SIX DOLLARS A aR Iff ADVANCE T BU It R, Jr., Editor and Proprietor. wmiiiiGTOii, h6btix-caixoijiiia V-OL. III. NO. 296. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19, 1857. WHOLE NO. 916 of sore TUe Grefttcit Medical Discovery or the " - Age! DR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR; from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. 4 ; ' He ha3 tried it in over 1 100 ca3e3, and never failed A-Anf ..9ii9 fhnth thnnder humor.1 He has now in his nowession orer two hundred certificates its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston, x Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing m ()ne to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pint ple3 on the face. -"' ' ' Two to three bottles will clear the sys'em of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth and stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst ra nf F.rvalnelas. One to two bottle3 are warranted to cure all humor In the Eyes. r , Two bottles are -warranted to cure running at he ear and tiWMiAa nmnntr the hair. Fouf to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. t f One bottle will cure scalv eruption of the skin ta frt firPAhntflir warranted to cure the worst no an nf rlnorwrtrm. ? - ... ' . . . ii . . Two tp three bottles are warranted to cure me ms desperate case of rhumatism. ' Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt - rheum. ' '-' ' ' ' . Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scroi- A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure 13 warranted when the above quan tity is taken. " , .' Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. ' I know the effect of it in every case. So sure as .water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that I sold another: after a trial it always speaks for itself ; There are two thing3 about this herb that appears to me sur prising ; first that it grows in our pastures, in some pla ces quite plentiful, and yet it3 value has never been known, until I discovered it ia 14,6 -second, that it nhnnld cure all kinds of humor. 'J I ' -. "" Th order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I will state that in April - . ... - . 1 .111.. ... Jam . 1853, 1 peddled it, and sold aoout six Douies per uj in April 1854, I sold over one thousand bottles per day of it. : '-'--3 v' , . -; . Some of the wholesale Druggist3 who have been in hntnpqfl twfintv and thirtv vears. say that nothing in innib notont. mpflir.inft Wft3 ever like it. There of it from all Quarters. ; fto T nlwfiva Irpnt it StriCtlV lOT llU- mors but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been touna In it that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits a disease which was alwaj s considered incurable, have been cured by a few bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady there are but few who have aon'mnro nf if. t.hftn T hive. I I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged people cured by it. For the various diseases of the i;r R.Mr ITfladacher DvsDeosia. Asthma.' Fever and A-ue. Pain in the side, Diseases of the Spine, and par ticular in diseases, of the Kidneys, Ac, the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary eat the best you nun rrat onrl pnmich of it. ' X Directions for Use. Adults one table spoonful per day Children over, ten year3 desert spoonful Chil dren from five to eight years, tea spoontui. as no ui panfinna ton ha tt nnlirahlfl to all constitutions, take suf- ficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren. Street, Roxbury, Mass. Sold in Wilmington, N. C, by A. 0. BRADLEY, ' . r . Druggist, &c, rsf- To whom all orders must be addressed to insure prompt" attention. . i sept 5-lyr-c. j Ifoticc. rHE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform the in habitants of the Town of Wilmington, and the public generally, that he is engaged in the Baking of hard bread and crackers, and it property paironizea wiu devote his entire attention to this one branch of busi- ill furnish Merchants and other consumers at the lowest price possible for cash either wholesale or retail. On hand, Butter, Boston, Sugar, Milk and Sola Crackers, Pilot and Navy Bread. All orders will be promptly filled, and goods forwarded. Address . V P b .SAM'L W. ROBERTS. Wilmington N. C. . . 49 Market st. ' ' 718-tf. TVilntiflfton & YJTeldon Railroad Company. Omcx or thi Ejrarxxxr xjd ScTzxixiunuT, J Wilmington, N. 0. Jan. 14. 1867. ) THE Passenger trains - will, until farther notice, run over this road as follows : O OlttG NORTH BAIL F-Day Express Train leaves Wilmington at 6 A. M.t arrives at Goldsboro' at 10 09 leave t in 8 minimi and arrives at TTeldon at 2 00 P. M. Night Exrssss Tb-uh leaves WHinlngton at 4 16P. M., arrives at Goldsboro at 8.S6 to supper 29 miaBtes; arrives at Weldon at 1 o'clock A. M. GOING SOUTH DAILY. Day Express leaves Weldon at 11 SO M., arrives at Goldsboro, 5,10 P. M. leavet in 8 minvtet, arrives at Wilmington at 7,30 P. M to supper. - Niqht ExrKiss leaves Weldon at 8 SOP. M. arrives at Wilmington at 5,40 A. M. The night Express train, connects with the North Carolina Railroad, botn ways, at uoidsborof. ROYAL LOTTERY oftaa ISLAND OF CUB A TIS EXCELLENCY the superintendent General of ii Revenue of the Island of Cuba has disposed that all the drawings which wul take place in the present year, 185ft. Commencing with theone of 9th August, shall be GRAND EXTRORDIN ABIES, of 21,500 Num bers or Tickets, and that the $253.000o be distributed In Prizes shall be in the following manner : 1 Prize of... 1 do. .......... 1 do. . 1 do. . 1 do. . ,t Prizes of $2,000........ 2 do. 1,000......... 70 do. 400.......... 149 do. 200,, 20 Approximations, .,....,4100,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 6,000 2,000 28,000 29,800 7,200 249 $258,000 Prizes APPROXIMATIONS. . The two former and the two following Numbers TtirmiirTi tfrWta North sold in Wilmington : to Balti-I those winning one of the five Canital Prizes, shall moresiz: w rnuaaeipma i ; w new io fio ou, i euuuea 10 to be to Washington, D. C. 11 t$J" Tickets will not be told to a negro in per ton Pattengert are notified that an extra charge of one cent per mile mil be required of those who ao not pur estate iicKeit m ttuw7. Freight bv casseneer trains double rates. Local fare with tickets, about 3 cents per mile ; if paid in the cars, about 4 cents per mile. FREIGHT TRJLUia Two tnrougn scneduie trams i between TTilmingt on and Weldon, each week; leaving alternately on Monday's and Thursday's, and arriving Tuesdav's and Friday's. Four schedule trains per week to Goldsboro': leavine Wihnineton on Tuesday's. Wednes day's. Friday's and Saturday's, and Goldsboro on Mon day's, Wednesday's, Thursday's; and Saturday's, making a daily freight train both ways between Wilmington and n.UflkAt An Imiti . tXw viv fdivnt vlll dues on freight up or down, payable at uenera Freight Office in inimineton, on receipt or delivery, ex cluding that on the North Carolina Railroad. Which may be pre-paid, or not, at tne option ot tne consignor. flPThe Depot bell win ring half-an-hour belore tne starting of each passenger train. a. Xj. jJKiiJttUJNT, v;nier ji-ngir Jan. 14, 1857. y y - . Fresli Arrivals. PER SCHR. D. C. HULSE, from New York : 25 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 BbBC. T.Sujsrir, x 10 Kegs Goshen Butter, prime. Low for cash; Jan 15. GEO. H. KELLEY & BRO. Jour. N. C. A. & G. Times, copy. FOR FEBRUARY. Godey's Lady's Book; Graham's Magazine ; Knickerbocker Magazine; Chamber's Journal r Yankee Notions. &c. , Rec?d and for sale at jan 29. S. W. W 1111 AKEK 6. ATE DATES. New York Herald and Express, Bait. Sun Harper's Weekly Punch Telegraph, Scientific American, &c Rec'd this morning, at jan 29. o. W W HlTAKEK S. APS1 CAPS1 ! We have just received and opeu ed a case of new style JOCKEY CAP, something that is really neat and tasty. Also Men and Boys blue Navy Caps. Our stock ot (Janes are also increased by this morning's Express. Call and see at the Bazaar of Fashion. GILES & HA WES. oct 18. To the one of $100,000, 4 Approx. To the one f To the one of To the one of To the one of 60,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, do. do. do. do. of $600, . 400, 400, . 200, " 200 . $2,400 1,600 1,600 ,800 '800 Swxj & SWAN & CO'S LOTTERIES t CAPITAL PRIZE. - erp5 0,000 tmt r The followme Scheme will be drawn by S. Co.. Managers of the Fokt Gaihxs Acxdimt Lottiet, jf Georpia. and the Socrmuor MiUTxaT Acinnrr Lor Ttnr nf Alhma- in each of their Lotteries for Febua- 17,1857. y " - : . y V j CLASS 0, To be drawn in the City of Mobile, Alabama, In pub Ec, on Saturday, February 7th, 1857. CLASS 24, To be drawn in the Uc, on Thursday, Febuary qHE SUBSCRIBER, having determined to devote his ,fttionf to Pkntag interests ia Brucs- i. runution known as "Greenfield: aituttl i.a krt .Uftfk.-bdn th. ton of wn Ti . coatauungbont HO to ISO.cni oflU hnd S3 Mxrat ZOO tott orup Uad. The improTemenu r7n aist of. d.dbi : hou.&h th. mJSSuS. Rice. And Cabinji sufficient toyiccomaodate 35 to 40 negroe3,all of which are nearly new. and lnrT ZIa BelongmgtothePlanutionisafineMmPemJ 1 order. CLASS 24, y - affording an abundance pf water for the workine of two City of AUatta, Georgia, in pub- orfst Mifis, (which are ejected, and are now Sw.? oary 19th, 1857. - M opm A) and for the ?Xot I rV. I. JTW V VMS ' CLASS 25. To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in pub- lin em Ratm-Aav 28th. 1857. On tne X of single Numbers. THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY PRIZES ! MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS ! 30.000 TICKETS. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME: Priie of u " .-.......,....-.'. 2o,ooo U. ........... 1 0,000 is..... .... .... 9,000 ...., ... 20 Approximations, $7,200 D&ys on tohich the Drawings take place. CLASS No. 567, " " 568, tc Whole Ticket, Half Ticket, Sixteenth Ticket, sept 24.-tf. 569 570, . . . 571, 572, . . . . 573, . . PRICES OF TICKETS. . $20, I Quarter Ticket, 10, Eighth Ticket, 9th August. 29th 17th - 7 th 25th 18th 10th Sept'r. Oct'r. Nov'r. Dec'r. $1,25. THEO. GTTESNARD, Jr. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. A NEW STYLE Cap, called the GOVERNOR CAP, also, other new styles of Jockey, Fur, Cloth, Plush and Glazed Caps. Call at the Bazaar of Fashion. 61 Market street. Nov 8. GILES & HAWES. AO. BRADLEY, DRUGGIST, WILMINGTON, N. C, has on hand and is constantly receiving pure and selected Drugs, Medicines. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Paints, Oils, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Shop Furniture, Window Glass, Trusses, Supporters, ! Surgical Instruments, &c. - . ' An inspection of the stock is sohcited irom rnysicians visiting Wilmington, believing that they can be sup plied equally as low as they buy for "North" , and know in? the aualitv of the articles to be more reliable. The Htnr.k of Tnfttrumenta 13 unusuallV large and will be sold at extremely low prices. oct 18. l 8,00 ia 7,ooo is... .... .6,000 is.. ........ .. 5,ooo is.... 4,ooo is.. 3,ooo is... 2.000 is l,ooo is. ' loo are... ....... 5o are loo Prizes loo " ! i APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of t25o Approx. to f5o,ooo Pri are... 8,000 tt tt 2 00 loo 80 65 60 55 5o 45 4o 80 25 14 ' t' y'K tt it 2 0,000 10,000 9,000 8,,ooo 7,ooo 6,000 5,ooo 4,ooo' 8,oeo 2,ooo . 1,000 t . 2o are...... $5o,ooo . 2o,oo . , 9,000 . 8,000 . 7.000 . 6,000 . 5,o6o . ,4,ooo . 8,000 . 2,000 . . 5,ooo . f . 800 4oo 82o 26o 24o 22o 2oo ISo 16o 12o loo . .60,000 French Window Glass. y" EDWARD P. DICKIE, 144 Chambers street, New York, two doors west of Hudson River Railrbad Depot,' offers to dealers and consumers y his celebrated brands of French Window Glass' on. favorable terms. Parties wishing information will be furnished with prices n receipt of their address. Glass cut to any desired pattern, and packed free of charge, y may 21 684-ly, ; y'- '. ' : ' Notice. ALL PERSONS are herebv warned not to hunt, fish, or trespass in any manner on my lands in Brunswick county, under the severest penalties of the law. y:: T. 0. McILHENNY. May 7 '; ' , :. 862-tf ; TOR SALE. The South-west Corner Lot, at" the in X tersection of Front and Walnut streets, measuring 66 feet front, and running to low water mark, upon! which is the Corn Mill occupied by D. DuPre. Apply to (nov 18-51 8-tf) JNO. A. BAKER NOTICE. . APPLICATION will be made to the next session of the" Legislature of North Carolina, for a Charter for a Miners Bank, to be located at Wilmington, Jayette ville or on Deep River, in Moore or Chatham Counties. 1 Oct28-tf. TOHN A. PARKER respectfully announces, that he O has removed his ' PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT, . to the store on Dock street. two,doors east of NefTs Ship Chandlery, where he solicits a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally Destowea. Ha-tfcg secured competent workmen, ne ia preparcu to do all kinds of HOUSE & SHIP PAINTING, GRAIN ING also IMITATION OF STONE and MARBLE, onoutsides of buildings, suiting his prices to the hard iness of the times and all in a satisiactory manner. Jobs taken both in town and country, and at tne i shortest notice. - A supply of best materials in his line constantly on hand. oct 80. REED'S PATENT STEAM ENGINE. june 25. Farmers. TTTE HAVE not forgotten you. f VV the finest stock of Wobl Hats, Negro Wool and Dress Wool, open for your inspection ever before offered Call and see a the Bazaar of 'Fashion No 61 Market st. GILES & HAWES. 00 y StocR for- Sale. )A SHARES Steam Tug Stock ; JdJ ' Wilmington & Manchester R, R. Stock; 10 " Commercial Bank Stock, will be sold 1 cash, or on time for approved paper, by March 29 829 W. C. HOWARD, Broker. as weliave now MILLETT. 581-tf. inx 72nTNG. The subscriber bavins secently com 13 pletely fitted up the Bradley house, two doors north .-iftha PrAahvtArian Church, is now ready to accommo- : iate transient boarders. -; L. jan. 21 ' v J. M. HOBINSON, & SON. X W PORTERS. Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers, L in Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Agricultural rmpleementa, &c. Wilmington, N. C. ian. 1. '56. 664-tf. 3,260 prizes amounting to. : . . ... .... 9204,000 Whole tickets, $10 Hairea, $5 Quarters, f 2,50. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Tne Numbers from 1 to 80,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slina of oaDer. are encircled with small tin tubes and 47 9 olaced in one wheel. The first 212 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, " and at the same time a Prize is drawn from tne other wheel. The number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audi- . nee. and registered bv the Commissioners : tne rriza being placed against the Number drawn. This opera tion is reoeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. AppeoxisiItion Prizes. The two preceding and tne two succeeding Numbers to those drawine the first 12 Prizes will be entitled to the 48 Approximation rnzes, according to the Scheme. The 3,000 frizes of wiu oe determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the f 50,000 Prize. For example, ii the a umber drawing tne $auruuu Prize endswith No. 1. then all the Tickets where the number ends in 1 will be entitled to $20. If the Num her ends with No. 2. then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2. will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0 Certificates of Packages, will be sold at the following rates which is the risk : Certificates of Package 10' Whole Tickets, $ 80 ! ; " 10 Half " . . 4U " " 10 Quarter " 20 IN ORDERING TICKETS, Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets or dered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they ; may designate. ' The List 6f Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawings . Purcnasers will please write tneir signatures plain, and crive their Post Office. County and State. Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. ' All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. j ' " All communications strictly confidential. Prize,tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets at either office. ' Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates either to " j S.SWAN & CO., Atlanta Ga. . . ! or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. jan vi. ; dred and twenty acres, on the Island being Tery sncc nor, and recently cleared. - 2nd. About50 acres of Pine and Swamp Laid, situated on the west side ol Quince's Mill Pond about 4 miles from Town, of which from 100 to 160 acres are cleared. This place affords a fine range for stock- upen the place there are three tenable Negro houses Barn &c, &e. - - -, , - 3rd. A tract of unimproved land, east nf nin Mill Pond, containing about 700 acres. nnefculfAf.MM. is weU timbered. . : 1 "1V " Also A Steam Engine, or abtut IS norr two Brick Machines (Dovers Patent) with the necessary moulds and tools for making Brick twelve Mules Two wagons with iron axles and sundry articles about the Brick Yard. ' Alao About 700 thousand brick which will he livercd in Wilmington if desired. Terms can te made easy, and, on the land, a long time can be given. xvt lurwicr parucuiars apply to dec 8-tf. T. C. McILHENNY. TEETJJ . XEEXII . , - . - I XR. ! H. FREEMAN, having bought out theinter XJ eitof Dr. Kennedy, offers his services to the pub lic as a practical Dentist. Having been engaged in thr business for the last six years he feels confident of giv ing satisfaction to all who may favor him with their pat ronage. Charges made moderate. Office Front si., eppo site the Book Bindery. Be sure and give me a call. nov 18. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. O BBLS. Brown Sugar, fj 40 unds sweet Ueavy Molasses. Jn s for sale by J. & D. MacRAE Jan. 7-tf. - store and &CO. SPI ji 600 Selected, in fine order; . GEO. HARRISS. I PIRIT CASKS jan 8. jan s. ! ' MRS. S. A. POIlTER7"" 7 " I DRESS MAKER. 1 TNSTRUCTIONS given by LaBON'S new method on X reasonable terms. Ladies are invited to callat her residence one daor above the north-east cerner ofMa ket and 7th sts., and examine for themselves. ' oci i3-u. . . . y . - APPLICATION will be made at the Legislature for a Charter for a Steam Navigation Company, be tween Wilmington and New York. dec 27-30t. 1 -,0s- : j - Notice. nHHE undersigned haviDg purchased the interest b A Mr. Geo. the ClarendonSteara Eaw Mil the business arrangements between them was dissolved on 81st Dec.$ l856. ... - All persons having claims acrainst Clarend on Slpnm Saw Millr will present them immediately for settlement , JAS.U. CHADB0URN & CO. Jan 8.-57 ,. - " ESKS FOR SALE. 2 good Office Desks. Apply to Jan 5. RUSSELL A DKO. a prime article DISTILLERS GLUE. 25 B big Glue, just received. For sale by jan 59- . WILLARD b CURTIS. COLORED SACK FLANNEL, plain and plaid, jan 29. Forsalo by J. S. WILLIAMS. "Our Motto is to Please," ' . riTt . i at- j j 1 1 t j rr T . j mm k 1 me YY 1 mwMjirOih ouiuttf, xiarnc99, ana j.thk ju.wt "i V. 11 factor y- The subscriber respectfully informs the pub ! c that he has recently received large additions to Lis stocs . (Saddle and" Harness mountings, &e., '.'of the latest and most improved styles, and is constantly manufacturing, at us Store on Market street, every description . of articles in .he above line. From his experience in the business, he eels confident that he will be able to giro entire satisfactior t his customers. He has now on hand and will constantly ieep a large assortment of ujo;.V, Gig, Sulky, and Buggy Harnesses ; Ladiss' Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ac; Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, dc.t 1 All of which he will warrant to be of the Jbest materials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment ot Trunks, VaUses, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, Ac, . And air other articles usually kept in such et ;shments 11 of which he offer low for. Cash, or on s- . credit to vrompt customers. , , . . , Saddles, Harness, Trunks Medical Bags, At., Ac, made Iaddition to the above, the subscriber always keeps on1 hanA a lan-o aimnlv of Striner Leather, and has now. and -rill keep through the season, a good assortment of Fly Neta. All are invited to call and examine my Goods, whether m want or not, as I take pleasure in showing my assortment to ill who may favor me with a call. . :. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to per- 133 buying to manufacture. '; Also, Whips at wholesale. " 5 All kinds o riding Vehicles bought and sold on commit si ns. JOHN J. CONOLEY. May 10, 1851. . ..- ; l-lj "lOMESqD and see GIL3 & HAWES own style 'U Christmts Hat, just received by Express. AH those that have hot soen the latest style had better call soo it Hunr of P?hioa, Carolina Hotel. . -dec 17. ; STORAGE. We have taken the store on corner o Front and Princess sts., and will receive; Produce ' ind Merchandise on Storage v ' dec 18. ." PETIEWAY & PRITCHETT. rjOilE UK I'tlrt kSO -JO JlBT Christmas Books are: J The Court of Napoleon The Republican: Court Rural Hours Rural Rambles Book of Beauty Homes ml Haunts of the Wise and Good Ammcan Scenery, floral Keei)3ake-Book of Eagravings Standard Werk inPo'etrv. History, Biography. &o. All elegantly got . m - . mm -mmm WWWm a WW 1.1 IV )U Forsileat .'.'B..W. wunAaftaa.' O-PARTNERSHIP between John Hall and Wu. L. Puis, in the General Produce, Real Estate and PUrtck Brokerage buainess. John Hall will eive his THESE IMPROVED ENGINES, (for which Patents have been granted and first Prize Medals awarded to the inventor, both in the United States and Europe,) continue to give such satisfaction, on account of their simplicity and economy, that we have now established an extensive manufactory, and are prepared to deliver at the shortest notice engines from two horse power and upwards. v , These engines have been accurately tested, and have shown an economy of twenty per cent in iuei, ana L. Pitts to Cotton, and both parties to all matters con nected with a general Brokerage business. JOHN HALL, WM; L. PITTS. March 10th 1856. ' rMncipal attention to the Naval Store interest, Wm. I about the same in oil and repairs, fnis saving is effect- niA on nf the cvl- inder through large openings, removing the pressure from the valve and allowing no steam to escape or ex himt f-om the Passages exent from the cylinder alone; also by reducing the weight and friction to about half tnat ot tne orainary euguics. c h sizes upon an improved boiler with all the pipes attach ed, and the whole mounted on small wheels convenient to ship to any part of the country, and to avoid the ne cessity of an experienced engineer to start them, they are all tested before leavine the factory. ,y Reed's Patent Steam Pumps, are also cominginto general use on steamboats, in mines, and for supplying boilers, where they are now giving great. satisfaction. They are preferred to any in use because of their com pactness and simplicity. These engines "and pumps may be seen in operation, or further information had by calling or addressing REED & BIRKBECK,- Jan 18.-lmc. 95 Maiden Lane, N. Y. SCHOOL FOR BOYS. French Broad Valley, North Carolina. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, has opened a School for Boys, X within a day's ride of Greenville UJ H., So. Ua. The session will consist of two terms, of five months 'each. Vacations from 15th December to 1st February ; and from -1st to 15th July. RATES. The Board and Tuition, including all expenses, with .he exception of Books and Stationery, $112 50 per term, payable invariably in advance. ? Where the parents desire it, Text Books and Station ery will be supplied as long as the beys may remain in the School, by a payment upon entrance, of $20. Oth erwise, such Books, &c, s are requisite, will be fur nished, and the cost added to charge for Board and Tuition. . I There will also be a term of six months, commencing 15th Mav. for the advantage of those parents who may desire their sons to be placed in a healthy locality for the Summer, for which the rate of Board and Tuition is n J o . Arif 9125. - uoys can remain qurmg me Dummer v acauua from 1st to 15th July. HENRY EWBANK. Address the undersigned, Riverside, Dunn's Rock, P. O. Henderson Co., No. Ua. Rev J. 8. Hanckel, Charleston, David Coleman. Esq.. ; " F. W. Johnstone, Esq.; Dunn Rock. McKewn Johnstone, Esq., jan lStb-lm. . -y-J . i GARDEN SEED. A'N UNUSUALLY large and choice selection of Gar J. den Seeds, Peas, Beans, &c, will be open for in spection in a few days. As the 'seed crop" has been backward, and the supply North Dmited, wholesale buy ers and gardeners will hnd it to their interest to leave their orders immediately to'insure a full and complete assortment. The Seeds sold by the undersigned are known favor ablv to this community as the 44 Wethersfield Garden Seeds," and have generally , given the utmost satisfaction. Orders wi'l receive immediate attention on their ar. rival. ! A. O. BRADLEY, Druggist. Jan 13th, 67. - '. - , - I Valuable Land For Sale. npHE SUBSCRIBER pffersior sale the followingtract of Land : , ,y One tract containing;! 200 acres, 600 ot wnicu is as good swamp as there is in the county of Bladen, about two hundred acres well 'drained, and about thirty acres cleared and under fence, adjoining the lands of J. G. Sutton and T. C, Smith. Also150 acre's joining the lands of D. Johnson and Wm. Bordeaux. 150 joining the lands of John C. Cain and E. Downan. 200 acres joining the lands ot George Cain and Eliz abeth Mel vin. The above lands i will sell and give good time for good notes, or will take young negroes and give the best of prices. For further information address the subscriber at Elizabethtown, N. C. R. P. MELVIN. jan 10.-3m. ESS PORK 50 Bbls Mess Pork. Nowlnrlin' jan 29. For sale by WILLARD k CURTIS ! THE Wilmmgton and Weldon Railroad Company have made arrangements for forwarding all goods, consigned to the care of the Company, and destined for any point, on the line of the North Carolina Road.; free of commissions. : y y- . If landed on the Company's whArf, there will be no charge for wharfage or drayage; but these, expenses wui oe incurred ii landed on any other wharf, and will; be added to the freight'bn the way-bills, to be collected, on delivery, by the North Carolina Railroad Company.1 N. B. To avoid detention at Wilmington; it is essen-' tial that the amount of freight by vessels shall, in all cases, be distinctly stated, in dollars and cents, on each bill of lading, and if goods for more than one person are included in the same bill of lading, the amount of freight for each consignee must be separately stated. By order of the Board of Directors, -i S. L. FREMONT, Eng. A gup't. Office of Engineer & Superintendent; ) f Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 28, '57. f ; Jan 29-tf. - ' ' " CONSIGNMENT. "rr- ' ' : fTQ BAGS W. B. Holt's FamUy Flour 4 U 60 Barrels Common Brands, , 7 Bags Feathers, 25 Bbls Large Mullets, ; : 1 0 Firkins Butter, - , 15o6 Lbs N. C. Bacon. 5oo Bushels Red Wheat feb 5. : . , X. : For sale by W. H. McRARY k CO. HAT AND- CAP EMPORIUM. CIIAS. . ITHTJERS. (successor to Shspard A Mtxes.) MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats, Caps, Furs, and Straw Goods. Also Um brellas, Canes, Belts, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first Class Fashionable Hat Store. 84 Market St., two doors below Scott A Baldwin's. N. B. Military Goods of every description furnished to order. Jan 13. Com. copy. XAT AND CAP XJL 4 EMPORIUM. To reduce stock, for our spring purchases, we will close out our as sortment of Boys and Infants Fancv Caps and Hats at cost. Other articles at the very lowest figures for cash, ian 14. .CHAS. D. MYERS. TTULLETS. UJLm to close consig M. McINNIS. -A small lot for sale ment. . jan 86. -".''. 1AMBR01DERIES. A handsome stock of Embroid- JjJ eries, consisting of Collars. Undersleeves, Rich sette, Strip, Mull and Jackotfet Floundngs, Edgings and f FliOUR. TJOLTS Extra Family and Superfine, in Bags, and 11 for Bale by DuKUoaJST & isku w . No. 3 Mackerel. rt t?' BARRELS EXTRA NO. 3 MACKEREL, for sale 4 iJ by RUSSELL s "RO. InsertingSL For sale by HEDRICK & RYAN. B UTTER. 1 kegs, a superior article, for sale by M. McINNIS. CHEESE. 50 Boxes Extra Dairy Cheese. Now lan ding.? For sale bv WILLARD A (1TTRTIS. jan 80. Sv : ' ; , ' MERRY'S MUSEUM, and Parley's Magazine for January, received.1 The "Museum" it is well known, is an excellent thing for the young, initructive and always entertaining. Price only $1, a year, or loe i sing No. at , WHITAKER'S. dec. 29. CHINESE SUGAR CANE SEED. rnHE SUBSCRIBER informs Planters and Farmers JL that he has obtained from John Kirkpatrick, Esq., of this county, his crop of seed of this valuable plant, some of the properties of which are said to be -as fol- owgr '. . ! . y ' First. An acre of the stalks properly cultivated, will vield from 4oO to 500 crallons of cure syrup, equal to the best New Orleans. y Second, It surpasses all other plants for fodder and or feeding green to cattle or hogs, on . account of tho great abundance of sugary juice which it contains, and when sown in close drills Yields an immense crop ol fodder. .'"':' ..x Third, It is so certain and prolific a crop that plan ters may be sure of succeeding with it as a syrup plant any where South of the State of New York. rm . i - . r i . , . iou seeu is uuereu ior aaie in pacaases sumcieni to plant half an acre 4 feet x 1 1-2 feet, at $1 per packa ge. If sent by man, SO cts must be added to pay post age. ! SAML HINSDALE, Jan'y 15, 1857-lm. r . irayetteviUe, JS. u. OWNER WANTED. For 50 bars Iron marked Gar rett & Son. arrived per Schooner Emilr 'and stor ed at owners risk and expense. J. H. FLANNER. dec 13-tt H OOP IRON. jan 17. -5 Tons for sale by M. McINNIS. 4 Boxe?, John A. in Ware- I Consisnee Wanted. OR 10 bags Coffee, 1 Box Tobacco and 1 Bbl Su gar, marked J. B. Wilour, Salisbury, Ni U. rec'd pr Schr D. C. Hulse, stored at owners riakand expense. dec 9-tL A. u. UAMUa. OWNER WANTED. For S Bellows and marked diamond M. received per Schr. Stanly, from New York, Jan 27th now lying nouse, at owners risks and expense. jan 31. T. C. WORTH. MONEY WANTED. OUR BILLS are all made out up to the first of Jan- uary, 1857, and as we are much in want cf money we will be thankful if our patrons will call and pay op, i as it is the only way we can pay our debts and - keep a stock on hand, GEO. H. KELLEY A BRO. jan 31.-lm. . - . : n ' ii in. ! i i- i iiup-i iw h.wii nm ! mmmmm - HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen and Cotton, 10, II. and 12 Sheetings, Shirtiags, Towellings - j Table Cloths, Ir'sh Linens Ac, direct from the Import- I ersand Manufacturers. HEDBICK A KY AN. jan So. . : ':--,' ' COFFEE. 50 Bags Rio CerTee, .25 - - Laguyra Coffee. For sale by feb 3. WILLARD & CURTIS dec 22. jan So. mor 18.

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