3 " '. s - : r. DUIltli Jr., Editor aud Proprietor. WILUnom, .fOUTII-CAROIIIIA. ,3C DOtXAnS A TCAK IS ADVAttCE - y - " - s -V ,, ' . . . -.. . , . . 4 .; t Ml- V VOL. III. NO. 68 rt.tr.: 0 AD VlittTiaiNU. HALT SaCARR." - '. - OSB SQC-ft-. I dy,....;V;.. 25 I 1 day, f 50 ' days, 37$ ? 2 days,. 76 ? day, CO S days,...,..... 1 00 days, ....... '2iS 4 day.,....- J 25 5 days, ...- ... J 5 days,. V. ... ... V 60 1 weekv-. 87 rl week, .... . , . 1 .. 2 week,. 1 S7 K 2 weekf ' ' ? A 1 month,. 1 . 2 00 1 month...... ., 4 00 months.. . .... 3 50 , 2 months, ...... 7 00 3 months,..,.' 00 ; 3 months, .. .... 10 no ft mouths...... - 00 I 6 month, . ..... 16 00 I year...... ...15 00 1 year.......... SO 00 fen lines are counted as a Kjuare, and fire tinea or less a tVf-sqiare. Longer; art 71 wnni' fn.profOTttbo, and all ncable in aArance. . All U ilf-itiire4 Mt naid 'if in dranr. will be . t ired as a square. . : Xo adrertUeraent wifl be. contjnued in this paper, Ikout special agreement, hQfer thaa 2 months, and the -.til' rUl be:rwent.l fr paymentin ll fww After the ex 'ntion fit the 2 inontK". ;?f puVUealiou made xr Libout responsible name. 'ST Vtlfs r.f iteiisloua meetines. Benerolent Societies, ..vt ObitttaricsV;wiilVo charged hairthe above rates. The V u for sach notice -rill be reared i?, 11 caws before the ibltcation is made. " - - WILLIAM II. 3IARSH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, KJ and Agent for the Cedar Falls Manufacturins Co.. - . WlLHIN'QTOS, N. C ' rCTCsual Adrijice5 made on coneignmcnts. Iptll 26th, 1854. 4S-lyc . A. !L VakBokkklek. W. A. M. VakBokkfles VxnBOKKELEN & BROTHER, WILMINGTON X. C, f ' ManttfiiCtarer of and dealers In Kara! Stores : -torae and Wharfage for Produce farmhed at tair (es under Insurance, n ueeirea. Jan t 254 HENRY NUTT, . . f J VCT0R and FORWARDING AGENT, will ?ire his I personal attention to business entrusted to hU -are. .J.'pterober 10, 1853. oaii. JOSEPH J. LTPPITT, - , rv EMISSION MERCHANT, iWUmington, N. C. ' ; Nor. U, S2'tf- " S. T. HEWLETT, - ; , Jt COMMISSION MERCHANT, and Wholesale and Re-r- WH Grocer, Brown's Rrfck Building, Water street, Wilmiugton, N. C. May 16 th; 1864. 604f- JOSEPH II FLANNER, , ' RNRRA.L COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 25, North T Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. V, . dar 10th. . 1-tf. nrow i At DeRosset, New York, He.Rossct fe ilrown, Wilmington, N. C, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .. ' fWS browV,. awAKD J. nsnossKT, jr., r. r. beown. Moherl5lh. ,V. MOORE. JSO. A. STANLY. V. W. JONES MOORE, STANLY & CO. .COMMISSION M ERCH A T S, v WILMINGTON, N. C. . Or. A. O. 11 RAD LEY, 1CGG13T & CHEMIST, Wilmikotos, N. O. i I Jaring prshased the Drug establishment of Messrs. . ft J. A. Eraiu, will keep always on hand at Whole ai 4 r 5tail, a large and very 1 select stock of Drugs, -t'-ines. Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Surgical Instru . . ,Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Fancy ArUeles, w prices.. ; . , Physicians Prescriptions put up correctly and ffith dispatch. I .r il'h 20th, 1864. i 11 P. C. SINLETARY Tfn Wo'MMUSION. AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, y WfLirrKGTO.f, N. C. irticular attention given to the sale of. Timber, .f.n'Saa. N vwi Stohks. and all kinds of country pwuce. Nor. 15. 135. 21b"U WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, . 1HEMIST & DRUGGIST, Wholesale and" Retail, Deal- r in Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs,! Window Glass, Putty, -ara, Old Brandies and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy S:i,, v h ffxmPT Front and! Market streets, Wil- ' .aington, N. C, . f I , March S. HS4. 1 j JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, i, .iNRRAL C0.UMIS3I0N AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, r r30-J,.l ZR30HAL ATTENTION GIVES TO CONSIGNMENTS FOR 8UK Oil SHIPMIKT. . . Uberaf .if Advances mA-i on Contignmrnt to me or to my Next: fork friend. Wilmisgtok, Nov; 2d. o ' : h - r 205 MT VniAAV. J. !. HATHAWAY. ' . WJt. R. UTLEY ) J. & J L. HATHAWAY & CO., tVOMM I S SI ON M ERO HA NTS. WILMINGTON. ToV. 11, H54rt ; 4 m L:i.' MacRak. Dosald MacRak. . J. W. K: Dix j j . T. MaoRAE & CO., 4 (JENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j , . ' " . Wilmington, N. C. j Jan. 1855 "V"' 26A' j JOSEPH L. KEEN, . - OONT R ACTOR AND BUILDER, respectfully informs the public, that he is prepared to take .Contrasts in lis line of business. He keeps constanUy oa hand Lime, Jement, Plaster, Plastering Hair, Philadelphia Press Brick, Fire Brick; , - ? . - N. B. To Distillers of Turpentine, that b is prepared ut up Stills' at the shortest notice. . ' May 11th. v-, ty -j, : . ,. ; JAS. T. P-TnCf AT. S0. E. PRITCHBTT. PE rrEW 1Y & PRITCHETT, FACIAL COM MIiH0N AND FORWARDING i T -tJI - S, North Water street, Wilmington, North Carolina. V - ; Will ;iva p'i ticviUr attention to the sale of Na val Sraar.3, Cottok, &c. . ? V ; -.. 'Sent iR55.iv ; . MALCOII McINNIS, '." GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, PI EST DOOJl NORTH MARKET DOCK, WATER. ST. . WILMINGTON, N. C. Not 9 -: -v - -;V- 209 C. DUPItE. , DANL. B. BAKER. C. DaPRE & CO., a ENERAL AKIRNTS, COMMISSION AND " FOR W 1RDING MERCH ANTSr Wi-minotox, N- C. July 1st. 1854 : ' -- - 270-ly B. MURRAY. I- PEACOCK. C. n. ROBINSON. -MURRAY; PEACOCK e CO.. 00MMIS3I0N & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. : WILMINGTON. N. C. Will jdre promot nl personal attention to the ,, sale nd ahloment of Cotton, Naral. Stores, &c, . Uarch 22, 18C5. ' . 33-ly MONDAY J tan kin & Jfaiiiu, C COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, AND GKXERAL AGENTS, May 10th 1-tf AVamineton, N. C. v :; J. S. WILLIAMS, .DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Apiil 10 M- OREIKCtt. ' WK. W. BARK'EH. GRCINER A II Alt KN ESS, COTTON k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28 201 -tf GEOIWE IIARRISS, GENERAL COMMIS3I0N MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. 3J" And Agent for Powell's regular line of New York, wd Heron a regular lino of rhuadelphia rackets July 26th, 22-ly. B. C. WATSON, OASTON MEARES, J. D. ROCKTKE. WATSON, MEARES A ROUNTREK, COMMISSION MERC HA N T S. 150 Front Street, New York. 83ET" Special attention paid to the sale of Naval Stor Cotton, and Southern Produce generally. Liberal cash advances made on coneignments. May 1, 1855 - S59-lyc . HAVHY COCHRAN. W. S. nrgSSI.L. COCHRAN & RUSSELL, (SUCCESSORS TO THOMAS ALLIROKE tc CO..V C; 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 22 North - Wharves and 63 North Water st, Philadelphia. . Liberal advances made on Consignment. July 30th, 1853. 24-tf. PHILfP PHIOLEAU, JOHN MERCER, W. fi. CTRT!. r nmitT nirr rr a ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Stribt, Wilmijtgtos, N. C., Commercial Whar, Smithville, N. C. JS-Our business tviil be conducted in Wilmington by, 11. M. CURTIS; who is uar authorized Agent for tht place July SI 434-1 y O O M M I SS I O N M E R C H A N T S, NO. 84 BEAVER STREET NEW-YORK. Particular attention given to the sale of N'aval Stores. Cotton, &c. IS?" Liberal advances made on consign ments. Hay 25 378-lyc AUG. 0. SHEPARD. CHAS. D. MTERS. S II CI A It I) & MYERS, YTTHOLES iLE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, VV Caps, Walking Canes and Umbrellas, No. 1 Gran ite Row 'Front street. Oct 1 GEORGE YE US. ' J E0LE3ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, keeps con VV stantly on hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Willow YVare, Fruit, Confectionaries, &c, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. March 8th, 1854. - 1-tf. . s L. LluPHE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers in Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stuffs, Glass. Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c, Market street, Wilmington, N. C. ' Uggr Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi enced persons. Dec. 17, 1853 --.!- TKa oiiKarrihr resoectfu T lutorina th. S public, that he ia now transacting the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attention to bu siness, to merit a continuant e of that patronage hsreto fore so liberally bestowed upon him. M. .iONLY. EfTtoc Real Estate aud Negroes, bougnt and sold on a commission of 1 per cent., either at private or pub lie sale. January 8th, 1853. i ,0'tt- 15 ER F UM ERY1 Just received from New York and Philadelphia: 1 gross Lubin's Extracts for the Hankerchief; do. Lubin's Toilette Soap ; 4 do. Glenn Mush TOilette Water; i do. Glenny Verbena ToUetu Water; 2 do. Yankee Soap; 4 do. Camphor Soap ; 4 do. Pomine Soap. A large assortment of Hair Brushes, and a number of fancy articles usually kept in Drug Stores. C. & D. Do PRE, Wholesale Druggists, Oct 4180 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. lSoLE AGENCY FOR BOARDM AN & GRAY'S CELr O brated Dulce Campana Attachment PIANO FORTE? tt Cheinut street, opposite U. S. Mint; Philaoelphu Branch 117 Market street, Wilminotos, Dkl. Jan 22 272-lyc JOHN MARSH. MUSICAL. . 1 TR. HERMANN L. SCHREINER h3 returned, and l -.tii .,.rth;a if ITIIVAI. INSTRUCTIONS outhu Dill IC3 -- first of October next. Scholars will please send in then names as soon as convenient. sept 29th. 1855 486 j. tf KEtiS-- AND HLA KJ-T. 6 cases Kerseys, coiu prising all the leading kinds tor plantation use, with 4 cases Shaker Kerseys, a new style and! the besi article of negro cloth, made; looo negro Blankets, as sorted qualities from 60 cents to $1,50. .... . . The above goods were bought chbap, and wdl be sold at a slight advance. HEDRICK & RYAN. Sept. 28. - , JU1 tUfaiVl -ROM aiiiEL,ai x -as . Sulph. Vlninine, 50. ozs. Calomel, 10 ozs. Sulpn. an. Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinchonia, 6 ozs. Salarine, 2 ozs. Blue Mass, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbls. Epsom Salts and a choice collection of Chemicals from the Laboratone of Poms & Weightman, and Chas. Ellia. For sale cheaj at C. & D. DcPRE'S June 1 1th. Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. WE have now in store a fine assortment of French English, and American paper hangings, borden decorations, &c. Also, curtains, cornices, atiades, . tat ,e!s, ..,for k, ,d hung in g? Upholsterers and Paper Hangers. Sept. 27. (C. &J. copy.) 174 WILMINGTON MARBLE & STONE YARD 1HE subscriber having accepted the agency of several . large establishments at the North, which will him with an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign or domestic MARBLE of all qualities, iartparea to fill all orders for MONUMENTS and TOMBSTONES. j ,;-!o in the line! of the business at rea anu ever, . v sonable rates. ScuLPTORise, Lttkrin.o or CARre, executed as well as can De aone ua.r uuutCTu. The best or re.er.oc oa --c'Ik -... n'.l.t IftKI - 66-tf. ec. oii, i-ui. TRUSSES, Braces, Abdominal Support- ssKpt I ou ' RM.na fnr Gentlemen a. era, ouuui-er .-- --- -and Ladies. A large assortment for Jl(nAti Druggist and Chemist. " - . aaa!a1 m f Viit - j ttr Rle fthean. 1 - I30TAS I 1-2000 lbs. Potash for making Sap. Fo tf aale bv C. & D. Di r.-- Oct 11 Wholesale Druggists, 45 Market stree PRIME WESTERN BACON. 10 hhds. prime Weste: Segil? CXPeCtej A jltHATHAWAY A CO JBU PORK Jost landed. 21 bbls. extra New ytov?. --mob. EVENING, MAY 20, Leather Beltlug or Bautf. I f ANUFACTURED by the subscribers of different 3JL widths made of the best Northern Belt Leather stretched piece by piece by improved machinery ce tuented and copper riveted, at New York prices. LINES & HARRISS, New Market. Randolph. Sold in tayetteriiie Dy w.iu. i;iitKuu. 53f" Tnose who wa-it large Belts are requested to giv their orders tnre .vaki ia a lnnc to give time to hav them m utintiallv minafictared tb suit the machinery April IS j 842 -Votice. "IHIS is to caution all persons that I hereby forbid L them working onboard the brig Marcux.8, of Columbia, Maine, now lying at Railroad wharf in this town, or furnishing any material whatever, as I shall not pav any bills or contracts unless made by myself, or my agents J. k D. McRae k Co. JOSEPH CRANDON. Wilmington, N. C, March 5, 1855. S08-tf ANDREWS & JEsIJpT" COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Steam Engines and Boilers, Machinists' Tools, Belting, Ac. importers dr Dealers la Manafactarers articles, No. 67: Pine St., New York. N. B. Agent for the 'WOODRUFF REACH IRON WORKS' STEAM ENGINES ANDi BOILERS. Exclusive Agencv in New York for "LOWELL MACHINE "SHOP.f Mjiehinists' Tools. Sept. 29, 1855 ; 486-ly FURNITURE FOR SALE. -Till selTat remarkably Io prices, the following articles of Furniture: Burau3, with and witNout glasses, Rocking Chair?, Mahogasv Chaie3, Sofas, Tables; aud Bedsteads. aug 15 W. H. DeNEALE. Ice! Ice!! Icell! rInE "Wilmington Ice House" isjnow open the pub JL lie may depend oa having their wants supplied all seasons of the year, at reasonable rates. Orders from the country addressed to "Wilmington Ice House," will be well packed and promptly forwarded. A. H. VanBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March 11, 1854. J 4-tf. E a - - o more super French Corsets. AI30 2 doz. new style. lace before Corsets. Sold at New York prices. Oct 21194 HEDRICK & RYAN. ENTY-FIVE CENT DbLANES.: Received this morning 50 pieces Plaid DeLanes at 2ft cts. per widt worth 40 cts. : 100 pes. Velvet Ribbons, assored HEDRICK & RYAN. Stock for Sale. 20 ?fA.R Sn ARES Steam Tug Stock ; j Wilmington a Manchester R, R. Stock; 10 " Commercial Bank Stock, will be sold 1 cash, or on time for approved paper, bv March 2y 329 W. C. HOWARD, Broker. Dr. A..O. LIRA OLE Y, DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, Successor to S. B. & J. A Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drugs, Med oines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass5, Patent M&.icine t'erfumery, Cigars, Old Brandies and Wines, &c., &c. , ibw prices. North West Corner Frout and Market st's Wilmington, N. C, March 20, 1854. 11-tf. I'Sr4; O.iEAT RED DRAGuN, or the Master-Key to - 1'opery. By Anthony Gavin, brmerly one of the toman o'atholic priestd of Saragjsa Spam. Received WHITAKER'S. -tiiqlor sale at Oct 3) JUST RECEIVED AT THE HARDWARE STORE Presot'ving Kettles, all sizes, j Cut Nails all si.es and extra quality. Safety -Fuse, for blasting rocks. I Hay, Straw and Shuck Cutters the best made. , ' ' , J. M. ROBINSON & CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 1, 1855. 1 462-tl Counnercial and Journal copy. WINDOW GLASS! 'WINDOWLASSTl 3,000 boxes French and American Window Glass from 7xy to 24x36. For sale by : C.I& D. DoPRE, Oct 4- 180 " Wnlesale Druggists, Wilmington. State 11 Island Fancy Dyeing Establishment. Office, No. 3. John Street,-2 doors from broadtvat, New Yo t. I rHE un lersigne 1, propr.e-rsof this establishment, hve, for a I0.1 Iti.n'j, tle se:iior partner of the arm, Natlian Barrett, for 37 years,) j been prosecuting their business at Stateii Island. They have spared no crfort or expense-, spjcially in the last few years, to ex cel in all the brancaes of their art, and have . been suc cessful ia attaining a high degree of improvement, as .veil in the iii-icoiaery and apparatus r dressing dider eut tit les of gi-is, as in practical artistic skill. In dye ing and auUiiing Ladies' riilk, rfatin, ah Merino Dre&ses, great iinrove.neutd nave been made, j In a large pro portion of cases, these articles are made, in color and dniah, very nearly equal in appearance! to new goods. Orape .3haU, -loikd, tLtutillas, Velvet garments, &c, are also very successfully treated. Faded or stained goods restored or re-dyed. I SILKS AN'D jSlLK DRES3ES IFATERED. Lace and duslin Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, and Table covers, cleanse i a id retinished, Oamask and- Moreen Curtains beautifully dyed. Also, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. Orders executed with care and despatch. Goods received and returned by Express. Goo Is ket sajjecc to trie claim ol the owner, twelve mouths. BARREf f NEpUEiVS & Co., jan. 29. 588-6ra. diolu no. rUE Co p irt uraip heretofore existing nnd .uq. an I ityie jf S JTf JN, SO U Til M A O was LhjIjI i cii ir5t of i-'i. Tue oniaes .ate jr.n vitl no settled bv SOU MM A YD & BR O WM. SUTTON, THOS. SOUTHMAYD, March 6, 1855. CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. CO-PAUTIEtlSUIP. THE subssribars have formed a Oo-partneship, urae the nam- ani style of SOUTUilAVD & BRO., fo the purpose of carrying ou the Blacksmith, Ieos an Brass Founobt and Machinert Bcsinkss, in all it branches, at the niand formerly occupied by SUTTON SOUTHMAYD & CO., and rould solicit a share of pa nnage. THOS. SOUTHMAYD. March f 1855. CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. Tn eonseauence of above dissolution it has become tecessary mat an notes anu accouu uueu'ciaie una,ve settled immediately. The subscribers Will pav all debft due bv the late firm. SOUTHMAYD & BRO. Wilmington, March 6, 1855. I 3C9-tf Commercial copy tf. j DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS Paints, Oils and Dvestulfs. . A full supplv ialways on hand. Forsdebv " W. U; LIPPITT, lT 1 - . : april 3 Druggist! and Chemist . IMPORTED CIGARS. 10,000 Imported Cigars for sale by W. Hi LIPPITT, april 3 Druggist and Chemist. . , r : i 1 1 ! PVRASOIA Handsome Parasols at $1,00 to 4,00, a fe extra large for old ladies. i april 16. HEDRICK & RYAN- AT C. BAC(N AND LARD. j M 3ift pieces N O. Bacon (a choice article,) 27 keg Wavne County Lard, ' Jat receired. For sale by ! april 17 J. & J. L. HATHAWAY t CO. 1856. -5 J. It. It liS I o. LIGHT GROCERIES. Fresh Imperial, Gunpowder and Black Teas; Prcscrred Pine pple. Strawber ries, Damsons, Cranberries and Peaches, Gaara, Crab Apple; Black and Red Currant Jelly; American and English and French Tickler; English and American fauces ; French aud Engliah Mustard ; . Maccaronl in, small family boxes ; British and American Tabl halt; EngiUh and American Extracts; Ground Spices: Fresh Green Peaj ; Corn, Tomatoes, Oysters, Lobsters and Salmon. . Also, a lot of "Ginger Wine," a fine tonic for de bilitated people, and a great comforter to disabled sto -chs. March 3 Vf ESS PORK 75 bbls. New York Mess Pork, jnst i-"X In store. For Sale by F h 26 WILLARD & CURTIS. B PAUL IIINTON, ANKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, ....... Pktersbcrg, Vibqixia, WUl forward Northern Exchange to any point for credit 0 parties sending us Bank notes, (by mail or Exp.esa,) lowest possible rate?, on samo davs of the receipt ol c -otea. 'Feb 6 6tf5-Sm UMBkELLAS. Our assortment of Umbrellas com prises all colors, si?es and qualities. Our eilk Um brellas are unrivalled for superior finish and low prices March IS ; SHEPARD & MYERS. VTR. HERMANN L. SCHREINER, will re-comnrence lvJL his Music lessons on the first of October eext. Scholars will please send in their names as soon as posd be Sept 12. 47 1-tl". To the M heat Growers. Cotton and Corn tiai ter ol Aorth Caioliua. nHE undersigned will the coming autumn, take iaea ; -A- urea to attract a more extensive enquiry into the' va. ue and merits of his chemical compound, than he ha heretofore done, in your State. They have been tried u. a moderate extent by several planters of North Carolina and as far as he has understood, with decided approval n other States it has commanded an attention and ue subordinate to neither Peruvian Guano, or any other ma nure. It has been recommended as the best cotton anc corn manure known to this age, by the distinguishe.. fetate Chemist of Maryland, Dr. iiiggins. It is not infe rior as a fertilizer of wheat, and second only' to lime a a permanent and durable improver of the eo;. Lands h Maryland that have been bought at f lu po havi by the use of Guano aud Salts, iH less than four readdy commanded $5u per acre, with a yearlv iar. and profitable crop. 0 The undersigned is anxious thai the agricultures ti North Carolina should extend the experiments they hav, made of his fertiluers, and if upon, trial they prove inetli cient, he invitee them to express their disapproval throu-i the pubhc prints; and if attended with expense he u detray jt, but if upon the contrary, they should prove meritorious, advance the public good increase your ag ricultural products and renovate worn out and impove?. she J soil; then will he hope tor your patronage, and 01. y so far as experience proves it to be to your interest He respectlully asks your consideration and atteutio. to the-foUowmg letter, written by one of the most ei.tei priswg and accomplished planters of Maryland auioiiv the hrst in intelligence and position of that band of prat tical and intellectual agriculturists of Maryland, who b their teaching and example have revolutionised the ai".. pearanceand. changed the agricultural destiny of tha btatC. V, ithout consulting hiui, 1 can venture to say h. will cheerf-.lly give further .nformation that may be asked, by directing to tn Hon. W. W. W. Uowellli rields, Prince George's oouatv, Maryland Col. Bowie used the Guao ana Salu ha"lf and half 1 Peruvian uano, (best) Chemical Salts 4u prr ton A " 61 Chemical Salts, or Renovator, 05 HENRY" NUTT, Esq., trkiivT .-e'-' N'orth Carolina. JOHN KETTLE VELL, Baltimore Md. vt r August 14th, ..1S66. Mr. Joun Kettlkwell: My Dear Sir: It allordf me great pleasure to inform you that thefertiliser prepar ed by you and furnished me last fall, met my most an guine expe-tations. J tried it aide by side with Peruviai Guana, on wheat sown in laud that was poor and stih and nad a north western exposure, hu. been many year, n cultivation, much nourished with manures and neve, brought a decent crop until this year, which 1 elfectett by the application of 3iRi lbs Peruvian Guano on part and 200 lbs of your mixture on the other part. Tin wheat was sown late last November and was a fine crop Where the fertiliser was applied, the wheat was bette. tnr er!ISr iU the tield' best regards to your brother. Believe me yours truly, x n - W. W. W. BOWIE. . I.' : Ovour.fertils- I consider on my land fully equal to beat Peruvian Guano. Indeed, 2uo lbs has yieled or same sort of land, more wheat than 8O0 lb-of bet Peru vian Guano, after 200 lbs of Mexican -pplled in the spring of same year. 477-tf, ORlNGES. 20,000 sweet Havana, just receiveb and for sale as low as a any house in this place d ..!5J.3. W. H. DeNK" TCTOINE STI LiVsTcJr" IlJe JL Sulla, fon sale by A. H. VANBOKKE'jEN March 20. f o. oSouth wharves SIBLING OFF. S. D. ALLEN, will dispose of his Summer Dress Goods at bargains. Consisting 0l rich figured Barages, Plain do., and a large lot of figured Mourning Barages, Tissues, Lawns and Muslins, all -- ich will be sold at cost for cash, and nianv of thAm for less than cost. Call and secure bartrains. " May26 PH ROUGH BY EXPRESS, and just opened, a few I cases Gent s Soft French Felt Hats, new st les and colors, at the Emporium. March 3 SHEPARD & MYERS. O1 LEi0S& AND COCOANUTS, received 1 this dar bv schr. MARIVK o.. I u -wi-rit t:' lot of fresh Oocoanuts. (imnw ,a close out at low rate to make room Cr next arrivals, which will be in afew daya,aad wlberptup urig the.eason Atw1 thecyr!etJ Sto under the Ueralloftice. JTThose Empire Cabs for children have arrived, and are a fine article. Call and see them. Joy14 WM. H. DeNEALE. WANTING POTATOES. Hmj bbls superior Pota toes how in store. For sale by F?b 8 WILLARD & CURTIS. GME AND GET BARGAINS. Now is the time for persons wishing to purchase cheap Dry Goons to avail thennelve of the opportunity now offered." We will sell the balance of our stock at prices which we war rant to give entire satisfaction. S. & D. TELLER, jan. 23d. .., ;-,. -j LATE PERIODICALS. Saturday's Noa. of the Edu cauon Magazine, Littels Living Age, Water Cur Journal, London Punch, Chambers' Edinburg Jonrna. And Punch's Almanac for 1866. Rec'd and for sale bv jan. 17, S. W. WHITAKER'S. YOUNG AMERICA. All the back numbers of thn new. humorous iPictot ial Weekly on hand nd foi sale at, (Feb 26) 1 WHITAKER'S. '-HRY CHEESE1 25 Boxes N. Y Dairy Cheese. - For sale by IF1LLARD h CURTIS, jan 7th. 56 r. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. For February. Ree and for sale at - - . S. W. WHJTAKR'S. jan- 22d. ' , -! -' . , - . . WHOLE :NQt88 t iliwiteriUB, iu all 11 J-inui be. HAVING changed our business, .our ,?h0 attentioa vul be given to the above Buubesa. Our Stock Paper Hangings, Lace and Damask Cmrtaint, Coralcr Shades and indow Fixturet cf ail kinds, is large- m ( having x&j anperior Workmen from New York; V ar enabled to Paper and fit up Private Residences Board mg Houses, HoteK Steamboats, Rail Road Cart, 4c. a shortest notice. We keep on hand, and make tow- " der, Shuck, Hoes, Patent Felt, and Curled Hair latuk Feather Beds, rIows, Spread Sheets Pillow Case c. cut and make Carpets, and Chorsh Cushlona. Ii fact any thing connected with Upholsterinr ' WILKINSON A JSSLER, UrHowttoi, f At our old Stand, nett door to Scott A BaJdwIa ' March 2J, 1864.1' -2 IrMf Commercial and ptiij JocrsaJ copy. -"' ' TUE .UBLIC re hereby iford?6p.rt JL nership heretofore existing between the tttderttcn ed, under the nam of W. M, feBSKWoo A C- i, tW day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts dae b the hrm, wxll b presented to W; M . Sherwood for t Ucment ; uid all accounts and notes due them mm he paid immediately, to close the business. - W1LUS M, SnKRWobli," I WM. A.GWYER; Willis M. Sherwood will continue the buaioMs as inu md thankful for the liberal pitronage extended to theV irm, Lopes a continuance of it lor himself Augugt.I, 1855, r-J ; - . - Zcruian' Auti Scrobntic ToothUQih. TO THE LADIES. "MWB'n VrOTUING adds i.more 'to beauty than dean Whits ,V, ,teetn nd aws of healthy color. , The took bean tiful lace and vermiilion lips become repulsive, if the lat ter, when they open exhibit the horrible spectacle o leglected teeth. AH who wish dean, white leethheal rooT!faw 8We brfath' -onId OMAN'S iuoth Wi.sil a rnat For sale b, v . . t A EARNING IN TIME.-I o ray:tomr .us tomrs that I am obliged to you for our nia f. 1 he hard times aiid roy debtors failing te pay ineVpuuo -Hi as they ought, I h.U have- to SkdJiilSS,. n Ue' ihat to PnnctualftoWers ho intend to pay at the end of thit tune-xw to eu as they are punctual when caUed spon. ' Sfi 2 -o into effect the 1st jof October, 1865. f eptl3-472tl j ; GEO. 1L KKLLKY. ACKEREL-Inl half barrels,' 'now landing: Fa Kale hr TK . ttr . v . 1 liiLtAKi tt CURTIS. LARD: N jan. 2G. C. Lafd in Kegs, for sale b1' ' ft ' f . Jl HATHAWAY, ACo. ' AST CALL. Al I lar aT- "i brother with mejin business TlStS lebted to me to call and ,etUe with n . business mtut bd settled up soon, orihSLu vill be placed m an oflicer'a . hands of .11 hv&lVZ oiuers. LFeb 246tf2-tfJ GEO. 'H KLLFY Commerciai, Week y Journal, copy It ' pUOSE indebted to me itdividuaDy, br to C DuPRK X & CO., mil P,ease cull and make: payment liUhout iela u, further, nduJgence annot bevcn ayl7t,l55 ; ''K . t ORE FltUlT. Vje re conntantly reclvW i. t ruU ulU --eetionery.- The JcbrV J I oO. has lust urnt-H IV..-, k. - ,-" . r lur le buiWs eWe 0RAGS,"1B. JJiSoS --- -.4 : WM.H, DxNEALE. I UST KEUEIVED-Ia neVJdfrotoffria 'J Gingetr and also. Preserves of all kindslthrbeVt nat cau had u this market, or any . ether, ths i.oaday Variety Store, next door the fashionable City nothing 6to,e idlS) ;W.JI. DsKALE. wormng's Express. For sale by 7; Jiri--: :-,- Drug. A. Chem".' IL!-A superior lot of Machiherv Oil t is now l.n ng from schr Mary Staples, and for kle by 1 " L jEil J' D- McRAE CO. TRA WHERRY TOOTH WASH n, m'V-'"-" antiseptic qualities eerrS June2,th. fJournalcopyJ p eny. Hundreds can tcstifv to its virtu""' Prepared and sold only b? p V rVr' N. B. No secret nrL.. C' ' V- une 15th. ; . D March 25 . d.telleb. o aiar.et street. I PERSONS Ai( prem, known .01. lM J? V8.lb will be enforced aiust ll inVf UlVvf M JJ C- J. B. QUJNCJI. T UST RECElVETi l v. I. . .. ghJ mug store. A Ic, uis home to goto Dn Anders VffiS As hI caught, mrS J,em,-ieoMe,t,J oe paid for hi runaway. r Areard A Hi K. ; uia conniiement m any countv in r- .. iurnmg him to tl.e euljUrribers tJJ for re Sept 2.-4b5-tf j VaN BOKKELElf A BRO. A SECOND SUPPLY of Godey VlldyVldirfor rebruary, ree'd and far I . . iruiiAftiJHj, FoV15? V1ZA"' the bilanc of h hu aU "Ool.DeLaines athargahu, 1 iNS!"IA ?Vse "rtiMnt, all qualtiesan -T ,aIe b 'fly?'?) JAKES DAWSON? I r. -r . on U ednesday the Sth inst, and Invite the utention of gentlemen! of taste to its impectknr tave jfven parUcular attention to the production of this' tat for Spring and Summer- wear, having Selected the uateiula from one of the largest JnanulaeturiBg eab ishmtnts in the States i and we hope to offer the iat st and most durable Dress Hat we hare ever tet ire mced.0 1 SHEPARD A MYERS,!; March 3 j , Hat and Cap JSaprluW . " ' n tire. fjr--c- i LLpertonsindebted to us for goodspurchaVd p,e m TLOU tko l8t JulT arereapectfkDy requesttd' t 01and.etUe., (Jul,.) , HEDRICK. ig ' -v-'. f-""' ijjai" X