t m it . -. f III 1 .: j' ; C-- -.:T(l- -hi H T.' IJ U.H&9- -Jf r. Editor ana Proprietor. m VOL; IIINO; 69 TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 2T, 1856. WHOLE Kb. 689. i r v.--. rt A I fcJ Ur ? JlU V IS K Tlbl AG. - ,v . k 50 4 d&TS 37 H a daT. 75 I 00 TI 50 1 75 2 75 00 . 7 00 10 00 16 00 3 4ty.-V. dayi,... I week, 4. days, f 75 . -5 days. , 87i t week,-. . . -z ireexs.. 1 1k 2 Weeks,....,, 1 montV....VfetOM-;l Jnoath,..,- S aiatfi. riVivi- A 00 3 months, . . . . . months. 00; ? months, I fear.4 .v,v.15 00 t 1 year, ao oo Ten Uar iiro eounted as a ftqnare, ad fire lines or tess a h ilf-sqaareJ Longer adrertinemenfS; in proportion, and all .ftfbletnfAirance;y'" r2jTAith'lf-sinare"-n.-it pM fr in a4ranc will be t ired aa a square, . v ; . Jfo adrertiseineatill berOMitinued in this paper, vtthont special ajrreen&eat, lobjcef than 2 months, and the t,;;i wh presented for parmen in allewi after the . e x- pintlo?! nt the 2 months. ' ! r- -v iXf 5"or patieatlotf made without a responsible name. T" Notices offeftlions mestin, Bcnerolent Societies, .a 1 Obitauies will be charged U lfi the abore rates.; 'The , far sack Botices wtlt bereairttd in all cases before the -. 4b!lcation'l.tnade.;4'v! x. "'v. i .-W---v- . X"' r ' ' WIIVLIAM II MARWIf r t0aMtS3I0N AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, V7 and Agent for ihe Cedar Falls Manufactnrini; Co:, ' . ,i.ut..Jv-;.,r;,wlJw 7" Usual Adr&nces made on consignments. i- J AprilzSth,18S4.. , . . S 48-lyc. : VBOKKELEK A: BROTHER,' - Manufacturers of and dealers in Naval' Stores; J tofase ; and Wharfage - for Produce; furnished at fair -Ues nndef lnaarancci it desired. ' Jan 1 --7 :.rM $ ' ' ' ' t 254 nENRV NUTT, M rtrnii vniiWARDINO AGENT., will ive hia 1 Knaino44 An trust ell to U'JS care. ;.ptember 10, 1853. . . , i r. , 36-tL JOSEPH J. LtPPITT, ( -t 5 EMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. 0. . MISSION MERCHANT, and Wholesale and Re X 7 .?1 Grocer, Crowds Brick Bunding, Water street. . f 60-tf. . HT low, ig"- ' ' i - - y JOSEPH n. PLANNER,- ; r 1 ENERaL COMMTS3ION MERCHANT, No: 25, North ' HVater Street, Wilmington; N . y 1-tf. OeRossetA ilrown, Wilmington, N. C., ; i COMMISSION MERCHANTS. vo. rorrs aaowif, aram J. Daaossirr, jr., b. r. bROVK.; ' actoher 15th. . ib'U' OOREi STANLY & CO. r ; O k M I S S IO K M E R C TI A N T S, . ' ' t': WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Dr. Ai O. 1IRADLEY, .t j )RUGGIST & CHEMIST, WiLinaT0, N. C. . Having pRrched the Dro estabUshraeat of Messrs. b J. A. Evans, wUl keep always on hand at Whole--' ' aiid rstaU, a large and' very select stock of Drugs, 'ines, Chetaicali, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sargicai Instru ris,rtent Medicines, Perforaerynd Fancy Articles, iw prices. - ..... it Physieians f Prescriptions put; up correctly and with dispatch.' K ' '-. .' .f jr iA 20th, 1854. L U""- nOUtSStOx'AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, jrT?rticular attention iven to the sale of TuiBaa, f .r Navau 3fORs, and all kinds of country produce. Nov.lSJl;-,..; ; 2lb'tf- WILLIAM II. LIPPITT - 1 UEttlST k DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail, Deal f er In Paints, Otis, Dye Stuffs, Window GIsjs, Putty, ara. Old Brandies and Wines, Perfumery i and Fancy ...i?. vr o an Market streets, nil- oiuzton, N. C. March 25. 1854r 16-tf. :' JOS EPH R: BLOSSOM, i. .,NRR.L COtfXIISSIOK AND FORWARDING " '-r ,;i;';ifEROHANT, P RO J in f jCRSOJI AL ATTENTION aiVKN TO COSS.ONMENTS I FOR sale or sniPMLKT. r,: Wfli. ' .JZl '?'! '"''' 205 . ; jrtATlIAtt"AT; J. L. OATH AW AT. ! WM. R. UTLET J. At J. . L. HATHAWAY . i: 0 O M M IS S I O N U ER C H A N T S, - WILMINGTON. f . t MAfjRtc. . Das ald t MacRa'i. i J. W. K. Dix J.Arr D. MacRAE dc CO., GENER.VL GOMUtSSTON MERCHANTS, . , r" . WlLMtSQTON, N. C. Jan. 1855. ' I 264-ly. JOST2Pn L. KEEN GONTR ACTOR AND BUILDER, :respectfuLy informs the public, that he U" prepared: to"; Ue Contracts in his line of business. He keeps constantly on hand Lime, lament. Plaster, Plastering Hair, .Philadelphia Press ' Brick, Fire BricTf--:-':-ii-- - 5 '--v - N. B. To Distillers of Turpendne, that he is prepared put apStills'atth shortest notice, i i - v ' . May 11th. : ' - . ' 't- 'si8x-HrtmWXT?-i:T'- . PRITCSETT. - - PETTEWAY & PRITCHETT; ENEH1L COMMISSION , A Nl) FORWARDING X lM?J'I AN P , AT .HH A7iter street, Wilmington, North Carolina . 4 - . rgp Wni' iv s p iHio iUr attention to' the sale of Na vat.SroS; Corro, Ac. . Sept yi 855ly : - v ' - - ;-:':VC;V si AXC03X HoINNIS . aaOOER'AND COmitSSION ' MERCHANT, riRST DOOTt NORTH KARKET DOCK,. WATER ST. ; T - - ; " t ' VflLMCT QT0!f, N. C - ' '"' ' ; . " -' . -; s DASL. R.- BAKER. C. DuPRE A CO., . ''1. ' . i'- r ENERAL AGENTS, GOMMUSSIU r VX 7ARDING MERCHANTS,' WiuinrQToy. N. C. AGENTS, COMMISSION r AND Jf UR- 270-ly Z. MUBRAT. tu PB ACOCtV ' &-rlC. It BOBISSOX mrnTiAYPEAcociT & co- ' ;. comnssioN & forw ardinq merch ants, . Will give ; proapt and personal attention to. the v.8a!e n2 tUcnsat tf Cotton Naval StoreV;&c.V v" -. tv .. itaukin & .Mat tiu, ; GOMMISSlON MERCHANTS, AND T ; " - T' i GfiXERAL AGENTS, UaylOth 1-tf " : Wilmington. N. ' j. S. WILLIAMS, DEALER IX FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, MARKET STREET, WtLMIkoN, N. C. Apiil lO - I , ' r ' . S39 WM. M. GREIXEJU v ff WJI. VT. . DAK&NESS. GREINER & IIARKNESS, COTTON k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V ; PHILADELPIIU. : Oct. 28 ' 20! -tf GEORGE II ARRISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, " Wilmington, N. 0. ' 2And Agent for Powell's regular line of New York, and Heron s regular line of Philadelphia Packets. July 26th. 22-ly. B. C. WAT30K, GASTON ME ARES, J. . UOUSTRK. WATSON, ME ARES & ROUNTREE, : 0 0 XI MISS I 0 N M E It C II A N T S, 150 Front Street, New York. tW Special attention paid to the sale of Naral Stor Cotton," and. Southern Produce generally- Liberal cash advances made on consignments. May 1, 1855 359-lyc . nABVKT COCHRAS, M'. S. RrRSEI.L. COCHRAN Ac RUSSELL, (3CCCKSSORS TO THOMAS ALLIKONE 8c CO.,) p ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 22 North vX Wharves and 63 'Jorth Water St., Philadelphia. 13?" liberal advances made oa Consignments. July 30th, 1853. " 24 -tf. . PHILIP PK10LEAV, '' JOHN' MEP.CER, W. O. CrHTlS. P. PRIOLEAU & CO., ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, vUT NoaTti Watbr Street, Wilmixgtok, N.;,C, Commercial -Wijar?, Smithvi'lle, X. C. Our business will ba conducted in Wilmington bv H. M. CDRTIS, rho is our authorized Agent for th'.tt p!::ce. JcIySl 434-1 y GL.iafE & ;kaiia?i, , ' -G O M M I S S 10 N M E R O II A N T-S, NO. 84 BKAVEIt STREET NEW-YORK. Particular attention given 'to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. tr"LiDera advances made on consign ments. Ma? 25 37 8-1 yc AUG. C. SIIKPARD. CI1AS. 0. MVKR3. SIIEPARI) & MYERS, TXTHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, V Caps, Walking-Canes and Umbrella?, No. 1 Gron itc Row, Front street. Oct 1 GEORGE MYERS. vv f HOLES ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, keeps con stantly on hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors, I'rovi-ior.s, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Oonfcctionaries. ic, South Front street, Wilmington, N. C. March 8th, 1854. .-tf. C. I). Uul'KE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers in Drugs, Modi ernes, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stutft, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, Sc., Market street, Wilmington, N. C. - IST" Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi euced persons. . : - Dec. 17, 1853. N OTIC E.The subscriber respectiu. j mturms ,tiu public, that he is now transacting the Auction bus.nes. on his own account, and hopes by strict attention Jo bu siness, to merit a continuan ,e of that patronage hereto fore :ao liberally bestowed jipon him. M. ,.OM,Y. gr Stock, Real Estate aiid Negroes, bougnt and sold onTcommission of 1 per cent., either at private or pub lie January 8th, 1853. 70-tf. PERFUMERY I Just received from New York and Philadelphia: 1 gross Lubin's Extracts for the Hankerchief; i do. Lubin's Toilette Soaps ; 4 do. Glenn. Mush Toilette Water; i do. Gleuuy Verbena louwtt. Water; 2 do. Yankee Soap ; 4 do. Camphor Soap ; 4 do. Pomine Soap. A large assortment of Hair Brushes, ana a number of fancy articles usually kept in Drug Stores. C. & D. DuPRE, Wholesale Druggists, - Oct 4180 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. lOLE AGENCY FOR BO A RDM AN & GRAY'S C E LI O brated Dutce Campana At'achment PIANO FORTE. Chenut street, opposite U. S. Mint, fuiLAHKLVHi. Branch 1 17 Market street, Wilmiuton, Dku Jan 22 i72-lyc JOHN MARSH. iiiic A l.';;" : ATR. HERMANN L. SOHREINER has returned, and il will resume his MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS on the Erst of October next. Scholars will please send in then names ai soon as convenient. sept 29th, 1855 486 tf ERSE Y AND BLANKETS. 5 cases Kerseys, com . -ii .1 lrinrla fnr niAntation use . -A p J. o style and the bes. r iv. .nadar 1000 necro Blankets, as ?;0Vu cents ViLo! The-be goods were bought on , and will be sold at a slight advance. HEDRIOK & RYAN. Sept. 28. J US!' ttEUElVED r'ROM pttlLADJiLPUlA. A Gas. Sulph. Quinine, 50. ozs. Calomel, 10 ozs. Sulpn. an-i Acetate Morphine, 25 ozs. Cinchonia, 5 ozs. balaime, ozs. Blue Mass, 10 ozs. Chloroform, 19 bbis. Epsom palts and a choice collection of Chemicals from the Laboratcne. of Poms & Weightman. and Chas. Ellis. For sale cheap at S C. & D. DuPRE'S June 11th. - Drug and Chemical Store, Market st. I TTTK hara now in store a fine assortment of French YY English, and American paper hangings, border decorations,- &c. Also, curtains, cornices, shades, tas sels. &c;. for sale, and hung in the latest style. ' V WILKINSON & ESLER, ' : Upholsterers and Paper Hangers." j Sept. 27. : N (C. & J. copy.) 174 WILMINGTON MARBLE & STONE YARD ' pHE subscriber having accepted the agency of several X larffe establishments at the North, which will fjraisb him with an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished. foreign or domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS jind TOMB STORES; and every other article in the line of the business at rea sonable rates. ' Scdlptcrisg, lettkriso or uarviso, executed as well as can be done either Isorth or bocui. The best of reterence can oe given u requires . t t J AS. McCL ARAi'.lN . Dec. 81st, 1851. 66-tf. rRUSSES, Braces, Abdominal Support- rW;, ers. Shoulder Braces for Gentlemen w - and Ladies. A large assortment tor saie oy - W. U. LlffiTT, Jnne7. , ; Druggist and: Chemist:: ft A v TfW. J LTPPITT ha - iust received at his- tl Bay Warehoute, a fresh supply of nay,' good, quali l tor sale cheap. - March 20. POTASH !--200a lbs. Fotisa for making Soap. Foi sale by , . - v : C. & D. DiPHE, Oct 11 - Wholesale Druggistsv 45 Market stree.- PRIME WESTERN BACON; 10 hhds. prime Wcste! ' Sides daily expected, and for sale bT - -Sept 14: 1 J- J. L 11 AT H AWAY A CO. yfBS PO RK-Jast landed. 21 bbls. extra New York JJesa Pork. . for sale oy WILL4RD & CURTI3. TANUFACTURED by tha ib-cribers of diStrent AJL widths made of the best Ndrtliern Belt Leather stretched piece by piece by improved machinery ce mented and copper riveted, at New York prices; i : LINES & HARRISS, New Market, Randolph. tS-SoWin FavetterilSe by W. U. LUTTEULoU . fg fflos wbo waat Ura Belts are requested to giv their orders tVoi fan ii l?ii2 to gira time to hav 3iem 4 i imatiiUr una -ifietared ttuit the machinen April I" ' .y-.';, i., . - " Notice. " "pnlS is to caution all persons that I hereby forbid JL them working on board the brig Mabceiass, cf Columbia, Maine, now lying- at Railroad wharf in : this town, or furnishing any material whatever, as I shall not pa? any billi or contracts unless made bv ni?self. or my agents, J. & D. McIUe & Co. JOSEPH CHAN DON. ; Wilmington, N. C, March 5, 1855. 08-tf : ' '"7r'iNbUEVsJESUIvV:-!-. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton and Woolen .Machinery, -Steam Engine and Boilers, Mnehinista Too4s, BelUug, ic." imporfers .V Dealers iu 'Mannfacturcrs articles, lo. CI rine St., New York. -X-reuiifor Ihe-MVOODItUFF A'BCAC'lt IRON WORKS Ex-cltfsive- Aencv in' New York: for ''LOWELL ,MAClriNE-SftOP,"- Mhinists' Took. Sept. 20, 1855 ISO-ly 17UliNITUKE "FOR SALli I will self at 'remarkably 1. lo prices, the following' articles of Furniture: Bureaus, with and without glasse?, Rocking Cn.Ur;3, Maiiooany C'iairs, Sofas, Takles, laid BsrisTKAns.' aug 15 . w. it. Rknealk: Ice! Iwll Ice!!! 1 IIE ,liWiliiiingtou Ice -House" i. now open tue pub lic . may ..'depend on having their wants supplied all seasoxs of the year, at reasonable rates.' '' ' Orders from the country addressed to Wilmington lee House," will be well packed and promptly forwarded. ' A. H. V'astBOKKELEN, Proprietor. March II, 1851. ' ; 4-tf. ' ITUEXCII COTiSKTS- -By express 'this rasrning, U doz. I- more suoer Frs more super rreucti Corsets'. Auo 2 uoz. ne.v sf i. lace before Corsets. Sold at' New York prices. ; Oct 21 1'Ji IIEDlilCK & RYAN. ' 'WENTYFIVE CENT Dk LANES. Recei ved this 54 morning 50 pieces Plaid DeLancs ' 'at 2S ct4. per widt -worth 4-5 ct. ; 1DO pes; Velvet Ribbons, asored , 'HEDRICK & RYAN. 20 ?! SHARES Steam Tug Stock ; Wilmington A.Manchester 11; R. Sock; 10 il Commercial Bank Stock, will be sold i cash, or on time for approved paper, by ' March 2929 V. C. HOWARD, Broker.. Dr. A. O. D HAD LIU Y D RUG GIST & CHEMIST, Successor to S. B J. A Med Evans, Wholesale and iletai! dealer in Drusrc ernes, Chemicals, 'Paii.it.-, Oils, Glass, Patent Medicine' Perfumery, Cigars,Old -B'raiidies and Wines,- '&c, &c, iow prices. North' West Corner Front and Market sfcV Wilmington, N.'C.'," March 2D, IS54. ll-tf. 1HE Gii'EAT RED DilAGuN, or the Master-key to Popery. By Anthony Gavi;i, foimerly one of the Uoniaa Catholic i-iriests of Sardgjnsa, ripdin. Received and lor salexat .. (Oct 3) WlllTAKEU'S. . JUST RECEIVED AT THE HARD WAKE STOKE .. Preserving liettlcs,- all sizes. Cut Nails all ai.es and extra quality. . -..' Safety -Fuse for blasting rocks. Hay, ritraw and iSiiuck Cutters the best made. J. M. ROBINSON & CO. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 1, 1855. 462-tl Commercial and Journal copy. WINDOW GLASS! ; WINDOW TlLASSTU-ljoO boxes French and American Window Glass from 7xy to 21x80. Oct 4180 For sale bv C. & D. DuPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. Stateu Island Fancy Dyeing Llstabhshmcnt. OKf ice, No. o. John ri.ruEKr, 2 doors fkom iiuoadwav New Vo ik. IUE aa lersignel, p-op-..i-s of this -establishment, - hive, for a lo i ct.iu, t-ie-se.uor- partner of the ni-iu, Nathan Barrett, for 31 years,) been prosecuting their business it ritatefi Island, fliey h ive spared no cd'ort or exeasj, rtiioialjy in the last feVye irs, to ex cel iu all tlia brandies of their art, and have been siu eesstul iu attaining a high degrei of improvement, as v eil in the 'machinery and apparatus fjr dressing dUer ent tittles of g ois, as in practical hi tistic skill, iu dye ing and finishing Ladies' riiik'natin, and Vlerin 6 Dresses, great improvement have been made, lii a large pro portion of cae, these articles are made, in color and hnish, very nearly equal in appearance to ne -v goods. Crape -Sha'v Is, Cloaks, d intilias, Yelvet garments, &c are also very successfully treated. Faded or stained goods restored or re-dyed. JSILICS AND rilLIC DRESSES IFATEP.ED. Lace and .luslia Curtains. Carpets, UUgs, .: and Table covers, cleansed and rehnished, Damask and Moreen Curtains beautifully dyed. Also, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves. 5;c. Onl ra rttrfp.utnd with care and desoatca. Goods rec jived and returned by Express. Go Ois Kept subject to t:j ciann oi uib iowuei, i'-hchv ; hs. " BARitEf f NEPHEWS & Co., i mouths jan. 29. 5S3-Gm. t ii3iOJ3J a'io.. PUS Cj-pirtajrsaip herjtoiore existing una JL a i a j m I n f 1-3 i S uT i' TO N , sourud vfu wa3 I I 1 1 i iate irm will ') i ; i'i 'Lms of Ii.-j'i. ' Tui i-i.i.i 3s :.tl.sl 07 S JUrllMAYO & BRO WM. SUTTON, THOS. SOUTH MA YD, 1555 C1IAS.S0UTHMAYD. March fl, C O-1 A 51 f.S Si U SI IP. rPIIE aub53rib-rs have 'forma 1 a'Co-p irtne-3!iip, urae X the' na;ui and style of SOUrilMA YD it BRO., fo the purpose of carrying oa the linccsmi, Irov an Brass Foundry sal MicaisuRT BnsiyEss, in all it branches, at the siand formerly occupisdj by SUTTON JOUTHMAYD iz CO., and would solicit a share of pa tronage TilOS. SOUTH MA YD. , March V:l855.;, CHAS. SOjJTHMAYD. - rss- fn cor.seauer.ee of above dissolution i t has become necessary that all uote3 and accounts due the late Srra, be settled immediateiv. lne suoscnoers wui pay au-'ieo hi.K.-.Utft-firm. . bOulllilAiu i m;u. Wilmiagton; March 6, 1355. ; :"' '.--',' , ' Couimercial copy tf. S'y-tf rRUGS. MEDICINES AND CHEMlClLS Paints, Oils aad, Dyestu!ft. " A fall supply always on hand. For s ile bv - it. Lit'l'li i. , aprifo " ' - Druggist arid JJhemist. TMPORTSD CIGAR 3.-10,000 Imported Cigars for L saTe br . W. II LIPPITT, - dpril3" Druggist and Chemt. OAR VSOLS. Handsome Parasols at 1,00 to i,00. lT C. B AC N AN D Li it I'.r S A piece N U. u aeon v wucic, . 27 kejrs Wavne County Lard. t Jast receiVed. For sale by;. . - r - ; r april 17 . . . J. & J. L. H ATHA WAY & CO. ... J. RRLSION. ' - - f IGIIT GRQCEKIK. Freli Imperial, Gunpowder 1J and Black Teas;. Preserved Pine pple btrawber iies, Damsons Urauberrii-s' and Peaches, Ciuava, Crab Apple; BiucSt nnd . UeJ Cnrraht Jelly; American and .English, aud JTriich Pickles; English and lAmeiiran auces Frec'chaad EugHsh : M o:an! ; M accaroni ia s-mall family boxes; British and American Table 'alt; Euglih . and AmeriCArt ' Extracts; Ground ' Apices t e6h.l?ea Pea j Corn j . Toiuatoes,- O rsurs, Lob'tersr and Salmtm. . ', ' . '', ''.. . , ";-'-,. ; ., tSf Jet Of "Ginger Wine," a finelonic for de bilitated pwple, and a great comforter to di?abtcd sto ESS U'DRK. 7 i'bbl's. Nc w York Mess Pork; Just IJJl in store. For ?4le br . -w .M . .; ; will:d 1 ctrtis. V.' PAUL fc HiNVuN, . - . OANKERS, AND DEALEii IN EXCHANGE, ' L f , x. ' , PTEBSUrROVlRGISli,' WiUi jr .rird Northern Exchange to .any point far credit o pirties a-a hs us note, (by mail or Esp.ess,) -ivei5 puuS; nt-j, on rn? days of the receipt oi ch uxstts. . . Feb 55-Sra-; rTMBtillLLAS. Our asiOrtmeut of Umbrellas com P'se3 ah color?, sizes and. qualities. Our silk Cm breihu are unnrallad for superior iiuUh and low prices It. II Ell MANN L. SCIiUEINKli, will re-commence XTX his Mastc lessons oa tha first of October next Scholars wilt plse end-!ri their names as soon as possl blc: , -. . , , - Sept 12. 171 -tf. the V heat Growers, Cotton an; trra".t'!acl r,tT ier oi .ortu Caioliua. , I V. undersigned U1 the coining autumn, take izs -' arci to attract a more extensiv-d enquiry into the vai ue and merits of his cneiuical compound, than he ha, heretofore done, iu ycucaute." i'neUav been tried to a moderate extent by avo-al planter. of .North Carolina, and as tar as he has cwderttoud, ttithdecrded -'approval in oiher btates it has conim tnded uu' attention and ue subordinate to neitlierl-yyian tiuano, or any otlr ma nure, it has boon recommended as tlie best cotton auu corn-inanare.knoan-to tnu age; by the dUmguUie tato t.hmist of Marj land, Dr.rtHggtoaV I t i m.t iufe nor as a lertiliai-i'. wheat, and secuud only to' lime':'- a pcu-m uwnt and. Unable impi-ovw of iue so;.. Undsii .vlaiyland thaf have been bought at' p. . i.aVi by the. usoiofGaaiio aud.-MiJtrt. in itea than four readily commanded -?oy per acre, with ' a.vearlv 'lar and profitable crop. ..... " : '11. -. I " - . ''' . r ' -' . .. .. : i iw unuersigne j is anxious that the aTicultuiSi North Carolina diiould extend the experiiuents the'v Jj made ot his fertiiUers, and if upon tnd they prove in, lavi eJh- cie.n, ue invites tnom to express their dLtonim,! , the public prints;; and if attended with expense lie wi dehay it, but if upon the coutrary, they should prove meritorious, advice the public good increase your ag ricultural products and renovate worn out andiwpove? Shei souVtheu will he hope for your patronage, and on y so far as experience proves it to be to your interest 'f U,e respectluliy uska your consideration and attention to the lullowmg letter, written by one of the most enter prising and accomplished planters of Marvln.ur. . . . . . - ' .... .V. I.M I I 1 1 1' r" pcarahce aud changed the agricultural ; destiny of ftp- ' T, 'V Ul tol!'4UU,1,S hmi, 1 can venture' to sav h wi:l caeerl y .v, r(t further information that mav be ased, by.direcuug to iu- Hon. VV. W.. W. Doiv'olu rielas,: Prince (ieorge's cous.tv, Maryland. Col. Huwiu used the Guan taa Salts half and Valf- Peruvian Guauo, (best) Chemical Salts per ton. J- - " M t, n '5 Chemical jjalts, or Renovator, 25 ' HENRY NUTT, Esq., Tnrrv r-;ole Aeutiur North Caroiiua. JOHN kEITLE WELL, Ualtimoie Md. , August Hth, 1S55. n. John jvettlewkll : My Dear .Sir : it aliord .iie g.eai pleasure to inlorm you that the fertilise! . a j - - j i va r ii cuuvauon, much nourished with manures and nevei brought a decent crop until this year, which 1 eiiectec by -tue application of lbs Peruvian Guano on pan and 2o lbs of your mixture on the other part. Thi wheat ww. sown late last .November and was a tine crop wc.o le.uuser was aonlntif. t h h..r v....... lurtiiifnv wuere else m K t the held. My best i l , v i. v .i u WiC. regards to your brother. Del iheve me yours truly, ' . v r W. W. W. BOWIE. t . 1 our fertiliser I consider on my land fullv equal to bast Peruvian Guano. Indeed, 2o.Vlbs has yieled oi, same sort of land, more wheat than lbs of best Peru vian ino, after 2 lbs of Mexican -ppfled in the spring ot salne year. 6 sept I?, 477-tf, ORINGES. 2h,.mh s and for sale as Ion as weet .llavana, just recei veb as &t any house in this place, d) W. 11. DuNK'-" dec 18 TL RPENTIN E STi LL'S FOR SALE. Turpentine X Stills, for sale by A. U. VANDOKKE'N, March 20. j No. 5, outh wharves W-LiL-'tr UkS.- b. D. ALLEN, will dispose of hin VOJ at uargains. JousiStin oi nch figured Darages, I'lain do., and a large lotofri-ured Aloummg tiarages, lissues. Lawns and -Muslin.- nil n- :ch wnl be sold at cost for cA and manvofthemfor ess than cost. Call and ecuro bargains. -May 26 - ?7a pH ROUGH UY EXPRESS, and just ope cases Gent's .Soft French Felt Hats, new ned. a few styles and colors, at ine tmponum. ; March 3 SIIEPARD & MYERS eiose out at low rutes to mak ri.i. f.tr m,t mvTa k;-v. vvill be in u few days, and -.viii ktutup iurinff the season. I Forsale at the Variety ;3 tore uudr j lr ThoSi; Empire Cabs fur child the Herald Olhce. ' dren have arrival, and ire a line article. Call and see them. ' Ja'yvl - WM. U. DeNEALE. I PLANTING" POTATOES. I m bbls itoro. For 3ale br upericr Pota- toes now in Feb i WILLARD & CURTIS. COME AND GET BAW AINS. Now U the time for perso is wishing to purchase cheap Dry Goods to avail them e'veof the oppbrtanity now offered.- We win uitf udittHco vi uur iucit at prices wnica trewart rant to giro entire satisfactioa; S. & D. TELLER. jarr. 2Sd. i it t f ATE PEltloDlCALS.-Saturday's Nos, of the Edo i-ii. catioh llagazine Littels Living. Age Water Cur Journa!, LondunPurtehi Cliamhers- Ediubnrg Journal And Pmich's Alnunac fcr 186Q Ilcc'd and for sale by jan, 1 S. W. WHITAKXR'S XJTi.WNG ' AMERICA: All the back nunbers oCthis . X tie v humaroas "Tictoiial AVesklv on hand aad foi aloat x (Feb 25) ."WIIITAKER'A 4IRY CHCE-vE. 25 Boxes N. Y. Dairy Cheese, ' " For sale br JPILLARD & CLTRTJS.- "jta?tW5fr;; : :..lriyt-.V' fX .1 RP KR3 M AG AZINE. For February. Rec't. aa. ana tor-wii-? at , :.- r. vvuti AKii s. - Jan. 22d. -if I'd the hrst iu incelhgence and position 6f tliat band of imt' tical and lateuectual.agrieulturfcts'- of Jdarvlaiid, who b uieiv teaching and example have revolutionised fhr ti. p Dreoar eaoi yon ana turmshed me last tall, met my most san gmne expectations. 1 tried it side by side with Peruviai Uuaiio on wheat sown in land that was poor and still citiu Had ,i not tii tViKimii wt.i....... t . i a vauunu r. iih ikouri m -in ORANGES, LEMONS AND COCOAN UTS, recei red this day by schr. MARINE and L. I. SMITH, a lart ioi of Iresh Coc.anat, Oranges aad Lemons, which we wTh M c.hM oar haslnesi, .out wLolt attettUa AX will be givea w,the Uve JUiuine Our btoci Paper HaagmsrviUce d DanjMk cimi i-t. : shades and tt indow Fixtures of ft Wth. 1. 1. having ery soperior Workmen from Kew Vork V .1 . enabled to Papered fit cp P,lrate Rcaidencei, Board rnjr Uoases, UoteK NeamboaU, Rir Road Cart IcT. V shortest notice, f We aIk, keep oa hand, and ruake S'JJ der, Sliuck, Moss, Patent Felt, md Curled Uat liatrtI Feather Beds, Pillow., Spreads, :&kM,Twg SZEYf cut and make Carpet,' and Church Cuallona. I. Am any thing connected iih Cpholsterinir r WILKINSON & ESLER, l5VaWrW -f At our old Stand, next doer to Scott k Baldwin March 2S, I8M,,;. i , ,-' Commercial and Daily JuurnaJ copji 1 . . lisoItttiou of CopurliJrilHnT rVUL ?F.UU ?(kby I&eraJd thatVlfe'Vtp,, A. nersfcip heretofore existing between the uvdenutn ed, under the name of W. il. Mix.woon Co. J tlfl dayilred J,y mutual conwnt All ccounta'd.e b the farm, will be presented to W. M. Sherwood for tet tlemcnt; and all accounts and nolei dueihetn Aust hi . paid immediately, to close the bnsinesa. ' -' ; : -- WILLIS n. SHERWOOD.. ind thankful for the liberal patroMge extended totni August 31, 1855. J -x : '... v , '; r 61-tf Zcrumii's Auti Scrobutlc toollnvnili Vv V - TO TUU LADlIvSt. "" V n!Xi M OTUING, adds , more to beauty- than clean WxL . i- teeth, and gums iof healthy color.? The mot beau tituf face and vermillion lips become repukire, if Uie Ut ter, when they open; exhibit the hortble-spectacle o neglected Uieth. f;AM Tt'rWti5 JeS thy gumandaswoetbreath. BhouId- riTe.ZEliilAVR fOOTH WASH a trial For sale by A W on " i a D F PRE, Ag on t , " ' . ;A1R A tomers vors, which 1 ne i.ara times and my debtors failing f par me a luce ver thirty dayn time, and that to punctual customer. ho intend to pay at the end of. thit time ercet Z ecn as they are punctual when called upon.' Thii & mto effect the 1st of October 1855. " " j ept t-472-u j : - GKOjUKBLLKY. A ACREL-In Half barrel Foa ' sale l,y ; (eb ) ; WlLLARD A CTJRT1S.' - jT. ARD:-N. C. Lard; in Kegs; for1 sale byi r :ilnlif& J LrATUAWAT, A Co. J LAST CALL. As I have thia dav associated brother with' mo' in; business I wi?h .TJi J UebtcHi to me to call and tSi M' art In' .omers. tnb 2-o.tn - GEO II K F f I v v . j .journal, copy tr-v . Notice. ually, delay as further indulgence cannot betirtn- payment without V. . VCl Ub, I OttE-l'UUir. We iXL piles" of Fruit and . ii0. has juist arm ed from S ei lor Hale boxt 1T nKrr.ing Express. -. For aale by, f d ! ' ' " ' Drug. &. Chem. L inivn,;:r: '"r wn is now un n iV P'e". ana for kale bv IJljLl cHA CO. JTRA WHERRY TOOTH WAKII tZr it . P pticquahtiesewl the teeoSeloS SSl1 the accuinulaUou of Ur2r .rS ' d-! PWtog oreath. .otu ? . June 28th. Journalcopy. - ' T t euterv REMEDY Diarrhea and: Dy. X eutery Uundreda Can testify ton. rlrtueT 1 Prepared and sold only by . - ? C VlV SpRr N. Ji.. No.ecetprepiraHon i? J une 1 6th. b.fore laying in their supplies. " Ooo" March 25 - 8 IV1' ' - . 2& Market ttreet. , y0 " v J. B. QUIKCa., aifS sonablc cause, but without piwStoiSS caught, inut be treated! ail ruiiaw.yTd oe paid for his confinement in an counti.n turning hiia to tie ubeSUS countT for W . aept -4b5-tf : : VAN BOKKELEy & URCV XX . ebrnary, ree'd and for sale ,t WB1TAKERU: Atof Lis fine all wool DeLainea at baVgalM. . tfrt?SluA IrafgeaM0rtment M qaltiaa T- sale by (June M) JAMES DAWSON. 1856Unr Sprinff .Style." I Rirt " ' WE W1L -X We7f GeSp. Drei .! "av on W ednesday the fcth inst, aod Invite the attention of gentlemen of Utte to Its fnrpection. to e aave fven pardcular attention to the production of thi ilat tor fcpring and Summer wear, having .elected the matexiaU froin onc of thf largest .maxrufActurfeg estab ishments m the Sutes ; and we hope to ffef the xeat t and mot durable Dress Hat we have ever tet rro luced. J U S II LP A ED & MYERS -IT March 3 . I . Hat nA r- v V. iV f Peran indebted to tit for goods pulrchaiedVie call and settle. reauestac UUDRICK RTAW. WARNING IINTIME. 1 tnw S...- that I anf obliged :i to you for your past fa I aDDreeiate Trv r- i... of tine. shi li Oct 1 2 dep 13; ' -

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