TOE DACjlr MONDAY OPTOBER 27,; 185ft. Fpn PHESIDENTp txixi-agd FIIATBOIXE, OT SEW TORT. 14 , n yfefetny SAcnson xontih&on, . OT TKXSESSER. 0p ClnmiOAN ELECTORAIi TICKET, MO v . ' -yoa TUX STATE AT LARGE. -i J J, fJOHII 7 OAHEIlONf.CambcrlMid. Ut District Lewi Thompson,' of Bertie , ssJ & J; Warren, of Beaufort. ' . Sd 41 0. P. Ifeares, of New Hano?er. 4th. " '.it T. Littiejonn, oi unoTui SHiT - A- J. SUdman. oi unatnam. aAri J.lL Leach. ctDaridson. , gXHyman. of Bnncombe. , Election on Tuesday, the 4th day of.-November, 1856.- .;, ;.-P V . -, ' . FIIXIUOIUB nnEETICTC. The friends of Fillmore and Donelson, will meet at "Head Quarters' V at 7 o'clock, on Vednesday evening next. . r Fphmore. His election would reconcile opposing ele-ments-it would give perfect satisfaction to both the North and the South; i Mr. Poisson acquitted himself with great credit and we think bd (air to be a very acceptable pop- t ular speaker. At the conclusion of the : meeting a" procession was formed, repaired to the Market House, and broke up. In this connection we mar state that the incident of a disagreeable character alluded to by the Journal, was as that paper rightly supposes l.!lt?y$Mf.Jnc partj proper, but of indiscreet persons--perhaps boys and that all such demon strations are regretted by rieht thinking men of whaterer party affiliation. IST" In our Friday's issue we alluded to the lage attendance of negroes at political discussions, and suggested the propriety of some action being taken for the purpose of prerenting their attendance on future occasions. Subsequently, the Mayor waited upon us, and requested us to state that the tender of an efficient police was made to the Democratic Committee of Arrangements, but was declined, for the reason that the Committee had made their own arrangements for the Mass Meeting This, of course, relieves the town of all blame in the matter. Town Meeting. American Asa. On a bright sunny morning. In pursuance of notice from the Major, a& adjourned I early la Febrcary, 1796, says Thomas, A'his Hcm-f meeting of the citizen of the Town oi w umingwa, wa i miscences. might have been seen entering my book-. 1 held on Saturday evening last, (25th lrat-j m wt ixon i gtore tot Charleston, S C, a fine looking florid com- House, for tie purpose of uaing in conoeruB, pjejaoacd old gentleman, with hatr white as snow, new plan of the Town, as tubmitted by V. iQraer, i whjcj contrasted with his own complexion, showed cam tngmeer, vogeuier w - f him to hare been a frc tee appointed .to co-operaxe wun nun. n d PihIm f!n In the Chair, and C. W. Morru requested to act as See y. ;e liTer, a bon ritant of the first order. Along with him was a tall, gawky-look- 1 1 74rapc FeurAcndctny. nIlE EXEECISES of this institotion, will be ten:rccJ JJ on the J tt of Octefcer. TLe PriaciDe!3rire'aotice that they U1 open a iiigbt School la the Tcapcfiace Hall, for the accommodition oi young men engted in basin ess aarmgwe ay. f or pattciiUritatTLir, see card. J. P. RaDCL1K. L ept 2-tC Jour. copy. JNO. B. ANDREWS, The Report of Engineer flaaen4uurede4ripau-.pUy and Committee, were called tor and read. j , u'aa k; a trmrW nn mntirm hi Dr. A. J. DeRosset. jr.. it tU goou pircnmcoi cu.ur ucru,c t " R,JrL That the Conuzussioners be requested to assumed self-consequence as any two-iooiea anima. t ? j .i.. .MnAAnmnff trpt ! I fvprssT I hL4 was John runuoipn. 1 iiiiiueu nrit in ri nmif trriiJini uic luuuiavt y rw w i - - - z Rpme hitn frfm th shrives Yolume alter volume, whicn ne tnmMiHi nrp p. r over ara nanueu uach. a'"- At lenm rametnTnFtuararucl: Resolved, That the Commissioners be requested to J f4ncy. My eye happened to he fixed ujpon his face lci tnta rttnmfieration tha nrooriety of openmga street I . mnmpnf and never did I witness so sudden. so perfect a change of the human coantenance.-f- That which before was dull and heavy. In a moment Kmm anm! eA nA flnHm1 with th brightest r tit.- f W-a .-v : . . ----- muBioners ine aoopuon oi u beams of intellect lie stepped up to the old gray submitted to them bj Mr. Turner. JJ headed KtntlemaofaH Saving him a thundering wrauon as may De necesmry nvmmc F- Id.nnn the chonldpr iaid. "Jack. 00k at th s!" 1 iowgomgrCTomuons. j - th b t ncver fonret the thouslit On motion of Kr.Uo wan the loUowinsr preamDie au j -o, - vf.v tA ritmimond near as may be. with the Road. . . On motion of A. H. TanBokkelen, it was Ri take from Queen to Wooster street. On motion of H. Kntt Esq , H was Resolved, That the Citizens recommeDa to the Com- MRaCSHINO,wmretume the dalles of her MUSIC SCHOOL, on Wednesday Oct. 1st; la the bunding 4 doors otuh ef the residence of 0. G. Parsley, Eq., Her juTcnile claw will conmence at the urn time. sept iuni ..' - 133 The subscriber ia prepared to iru tract pupils on the Piano forte or Organ. For terms applj to her at her father's residence. ; oct 14. lm. : MISS MARGARET G. FRENCH. saw. ces. We were anxious to see Mr. Choate's letter to the Committee of Arrangements of the Democrat ize resume our notice of the meeting of the ic jags Meeting hereand have been gratified. It i .Atneriui,partytvlefl nnfintshed on Saturday. lis very short a simple declination on the score of vMr.llEABES, after showing the fjusity of the Hon. other engagements. Mr. Venable's assertion that tue &ansaa-jeorasKa If we are not mistaken, Mr. Cboate, although re bill 'waa identical in principle, so far as the doctrine peatedly inrited to speak at Democratic meetings of Squatter Sotereignty was concerned, with the during the present .canvass has uniformly declined ;t New Mexico and TTtah "biH, which had been approv-1 to do so ; and it was but the other day that he de- 0 by WrPfllmore, alluded to the declaration of Mr. dined a Democratic nomination to Congress, we be Venable that the Missouri Compromise had been re- i;eve unanimously tendered him -oealed by the 'Kansas bul, and that if he had been . a ii a ? L A- IhU V a VkAi wvaifl in Uongress at we uc nwiuu.iwto This deciara - to' hate1 Toted for it ori tliat account ition of MrT "V?s was worthy of note, forasmuch, as Cstho -Democrats generally claim that the Missouri Compromise was 1 repealed by the passage of the " Compromise "acts of 1850, as embraced in the bill for the government of ; New Mexico and Utah. Here was an Inconsistency jin perfect keeping with the general course of the Democratic party on political . doctrines. They held one construction oi a pnnci pie here and another there were for internal im - nrovements1 at the "West and against them at the South for a rigid economy in the administration of the . Government and then would double the na tional expenses ; for and against free trade, &c, &c Mr. Venable asserted that if the Presidential elec tion went to the House, Fremont would be chosen ' Mr3feares very clearly showed that there was no probability of this result, and went into the figures resolution was adonted. T ' - . ... i-m rrr Whzkkas, The crc ssing of the tracks or the; w . & w . R. R. Co.. at their denot below the hill fa at onceincon- venient to the businecs community, and decidedly dansrerous to '11 who cross there: And. Whereas, an arrangement may be made of the Workshops of the Company, (mt a very small cost, com pared with the great benefits which would be gamed) J burgh. Sir John was a very handsome man, and as by which the) privileges granted to that Company of I "Hant o-av Lothario' as could be found in the ci- tv lie and Randolph lecame intimate, which led j . . .. . t i. i- to a banter between tnem tor a race, in wnicn ecii was to ride his own horse. The race came off the that rushed upon my mind at the momtnt, which was that he was the most impudent youtn I ever He ha! come to Chaneston to attend the ra- Thera was then livinsr in Charleston a Scotch o .... Raronet. bv the mine of Sir John esbit, with his rnnnvcr hroflT Alexander, ol tne ancient nouse oi Nesbits, of Dean Hall, some fifteen miles from Edin- SL, may of cross- cleaning and Repairing their Engine? in Front be rendered enrrely unnecessary. And. Whereas, also there is no other place . . .. .. .. -r m - , mg the tractoi itauKoaa except V w na . anJ RandolpU won i mm& of the iadies ourtnst,wnicuisiooiareuioiuie way lorj nepur- , hnnh fr Randolnh had CAVslAllUft UK b V w.- -. -- f won the race. Sir John had won their hearts. This was not to be wondered at,! when you contrast ed the elesrant and graceful style of riding of the Baronet, with the uncouth and awkward manner of his competitor. Mobile Tribune. "The Philadelphia Bulletin says that the vote in the House of Bishops upon the restoration of Bishop Onderdonk, was twenty-one in favor, to eight against his restoration. Bishop Atkinson vo ted in the affirmative. Bishop Davis, ofS. 0., in the negative. Pennsylvania Election. The official returns from all the counties in the State have been receiv ed at Harrisburg, and the Democratic majorities stand : For Canal Commissioner, 2,744 For Surveyor General, 3,735 For Attorney General. 3.207 The Senate of Pennsylvania, it appears, wUl have the 27th i ultimo, in reply to my letter of th 16th an opposition majority of 3 ; the House a Demo cratic majority of 6 showing a Democratic majori- pose of business) and common sense and common jus tice require that those persons living north of the Rail Road should have some safe and convenient means of communicating with the business part of the town. Therefore be it I Resolved, That the Commissioners of the fown be in structed to enter into negotiations with the directors of the W. & W j B. R. Co., and make such arrangements as will enable them to open Front street, as far ,as Har- net street, said street being already opened from Harnet to the northern limits of the Town. On motion the meeting: adjourned. C. W. Morris. Se'ty. O. G. PARSLEY Ch'm. i : i Important from Kansas Peace and Quiet Re stored uov. ueary's leuer. The following gratifying letter was received by the Secretary of State on Wednesday. It will be ( 1 seen that peace and ouiet have been restored in Kansas : Executive Department, Lecompton. Kansas Territory. October 10, 185G Sir : Your letter of the 23d ultimo, in replv to -. I M. mf mine of the: 9th, and your telegraphic despatch of AUCTION" SALES. AUCrriOXSJLLE. DY HOUSTON & WEST, Ancts. 1 RE AT SALE OF BOOKS AJD ST ATI O K R V, JT Encyclcmredias, and Sdentific, Mechtnical snd A rchitectual Works. Magnificently Illustrated Lon don and American Works, of the fine and useful arts . And splendid STANDARD LIBRARY BOOKS, in all the various departments of Literature. At Auction Friday evemaeat gas b'ght, at 'the Store pn Front St., next to J. D. Love's Furniture Store. Sale to be continned each evening, until all are dispos ed oC oct 2s;;;;; : r " BY M. CROIf I.Y, Anct. TniS KTENING, at IX o'clock I will sell at my Store Ko ft. South Water St., a large and e itentfre stock of ' ' j ..' GOLD WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUTLERY, ; - FANCY GOODS, c., Sale continued every evening until closed. Goods open for examination and private ?ale dnrtng the day. ' - ' oct 17-tf AUCTION SALE. BY HALL & PITTS Anct'ra. THE SALE of W. L. S. TOWNSHEND'S stock of 'Groceries, consbting of LIQUOR'S, WLNE3, TEAS, SAUOES, MACKEREL, BEEF, SEGARS, TOBACCO, WOOD ii TIN WARE. Commencing at WX o'olock, A. M. and continue until all is disposed cf. oct 22. A Wepdin; There was quite an interesting cir cumstancc which occurred in Anderson village on Monday last. VV'e heard it first, by accident, from 10 or 20 school eirls, pretty we 1 grown, who were giving their views and opinions as to the propriety ol the matter. 1 ascertainea iroin meir cuucis tion that one of the school irK in one of the col leges at this place, went directly from the school room to the church close by. and there was united in Kanrc ef mof rimftnr with fl vnun- gentleman of this district, who took her into his carriage and UR BU ilNESS HAT. Among the many new atyle r,rc JKora Mn,Mltrl Th nrls seemed A- of Soft Hts Utely Introduced, our JiRKCH SOT drove off somewhere rapidly. fac. M.rr J.7 :Vr::L:" . f nessHat ever presented to the public Made of differ- uie yuuug gcuticuiau, v. . . lnuri, Rn(i Rvne, tn uit Tarioua taatea can act on the part of FELT HATS, stand forth as the most successful busi- tv of three on ioint ballot. Another Witness to Abolitionized Democracy. This morning we received, says were both received on the evening of the 8th inst. Despatches forwarded since the dates of these ac knowledged have informed you that peace and quiet have been restored to the Territory. Not only have all large arjned bodies of men been dispersed, but the smaller) bands of marauders been driven of The roads are travelled with safety, and dwellings the Louisville 1 . .. ;'!.'. I T... 7 r o..... 4Vn T aKannn A A xr ay f icor tf the are secure from intrusion. For unwarda of two for that purpose. Why, even tne uiacK itepuoiican ui .v. - "'L u"" V" ;7iT- km(t that Fremont stands no chance before 8th inst., one of the most important Huchanan or' r-r 1 wrs 'f i tJ- J I TIMMMnlWiitA Tilra Ha Afhai frcr nc At tno I . . rim . . i V. k Hnnsp. The ISew iorK Trioune acicnowieagea gano iu jtcuubj t " claimme to! beions to all parties, nave left he Ter- wi. same party in that State, the Lebanon paper lougnt i ritory, and the benencent influence of their absence this long Since. j . ... j x.h I ufL' i ' ru I -Tin said Mr Venable. if Mr. Fillmore should be tne late Dauie upon rreeson grouuu. xvanyiug iu chosen President by the House of Representatives, party for the late State election, it exclaimed in trie Section would be hissed at for the reason that capitals large enougn ior a uouuie-sueei, Vvr- 'he would be V minority candidate. This was a pre- Tn! the event of the selection of either of the three candidates by the House, the person selected, whoever he might be, would be a minoritv President and should tne cnoice lau upuu i . . .1. ?ii.j Mr. Buchanan, he, Mr. Venable, wouia do aeiigniea The mere fact of the election going to tne ONE DAY FOR i LIBERTY AND UNION AGAINST SLA VERY AND DISUNION!! We can tell the people of the South, that, wher ever the Democracy of the North have thought that therefore unworthy to be trusted by the people. A Type "Mow Ynrk. on r?f u 7 i n Tl Z WW place in ode of the cars of the North Carolina Rail Friday, that T. Perry & Co., produce dealers, have u md a . fo . j - .i rru i:.Vv:i:;aa .mmmf tn snn imhi i , n. .u j j i i .r il. t i suspenucu. iucii nauiuuw uuuwuuk v--' " - i uon oi inei lenueucy uiaguuuucaiui me ueuiuurai- It is also rumored that a prominent house in the provision trade has suspended with liabilities to the amount of $800,000. Indiana Election. The Indianapohs Journal says that in consequence stigmatize! the cut agitation of the slavery ques of the discovery of stupendous frauds the Republi- tj0Dt oy toe Democrats at the South, as an arrant it- - 1. House neratiyes the ibea of a majority President- anything could be made by abolitionism, they haTe ( . House negaUTes ine J ' outstripped the Black Republicans in loud profes- ot the popular sions of ultra-abolitionism-even stigmatized the !... L cie when Van Buren was cho- Black Republicans as too indulgent to slavery, and -.w t - . , sen, and also when Mr. Polk was elected. - Mr. Venable had said that Congress had the right nrekcribe the aualificalions of voters, and that by the doctrine of the American party Congress could give negroes the right to vote. Mr. Meares showed thaVthis was incorrect, and quoted from the plat form the section upon the subject. It indirectly ac knowledges the right of the States the very thing Mr. Venable was contending for to regulate the nullifications of voters.. Mr. Meares had never heard " it contended that Congress possessed this right. The power to regulate the Naturalization laws was, indeed, vested in Congress, but the power to pre scribe the qualifications of voters was not. The American party contended for " an enforcement of the principle that no State or Territory ought to admit others than citizens of the United States to ' the right of suffrage, or of holding political offices." " . it!. s L 1 , .'mnliABtinn i-arrw npith if ma not xam uorulc ,j Fm expulsion of Preston "naliw the riffht bv the States to regulate the qualification umo wuu Y fcW t5, . . and nnally the nght by the Mat g rf S. Brooks, Esq, has been beaten by 6591 majority. roU8Mdt OI TOLcrJI i am.i v ovuhju uv --- that none bat citizens should have the right of suf frage? Clearly it did. Mr. Venable was entirely mistaken in his positions. ' i Mr. Meares then noticed the position assumed by the Hon. Mr. Ruffin on the Kansas bill and its prin " ciples. He, Mr. R., was in favor of Squatter Sove- (,Teihty had been in Missouri and Kansas, and knew that the people were capable of deciding for themselves the question of slavery. The Kansas bill established the principle that the people of aTerri- lory had the right to settle this question before they met in Convention to form a State Constitution. is being already very sensibly felt. The troops sent to the north have not yet return ed. It is my purpose to leave on the northern fron tier a considerable force for its protection ; and the remainder of the troops will be employed to guard such other points as may seem to require it. I shall shortly proceed in person with a small body of men to the southern portion of the Territory, in pursuit of a gang pf thieves who are said to be! pillaging that region. v erv respectfully, Your obedient servant, JNO. W. GEARY, Governor of Kansas. To the Hon. Wm. L. Marcy, j Secretary of State. Washington, D. C. . 1 1 1. their school companion aiso amazea uiem. u . , mj them tn nQMM llr-rmilitia V llC AAA DU1U II i o t ! VI I 'JvJ avuj j once done could not be undone." "Walked directly from the school room to the church !" said another; 'Must think of that!" "Iam surprised," said a third, "thut srt tall a e-irl as she should fall in love with such a little, short fellow." "But," said one, more experienced, 'that's always the case, a tall lady falls in love with a short gentleinan, and a tall gen tleman with a short lady !" Some one of them very eravelv intimated that it might iniure the school, at a distance, hearing of the circumstance. But the reply was, the parents of the g:rl live in Anderson villatro and no blame can conseauentlv attach to o 1 " the school. Greenville ratrtot. eential to a eood bat. Call and examine our assort- roent at the Hat and tap Jb.mponum. cct 2t. SHEFARD & MYERS. The New York Ledger. FOR Saturday Nov 1st, ree'd this morning. Alto, a supply of back numbers containg Sjlvanus Cobb'a new story. "Orion the Gold Beater; or True Heart and Falfe." Subscriptions ree'd and single copies i for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. oct 27. nE NEW YORK JOURNAL. For. November, ree'd and for rale at S. W. WHITAKERU oct 27. of its Kind. A gentleman relates to the editor of the Norfolk American a very good anec dote, based on an incident which recently took ic ultra Soii thernhm iust at this period. The Amer ican sajys :J ' Two persons of a highly respectable appearance, and wjth every appearance of being gentlemen, com menced a conversation with him upon the politi- i - i it. j ; i : -U ii ' i cai issues Ol tne uay; m wuicu vuey pruceeueu wu What Next? A speculator in Liverpool has of fered the city authorities 5,000 per annum for the use of the lamp posts to place advertising bills on. The offer was not accepted. , j . A noted politician was recently caught by a friend in the act of perusing the scriptures. Upon asking him what particular portion of the good book he had selected for examination, he replied : "I am reading the story about the loaves and fishes." f The great questions that now agitate the minds of the people generally is, who shall be Prepident, and who takes the best Daguerreotvpes the former can not be determined until the 4th of November but the latter can by calling at CBOWL'S and having your pictures taken for ONE DOLLAR k DOWNWARDS, at his rooms Front et., directly opposite the Book Bind- W BITING DESKS, & few handsome Papier Mache, and Rosewood Writing Desks. Opened this room ing and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. oct 27. - , The New York Ledger. 0R SATURDAY, Oct 21. recM this morning. Wo can furnish the "Ledger" and, indeed, most period icals, sooskr than can be obtained uom any other source at h , r t- 8. W. WHITAKER'S. oct 21. erv. oet 27. Card to the Ladies. RETICULE BAGS, Port Monnaies, Cabas, &c, for theLadiesat SCOTT & BALDWIN'S, oct 25-3t. I 38 Market et. ii 3 i a l a I i . a .llin. pans are aecenninea vo conuesi. iuo owic ccnu The official returns from four-fifihs of the State show a Republican increase over 1854 of 12,000 votes, while the Democrats have increased their vote 28,000. In the 9th and 11th districts the Democrats have increased 5,000 votes in each. humbu&r. eotten up tor party enect, &c Alter a while they left their seats and went forward for some purpose, when two gentlemen, who had been listening in indignant silence to the Black Republi can tirade of the first named gentlemen j opened a conversation, in which they took occasion to casti gate, and j denounce most severely, the abolition proclivities of the gentlemen who had dared to stig- -I i- iL . 1 1 1 -e al T a- 1L . ' T TU. TT T Cr N.mcAn ftf matlZB IUC UOIV UUITUr Ul IUC JJCLUUCiaiJS UVCr II1B 1SADLT IiISATlSJ. XIIU llUll. . JVfW xaauvM, I 'a- i -i. , j i , a-'-aa.a w. . - I .I.-..-.. c n r. m,irt nnmir t wa W hnmhnn SiaVCl 4UC3HUU, w ou uiuw uiiiuimgai,u uumwg, intimated that such men were dange that it would be better for them to leave the State! Our friend tried first to induce a more charitable feeling towards the first speakers, but the two last would not entertain it ; then suggested that perhaps that they! (the last speakers) were not capable of giving an unbiassed opinion, as probably each of Card to Parents. rSf" If you are lookina for Over Coats for your Sons from 12 to 16 years old, or for fancy Sack Coats for the Hxttle boys, call ; at the City Clothing btore and ex amine the best assortment in town. SCOTT & BALDWIN. oct 25-3t. 38 Market st. He was elected two years ago by a majority of S00O votes. We regret Mr. Harrison's defeat. A Card to Large Men, Who are frequently troubled in getting Under Shirts and Dr vwera to fit. They need have no further trouble. At SCOTT & BALDWIN'S they may select from a erreat Variety of Merino and Flannel Shirts. Al so Flannel Drawers of Domestic make. Also, Pants, the old style, f'broadfalls no where else to be found. They have from 30 to 45 inches. 40 INCH. CRAVATS supeTb goods. HALF HOSE from 9 to 12 and Dest goods. . SHAKER SHIRTS from 30 to 42 inches. J SHAWLS. RAGLANS. OVER COATS, DRESSING GOWNS, UMBRELLAS, &c, &c. atthe CITY CLOTHING STORE. oct 24-3t. I 38 Market et, CAROLINA SADDLERY AND HARNESS I ESTABLISHMENT. Corner Market and 2nd sts,tunder Carolina Hotel Wilmington, ft. u. - THE UNDERSIGNED, respectfully takes this method to inform the citi- izens of Wilmington and surrounding country, that he has taken the store on the comer of Market and Sec ond sts.,1 under the Carolina Hotel, where he would be pleased to exhibit his stock, consisting of SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALES, UAKN1MSS, iJXUiNIvo, WHIPS, BITS, SPURS, and all articles usually kept in such an establishment. All of which he will sell for cash, or on accommodating terms. Call and examine, as he solicits a share of the public patronage. Tl J - . 1 i . ! 7 , irr repairing uoce at snort miuce. oct 20. W. L. JACOBS. HAY ! ! 250 bales extra Northern Hay. WILLARD ft CURTIS. TTAYi JUL oct 17.) For sale by HARPER'S MAGAZINE -For November. - Ree'd and for sale at 8. W. WHITAKER'S. oct 23. NEW BOOKS. One bundle received this morning by Express. " Some excellent works In the lot. Call and see them at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Fresh HULSE, 'Arrivals. DeRosset, and Wake, from The Democratic gain of five to eight mem bers of Congress in Ohio, while the State was car ried by 30,000 majority, was owing to running three J them owned an immense number of slaves, which tickets in several districts. This gain has not been property pey were ieanui wouia oe jeoparaizea oy over the Republicans proper, but over the Ameri cans, who in several cases acted with the Democrats on all questions affecting slavery. Seriocs Accident to Ex-President Van-Bcren. Ex-President Van Buren, we learn by a telegraph- Mr; Buchanan had said the same thing in his letter ic despatch from Valetie, Kinderhook, was thrown of acceptance ; hut, said Mr. Meares, this was a 1 from his carnage on Inday last, and had his arm doctrine denounced ;by Mr. Calhoun as unconstitu- broken. tional, unsound, and fatal to the interests of the stU! Another Fremont. South. And rt nan, uaewise oeen aenounceu uy me w fi . , following teletrranhic despatch in the Uv. Anin W mA th Th . . . n mm -- . TT i . 1 I ' - c ' - a a i luc y t.a u uvuw ubiu! v, wua.. w Hon. Wm. K. King, uie . ice-rreaiaeiu oi ine unueu , said he, I have the pleasure of informing you that States; and by Jeuerson yavis, tne w ar Miniver o Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1856. John Charles one was Mr. Pettigrew, ef North Uaroiina, wnoowns President Pierce. r , . , , Fremont was born in Montreal. Canada. Ut it flv "wraAa son. XDliO owns several inousana : . iue eueci, can ue the liberal sentiments of the first speakers. - They assured him that he was mistaken, that neither of them owned a single slave, but that their indigna tion at the loose and incendiary doctrine of the two first speakers, arose solely from a pure devotion to the South unadulterated by a particle of person al interest. After bur friend who. by the way, has the keen est possible relish for a good thing had succeeded in drawing out an immense amount of Buncombe indignation, at the vile and incendiary doctrine of the first speakers, he very naively enquired if they knew who the men were whose abolition proclivities RUSSIA SALVE. Ig a purely vegetable compound, of a rare and peculiar combination, and is the best Salve ever made for the cure of BURNS, FLESH-WOUNDS and SORES of all kind3. Price 25c pr box. Liberal discount ? by the dozen or ross. For sale in Wilmington, N. C, by i S W.WHITAKER, oct 6-flra. Agent for the Proprietors. Igr Prof. Wood's Hair Rxstorativk. Having tried unsuccessfully sundryl highly recommended "hair ton es" on Jour own half denuded crown, we bad about lost all confidence in nostrums of thit sort until a few weeks aeo we met a distinguished politician of this , State, whom we had seen three years ago wiw mm nair, ana as "eray as a rat,'1 but now boasting as fine and glossy head of hair as one could wish. We demanded the secret of hia improved appearance, when he readily ac counted for it by ascribing it to the virtues of Professor Wood's Hair Restorative. We shall try that -next, as our advertising coloms show it to be for sale in town. Ottowa Free Trader. lr. Meares then entered upon a. discussion of the claims of. Mrl Fillmore, and closed a speech of great E "powey amid hearty jplaudits. ; i:V ' - ;xMr. Frederick D.j Poisson, a young gentleman of decided talent, just entering into political life, was Fremont was born in Montreal, Canada. Let it fly to the ends of the earth. s; ; Stephen H. Branch. imagined.! UR EXPRESS CAR will leave for evening at 4 o'clock. "We notice that Jas. Banks, Fsq., of Fayette ville is to deliver his lecture on the life, and char- next called upon, aiwl spoke for a considerable length Ucter of Flora McDonald, at Cheraw, South Caroli- mlrtouent!v and well. He said that JJr. rai-W v" fcUC The English on "Dred. Mrs. Stowe is evid ently at 4 discount. Hear the Liverpool Post. "It tarns out that we are weary or Mrs. btowe, as Mrs. Stowe, and that the nigger is not just at pres ent 4 up in the market. Her new account of the slave life In the States has fallen dead on the mar- 4 Uti more was essentia!. ' the National, Conservative Foo n se. We learn that Dr. E. R. June , who kct to the dismay of the publishers, who specu ftTnion candiote--Uxat Buchanan atthe South is was convicted of manslaughter, at the last term of lated in a popularity that was fictitious and does " Ldidat.,fthi ultra Southern party, while in fcup Co the kfllmg of A. J. not endure 'f.trll!,h.r!r.: portions ofthe North and Mortb-w est, anaevenm forf cotyjcomtted suicide on Friday last by the literary art which makes moneyby settinga Pennsylvania, his own State, the banner of Buchan- cutting his jugular vein with a razor. We have great confederation by the ears on a topic depen- " .. ' . -w -rr t i i j i i L.i i ... , . j j An u.:. :an ; lifpckinridaro ana ree A.nsaa aau uxn roaw. t oearu no urncuuj, wo u. w is siipposea to I aent on eveuw, nu vu vgiv, wr j ium,iuu Tprflmore occupied the golden mean. He tood a have perpetratea the aeeaina ntoi mental derange- treatment. . i i, ' i ' 11 t .1 il nM.AA.y. I uivu w WWWV -VW-. 1 I i breakwater between JNortneni anu oouvue vwu- . . : BEAinruL. une pouna oi goia may alism. In his own words he knew only bis country his wiiole country, and nothiog but his country. JJudxsisn' had been inconsistent thronghout; his whole career: What guarantee had we but that he would play false again. Experience had tested Mr. be drawn Thaxksgivixg There is a very pleasine degree into a wire that would extend round the globe. of unanimity observed, thus Cur, with reference to So one good deed may be felt through all time, and the appointment of a day of thanksgiving. The 20th even extend Hs consequences into eternity. Though of November has been fixed npon by seven Sta- done in the first flush of youth, it may gild the last tes, as follows: New York, Missouri, Maryland, hours of a long life, and form the only bright spot Maine, Vermont, a ew Hampshire, Connecticut, jn it. O MOLASSES for sale. oct24-3L. the West this We have 20hhd3 SWEET KEITH & FLANNEK. - PER SCHR. New York. 20 bbls. R. L. k A. StuarU C. Yellow Sugar, 15 " Uavemeger and Motlers 44 5 " do. do Crushed, 5 " ; .. A Coffee Crushed, . - - 10 Prime Porto Rico Sugars, ' 5 kegs prime Butter, Low for cash at t 4? fit!A TT 1TT5T.T.TCY It TtRii m V W MMMAMM Jour. Spt Age, N. C. Adv.& Greensboro Times, copy. jrotTcetoPeaNutFarmera!. TWO BUSHEL GUNNY BAGS, daily expected, for sale by PETTEWAY k PRITCHETT. 25000 oct 22. RESIDENTS . AND STRANGERS, can save both time and money, by purchasing their UMBREL LAS of SHEPARD t MYERS, oct 24. 34 Market t. EVERY VARIETY of Men's Boy's and CTuldren's HATS and CAPS, may be found it the Hat and Cao Emporium. 34 Market st. oct 24. SHEPARD & MYERS. T3ACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 20 hhdaprim JD article for sale by v M. McINNIS. oct 21. RENT. A comfortable Front street, apply to oct 25 -3 w. L70R d veiling house, on J. A. PARKER. BY EXPRESS, and now TnfcVTTn THTS MORNING XV open, a very handsome assortment of Misses Black and Drab Beaver, and Brown and Black . Fell t Flatf, richly trimmed. At very low prices- t Ladies who, have been .acting for ,hee Oood,,.np ce , oet 27. ' ,Hat & Cap EmporianJ. ! STRAYED. A pided Milch ,Cow?. thick set. horns very long, and straight, resem bles a steer in the !aeewi(h'a bellaroand her neck; the ends Of the bell strap it lapped and tied with a small string.-' 'She was purchased of MrCaa nT n the sound, where the may return; Informa tion of her whereabouts thankfally received. A Hberal I at the Hirand Cap Kmporiom,4 Market st; rMTA-d win be naid for her return. Apply atV. 4 W ; -c- , . oct. 27. THIS OFFICE. PICTURES AND FRA3IlNG;Avcry pretty assort ment of Fine EngravmgsLithographs and color ed prints? now oa hand.l Abo, Gilt, Rosewood, Walnut, and Maole Framin?. Orders executed with despatch. at S. W. WuITAKKKv. and Maple ort 27 rpO RENT. A PEW in t. James Church, No. as JL In the Main Isle, on 1st Monday In Nov. 56. Price $70. Apply at TBIS OFFICE. Oct 25. r - - -- - )R RENT. A comfortable Dwelling House, on corner of 5th and Dock st, recently occupied by rcln.jiApplT: oct 25-w. WILLIAM HYDE. T OST. About the 2? Oct., 66 in thia town, JLJ.made a note bv Dexter Wood at one day after date for FmyDollars, payable in April last, to John 8. Player. AH nersons are cautioned to have nothing to do with it as payment has been stopped. s J. S. PLAYER. 'PHERE is no necessity for wearing that old Hat any J. longer, as SHEPARD & MYERS, can replace it with an article to suit both your style and pocket. Call CSX REtTD-PER ADAMS EXPRESS UU, something J newtlie wiy of HLK HATS, BEEBE. GENIN, and othet St jfcrof Fashionable Dress, FUR, CLOTII, PLUSU, ana Muaiu vjlmto. mm ;

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