" - ' ' : - - ' j - .-: ! - . ! : !,'.. - .. - i - --- - ' i i in - i ''.i'-jt--tiMa(.i-.--,j.1w w iirn rnw--Tin tip w-.w- -np-- -- ' aaWaWMaMBaIMiaBaWMawaWWIW"lWwwiww'wi-''' " ' iiiiuinyL THE DAILY HERALD is furnished to subscriber.' at f tjtf annum, strictly in ad vaxcx. .- ' -j TUB WEEKLY. HERALD, containing Twurr-ront eo asms, is published every Thursday morning at pe annmnin advaxcs. t57 After the commencement of a subscription rew. no sulf sovars. on socarju lday, ,..$' iS Idsj,. J.......... to 3 days,...; I7J JdtjL.. ........ T5 tdavs. 50 Sdars. ......100 4 days,. ........ 3tf '4 days,.... ....... 1 15 Sdajs,.. .. ... 7 v&daya,.. .....".. -i 50 lweek,... .. . 87 I week, 1 T 1 weeks,.. 1 CTif 3 weeks, I 75 1 month. 3 00 1 month,. 4 00 3 months, . . .. 3 50 3 months, 7 Oo 3 months, . 5 00 3 months, 10 00 6 months......... ; 8 00, ' 4 months, II 00 1 year,......... 15 00 lyesr, 40 00 Ten tines are counted as a square, ani five lines er less lubscxiber will be permitted to discontinue bis paper ontij he expiration of said year, j 13T Office on South side of Market stnwt, three Door j Saatof Merrill A Peircas Book Store, and nearlr onno.lt Vtt Carolina UoteL , - .. ' r, , f C. E. & Ii. BUM, WILMDfGTON, N. C. EDITORS AND PROPKIETOUS. t BOOK. JOD llfD CARD PIIINTfN- IXECCTED WITH NEAT.VESS AND DISPATCH. kSD VOL. VI. NO. 68. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1859. WHOLE NO. 1614- OS REASONABLE TERMS. s Iyer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedj, in which we hare la J bored to produce the most effectual alt era tiro that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater altera tire power as to aSbrd an effectire antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one .which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by ezper-J . iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : j Eacmoxs icd Eavrrrvz Diseases, Ulczbh,! Pnoxxs, Blotches, Tctcorj, Salt Rhetm,! Scald Head, Stthilxs aitd Stphilitio Ay ncnoxs, Uskcteial Disease, Deomt, Nec- JtALotA ok Tic DoulocrecxDebiutt, Dts-I rETSiA ajid IxDiOESTicftr, Ertsipelas, Rose1 oa St. Akthoxts Firs, and indeed the whole! class of complaints arising from Impurity or THE 15LO0D. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the sorine. to expel ths foul humors which fester in the; blood at t hat season of the year. By the time-) ly expuLdon of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aia of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous ores, through which the system will strive to1 rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to da this through the natural channels of the body, by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the; vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,1 or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob-j structed and sluggish in the reins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live; longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is weUj but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be nq lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug , alone has not all the virtue that is claimed . for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla or any thing else. j During late years the public have been misJ led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, foi they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa4 rilla, but often no curative properties whatev4 er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts di f Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tb '. name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue th name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for M believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend cd to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions go me Dotuc PREPARED BY DR. JY C. AIER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prtc, $1 per Bottle Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has wen for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtu, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people it quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TQ3 th x cmnt ci"r Cottiteneu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, uytnuery, tout sxomacn, fury upt las, lieaaacie, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as la Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. I They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi . tire can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. , Prise 3 cents per Box; Fiva boxes for $100. . Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians, States men, aad eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the un paralleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. I Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with pther preparations they make more profit on. Demand Atsr's, and take no others. The sick . want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by j IIEXRT McLIN, W. n. Lippitt, W.Meares, Wilmington J. Hinsdale, Fayetteville: Dr. Gallagher. Washington VT.UQWr, Aewberne; Uaviland, Stephenson Co., Char ion. Ana oy aeaiers tnrongoout tee country. Jane 10. lyiAw. , CnTUPTANTL1. 1 D.ALLEN, will sell the bance of his Silk and Lace r .i . . i atanuaa. cneaD ior casn. June 22. GLUE.. JirfY BBLS. EXTRA BALTIMORE GLUE, just received ) V For sale by DeROSSET A BROWN. July so . HAY AND ETIPTY SPIUIT I1I1L8, H r?r BALES NORTH RIVER HAY. 1 I U 99 Empty Spirit Bbls. Landing this dav. for aaU from wharf by - T. C. A B. G. WORTH. Aug io. " 'spring bonnets! "DECEIVED this day per Adamsf A Go's Express, 10 ca jLIse9 Spnog UonneU, assorted styles, March V KAHNtS'EILER A BR0S. JVST RECEIVED. CIX GASES GENTS FINE CF. BOOTS, manulactureoTto KJ oraer, seumg lower, lor cash; than ever before ed to the public Call and examine. otfer- Feb 10. GEO. R.FRENCn HIERCII ANTS, PLANTERS AND i ZITHERS wanUng WOOL AND SOFT HATS and Caps, oy tne case or uoxen, are reepecuuuy tnviteo to exam ine our assortment. They will find it more extensive and complete thtn any similar stock o the State. And at very lowpricea CH AS. D. MYERS. v . - Hat and Cap Emporium, Nov 2 - - S4 Market at SUNDRIES. - V OA A HHDS. PRIME NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES j tug rair to uDoice n ew uneans sugar, 100 Bbla New Orleans Syrup, 150 " choice Yellow Planting PoUtoes, 6000 Gnony Bags. (2 bush each,) . -S00 Sacks Salt, . &T Bacon and Pork alwavs on hand. March 2. HATHAWAY A CO. MEDICINAL XII E L.IVTZII IfTlGOHAXOIl PREPARED AY DR. SANFORD, - Compounded Entlreljr from CUIUS, IS OXE OP THE BEST PURGATIVES AKD LIVER Medicines now before the public, that acts as Cathar tic, easier milder, nd more effectual than any other medi cine known. It is nut only a Cathartic, but a Liver reme dy, acUng iirt n the Liver to eject its morbid ma't r. then on tbe atutntch and bowels to, 'carry off that matter, tha accomplishing two pu loses effectually, without' ay of the pinful feelings experienced in the operation oi qoat Cathnrtics. It strengthens the syste m at theaame lime that it par ge it ; and when taken daily in modarate doses, will vtrengtben and build it up with unusual rapid- Xbe Lirer U one of the principal . regulations of the uman hod; and when it ' performs its- tanctions weeee the povert of the ijatem are fUy decalopoeV The sW.ucfc almost entirely dependent a on the health? action of toe Lite for the proper perform- anee of its function ; when tue stomach i s at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole jrstem uSera in consequence w of one rgaar the Live r having ceased to do its dot. For the diseases of that or. (an, one of the proprietors baa made it his study, in a practice of nore than twenty - years, to aad some rented wtier with to counteract the many derangements to which tillable. . To prove that this remedy is 2 at last foundany person trou bled with LIVER COM- PLAINT, in any of iu -r.us, has but to try a bottle, and 2 conviction is certain. These UUUD remove all morbid fir bad matter trom the syttem, uppling in their plaoe a healthy flow of Hue, iuvigoratitig i h e stomacb causing-, food -to digest well, PUKlr"YI& THE B LOUD, (" giving tone and health to the whole machinery, removiag the cause ot the disease effecting a radical cure. S . bILLIOUS ATTACKS are grid, AND, W HATIS mKTTER P K V K N T E D, by C the occasisnal use of the One tloe after eating iasuf- acieut to relieve the stnach nd prevent the food from rising and souring. Oaly one dose taken before retiring, prevents NIGHT MAKK. mm Only one dose taken it night, loosens the bo w e 1 s -ntly, and cures COdTIVK- j ness. One dose taken after each meat1 will cure DYSPEPSIA CSf One doee of two tea- snoonfuls will always reliev B1CK HEADACHE. fW One bottle taken for fe . cauneofthe disease, and i male obstruction removes the . makes a perfect care. Onljr -one dose laimedlately relieves CHOL.IU, while One dose often repeated is ' asure cure for OUULKB MORBUS, and a preventive af CHOLERA. 2ST Ool one bottle Is needed to throw out of the system the effects of nedlr cine after a long sickness. PsT One botUe taken for J JAUNDICE removes all i al ow oess or unnatural color from tbe skin. - - One dose taken a ibortM time before eating gives vl ; tor to the appetite and makes S food digest weu. One dose often repeated cores CHRONIC D I A R- . rhcea in Us worst forms. Svhlit 8UMMES and BjWCL comraplaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures at- tacs caused by WORMS in Children ; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in i the world, as it never fails. i3T A few bo ties cureiC DROPSY, by exciting tbe ! abaorbeL We laae piasure' in recom- sSP mending this medicine as a ! preventive for FIVER AND AGDE, CIIJLL, FEVER, and all FEVERS ot a B I L- 'gj IOCS TYPE. Itoperates i with certainty and thousands are willing to testify to its rnndrrful virtues. 3iA.ll who une it are giving their unanimous testimony in i s favor. Mix Water in the mouth with the Inrigorator, and aw.illow both togetner. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily w.rking cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dote giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to ore any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon lle-tdache, all of which are the result of a DISEASED L.IVKK. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Brodway, New iork. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold here by W.H. LIPPITT and 1V 4LKER MEARES. A-rfust 31-lyddwc. C PLASTER 1 THE GREATISTKENGTIXENEIl AND FAIN j DESTROYEIl. i rrHE BEST and cheapest Household Remedy in the JL World. Simple and pleasant in its application, cer tain aod effectual in its results. A beautiful, scientific, external Curative, applicable for the relief of Pain- at any time, in any place, in any part of the human system, snd under all circumstances. If you pat this Plaster anywhere, 11 ram is tnere, tne blaster will suck tnere until tbe Pain has vanished. The Plaster magnetizes the Pais away, and PAIN CANNOT EXIST WHERE THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED. - Rheumatism, Lameness, Stiffness,, Weakness, Debility, Nervousness, Neuralgia, DyspepBieaCough and Colds, Tains and Aches of every kind, down even to -Corns, are TVIVftf Ml k TCT X DPI IlJ-trpn J :l . 1:111 iuiL,Lijniiui niiuici v iuu, auu, wiu a uuiB pauence, PERMANENTLY CURED, by the magical influence of the MAGNETIC PLASTER. It is tbe simplest, sorest, safest, plea&antegt and cheapest remedy in existence. Its - appli cation is universal equally to the strong man, the delicate woman, and the feeble infant. To each and all it will prove a Balm and a Blessing. Its use is agreeable, and without annoyance or trouble. Its price is within reach of all rich or poor ; all may have it, and all should hare it who are sick, and suffering in any war. PLANTERS should be always supplied with this ,n val uable PLASTER. It will be a Good Physician on any Plantation, ready at all times, and at instant notice. Put up in air-tight tin boxes. Each box will make six to eight plasters, any child can spread them. Price 25 cents a box, with full and plain directions. -D. C.-MOREHEAD, M. D., . Inventor and Proprietor, 19 Walker si., New York. MOREHEAD'.S MAGNETIC PLASTEiV 1 IS : SOLD'BY ALL DRUGGISTS, in every City, Town and Village of the uited States. Dee 1-Stawd-lyw-c. S. 8. BOTLE, FEEDEBICK GOULE. BOYLE A: CO., 59 Second st., 0INQINNATTI. OHIO. IMPORTERS nfForeign Liquors snd Wines i Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Bunting Fluid, and Spirits of Turpentine.. Manufacturers of every des cirption of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and French Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rye Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, Baretaria and New England Rum, Ac, t3T Sole mi uufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky." Agents i r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. ' Apl 21, 1S59 y jr, Et bosteiaL. r-Zr--l PIANO MANUFACTURER of Baltimore, on ffyri Crftt MoQdaY nejet, will open and offer for sale in i w It J U the store on Front Street, nexf the' Express office, a lot of his improved and elegant 7 Octave 1R0H FRAME CROSS STRING PMKQSwlrichJuTe given such general satisfaction.. Those Pianos are on a skcv,$cale and for power of tone, are equal to the Grand Piano, and .hte all the late improvements with an ex sy elastic and ready touch. Those wishing to purchase a good Piano, have now a chance. Those Instruments will be sold on accommoda ting terms, and guaranteed for five years from the day of saie. ait. u., win aiso receive oraera ior rcanos made ; in any style required. Old Pisnos will be taken in exchange in part pay lor new ones. Two second-hand Pianos for sale cheap. Mr. B. will also attend to the tuning of Pianos during his stay in Wilmington, which will be for a short time. Apm as-tr. , PROPOSALS, For the etiabltshment of a Ferry aceross the River at Hilton d)o. IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED to sell and have the Bridge at Hilton, accross the North East River, remnrart i .l to establish in its stead a FERRY. Persons dianoaeA tn enter into a contract for the same, will hand in proposals previous to we 20tn May, to either of the undersigned who " "j wine explain moropanicuii ny tue ae tails. r.T.J. VANN, 1 MOODY B. SMITH, - Committee, P. W. FANNING. tlmiigt4m. April 26, 1859-tf. : ' E.TTRROIDERIES. f At l , AIlilUMA, i bare seen thia morninV at I v iVAlW WJfilLdJtt BRCVS, ' - tSf 2nd Door from Exchange Corr aS1 At w? m h1"10 assortment ,f French Nee "'B vAiuirj ana oieevea. vtmono sua swiss lianas, . rgmgs ana insertings. - And a great many other band- ume articles too numerous too mention. men 30. - - MAGNET MMa! .MISCELLANEOUS. - non Nirrs uon n ism. GRAM) EXHIBITION OF PJLRI8 GOODS. PRESENTING TO THE LADIES of Wilmington, our sincerest thanks, for their kind encouraging patronage in the past; tbe subscribers take pleasure is inform in we laaiea oi x unungtoa ana nanny, tnat utey wui open this day a splendid stock of Paris Bonnets, which they hare taken all possible care to obtain the most brilliant selec tion of the original .IMPORTED PARIS PATTERN BONNETS, of unrivalled workmanship comprising the largest stock in the city. I Our stock of Rihbona and French Flowers, in regard to variety and price, will favorably compare with any estab lishment North or South. All we ask the Ladies, is to call and judge for themselves. Walk a few steps fuither from the Corner Store, on Front street, ia the nl&c mn yon will find ample compensation by purchasing the u.u- aomest ana cneapest uoods ever exnibited in this c PIZS; L KAH J WEILER dt ' MPOBTAPTT TO HOUSElUSSPIaS AND UOTBLKEEPEIU. Day tori t new and Improved method of preserving FruiU Vegetables, ifca.tfcev FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETAJBI.ESare not merely the greatest luxuries enjoy ea by mankind,' bat they are aosoiuteiy essential to tne penection or nealtn; and may be regarded as one of God's best gifts. As however, the season of their production in brief, it has long been a matter of deep i uterest to devise some method of preferring them in all their freshness, long after their season of ripe ness had passed, f It is believed, that in this apparatus will be found at once the cheapest and most effective method ot keeping them and other articles freah, aver discovered. Nothing can possibly be more beautiful and effectual than tne operation of the Exhauster. It must be seen in order to be realized. Every can before being filled 'Should be exhausted by this mode. If it be not perfectly air-tight the fact will be discerned once Call and examine them and see the operation a GEORGE MYERS, J une v. Atrent for New Hanover Co. FALL STOCK NO W 1XISADY. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS are respectfully soU cited to examine the most complete assortment of HATS, CAPS and UMBRELLAS ever before opened in this State. We hare in store 250 dozen Wool Hats, comprising all the grades from the lowest to the finest Cashmaretts. 200 dozen soft Felt and half stiff Ca&simere Hats, of all colors, styles and qualities. SOU dozen Cloth, Me hair. Silk and Cotton Plush. Peter- sham, Silk and Cotton .Glazed Caps of all the different va rieties, including some of the ' neatest styles of Dress, Evening and Business Caps Jret introduced. Also, Silk, Beaver, and Black Dress Oassimere of the most handsome styles, together with an elegant assortment of Infants and Children Hats, and Misses Flats and Bloomers, Ladies Beaver and Felt Ridinz Hats. New strle Umbrellas, fine and common Canes, Ac, Ac. Ladies Fur Setts and Gen tlemen's Fur Collars furnished to order. A call ia anlirit. ed from all. I CHAS. D. MYERS. Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market street. JONATHAN SLICK'S .CHEAT uWOKI. HIGH LIFE IN NEW YORK,-by Jonathan Slick, fEsq) with Humorous Illustrations.- Complete in one large roinme, neatly bound in cloth, for One Dollar and Twentv five Cents ; of two volumes,' paper cover, for One Dollar. A hearty laugh is tne sure reward of erery reader of this inexpressioiejiuuny volume, it depicts tne adventures and vicissitudes, in fashionable society, of a "lire Yankee," fresh from the onion beds of Weatherstield, who describes all he sees and encounteis in the richest Yankee and with the rarest humor. The equal to it has never been written. May 8. For sale by MERRILL & PIERCE. ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS. XUST RECEIVED from Geo. Rutledge A- Co.' London fj A large supply of their cheap publications, consisting in pan 01 j Bulwers Novels, paper bound; D'Isrealli's Works., paper bound. Railway Library, containing some of the choisest Novels 01 tne day. L Shakspeare's Doubtful Plays. The Dramatic! Works of James Sheridan Knowles. Calmett'a Biblical Dictionary. Oriental Fairy Tales. The Fairy Tales of the Countess Daulnoy. Allen's Life of Nelson. Macfarland's Life of Wellington. The Poems of Alfred Tennyson. h For sale by, MERRILL A PIERCE. May 5 IN STORE AND FOII SALE. BAGS Rio, Laguyia, Java and St. Domingo Coffee 200 Bbls Sugars different grades, 250 40 X PlQ teuow, Crush Vhite A, and Gran mated Sugars, 125 bbls! Mackejel and Herring, 250 boxes Candy, Soap and Candle?, 150 Kegs Nails assorted sizes, 10 Tons 1. IIS. and 1 1-2 inch Hood Iron. 100 Bbls snd Hhds N O and Cuba Molasses, 50 Hhds Western Sides and Shoulders. 150 Bbls City Mess and Mess Pork. 50 BbU Family and Super Flour. M, MAC1NJSIS, May 9. No. 16 North Water st. ' BOOKS FOR THE MILLION. THE REASON WHY, giving a reason for most everything Inquire Within, or over 8,700 facts for the people. The Illustrated Self-instructor on Phrenology and Physiol ogy, with 100 engravings and charts, by L. N. Fowler. Engineers and Mechanics Companion, comprising United States Weights and Measures, Measuration of Superficies Snd Solids, Tibles of Squares and Cube Roots, Circum ference and areas of Circles, The Mechanical, Powers, by Scribner, Templeton's Engineer, MUlright and Mechanic's Pocket Companion, a very valuable work. North Carolina, Form Book, Cantwell's Justice or Swains Revised, at Aiaj. KELLE Y S. DIRECT IMPORTATION . RECEIVED this day per Adams' Express, one case of those PARIS MADE Patent Leather Dress Pumps and Oxford Ties. All those that hare been waiting to make their selections, will please call soon and do so, before they art all selected,- as we are selling them very fast. - yg zna Lieor irom Axcnange corner. May 6. &AHN WEILER A BRO'S. NEW BOOKS. RECEIVED THIS MORNING by Expresv t KeUey's. New and Fashionable Book Store. f McCauleVs Life of Frederick the Great. " Pitt, Robinson Crusoe, finely illustrated, Lite of Jack Shepard, Memoirs jof Bethany. . Past Meridian, by afrs. Sigqurney, , uupimu o.uuiuu, ui uu Underbill's Arithmetic Tables, Ring Puzzles, Sociable Snake, Whitney's Ink Stands Nos. 1 and 2, Joseph Gillofs 303 and 351 pens, x May 9. I , . BOOKS NEW AND FRESH. B3 4 Co fs EXPRESS this morning at KEL . LEY'S New Book Store. S Ave Ate iaiue. Lore Me Long, a new work by Chas Reade. Etiquette for Ladies and Gentlemen, ' Bronzed Ironj Letter Clippers, ' Christian Union. brLewu. n. r' Phillips on Evidence, a valuable work for Lawyers "mwwi r vu3, av new article. B UTTER B UTTER. WE AREj NOWreceiving from the Schr. a B. Strong, 13 Kegs of Extra Sweet Goshen Butter. wamntX. extra. GEO. MYERS. May 5. CORN, PEAS AND OATS. TWO CARGOES, 2700 Imshels White Corn 500 bushels Cow Peas. w . .. 875 bushels Oats. - i i'o tanamgand for sale bv May 4 ELLIS A MITCHELL. UNDENIABLY SO. THAT THE LARGEST assortment, finest descriptions and lowest priced Shoes, are to be found at ' , : .. . GEO. R. FRENCH'S, ; May , , , -. No 11 Market at ... SCGARTAWDHJOFPHZJ f I t-. 0 fi a Sugar and Crnshed do. - 25 . uaguyra ana J ava CofTee. For sale by ?ENOH. GREENE N9T10. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CAKUS eaKisxs- wx. w. haramiess , GREIifEB A: HABENESS, COTTON A GENERAL COM HISSION HOUSE Not. 15th, 1857. Phi la de uph i a. GEORGE O. VAJT AMIIINGE, Jr., itOHsflSSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber and South ern produce generally. IU NUKTU WHARVES, ABOtK ascn ST., PHILADELPHIA. Prompt pereonaJ attention erven to all consiiramenU Dec4tL CwATSO. GASTOX MEAKKS. COMMiadlON MERCHANTS, i Bckliso SurvNsw Yoax. ST opecial attention paid to the sale of Naval Stores. wiwn, ana tounern J. rvauce generally. EaT" Liberal Cash Advances madk ox Consignments. y 1st, 1858-tf. PltOFESSIOiAL CARDS THOMAS W. imoWN, JR., ATTORNhY-AT-LAW, COMMISSIONERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND FOR THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, July 3d, 1858-tf. JOHN A. BAKEIl, ATTORN ET A T LA W AND I ; Ttr? , u FOR THE STATE OF May81-tf. OK. - iv. DA VIM. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE cltuens of Wilmintrton and vicinitv Omce on Front str -oe door below Holmes' Hotel. June 7-tf OK. jr. A. ItllLLKIt, IH l WiuuKOToir, N. C. JL Ur b ICE next door to that of Mess Jan. ssrs. Miller A' Buker. yto, I808-U. M ALKIilt UEABliii, SUCCESSOR TO i WA? Ef KES & C0 Wholesale A Retail Dm. gist, 45 Market street, Wilmington, N C Jan. 2d, 1858. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT. yitMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ,V in J"fIJfT?' ILS DrB Srcrrs, Window Glass, Putty, Ciqaks, Old Brandies and Wines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, N. L. corner Front and Market street March 25th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. BUSINESS .CARDS: J. L. HATHA WAT. W. R. UTLEY. HATHAWAY A CO.,1 ClOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. '58 Wilmington, N. C. JT. M. ROBINSON dTsONT" I "x ""JJi" f- A7u.Ai.JiKS ia Foreign and Domestic ,t w-AmMltdral i--Ts, Ac, No. 8, Front -"fe, a. v. Jan 9 1858 JOSEPH It. ULOSSOJI, GWt WiiNAC?D F0RWARDING MER rbrelEipSr1 l CS tap Liberal Cash Advances made oh Consignments to John MacRae. Donald MacRae. J. W. K Dix. j. & it. JTlacRAE 6c CO., aENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jan. 1858. Wilmington, N C. HENRY NUTT, IACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, 'K.r.-,. Wilmington, N. C ir ui give nis pkesonal attention to business en- UqvPvi w uia care. Sept. 10, 1857.-tf. A. O. CAZAUX, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMl VISTA V V l Agent foe Smith's Line of New York Packets ' Office, Corner of North Water and Princess streets. JOSEPH J. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . March 8th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE rHhE0SKPA KTRSHIP "etofore exiting between .7; i.f i?Sf rfer?JS renewed for three' years from Janu ary 1st 1859 under the names and firms f BROWN, DeROSSET A CO., New York. DeROSSET, BROWN A CO., Wilmington N (' and Mr. WILLIAM L DeROSSET is Zltfted to an in terest in the business for the same term. JOHN POTTS BROWN, A. ,1. DeROSSET, J r,, n R. 1 . BROWN, Dec 3J, XSoS. WM H. WIGGINS JTIALCOJri OTcINNIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Nobth Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. TTC. WORTH. 1 KllAL COMMISSION MERCHANT V-J Wii.ui' Wilmington, N. C. LEWIS N, BARLOW. GROCER AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines Ale an Porter, Fine Green and Black Teas NO. 3, GRANITE UO W U0t 2Q- Wlhinqton N.C. f'i HENRY P. RUSSELL, C ENERAL COM3IISSION MERCHANT Mrch nth!47' UP StaiF8' C--,S. C. UNION DISTILLERY, J. E. OAEXEY. Pronriptreao VVILMINGTON, N. (J. ' VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agent. Car WHARFAGE A RTORAflP r,.n,;.i,.j - Jan. 1, 1858. O. G. PARSLEY Sc CO.. TMJrtDBTWnDO 41.. it r. ' l-fr "V", "f HT SAW AXD Ptximrn jl. aiills, numinnon. Si. u. t-Aii orders or inquiries for LnnfRvn -n i' -. prompt attention. yfteh YZZ"9 ' v w" I REMOVAL. l.- f j x 7, ., J' lu"'flM removed his office from r r"- " ' " , v" xuna oi tne uustom House where be wonid Ka rJnmA .m .... ""-p wa - ' r w " oi nisoia customers. JttCn 7. JAS T rT"Twri.-lTr . r A FINE SUPPLY. RSP ?m A0AMS' C0'S PRESS ATKEL- Back etimifTe50,ph Che8s wooden, Back Gammon Boards, a fine assortment furr ished Pk?t&?nea' r th witSnt chahi ; pSSl? for GenHemeD f various kinds, pocket jBoeks, a general assortment. Seerar Caaea. tkminnaa Jtn aiarci r rr. ww. 9, lWdies REAP THIS. HAVING PURCHASED a larger stock of Misses, Chil- ii i uue unuK to eiose tnem out as soon as ie, uj onerrng memo JuUy 25 ptr lover than regular pnees Oat 'assortment is complete in all tbe va neties ofLEGHORN AND BRAID, andVe invite vonrelrl IV inspection. This ia an nnnnH.,n,-. i j . . 1 m -rr..Hi.i, nciuuiu uuercu vuc utcgixiiiju- o a season, put we need the room occupy for other purpo and coau Srsj P J' ed to close them ont ntip)ir rirt ri uvmo 1 J "uuiurr mat we cannot meat ion. v "n-1. i r.ik.o, I W 34 Mrket st. I natr square, lxroger aaverttaementa ia proporuon. all PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. tSf No publication made without a resMmaIble name. y XddT Contracts by the year made on faTorable terms. BUSINESS CARPS. ClOMil 1SSI0N AND VRWSd5G MERCHANT, Wl 1 J mington, N. C, will give personal and prompt atUw Uon to tbe sale and shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, ana all other country produce. Office up stairs. No. 17, North Water L, immediately over U. Maclnnis. Oct ailawly. , . i... r w. h. marks, ( A.H.xsrr. W. II. JTIAIllXS A CO. , , (Successors to L A. Hart.) 1 f AXI7KCTr?REP4 mnA i)m1.m In tr.Mn. Hi.--. Guns, Lanterns, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. - No. 1 Faoirr Sraarr, May 9-1 m WILMINGTON. N. C rtOTICB. . Wilmington, N. C, Oct 1st 1S54. IST WE HAVE this day associated In our firm Dr. W. W7UARR1SS. The business will be conducted as formerly, ia the name and style of HARR1SS HOWELL. GEORGE HARRISS. A. J. HOWELL. DR. W. W. HARRtaf ZIAIIItlSS 4c HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Oct. 2, 1S5S. Wilmington, N. C DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCK, is this riiaanlvai Kv mntnal aiAnasn V af IT t) T IV IN - .sa. awvra v a a mmmmm wvHi.ia a jjaa vj s S n a a Feb 2, 185S..3t. . LOVET PEACirvK. CO-PAUTNEUSinP. ' THE SUBSCRIBERS have thia day formed a Copart nership, under the name and style of K. MURRAY 4 SaLe GROCERY BUSINESS. E. MURRAY. - D.R.MURCniSON, ( J. T. MURRAY; Wilmington, N. C, Feb. S, 1859. , K. MUnRAY A: CO. (SrCCKSSORS TO MORRAT k PrACOCK. COMMISSION MERCHAFTS. . AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Water Ktrest, WILMINGTON, N.C e. ml'rrat, n. Februarys, 1859. MDRCaiSOM. J. T.SJCRRAT. DISSOLUTION OP CO-PA RTNERSn IP. THE FIRM OF GILES A MOORE, having been diaaulv ed by the death of the senior partner, notice is hercbv given to all persons who are indebted to tbe late firm, to call and settle their bills immedittelv. And all persoua Laving bills against aid firm to presen them for settle ment. Fh.. J. MOOILK. February 5, 185V. NOTICE. . THE FIRM OF GILES A MOORE, being dissolved, the business in future, will be earned on by the under signed, who hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally be stowed on the late firm. . , FRED. J. MOORE. Wilmington, N. C. Feb. 5, 1859. JOHN ITIcLACRIN, COMMISSION AND' FORWARDING MERCHANT, WlLMIKOTOIf, N. C. iveiers io : john uawson, ia.t Mayor. E P. Hall, Esq., Prer't Branch Bank State. Apl U-ly. - W. II. TURLINGTON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLUIVQTOV, N. C. Refer to : t George Harbiss, Esq., ( wn , . Messrs. Lotterloh A Elliot, Wi,nilngton, N. C July 28, 1857. GEORGE R. FRENCH, ' T nfft WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ml BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Leather snd Shoe , I Findings, No. 11 Market st. . I Jau 1,1859-ly. Wilmikotojc, N. C. t. c. & n. g. vonni, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, - , Wilminotox, N. C. I C. E. ROBINSON, " EXCHANGE DEALER, TT ' - Front st. Wilkingto!, N. C. Uncurrcnt Bank Notes, Checks and Drafts bouicl. and sold on favorable terms. BONDS AND STOCKS, bouelit and aoM Commercial paper negotiated. r r iw mem jxcuange ior sate in sums to suit. Collections made promptly and at reasonable ratea Feb 21,1859.-ly ' davidkahnweilir. dan'l kahxweileb. acos kauvwsils KAHN WEILER A; BRO'S, NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE QORNER. SELLING OFF ABOVE COST.' REAT RUSH OF LADIES TO JfltiKwrri pd a VX BRO'S Fancy Goods Store and flattering testimonials by them of the CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY of the Goods offered at their store. Our Millinery department abounds in the mout beautiful and taatv rinl . ed in this city. Miss C. PFEIL, who has charge of this de partment, is acknowledged by persons of taste, to do the most neat work that is done in this city. Our Cloaks and Mantillas are of the latest stvles aod finest Uitur Th. assortment of Dress Goods and Dress . and Cloak Trim mings of every varietv and stvle offered hrm o.nA k- surpassed by any establishment in the South. All of our goods are warranted to be as tve rnimmi tk.m n... stoclrof Domestics and heavy Goods are complete. These goods having been purchased by us for CASH we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than say estab- lixhment that sells at cost. An examination of oar stock s all that is necessary to convince enstomera that it l . we represent, N. B. Please take notice that we have no connection with any other store, and that we are NEXT TO. Ex. Cor Nqt1- i K. A BRO'S. ' A N?WSTVLoftFdtf" black trim- Xa. mings for Young Men. Jest opened at tbe Hat and Cap Emponnm, 34 Market st. CUAS. D. MTER'K, SUGAR AND COFFEE. n RUSHED C. COFFEE and New Orleans Spgsrs. , J Rio, LaguayraandJTaCobe, For sale by APl2tf- XfiNO Su GREENE. H EWING JClACHUTeT "T" Grover A Baker " f ESSRS. jLvJL mad 80, 9 Book .price rK;. a : ir:7T- - I hcwi ne miH. in tha TT H J"-JTI U10 PeSl eU.Si wa aa.sa 80, 90 and tlOO. 8ample can now be lee? Ttitlfcl?: BookStorej tbe hemmer. 4 neXT, fortSJ and select your Machine for they can be ordered forthwith all machines warranted. GEO. IT kpi.i pv i ' GEO. H. KELLE Y ArL Pirn vrm- . r N. S. Herring in bbb. and haHl bbla Molleta in oal bbla; J , Skin Jacks in rin mnA a.v hi. . . ' Feb. 8, 1859. . " r - vmm. uua. r or aat tr 4 AH. T. PETTEWAY SUNDRIES I TVTOW LAVTuvn vi l7i trtr. r JV 50 Canal lll, v pAUt" r r Til t tr ... an DDI, ness rorx. 70 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 - I-aguayra Coffee, 2o Boxes Cheese, extra article. 20 Kegs Batter, 18 Bbls. Crackers, 15 Kegs Lard Prime Leaf, br' ZENO H GREENE. RECEIVFn AT V-vrvmwM. A T MERRILL A PEIRCES' oldOTllook Store il Swamp Doctor's A drentnr. f k. u.k tv . T.T. r l r . . . ... .u uvaui i m. i ui i fait ui uuiuuruua ana interestmg sceDes. ' Z iS .uaghtr a Tale of Louisiana, The Reformed Gamblers, by J. H. Green, be Secret Band of Brothers, by do. A.iAwuvvj xiw. ana i ot xkoks ior taudrto. . I IaA in a v KPIIIMUfiOfln. . . WE HAVE BEEN selling rapidly from our Spring Stock Ladies are 'nvited to call soon. Bargains daily of- fered, b 7. .-, , MEDBICJC A RYAN. 1 PER EXPRESS. THOSE LITHOGRAPHS for Grecun and Oil P.intio JL hare arrived r amrwf. .ill .Tir r . .. M " , ," V7 J 7 " " TOH naa tnem, a an article of Landscapes. Heady. (In... ... penor . . . - - not mention. jui auu examine, at May 16. KELLE VS. 0 day I

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