- , II . ! v; Jii; li It, Jr., Editor and Proprietor. WILIttlXGTOX, IfOUTn-CAUOLIIfA SIX DOLLAR A YEaU IN ADVATICX: I : VOL. IIL---NO. 220. Inhalation in Consumption. 'Bronchitis, LaryngUe and other Disease of the Chest vl Throat, gucce33fully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powdery by Absorption and con United treatment, as practiced at the "Sruy v3ant Med cal Institute," New York City. Diseases of the Heart Liver, Female Complaint, Dytpepsia, Venereal Affec tljnstd)ii Chronic Diseases generally, will receive the -attention of the Physicians, to whom uch may have been specially entrusted. r The unprecedented success which has attended this tai'thod of treating "jeascs of the Lungs and Throat, hai induced us to depart from our usual course, and avail ourselves of the Tress, in order to bring it to the knowl edge of such as may be laboring under, or predisposed ro such affections. The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Consumptive. The doctrine of the incurability of Consumption has at length passed away. We have in dubitable proofs in our possession, that Consumption in all ilmlarjCH can be cured; in the first, by tubercular ab sorption ; in the second, by the transformation of tub- ereule into chalky and calcareous concretions ; in the third by cicatrhil -it scars. Those wedded to the past, miy i.irt, that even now Consumption ia incurable; such are behind tne age. To all, this great truth must be apparent, viz : that medicines inhaled in the form ofJ Vapor or Powder directly into the Lungs, must be much moie efTectujH than that taken Into the Stomach where the d i4eafe dce.4 not exist. The advantages derived from Inlulationn the treatment of Consumption and Throat diseases, are, that medicines in the form of Va i r aro applied directly to the lungs, where the disease exists; t!i i stomach being left free to aid in restoring ho iltli, by administering to it,-healthy, life-giving food. Tii M oi-i no case, so hopeless that Inhalation will not K- ioh; tho means, too are brought, within the reach of ll, t); manner of administering the Vapors being so il ii,)!'-, that the invalid is never required to leave home, wit- r. tUn hands of friendship and affection tend to aid ch tne rnysicuin a enorts. I earnestly appeal to f :i -j '.ntliigenco of all afflicted with diseases, or who may li- Uie germs of the disease within them, to embrace i - o:i ',( t'ie advantages of inhalation, and no longer waste rcious lrao in applying nostrums to the unoffending i'ouiich. I claim for Inhalation a place amongst the iuocious trifts that Nature and Art have given us. that "our days may bo long in the land," and as the only ''Ark ov RsfijoV for the Consumptive; a method not inly fUTlONAL rut simple, safe, and efficient. S;icU of the profession that have adopted Inhalation, have found it efficacious in the highest degree, arresting ' he progress of the disease, and working wonders in iuany dspert. cases; in verity, a. triumph of our Art, iwr this fell destroyer of ourspecies. Norn. Physicians wishing to make themselves ac- ji ilnte I vith this practice, are informed, that our time :uin valuable, we can onljr reply, as to ingredients imed. to such lefters that contain a fee. The fee in all cn.Tilof Pulnion.iry affections, will bis $10, on receipt of whia, the necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded.' The fee in other cases, will be from $5 to 10. - Applicant will state age, ser,' occupation, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease ex nta in the family, and symptoms generally. Let the name. town, and State, bo plainly written. Postage for return answers m ist be enclosed. Letters when regis tert'd by the Post master are at j our risk. All letters mini b3 addfossed. WALLACE MERTOUN, M. D. an-j. 2.-6mc S. M. Institute, N. Y. City. "Our .Motto is to Please." T.the Wilmington, Saddle, Harness, and Trrk Man ii. ifactory. The subscriber respectfully informathe pub tic that ho has recently received large additions to his stock ..('Saddle and Harness mountings, Ac, of the latest and .inst improved stvles. and ia constantly manufacturing, at iiia store on Market street, every description of articles in i he above line. From his experience in the business, he I t'.iftU confident that he will be abie to give entire satistactior i. bis customers. He has now on baud aud will constantly icrcp a large assortment of ! '-teh (fig, Sully, and livfgy Harnesses ; Ladies' Sad,ils, IJAdUsWhips, d-c. ; Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, dtc, dtc. i (.f w hich le will warrant to be jof the best materials and workmanship. He has also a' large assortment o 1'M-mks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, &c, nd all other articles usually kept !in such eit shments of which he offer low for Gksai or on s credit to prompt customers. t i. j " Saddles, Harness, Trunks Medical Bags, t.,- &c, made border. J , , I n addition to the above, the subscriber always keeps on baud a large supply of String Leather, and has now, and will keep through the season, a good assortment of Fly Nets. All are invited to call andoxamine my Goods, whether in nt or not, as I take pleasure in snowing my assortment io iU who may favor me witn a can. . , Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a ia.r price io per- sons buying io raanutttciuic Also, Whips m wnoiesaie All kinds o ?dinr VehicleB bought and sold on commis " John j. conoley. sions May 10, 1351. i l-ly. J. M. ROBINSON, & SON. MP0RTER3, Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers, hi Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steal, Nails, Agricultural Implecmenta, &c. "Wilmington, N. C. , jan. 1 - 'fifi. 1 004-U, OflOE. 150" bushels very superior white flint Co.mi. Just receired and fpr sale by ""V TV TT Tl au 8. 1 V' wcriiti ur. "10-PARTNERSHIP between! John Hall and Wm. J L. Pirra, in the General Produce, Real Estate and Stock Brokerage business. John Hall will give his principal attention to the Naval Store interest, Wm. L. PilU to Coiton, and both parties to all matters con nected with a general Brokerage business. j JOHN HALL, I WM. L.PITTS. M i;ch HJth, 1856 . 623-tf JVoticeJ rr 7R li T RflRI BE R would respectfully inform thein- L habitants of the Town of WUmington, and the ; nubKc generally, that he is engaged in the Baking of, hard bread and crackers, and if properly patronized will ; devote his entire attention to thtt one branch of busi-j iims and will furnish Merchants' and other consumers , at the lowest price possible, for casheither wholesale j or retail. On- hand, Butter, Boston, Sugar, Milk and Soda Crackers. Pilot and Navy Bread. All orders will ; fit. fiii4 nnH" (roods forwarded. Address v nviuuwj mv'- o - SAM'L W. ROBERTS. Wilmington june 25. C. 49 Market st. llS-tf. BOARDING. The subscriber having recently com pletelv fitted up the Bradley house, two doors north of the Presbyterian Church, is now ready to accommo date tfftiisisst boarders. . ,-! L M4LLETT. jan.-2i ,,,'; :;r. ,.i-r--. 81-tf. ." . . ' ' r "i -i . , ew-nerne Mutual J7I re Insurance Company. Director. " A. T. JERKIXS, ALKX. MlTCHKLj., JXO. DtBBLK, M. A. Octtes, M. W. Jarvis, Gko. Bishop, W.H.Oliver, j. D. Flakmkr, E. Ccthbert, W. P. Moobe, Wit. Dunk, V . C. Whitford, J. M. F. Habrisox. Officers. ; ' A. T. JERKINS, president, W. P. MOORE, Vice President, v-- - -i! ; i - Dajj'l T. Carrawat, Secretary! and Treasurer.. . The above company having complied itk the require ment of its Charter, is now prepared to effect insurance on-approved risks on the most favorable terms. Applications for Insurance'willbe made to -: A. A. BROWN, Agent. FEIDAY EVENING3, NOVEMBER CLAKENDUM IllOAT WORKS, WILMIXGT05, C. A. H. VAN EOKKELEV I'roprletcr. ryBZ SUBSCRIBER having purchased the entire J- terest in the "Clarendon Ieo Wop.k?,' folic orders for Steam Engines, ot any power or style, Saw Mills of every variety, ' ' Mining Machinery and Pumps, Grist and Flour 11 ills, complete, Parker, Turbine and other Water-Wheels, Rice-field Pumps and Engines, Leavitt's Corn and Cob 'Crusher, Rice Thrashers, Shingle Machines, Shafting Hangers and Pullies, Cotton Gins and Gearing, Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns,. Brass do. " ' Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Flue and plain Cylinder Boiler?, ' Blacksmith work, of all kinds, Iron Doors for houses and Jails. The Establishment having been reorganized for the express purpose of insuring punctuality in theexccutioi of all orders, the publie may rest satisfied that any wor which may offer will be promptly delivered according tc promise, and of such workmanship as cannot fail to give satisfaction. The Mechanical Department being in charce of men of talents and experience, I have no hesitation in say ing that the work hereafter turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect with that of the most celebra ted in the States, and at prices which will make it to the interest of all in want to send me their orders. Repair work always done without delay and, having a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantage ous to any person needing such to give nic the prefer ence without regard to expen.e of sending some from a distance. Orders will be addressed to Wilmington, X. C. A, Oct 15-499-tf "Clarendon Iron Works," TT ttit r. . - , ' i Arai vArb: We havejust received and opeu J ed a case of new style JOCKEY CAP. anmethino- that is really neat and tasty. Also Men and Bovs blue INavy Caps. Our stock of Canes are also increased by this morning's Express. Call and see at the Drzaar of Fashion. GILES &-ITAWES. oct IS. Administrators Notice. TUE SUBSCRIBER, having at the last term of County Court of New Hanover County, taken letters of administration on the estate of Frederick r j.-ii .ii i . . . the j out i A.; iiijore, ucc u., an persons mueotea to said estate hprhv nnt;fil in maL-a .'mmn;n . j.t ! are ! having claims against it -to present them within the time ! prescnoea riy law, or they will be barred of a recovery j sept. '20.-6w. THOS. C. MOORE. Admr." ! rENTSFINE DRESS MOLES IN, and Soft Felt! KA Hats, ia great variety, at the Hat and Cap Empo iium 34 Market st. SHEPARD & MYERS. - oct 22. Ice I Ice ! ! Ice THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE will be open for delivery of ICE from sunrise to sunset, except on Sunday, when it will be closed at 9 o'clock in the morning. Price One cent per pound for quantities of :s pounds and over. Terms eash, in all cases, without exception. Tickets can be procured by such as desire them. Ipe furnished to the sick poor, tree of charge, when by direction from physicians or visiting committees. Wilmington, N. C, April 15, '56. G-tNl J . ill . STEVENSON FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF PRO A GENT J. DUCE Office under Adams Bro mington N. C. . February 14th, 1356. Co.,-Princess Street, Wi Office Wil. & 9Ian. Railroad,) Wilmingtok, Dec. 13th, 1855. " IVf OTICE is hereby given that all Freight transported X 1 by this Road will be at the entire risk of the owner, from the moment it is unladen from the Cars at the point of delivery. L.J.FLEMING, Dec 14, 1855 550-ly General Superintendent. ROYAIi LOTTERY of the ISLAND OF CUB A II ISEaCELLENCY the suDerintendent General M Revenue of the Island of Cuba hafi dig oged th t all the drawings which will take place in the present year, 1856. Commencing with the one of 9th Auut shall be GRAND EXTRORDINARIES, of 21,500 Num bers or Tickets, and that the 258,000 to be distributed in Prizes shall be in the following manner: Prize of. . ... -5100,000 do. do. do. ....... . . . . do. ...... . . . . Prizes of f 2,000. ... do. 1,000.... do.. 400...... do, 200...... 50,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 6,000 2,000 28,000 29,800 7,200 o 2 70 149 20 Approximations,'. 1 219 S25S,000 APPROXIMATIONS. The two former and the two following Numbers : those winning one of the five Capital Prizes, shall 1 entitled to : to be f 10 the one of 100,000, 4 Approx of 600, 400, 1 400, ! - 200, 200 2,400 1,600 .1,600 S00 S00 To the one of 50,000, do. do'., do. do. To the one of To the one of To the one of 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 20 Annroximatior 7,200 Days on which the jOrmrinos tale rdacel CLASS No. 567, . . : . '. . 9th-Auut " " " 568, ... . 20th " 569, . ... 17th 4 570, . ... 7th Sept'r. Oct'r. u Nov'r. Dcc'r. " 44 571, . . . 25th 44 572, . . . . lgth 44 " 573, . . . 10th PRICES OI TICKETS. Whole Ticket, . . $20. 1 Quarter Tirket "I Half Ticket, . . 10, Eighth Ticket. . ' Sixteenth Ticket, ... . . 15. THEO. GUESNARD sept 24.-tf. . Jr. Copartnership fTTIHE UNDERSIGNED have this day entered intt a 11 Copartnership, under the name and stvle of Cum jiisg & Smtos, for the transaction of a general Com-1 mission and ForwMtfis; business. J. D. CUMMING, Sept. 1, 1S55. 462-tf C. W. STYRON. Jo-Partnership Notice. rniIE UNDERSIGNED have purchased the Drug Es L tabHshment of Messrs. C. & D. DuPEE. Thev will continue the Drug business, in its various branches, un der the firm of W. MEARES & CO. WALKER MEARES, mayl9-683-tf : . J. L. MEARES, M. D. Stock for Sale. O A SHARES Steam Tug Stock ; A y 11 ' Wilmington & Manchester R, R. Stock; , 10 . Commecpral Bank Stock, will be soldi 1 !.oh, vi uu uiue sppToreajaper, by Ralm of Tirza. , rpflIS IS A NEW REMEDY of surprising-power; in JL stantly relieving Neuralgia a speedy cure for Rheu matism, Scalds, Burns, and relieving pains of every kind. One of its most surprising effects, is its power of reducing Inflammation, and scattering Risings of every kiad. It especially relieTeS female1! suffering with rising breasts. When rubbed on the part affected, it h instantly ab sorbed into the circulation, and seizes offending ob structions and carries them out with the secretions-where hey may be detected in fifteen minutes after its applica tion. . ; ; The best way to apply it for scattering risings, is to rub it on the part 'affected", with the fingers, and imme diately cover the part r rubbed with soft paper wet in warm water. Put up by Dr. R. S. THOMAS, Wilmington, X. C, and sold by all the Druggists of the place. Price 75 cts a box. april 25 663-tf HOOP IRON", for sale br, i oct S. J. M. ROBIXSOX & SON. AY-! HAY ! ! 250 bales extra Northern Hav. oct 17.) For sale bv WILL A RD & CURTIS. AO. BRADLKY, DRUGGIST, WILMINGTON, N. C, has or. baud and is constantly receiving pure and selected Drugs, Medicines. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Paint?, Oils, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Shop Furniture, Window vita.?, 'Trusses, Supporters, Surgical Instrument?, &c. An in?pection of the stock u solicited from Physicians visiting Wilmiagton, believing that they can be sup plied equally as low as they bu for "North" , and know wig the quality of the articles to be more reliable. The stock of Instruments is unusually lirge and will be sold at extreme!" low prices. oct 18 k i a rrr .v FLOIfll. -10 bbls N. C. Family Flour. For sale by J. & D. McRAE & CO. OCt 18. 70R A COMFORTABLE BATOR CAP, call in at the Emporium, arid sel ect irom our extensive as- gortment oct iT. 1 SIIEPARD & MYEFwS. BIBLES. The celebrated Bagster Bibles beautifully illustrated with large steel engraving bound in Turkey Morocco, pjaic. and beveled ; Calf; Calf Antique; Morocco ; Roan ;irid Sheep. For sale at jociJJ S. W. WHITAKER. VTEr .sTi'iIS OF FrJLt' tlAfS. just opened, Men's JLi and Gov's fluchmm. Fillmore and Union Hats. Call and ex a mi oct 20. io tne .Novelties at tne Emporium. SHEPARD & MYERS. i I UUr lli . ton a superior article, for sale by "T.oc Lo. M. MclNMS. KEGS ! 5, 10, 15 and 20 gallon kegsTTor 1 h EGS! oct 1 sale by M. MoINNIS. VTAILS, CUT AND VVROUGHT SPIKES, for sale by 1 oct 8. J. M. ROBINSON & SON. Singer's Sewing Machines. rpHESE CELEBRATED MACHINES are in practi--L cal and profitable use in all parts of the world. In all various trades, and in sewing every sort of fabrics, either cloth or leather, they have been fully tried aud approvod. Sewing machines of other manufacturers often fail to work, but SINGER'S MACHINES AL WAYS OPERATE PERFECTLY, being strong, dura ble and complete in contrivance and workmanship. A perfect sewing machine kept employed affords a clear profit of 1,000 a year; but an imperfect one is a cause of constant vexation and loss. Tho entire reliability of our machines is one great reason for their unparal leled popularity. ! MACHINES FOR FAMILY SEWING, ! of a frail delicate construction, are recommended by other manufacturers. Such machines are made to catch the eye, not to perform substantial work. The truth is, family sewing machines ought to be stronger than any other, because they go into less skillful hands than when sold to manufacturers, and are used for a greater variety of work The machines which have pro ved best for all other purposes must be best for family use, and they are Singer's. The speed of our machines has lately been doubled. No other can compare with them in quantity of work. New machines o the latest improved style will be exchanged on liberal terms for old sewing machines of our own make, or for operative machines of other manufacturers. Local agents wanted to sell our ma chines. i N. B. All persons desiring full information! about sewing machines, can obtain it by applying for a copy of "I. M. Singer & Jo.'s Gazette," a paper devoted en tirely to the subject. It will be sent gratis. 1 1 I. M. SINGER & CO. Principal Office, 323 Broadway, New York. BRANCH OFFICES, 47 Hanover st. Boston, 32 Westminster st. Pro v. 274 Broad st. Newark, N. J. 317 Broadway, Albany, NY, Gloversviile, New York. 89 Chapel st. New Haven. 11 Buchanan st. Glasgow, oct 22-3mc. ! ! 142 Chesnut St., Phila. 105 Bait., st., Baltimore. 8 East 4th st. Cincinnati. Chicago, Illinois. 1 65 North 4th st, St Louis. 81 St. Charles st. N. O. 20 Dauphin st , Mobile. JUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. Ben, a fresh supply of RAISINS, whole, half and quarter boxes.! ! For sale at the Broadway Variety Store, No 40, Market st. oct 16. M W. II. DeNEALE. ATOLylSSES. 25 hhds Sugar House Molasses,! daily XTX expected. For sale by J. & D. McRAE & CO. oct 18. T)UIIE OLD RYE WHISKEY. 25 bbls different bv M. McINNIS. For ale oct 15 .Notice. j CORN, MEAL, HOMMONY, HORSE & COW FOOD. A constant supply of the above articles will be found for sale at my mill. I am manufacturing a very superior article of family' Meal, and llommony. D. DcPRE, Jr. 712-tf. june 24. Ur. A. O. BRADLEY, I DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, Successor to ST. B. & J. A Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drugs, Med cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patent Medicine Perfumery, Cigars, Old Brandies and Wines, &c.,j &c, 1 low prices. North West Corner Front and Market sta Wilmington, N. CJ, March 20, 1854. 11-tt. FOR SALE. Tho South-west Corner Lot, at the in tersectionof Front and Walnut streets, measuring 6 1 feet front, and running to low water mark,! upon which is the Corn Mill occupied by D. DuPre. i Apply to (nov lS-513-tf) JNO. A. BAKER French Window Glass. T7D WARD P. DICKIE, 144 Chambers street, New i AJJ York, two doors west of Hudson River Railroad j Depot, oftcrs to dealers anj. consumers his celebrated 1 brands of French Window Glass on favorable terms. Parties wishing lntormaaon will be furnished with prices ou receipt ot their address. Glass, pattern, and packed free of charge, may 21 8S4-ly i cut to any desired f Notice. A1 LL PERSONS are hereb warned not to hunt, fiah. or tre?pa35 in any manner on my lands in Brunswick county, under the sevemt penalties of the law. i i! T. C. McILHENNY. May 7 j 362-tf O ALT ! SALT 1 1500 Sacks daUy expected by Schr. Woodbin, and for Sale to arrive bv. 21, 1856. The rcatct IcdicaJ DIcorcry orthe) DR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has dlscorered ia oae Kit our comma pasture tcetd ' remedy that caret EVERY KIND OF HUMOR; from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. He has tried It in over 1100 casts, and never (ailed except in tw cases, (both thunder humor.) He ba now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted' to cure a nursing eore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst ktad of Pim ples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the sys'eai of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to oar the went canker in the mouth and stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to care the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the Eyes. Two pottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted te cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rhumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the silt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of acrol ula. : A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quan tity is taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it ia every case. So sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that I sold another : after a trial it always speaks for itself There are two things about this herb that appears to me sur prising ; first that it grows in our pastures, in eome pla ces quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been 1 known, until I discovered it in 1846 second, that it should cure all kinds of humor. In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it, and sold about six bottles per day in Apiil 1854, 1 sold over one thousand bottles per day of it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in business twenty and thirty years, say, that nothing in the annals of patent medicine was ever like it. There is a universal praise ol it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for hu mors but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptie fits a disease which was alwajs considered incurable, have been cured by a few bottles. O, what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady there are but few who have seen more of it than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged people cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma Fever and Ague, Pain in the side. Diseases of the Spine, and par ticularly in diseases of the Kidneys, &c, the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. ?o change oi diet ever necessary eat the best you can get and enough of it. Directions for Use. Adults one table spoonful per day Children over ten years desert spoonful -Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As uo di rections can be applicable to all constitutions, take suf ficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass. Sold in Wilmington, N. C, by A. O. BRADLEY, Druggist, &c, 3F" To whom all orders must be addressed to insure prompt attention. sept 5-lyr-c." - Plate and Window Glass IT EROY, STRUTHERS & CO., No. 42 Cliff street, New York, Importers and Manufacturers Agents, CHANCE'S ENGLISH SHEET, CROWN and CRYSTAL PLATE WINDOW GLASS; Fluted Glass for sky-lights, &c. &c. ; Colored, Ornamental, Optical and Microscopic Glass; the London and Manchester Plato Glass Com pany's thick polished Plate for store windows, &c. &c. Rough Glass for floors and sky-lights. Attention is invited to the above various descriptions of Window Glass in use for Stores, Dwellings, and other purposes. The quality of these articles is inferior to no corresponding description, and in many respects superior Our Sheet Glass will be found better than the French in its freedom from stain, rust, &c. Being Agents for two of the largest Glass ManufaC' turers in Europe, we are enabled to offer dealers and others every advantage in prices and large stocks. Price Lists will be furnished on application. may 2l-684-6m Pork, Bacon. Ac, BBLS. MESS PORK, 13 Hhds. Western Shoulders, 100 40 Casks Sugar Cured Hams, I 20 Bags Rio Coffee, 5 Barrels Whiskey, 00OO lbs N. C. Bacon. For sale by oct. 15. PEfTEWAY & PRITCHETr. WILMINGTON M Alt BLE Ac STONE YARD. T HE subscriber having accepted the agency of several large establishments at the North, which will furnish him with an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign or domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS and TOMB 8T0NTSS; and every other article in the line of the business at rea sonable rates. Sculpturing, Lxttirino or Cxrraso, executed as well as can be done either North or South. The best of reference can be given if required. JAS. McCLABAHAb. Dec. 31st, 1851. 66-tf. ANDREWS & JESUF, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Steam Engines and Boilers, Machinists'-Tools, Belting, 4c Importers & Dealers In Manufacturerw articles, No. 67 Finest., New York. N .B.-Agenti for the W00DRU7F BEACH TCO!TVf0iXi STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. ., Exclusive Agency in Nevr York for r "LOWELL MACHINE SHOP," UachinistsVTooii. Sept. 29, 1855 48ftly TTTE will fill no order at our Mills, unless the cash Is v gent with it. QUINCE & COTTAJT. 18 S9S Tf C. RAIL ROAD-8,00Obmhi!A Red and Whito 1 Wheat of tuperior quality. , For til by 14. , ;: yr. eumababy k ca " . . . Frcs!i -Arrivals. PER SCHR.L. P. SMIin, fcca Sw York: 25 Bags prim ! Cce l Dox. JavaGhstrprtsarre 44 Gross Matches,, 4 Qointala fine Cod5sh 10 Bbls Irish, Potatoes 5 Onions, ' 25 Boxes fino Cheese, , , - 5 Bbls fresh Buckwheat four, . 20 Half Boxes Colgate! psi Etay, lOWnolo " " . . Low for cash at GEO. H. KTLLTT t BUS'S, oct 2S. ' No. 11 North, VTatar at,-" Journal, N. C. Adv. 5pt A and Crsrwhe Tln WHOLE NO. 840 SWAf4CO.S T.OTT l t f 10 . luTid h State ofGeorgUA 3,250 Prix e$ Lowest lixe fio n! MORE THAN ONEPR1ZE TO EYEf ,w4o uunug iv nuoteuc&ets are guar- -"- - si" iiiitct aaavfuarrers in prop or NUU SAM'L 6 WAN 4 CO., Managers. ! So.OOO Tickets 3.280 Prises' P i 204,000 will be distributed according to the foCswin" ORIGINAL SCHK : Prize of. . . .$40,000 1 K 100 ICO Pri of.. .11,000 1 ir-u 1v .. 12,0JQ .. 3,XK) .. 2,000 .. 1.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Priies of $150 approx. to $40,000 prise'ar " 125 " 12.000 - I 4 4 40 t.OOO ;;- 100 5,000 " To 2,000 So ' " 1,000 4- " iOO " 40 are...... ..00 40O , 00 - 4i fxu prizes amountiBg to.... ... ... $204,000 Whole Tickets, $10 Halves, 5, Quarters. $2 60 INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS j ' As, by this Scheme, one Ticket in every 10 is yva onteed to draw $40, we will fell Cert iuca tea oij Packa ges of 10 Tickets at the following rates which is the risl on them. V All that they draw over the crues to the purchaser. amount guaranteed a Certificates of Package 10 Whole tickets, ., Vi 44 44 10 Half 44 . 44 ' 10 Quarter ... It will be perceived, by this plan,, that for I Co Su $60 the purcnaser nas a Uertihcate or 10 Tickets, when if he buys Tickets he would only get for that sum 61 Wholes, thu3 by buying Certificates he has four more chances for the larger Prizes Halves and Quarter Packages in pro portion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets or dered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded bv first mail. f : The List of Drawn Numbers and Prize will be ent t. purchasers immediatelv after the drawing. -i C 137" Purchasers will please write their signature plain, and give their Post Office, County and Sute. Remember that every Prixe is drawn and payable in full without deduction. .. . . All prizes of $1,000 and under, j immediatelv alter the drawing other prizes at tr ..-1 t time of jliirtv days, in full without deduction. All communications strictly confidential' Prize tickets cashed or renewed in other tirkrtd & either office. . . . Orders for Tickets or Certificates can be addre-o! either to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga., - or S.SWAN, Montgomerv, Ala. oct SO-td. IIOTEfi FOR8 LE. i RUTEERFORDTON, X. tV rpHE SUBSCRIBER, having determined to 1 c uTove X- will expose to public sale on tho. 12th of Jftnuarv ml, THE VILLAGE HOTEL, formerly known as Twitty'a Hotel. This being the western terminus ot the WilmiBgton, Charlotte and Rutherford Rati! Road, and the Road now being under contract, will render it a most desirable place of business. The House is in ex cellent repair and order, and within the last thrc years improvements have been made npoq the lot to lh amount of over $5,000," including a splendid Brick Sta ble, large and commodious, not surpassed by -an in the western pa-t of the State. The out buildings are al -in good repair. Other pronertv will also be sold on that and days following. - - M h The House will be sold on a credit of twelve months, purchaser giving note and approved security. Pei ieoI desirous of purchasing would do well to call and exam ine the property . SAMUEL WILK4NR oct so.-tlstJ. . " . fireworks ! Fircrk f I UE SUBSCRIBER has now received his Fall iupph ui cuiuurcu, piain, ana iancy nreworks manufactur ed expressly for his sales by the most experienced Py rotechnist in the United States. The works are neatly and well made and are sure to give satisfaction, the ' stock comprises : uiae Lights, berpents, Grass Hoppers, Flow- er Pots, Bangolia Lights, plain and colored, Pin Wheels Nos 1,1', and 3, Scroll Wheels Triangles, 5 sizes, Cap! rices, Roman Candles plain and colored. Rocket nlnfn and colored, Mines of Stars 5 sizes, Torpedos, I Pullin" Crackers, 6 Point Stars, Maroons, Verticle Wheel. Sax" I ons 4c, Ac., Ax., Italian Streamers, Large Fancy Pieces 01 au unas. -j it - v All orders from a distance carefully packed, and for warded. - JOSEPH B. BUSSIER, o. 27 South Wharves. Phila. I nov 4-1 in. ' TC CONSUMERsllF PICKLES ! ' I T3ELIEVING that the Public have become tired of purchasing Pickles in Packages, holding in many I cases, fifty per cent, less than represented, we have com -; menced putting up, in addition to our present second t size jar, an article which we are labeling "WM. UNDER. - " . M.mm. jl AvttUwO lliU JilC lllllUlL III- ' to full sized jars, which are legibly stamped in the glasK, with their exact contents in ounces thus enabling the consumer to verify their truth. j These Extra Pickles are put up with every regard to style, quality and flavor, and will be sold at fairly remu nerating prices. . We have made no change in our manner of Green ing Pickles, never haTingresorted to any deleterious means to attain this end. The Cider Vinegar whieh we nse is made from sound fruit, and ia entirely fW fmm i Vitriol or any other mineral acid, which j with that used in most brands of English Pickles found ; in thi3 country. WILLIAM UNDERWOOD & CO. yY 6Smc 67 Broad st Boston, Mass, 'It is never too late to men dT'" , MAITJkK OF FACT ROMANCE. Br Charle. Al ft 1irTfinavt a TAknplMiA M 4fY TT' nffto. 7' CZl'Z " OT J0.21' S. W. WHITAKER'S. Farmers. i WE HAVE not forgotten you, as we have now the finest stock of Wool Hats, Negro Wool sad Dress Wool, open for your inspection over before offered by any honso. Call and at the Bazaar "of Fashion No 61 Market it. GILES & HAWES. oct 23. ;r; TURPENTINE STILL'S FOR SALE. 2 Turpentine 8tfflj,foraeby A. H. VANBOKKZLEX, . MarehtO. Ke. I, Booth wliarvat ice I icZ! IceltX ' THE WUmhstm Tea HonseH is now open the pub lic may depend on havicg their wants supplied all fXAsaxaef the year; st reasonable rate. Ordertiroa the cotstry addressed to "Wilmington lee House, wiD be well packed ad promptly forwarded. A. H. VsjsBQKKELEN, Proprietor. March 11, 1854. 4tC JUST RZZZJNZD BY-EXPRESS. A NEW STYLE Cap called the GOVERNOR CAP, also, other new itjlts cf Jcckcy, Fur, Clcth, Prash tn4 Glazed Caps. " maiise-uazaar exi asnion, i jjatxei street. Hot 8. :.-.: QILES-A HAWE3. GENTS. Loek to your HATS, new styles received at theHtt aadCap Esorinm. 1 JP0RT 'GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, Cut a I .,.t,beirwn In 'cfty of ' Atlanta, .Gebrria in pubhc, on Friday, November 2S, IS 56, on th plarIof sujcie numbers! - . ' March 29S29 WTC. HOWARD, Broksr. nov 7. T. C. WORTH. 3Tert. 1

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