice collection of Chemicals from the Laboratories of Poms & Weightman, and Cha3. Ellis. For sale cheap J S , 0 & D DcPRE'S June 11th. Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. WE have now in store a fine assortment of French English, and American paper hangings, borders decorations, &c Also, curtains, cornices, shades, tas fab, for 6. ."TjJtgJTBLHt,: Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. SepL 27. (C. & J. copy.) WILMINGTON MARBLE & STONE YARD. IHE subscriber having accepted the agency of several . large establishments at the North, which will arnisb him with an unUmited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign or domestic M.AKBL.B oi an quauues, u preprou fin .11 nrAT fnr MONUMENTS and TOMB STONES; At f mmm w m - tad every other article in the line of the business at rea sonable rates. Sculpturing, Lettering or Cartws, executed as well as can be aone eiiner nona or osruui. The best of reference can oe grven u requireu. .K z - JAS. McCLARA? Ah.-, nl- iaf 1SS1. ' 66-tf. XRUSSES. Braces, Abdominal Support- L ers, Shoulder Braces for Oenuemen and Ladies.' A large ssorimeufc- June 7. Drnggist and Chemist. HAY.-J0S. J..LIPPITT has just receired at his Hiy Warehouse, a fresh supply of Hay, good juah - for sale cheat). - ' March 20 POTASH! 2000 lbs. Potash for making Stop. Fot sale by ' C. S D. DrPRE, Oct 11. Wholesale Druggists, 45 llarket stree.- PRIME WESTERN BACON 10 h ds. prime Westei Sides daily expected, and for tale V . L Sept 14 ; - x 7 J- ' J ATB VWAY A CO. tJTESS POBKi-rJust landed. 2t bbls. extra New JrJL York Mess Pork, for sale by . dec 13 w- - WILL4RD & CURTIS MONDAY EVENING, MAY 12 Readier Celtlus or EantTs. A MANUFACTURED by the subscribers of different tx widths made of the best Northern Belt Leather tretchcd piece by piece by improved machinery ce mented and copper riveted, at New York prices. LINES k HABRISS, New Market, Randolph. tW Sqld in FayetteviHe by W. H. LTJTTERLOH. J3f" Those who want large Belts are requested to gir their orders three weeks in advane to give time to hav them subsUntialk mannfactured to suit the machinery April IS J ; S42 Notice. THIS is to caution all peraons that I hereby forbid them working on board the brig Marcellcs, of Columbia, Maine, now lying at Railroad wharf in this town, or furnishing any material whatever, as I shall not pay any bills or contracts unless made bv myself, or my agents, J. & D. McRas & Co. JOSEPli CRANDON. Wilmington, N. C, March 5, 1855. , 208-tf ArmTTEws "iEul'r COMMISSION MERCilANTS, Cotton and Woolen Machinery. Steam Engines and Boilers, Machinists' Tools. Belting, Ac. importers & Dealers In Manufacturers article, No. 67 Pine St., New York. X. B. Agents for the 'WOODRUFP A BEACH IRON WORKS' STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Exclusive Agency in New York for "LOWELL MACHINE SHOP," Machinists' Tools. Sept.-29, 1855 486-1 y ' FURNITURE FOR SALE. I will sell at remarkably lo prices, the following articles of Furniture: Bcreaus, with and without glasses, Roceino Chairs, llAnoGAjjr Chairs, Sofas, Tables, and Bedsteads aus 15 W. H. DeNEALE. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! ''jHHE "Wilmington Ice House" is now open the pub JL lie may depend on having their wants supplied all seasons of the year, at reasonable rates. Orders from the country addressed to "Wilmington Ice House," will be well packed and promptly forwarded. A. H. VaVBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 11, 1854. 4-tf. FRENCtTcORSETS By express this morning, 3 doz. more super French Corsets. Also 2 doz. new style, lace before Corseta. Sold at New York prices. Oct 21 194 HEDRICK A RYAN. WENTY-FIVE CENT DeLANES. Received this morning 50 pieces Plaid DeLanes at 25 cts. per widt worth 40 cts. ; 100 pes. Velvet Ribbons, assored HEDRICK & RYAN. Stock for Sale. OA SHARES Steam Tug Stock ; LJ i i " Wilmington & Manchester R, R. Stock; 10 " Commercial BaDk Stock, will be sold i cash, or on time for approved paper, by March 29329 W. C. HOWARD, Broker. Dr. A. O. Hit AD LEY, DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, Successor to S. B. k J. A Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drugs, Med omes, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patent Meuluinc Perfumery, Cigars, Old Brandies and Wines, &c, Ac., ow prices. North West Corner Front and Market st's Wilminston. N. C. March 20. 1854. 11-tf. 1UE Git EAT RED DRAGuN, or the Mafter-Key to Popery. By Anthony Gavin, formerly one of the tioman Oatholic priests of Saragosaa, Spain. Received and tor sale at (Oct 3) WHITAKER'S. JUST RECEIVED AT THE HARDWARE STORE Preserving Kettles, all sizes. Cut Nails all sues and extra quality . Safety-Fuse, for blasting rocks. Hay, Straw and Shuck Cutters the best made. J. M. ROBINSON k CO. Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 1, 1855. 462-tl Commercial and Journal copy, J j YTINDOW GLASS!-WINDOW GLASS! I 3,000 ! v T boxes French and American Window Glass from 7x9 to 24x86. For sale by C. & D. DuPRE, Oct 41 80 Whwlesale Druggists, Wilmington. Staten Island Fancy Dreingr Establishment. Office, No. 3. John Street, 2 doors froji broadway, New Yoke. rHE undersigned, proprietors of this establijhment, h ive, for a Ion time, (the senior partner of the firm, Nathan Barrett, for; 37 years,) been prosecuting their business at Staten Island. They have spared no ctfort or expense, especially in the last few years, to ex cel in alf the branches of their art, and have been suc cessful in attaining a high degree of improvement, as well in the machinery and apparatus for dressing differ ent styles of goods, as in practical artistic skill. In dye ing and finishing Ladies' Silk, Satin, and Merino Dresses, great improvements have been made. In a large pro portion of cases, these articles are made, in color and finish, very nearly equal in appearance to new goods. -Crape Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas, Velvet garments, &c, are also very successfully treated. Faded or stained goods restored or re-dyed. SILKS ANTD SILK DRESSES TFATERED. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, and Table covers, cleansed and refinished, Damask and Moreen Curtains beautifully dyed. Also, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. ( Orders executed with care and despatch. Goods received and returned by Express. lioods Kept suoject to tne ciaun oi me owner, iweive months. BARRE TT NEPHEWS & Co., , jan. 29. ' 588-6 in. msSOLlJTIOtf. THE Co-partaership heretofore existing un d ni ne an I style of UrTUN, SOUTHMAY D was h-siuVel o i thi ifit of rfirch. The bmin es late arm, will be settled bv SOUTHilAYD & BR 0 WM. SUTTON, THOS. SOUTHMAYD, March ft. 1855.' CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. CO-PA UTEttSHIP. THE subseiibira have formed a Co-partnepfihip, unae the name and style of SOUTHMAYD & BRO., fo the purpose of carrying ou the BlacesmitH, Iron an Brass Foundry and Machisery Bcsisess, in all it branches, at the stand formerly occupied by SUTTON SOUTHMAYD k CO., and would solicit a share of pa- tronage. March' VI 855. TU0S. SOUTHMAYD. CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. In consequence of above dissolution ithas become necessary that all notes and accounts due the I ate firm, be settled immediately. The subscribers will pay all debts due by the late firm. SOUTHMAYD & BRO. Wilmington, March G, 1S55. : 389-tf Commercial copy tt ' DRUGS, MEDICINES AND C HE MIC ALS1 Paints, Oils and Dyestnffs. A full supply always on hand. For sile by W. H. LIPPITT, april 3 Druggist and Chemist. IMPORTED CIGARS. 10,000 Imported Cigars for sale by W. II. LIPPITT, april 3 Druggist and Chemist. PARASOLS. Handsome Parasols at $1,00 to $4,00, a few extra large for old ladies." aprilie: HEDRICK A RYAN. N C. BACON AND LARD. " 23 pieces N. O. Bacon (a choice article,) 27 kegs Wayne County Lard. . . Just received. For sale by" apr'dl7 , J. k J. L. HATHA WAT & CO.-s 1856. J. R. RES TON. LIGHT GROCERIES. Fresh Imperial. Gunpowder and Black Teas; Preserved Pine pple. Strawber ries, Damson?, Cranberries and IVacbea, Guava, Crab Apple; Black and Red Cnrrant Je; Anericn and English and French Pickles; English and American Sauces t French and -English Mtustard; Maccaroci in small family boxes ; British and Ameiican Table Fait; English and American Extracts; Ground Spices : Fresh Green Pea ; Corn, Tomatoes, Oy?era, Lobsters and Salmon. t3T Also, a lot of "Ginger Wine," a fine tonic for de bilitated people,, and a great comforter to disabled sto machs. March r. ESS PORK. 75 bbls. New York : -Ma Pork, ju?t in store. For sale bv Feb 26 " WILLARD A CURTIS. P AU L At IILVTOIY, " BANKERS, AND DEALEltS IN EXCHANGE, Petee?egrg, Viroisia, Will forward Northern Exchange to any point for credit o parties sending us Bank notes, (by 'mail or Express,) lowest possible rates, on same dar9 of the receipt of ch notes. Feb 6 505-'Jm UMBRELLAS. Our assortment of Umbrellas com prises all colors, sizes and qualities. Our silk Um brellas are unriv.i11d for superior finish and low prices Mrch 13 SHEPARD & MYERS. musical. ATR. HERMANN L. SCHREINER, will re-commence TJ his Music lessons on the first of October pext. Scholars will please send in their names as soon as po$si, , Sept 12. 471-tC To the heat Growers, Cotton ana CoTriI7nI T ters of A orth Carolina. HE undersigned will the coming autumn, take meas ures to attract a more extensive enquiry into the val ue and merits of his chemical coUipound, than he has heretofore done, in your estate. They have been tried to a moderate extent by several planters of North -Carolina and as far as he has understood, with decided approval In other States it has commanded an attention and ue subordinate to neither Peruvian Guano, or any othr ma nure. It has beei recommended as the best cotton and corn manure known to this age, by the distinguished State Chemist of Maryland, Dr. Higgms. It is not infe rior as a fertilizer of wheat, and second only t,o lime, at a permanent and durablo improver of the eo; Land ii Maryland that have been bought at $lu pc. 'mve by the use of Guano and Salts, ia less than four . readily commanded f 50 per acre, with a vearlv V -e and profitable crop. The undersigned is anxious that the agricultures el North Carolina should extend the experiments they have made of his fertilizers, and if upon trial they prove ineffi cient, he invites them to express their disapproval through the public prints; and if attended with expense he wilt defray it, but if upon the contrary, they should prove meritorious, advance the public good increase your ag ricultural products and renovate worn out and impover shei soil; then will he hope for your patronage, and on y so far as experience proves it to be to your 'interest. He respectfully asks your consideration and attention to the following letter, written by one of the most enter prising and accomplished planters of Maryland among the first in intelligence and position of that band of prac tical and intellectual agriculturists of Maryland, who b their teaching and example have revolutionised the ap pearance and changed the agricultural destiny of that State. Without consulting him, 1 can venture to say he will cheeri'illy give an further information that mav be asked, by directing to uie Hon.'W. W. V. Bowe.'oid Fields, Prince George's cuuutv, Maryland. Col. Bowie used the Guan ana.Salts half and half: i Peruvian Guano, (best) Chemical Salts $4o per ton. h " " " f 37 " " " " 36 . Chemical Salts, or Renovator, 25 " HENRY NUTT, Esq., iSole Agent for North Carolina. JOHN KETTLE WELL,. Baltimore Md. rr August 14th, 165&. Mr. John Kettlewell: My Dear Sir: It affords me great pleasure to inform you that the fertiliser prepar ed by you and furnished me last fall, met my most san guine expectations, I tried it side by side with Peruvian Guano, on wheat sown in land that was poor and FtiS, and had a north western exposure, had been many yeai n cultivation, much nourished with manures and nevei brought a decent crop until this year, which I effected by, the application of sou lbs Peruvian Guano on part, and 200 lbs of your mixture on the other part. The wheat was sown late last November and was a fine crop. Where the fertiliser was applied, the wheat was better than aiy where else in the field. My bc?t regards to your brother. Believe me vours truly, 0 . W. V. W. BOWIE. P. S. Your fertiliser I consider on my land fully equal to best Peruvian Guano. Indeed, 200 lbs has yieled on same sort of land, more wheat than 300 lbs of best Peru vian Guano, after 200 lbs of Mexican applied in the spring of same year. ' sept 19 477-tf OK4 NGES. 20,000 sweet Havana, just recdveb and for sale as low as a any house in this place, dy dec 13 W.JL DeNH'-k TURPENTINE STILL'sToR " SALeT 2 Turpentine ouiis, ior sale by A. 11. v AN U O KKELEN , March 20. No. .", South wharves S La, LING OFF. S. D. ALLEN, will dispose of his Summer Dress Goods at bargains. Consisting el rich figured Barages, Plain do., and a large lotoffigured Mourning Barages, Tissues, Lawns and Muslins, all o Trhich will be sold at cost for caA, and many of them for less than cost. Call and secure bargains. May 26 379 ' pHROUGH BY EXPRESS, and just opened, a few 1 cases Gent's" Soft French Felt Hats, new styles and colors, at the Emporium. March 3 SHEPARD & MYERS. ORANGES, LEMONS AND COCOANUTS received this day by schr. MARINE and L. P. SMITH, a larg lot of fresh Cocoanuts, Orauges and Lemons, which we wil. close out at low rates to make room f.r next arrivals, which wui oe in a lew aaya, and wuibe kf pt up rfuriog theseason. For sale at the Variety Store under the Herald Office. I'Those Empire Cabs for children have arrived, and area fine article. Call and see them. - July 14 WM. H. DaNEALE. L ANTING POTATOES. loQ bbls. superior Pota toes now in store. For sale by Feb 8 WILLARD k CURTIS. OME AND GET BARGAINS. Now is the time for persons wishing to purchase cheap Dry Goods to avail themselves of the opportunity now offered. We will sell the balance of our stock at prices which we war rant to give entire satisfaction. S. k D. TELLER. jan. 2Sd. . LATE PERIODICALS.' Saturday's Noa. ofTtheEdu cation Magarine, Littek Living Age, Water Cur Journal, London Punch, Chambers Edinburg Journa And Punch's Almanac for 1866. Rec'd and for sale-by jan. 17. ' V-T S. W. WHITAKER'S. XTOUNG AMERICA. -AU the back numbers of thi . i new humorous Pictotial Weekly on hand and foi sale at , (Feb 26) WHITAKER'S. DAIRY CHEESE: 25 Boxes N. Y. Dairy Cheese. For sale by BOLLARD &. CURTIS. jan 7th. '56 1- ' HARPER'S MAGAZINE. For February. Rec'. -andforsale'at .: ' S. IP. WHITAKR'S. jan..22d. " , - , -t'" :- WHOLE NO. 677. lTpiiolt-rttiu, in nil it li. HAV ING changed our business, our whole attentioo wOl be given to the above Buslncw. Our Stock? Paper Hanging, Uce and Daraaak Curtain, Cornie. Shades and Window Future f all kinds, is are having very saperior Workmen from Naw York. w. ,r. enabled to Paper and fit up Private Reaideneel Board, mg House?, Hotels, Steamboat, Rail Road Car. Ar shortest notice. We aJso keep on hand, and Imaii V der,Shuci,Mosa, Patent Felt, and Curled IWrliI Feather Beds, PSUowa, Spreads, Sheets, 5?TC cut and make Carpets, and Chureh XusUod BVa anv thing connected with Upholsterine WILKINSON k LSLER, UpHOtsixajtag . At our old Stand, next door to Scott A Raldw'in March 2S, 1854. 18-5"' Commercial and i'aily Journal copy. Iissoluiiou of Copartuenliln MMfE PUBLIC are hereby inarmed ttiFcop.n , nership heretofore existing between the uudersirn ed,unuer the name of W. M. Sherwood & Co., ia tni day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts doe b the firm, will be presented to W. M. Sherwood for et Clement; and all accounts and notes due them mwt be paid immediately, to close the business WILLIS M. SHERWOOD, Wil. A. GWYER. . W lilis M. Mierwood willcontinue the business as usual and thankful for the Jiberal patronage extended to the arm, hopc3 a continuance of it for himself -August 11855. 4Gl-tt ZcrmaiiV Antl KcrobuUc Tootiivalt TO THE LAD1CS. TOOTHING adds more to beauty than clean white teeth. BMdgtxmsof healthy color. The most beau, titul face and Vermillion lips become repulsive, if the lat ter, when they open, exhibit the horrible spectacle of ucglected teeth. All who wish clean, white teeth, heal. HKltTfvSJ Sept. SO. TOgen ' AIR WARNING IN TIMR-l now m torov cu. hn L V? PP;iate very much. In consequence o he hard times and my debtor failing t pay me as Bunc -al . they daght, I shan hBre to 1" J? bo Intend to pay at the end of that time-ierto my town patrons, who will have matter. they have leen, as they are punctual when called upon. - Ala to o into effect the I st of October, 1 855 eptl3-472- geo. j;. KELLEY. " ypCKEREWn half barrels, now landing! Foa "1 . ! reb S) WILLARD k CURTIS. ARD: N. C. Lard in Kegs, for sale by Jan-j?- f & h HATHAWAY, k Co. I i t ALL. As I have this day associated hit a-J brother with me in business, I wish all that are in- uebted to me to call and fettle-with cash or by note as U3 business must be settled up soon, or the accou'ati will be placed in an officer's hands of all my hard I cua corners. LFeb 2-59?-tf GEO. H . KELLEY commercial, Weekly Journal, copy tf. 1 Police. n .,ndbt?dfto e iLdividually, or to C. hvVJth - CO., wdl please call and make payment without delay as further indulgence cannot be eiven ' May nth, 1855 C DoFltC. IT ORE FRUlT,We are conaUntly reeelvio freb hu v V1!,8 of iruit and Contectiouery. The achr J k .VlLSON has just amved from New Vind we now of er for sale boxes of fine, sweet ORANGES fine LEW OXK , -"v . iuc iinm tmce, laraet aei J-UDe ltJ WW.JI.D,XEA1 T"UST RECEI VPn a -4,,i ; " "u uwu iq oi ireserveu U Ginger, and also Preserves of all kinds the belt that can be had in thia market, or any other, at th uroaawaT Variety Stor noTf Anrm ri.s t M ,nf hinrr H'nra I J .. . . .r 7- rRENCn QUININEAnotber case receiveTby thU A mornmgV Express. For sale bv n . to A. 6. BRADLEY, JV12 Dmg.A.Chetn. o IL! A superior lot of Machinery Oil U now- Ian pt ly ouiuics, ana ior &aie bv r i u t . . ' J. k D. McRAE k CO. O TRA WBERRY TOOTH WASH. The ell knoa n KJ antiseptic quahties of the strawberry are combined , with other articles long celebrated for theif beneficial el ,fteeUl'mS'tc' &r'mS Pearly whiteness to the teeth, removing spots of incipient decay, preventme breaatChCUmM T f Dd f"Ce to th! oreatn. Jjoid by. Da RRATiT'PV June 28th. Journal copy. BRADLEY. npHE BRAZILIAN REMEDY for DiarrhoTa"d "l), -L entery. Hundreds can testify to f ts rirtnes ' Prepared and sold only by C. k D. DcPRK. ' a. is. No secret preparation. June 15th. JW GOODS AT COST.-We will positively .ell The attention of purchasers is requested to our Goedt, before laying in their supplies. ,fc 0, S. k D. TELLER, v' M&rch25 2& Market itreeL PERSONS are hereby warned not to trespoaa npa tL premises known aa "QUINCE'S MILLSaa thl Law' WMa7laJ8iintnid J J B QUINCE. S" S".td only by "" J Pa a HAmwiN, City Cfothinjr 8tore. A NEGRO MAN named M ACKL1N, hat not becd seen since WfiHmilv noa home to go to Dr. Anderson's office. Aihe w a man of good character, he may be aWent for some rea sonable cause, but without permission, consequently il eaught, must be treated a a runaway. A reward ifll be paid for his confinement in any county jaO. or for re turmng him to the subscriber. Sept ats-485-tf VAN B0KKELEN k BRO. A SECOND SUPPLY"c7Godey'a Lady'. Book for XX February, rec'd and for eale at WHITAKER'S. ; If HEX CU DeLaINES-8. D. Aixt. offera the balan7 JL of his fine all woo! DeLainea at barsaina. CANS I F ANS I A large assortment, all qua! ties an ax. imm.Um tale by (June 29) JAME8 DAWSON. 183GOor "Sprin Style," 1856. WE WILL OPEN our Spring Style of Gent'a Drew Ha on Wednesday the 8th Inst, and Invite the attention of gentlemen of taste to its inspection: ' We nave ven particular attention to the production of thla lat for Spring and Summer wear,- haying selected the naterials from one of the largest manufacturing estab tahmenta in the States ; and we hope to offer the caat t and most durable Dress Hat we have ever yet pro luced. SBEPABD JtMYERS, March 3 ' Hat and Cap Emporluzu ; . ' i j. Ifotice... . Tr---i---z- ; '-..-.f 4 LL persona Indebted to na for goods purchased pr rl. rioua to the ltt July, are respectfully requested earl and settle. .(July 9) HEDRJC.; ' RTAN : 1 at) 1 cf C ; .n. IaYAi Lieres, sc.- r 1122,

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