113 l-lr 5x : ,, Hi . - i ill In -A-' u T. DUn iX Jr.f Editor and 'Proprietor. V I L TI 1 .1 U T 0 1 , A O f i X 1 1 - C A 1 1 0 U I A A . SIX OOL.I.ASI! A VLA I ADVA.1CU M ! I i i m U(V ; i 271. v I nil illation In Coiistirxiptlon. BronchM. Larynqite and other DUeaset of th Chett an I TAroi successfully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powder, IjfAi sorption andcon- ' ! treatment, aa practiced:, at tae btuvrgsans aiea cil Institute, New York City. Distasts of the Heart jtver. Female Complaints, Dyspepsia, Venereal Affec 'ions, and Chronic Diseases generally, will rectire the attention of the Physicians, to waom bucu may nave been specially entrusted.. ; V;; The unprecedented gacceaa which has attended this method of treating diseases of the Lnnga and .Throat, ha Induced as to depart from our usual course, andavail ourselves of the Press, in order to briag it to the knowl edge of such a3 may be laboring under, or predisposed to such affections. . ' . .. The dawn of a brighter day has atlenetb arrived for the Consumptive. The doctrine: of the incurability of Consumption has at length passed away. .a We. hare in dubitable proofsin our possession, that Conswnption in all its stages can bs curJ; iff the first, by tubercular ab- ercule into chalky and calcareous concretions; in they rhird by cicatrice or scars. Those wedded to the past, may as3jrt, that even now Consumption is incurable; sueh are behind the age. To aU, this ereat truth must bo apparent, viz':' that medicines inhaled in the form of apor or Powder directly into the Lungs, must be macn n;ore eTactual than that taken into the Stomach where the diseaso dees not exist. The. advantages derived 'rom Inhalation in the treatment of Consumption . and Throat diseases, are, that medicines in the form of Va pors are applied directly to the lungs, where the disease exists ; the stomach being left free to aid in restoring health, Ur administering to it, healthy, life-giving food. There is no case so hopeless that "Inhalation "will not reich ; the means., too are brought within the reach of all, the manner of administering the Vapors" being so simple, that the invalid is never required to leave home, whrro the hands of friendship and affection tend to aid so iii ach the Physician's efforts, f I earnestly appeal to the .ntelligence of all afflicted with diseases, or who may re thh germs of the disease within them, to embrace t ones the advantages of inhalation, and no longer waste rccious time in applying nostrums to the unoffending Btomach. I claim for Inhalation a place amongst the precious gifts that Nature, and Art have ; given us, that 'our days may be long in the land," and as the only "Ark or Refuge" for the Consumptive ; a method not Only RATIONAL .BUT SIMPLE, 8AFB, AXD KIFICIENT. Such of the profession that have adopted Inhalation, bavo found it efflcacious in the highest degree, arresting tl-o progress of the disease, and, working wonders in many desperate cases ; in verity, a triumph of our Arm orer this fell destroyer of our species. Nor. Physicians wishing to make, themselves ac (tuaintel with this practice, are informed, that our time oeing valuable, wa can only reply, as to ingredients used, to such letters that contain a fee. The fee in all cases of Pulmonary affections, will be $10, oh receipt of tvhicV; the i necessary medicines and instrument will be forwarded. The fee in other cases, K will be from $5 to $10y ''...': . ;v Applicants will state age, sex, occupation, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease ex ts in the family, and symptoms generally. Let the name, town, and 3tate, be plainly written. Postage for return answers m ist be enclosed. Letters. when regis- iered bv the Postmaster are at our risk. All letters! r ust be addressed, WALLACE MERTOUN, M. D. aug. 2.-6mc.l '. S. M. Institute, N. Y. City. 'If titlcO-- CHE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform thein habitants of the Town of Wilmington, and the public generally, that ho is engaged in the Baking of bard bread and crackers, and if properly patronized will e vite his entire attention to this one "branch of busi- ; and will furnish Merchants and other consumers t e lowest price possible, .for Cash either wholesale retail. . On hand,' Butter, Boston, Sugar,' Milk-and da Crackers. Pilot and Navy Bread. All orders will proaapUv filled, and goods forwarded. ' Address ' SAM'L W. ROBERTS. Wilmineton N. C: '! 1 49 Market St. june 25i 713-tf. J)OA2blNO. The subscriber having recently com A3 pletelj fitted up the Bradley house, two doors north of the Presbyterian Church, is now ready to accommo date tranaint boarders. L. ILdLLETT. -Man. 11 1 . - ' 581-tf. J. M. ROBINSON, & SON. LSL PORTERS, Manhfacturera,: Agents , and Dealers, in Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricultural fmpleements, &c. ' .. : Wumingtonf N. C. jan. 1. '56. P; . 564-tf. - . ' "Our Motto is to Please." 4 T the Wilmington. Saddle. Hamen. and Trtnl Man t. HfoAtorv Thesttbscriberrespeetfullvinfermstheimb !ic that he has recently received large additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness mountings,; Ac. of the latest and most improved styles, and is constantly manufacturing, at h s store on Market street, every description of articles in t le abve line. From his experience in the business he eeisonudeni that he wni be able to give entire aatisfacuor t his customers. He has new oh hand and will constantly teen a laree assortment of i ; . - iJoaah, Gig, Sulky, an4. Buggy Harnesses ; Ladiee Saddles, Br h lUs, Whip, dbe.: Gentlemen' Saddle. . srioet . r opart, c., acc. ; .Ul of which he will warrant to be of the best materials and " workmanshln,. lie his also a laree assortment of . rrihks. Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy .'')' . - ,-!!'' ':-'Trunks,-&c, '. A.nd all other articles usually kept in such ett ' shments 11 of which be offer low for Cash, or on s cbsdit to iromnt customers. ; 4 .1. Sa llies, Harness, Trunks Meiicil Bags, 4ttf Sic, made to order. " ;..f- v In addition to the above, the subscriber always keeps on hand a larcre sunplvof Strinsr Leather, and has now, and vri 11 kep throuath the season, a good assortment of Fly Nets. . 1 1 ... j ..11 a nnj. -ll are luTlietl mj cui iuu vuiuiub iuj juuas, nucuitsr m want or not, as I take pleasure in showing my assortment to .11 who may favor me with a can, s - x Harness and, Coach Trimmings sjld at a fair price to per vms buying to manufacture. .3 , . m Atso. Whins at wholesale. i , , . All kinds o ridin? Vehicles bought and sold on commii ons. ' , JOHN J. CONOLEY. Mayl0,1851. ; : lr 1 '"-V l'lJ- ; : -T" r " : OOME SOON and see GILES A HA.WES' own style Christmis Hat, ja-it received by Express. All those j that have nat seen the latest style had b3tter call soon at Biir of Fashion, Carolina Hotel, l i -; - declY.": .' ; ' ':; . " ;" - : c STO R 1QE.- We htve Uk'en".-' the ator ton corner of Front -inl Princess sts:, and will receive. Produce ad Merchandise on Storage. X -&.''" ' - ; , dec m ; : y,x PsrrE wit i pritchett; i SOMRO? niq TI VNTD30E3T Christmas Books are: The Irirt of, KapVeaa-The jRepublican- Courts Riral Hoirs Rural Rimble3 Book of Beauty -Home3 i 1 iliints of te Wise and Good U lot rricin Scenery, -i"Iral Keeaulce 3 of Engravings StandardVork .1 trv. Tistrf, Biography, &cl All 1 elegantlv got ip. rorsaie ai , o. w t yi olit A.R K is, ; det 22. NOTICE. A PPLtOlTIOV will ba raids to tie General Assem i Vi .hlv of th Stat now ia session, for at Act to in irporata a Mechanics SailJiag Association, ia the town f IPllmiatM. , -. dec 22-SOL . , I -fl Af1 BBLSNO.t. J.U 50 - - MACKEREL. : lot Qaartw-and HalfBVla" No 1 ITa'ckereL tl'J . mj . s jctaii u ft Ji lam n ms 0L. III.- WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY ( APdl CAPd! ! We bavejiist rcavel and opeu f ti..t . t,' Vbiia u(iu isL tiiur'ttli k V- ed a ease of new style JOCKEY" . CAP, something ; rrs pt-,i?r r rvu- .u i - . i . , a ; a.it. .T ' , , , fc j I isblt nLLLNCi the supirtutendeut eneral of r?iiM'-A,J0 Mfa?d Bo?slu LX Revenue of the Wand of Cub, has "disposed 'that S7iiS2S;'?5r! fJ-ofpClDeare abo QCd ,11 the -drawings which will take place in the" .preheat morning. Express. -Call and see , Bmjro! ,e,r, 1856 Commencing wi-huleoueothLu,, oct 18. I I 2j.ENTS FINE DRBSS MOLES IN, and Soft Felt yA Hats, B great variety, at the Hat and Cap Erapo uums lancet St. atlEr AKLi & MYEKa, oct 22. V Singer's Sewing .Tlachiues. rpHESE CELEB RATED 'MACHINE are in pradti JL cal and profitable use in all parts of the world, iu all various trades, and in sewing every sort, of fabrics, either cloth or leather, they have been fully tried and approTod. Sewing machines of other manufacturers often fail to work; but SIXGER'S MACHINES AL WAYS OPERATE PERFECTLY", being jstrong, duia- ble and complete in contrivance and workmanship A Derfect aewiner machine keot emDleved affords a clear profit of f J,Oio a year ; but an imperfect one is a cause ot constant vexation and loss, ine entiro reliability of our machines is one great reason for their unpai al leled popularity. MACHINES FOR FAMILY SEWING, of a frail delicate construction, are recommended bv other manufacturers. Such Machines are made to catch the eye, not to perform substantial work The truth is, family sewing machines ought to be stronger thaa any other, because they go into less skillful hands than whenold to manulacturers, and are used for a greater variety of work The machines which have pro vedJbest for all other purposes m ust be best for famil y use, and the are Singer's. Ttfe speed of our machines has lately been doubled- No other can compare with them in quantity of work. ; New machines o the latest improved style will be exchanged on. liberal terms for old sewiug nnohines of our own make, or for operative machines of other manufacturers. Local agents wanted to sell our ma chines. , N. B. All persons desiring full information about sewing machines, can obtain it by applying tor a copy of "I. M. Singer & Jo 's Gazette,'" a paper devoted en tirely to the subject. It will be sent gratis. . , L M. SINGER h, CO. Principal Office, 323 Broadway, New York. BRANCH OFFICES, 47 Hanover st. Boston. 32 Westminster st. Pro v. 274 Broad st. Newark, N. J. 347 Broadway, Albany, NY, Gloversville, New York. 89 Chapel st. New Haven. 11 Buchanan st. Glasgow, oct 22-3mc. 142 Cnesnut st., Phila. 105 Bait,-st., Baltimore. ,8 East 4th it. Cincinnati : Chicago, Illinois, 65 North 4th st, St Ld ?8l St. Charles st. N. O. ''20 Dauphin st , Mobile. JUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. Ben, a fresh supiv of RAISINS whole, half and quarter boxes Fo; sale at tne oroaawav Variety store, ao-w. Market st. ' oct 16. W. H DeNtEALK. a UL!SSJi;a. 25 nnas busrar House iioiassts. dam ItX expected. For sale by J. & D. McRAE i: 'CO. oot 18. , TjURE OLD RYE WHISKEY. 25 bbls different JL grades.- Bor sale by M. ilcINXIS; oct 15. French Window Glass. TDWARD P. DICKIE, 144 Chambers street, New A-i York, two doors west of Hudson River Railroad Depot, oaers to dealers and. consumers his celebrated brands of French Window Glass .'on favorable term? Parties wishing information will be furnished with price? n receipt ot their address. Glass cut to any desired pattern, and packed free of charge, may 21 684-ly 'Retire. A LL PERSONS are hereb warned not to hunt, S?h rLtjr trespass in any manner on ray lands in Brunswick county, under the severest penalties of the law. T. C. McILHENNY. May 7 V. 3B2-tf O ALT! SALT! ! 500 Sacks daily expected by Fchr. Wood bin, and for sale to arrive by nov 7. T. C. WO TH. oOOR SALE. The South-west Corner Lot, at the in J- tersection of Front and Walnut streets, measuring 66 feet front, and running to low water mark, upon which is the Corn Mill occupied by D. DuPre. Apply to (nov 13-613-tf) JNO. A. BAKER TC CONSUMERS OF PK KLES. BJSLIrjVllNli that the public have become tired ol purchasing Pickles in Packages, holding in man v cases, fifty per cent, less than represented, we have eom menced putting up, in addition to our present second size jar, an article which we are labeling 'VVM. UXDEK- WOOD & CO S, EXTRA PICKLES," and are fillim; in to full sized jars, which are legibly stamped in the gla-s with their exact contents in ounces thus enabling th consumer to verify their truth. ' These Extra Pickles are put up with everv regard to styfe, quality and flavor, and will be sold at fairly rerau- neraUng prices. We have made no change in our manner of Green- of Green ing Pickles, never- having resorted to anv deleterious means to attain this end. The Cider Vinegar which we use is made from sound fruit, and is entirelv free from Vitriol or any other-mineral acid, which is rot the cas with that used in most brands of English Pickles, found fu this country. . WILLIAM UNDERWOOD & CO. ;Nov6-3mc. 67 Broad St., Boston, Mar-a. Farmer. TTE HAVE" not forgotten you, as we have now T T the finest stock of Wool Hats, Negro Woo' ui1 Dress Wool, open for your inspection ever before offer d by any house. Call and see at the Bazaar of Fashion No 61 Market st. , GILES & HAWES: " Oct 2S. - - . . Stock for Sale. 20?? SHARES Steam Tug Stock ; Wilmington & Manchester R, R. Stoc; 10 Commercial Bank Stock, will be sold 1 cash, or n time for approved paper, bv March 29 829 W. C. HOWARD, Broker. G' 0-PARTNERSriIP between John Hall and Wm. L. Pitts, in the General Produce, Real Estate and Stock Brokerage business. John Hall will give his principal attention ' to the Naval Store interest,-Wm. L. Pitts to Cotton, and both parties to all matters con nected with a general Brokerage business. v " V JOHN HALL, WM. L. PITTS. if arch 10th 1856. D. A. Lamost, J. M. Moxk. XXaMONT&MONK, I ' r ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . v . WlLMnCGTONV X. C. Office near the W. ' W. R. R. Depot. We havethis day formed a co-partnership under the above title, for the purpose af transacting a home bus iness exclusively. And hope by strict attention to the interests of oar patrons, to merit a continuance of their favors. Our wharf and warehouses are conve nientlj located, and all consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton; Bacon, Flour, ar other country produce, either for aale or shipment, will receive our prompt and per sonalattentioa. 1 JUST RECEIVED at tht Hat and Cap Emporium, a splendid article af SILK PLUSH CAP to which r Tita attention. CttAS. D. MYERS. Ja Y. .. i " ' vn''"c i r:iri .-' :-..:-'- " . ' 2 wjn t?e oae or ,'tn Aug haJl be GRAND. EXTRo K DI NARI E , of 'l 1 ,5 .Aura oers or Tickets, nd thtt the 2.v!M' r dUtributed in Prizes shil! be i the fohj,ing manner: 1 Prize of. . ...... ... ? ll),0iMt . . . . i",o . . . . 2 . . . . 1,iu 5,HH . , . . , ti,OU .... ... . . 2S,UoO -iy.HiHj ... 7,0o Number? to 1 1 I I 3 2 7i 14a '2- do. do. do. do. ...... Prizes of 2,o do. 1 cMHI dor, . . M i, Approximation-!,. ... : a p .':o xr.v a rioxs. i Thct.o f r a-.-r-a i i tae two Toiloinsr' tno-ie -vm-jing otii ot' tue ;ivo Capital Prizes, .-halibe 'ifitu'd to : . . - .- : ." .... To the .i.i of ?2,4-Jv. . S'u 8uo C.i trie one ji Co the one of Co t-fie o le i?. To trse oae of - .r 2ji Appro siin.itio: ?, ,Dtyn ou.-icliirh Ih'e iJruicin'js take place. iO't y ta August. 2yth 17th 7 th 25th 18th 10th sept r. -Oct'r. t i Nov'r. Dec'r.. . . .55. .570. 571,' it it PllICEH O I' TICKETS. - 31 1, 1 trt'-r ficket, . . 1''. Ki-ath Ticket. Vha!e Ticket, Halt Ticket, . , iSisteenth Til Let. !TSSN"Ail D, Jr. M:pt 21 -tf. res?.. i.-; yv.: J : '- T i I ( .in - 1 rN.. fa 1- -'." I", i 1 i ' , aho, othar hew stales of it:-:. : tJt'l, i a and Gijxe-i Caps: Call 4 ; iu u- !0:.i. .s street; lL;itvV.TrON, o t 1 '1 ooasciTitlv ieeeiv:T:g inr's. Pn-.nn-ieeatica Irucles, Perfumer v. pure and ji.--L aoD r iirmSo ro. a i ) .v :Uf-, Trapses, Supporters, ck i - .11 o ! t e . i ft-o'r n ' P hy .i.ci ai i s via j ta.tr tr.ey.. can be sup-. ; a f.)fM-,"or;:U" , and know- nt:ai:ieil? an rrs );gi.i; j or :a' visiiinj;; v Mai.i ; r.i-.i. ) n mi-:-a reiiADie. uiiusaa;iv iaro and will The .t iVjlj of i:i-.t:yi;ii!it ? s )!d it X PPLKJATioN" !-! ie r.i 1 3 o to th at vuna 'i'ar'jiia 1, !fi.:i.-ire i aj Wii.ni t.. ;.:! '! jr.; or ".: t,hi3 .: i for a Charter for igtari, .-Fayette-ithi-ii Coiinti'e.s. a iliaers t i!, to Ui:t -2S-tf. rOMN" A.! P UlKr: I! reeetfaUv sanioa!'ice3, that he to the ivS on ").e! '-u'yt: t.vo -.l:-.?ors' eirV ofiiXeff s ;hip ,iwii--'!ioi-y, '.vh-ai-d. ho solicit -i a cuutiirrance of that uatronae are otore so naerUl h.iSLa .ved; ;lavui .vjure i'-cy'iipetc-:f. v'rkm!i, he i prenared ro do aii i 1 i i )f XriSsi and 1 ARIiLR. 01. :it?i!ae- !-.'m ui iiig-v itutliig his prices to the hard- l .iilia a .i it suctofv manner. nee 01 lac i u.; a ..) obi taken both in tova and country, and at the .slsorrest notice. - , A supply; ol o -st tnat- i i!s in ?il3 c on?tantlv on h arid. oct 3". 1 . have been gciated.-'.ii i iirst ;'rtze ie-Jais awarded to the investor, ooth ia the united rfute-$ aod Europ.i,) continue to; give 'such ati -faction, 011 account ol their simplicity a 1 ceo lo-ny, in at we nave u,v e-iaxasaeu an e:itea-iVc aA at tctory, an i are . prepared to leUvt at the .shortest notice e .nes froui t.vo i.o-.e power and upwards j ,:" fhese engine's have beta accurately tested, and have shown asi lecj:,oaiy of tvCeuiy per cent. in. fuel, ani about t ie t-ame i.'i 'cil and rt-pai.a. Tin's saving is wlfeCt ed bv tet-.i.j'g tu.i stt aai ia and 'out ooth sides oi the cyl inder through lar'ge openings, limowi g the pressure from the viae and ajiowing 10 stea n to escape or ex haust foai the pa-saes exept l-.om th. cyiintier alone; alsp' bvr'eduei- g ihe weight una friction to aoout half that of the oruiuary ngine- e piac tlie smalier sizes upon an iuiprovt-d boi e'r with ail the pipes attach ed, and the whale mounted on snail wheels convenient to ship to any part of the country, and to av id the 11 e cessity t n -xpe'ienced engineer to ttait thtm, ' they are all tested biiore leaving 1 he factory. ,: " Reed's Patent ."team Furna s are also corainir it.to general use on steamboats, in mines, and for supplyme boilers, where they are now giving great satisfaction. They are preferred to any in use because of their com pactnes and tirapHcity. These engines and pumps ma be seen in operation, or further' information had by callng or a'iJressing REED k BIRKBECK, Jan ;3.-lrac. " . 95 .Maiden Lane, N. Y. HAT AND CAP EJIPOKIITJI. . CII As. 2. lYKIW. (scccEsson to Shepard Myers.) ANUFaCTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in flats. Caps, Furs, and Straw Goods. Also Um brella?, Caaes, Belts, &c, together with every article usually found in a first Clas3 Fashionable Hat Store.' 34: Market St., two doors below icott & Baldwin's. N. B. Military Goods of every description f urnished to order. . . ., '.. " - . Jan 13. Co;n. copy. ii AT AND CAP EMPORIUM. To reduce stock. for our spring purchases, we will closi out our as-. sortment of Boys and Infants Fane v Caps and Hats at cost. Other articles at the refy lowest figures for cash, jan 14. CHA3. D. MiTERS. HOLTS Extra Famih and Superfine, in Bags, and for sale by " DeR'JSSET & BROWN. Xl9. 3 Mackerel, r- P.ARRELS EXTRA No. 3 MACKEREL, for sale i O bv RUSSELL & tRO. BUTTER. 10 ke?-?, a superior article, for sale by nov 13. w . M. MLNTNI3. t ), t Approx. of bOij, ,'.'?, 4 do. Jtx' ,'.!, 4 do. . 4-i , - I 21, 1857. CAPITA LPHIZJs. The fo l)wlug .Scheme i.l be drwn by S. Swis CO.. il tuagerj. l tae t 0sT'CrAli.S ACA'CtUT LOTTK&T, f tieorgi t, Aiidtba but msax 3liurAaT Acaokvt Lot ikk v., ot-Atibii", ia each ot tiioir i.ot;sriv for Fbua tj, mil. .. ' . .. CLASS U, To be drawn iu th City of JdabUy, Alabama, , in pub. iic, oa 6aturdiy, xtebiUir 7 th, ib57. CLASS -21, To be dran in the City of Atlai ta, Georgia, in pub- lie, on Thursday, J'ebuary .iyth,-lt57 ' CLASS 2"), . t To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in pub lic, ou vaturday, February 2Sth, 1S67, on the TLaN ur" 5L"(iLh NCMUKK. THREE THOL'SAXb, TWO 1ICNDRKD AND SrTlT PRIZES ! MtfKb filAN ONE 1'iilZh TO KVEltV TKN T1CKSTS! 1 ;U,Uit riCK.rfS. 2IAGXJFICBXT SCHEME: Prixe of.. . $5o,ouo is..... 2a,oao is. . . 1 0,000 "A ..... ,io I...,....... . .... is . .... 7,oou ii... ....... . .... t.,Oi,o is . . 5.oom i .i 4, CO ia.. , .... ' 3,ooa is .......... , ..... '2. 000 is .......... .... l.ooois loo are... ..... . . . . $5o,ooo , .... 2o,ooo 1 0,006 y.ooo , . .4 . 5,000 7,o-o ... .. 6,000 ' 5,ooo , . . . . 4,000 3,ooo ..... ,oj)o . ... 1,oo , j ... 1 0,000 , . . . .0,000 .. .. :.f l,0vO .. . . boo ... -loo . . . . .JvO1 .... 26o .... 24o .... ?o. .... i!oo ISo l'.o lJo :. . . . loo loo 1'riiei V loo " ' 5o are At'fllOXUlATlUX j'RIZES. 4 I'riiss of $25j Appro, to $5o,ooo Prii: ire.. 200 . loo ' 55 45 ' 4o.' . 1 5)0 " ' iio'a-re. 2o,ooo lo,ooo ..U.ooo b'.ooo r,ooo 6,000 0,')cd 4,OvO i5,uOO' ",000 1,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 3j00o ..0 ,0J0 ii5iy) pi-i.es ruaoiintiiig to. S'JO 1,000 N noic tc!vol,ii.' iiaivft;, -a Qn.irte'.-fi, f2,.' 1JL X S OF Tilli LO V i Ltt V . li.c Isumuers tioiu 1 to-so,0-".-, coVttsi oudiug with those .NuiuUeiS a the Tickets priuicd' on ' tcparate slip of paper, arcenciicled vuth saiall tm ,tubcs. and placed iu one h',;.:i:1. . . i'iic mst 22i Pf'izes, similarly printed -ai.d . end; cled, are placed in aaoj;her wheel. ' i he v. aeeis are! ti en revolved, ai:l a number is drawn from the whoe' of . uiubt-rs, and at the same lime a i'ii.e U urawn frc-utti e other tvreel liUjjiber fsn i i'rize drawn-out are opened and exhibited nee, and ivgisiercd bv the' t oiuntissioner to ti.e auui-i the Pa., b u'g placed -aga:i;st. the .Number drawr . .'Ihio opcra- uon re ,-ca;.ea uuiu aii tae rnz.es. arc tt-rawa out. . APixoxi.vtAXio?i I'nizts. Ihe two piece i g and the two succ..'edi;:g ;fi;noeis to tho'se drawing" the first ' ' .piiz.es -wifl be' cut tied to the 48- Approximati.ai P.iiz.vs, according to the--4ciime. tiic,iJi k3ri.'A)a vi $20 will be uotennlned by the iast lignref the Nruiaoer that draws the $5,U" Prize.. For eiample, if the dumber drawing1 thp '5y'H Prize ends vith S&. 1, then all the Tickets -a here the ausnbci-uds ia 1 ;vviiibe entitled to 2".. If the Sum ber ads.with No.j z. thn all ' the -Tickets where -'the X umber ends in -1 tviS14ie entitled to and -so on to (. vc'i-tincatcs of Packages, will be soid .at the following rates wiucu is the risk ; " ..' '. Cemiicates of Package K Whole Ticket?,.. Is '6? IU Halt ' -i lo Quarter 41 iit; IX ORDERING TICKETS, Kaclose'the miey to our address for the Tickets or-i'-ied, 011 receipt ipf which they will be forwarded by aVat mail, x Ui CLasers can have tickets ending in- an ligure they -miy de.iignat'e'.. llie List ol' L'imv.'u JS trainers and T'rizcs will be sent fo purehasers lunn'ediittely after th. drawing. ' Jgf lurch.tsers . will pleas . write their signature? 'pl tin, and give their Post Oilice, County and State. Remember that jevery Prize id drawn and payabe in iu.ll without deductioc All prize- of 3 1. Mutt and under, paid immediately after the drawing other priz.es at the usual time ot thirty All communications strictly .confidential; ' '' Prize ticKets cashed or- renewed 'in other; tickets' at tjither odice. . I ; AdiresJ Orders ;ibr Ticket-? or Ce.i'tificates cither to S.SVv'AX .CO.,,Atlanta.Ca. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. iaa 12. CAi'l i"Ai; PliiZE G0s0iO m')l.TrHKliN' MlLlfltY. AC sbbilX LOTTERY O 'Class X. To be drawn in the City of Mobile1. A'a bama, iu public on Friday, January, go, li.rT ' the Plan of SlNCLit.VUMUKlia ! -;" Jo fix ItuR'i'kL and'AV. 'vV..- Mc'-xciaE, Esqs.,-Commi' 3D5()i)l) Tickets 3,295 Prizes MORE THAN OXK PitiZC TO iiVi-RV TEX TICKET."? DRILL! I XT .-SCHEME ! . . 1 Prize of. 1 1 " 1 ti 1 44- . . . i f 6ii,'.'iw .i.."25,t!00 .... lo,f)00 L 5,'joo .2 Prizes of ,10 u "', 10O ' - ..t2,00( . !,too .. i5t) .. . 15" . .It'll A P TROXl.il A TI OS ' PRIZES : 4 Prizes of $250 Approx. to $60,iOU Prize, are .... .... f,1000 4 " 2oo i " 25,000 " 600 4 " 175 " lo, 0 " 7co 5 " 125 ! " 5,ooo " ' ....... l.ooo S " loo ! ". 2,ooi " 'SOo S " ' 75 " ..- 1,'Om " - ......... . Co ') - 65 " ...---'".- . 250 " 2,6 )0 " 6) eare.. ........... , -.. IS ,oo 3.29 1 Prizes amouciti tig to. Whole Tickets, fin; taive-, $; Qmrters, 4, Eighths 2 The hrs'Zli Prizes ire decided m the usual manner. iMze- of j$0 will be determined by the iast hgure of the number that, draws the .0,000 Prize. For example, if the N'u uoer drawing the 60,000 Prize end? with No , then all the tickets where the number ends in 1 will be entitled to 6o.lf the number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets yvhere the Number ends In 2 will be entitled to 6d and so on to 0. -Certificates of Packages will be sold at the followins rates which is the risk : t Certificate of Packages "of TO Whole Tickets. - t' U0 f " ; 10 Half , . " 5(' ci 10 Quarter " X- - 25 10 Eights " - . 121 Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates of. Packa ges of Tickets either to S. S WAN & CO.. Atlanta. Ga. orx S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. or S. SWAN, Box 200 MobUe, Ala dee 29. TERRY'S MUSEUM, and Parley's Magazine for Ti January, receivea. The "Museum" it ii well known, is aa excellent thing for the voung, instructive aid always entertainiDg: Price only 31, a year, or loa single No at Will TAKER dec. 29. Consignee Wanted. 0R 10 bags Coffee, 1 Box Tobacco and 1 Bbl u 4? . gar, marked J. R. Wilbur, Salisbury; N. C. ree'd pi Schr D. C. HulsOj'Stored at owners risk and expense, dec 9-tf. . A. D. CAZAUX. OWNER WANTED. For 50 bars Iron markcJ Ciir rett & Son, arrived per Schooner Emily and stor ed at owners risk and expense, J. H. FLANN ER.T dec 13-tf. QACONSIOE & SHOULDERS. 15,h'udi,a sups Xj rior article, for sale V HOLE JS'Ow 891 . - -:.-,-,. 'AeI I'.-.. KENNEDY, of iioiturv' fcii' iiJX : cae ea r.. -v.-., iTQtu me om i;rofnla uon u a coaimou pimple. i - He has tried it in over ! 1(A) cases, and fiievcr 'failed ! except m tw cases, (both thunder humor ) UmmLA' now in hk po&ieioa orhUo hundred certificate if iu virtue, aU ithui twtmy, mile of lioaton. Two botUcs are warranted to car a nirtia UiOuiii. ' mvr9 One to three bottles will cuie the worst kind of Pint ple vn the lace. : ; Two to three bottles ntll clear the avmm Two bottles are warranted to cure lh worst anke tbemuuth an! sioaiach. in Three to nv bottitva tiarranied to cure the' wont Une to two bottles are warranted to cure all hem or in the Eyes. . Two bottles are warranted to cure rnnnfptr r 1 and blotches aixjong the hair. j 11 Eour to bii bottles are warranted to' cure corrupt and running ulcers. - - . ' ' j .j , One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the ekin. Two to three bottles are warranted to care the nr.t case oi rnigw'brtn. - r j Two to three botUes are warranted to ture" the mtsl desperate case ol rhuuiatism. j - Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum..'-- " f-" . -'' j : ..;.f Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scroi- ula. '"''-.. - y . : -! ;.; : j 1 A benefil is always experienced from the I tim bottle and a periect sure is warranted when the above quan tity is taken. : ..'..--(: r .... Reader, 1 peddied over a. thousand bottles of this tti i the vicinity of iioston. 1 know the i-tlect of it in ev er v I case. -iSo sure as water will extiugulih tire, ao gure" will this cure humor. I never eolda bottle ol it but that Uold ; auuither ; idler a trial it alwayi tpcaka lor itsulf here are. two thiags about this herb that appehrs ito uie eur prising ; hrfct that i t grows in our pastures, in oijj pla : ces quite pkutilui, and yet it valuk has ievcr been kuowu, -mini 1 discoveieU it is lb4t eeectid, that ; it -iiouid cme all lciua ol liuuior. -;;' i -1.. v In wider to give tume idea of the sudden riiViid creat - L' popularity ol tut ditcavery, I will ttate ti t in April, ' afto, 1 peudied it,' aud &oid about tdx tottitti tei uv-- ! r- low uTc-r oue. UiouvaiiU LotUe per daj -J 01 u jjouie ct the wholesale l)iuggist.' wlo b;v!e bet 11 in : oume.s twtty and u.ii ty ca, gai that " Uthing in -the auiiis ot patent rueuieino' Was eytr iikejit. Ihere 1 is a universal praise ot it (t cm ail ciuirtets., ! , . in my own practice 1 aiw a kepi : Jt strictly: for hu- . nwis but since iu . iatiwuuciionsfa genaManiiiy "! aied.cine, reat auu wcVdctlul vlituek have Lven loLi.d ' iu ii thit 1 never tu.-pLi.tcd. . v. j. ... . .-; k: ' -' :';' Several -caaes. ol epdcptic fits a disea wlich 1 Uad coiitidvit'd iiicuiabk-, have bveii c'uretj by a lew ioulsi. U, what a inert-v ii it: w ill pj ol e tfctctual iir all casts ul that iiwiui L.uiauy ihcic ftie but lew who liavg . seeii'hioi e- vt it than 1 have.' ' . 5 . v ' 1 know ofbuveral cases ol Urop.y, all of them" ugd people .cured l it.,', lor the ; various uWaHs ol the bivcr,. f ics. Jieadache, spebia, . iiLmu. JleVtr aUfi agu , Pain in tile tide, Lbeaftb ol lilt iJp'u.i, Ia.a Par- ticuiai ly ia discUtes ol the kidney t, Ac , - the ditcovery .tas dona more good thari any medicii.b er tfcowji'.' . o change ul diet ever lieetssaty eat the liBt 30a ' can get and- enough of it. ; .1 V' Iini.cx; v lou tst. Auults one laLl ti.t f fnl'v.or !.,. !,.).'...... : .' . ' rv . ; "wu c,i vv teii ytats ai-sejt . .pboidul t hi-k dren from live to eight years, lea sj;oUlu As. io di- i-fccuon.-i-can-be applicable to all coi,8titutionh, take tiil Qcitnt to .operate 014 the bowcis twit'tj a, day; ..' -. Alanutactuitd.hy- kOiNALli Ki..NKLl, - Si). li UatieiiMieel ktiibuiy, Jsafs! bold m W ilmiugton, 4N. C, by X t.' Id.Jll U , ..- T ', ' v , i-iufegigt, 4c, 10 wnoai allioruers must be addrcbceu to ii tuie pi oiu.pt attention. t ' crpt 5-lyr-C. " ' . : itipjilVCiiO.N .HAltllLIJ A VIOAhAAJd... ' subscriber having accepted the! ageuc ot f evera.i -i- large establishments at the-Xortb, which will hrm.i nun witu an lUihimted supply oi n'tushied or xmcnhc.. loreign or domestic MAltliLE of all c1ualitiesJr m pre pan e! to tili alPoidcrd tor MOX"liME2s Tb andj TO&ll b'lUN; and every other article in the hne of tike busmen at u-.l aonaoic rates, bcutwcaiaa, LixxKHiNc. or? Ca'kvi executed well aa can bo done eitherS orth or t'put't . IS V. ucEiui rciervnce can oe given i required. JAS. SfcCtARAl Ais. Dec. 31st, 1851. ,: : i eo tf. '-1 111 K SLBSCRIBJIRS, being dearolus to cfof e their X business, will fell their fctill and la noiticn r,f th ir lands .in Columbus C'cuntj, on accommodating ttrms. i he still is situated on the W. & M. Ji li. can of the White Marsh, and in good order. The location cannot be bettered for buying tuipentiue; the capacity of the still is seventeen barrels, yellow dip. j ' ' Seventeen hundred acres of the land lies eat of the White-March and sjuth of the Kail Jioad, alout one and a half miles from the Read there is good deal of pine suitable, for large timber, and cannot be furpam-d by any land in the countrylor iightwoodj There is ou the land about one hundred acres; of low hammock land thit Is very rich and can he easily drained; Three bun died acres lies east of the White llareh aYd on th north tide of the Road about two hundred yard from the road. On this place there isa good iicw dwel ling house with all necessary out houatp, and about eev auty livr acres of cleared land that produces finely and good deal of rich landyet to clear. J ' ' tney will also sell one pair of mules! and watron' anl ma iy other things ht cessary about still and tuipen- tir.. farm. I'ossession rivpn ImTnVHliatoip if or turtner niformauon address the ihbs.rribor n laynesat Whitevillc, N. C. SMITH & HAYKESi lielcrcacc in Wilmington, J. n. Planner. nov 22-tf.,' x Jour copy 1 month. i fUST REC'n bv Ad' - - r- J--. "J w, u UUO DASVlliUCUt of Blue Naw Cans, aka nw- itvlea r.lrnh Rtllr lvet and Glazed Cans; Call at the Bazaar of Fashion. No 61 Market St. CTTVRK Jb niWVR jaa9. .; : ' ;- . :XX-:-S ' lorlk, E!acou. tVc. Mill P". n&txi fOrtK, ivv 13 Hhds. Western Shoulders V) Oasits bugar Uured Ilams 0 .Baga Rio Coflec, , 5 Barrels Whisker. 5orv) lbs N. Ci Bacon. For gale by oct. 15. PETTEWAY k PRITCHETT. Salamander Safes! A VARIET 7 OF SIZES, Wild,-rs Patent.with Rich's xa. lmproveraeni enurerv ::re prci uhs oi zw Safes soli by the Maaafacturcr, 214 have been tested in accidental fires, and not a dollars worth of property injured in one of thenj. For sale by ; . nov 1. , A7ivi5ctt1 a ,unoi LASSES. 15 Bbls Sugar House O Molasses.-' A ?riTne article landistr. i nov 24. WILLARD & CURTIS. 4tIt 1 nevcr.too late to mend," t MATTER OF FACT ROMANCE. By Charles A. Beadcv, a-ithor of44Chri5tie Johnstone, 'Peg Wof inton," etc. Just published. Rec'd and for sale at oct 23. S. W. WHITAKERo. BACON SIDES & SHOULDERS. 15 hbds, a prime article. For sale by M. McINNlS. 1 I

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