Acrt:r:rr:xNfi, f 'V TEIUI8. THE DAILY HERALD U furnished to subocribeYVot 6$ per annum, strictly in aotavcb. " THE WEEKLY HERALD, containing Twaimr-roim eol nniDi.ii tmWiahed every Thursday rooming it nnum,in advascs. " " iy After the eommencemen t of s subeeription year, uo aubseriber wHl b permitted to discontinue bu paper wtrti the expiration of said year. IJT Office on South tide of Market street, three Door of Merrill A Peirce's Book Store, and nearly opposite Ihe Carolina IIoteL " , BOOK, JOO AND ClHD PRINTING, iXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND OS REASONABLE TERMS. , JCSTHECEIVBO. 4 .T UERRIIA A PIERCaTS, Bookstore: j 0. p. b. jAOie New NoveL Printed from 13. P. R. Jatnea's own Bnannseript, for which the publishers pay the author ftixten hondred aod eighty doUtra. Th Cjitaij. an historical If ore!, by O. P. R. James, Eu , atlior of-Richalieu," "Lord MonUgu's Page," "Ar rh eiir, -Mary of Burgundy," etc, etc - Complete In one duodecimo Tolame of Fire 1J an a red Pages; done up in two volumes, paper ouTer, price One Doiiar ; or handsomely bound in one rolume cluth, price, 1,25, ... aio. Lord Montafcu's Pac byJ. P. R. J- The Monastery, Anne of Geiergtein, by Sir W. Scott Jone 11. , JUST DECEIVED T MERRILL PIERCES, Bokatore : Opaque Envelopes, uusmess oo Kote do , Cream Laid do . Gold Laid do . . . Buff M Heary Enrelopes, Post Oflice. Canary " m Too til Picks, large and small size. Crpeuter' Pocils, Red and Black, Strange's Pencil Sharpeners, Rubber Binds, all sizes. Junker's Sealing Wax, . Mourning Paper, Letter and Note sixes, . - Envelopes, 44 Wedding Envelopes, as fine an sssortment as ever was brought to place. Viai tine Card, a full assortment. Tor Paints for water color painting. Slates, all sizes, Post I'ffice Scales such as are used in the Post Office in this place. June 11. Journal copy It Ifl Ell CHANTS, PLANTERS, FARMERS, and all who buy, sell or wwr Strw Goods, of any description will bear m mino tbat our ttock of Stmw Goods for Summer wear is now of fered by the case or dozen at Alanuacturer't cot, and mutt behold. Call and examine goods and prices at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 84 Market st. June3. MYERS A MOORE. JUST RECEIVED. SIX CASES OEM'S FINE CF. BOOTS, manufactured to order, selling lower, for cash, than ever before offer ed t the public. Call and examine. Feb 10. GEO. R. FRENCH MANILLA HATS, MANILLA HATS, Manilla Hats, Something New, Something New, Very light and handsome shape, Now read v at the Hat and Cap Emporium, Si Market st July 13. .. MYERS A MOORE. " STILL. LESS THAN COST, ARE OUR PRICES For certain styles, or Straw Goods, at July 14. MYERS A MOORE. ft EVE II A BETTER CHANCE THAN TH E PRESENT to buy Summer Hats of any kind or stjle a cost pi ices for cash. Try it, at - . MYERS A MOORE'S. July 14. Hat and Cap. Emporium' IIOOP IKON. J mm Tn V J 1 11 an 11 iniK Himn TrAn fnrB&lAbv J .11 July 12. M. MacINNIS. . . . J1S JttAflKET STREET, GENT'S EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. Very neat Julyl3-t . lr . .. KAIINWEILER Ac BBO'S. SECOXD DOOR FROM EXCHANGE CORNER, offer the bet and handsomest assortment of Hoisery, Gloves, Hdxf Ladies Hoop Skirts, Corset, Skirt Supporters, Ac, Ac , ot all make, at the lowest price for cath only. June 23. NEW STYLE ITIOLESKIN HATS. JUST RECEIVED by Express at MYERS A MOORE'S, Hat and Cap Emporium, S4 Market at 4 June 23. , : A NEW WORK. SUNSHINE or Kate Vinton, by Mr. Harriett B. McKee rer. : A superior book for the young, at J June 10. KELLEY'S. LETTER COPYING BOOKS, A N EXCELLENT article of Mann's celebrated Letter Copying Books, also Cap size can be had by calling at I V LIT L"V4 . . BIBBON8 AND BONNETS. RECEIYXD this morning a new supply of Bonnets and Rihtvos, Misses and Children's Hats, also a very handsome style of Riding Hats, which we shall sell at low figures. KAIINWEILER A BRO'S, May 27. - , Sod door from the Corner Store. FLOUR. 7 sale by June 11. Bbls. Super and Fine--ffsh ground, for ZENO H. GREENE. TT . BUCKWHEAT. JUST .RECEIVED by . . L. N. BARLOW, Fab 19. . , ". 8 Granite Rev. N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS. BALES IN STORE, and for aale by June 7. T. CAB. G.WORTH. 15 .t . COW PEAS. 4 A A "BUS IIS. COW PEAS, for sale In lets to suit, by 4UUJoly8- JAS. T. PETTEWAY. HOISERY AND GLOVES. TTOISERY, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, by Express I this morniDg . ; , July 18. HEDR1CKA RYAN. SUNDRIES. 4 fTA BBL. CITY MESS PORK; 50 do. Flour family I J and superfine; 10 do. superior N. C. Lard, 15 kegs do.; Bacon; N. G. and Western; 25 boxes assorted Candy; 15 bbls and 10 boxes Crackers; 25 bbls. Sugar; C Coffee, A. White and Crushed ; 60 bags Coffee Rio, Laguayra and Java; 30 boxes Soap No. 1 and pale; 50 do. Ada mantine ' and Spo m Candles ; 25 do. Pearl Starch in small and Jalge boxes ; 15 do, Salaratusf-Soda and Yeast " Powdersf 0 Jars and20 boxes' Potash; lOo Reams wrap- : U riM Imi 1-11 11 nV,.,o . Mi 6, 7 and 8 lbs; all kinds Turpentine Tools, Canal Barrows, Pepper, Spice, Ac, Ac in store ana tor sale ty . ZENO H. GREENEl July 13 in. . . LADIES BOOKS, FLORA'S Lexicon and interpretation of Flowers, The Language and Poetry of Flowers, - The Lady's Book of Flowers and Poetry, The Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry. , -The Poetry f Flowers,' Original and select The Passion of Flowers, at KELLEY'S, ' . Ang 2. - " . Bookstore. SUNDRIES I N0W"LA2fDiyG AND FOR SALE, 50 Canal Barrows, 55 Bbls. Mess Pork, ' 70 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 " Larnayra Coffee, 25 Boxes Cheese, extra article. 20 Kegs Batter, , 13 Bbis. Crackers, - , 15 Kegs Lard Prune Leaf, by Jan. 26th, t ZENO H GREENE. BOOKS. ; RECEIVED this morning by Aduna A Co's Express at KELLEY'S Bookstore Cot per's Virgil. Ueroditi Orientalia Antlquiora, comprising maisly aocb portions of Ueroditus aa give a connected history of the East to the fall of Babylon and the death of Cyrus the Great, by Herman M. Johnson, D. D. The SacieU Hsrp Revised. Jaly 28. , . . COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WISnrNO to assort their stocks with a few Dozen Straw Wool or Soft Far Hat will find a large stock at rrdu&d prict at the Ut and Cap Emponera, - . Call or send in your orders we wHl fill them promptly and with care. CUAS D. MYERS, June IV 4 Market st DUTIES ... ' OF CHRISTIAN MASTERS, a new and valuable werk' will do all rood to read it br H. N. M'Tveire. D D a July 28. KELLEY'S Bookstore. EASTERN HAT- - 125 X BALES now landing and for sale by . v . i. we? v ft arras tv t T - ' . , , ifir w r C. E. & B.-BDKR, V0LVr3f0Ji37. -TUESDAY EVENING; AUGUST! RAILROADS Orrrcs Gm. Sop't Wil. A Max. R. R. (' Wilmington, N. C Nov. SOth, 1E:? NOTICE TO TRAVELERS. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dec. 1st, a change o Schedule will be made upon this road, and the Mai and Passenger Traina will ran as follows : Leave Wilmington, at A. M. and 8.15 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville, at 3.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. Leave Kings ville, 6,15 A. M. and .S0 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, at 3 P. M. and 4A.1L All the trains connect closely with Columbia traius, ex cept the morning train leaving Kingsville at 5.15. Connections are made through with the Greenville and dambt-Koad. - - J. P. ROBERTSON, Gen. Snp't. Dec 2-tf. - ' ; - ICE ICE ICE. THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE, will be opened for the delivery ot ICE every dUr at sunrise, cloi g a sunset except on Sunday's when it will positively cMse 9 A. M. ICE will not be delivered after time of closing a ex cept in cases ol sickness. TERMS CASH, without deviation. TICKETS can be procured and deposits made br those who desire. j ICE for the Country packed and forwarded a? .hmrted. ICE furnished to the sick poor, free of charge -a di rected by physicians, or members of the visiting cuiuinittee Orders must be addressed to WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE Apl2 6mdAw. A, IL VauBOKKELEN. ARTISTS MATERIA LS. JUST RECEIVED AT MERRILL A PEIRCE'S Book store, materials for Grecian Painting, Paint Brushes Bristles and Sable Varnish; Blenders, Pallette t Knives, Pallette Cups, doable with coveis, Oil Colors in tubes ground to the finest degree ; Mastic Varnish, Grecian do, Drying Ols, Canvass Scrapers ; Materials for Pastel paint ing, Boctrart's Soft Pastel Crayon's, Dime Hard do do, Pa per for do.. Boards for do ; Stomps or Blenders. Materials for Monochromatic Painting, Monochromatic Boards; " Scrapers, B roanes, " Stomps und Black Crayons, Drawing Materials, Mathematical Instruments, Drawing Pens, Porte Crayons or Holders, Parallel Rules, Engineer's Sliding Rules, plain Rules, Pencils; Creta Levis or Chalks in Wood, Carpenter's Pencils Tin, White Crayons, Charcoal Crayons, India Ink m sticks, French White Drawing Paper, " Crayon English " Drawing " Whatman's 44 " Cartridge " Engineers and Architects Paper, French Tracing Cloth, " " Paper, j Bristol Boards 2, S and 4 sheets thick, Pictures for Grecian Painting, La Suisse, Swiss Scenery, La Figure, Portrait, Equestrian Scenes, . Les Amaxones, Choice Studies. Just received at Mai 10. " MERRILL A PEIRCE'S. 30O.00O NO. 1. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE WESTBR0OK 4 MENDENHALL, PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST GREEN SJO Nurseries and Gardens near Greensboro, N.C.2a2. mid resnectfullv call the attention of the citizens ol the Southern states to tneir very exienuive bioc&oi naiire sou acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fail and Winter Trade both . . " ' . t jr I wholesale and retau." This large and handsome assortment has been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant Orchards Aithir for marketing or family use. The stock consists of the following trees : - 150,000 APPLE TREES, ! 12,000 PLUM TREES 100 000 PEACH - 5,000 NECTRINES " 10,000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, " 12,000 APRICOT " : t 10.OOU CHERRY " 4.000 GRAPE VINES. Besides a very tine assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Raanberries. Gooseberries, etc., all of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will be required to eive a note on the rfpl i Terr or receDtion of the trees at the place designated in the o rder or thev will be charged with interest from the Amim thPTwf All n&ckacres Dut ud in auDerior style and complete invoice sent to each patron and so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orcnard alter the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list Sept20-tf. S. 8. 80TXX, ' FRSDSKICKGOULX. BOYLE Sc CO., ' 59 Sxcoxd ST., CINCINNATTI, OHIO. IMPORTERS rf Foreign Liquors and Wines ; Distillers of Alcbohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, and Spirits of Turpentine. I Manufacturers of every des- cirptibn of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cardials and J rench Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rye Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, Baretaria and New England Rum, Ac, ; f" Sle mi oufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky." Agents! r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. Apl21, 1859 y. i :- . FOR THE SOUND AND SHITHVILLE. M' ODERN CUOKERY, by Mrs. Eliza Acton, WiddineTdrs New Cook Uook or Practical Keceipts for the liousfw we. . it vt' - Virginia Housewife or Methodical Cook, by Mrs. Randolph. Miss Leslies Complete Cookery in its Various Branches, i The Reason Why, or a Reason for everything, . IiMfiire AVHhinortWl: Tacts to? the people. ' " ' Magician's Own Book; ftlllbf fe port' and fun. The Sociable or 1001 Home Amusements. The Ladies and Gentlemen's Hirror of Fortune. To be had June4: ' - at KELLEY'S. FRESH ARRIVALS. i A KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, , . ,. . 1U 8 Half bbls Fulton Market Beef, 80 Bbls Flour, Fine, Super and Family, 20 Bags Coffee, 23 Uhds Cuba Molasses, 50 xibls No 1, Herring, 50 Half bbls No 2, Herring, I am constantly receiving goods from the Northern Mar kets thereby keeping constantly on hand, a large and fresh assortment of every thing in my line. Mayd. 0. KET LEY. PRICES REDUCED LARGE STOCK must be sold splendid assortment' Hats, Caps and Umbrellas. Straw Goods of every ra riety, at the very lowest cash prices. Hat and Cap Empori um, 84 Market st J ' - OHAa D. MYERS. . June 10. ; ( ' -.,:- i i NOTICE. WE ARE SELLING OFF the balance of our Spring and Summer stock of Fancy; and Staple Dry Goods, and Superior Ready Made Clothing at a great aacrifioe, for that needful cash onjr, we shall sell daily until all is sold, to make room for onr Fall and Winter Stock. We shall also sll Our superior assortment of fine Dress Goods, con sisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Bayadere and Check Silks, Black Si Iks, all the various make. Grenadine Robes, Blk and Colored Barage, Robes, Organdie Robes, Jackonet R ibes. Gingham and Calico Robes, Printed Lawns, English and American Calicoes, French Calicoes. A. large and handsome assortment of Scotch and American Ginghams Manufactured. " ; KAIINWEILER A BRO'S. , Jun 23. 1 - ' " ' ' ' t. " :-. , BACON, PORK. AND LARD. - 1AAAA LBS.N. a HOG ROUND BaCON, IviUUU 75 Bbis Heavy City Mesa Pork, J - 15 ana 20 Jiegs. s. v;. utra, lor saie Dy J rf ZENO IL GREENE. June 17. CORNAFLO AT. lOAA BUSES. Prime White, landing from Schr Ed- lOVVf win and Samuel, for sale bv - May 9. - . -m' -m-j-m m WHa'v W m " B APTIS2FX ' . " i. TESTED by Scripture and History or the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, and the practice and teaching of thf Christian Chusch in ere rr age succeeding the'. Apostollic, compared in relative to the subjects and modes of Baptism, by the Rev. Wtri. Hodges, A! M A'-wort highlj recom mended by many of the learned of our day. al- ' July 25. BALLET'S Bookstore. WILMINGTON, N. C. mSCELLANEOUS. IMPORTANT TO IIO C8KSEKPERS AND HOTEL AalCEPIUlS. - ' Day tort $ new and Improved method of preferring Druitty Vegetables, dec, Sbc L7RESH FB.UlTsi AND YEUETABU: are not merely JL the greatest luxuries enjoy ea oy tumtind, out taey axe absolutely essential to uu penecUou of heaith ; ana may be reirarded aa one of God's best gins. - As However, the seaaoB ot their proa action is brief, it has loug been matter of deep interest to itevweaome nsetnoo: ol preserving them in all tneir ires tineas, long alter their season of ripe ness had passed. It is oeiieveu, that in this apparatus will be found at once the cheapest aud. most effective method ol keeping them ana other articles' irean, sver oiscuverea. Nvtiung can possibly be more beautiful and effectual than the operation of the Exhauster.1 it must be seen in oraer to be realized. Every can before being tilled should be exhausted by this mode. If it be not perfectly air-right the fact will be discerned once Call and examine them and see the operation a GEORGE At x htm, J une y. Agent ior a ew Hanover v. FALL STOCK NOW BEADY. Vf ERCHANTS AND PLANTERS are respectfully soli lv I cited to examine the most complete assortment ol xLa.HH. CAPS and UMBRELLAS ever oeiore opened in this State We hare in store 250 dozen W oot Hats, comprising all the trrades from the lowest to the finest Cashmaretts. 200 dozen son felt and half sun Caasimere Mats, oi au colors, styles and qualities. Sou dozen Cloth, il chair, fills: and Cotton riush, Peter sham, Silk and Cotton Glazed Caps of all the different va rieties, mciuainir some or the neatest styles ot uress, Evening and Business Caps yet lntroduceo. Also, SilX, Beaver, and Black Ureas Casaimere ot the most handsome styles, together with an elegant assortment of Infants ana Childrene Hats, and Misses Flats and .Bloomers, .Louie Bearer and Felt Riding Hats. New style Umbrellas, hne and common Canes, Ac, Ac Ladies Fur Setts and Gen tlemen's Fur Collars furnished to order. . A call is solicit ed from all. CHAS. D. MYERS, Hat and Cap Emporium, 84 Market street 0 - JONATHAN SLICK'S A3 RE AT yWOBK. LJ IGH LIFE IN NEw YORK, by Jonathan Slick, (Esq) s s with iiuu.orous illuatratious. Complete in one large voiume, -neatly bouad in cloth, tor One .Dollar and 1'wenty hve Ueuts ; or two volumes, paper cver, lor . Uue Dollar. A hearty laugh is tue sure reward of every reauer of thu lnexpre&siole luiuiv volume. It depicts the adventures and vicissitudes, iu lashiuuable society, ot a "live Yankee," iresh from the onion beds of WeaUieraaeld, who describes alt he sees and encounteis in the richest xankee and with the rarest humor. The equal to it has never been written. May 3. For saie by MttKlLL. k P1:RCK ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS, fUST RECEIVED from Geo. Rutledge A Co. London ZJ A large supply ot their cheap publications, consisting in part ol Bulwer's No vets, papw ouna; D'lareaJli's Works., paper bound. Railway Library, coutatuinir some of the choisest Novels oi the aay. Shakspeare s Uountfuf Plays. The Dramatic Works of James Sheridan Kuowles. Calmett's Biblical .Dictionary. Oriental Fairy Tales. The Fairy Tales of the Countess Dauluoy. Alien's Life of N elson. Macfariaud's late of Wellington. The Poems of Allred Tennyson. r or sale by. MERRILL A PIERCE. May 5 . IN STORE AND FOR SALE. - 250 BAGS Rio, Laguyta,Java and dc Domingo Coffee zvO tSolA augaro dinereut grades, 40 i Dbiy u. i elluw, Union v bite A, and Gran ulated Sugars, 125 bbis Macxeuel and Herring. '2o0 boxes Candy, boap ana Candle, 15a Kegs N ails assorted sizes, lo Tons 1, 1 X d 1 1-2 inch Hoop Iron, luO Bols and uhds N O and Cuou Molasses, 50 Unas Western Sides and Shoulders, 150 Bbls City Mess and Mess Pork, 50 Bols Family aud Super Flour, M. MAclNNIS, May. No. 16 North Water st BOOKS FOR THE MILLION. TVLIE REASON WH Y, giving a reason for most everything JL inquire w limn, or over a.ivu iacts tor the people. lue illustrated Sell-iustructor on Phrenology aud x'nysiol- ogy, with loo engraviugs ana charts, by a JS. Engineers and Mecnamc Companion, comprumg United States Weights and Measures, Measuration of auperncies and Solids, Tables of Squares and CuOe Roots, Circum ference and areas ot Circles. The Mechanical Powers, by Scribner. . Templeton's iniuecr, Muirufht aud Mechanic's . Pocket Companion, a very valuable work. North Carolina Form Book, CantweU's Justice or swains Revised, at May 2. KELLEY'S. DIRECT IMPORTATION . DECEIVED this day per Adams Expre&s, one case of LV those PAJUH MAJJE Patent Leather Dress Pumps sua vxrora nes. AU those tnat lure been waiting to maKe their selections, will please can soon auu ao so, belore tuey aie all selected, as we are selling theui very fast. ' tSf 2nd Door lrom Exchange Corner. -May 6. KAHN VVEILER A BRO'S. LOUIS B. ERAMBERT, PRACTICAL PHAKMACUTIST, . WlLKIKQTOX, N. C. Offers for sale a very select stock ot Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Patent Medicine only of known reliability, Trusses, Ac. Havana Cigars, Fresh Congress Water, . Fresh Citrate of Magnesia. July 16. UNDENIABLY SO, THAT THE LARGEST assortment, nnest descriptions, and lowest priced Shoes, are to be found at GEO. R. FR JJCH'S, May 9. No 11 Market st. RASOIRS- A SONNETTE e la fabriquo de J AQUES LECO ULTRE auSENTIER JL vauee du lac de Joux Canton de Vaad. en Suisse rrt ii i m ... . . x uee razor so wen anown ana oz Which the quality is warranted, possess this treat advantaire. that thev mar be used ten years before they require sharpening. Before using them it is necessary, to rub them upon a good leath er- attT-ip. - JSeware or Counterfeits 1 Nona are rennine but those stamped J AQUES LECO ULTRE au Sentien 1 o special order, iust imDorted and reeM an of the Razors above mentioned. Selling less than ever be fore offered in Wilmington, at BALDWIN'S Gent's F Drowning Store, July 13. 88 Market st STILL AT WORK REDUCING stock at cost No regard to profit Our object is solely to reduce stock At sny price. In any quantity. Great Bareaina. Great Bargains, MYERS A MOORE, iiat and Cap Emporium, July 11. 34 Market st SUNDRIES. OA A HHDS. PRIME NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES OUUlOO" Fair to Choice New Orleans Suirar. 100 Bbls New Orleans Syrup,. 150 " choice Yellow Planting Potatoes, 6000 Gnnny Bags. (2 bush eachj 300 Sacks Salt, t3T7 Bacon and Pork always on hand. March 2. HATHAWAY A CO . " BACON. Y 35 K HHDS. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shoulders, fj tor aale bv Rifnivivipt June 23. . . SACK SALT. - 500 " unawuiaxjoiirtg, iu store, tor sale J nne 25. bv DaROSSET. BROWN A m " 0J A hhds. Drr Salted Pork: fr -1a hv DxRQSSET, BROWN k Co. if if i x-Axvk utsr iuxk ii uoNti urr a a rrPT?w . .41 tT JAi R.' Shoe Store in Front t, former-1 lyHobnesIIoteJ. H. MARCUS. P- . Agent ED1T011S AND PROPRIETORS. 6. 1859. WHOLE NO. 1684. I YORK AND f HILADELPUIA CAKUS w. m. axxxxxx : vx. w. Bitxns) CBBCIEB A TT ARK NESS, . fc; COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE Nov. 15th, 1857.-? -rf PHiLanxLrsaa. GEORGE O. TAN ASXRINGE, Jr., VIOMMLSSION MERCHANT. J Cotton, Spirit Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber and South ern prouuee generally. - - . 104 NORTH WHARYES,, r bovxamchst PHILADELPHIA XSLf Prompt personal attention given to all consignments and qmck returns maae DeceVtf. ' - ? . . ' ' -' PKUFEbSIONAL GAKDST DR. J. A. MILLER, FRONT STREET, Wujuxgto, N. C. . , OFFICE next door to that of Messrs. Miller A Baker. Jan. yth, l5-tf. 7 -7'; -v . ' WILLIAM H. LIPPIXT, i GHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints. Oils, 1tx bTrrrs, V utnow Glass. .Pottt, Cioabs, Old Brakdiks and WtNxs, PsarcsucKXt and Faycx Aaricuts, N. E. corner Front and Market streets, March zcth, Lotm. ' w lUturorox, N. C. HUSiNESSt'AliUS. J. U HATHA WAT. WH. X. OTLKX, A4CO... WiuiixeTOif, N. C HATHA W A X C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J Deo ltfth. 5d J. M. ROBINSON & SON, MPORTKRS AND lKALli;iid in Foauax and Domkstic ta Hardwsxx, Aqmcdltckai. iMPLUfuiTs, Ac.,No. o. Front 41., Wdmmgton, A, C. Jan. v. 1858. JOSEPH It, BLOSSOSI. ENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER VX CHANT, W ILMUi oton, N. C. rrompt rersonal attention etven to Conitrnmnia or dale or shipment Q-l,lBSaAJL UASH AnVAXCXS MADK OS COXSIGKMKNTS TO x Aiw lOJtitrusiiDg. Nov. ud. ikrt. John MacKax. Donald MacRax. J. W. kiix. JT. Ac D, JtlaeRAK A CO.. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VX Jh- 1858. Wilmington, N C. HENRY NUTT. 1r ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, Wilmington. N. C. kF Will give his pkksonal attkntion to business en trusted to his care. Sent 10. 1857.-tf. A. D. CAZAUX, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ? ' Wilmington N. C. AGBNT FOE bNlTH 8 JLiINB OF NW YOBX PaCKXTS. Oitice, Corner of North Water and Princess streets. . m 1 j, ,.-., ... ,1 i... in... .J.. ,, 1 - ' -1 " - -- - JOSEPH JT. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, March ath, 185s. Wilmington, N. C iNOTICE.; pHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing betwn jl tne auDscriDers is renewed lor three years lrom J 4-U- ary 1st Itibv under the names and firms f UKU VV A , JJKKUSS JJiT & CO., New York. AND DxROSSET. BROWN A CO.. Wilmington. N. C and Mr. WILLIAM L. DxROSSET is admitted to an 111- terest in the business for the same term. JOHN POTTS BROWN, , A ,L DxROSSET, Jr.; R. I.BROWN, Dec 31, 1858. WM. H. .WIGGINS. co-partnership notice. THE SUBrfCJHirlliria have thia day formed a co-part-ner.hiu and t ill transact buaineaa oader th name and style otMYfcKS AAlOORE, at thetld stand of the former. Hat and cu Empurium. 4 Market st. CUAS. D. Mx aRS, June 20, 1859. FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Mtkbs, Fxbd. J. Moore. in VERS A 1TIOORE. v XTTfiOLESALE and ictail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw V V Uoods, Furs, Umbrellas. Canes, Ac, Ac, 81 Market street, .Wilmington, N. C. June 21, Wby. . .. . . . , SMITH fc UleLAURINk 10MMISSl0i A FuRWARDiAG MERCHANTS, J Wilmington, N. C: Aefer to : John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. . 1 - ; E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. T. M. Smith. . John McLacrin. Ju.y 1, 1659. tf. ITIALCOiri BlelNNIS, &ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Noeth Watx Stxxbt, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH. tl KN ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JT Wilmington, N. C. LEWIS N. BARLOW, &ROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines, Ale an? Porter, Fine Gteen and Black Teas. r , AO.S, (tJiANITE BO W, Oct 20. Wlmington N.C. HENRY P. RUSSELL. fS ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJT 147 East Bay, Up Stairs, Chaelkstok, S. C. March 17 th, ls5s.-tf. . - , La .UNION DISTILLERY, f " WlLWINCTOW, N. C J. E. OAKLET, Proprietress.- VAN BOKKELEN A BBO., Aeenta. , A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, iuod IjL factured and sold. r- WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP ERAGE done at fair, rates. s t , 5 j 4 Jan. 1, 1858. O. G. PARSLEY A CO., , ? PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Stkax Saw and Planixo Mills, Wilmington, N. C. - . EST All orders or inquiries far LUMBER, : will receive pirompt attention - March 21,1858.:; REMOVAL. TTHE UNDERSIGNED would inform his friends and the JL public generally, that be has removed his office front bis old staoo, South corner of Princess st, to the store with tho YELLOW FRONT one door North of the Custom House, where he would bo pleased to meet all of bis old customers. Mch 7. i f 2 JAS. T. PETTEWAY. JJAJTXES T. PETTEWAY. - FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 8 North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Wil jgire personal attentioa to the sale and shipment of Z"1! a V 1 t . a . . . WW4IB, jitu i? tores ana oiner proauce. - Oct 4. - , ' - :-.rr . ; . ' ' . " ' r Ji- HOdPSIXIRTS, TTOOP SKIRTS, JT1 - Hoop Skirts, . 4ik. . Douglas A SherwoodTe, 1 ; Twenty difleren styles, , RSDRICK A RYAN " July 16. . . - .... y., ... ,r-' 0 w -LADIES AND GENTLE5IEN " ARE YOU going North or to the Springs- during the Summer months ? if ao, don't neglect to call and tap ply yourselves with a good assortment f books for the ro lief and benefit of the mind and improvement of tho same You will find such books by calling, at June SO. ; - KELLEY'S, ' JUrT RECEIVED. OA BBLS. a SUGAR, JjJ 10 Kegs Extra Goshen Butter. . 'July 29. , , , . ,t- ... a KELLY. ! racivisntnrroNYOTiafcr s - . TXTfTH Copious Hhntratibns and ExpUn. lions lXfrawn i V Y from tho beat writers by Geo. Craft, M. Aat maut sqcaxx. . . . on sqqaxx. 1 dV.... ........ f 15 1 day,... M Jdayv,........ Jdayx..... ....... . 50 Idajs, 1 00 . iU , A dsya, , 1 tS T 5 days,. 1 M t7K- k.r,rH-l l ? wAs. 1 month, 9 months,. ....... 3 months,..;..... C months. 1 37 S weeks...... ;l T S 00 4 1 month,.. ,.. 4 00 t 19 ' iBBonths, T oo A V9 8 00 3 months,..,...; 10 O0 C months,.... lyoar,...;....... is 00 ... vv ITtr. 39 Off v Ten linos are counted as a sqmare, aa4 flvo lisca of less half sea are. Longer advert isements in proportion. . Sil PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. - t ' " 137" No pabiication made without a reayooatbla nmmo tl voniracis oy the year mae oa Xavorabit 1 BUSINESS CARDS. 1 J waluxiiz CTr.Acirt,, - " actcxaaom to-'! - jt A WALKER M EARLS , A CO, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 45 Market street, Wilmington, N. CL Jan. 2d, lat :w . - .-1 BOITT n. CO 17 AN. ) ;J . v" HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE on the South corner of Pria cess and Water sts up stair-and offers his atrviceo tor the traoaaction of aay kind of buaiBeea, fcr tho uaaal eommiasioa. ....r- -it W V- f May 27th, 185. - .it , . it - NOTICE." ' ' ' . i - WaracTcoT, N. O, Oct lat 1353. 137" WE HAVE this day associated ia our firm JX. W . W7HARRISS. - Tho business will be eon ducted as formerly, la tho mama ana iij n UAitauo a uu n am , . . . . 1 v - oxoecb HAXxxsa. va. 9. aowxtu ' oa. V. w. sattiaA XXARIXIS3 Ac KOTXEXL. : COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Oct 2, ltf5S." ! K WrurnioToy, If. a DISSOLUTION. rpHE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCE, is thia day X dissolved by mutual oonaeot , E.MUKRAX, E. MURRAY, LOYET PEACOCX. Feb 2, 185V.-3L . ' , . CoaPirtTSESxTIXI1. r ' - I THE SUBSCRlBEhS have this oa formed a Co-partnership, under tho Bma and sti le of K. MUURaY A CkL.Krthe transaction ot the COMMISSION andLWLJLX SALE GROCERY BUSINESS. E. MURRAY, ' . i i . d, n. n ukcu lava . , J.T. MURRAY. ' Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 3, 1859. , ,, aawasmwsa ajjjj ILUZIlXAlToxCO. . - ' (Snccxssoas to MoaiAX A PxACOcx. COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, , . AND WHOLESALE GR0CEHS. ... . 1 ... w atkb oraaar, . ,,t,j .a-H -1 Ui WiLUiNUTON,. C k. mwbxat, n. a. sicBjcajsov, t.hvsjlat. February 3,1859. , . T. C Sc. B. O. ITORTZZ. . COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, , . s ; . T -i .-. Wiutzjrorajr, C. 1 I I I I ! . 0 A VI D XA HN WKILK X. DAN L XAHNWXILXK. JACOB KABN WSILI . ILAilNTVEILIIR CXIOat, . 1 ' ' NEXTD00RJ0 EXCHANGE CORXEIL SELLING OFF ABO VIS COST- GREAT RUSH OF LADIES TO KAUNWEILER A BRCS Fancy Goods Store and flattering testimonials by them of tho CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY 1. the Goods offered at their store.. Our, Millinery department abound ta the most bountiful and tasty goods ever o pos ed in this city. 1 Miss C .FFKIL, who has charga of this de partment, is acknowledged by persons of tasts, to do tho most neat work that ia dona in this city, 1 Our Cloaks and Mantillas are oi the latest sty lea and attest texture. T The assortment of Dress Goods and Dress and Cloak Trios minira of every variety and stylo offered by US' eauaol 'be surpassed by any establishment in the South., AU,f;owr voiidamre warranted Ur be as we represent them. Our i afock of Domestics and heavy Goods a oomplst. it: . These goods . having been purchased or us foe CA311 we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any eaUb ashmen t that sells at cost i Aa examination of -our steak is all that is necessary to convince customers, that it is., as we represent"'' ' " ' NiW-Fleaae take notice that "Ira hare no eoaaactlM with any other store, and that we are NEXT TO Ex. Cor. Nov 1. . , KA'BttOUT - robinsonmmipulatedT PHIS,Oumpoed 01 vne-faalf BEST IFER- JL UVIAN UUAHO, on. -hall one urouad Bone and the BJST PHOSPHATE GUANO, is ia condition for immedi ate use, being prepared with pewandimpmedmachtaary, by which maus the most : lotimate combination is eoeeted. reducing all u a uniform fine powder ; and for application by drill or otherwise; it is n the most perfect broor Aad We hare no hesitation in saying, tbat tor all crops It is eqaal to anr tertdizer ever oBaredW the 'larnuog coonnamty. The quality, wil be kept perfectly uaiform tx ail eaaoaaad Warranted to contain 8 per ct. of Aanmon4 45 TO 50 PER CT 0F2!0yE 'PIIO&ttiTE Our Guano is put up tastrohg bags, weighmg5out l(k) fiia. each., ; . " ' lti fi- '-'Ci'r-, oi :; it .'1 FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his personal attention, to preparing this article :ao4 purchasers eaor rery on Uosix soars MAairoLATxu.GtiAxr, being; in. erery pafticlar as represented.' All otders will receive immediate attentioa. F. KOBIKSON A CO-' ' No. 4 HoLLixsswex Stlxar, op stairxr , ' .BALTIMORE, MD. ROBINSONS 1TIANIPULATE1 ClU AN O ;i Ia for sale in lotto suivbf tha folio iig Agenta i -Jonathan TTkOX, Frederick. Md. M , M . , J.C.Nxtxtt; Alexandria,' VA: , , , , Jf. Ms Hki lbv- Wdta-ielrabtir. Va. " l"f - .Gakbison ALMaa, Nortolkv.Ya . -' El U. tf tnraxa A Co, Richmond. Va. : Txos. BxAkca ASoaa, Petersburg, Va. ' ' T. a A B. G. Woxta. Wl .mington, N. C R. C Linsdat, High Point, N.C. V .a WXttVBNABR St CO, CELERRATXD EI AN O: FORTE 'A SEE WHAT the Baltimore Son of November 1853, says of the above Pianos r' ' Baltkaoraagam triamphaat.? D; will bo seen bytha ra port of .the, Maryland Insfitute,which ,was pbiihi-d yes terday, that Wul Knabo A Co.. hta again been, awarded the GuLDMaas CxxririCATX, for tho beatsQCixa Piano oa exhibition. This is the lourth j ear in sucoeasiun that they have received the highest honors. 01 the JxirrrrrB for tho best square- Plataos over Instruments from the beat cuakeis of New York, Boston, ahd Dalumora. in theear 1855 Wm. Knabo A Co., received the; GoLoMxoal, and a tho tueceeding year, 1855, and '57. and now In 1&58. They have bean awardet Thx Gou Mxaxi. CxaTtrtCAra,' trhJch 14 the higheat honor of the Institute, and can only bo ob tained by continued excellence 6 or all competition. This bows well, for Baltimore Machanics, and ia a well men tad tribute for the Messrs. Knabo A Col, the fame of whoso Pi anos hi so extensively appreciated.' For aale by .i; ; t '.uxdA-ix. Agx July 23. for Wm. Knaio A Co GROVER Ac nAixrrvs t so ssttinb. 'lTIACIAJNE. THIS MACHINE ia a plain got op article, tho machine ry is the very same as those Machines wo sell for higher prices.'- The difiereace consisting only ia tho high priced ones being silver plated aad. setting on a nioafy finished ' Mahogony Table with a cover. Wo sell them at $50, no charge made for wrefceh,' oil pot, acrrw driver, Ac. We give tho above iatormation ; suaply to oncct amia tateuteht privately put forth in this city by tho sellers of tho $40, No Humbug Machine, which ia only aa imitation of the Grover A itaker Machtaea, combined with, r tho Watson patent, costing $1 delivered here, and selimg at $40 to $50. All wo oak ia fair aad honest dealings wita aur Machines, which we are willing to aliow to others vr: - GEO. KELLEY,-. Agent for Grover A Baker's Bewinf Machine. v 'Jnlv lAla59L . ; .. - ' THE SOUTHERN FIELD AND ITTIimiDZ . : "A" LITERARY ' and Agricultural Paper published in XjL' Angus ta, Georgia, Dr. D. Lee,Agricuitaral Editor. W. W. ann. Literary Editor, Wax N. White, Horticultu ral Editor; Devoted to Agriculture, literature and Art It ta in quarto tot m ot eight pages, folio sixo, each issue con taining forty colomnr of matter. It will be in all respects a tirst class paper, on a scale of expenditure more liberal than has yet been attempted in tho South and designed to rival in its merite tho most distinguished ttt tho North. Terms, Two Dollars per annum, invariably in ad? anco. Forsatebyi :-f --wi vv?s -MERRILL A PIERCE. Send on vonr names with your post odes and it will bo sent to you regularly 9 a a a "a f by man. ; Aaaress MERRILL A PIERCE, Booksellers. June 22. ti i l l. Journal copy lw. '-.i -Mitt Wilmington, N. C. Williamston Mercury, copy sw. r. ?t THE COLLEGE OF ST. J AMES, 3XA R Y LAB D THE JSiGHTEnNTH ANNUALBfcSSiUX begins on tho lastWe4aoadaytboS8th of September. Tho vari uus classes in the Coixsgb and in the Gxanbab Scbool resume their work prompUy. New students will bo exaai med on Thaxsday September ta-j;J-: . TV JOHN B.KERF00T,Ractor At, . c, . 1 a coifed- 0fSt James. P. 0- Maryland. Julv 85-lawdfBw FLOUR. i A A BBLS Superfine and Family ,for sale by M. MacINxIQ? wuij 1. HJuitUitjL S Book Store. S jr

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