HI 1 Ay r. UlLttn, Jr., ECitor and Proprietor VvJL. 1I.-..N0. 284. 'tie Greatest Medical DiMtovcry of th6 DR. KESNEDYi of Roxbury, has discovered ia one ( f our common oasture teeeds a remedy that cure ;. EVERT KIND OF HUMOR; from the worst Scrofula, 4, uown, vo a common pimpie. He has tried it ia OTer 1100 cue3,-aad never failed except in tw cases, (both thunder humor.) He has - noir iah'u possesion OTer two hundred certificates of Jt3 Tirttxe, all witbia twenty milea of Boston. Tiro bottles -are warranted to cure a nafSTisg sort month. One to throe bottles will cure the worst kind of Pia pies on the face. ' . . ; Two to three bottles will clear the s js'cm of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst cankar in the mouth and stomach. Three to fire bottles are warrauted to cure the worst J case of Erysipelas. . One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor to. the Eyes. Two bottles are warrant ed t c im nt i i!n at he ear 'and blotches among the hair. Four to aix bottles arc warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. , ' Ono bottle will cure scaly eruption o f the skin: Two to ttiree bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of ringworm. " Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the mast desperate case of rhumatism. Three to four-bottles arc warranted to cure the salt v , rheum. Fire to eight bottles wiUcure tho worst case of scrof ula. , ' - A benefit U always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quan tity Is taken. ' Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case. So sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that I sold another: after a trial it alwavs speaks for itself There are two thiags about this herb that appears to me sur prising ; first that it grows in our pastures, in some pla cea quite plentiful, and yet its value ha3 never been known, until I discovered it ia 1846 second, that it ihould euro all kinds of humor. . In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I will state that in April IB53, I peddled it, and sold about six bottles per day in April 1854, 1 sold over one thousand bottles per day of it. Some of the wholesale Druggist who have been in business twenty and thirty yeaf j, say that nothing in the anuats of patent medicine was ever like it. There Is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for hu mors but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it tint I. never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits a disease which, was always considered incurable, have been cured b a few bottles." O, what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady there are bat fw who have Been more of it thanI have.. v I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged people cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma. Fever and Ague, Paih in the side. Diseases of the Spine and par ticularly io diseases of the Kidneys, &c, the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary eat the best you can get,nd enough of it. Directions vda Use. Adults one table spoonful per day Children over ten years desert spoonful Chil dren from five" to eight years, tea spoonful. As no di rections can be applicable to all constitutions, take suf ficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DO-nALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass. Sold in Wilmington, N..C, by A. O. BRADLEY, . . ; ruggist, &c, BS To whom all orders must be addressed to insure prompt attention. r - j' - - - If oticc. r'IE SCBOSIBER would respectfully inform thein habitants of the Town of i Wilmington, and the public Generally, that he is engaged in the Baking of nara bread and craclcer3 and uproperlyiatromzed will 9 vote Ms entire attention to this one branch of busi a j ; and will furnish Merchants and other consumers t ie lowest price possible, for cash either wholesale rettU. Oa hand, Biitter, Boston, Sugar, Milk land U Crackers.. Pilot 'and Navy Bread. T All orders will pro-nptly filled, and goods forwarded. Address ' ' SAM'L W. ROBERTS. Wilmington N. 0. . 49Marketst. June 25. 713-tf. BOARDING. The subscriber having recently com pletely fitted up the Bradley house, two doors north of the Presbyterian Chjirch, 13 now ready to accommo date transient boarders; , . I L. MILLETT. jan. 2i . J . 581-tf. J. JU. UOOINSON, & SON. IMPORTERS, Manufacturers, I. Agents and Dealers, in Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Stel, Nails, Agricultural Implements, &c. . ; Wilmington, N. C. ian. 1. f56. 564-tf. "Our Motto is to Please, a T the Wilmington Saddlt, Karnes, and Trtnl Han iV. taCory. The subscrlberrespectfullyinformsthe pub lie that he has recently received large Additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness mountings. Ac., of the lt i most improved styles, and is constantly manufacturing, ai " his store on Market street, every description of articles in tie abive line. From his experience in the business, he reels emuaeusiuai. ne wiuoe aaie 10 give entire satisfactior hia customers. . He has new on hand and will constantly caer a Urge assortment of i ; (Jbach, Gig. Suliyand Buggy Tdrnesseg ; Ladies' S-jl lies. DfiJjMa W7hint tt . (lanil m a 3 .11 r Bridles, Whips, Spurs, - t-c., &c. -All of which he will warrant to be of the best materials md workmanship. He has alsot a larere assortment of Trnaka, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, Ac, - . ... . - V,-, . . And all otner arucies usuauy xept in sncn ett ninents ill of which he oner tnw tor uasu, or on a. credit to orompt customers. ' Saddles, Uarness. Tniuka Mei cil Bags, - c., raade i order. .' ;- In addition to the above, the' subscriber always keeps on - hand a large supply of String Leather, and has now. aud will keep through the season, a good assortment of Flv Nets. Ail are invited to call and examine my Goois, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure in showing my assortmentto all who may favor, me with a call. - Harness and Ooach Trimmings sold at a fair price to per ons buying to manafacture. - ; Also, Whips at wholesale. All kinds o ' ridingTVehicles houarht and sold on eommia 6ns. ; JOHN J. CONOLET. May 10, 1351. , 1-1t. "" ,. . in . i- -1 ii in . "" ' ' ' -, " nfE RnnV ami aaa (IIT.VX S- TT Time XJ Christmas Hat, fu3t received by Express. All those ! Vii at v v f vwu vm obj AAtttA - l " I L i vUl SO Oil at Bazaar of Fashion, Carolina Hotel, dec IT. . STORAGE- We have taken the store on corner of Front and Princess sts.,-'and will receive Produce and Merchandise on Storage. - ' de6 18. - j 'r; PETTEWAY & PRITCHETT. SO E.Jr' fUSH kOSOME i1 Christmas Books are: The Caart of Napo'eoa The Republican Court B nral Hoard Rural Rambles Book of Beauty Homes an t.H aunts "of the Wise and' Goo 1 Am f rican Scenery, Fl rat Keep3keBook of Engravings Standard Work a Poetry, Historri) Biography, &e; All elegantly got up. Faraaloat v . - f . . S: W. WHITAKER'S. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY H'ilmingion Ac IV eJ don Kaurvuu utuuj' - Oxnci or 'tas EsoatrsE xsDStrriRiSTisDsyT, ) Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 14. 1857. I rPHE Passenger trains will, until farther botice, rui -A. oyer this road as follows : GOING XORTlf, DAILY. Day Express Trai: ivt it luamgioa ai h a. ji. arrives at Goldsboro 10 09 leaves in R minutes and arrives at TTeldon a 2 00 P. M. at YJ "AJLY.Dtj Express leaves eiaoa ai n m., arrives at Goldsboro 3,10 P if leaves in S minutes, arrives at Wilmington at7.3A p" w to supper. . ' . Night Exfkxss leaves WeMon at 8 30 P. M. arrives at Wilmington at 6.40 A. X. The night Express train, connects ,with the VortL Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Goldsboro. l uroHgn ucxets ortn soidia Wilmington : to BalU- moreiz; to rrmauelphu 14 ; ro New York 515 50 ; ti Washington, D. C.eil i" Tickets mil not I: told to a negro in person. ' Faenger arc not ijied that an extra' charge of one cent per mile wiH U required rf tf.ois who do not chate tickets at talicris. Freight by passenger trains double rates. Local fare with tickets, about 3 cents per mile ; if paid in the cars about 4 cents per mile. ' FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule train, between inimington and Weldon, each week;leavine akern&tely on Monday's and Thursday's, and arrivinj Tuesday and Friday's. Four schedule trains per week i Goldsboro'; leaving Wilmington on Taesday'p, Wednes day's, Friday's and Saturday's, and Goldsboro on Mon day's, Wednesday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's, makim a daily freight train both ways between Wilmington ant Goldsboro', on irregular train, for way freight. ' AW Tdues on freight up or down, payable at Genera Freight Office rh Wilmington, on receipt or deliveiv ex eluding that on the North Carolina Railroad. Which may be pre-paid,-o.r not, at the option of the iconsinor "Tbe Depot bell will ring half-an hour before th starting of each passenger train. v' . X 8. L. FREMONT-Chief Engirt-. Jan. 14, ISoT." ; P ER SC 11 R. D. C. HCLSE, from New York A -.35. Bags Ri' Coffee, 10 Bbls C. T. Sugar, , 10 Kegs Goshca. Butter, prime. Low for cash. an I5- 1 GSt). H. KELLEY & BRO. Jour. N. C. A. & G. Times, copy. POR FEBRUARY ?o.dey's LadyVBook: Graham1 A Jagazine; Knickerbocker Magazine ; Chamber' Journal; Yankee Notions, &c. Rec'd and for sale at J" ?3v:v:---;-- ,S.' W. Wi'IirAKERM. . ?TfE DATE. NTe v York Herald and Express, JLJ Bait. Sun Harper's VYeekly Punch Telegrap; , scientific American, &c Rec'd this morning, at r Jan 29. X " S. W. W H TTA K E R'S. OAPS! CAPS! ! We have just received and open ed a case of new style JOCKEY CAP, something that is really neat and tasty. Also Men and Boys blue Navy Caps. Our stock of Canes are also increased b this morning's Express. Call and see at the Brzaar of Fashion. GILES & HAWE3. oct is. - . TUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. Ben, a fresh suf-ph tf of RAISIN'S whole, half and quarter boxes. oV 3ale at the Broadway Variety Store, No 40. Market s't oct 16- W. H DeSEALK. VTOLISSES. 25 hhds Sugar flouse Molasses, dail XTX expected. For sale by J. & D. McRAE & CO. " oot 18. pURE OLD RYE WHISKEY. 25 bbls different X grades. For sale by jr. jfcINXIS. ' OCt 15. '- E French Window ?las. DWARD P. DICKIE, 144 Chambers street, Ne York, two doors west of Hudson River Railroad Depot oilers to dealers and consumers his celebrated brands of French Window Glass aa favorable terras Parties wishing information will be furnished with prices n receipt of their address. Glass cut to any desired pattern, and packed free of charge, may 21 684-ly 4 LL PERSONS are hereb warned not to hunt, fish, or trespass in any manner on ray lands in Brunswick county, under the severest penalties of the law.' , T, C. McILUENNY. - yJ. .1. 862-tf, Q ALT'! SALT ! 1500 Sacks daily expected by Schr. O -Wood bin, and for sale to arrive' by '. nov;7-r- y vy ;::, T. C. WORTH. FOR SALE. The, South-west Corner Lot, at the hi tersection of Frrit and Walnut streets, measuring 66 feet front, and running to low water mark, upon which is the Corn Mill occupied by D. DuPre. Apply to (nov 13-513-tf) JNO. A. BAKER TC CO.VSUMERS OF PICKLES. BELIEVING that the Public have become tired of purchasing Pickles in Packages, holding in manv cases, fifty per cent, less than represented, we have com menced putting up, in addition to our present second size jar, an article which we are labeling 44 WM. UNDER WOOD & CO'S, EXTRA PICKLES," and are filling in to full sized jars, which are legibly stamped in the glass, with their exact contents in ounces thus enabling the consumer to verify their truth. - These Extra Pickles are put up with every regard to style, quality and flavor, and will be sold at fairly remu nerating prices. - , . We have made no change in our manner of Green ing Pickles, never having resorted to an v deleterious means to attain this end. The Cider Vinegar which we use is made from sound fruit, and is entirely free from Vitriol or anv other mineral acid. whiV.h ia not tha ocn with that used in most brands of English Pickles found. iu uns couniry, y HjuiAal UJN1JEKWOOD & CO. Xov 6-3mc. 67 Broad st., Boston, Mass. Farmers. WE HAVE not forgotten you, as we-have now the finest stock of Wool Hats, Negro Wool and Dress Wool, open for your inspection ever before offered by any house. Call and see at the Bazaar of Fashion No 61 Market St. GILES Ar. RAWF.fi oct 23. Stock for Sale. O A SHARES Steam Tug Stock ; ii WUmington & Manchester R. R.'Stock; . 10 M Commercial Bank Stock, will be sold i cash, or on tne for approved paper, by March 29329 W. C. HOWARD, Broker. riO-PARTNERSHIP between John Hall and Wm. J L. Pitts, ia the General Produee, Real Estate and Stock Brokerage business. John Hall will give his principal attention to the Naval Store interest, Wm. L. Pitts to Cotton, and both, parties to all matters con nectcd with a general Brokerage business. - JOHN HALL, WM. L.PITTS. March 10th 1856. - T7ESTERN SIDES. 10 Hhds. just recd and for sept 22. NrGETtExPam T&aJx leaves Wilmington at 4 15P M., arrives at Goldsboro' at 8,36 to supper 2? nuaute arrives at Weldon at 1 o'clock A. M. i u rrt.it i oi ttitf il an i urut ia HIS EXCELLESCr the superintendent General ot Revenue of the Island of Cuba haa dL-pod that all the drawings which w intake place in the preat rear, 1856. Commencing wi;b the one of vih August, shall be GRAND ESTROKDIN" ARIES, of Nurs bers or Tickets, and that the 5-,ivto bo dUtrihctc-i in Prizes shall be in the fj!Ioit:r T.snrr; 1 Prize of. . 1 do. I do. 1 ' do. 1 do. . ' 'll 3 Prize? of 2,k j. . 2 do. ;,ooo 70 do. , 149 do, 2"0, 20 Approxiraatiuna. .... 2 (!'. 23J 2rlxes 25M00 APPROXIMATIONS. The two former and the. two t'oliowin Numbers to those winning one.of the ti7e Capital Pri.es, shall be ntitled'to : ' To the one of ?1 0 V , 4 Approx.. of 8?'0, . fo the one of Sd.ouu, 4 do. 400. 2,4)' 1,6. i,;t(t SOO I'o the one of 'o the one of fo the,6rie of i.f.wOM, 4 do. 4''., . 1 V ', i do '2'i?, 7 1 4 - d. 2 On ' 20 Appro itirnatior. s, 7,20"- Duts on 'thi-.h thi Prturituj take phice. -CLASS So. 557, . . . . ytli August 44 5fi8, " 569, ' 570. " .57V -XUh ' 17 th : . . -- x. . 7 th . . X 25th . . . . 13th ;. . loth Sept'r Oct'r Sorr. Dec'r. :rracHs o p tickets. x Whole Ticket, '. 2t ! Quarter Ticket. . x5 Jiall Iieket, . . . ! Eighth Ticket, Sixteenth Ticket, . . .'V , 1,25. THEi. arjGSNAP.D, Jr. sept 2L-tf. F: riST R , VP! r V M n M V. v-P: i'-J a V I?. W XT V f t J Cap, culled th.e'ii.)V'FmVt)!l-' (M P, .alo,' other 'ne-' ,-iyies ot .ioc5, .t ur, aotn, fia'Si au-i (Tiaea tJacs-. . anat tne -txv ot K.i-!vctn, l x-i-.-kvt street. Xor 8. ;n.F.s hawks. A- N". C li ih oa h i.i 1 I, i is co.if.;n:! rreoiv-L pure and, sclect-d L;-i3, 'fellci.i.y. Vh .- u ce lt'c-i f reparations, l'ai uj. o.h, r ficy Vr-.u;-1, r!l iii'v aop r arnuure, n iMio.v l; , Irue-", ''PP 'iter-, -iurgical InstnimentsA'c. ' - An fuspecrioa of ta j 'toe'e i -:i '.t-: fro i Pliyicia:.. biting VI! ni i rron, h t'i t ii-;. n'i b u;) plied eqmiiv as io.o- n t -v '; -V "o.r''i" , know- iiig the qu;iiit of the ariicK;-- i i -i )t reiiio ii v lanrti ana will -3 sold at;evte.aol. I.) E):.-vi. oct 18. X PPLlCATfoN" win r,e kijn thrs next se.-ion o' A. the L. -.! -tn' e 't N'o -th Oar KiT i, "or a fan tff rb'- ' Miners fiiiik, to bt; ljef.j i .it "vVilmi '-m, Kavottt; rilleor on ). ep iti. -or, in lljhvur Ou tth im Couutie Oct 28-tf. JOHN" A. PARKER respectfuliy annouoees, that he has removed his . s PAIVT1NG EST AnLTSITMEN'T, to the store. y- Dbijk street, two d-nors e t- of NVTV h?p Chandlery, where h xolioiN'ss oi'tia innce of that patronage heretofore so lifter-ill? -b-'-tiwed. Havin'r secured co iipetcr.t --vork'n-i 1, he fo prepared no do all kiadsif v HP P-vlrrVir, (;,lAl,S iTG il?o IMirVTIN .;.- -TON'E and M A F13LE onoutsides of builiiag-, suiting hi.- pricM to the hard fiess of the time and all in" a sat sfastorv m inner. Jobs taken both in 10 a an i courstry, aa i at the shortest notice. - i ' A supply of b.;st ml i?ri i!s in line cjn-tmtlv on land. oct 30. - ut:iiD'6 rTi:s v ?r:A..i -..f;ui-:. H1IESE IVIPH'JVED rJ..GLNES, O'or which Pata-ts l have been granted .md iirsc t'rizvj aedais aw. rd :d to the inventor, ootii m tlu i nited ."state a id Eu. p'5,) continue to give suen diti-faciijn, on account ol thei' simplicity and c-.j. joaiy, tri it we have no v estaoli?i ed an extensive maiiutactory, an 1 are tjrepired to deliver at the shortest notice engines from iu uoi-&opo'wur and upwards. These engiues have been aecuraielv tested,-and have shown an ecouotii of twenty per cent, in fuel, and about tfie same ia oil and repairs. This saving wllect-" ed by letting the steam ia and out uoth ide.s 01 the cyl inder through large o)enings, removing 'the pressure fr m the vaive and allowing no stea-xrHo escape or.ex hau3t f-om the passages exept from tin- cy hnJeixalone; also by reducing the weight and friction to aoout half that of the' oruioary eiigine. Vepiac- tho smaller; siz.es upon an improved bui er with all the pipes 'attach-. d,and the whole mounted on s null wheels convenient to ship to any part of trie country, a.d to av. id the ne cessity ot in experienced engineer to etart.thtm, they are all tested Odlore leaving ih .- factory. Keed's Patent .-team Puutjs are also coming into general use on steamboats, in mi ties, and fur isupph dny, boilers, where they are now giving greit satisfaction. They aie preferre i to any in. use because of their c 111 pactness and simplicity. Ihese engines aud pumps mav be seen in operation, or further intormation had by calling or a-iiressing RHED -BlitKliECK, Jan 13.-1 mc. 95 Maiden Lane, N. Y. HAT AXD CAP l-:.HIaOKIU,U. Ctl IS. D. TlYUIts. (SUCCESSOR TO SlIKPAKD .V MtkrS.) i " rANUKACrUKEK, Wholesaleaad Ketail Dealer in jlVL Hats, Caps, Furs, and traw Goods. Also Um brellas Canes, Belts, c., tbgether with eTery article usually found ia a first diss Ka-hior.abie Hat Store. 34 Market st , two doors below Scott s Ballwin's N. B. MUitary Goods of every description furnished to order. Jan IS. Com. copy. -. , , m 1 . 1, TAT AND CAP EMPOKIUM. To reduce, stocs, AJL for our spring purch.vs-js, we will closu out our as sortmentof Boys and I;.fiiiti Eanc - Caos aal Uats at cost. Other articles at the very lowest figures for cash, jan 14. CU AS. D.-MERS. rLOUK'." H OLTS Extra Family and Sdperdne, in Bag, and for sale by . DBlfK-SaET BROWN'. JVo. 3 JIackerel. BARRELS EXTRA So. 3 MACKEREL, for sale 4tby RUSSELL &-R0. I D UTTER. 1 kegs, a superior article, for sale by ; D BOT15. - - M;MgXNNIS.' 5, 1857. SWA3T Jfc GU LOrrrKIES! CAPITALPRIZXB. The fo'.Lwing Scheme vD! be drawn by S. Swax & Co.. MtJ3gersi of the Foat Gaiaxa Acaxxxt Lottxkt, cf Georg:,and the Socrazax Miuta&t Acacsmt Lot tht, of Alibauji, In each of their Lotteries for Febua ry, 1857. CLASS 0 To be drawn in the City of Mobile, Alabama, in pab ile, on Saturday, x'ebruary 7th, 1857. . CLASS 2, To be drawn in the City of Atlai ta, Georgia, ia pub iis, oa Thursday, Febuary 1 9th, 1857. CLASS 25, To hi drawn ia the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in pub lic on Saturday, February 2Stb, 1867, on tne PLA OF SIXGLi!. 1 NUMBERS. TIIBEE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED A ND SIXTY PRIZES il!5KEIWA.OEPEttl6TOiSVfcilX TtJi TICKETS! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME: 1 Priz of I 1 . 1 ". 1 " " 1 . . to.ooo is r.aoooo . . 3o,ooo u . . .. lo.ooo ia.. . lo.ooo tf.ooo is . . . . . ... .. S,oo is ........ 7,ooO is .......... . .ooo .... S.ooo .... T,o .... 6,000 6,00 U.. 5,ooo U ...... . ... . . 4, 00 ia. . .......... o : . 1 l i 1 v 1 . . . . 5,ooo .... 4,ooo U,UUW 19 ........... . 2.ooo u . . ....... l,ooo is loo, re... .... 0,000 . ... 2,ooo loo PriMi", ... 1,000 . ... 1 0,000 . . . 5,ooo .... $l,ooo . 800 . . . - 4oo . . . 3o .... . 26a . . . tV .... 22o , . . . 2oo .... ISo 16o .... 12o . .. loo .... .60,000 5o are X APPROXIMATION PRIZES. tnzesoi a-ioo Appro x. to fdo.ooo Pris are. 2oo " 2o.ooa i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 loo " lo,oo " S.ooo " S,ooo ' ' "7,ooo " 6,000 " ' 5,ooo " - 4,ooo. a.ooo " 2,000 6 " ijo " 55 - .t M 5o 45 " " 4o : : 83 " 41 23 " " 2-3 are....... 11 11 11 M tl u 11 4 1,000 i nYiz&s amountinsr to VS"kuk trtk.eU, f Lo tialres, 5 Quarters, f 2,&o T e Numbers from 1 to 3t,Uw, corrtspouding with hose Nutuiei3 oaihef Tickets printed on eparaie iips of paper, are exjchcled with small tin tubes f and -iaced in oie wiieel.' NX file nrst h i Piizes, similarly printed and encircled, ire placed in another awheel. : ihy wheels are ti en revolved, acd a number is drawn i'Oin the heel of .Numbers, aud at the same lime a t'ii.e is uiau from ti e Oxher w eel The number ana iize drawn but are opened and exhibitedNto tne audi nee, and rrjgi.iered by the ornmissioiiers ;)the Piiz 0 ng placed against the .Number drawc, lhisx opera tion i repeated untdall the Prizes are drawn out. AFPKoxiMATiON pKiZKs. The two preceding and the tw o feuccoediijg umbers to those draw iug the first 12 Prizes will bp entitled to the 48 Appioximatitrt Prizes according to the bchme, 1 " --"' ihe ;j,Oi0 a'ries of will be determined oy the list Sraie or ihe :un.t;sr thit d-ftws the $5t,Uoi 1 rize. For example, if the A umber drawing thte.'iii'JM. 'iaze ends with So. 1, then all-the Tickets where the tuinbe.- ends in 1 wilj be entitled to 2o. If the Xurn- or nds with So. 'I. then all the Tickets where the dumber ends in, 2, 'w ill be entitled to and so on to u Oertiticates of Packages, will be soid at the following ates which i.s the risk; . ertiricates of Package 10 Whole Tickets, $ 8 : 44 10 Half " 4 u " 10 Quarter " 2t m ORDERING TICKETS, ' v Enclose the money to our address for. the Tickets Or lered, ou receipt of which they will be forwarded b; l.rst mail, i urcnaseis can have tickets ending in any .iguro tliey niiy designate. . i'ne L.st. ot : uniwu . umbers and Prizes will be sent U .mrchascrs immediately after the drawing. u- Purchasers will please write their signaturci M iin, and give their Post Omce,' County and iState. ttemumber that every Prize is drawn and payable ii iil without deduction. .- All prizes of $l.t;uu and under. Daid immediate! v afti uie urawing lavs. ..I..- ! .1 ..." . . ' . -other prizes at the usual time ot thirt) All communications strictly confidential. Prize ticaets cashed or renewed in 'other tickets at cithe; - oliice. .- .- Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates either to . S.tsWAN & CO., Atlanta Ga. or S. SWAN", Montgomery, Ala. jan 12. , . " CAPITAL PulZE..$CO,04lO. ')Uf I1KHN aiILIIaKV AO.LlMY LOTTERY O Cla0s To be drawn in the City of Mobile, A'a oa.na, -An public,, on Friday, January, 30, 11 v tne Plan "of SINGLE NUMiitRiS ! ' John nt'R-it and W. W. McGdib, Esqs., ComnuV . J09OiJ I ickets 3,295 Prizes. -MORE TU.u ONE PitlZE TO E VERV TEN TICKETS BRILLIANT SCHEME 1 I'rize of. 1 u I u 1 11 1 " $60,000 2 Prizes of ... .... 2,000 ... l,ooo .... 250 .... 15" ... 100 ..11 000 800 Zoo . .. l,ooo SUd ... 600 ... 2,6oo :..18u,ooo 545,000 2 lo.OOO J 10 5,000 I 100 it ..s 5,000 I lOO " APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 4 Prizes of i $25o Approx. to $60,iouPriie, are;... , 4 2 00 175 125 loo 75 65 6J 25.000 it 4 ' - 8 8 - S 40 3 MO lo.OvO 5,ooo 2,000 l.tOO 250 it ti ti 11 it i t are..i. 3,20 i Pnzesamounting to... .$Jt46 UOO Whole Ticaets, lialvps, $8; Quarters, 4, Eighths 2. 1 he tit st lid Prizes are decided in (he usual manner. 3 100 Prizes of $61) will be determined by the last figure ot the number that draws the f 60,000 Prize. Fot ujtaiyple, if the Xmnoer drawing the $00,000 Prize end? with So I, then all the tickets where the number ends in l will be entitled to $to. If the number ends' with No. 2, then all the Tickets where the .Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $60, and so oa to 0. 5 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the. lis k : . : Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets- - 100 44 44 - 10 Half . .- . . 7 60 44 " 10 Quarter " . . 26 10 toghu tl . - 12 Address Orders for Tickets or Onrtifirata nf Ptta ges of Tickets either to S. S vVAN &. CO., Atlanta, Ga. ! or o.fssw Ard, Montgomery, Ala. or S. SWAN, Box 200 Mobile, Ala dec 29. . - '"'.'" TKRRTS HOSEgM; and Parley's Magazine for January, received. The , tMcaettmn it i wll known, is an excellent thing for the young, im tractive iu 4iry emerfcainmg rnce only si, a year, or loe -mgiefto. at W ilITAKERS. de3. 29. ." Consignee Wanted -7 OR Hf bigs ColFee, l Box Tobacco and I Bbl Su L gar, marked J. R. Wilbur, Salisbury, N. C. recd pr Schr D. G. flulse, stored at owners risk and expense. dec9-tf. A.D. CAZAUX OWNER WANTED. For 50 bars Iron marked Gar rett k Son,-afTi.Ted per Sahooner Emily and stor ed at owners risk aad expense.. . J. R. FLAN& SR. dec 13-tt tTQOP IRON. 5 Tons for ale by M.lfcINNIS, SIX DOLkAIXSL A YCaU IS ADMcn r , WHOLE m. 9(4 1 7 rrik . iott vunu a First, An acne of the sulks proper! c';rvc m fWftnti It for feeding ee to cattle o- ho 0i, L , r ,V greatabundance of.uryjaic. Si.b tt h f J op of Third, Iis8o'ecrtai"n and r.r.d;; - . . - tors J 0 M uccecdinjf ith ita any where South of the State of Xcw York This aeeddi offered for mic in DiC i.ct . . are. If pnt hv m;i , . . . rr,rar Ke : A den beeds Peas, Bean, &c , .iH be , . ft. specuon in a few days. As the Ud ctf , ht backward, and the supply -Xorth li.niuu, MaoW.-t , . ers and gardeners wiU niltl h u, tht,ir , imm'1 t0 Hware - full and -L r.vie Orders wi 1 receive imuivdi.io attci.iioit ex. tl , ir ar nI?anlSth. .57. A. Cr. DRaDLKY. Irugf IIOI&TICULTVKi:. r . 1 12,000 LARfcRiM; flCto , ful and nsurpas.-ed codertion of R(M .v. n;, ti,;. nere. The collection has been mde b selwt itr in m constant imporUtioua f.or France: prcigwi, r tnU those that proved to be f briber teels confident that fit, .. - and Mock has never been grown Fouth brf t ut f an recommend them as uFura?SnbIe. Catl-tPe-" iih uesciiption, sent to all af pli ants. A ITDiGcN jai. 12-TFawftw?i,1g6lrCCt KOad Ch",. Valuable Lund rrNal I T ofLandSCKIiEK 0frerS 0rtthci!gtrt bye t'act containing 12 acrr?, 6m of wl hh as 100a swamo as thr i n i two hundred acres well drained, und about ihirtt ac'tS w.va.v,uttllu uuuer ience, adjoining the lands .of J r, mutton and T, C. hmitl.. - vVmoidea " n" ISO joining the Iat)da of johll a Cah( fttid r j n f Zm acres loimnir th latirt f '.4. 'j abe.h Melvin. lh above lajd ; ? ' "I time for cuod notes, or wiU t!4t . . , give the best of prices. ."--0. ana pi. 1UJ:?atim aJd;e e .M,b4ill.r at " a, NU n p. ilKLVJK. jan Jo.-Bm. ' Notice. X buBineM, -aill M.U u,llr elill ai;u .!it , . , . . .. 11 i-voiumbus Counts ck atxon1J,c,t.li. uin Ihestiilisiuatedon th VV. a i 1 k . ,1 vV hite Marsh, and iu g0Jd oidet. t oe bettered for buju.g tuipudine; the t , n , stiliissevenuenbaii yellow oi- 1 , Seventeen huuared civ i- ,. . . and a halt. mil t-a from the J. m', t . '; 7 , .u,.ble tor large ny land in the county lor litLtccd. '1 Ut Ti l U e land about one-hunuieu acv. ot i, h.n. k f u thans very rich aild tan uu uL j dr.dacrtaleastf ht.VLMe inllV tu uuitfa jnleol the kail head about two hun iuu d from Ihc toad On thlt j.i.ce lice i, a M,t u J ung house wi,h all tecer; out hen. ,1.0 .L, Vi f tr nty hvf aces of cleaied Ii,d that p,ocLts fc,h good deal ofrich land ,ei to clear. ulik-n,'U-' Wid lbey will ako 11 one pair of n uk-s ai d m rcr -pd llave3at VVhiteviile, .N. C. tei:n 1, I lyL Kjferencein vVilmingtou.J. U. Hunncr. ' . nov 24-tf. . Jour copy 1 month. I UST REO'U by XdmjZl T.'".".7.r Velvet "1"VVP-.oi.ewfijl.,ci Uoh. H:k 100 BBLS. MESS PUKK, l ilhds. Veit,-r 40 Casks hugar Cured liams 20 Bags Kio Oofle, ' ' ' ' 6 Barrels Whiskey, 5oOO lbs S. C. Bacon. For sale by PEfTBWAV i PRITCHETT. .Salamander Sufcit .""''! ";. . i VARIETi' U.Ze.a.AVUd.rH P.tent with Rich's improvement-entirefy re prool-Out 6f mV, f, Safes .old by the ManuUciurAr., zU have biei. let ed in accidental hres id not a dollar w0i th of .-rom mj ured in one of them. For mle by 1 7 novl 'li.KituarfT A BLOWN. It is never too late to mVnd A RMA7TF f A0T R0VIANCE. . Uj Charlei rX. Beade, author of 'OhrUtiA .ii,.,r .... t.1 finffton " etc. Ju.-t nnh!i., 3 , re vv of" " , , ' ' u wt eaje at .. BACON SIDES A SHOULDERS. 16 hbd, a rrmV article. -v Fnr..l k- !.Prme . ... . ai. .JiclAA Ja'. X laree establiahmenta t k , j ... - Tt! V 1. .Y "v ' v men will frjT(iBh him with an uiulmitcd supply of finished or uSShid foreign or domestic MARRLE of all oualitien u.rZt l to fill aU ordersfor MONUMENTS InS TOIB fiCVg? and every other article in the Hn f ...!:. . c enable rates. .Ptrat.vo, IVoT clrT "S?1!43 T rM 01111 be oa either North or SoctiL w ui lucmutB ca oe given if required. Dec. 'nit, IBM. . JAS" McCLA.iU';, ' BiOTICE, " - 4 PPLICATfON will mide to the General .Asaem - JL blv of th a iLta nnv in :e!nn . . . A . nrporate a tfechintcs Suilding Assocriarion, in the town dec22-30t. O R- MOLASSES: A few Barrel P., B Molaes A superior to any New Orleans MoJases.' for sale by "iiaJ M.,McTNNl5. UMBRELLAS and Parafols, for sale by jaaT7. J. S. WILLIAMS, of thu county, hb crop of of thi, sll' Xnt some of the properties of hicrr axe i to