r. BfitK, Jr., Editor Whd Proprietor. VOL. III.--NO. 189 . IllliatatiOlI 111 fnninmnln Bronchitis, LaryngUeji and other Diseases of the Oust and Throat, successfully P treated by the Inhalation of v,ia rui 7 jT0waert oy Aosorpnon ana eon tinuai treatment. &3 practiced , at the "Stuvvesant Med icaljnstitate,' New York City; Disease of the Heart lAver Female Complaints. T)vrtrnia Venereal Aff. fion, vhrome Diseases generally, will receive the aiieBuoionnernysician ;to;,wnom such may hare ' rtAAn Jtrua..a1lv dntrnatitd I . i - . The aaprecedented acceS3 which -has attended this raeraoa treating aiseases or the Lungs and Throat, has induced us to depart froia our usual course, and avail vunwivea oiue- x ress, in, oraer to bring it to the knowl edge 01 sucn as may be laboring under, or predisposed to such affections. . The diwa.of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive. The doctrine of the incurability of consumption has at length passed away. We have in dubitable proofs in oar possession, that iuitm all its stages can U cured; in the first, by tubercular ab- Burpuua j in iue secona, oy tne transformation of tub ereule into chalky and calcareous concretions ; in the iniru Dy c.eatrjces or scars. Those wedded to the past, iriiy.ASi;rt, that .eyen now. Conanmntlnn ia incnmhla cich we behind the age. To all. this ereat truth must oe apparent, vLs : that medicines inhaled in the form of v apor or rowder directly into the Lungs, must be much more effectual than that taken into the Stomach where tha'd!pa.s drpq nnt. prist TKo lann, ,1 from-Inhalation in the treatment of Consumption and Throat diseases,! are," that medicines in the form of Va pors are applied" directly to the lungs, where the disease exisU ; the stomach being left free to aid in restoring health, by administering to it, healthy, life-giving food. There is no case so hopeless that Inhalation will not reach j the means; too are brought within the reach of all, the manner of administering the Vapors being so simple, that the invalid is -never required to leave home, where the hands of friendship and affection tend to aid so much the Physician's efforts. I earnestly appeal to the intelligence of all afflicted with diseases, or who may have the germs of the disease within them, to embrace at once the advantages of inhalation,-and no longer waste precious ime in applyingvnostrums to the unoffending stomach! I claim for Inhalation a place amongst the precious gifts that Nature and Art have given uj, that "our days may te long in the land,' and as the only "Ark or RiFtrac for thef Consumptive; a method not only jutioxal butt simpler saw, asd efficient. Such of the profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it efficacious in the highest degree, arresting the progress 6f the disease, and working wonders in many desperate cases ; in verity, a triumph of our Art, over this fell destroyer of bur species. Nor Physicians wishing to make themselves ac quainted with this practice, are informed, that our time being valuable, we can only reply, as to ingredients used, to such letters that contain & fee. The fee in all eases of Pulmonary affections, will be $10, on receipt of which, the necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded. The fee in other cases, will be from $5 to $10. . Applicants will state age, sex, occupation, married or single, ho long iffacted, f any hereditary disease ex ists in the Tamily, and sy'mptoms generally.-Let the name, town, and 'Btate, be plainly written. Postage for return answers m ist be enclosed. Letters when regis tered by the Postmaster are iat our risk. All letters must be addressed; ..WALLACE MERTOUN, M. D. aug. 2.-6mc. I S. M: Institute, N. Y. City. . "Our Motto isto l'lease," AT the Wiimington JSaddle, Harnest, and Trnh Man ufactory.--Th subscriber respectfully inforjnsthe pub lie that he has recently received large additions to his stock of Saddle and IT am ash m nun tin era k nf ma anA most improved styles, and is constantly' manufacturing, at ; the above line. From his experience in the business, he : C 1 - i2 J AT i. I 111 1 l 1 a A- y i ; ieis cuuuueui tuai ue win ue ao.'e w give enure satisiacuor to his customers. He has new on hand and will constantly lrpn r InrorA ftBanrf mpnt nf I - . " (bach, Gig, Sulky, and Buggy Harnesses ; Ladies' Saddles, Bridles, Whips, &6.: Gentlemen'' 8 Saddles, All of which he will warrant to be of the best materials and - . workmanship, lie ha4 also a large assortment of Trunks; Valises; Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, &c, And ail other articles usually kept in such ekt ghments all of which he otters low for Cash, or on s" credit to prompt customers. ' "- Saddles, Harness, Trunks Medical Bags, &c:, made to order. , . : - fn ftdditlrm i.rt th ahnv( thfi Rnhscrihpr alwava VfAna nn - - - 7 ' " " " hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and 1 1? t Al A I X A "Elt XT . A win Keep uiruuga me ueaeou, a guuu asBuriuitsui. ux x ly eis. j i All are invited to call and examine my Goods, whetherin want or not. as I take pleasure in showing my assortment to 1 1 i 'e :ai ii an w uu maj itivur ui wxiiu van. ' , Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to per sons Duying to manuiacture. , S Also, Whips at wholesale. ! ' " " All kinds o riding Vehicles bought and sold on commit sions. S JOHN J. CONOLEY. j May 10, 1851. - 1 - - ; ly. ITIOR MACHINERY OILS. Best Sperm, Spermatic, JU .Elephant and Lard. PACKING Clear Gum, Pa ient India Rubber and best Italian Hemp Packing al ways on hand. (July,19-tf J. & D. MacRAE & CO. -! J. M. ROBINSON, & SON. IMPORTERS, Manufacturers, ' Agents and Dealers, in Hardware, Cutlery, Irpn, Steel, Nails, Agricultural Impleements, &c. j Wilmington, N. C. jan- 1. '56. n - . 564-tf. WINES AND LIQUORS, HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of Cider Vinegar, Stoughton's Bitters, Wine Bitters, Dm' oar's Stomach Bitters,- Hossetter's Bitters, and Boker's Sitters, Punch. Extract, Arrack Punch, ; Concentrated Clear Punch. Daily, expected in schr Western! a let of Kentucky , audi Susquehanna Whiskies, among which are the "Oil of Rye," old Rye, Wheat Whisky, White Whisky, old Monongahela, Bourbon and common Whis ky. In 4 store, a choice lot of Brandied Peaches, Pre eerves and Picklea. Also, on hand, one bag of African Pepper, in the pod the hottest in the world. -I have had no use for fire all winters On cold days, I put the bag in the store, which warms the establishment, and my customers srt round it nice a stove. Feb 23 " ! - j 610-ti N )CJB. 15')0 bushels! very superior white flint Just received and tor sale by ' i ' i - JD DtrPRE Jr. aus; 8. G-PARTERSHIP between Jomr Hall and Wji. L. Pitts, in the GreneraTProcrBEstSte and Stock Brokeragd business, r John Half Hf give 1 his principal . attention' .to the Naval Store interst-Wm. u. Pitt3 to Cotton, and both.partieaJioULmitwc8 con nected with, a general Brokerage business. w JOHN HALL, - . f -: ; 1 WM. L. PITTS. L-C3 Qta. 1856 . 04.f - n'T nm iiiaMMiniir --in- - v aa-u ,i i. - - . - t j aa. uiq iu- J hiV.tints ;of ths Town of .Wilmmrtnn . ri ., -j, . ,1.. ' .. - - 0 . ..ii c pubMc 3fterally that he is engaged in the Baking! of htrd breii ai crackers, and if properly patronized Will devte his entire attention, to this, one : branch ypfbuai ' ne.; an 1 will furnish Merchants , and other consumers at the lowest price possible, ; for cash either wholesale or retail. 0a hand, Butter,; Boston, Sugar, Milk 4nd Soi Crackers Pibt" and JfaryBflad. All orders will be promptly filletj, and goods forwarded. Address iJl, . ,4 ' SAM'E W.' ROBERTS. Wilmington N. C. 49 Market st. june 25. - . - :. ' VlS-tf. 0TAT0E3. 50 bbls IRISH POTATOES, to ar rive. A.nd for sale by - ' - - . I ; sept 1 Y.; ' PETTEWAY & PRITCHETT. WEDNESDAY - WIL3ILSGTON, 2J. C. T'. A. H. VAK BOKKELEK, Proprietor. HE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the entire terest in the "Claris dok Irox Works," toUc orders for Steam Engines, of any power or stvle, Saw Mills of every variety, Mining Machinery and Pumps, , Grist and Flour Mills, complete, J Parker, Turbine and other Water-Wheels, Rice-field Pumps and Engines, Leavitt'i Corn and Cob Crusher, Rice Thrashers, Shingle Machines, Shafting Hangers and Puliies, Cotton Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns, Brass do. Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, Blacksmith work of all kinds, Iron Doors for houses and Jaii3. The Establishment having been reorganized for the express purpose of insuring ounctuah'tv in thwronnf, of all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any wor which may offer will be promptly delivered according U promise, and of such workmanship as cannot fail tn give satisfaction. j j The Mechanical Department beice- in eh of talents and experience, I have no hesitation in say ing that the work hereafter tnmpd nut choii j - wmw, in .uuiraic favorablvin everv resDect with that of tlip mnst iLk.. ted in the States, and at prices which will make it to the interest of all in want to send me their orders Repair work alwavs done without delavnnH uv;n a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantage ous to any person needing such to eive m the- nfoL. ence without regard to expense of sending some from a distance. Orders will be addressed to "Clarendon Tmn U'rrt ' Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VAN BOKKELEK. ' Oct 15-499-tf ?!lINGTON GARBLE & STONEYARlT. ' i liE subscriber having accepted the agency of several -L large establishments at the North. whiV.h will fn; him with an unlimited suddIv of finished foreign or domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS and TOMBSTONES and every other article in the line of the business at real sonable rates. Sculpturing, Lettering: or Carving cAeuureu aa neu as cau oe uone eitner A ortn or South. ine Dest or reference can be given if required. n ' I JAS. McCLARAN AIh . Dec. 31st, 1851. gg-tf i'ttuooao, uraces, ADdominai Support ers, Shoulder Braces for Gentlemen ana Liaaies. A larffe assortment for sale bv W. H. LIPPITT, June 7. Druggist and Chemist. HA V. JOS. J. LIPPITT has just received at his - MMiM.it ww im.i r: u.t rii.xr. . n itpuii uunni 7 rs t nnv irnnn nnan. iur saie cueap. marcn ZU. PRIME WESTERN BACON.-10 hhds. prime Westei Sides dailv expected, and for sale bv Sept 14 ; J. & J. L. HATHAWAY & CO. 1TESS PORK. ;Just landed, 21 bbls. extra New PORK. Just landed, JLTX York Mess Pork, for sale bv iale b dec 13 WILLa4RD & CURTIS. DRY GOODS AT COST. We will positively sell our entire stock of Dry Goods at cost, for cash. mi ... m . , ' ine attention ot purchasers is requested to our Goods. Deiore laying in tneir suppues. ' ! S. & D. TELLER, March 25 I :i 25 Market street. OA A BBLS. N. S. HERRING juJJ close a consignment, bv for sale in lots, to . may 19 T. C. WORTH. 1856Onr "Snrinff Stvlft.--1St. ! TE WILL OPEN our Spring Style of Gent's Dress t t ; nac, on weanesaay tne 8th mst., and invite the attention of gentlemen of taste to its insnection. Wa have given particular attention to the production of this TT a r ri l n . . . ... uat ior spring ana summer wear, naving selected the materials from one of the largest manufaeturine' st.ah- usumenis iu tne otaies ; ana we nope to oner tne neat est ana most aurable Dress Mat we have ever vet nro- duced. SHEPARD & MYERS. March 3 Hat and Cap Emporium. Notice. ALL personsindebted to us for goods pm chased pre vious to the 1st July, are respectfully requested t call and settle. (July 9) HEDRICK RYAN N C. BACON AND LARD. 336 pieces N. 0. Bacon (a choice article,) 27 kegs Wayne County Lard. Just received. For sale bv april 11 J. & J. L. HATHAWAY & CO. ARIS FASHIONS. -New Plates just received at SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. may 26 Iff ew-Berne Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Directors. , ! A. T. Jerkins. Alex. Mitchell. Jno. Dirrtw m a Outten, M. W. Jarvis, Geo. Bishop, W. H. Oliver d. u. X LANNER, fj. UUTHBERT, VV. r.AlOORE, VVM. UVm VV. KJ. VYHITFORD, J.M. Jb . HARRISON. 1 : t Iffip.prs. A. T. JERKINS. President. W. P. MOORF Vf0. Tl . 1 . ' ' ' t resiaent. Wm. H. Oliver, ) Alex. Mitchell! Executive Committee.; Dan'l T. Carrawat. Secretary and TreaanrAi" The above comoanv having comDlied with th A rpnniro. ments of its Charter, is now nrenarpd tn efFont- ?r.an.nnv on approvea nsts on tne most lavorable terms. Applications ior insurance win oe made to ArA. BROWN, Agent. Wilmington, N. C. Rune 19.-709-6m. 1 Office Wil. & Mais. Railroad, ) , WlLMlHGTOX. Defi.lSthj 1855. t" MOTICE is hereby given that all Freight transported - - uy una xioaa wm De at tne entire risk of tceowner, from the moment it is unladen from the Cars at the point of delivery. L.J.FLEMING, ! Dec 14, 1855 550-ly General Superintendent!! ARD: N C. Lard in. Kegs, for sale by jan. 26. J. & J. L. HATHAWAY, & Co. MUSLINS AND CALICOES. Received this day , a handsome supply of Muslins and Calicoes,' which will be sold cheap; by HEDRICK & RYAN. ! G RAIN CRADLES ! The best article made, (light .... and substantial) for sale by ;';V '--.. v may 31-693-tf "JVM.: ROBINSON & SON. ! TURPENTINE STILL'S FOR SALE. 2 Turpen , Stills, for sale by A. H. VANBOKKELEN, -MsrchO.l r ! ' .1 . . NoC 5, South wharves ANDREWS & JESUP, . C O M M IS SIOK: M ERC HA N T S, a - Cptton And .Woolen Machinery, Steam Engines and Boilers, Machinists' Tools, Beltimr, &c. importers & Dealers In Mannfactnrers articles, No: 67 Pine St, New York. 'gWKih!Lm BEACH IRON WORKS' - STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Sh,Gm SHOP," Machinists' Tools, faept. 29, 1855, - . . A8fi-W W ZS1 nx? rdcr totr Mm toas the cashTs . Sent With ti.Z - flTrrwnxi . nnw 1 vr onilSV UT; 19 ITT- i . "WX' C J 898 " Wltltkl.t GTO!f, IfOHTIX-CAXIOX,mA. EVENING-. OCTOBER m TO HOUSEBLEEPEI1S. HTHE GREAT EMPORIUM FOR SUPPLYING THE 646 Broadway New York City, is now fuDy stocked with the largest, finest, and- most complete assortment of House Furn&hing Goods, to be found in the World. The stock' embraces Plated, Britannia and Planished Tin Ware, Porcelain and Fancy Goods ; Baskets in et ery variety;! Bird CagesCuUery Mats Wood and Willow Ware Iron Bedsteads Chairs and Hatstands Brushes of every description Feather Dusters Lamps and Lanterns English and P,mn vnmrjA v I O " W IMIM JJU(UU.VU V M W KeFngerators, Water Coolers, and Double Ice Pitchers Hip, SpongeJ and Foot Baths Childrcns Cabs and Car nages Austin's Patent Ice Cream Freezers The cele brated Devonshire Chairs, Cane or Rattani Ware Chi nese Tea Poys Caddies, Secretaries and Cabinets Tea Trays n endless variety Rocking Horses Propellors and Gigs Fishing Tackle Bronzed, Copper and Brass koods Hammocks and Mosquito Nets Preserving Cans at the lpwest manufacturers prices4-Garden ! Im plements of very description Also an endless variety rrtnCi7 GoH3 of Sreat utility as well as beauty. ! The location of his store is central and convenient to tiie leading: Hotels. T?i sioa i w ' - W V V AAA UUUiUVi are the most snarimia nf onw ?r. ;a ujA f km: in the city. J The attention of his assistants will be polite and courteous, and an examination of his stock will al ways give ppeasure. His goods are purchased almost exclusively fr cash, and are offered at prices such as defy competi fion. His aim is to give the public what ;y termed, a Grand Model House Furnishing creates n may be strict: Depot. The out of the .City. Catalogues forwarded by Mail, h ROBERT DAVIS. 0 ' I 644 & 646 Broadway N. Y. bole proprietor of kh a a rand VmnnMum T : the wants of Housekeepers. . J . J'UI7 21. l3S-5m BOARDING. The subscriber having "recently:" com pletely fitted oi tne rresbytenan Church, is now rpadv in f.r : i j ' -1 " """v boarders. MLLETT. jan. 21 ' ; 58i-tf. . -rnttri t. muuu mass TpDWARDj P. DICKIE, 144 Chambers street, New floors westot Hudson River Railroad JJepot, offers to dealers and consumers his celebrated brands of French Window Glass on favorable terms. I arties wishing information will be furnished with prices en receipt of their address. Glass cut to any desired pattern, and packed free of charge. i may 21 684-1 y j ate and Window Glass. 1 ER0Y , jSTRUTHERS & CO., No. 42 Cliffstreet, nrr irTImporters and Manufacturers' Agents, ?f?E S ENGLISH SHEET, CROWN and CRYSTAL PLATE WINDOW GLASS; Fluted Glass for sky-Ughls, &c. &c ; Colored, Ornamental, Optical and Microscopic Glass; the London and Manchester Plate Glass Com pany s thick golished Plate for store windows, &c. &c. Rough Glass for floors and sky-lights. j rt?ed0lUf inv.ited to the above various descriptions of Window Glass in use for Stores, Dwellings, and other purposes. The quality of these articles is inferior to no corresponding description, and in many respects superior Our Sheet Glass will be found better than the French in its freedom from stain, rust, &c. I Being Agents for two of the largest Glass Manufac turers m Europe, we are enabled to offer dealers and otners everv advantawo ; LlStS Will h( film aha i.t 0 j vu auuiiCitUUU, may 21-68 l-6m JOR SALE. The South-west Corner Lot, at the" in A f tersection of Tront and Walnut streets, measuring JeS - fntA and,nmnS to ater! mark, upon which is the Corn Mill occupied by D. DuPre. -PPijr lu . mov ) JNO. A. BATTER A LL PERSONS are hereb- warned not to hunt fioli or trespass in any manner on my lands in Brunswick county, under me severest penalties ot the law. T. C: McILHENNY. May 1 I i I 362tf . TRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS Paints J- UUsand Dyestuffs. A full supply always on hand For sale by april 3 W. H. LIPPITT, T Druggist and Chemist. CIGARS. 10,000 Imported Cigars for W. H. LIPPITT. TMP0RTED saloby april 3 Druggist and Chemist. w ATJSK iillLL MEAL 200 bush. Water Mil j. j Meal, fresh eround. For sale bv may 23 WILLARD & CURTIS. MAY 24th. Bargains may be had inj Brown and Bleached Domestic TTnTiaoiraaninr nnA u 1 some Silks, Bonnets, Parasols, Printed Lawns, Emproi- deries, &c, of HEDRICK & RYAN. may 24 T7L0UR. 30 bbls N. C. assorted brands, for sale by april 11 J. & D. McRAE & CO. R ICE. 20 casks fresh beat Rice, in store, and! for sale by tmay vi) j. u. FLANNER. npHE "Wilmington Ice House" i3 now open the pub- - xxvuiajr uepena onnavmg tneir wants supplied 111 8fr? jNS f tneivcarat reasonable rates. f 1 I Orders from the country addressed to "Wilmington Ice House," will bd well packed and promptly forwarded. ! A. H. Va vROinnSTEV March II, 1854. I 4-tf BENCH CORSETS Bv eiTlrfiaa this mnminff 9 tft XI j J B, more SUOef- Fronrh f!orota kUn o A-r lace before Corsets. Sold at New York prices. UZ1 H KilRTflK RVAW f VVElTYJTVE CENT DeLANES. Received this II morninjr 50 pieces Plaid DeLanea at 9.S ot.a nop widt worth 40 cts. ; 100 pes. Velvet Ribbons, assored ; HEDRICK & RYAN. Stock f nv 5i In orv SHAKESj Steam Tug Stock ; 11 (I Wilmington & Manchester R R. Stock; Commprnin. PUnlr QfrvV .HIK. .aU J . 10 ( cash, or on time for approved paper, by Auarua a ap VV. U. HOWARD. Broker Dr. A. O. I.KAIH.PV TRUGGISTl& CHEMIST. -L' Evass, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drues. Med cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patent Medicine Perfumerv. Cisrara. Old BrandiAa and Winaa i Jbi. Jtr low prices. North West Corner Front and Market st's Wilmington. N. O., March 20. 1854. ! 11-tf, BALM OF A 'f HO OS AND FLOWERS. 6 gross ree'd this mrrnJntr hv AHjma' Vmwoea july5.T l ; O J MApAWO'S For sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. JV O.BACON.4000 lbs Extra N. C. -LI ree'd Dr Rail Rnid ! Vn K-w Bacon. Just July 14. j ! WILLARD & CURTIS. IULY 14th S56.- ULY 14th 1S56. All persons indebted to us for vear. are es.rnMtlv Rn7w.id Goods purchased last to call and setUd Our accounts for the rresnt tm urn 1 made out ud to Juiy. Ana will be presented durmg the we hope for a settlement. j I month. When july 14. HEDRICK & RYAN. TALLOW CiNDLES We have received the agen CV Of O; Cl Rhrttlfta Tallrtw anMaa K ticle made in the U. S. Will be kept constantly on hand and. sold for cash onlv nn AtWtw t Vn 1 1 vt, Water street. GEO. H. KELLEY & BRO. may 23 JournaL' CoramArei&l. Spirit of the Age and North Carolina Advocate copy. Bacon. ( HHDS. SHOULDERS, Just received prSchr. Wm. -H4 Smith. For sale b J J. & D. MacRAE & CO. Jnlv 24. 15, 1856. The fjiren.trl Jlcdicn DlM orrn nrthn A m " I ik. rL.L) i , oi ivOXDurr, uxs ciscovercd in olc of oar common pas I ure tctrds a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR; from the worst Scrofula dowa to a common pimplel He has tried it in ot : 1100 cases, and never failed except in tw cases, (' ai thunder humor.) lie, ha now in his possession ( cr two hundred certificates t f its virtue, ail within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a minting f-ore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pim ples on the face, i Two to three bottles will clear the fc-ys'em of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure tli e worst canker in the mouth and stomach. m . i i I inree to nvo ootties are warrantee to cure tlic wor.-t case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles arc warranted to cure all lmmor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warrafilicd (o cure nraiiin? of tho:ir: and blotches amonir the hair. n - Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and runninjr ulcers One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. ' Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the or?t ase of ringworm. I Two to three bottles arc;warr;intod to cure the. most desperate case of rhumatism. Three to four bottles arc warranted to cure the pa!t rheum. I Five to eight bottles will cure the wort case of sciol ula. - : A benefit is always experienced from the first Lottie, and a perfect cure warranted when the above quan- uiy is laaen. . :. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every Case. So sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that I sold another : after a trial it always speaks for itself There are two things abouUbia herb that appears to me sur prising ; first that it grows in our-pastures, in gome pla ces quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been known, until I discovered lit in 1846 gecond, that it should cure all kinds of humor. In order to give some'idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it, and sold about six bottles per day in Apnuoai, i soia over one thousand bottles per dav of it. . . . 1 Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicine was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for hu mors but since its introduction as" a ' general; family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several case3 of epileptic fits a disease which was always considered incurable, have been enrod lv a fw bottles. O, what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all I uaoco ua inrtt iiwiui maiauy-ptnere areDutlcw who hate seen more of it than I have. I know of several cases Of Dropsy, all of them aged people cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Skk Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma. Fever and Ague, Pain in the side, Diseases of the Spine, aud par ticularly in diseases of the Kidneys, &c, the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever nbcessary cat the best vou can get and enough of it. 1 Directions for Use. Adults one table spoonful per day Children over ten years desert spoonful Chil dren from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As! no di rections can be applicable io all constitutions, take suf ficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass. Sold in Wilmington, N. C., by A. O. BRADLEY, ! Druggist, &c, .-ST To whom all orders Iraust be addressed to insuro prompt attention, fiept 5-lyr-c. ' EARY'S, BEEBES', GENINS' & the TRAdsU1?s of Dress Hats, for Fall land Winter wear are now open at the Hat and Cap Emporium. sept6. ' SHEPARD & MYERS. JVoticc. qHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between X CALEB B. HOBSON & CURTIS C. OAT ES, was aissoived on the 19th mst. J by mutual consent. The outstanding business of the late firm, will be settled hv CJB. HOBSON, to whom made immediate payment. Warsaw, July 19. those indebted will please C. B. HOBSON. CURTIS CO AXES. - " mJ BY THE withdrawal of Mr. CURTIS O. GATES, Lie business heretofore existing between HOBSON & OATES, will be continued from this date by the under signed at the same place, where he will be gid to -receive his friends and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all customers. C. B. HOBSON. Warsaw, July 25. j The "Ceylon" lat7" :. X ARTICULAR ATTENTION is caUcd to our entirely JL new style of STRAW HAT, imported from Canton, China, combining all the qualities requisite to make the Straw Hat in every way suitable for Summer wear the crown, being of sufficient height Io give room to the head, and the brim wide enough to protect the faco from the sun. It acts as a self-ventilator, and is more dura ble than aay Straw Hat ever before introduced. Rain or damp weather will not faflfeet ita shape,- being so braided as to prevent the possibility in any way. We offer this entirely ?icib stvle. believing it tn h, ih hrst and onlv Straw Hat ever introdnnnfi wlnVTi ni 1 . - - , ..... open at the Hat and Cap Emporium.' " J Je 4 SHEPARD & MYERS. iORN! CORN!! 8300 bushels extra white corn, V- nOW landing from Rhr "Onwn tsf ihn. Rnnf, june 1 2. For sale by WILLARD & CURTIS. TESS PORK. 25 bbls Mess Pork, from Schr. Wide 1TX World, iust ree'd bv 7 i WILLARn Ar fiTTT'TTQ June AZ ! . O Unding from Sehr. "Wide WorU." lor sIo br J.i..- 1 wn'LARD CI7KT1S-' W 'Wide World For sale bv june 12. WILLARD & CURTIS. Ice ! Ice ! ! Ice 2! ! THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE will be open for ubutm; ua ivxi iroia sunrise to sunset, except on Sunday, when it will be closed, at 9 o'clock in the morninff. Price One cent per pound for rman.it and over. - -; 1 - " - r Terms cash, in all cases, without exception. ' llckets can be precured by such at desire them. Ic furnished to the sick poor, frle of charge, when byec.tioa froni Pcians or visiting committees ? Wdmington, y. April 15, '56. . ; 657-tNl BURNING FLUID. A supply constantly on hand, andforsal bv the auantitv. - - - - Tftry C. LATTA March 29 ' Agent' for, the'Maijufacturers. CORN, MEAL, HOMMONT, HORSE & COW FOOD. A constant eapplr of the above articles will be founds for sale at my mill. I am manufacturing a Tery superior article of family Meal, and Hommony. ' . " i D. DcPRE, Jr. june 24. ' - I 712-tf. -; T-- "f IF11 ADVANCE WHOLK-ycsOf: . THE CLARENDON fp&KSALi: 2 UGIBLY SITUATED in tC 1 - orUi CaroHnaTconiun:, e i-i ' , MACHINE SHOP lJffl. V. three Tories.' fir of brick. ioS v'vfcuops Dnck, Iu0 feot bv .") foot xrUh . V..i. .. .... of brick, 40 Jctt by 25 feet in which in an tvnvt. ,. : . , .ST0CKH0USE- -" li0'm'"Uh l"m -n c, OFFICES AND DRAPTI Vr-rnn v ue wnoie situated on four lota 2R.t e , a new stri o w " rr J wt on Surrv and waterfront on Cape Fear River aTlns The btiildings are put up in a ccodstvl, V uai manner, ihc Tools are of th bUt V.r7 , mort approved styles, rendW the eSlff,y . paWe of turning out a I'ac ouaiS- i t ,ec.1 ca an economical manner and toSorlnV Sd.W0?! in This locality is on 'it Sf&jWyV"?' for a Foundry and Machinery bu L L IS. d Stttos. well qualified, no point Sou Ser inl '"T there being a good run of workfaK curing aU that ij desired. I,cull Jnrr- In pursuance wi.fi ?, ,iL...: : . of Trist to mc executed I brtho 'ClZlT V Pcd Company," I eha.l ' A larre stock1 of P iPTPPvc kl i 1 remain on hand, at the marketvdr m7: uSTEA3IEACINF,Ino,&C.: " 10 : --.It.- ir - ' -'iiAiAr, coinpief( ROUND, .SQUATiK: knA VX. 4 r n , m;,.. V. sizes. ' . 1',v llvu-. ,! a1-- Hod izcs, vjiL.r.ii iuu AaI RIVETS. Machinefr Wort. A"r f..r Q.1!1 a Foundry onl tm.,.- 1..:.'. .V" "ll!Cn Will LC i.old on (xmI "ri'"vuuon to the feubscriber. Trustee C,arn,i t.. A.Y1! ,IAKT, umpanv. nn l-'th No. - a a. oi ijioi is i. A vn , . TTISEXCKLLESCr the superintendent 'Gcner.l'f ZTJJlJ? I'" Opposed Kaf that " .r. ""'oa "icu win take place n th place year. 1856. Commr m, 1 Pcnt present shall be GRAND EXT R0&3MKA RIeS c S W n C"Stv bers or Tirlrpa of 2!,6f 0 N umV in Pri,eR 71? r:.iU,!,f."5'u w 10 distributed 1 Prize of w M a a wv, a t a i. in- in rnwrirt manner 1 do. , ... ....., 1 do. . I - do. 1 do. . '.' ' ; ' 3 Prizes of 1 2,000. . '. 2 - do... 1,000.... 70 do. 400,. 149 . 200...... 20 Approximations,..!. . ,? 100,000 0,000 - V 20,000 ... 10,000 - 5,000 0,000 ... 2,000 ; . . . 28,000" . 2V,8(-Q : 7,200 2ID Prizes thni J '.fonnerand thetwo following NumUm fnt?tJedr,ng ne f he fi CaPital Prize,, iff. to be. To the one of $ 100,000, 4 Appro; of 600, To the one of To the one of To the one of ? '2,4 CO 1,600 1,600 sua soo 50,000, do. 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 4C0, 200, 200 do. do. To the one 0f 20 Approximatior?, ' jf? 90 mlch t1ie arnno Interface -ASS o. 567, . ... ' K .. UJjASS No- it . , Olll AllEUet. 568, . . . . 570, . ; . --; - 573, ; : 29th 17th 7th 25 th 18th I Oth Sopt'r. Oct'r. tt Nov'r. DccV. sr. I0' I Eighth Ticket; -lAiit-uui UCKCt, ... "TIIFo I'.25 nUESXARD, Jr. msa 7h r er naai and style of C mtl: f'Jh. transaction of: a general C CM mission and Forwa w?f oir - - -.vMit uusu tfg. J. D. CUlfMING C.-'Wl'STYRflV r I M1E UNDERSIGNED wbWa SSe'T'iS'n, X tothedtk-nrTSrl11 tanouncc r: that tbCT AT31. g- i-ratir. inai tnev are nfi. nrm;B . :- : " i .r . r i . 77 " ""'"b "u "ave readv ior in. fi;ock of niTq TTpc ot, . KZl -c LBd inviting y!ei of fashioaablo BRESnvrh m '?i.0,1"r (""'.HAM, roi? rarafiMfS? feeling nf.dr;rL ptC , 1 -v sollc:t an animation, En t fn t sercraI Teare experience at the wt5 enaSc u,lh facilities Vw -r Military and Naval HatrantfCap.. N egro ool Hats by case or dozen. , ' - C?hS r)dncef for the benefit of our cuto- y .uuj:rfaca uat Uonlormatur. .m2 - U- Jda ptn of the concern Siaes in New York Citv. w . ... ti (not possessed by any simdar establishment) which ?t?Tanvoa85tJp-0Ur ctoniers with the latest J: AfcillOS, and at the lowest prices. - TA tt T - GILE&& HA WES. sepU0-tf. Jour. copy. I Ar ? r ED hav! Prased the Drug Es r UbI;thffil?nt of ITcssrs. C. & D, DcPRE. They will ' ' " ' ' WALKER MEiliFS mayl9-68tf j. L.-MEARfSt M D. QAWS! SAWS ! !-A;complcto uNrfaoe U oct 8 J. M. ROBINSON J! V Two STEAM ENGINE," 5 SlirXfir.P Vi.nrtvLv,' & SON. gtor,