; xim jxs. . TlIK DAILY, HERALD U famished to subscribers at 6 per annum strictly In AnrAXCX. THE WEEKLY HERALD, cooUiaingTdTT-roc eol. amnios published rery Thursdsy morning it ti per :inuui,M& AnrAXca. f t , , . . y" After the" amjncucemnt of subscription jear, no s ibcribr will be permitted to discontinue bis paper ontil the expiration of said year. .'.. ;rty- Office on South side of Market street, threo Door 5at of Merrill A Feirce's Book Store, and nearly opposite lie Carolina IIoteL . DOOK, JOD AND CAUD PBINTINCt SXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. , - jrrrriTEcnYTJD. 4 T MERRILL A PIERCITS, Bookstore : y i;. I K J mac's New XoreL Printed from G. V . IL j uitr" own muucript, for rhich the publishers par the author Aixtren hundred aod eigbtj aoUrs. l ute Catauii, so Jjutorical XoreL by G. P. K. James, I.i . author df-Richmliexi' -Lord Montagu's Page," -Ar-.clitfeilT, yUry of Bargundy," etc, etc. Complete in oue duodecimo rolume of Fit Hundred l'e; dune up in two rolames, paper curev price One Dtffimr; or bsudometj bound inTone rolume cCth, price, 11,2. ' 1 ' Aio. .Lord Montagu's Page,br J. P. R. James. JLe Monasterj, Anne of Geierstein, bj Sir W. iScotL aae 11. Jl'ST UCCCIVED AT MERRILL A PIERCES, Bookstore : Opaqne Envelopes; business do Xot do Cream Laid do Gold Laid do UmSr " HesTj EnTeloH-s, Post Office. Canary Toti i'icks, large and small size. Carpenter' Pencils. Red and Black, fringe's Pencil Sharpeners, Knbber Bnds, all sues. Honker's Sealing Wax, - Mourning Paper, Letter and Note iz-s, KnTelopes, " , " Wedding Enrelopes, as fine an assortUMrnt us ever was brought to this place. . Yii ling Cards, a full assortment. Tof Paints for water color painting, listen, all sizes, l'o.-t I'rtice Scales such as are used in the Post Oilice in this place. . "June 11 Journal copy It. iriEJtCIIANTS, 1LA.TERSt FARMERS, and all who buy, sell or wcar Strw Goudii, of any description will bear in mind ttist our tjck of Straw Goods for Summer weris now of-ft-rd by the cose or dozen at Junvadtrtr't W, and mutt beld. Call and examine goods and prices at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market gt. Jutu; ' MYERS A MOORE. JUST RECEIVED .QIX CASES GENTS FINE CF. BOOTS manulactared to O order, selling lower, fbr cash, than ever before offer ed to the public Call and examine. " Feb 1 o. - GEO. R, FRENCH ITIAIf ILLA HATS, fANILLA HATS, . ill Mannianats, Something New, Something New, Very light and handsome shape, Now ready at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 54 Market st. July 13 MYERS A MOORE. STILL LESS THAN COST, ARE OUR PRICES For certain tries, ' of Straw Goods, at July 14. MYERS A MOORE. NEVEIt A METTEIl CHANCE THAN THE 1) RESENT to buy Summer Hats of any kind or style a coat pi iceu for cash," Try it, at MYERS A MOORE'S. . uly l t. Hat and Cap Emporium. HOOP IKON. 1r TONS 1, and U inch Hoop Iron, for sale by I- Jnly 12. M. MacINNIS. 3S 1TIARKET STREET, GENT'S EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. Very neat Julyl3-3t. KAIINWEILER 6c DUO'S. SECOXTT DOOR FROM JECIIAXGECORNER, offer the best and handsomest assortment of Hoisery. Gloves, lldkfa. Ladies Hoop Skirts, Corsets, pkirt Suporters, Ac, Ac , of all make, at the lowest pri 'ctt for cash only. June 3. , NK W STYLE RIOLESKIN HATS. JUST RECEIVED by Express at MYERS A MOORE'S, Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st. June 'JS - A NEW WORK. UNSUINE or Kate Vinton, by Mrs. Harriett B. McKee- j ver A superior book lor the ypun, at June 10. KfcLLEVS. LETTER COPYING ROOKS. A . tAULULikNT article of Mann's celebrated Letter CPJng Books, also Cap size can be had by calling at nely. - " KLXLfiY'S..' June . RIDDONSAND BONNETS. T ) LCEI v ED this morning a new supply of Bonnets and jLt 1.IOOJD8, Aliases ana vmjaren s Atats, also a very handsome style of Riding Hats, which we shall sell at low A: V Si W Vr 7 WV m r. n. v Ugures. AAUflTYfilLAtt .KU S, Max. 87. r : 2nd door frotrvjhe Corner Store. FLOUR. 75 aale by June 1L bls- Super and Fine frsh ground, for BUCKWHEAT. J UST RECEIVED by - L. N. BARLOW, e'ablS. ; j Granite Rrw. ST. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS.' BALES IN STORE, and for sale by 15 tJJxuae i. t. li A U.U. WUKTU. COW PEAS. 4 fi fi BUSES. COW PEAS, for sale in lets to soit,by 1VVJuly8. JAS. T. PETTEWAY. IIOISEBY AND GLOVES. TjOISEKY, Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts, by Ex nress a mis soorning. lUuUtilU&a, Ki AN. - July 16. . - ' - " . SUNDRIES, rr BBL. CITY MESS PORK; 50 do. Flour family 1 J aodaoperfine; 10 do. superior N. C. Lard, 15 kegs do.; Bacon; N. C and Western; 25 boxes assorted Candy; 15 bbls and 10 boxes Crackers; 25 bbls. Sugar, C. Coffee, A. White and Crushed ; 60 bags' Coffee kio, Laguayra aunV Java; .30 boxes Soap No. 1 sad pale; 50 -do. Ada mantine and Spa m Candles; 25 do. Pearl Starch in small and large boxes ; 15 do. Salaratus; Soda and Yeast Powders ; 20 tars and 20 boxes Potash ; 100 Reams wrap ping Paper; Hoop Iron. 1, lf and inches : Rivets 7 and 8 lbs ; all kinds Turpentine Tools, Canal Barrows, Pepper, Spice, Ac., Ac, In store and for sale by J ulfODih.- ZEN OH. GREENE. LADIES BOOKS, 17'LORA'S Lexicon and interpretation of Flowers, ; The Language, and Poetry of Flowers, The Lady's Book of Flowers and Poetry , The Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry. The Poetry of Flowers, Origin! and select. The Passion of Flowers, at KELLEYS, 4 Aug 2. - - Bookstore. SUNDRIES! NOW LANDING AND OR HALE, 50 Canal Barrows, 55 Bbls. Mess Fork; . ' ? , ?0 Bags Rio Coffee, .20 LanAyra Coflie, 2o Boxes Cheese, extra, article. . 2fKegs Butter, ; IS Bbis. Crackers, W 15 Kegs Lard Prime Leaf, br ! Jan. 26th, ' ' - ZENO II GREENE. . - .' BOOES,, I ECEIVED this morning by AUms A Cu'v Express at X KKLLKYS Bookstore : J 1 Cottier's Virgil, ' Ueroditi Orieatalia Aatiquiora, comprising mainly such portions of Heroditn as tire a eoaoted hititrv trth . East to the fall of Babylon and the death of Cr run the The Sacied Harp Revised. Voir 23. - . . U COUNTRY MERCHANTS. .i WISHING to assort llieir stocks with a few Dozen Straw Wool or Soft Fur Hats will find a large stock at red ucmi price at the Hit and Cap Emporium. , Call or tend in roar orders we will fill them promptly and with care. CUAS D. MYERS, : June 14. : vv.'J U -' -' m Market at. . '. . DUTIES . ... i . OF CHRISTIAN JdASTERS, a new-and valuable 'work will do all good to read it. br II. N. MTyeire, D. a Joty24.- . . . KELLEY'S Bookstore. ; . ... . EASTERN 1XAY. . i OX BALES mw Undingiad forsale by . - -; -ljSelAugl. ELLLS A MITCHELL. 1 - I ( sV I;. .xa . r- s I"" A I - Uf Ji :? Fill'1 I y ; p ' .ff : iil ci' fc ;; c. K & R. BUM, VOL:;V. NO. 138. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST MILllOADS. TIM' ." 1 '.I.i ' ' i 11 ' Omen Can. Sar'r Wil. A Max. R. R. Co., : i. Wilmiiton, X-.CKpr. Kfih, NOTIC1S TO THAVSLSRM. AN AXI AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dee 1st, a cnangft o V7 Schedale will be made upon this road, and the Mai and Pkssenger Trams will run as follows : Leare Wilmington, at 6 A. M. and 8.15 P. M. Arrire at Kiogarilte, at 8.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. Leare Kingsrille, 5,15 A. M. and K0 P. M. Arrire at Wilmington, at 3 P. M. And 4 A. M. All the trains connect closely with Columbia trains, ex ! cept the morning train leaving Kingsrille at 5.15. Couuectious are made through with the Greenrille and lutnbi Road. J. p. ROBERT30X, Gen. Sup't. J Dec 2-tf. i ICE ICE ICE. 'pHE WILMINGTON ICEHOUSE, will be openel fur JL the deli rery of ICE erery dr at sunrise, closw a sunset except on Sunday's when it will positively cl..e a y A. M. ICL wO! not be delivered after time of closhi- ex cept in cases of sickness. i TERMS CASH, without deviation. TICKETS can be procured and deposits made by those who desire. ICE for the Country packed and forwarded as dinvt L ICE furnished to the sick poor, free of charge u i di rected by physicians, or members of the visiting couumttee Orders must be addressed to WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE Apl2 CmdAw. A. H. VakBOKKELEN. ARTISTS MATERIALS. JtST RECEIVED AT MERRILL A PEIRCE'S Book store, materials for Grecian Painting, Paint Brushes Bristles and Sable Varnish, Blenders, - Pallette Knives, Pallette Cutis, double with coveis,'Oil Colors in tubes ground to the finest degree ; Mastic Varnish, Grecian do, Drying O'ls, Canvass Scrapers ; Materials for Pastel paint ing. Bochart's Soft Pastel Crayon's, Dime Hard do do, Pa per for do.. Boards for do ; Stomps or Blenders. Materials for Moaochromatic Painting, Monochromatic Boards, " Scrapers, " Brushes, " Stomps and Black Crayons, Drawing Materials, , Mathematical Instruments, : Drawing Pens, Porte Crayons or Holders, I'arallel Kules, r Engineer's Sliding Rules, plain Rules, Pencils; Creta Levis or Chalks in Wood, . Carpenter's Pencils Tin, White Crayons, Charcoal Crayons, India Ink in sticks, French White Drawing Paper, " " Crayon " ; English " Drawing " Whatman's " " Cartridge " i Engineers and Architects Paper, French Tracing Cloth, - , " liper, Bristol Boards 2, Z and 4 sheets thick, Pictures for Grecian Painting, La Suisse, Swiss Scenery, La Figure, Portrait, Equestrian Scenes, Les Amazones, Choice Studies. Just received at Mai 10. MERRILL A PEIRCE'S. 300.000 NO. 1. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE WESTBROOK 4 MENDENUALL, PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST GREEN Nurseries and Gardens near Greensboro. N.C. 4 uulU respectfully call tne attention of the citizens ol the Southern States to their very extensive stock of native and acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fall and Winter Trade both wholesale and retail. Mil - J inis targe ana nanasome assortment nas Deen propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant ' Orchards either for marketing or family use. . The stock consists of the following trees : " ! ' 160,000 APPLE TREES, 12,000 PLUM TREES 100,000 PEACH - 5,000 NECTRINES " 10,000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, " 12,000 APRICOT " 10,000 CHERRY 4,000 GRAPE VINES. Besides a very tine assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Kaspbemes, Lrooseoernes, ete ' ail ot which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, wno win do requirea to give a note on tne delivery or reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or they will be charged with interest from the date thereof. All packages put np in superior style and a complete invoice sent to each patron and so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orcnard aUer the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list, j Sept20-tf. I S. S. BOTLS, FREPERICK GOCLB. BOYLE Sc CO., 59 Second st., CINCLNNATTI, OHIO. I MPORTERS of Foreign Liquors and Wines; Distillers JL of Alchohol, Cologne bpints, Camphene, Burning Fluid, and Spirits of Turpentine. Manufacturers of every; des- cirptionot uomestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and French Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure ixjurDon ana itye wmstr, reacn lirandy,-Also, Uaretana ana new xngiana ivum, Ac, tST" Sole mi unfacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky. Agents f r Fred. Goule s Japanese Bitters. Apl 21, 1859 y. j FOR THE SOUND AND SMITIIVILLE. Mulickim uuukKY, by Mrs. Eliza Acton, Widdifield's New Cook Book or Practic for the Housewife. . Practical Receipts Virginia Housewife or Methodical Cook, bv Mrs. Randnlnh Miss Leslies Complete Cookery raits Various Branches. The Reason Why, or a Reason for everything, - Inquire Within or 1001 facts for the neonle. " . .r- Magician's Own Book, fall of sport and fun. : The Sociable or 1001 Home Amusements. The Ladies and Gentlemen's Mirror of Fortune. To be had June. at KELLEY'S. FRESH ARRIVALS. f KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, 1U 8 Half bbls Fulton Market Beef. 80 Bbls Flour, Fine, Super and Family, 20 Bags Coffee, 23 Hhds Cuba Molasses, 50 xJbls No 1, Herrings ! 50 Half bbls No 2, Herring, l am constantly receivinsr iroods from the Northern Mar kets thereby keeping constantly on hand, a larra and fresh assvMiuicDk ui erery ming in my tine. uJ6- . O. KE' LEY. PRICES REDUCED T ARGE STOCK must be sold splendid assortment of JlJ llata, Caps and Umbrellas. I Straw Goods of everr va nety, at tne very lowest cash prices. Hat and Cap Empori um. SA If &rkt at . nil mo t it vrno uon, 34 Market st. CUAS. D. MYERS. June 10. t NOTICE. WE ARE SELLING OFF the balance of our Spring and Summer stock of Fancy and SUnU nrr nrwla and Superior Ready Made Clothing at a great sacrifice, for that needful eas only, we shall sell daily until all is sold, to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock. We Khali also sell our superior assortment, of fine Dress Goods, con sisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Bayadere and Check Silks, Black Silks, all the various make. .Grenadine Robes, Blk and Colored Barage, Robes, Organdie Robes, Jackonet Robes, Gingham and Calico Robes, Printed Lawns, English i : -1 - r l. . . . aou Amencui iicoes, rreucu calicoes. A. large ana handsome assortment of Scotch and American Ginghams Manufactured. KAHNWEILER A BRO'S. . June 23. 1 " , i .... B ACONTPOfRK AND LA R IK 1A AHA lbs. N. c hog round bacon, 1VVUU 75 Bbls Heavy City Mess Pork, 15 -M and 20 Kegs, N. C Lard, for sale by - - ZENO H. GREENE. June 1?. CORN AFLOAT. 1 Q A A B113- Prime Whitebtnding from Schr Ed- tO Ul win and Samuel, for sale by , i If aw 4 ' " 1 9 -ww a mmm mm m we - n ZAaLUSS mX MIA JLtCilL . ryHESTED by Scripture and History or the teachiags of the . - J "r" Jra " pracuce ana ieactiing ec the Chnstian Church tn every age succeeding the Apostollic, compared in relative to the cabjecta and modes of Baptism, by the Rev. WmHodges,. A. iL A work highly ieom- inended wj many ol the learned of our day, at C' juiyzo KELLER S Bookstore. J WILMINGTON, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. 131 PORT ANT TO HO USE KEEPERS AND HOTEL KEEPERS. . Day tort new and Improved method ef preserving Fruity Vegetable &c 't die.' - FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, are not merely the greatest luxuries enjoy eo bymankind, but they are absolutely essential to toe pe flection of health ; and may be regarded as one of God'a best gifts. At however, tne season ol tuetr prouueuoa is onei it nas long Deen a matter of deep interest to dense some method ofpreserring them in all their freshness, long after their season of ripe Bess had passed. It is believed, that in this apparatus will be lound at once tne cheapest and most eiiectire method -ot keeping them and other articles fresh, srer discovered. Notning can possibly be more beautiful and effectual than the operation of the Exhauster. It must be seen in order to be realized. Every can before being filled should be exhausted by this mode. If it be not perfectly air-tight the tact will be discerned once - Call and examine them and see the operation a GEORGE MYERS, June v.. Agent for New Hanover Co. FALL STOCK, NOW READY. MERCHJLNTS AND PLANTERS are respectfully soli cited to examine the most complete assortment ot HATS, CAPS and UMBRELLAS ever oelore opened in this State. We Uare in store 50 dozen Wool Hats, comprising all the grades from the lowest to the finest Cahmaretts. 200 dozen soft Felt and halt stiH Cassunere Hats, of all colors, styles and qualities. suu aozen giotn, Jlefaair. bilk and Cotton flash, Peter sham, Silk and Cotton Glazed Caps of all the dulerent va rieties, including some of the neatest styles of Dress, Evening and Business Caps yet introduced. Also, Silk, Beaver, and Black Dress Cassimere of the most handsome styles, together with an elegant assortment of Infants and uniiarens uats, and susses lata and iiloomers. Ladies Beaver and Felt Riding Hats. New style Umbrellas, tine and coiuuiuu Cauea, Ac, Ac, . ladies Fur Setts and -Gen tlemen's Fur Collars f urnished to order. A call is solicit ed from all. CHAS. D. MITERS. Hat aud Cap Emporium, 34 Market street. JONATHAN SLICK'S .GREAT .WORK. HIGH LIFE IN NEvV YORK, by Jonathan Slick, (Esq) with Hunjorous lilustratious. Complete in one large volume, neatly bound in cloth, for One Dollar and Twenty tire Cents ; or two volumes, paper Cjver. lor One Dollar. A hearty laugh is te sure reward of every reader ot this inexpressible luuny volume. It depicts tne adventures and vicissitudes, in fashionable society, ot a "live Yankee," fresh from the onion beds of Weatnersneid, who describes all he sees and eucountei s in the richest X snx.ee and witn the rarest humor. Tne equal to it has never been written. May 3. For sale by MiuttitlLL A PlERCK ENULISH PUBLICATIONS, FUST RECEIVED from Geo. Rntledge A Co. London- fj A large supply ot their cheap publications, consisting in part ol Bulwer's Novels, papi wouna; " D'lsrealli's Works., paper bound. Railway Library, containing some of the choisest Novels of the day. Shakspeare's Doubtful Plays. The Dramatic Works of James Sheridau Knowles. Calmett's Biblical Dictionary. Oi ieutal Fairy Tales. The Fairy Tales of the Countess Daulnoy. Allen's Life of Nelson. Mactarlaud's lafe of Wellington. The roems of Alfred Tennyson. Kor sale by. 4 MKRRiLL A PIERCE. May 5 - , IN STORE AND FOR SALE. 0T A BAGS Rio, Laguyia, Java and St. Domingo Cotl'ee dJj 200 Bbls Sugar different grades, 40 X bbly C Yellow, Cruan A bite A, and Gran ulated Sugars, i 125 bbis Mockeael and Herring, 250 boxes Candy, Soup ana Caudles, 15u Kegs Nails assorted sizes, 10 Tons 1, 1, and 1 1-2 inch Hoop Iron, luOBols and nhds N O and Cuba Molasses, 50 Hhds Western Sides and Shoulders, 150 Bbls Citj Mess and Aless Pork, 50 Bbls Family and Super Floor, M. MAclMNIS, MaySJ. No. 18 North Water st. BOOKS FOR THE MILLION. THE REASON W H Y, giving a reason for most everything Inquire Within, or over 3,7u0 facts tor the people. Tne Illustrated Self-instructor on Phrenology aud Fnysiol- ogy, with luo engravings and charts, by x. N. Fowier. Engineers and Mecnanics Companion, comprising United Estates Vyeignts and Pleasures, Measuratiun ot Superficies and Solids, Tables of Squares and Cube Roots,. Circum ference and areas of Circles. " The Mechanical Powers, by Scribner. Templeton's Engineer, Millright and Mechanic's Pocket Companion, a very valuable work. monn Carolina xorm isook, Cantwell's Justice or Swains Revised, at . m a - k - Maya. KKLdJfiY'S. DIRECT IMPORTATION . I DECEIVED this day per Adams Express, one case of! L.) those JfAHLS MADE Patent Leather Dress Pumns and Oxford Ties. All, those that iiave been waiting to make their selections, will please call soon and do so, before they are all selected, as we are selling them yery fast. tST 2nd Door from Exchange Corner.' Alay6. ' KAHN WEILER A BRO'S. LOUIS.B. ERAMBERT, PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, Wilmington. N. C.r?. Offers for sale a yery seltct stock nf Dmm rhAmipaia Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Patent Medicines only of known reliability, Trusses, Ac. Havana Cigars, Fresh Congress Water, Fresh Citrate of Magnesia. -July la. UNDENIABLY SO, rpHAT THE LARGEST assortment, finest descriptions. JL and lowest priced shoes, are to be found at GU. R. FRENCH'S, May 9. No 11 Market st. RASOIRS A SONNETTE T e la fabrique de JAQUES LECOULTRE au SENTIER -A- vauee du lac de Joux Canton de Vaud. en Suisse. utsc iwi3 w wen kuuwq ana 01 wnicn tne quality is warranted, possess this great advantage, that they may be used ten years before they require sharpening. Before using them it is necessary, to rub them upon a good leath er on Beware of Counterfeits I Nona are genuine but those stamped JAQUES LECOULTRE au Sentier. ' To special order, just imported and recd aji assortment of the Razors above mentioned. ' Selling less than ever be- iore oaereu in w umington, at BALDWIN'S Gent's Furnishing Store, Jnly 13. 23 Market st. STILL AT WORK T EDUCING stock at cost XX No regard to profit. . Our object is solely to reduce stock A any price. In any quantity. Great Bargains. A MOORE, Great Bargains, MYERS Hat and Cap Emporium, July 11 34 Market St. SUNDRIES. OA A HHDS. PRIME NEW CHOP CUBA MOLASSES OVV1W" air to Choice Hew Orleans Sugar 100 Bbls New Orleans 8yrup,. 150 choice Yellow Planting Potatoes. 000 Gnnny Bags. (2 bush each.) . 300 Sacks Salt, ,v - ' " I ilacon and Pork always on hand. March 2. m HATHAWAY A CO BACON. Or HHDS. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shoulders, Otbrsaleby HATHAWAY A CCv June 23, SACK SALT. 0 fl ARGE SIZE SEAMLESS Seeks, in' store, for sale QJJ June 2a. py DeROSSEtTbROWN A CO. r-A BBLS. MESS PORK, . tJV 4 hhds. Dry Salted Pork, for sale by wune x DkROSSET, BROWN A Co, r- - - ii ' . . CONGRE-s GAITTIS.- 9AAiAmBESXFuX0C0NGRESS GAITERS, at ft) yt per pair, at the Shoe Store ta Front t, formex rv Helznes' Hotel. . n.u Altera H. MARCUS Apl20. Agent. EDITORS AND PROPEIETORS. 17, 1859. WHOLE NO. 1685. new yoek md Philadelphia cards . BAKXXX3S G REINER A IIARKNESS, COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE KJ Nov. 15th, 1857. til Philadxlphia. GEORGE O. VAN AMRINGE, Jr., COMMLSSION MERCHANT, Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber and South ern produce generally. 104 KUKTU WHARVES, ABOVn ABCH ST., rillLAVEU'HlA. Idff" Prompt personal attention given to all consignments and quick returns made Dec4-tf. PROFESSIONS CARDS. DR. J. A. MILLER, ITWUNT STREET, Wilmington, N. C. J? OFFICE next door to that of Mesj Messrs. Miller A Baker. Jan. yth, 1853-til WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints, Oiw, Drit STTrre, Wuroow Glass. Pottt utuiu, um uusviH uu it IKES, rMruMUY SOd FAXCT Akticlss, N. E. corner Front and Market streets, March 25th, 185S. Wiiikqtok, N. C BUSINESS CARDS. J. L. HATHA WAT. . HATHAWAY AiCO., WM. K. UTLBT. CUAIALLSSIU ULEKCHANTS. Dec 16th. '58 WlLHlNGTON, N. C. J. M. ROBINSON Ax SON, I MPORTERS AND DEALERS in FoRMQKVnd Domestic A i?iV?w4BB -Aecui.TonAi.lMrtMEjjrs, Ax,o.8,Front at., Wilmington, N. C. jn. V, l5. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Cii' gySWf AND FORWARDING MER KJC CHANT, Wilhi6to. N. C. i t& rroinpt I'ersonai attention given to Consignments ior aale or Snipment. Libhai. Cash ADTAKCks mad on Consignments to y XIew York rmxNns. Nor. 2d, 1857. John MacRae. Donaij MacRae. J. W. K. Dix. J. A D. MacRAE A CO., ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . VX Jan. 1858. , Wilmington, N. C. HENRY NUTT, . I If ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, A9.w,1 WnoiiNetoN, N. C. I Will give his pebsonal attention to business en- trusted to his care. Sept. lo, 1857,-tf. A. D. CAZAUX, C COMMISSION MERCHANT, . o , r Wilmington, N. C. Agent fob Smith's Line or New York Packets. fj-Office, Corner of North Water and Princess street. JOSEPH J. LIPPITT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, March 8th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE. rHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing "between the Subscribers is renewed for three years from J i.u ary 1st 1859 under the names and firms f BRO WN , DisROSSET A CO., New York. AND DkROSSET, BROWN A CO., Wilmington, N C , ... i.xuulojix u, rouvooai a aamitteu to an in- terest in tne business tor tne same term. JOHN POTTS BROWN. A. J. DeROSSET, J r., . R. i .BROWN, - Dc 31, 1858. WM. H, WIGGINS. TiiP oTpPrARTNEBSIIIP NOTICE. HE SUBSCKHii!.R have this day formed a co-partnership and ill transact hnainAaa nnHur tharamn.nJ style of MYERS A MOORE, at the old stand of the former. Hat and cap Emporium, 24 Market st. T CHAS. D. MYERS, June 20, 1859. FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Mters, Fred. J. Moore. , MYERS & 'MOORE. '; WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac, &c, 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. . June 21, 185. . C SMITH A MeLATJRIN, OMMISSIOiX A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, n Wilmington, N. C. Refer to; . John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. F. Haul, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. T.M. Smith. jOHn McLaurin. July 1, 1859 tf. MALCOM McINNIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH, G1 iSNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, T ! Wilmington, N. C. LEWIS N. BARLOW, fi ROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines, Ale an VX Porter, Fine Gieen and Black Teas. HO. 3, GRANITE RO W, . Oct 20. Wlmington N.C. HENRY P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 "East Bay, Up Stairs, Charlrstoit, S. C. March 17th, 1858.-tf. ' UNION DISTILLERY, . n . wr'm.. WlLM ington, N. C J. E. OAKLET. Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. .Axsi3 it aw Aii oiuniis, purchased, n.nn jL factured and sold. Ekf" WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP bAAUL aone at iair rates. Jan. 1, 1858. O. G. PARSLEY A CO., PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and pLAxixa JL- AH1.LB, riimingion, pi . j. r-All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. March 21,1858. REMOVAL. THE UNDERSIGNED would inform bis friead nH tk. I nnKi;. Mn.Mllw .lk.. i:. , I his old stand. SontK Mm nf Pr,n,M. -7 :.T me x 4jiaj w r js.ux r one door north of the Custom House where he would be pleased to meet all of bis old customers! aicn. . JAS. T. FETTEWAY. JAMES T. PETTEWAY. ; FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 8 North Water Street, Wninimiir V f?" Wil .'give personal attention to the sale and shipment of vuiwu, mrit cwres ua outer pnxiace. Oct 4. " .Mn e,, HOOP SKIRTS, Vfw dklAlO,' Hoop Skirts, Douglas A Sherwood s, 1 HEDRICK A RYAN. Twenty difieren styles, July 16, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN A Kb i OU going North or to the Springs during the XX. Summer months f if so. don't neHect to call .nd an- Kj jvnrmstTva wita a gooa assortment ot books for tne re if and benefit of the mind and improvement of the same lou wiU find sochv books by calling, at ' " ' Jnn30. t , KELLEY'S. - . JJUrX IX ECEI TED. i)A BBLS. C. SUGAR. -J 10 Kegs Extra Goshen Butter. . July S3. - - O. KELLY. EGIJCTSYJtONYirXCS PTH Copious Hlnstrations aud Explaaations Draw , y v irom tne nest writers brueo. Craft, M. A., at Jnlyl3. KELLY'S Book Store. ALTMOAU. 1 dy. f 3 Idir,. ......$ SO Sdara. ..T oja, 60 SdajSp 1 00 lK:.4djTa,,.....,...M IS Sdajt,... 75 Uj,........i.. XfiO , k, WWI wwkfkiTtrnrrrhf" 1 weeks....... J7i2 .1 week,-.... S T5 1 month. ...;;;ff;?00llllW)ntlK...j;... 4 00 v t monthe,..., a o. -S month,... 7 Oo J months, S 00 S months,... M.. . 10 00 . onoBta,... 4 B OO monUii,:. l 00 i Ijear,. .......... is 00 ' 'lTcar,... SO 00 Ten lines are counted as a square, an i fir lines or lees half square. Longer adrertUemenU la proportion, nil PAYABLE 13 AD YAXCIL m ' - - . ' - BT" No publication mads without a ntptmalble name, . tf Contracts bj the jeai maU on farorahle terms. BUSTNESSTCABDS.:- wALxmn. rn:icx3n scccrsson tt rw r V ALKtU 1TEARE3 A CO., Wholesale and ReUil Amggwt, 45 Market street, Wilmington, N. C " Jan. 2d, lata. ; - r t t " r Ronrrn. cowan. XT AS TAKEN AN OFFICE on the Sooth eomee of Pria XJLcees and Water at up stairs ad offers hU services for the traasaction of any kind of business. Sot the usual CVUIUliMIUB. May 27th, 1859. 1.1 A NOTICE. WnjiaoToa, N. O, Oct lsl 1858.'' tT WE HAVE this day associated in our firm Dr. W. W. HARRISS. , Tne business will be conducted as formerly, tn the name nnatme oisiAHitiao a uuitu.. . COGB WAEJUSS. A. J. VOWEXL. tE. W. W. HAltlST ' HARRISS UOWELL, - srtuu, COMMISSION ILERCIIANTS. . , Oct. 2,1855. t ' TTimCTQTO, ?f. t? . DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF MURRAY PEACOCK, 'Is' this day dissolved by mutual eonsent- E. MURRAY. Feb 2, 1859,-3t. - i . , CO-PA RTNERSTHP. ,Y -nnHE SUBSCRIBERS have thin Oar formed a Co-rtrt- X nership, under the name and style eE. MURRAY k Co.. tor the transaction of the COM MLSSION end WJa SALE GROCERY BUSINESS. E. MURRAY, . , , , ; i , w d. R.UCRCltrR0N, Wilmington, N. CtUM:'1'' '' ' E.MURRAXCO. (Spccessoe to Mdbjlat A Peacock.., . COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, ,, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' Watbk SraBBT, : WILMINGTON, N. E. MURBAT, D. Februarys, 1859. MURCHUOir, j. T.nossAr. - J -',-. VI- T. C. Sc 0 C. WORTH, L w "i mm w mba- v v m mm m e rrnrvM mm n m a. 'a t . , , WmaoTox, . C. OAVIDKAHNWEILEE. DAN1. KAHNWBILKS. ACOSKAJLf VEILa KAHNWEILER A RROS, ; - . , . NEXT DOOR TO EXCHAXQKCQKXEIL, .' SELLING OFF A HOVE COST. " GREAT RUSH OF LADIES TO' KAHNWEILER A BROS Fancy Goods Store and flattering testisaoaials by them of the CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY ot the Goods offered at their store. 1 Our' Millinery-department abounds in the most beautiful nod tasty goods ever open ed in this city. Miss 0. PFEIL, who has charge of this de partment, is -acknowledged by persons ef tastr, to do the most neat work that is done in this city. , Oar Cieaks and Mantillas are of the latest styles and finest textore.. The assortment of Dress Goods and Drtfas ' and Cloak Trim mings of every variety and style offered by ns. can not. Jlf surpassed by any establishment in the South. All of our goods are warranted te be as we represent them. ' Our tock of Domestiee and heavy Goods are complete. -- These goods having been purchased by us for CASH we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any estab lishment that sells at cost. An examination of ourt stock is all that is necessary to convince customers that ii as we represent. ; . .. Si v.'-- N. B. Please take notice that' we hare no connection with any other storeand that we are NEXT TO Ex. Cor. Nori. ; ..r . v ,,;. KUABRO'S.-) ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED : THIS FERTlLiZkfav, oumposed ot une-half BEST PER UVIAN GUANO, otK-half fine Ground Bone and the BEST PHOSPHATE GUANO, UUouadition for rmmedU ate use, being prepared with new and improved machinery, by Which xaeaas toe most intimate combination Is effected, reducing all t a uniform Ane powder ; and for appucation ' by drill or otherwise, it is in the most perfect oroer. And we have no hesitation in saying, that for all crops it is'eqoat to any fertilizer ever, offered to the fsrtnlng comntumty; Tbe quality will be kept perfectly uniCbrxn in all cases, and Wsurante4 to contain 8 per rt, sfAounsnls 45 TOM PER OT QFs BONE PIlOXPlTATE Onr Guano is put up in strong: bags, weighing about 180 lbs. each. ' , . ' . ... (...., FRANCIS ROBINSON gives bis -pertonal attention1 U prepariag this article; And purchasers end rely on; Romm sojs Manipclatko Guano7 being in every particular as represented. All orders will recaire immediate attention.- ; t JhROBLNSON A CO-? No. 4 HoLLissswpRTa Street, up stairs, ,j ' BALTIMORE, UD.'t ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO ' Is for sale in lots to suit, by. the-fblloviing AgenU :- ."' Jonathan Ttson, Frederick. Md. , , J. C Netett, Alexandria, V a. . J. U. BRAXLETFrederickaburr, Vs., : ' Garrison A Maigxe, Norfolk, V a. E. U. Skinner A Co., Richmond,. Vs, ' .' Thos. Branch A Sons, Petersburg. Vav . ,y T. C. A B. G. Worth, Wt'mington, N.C ' R.CL Lznsdat, High pointy U, 0. . i :: - -July 2S-2m. . , , WM.KNABE ACO., . CELEBRATED PIANO FORTE. " SEE WHAT the Baltimore San of November 1858, ssys of the above Pianos - - :i "Baltimore again triumphant. , It will be seen by the re port ef the Maryland Institute,' which was published yes terday, that Wm. Knabe A Co.. hare again been - awarded the GoloMxd.l CxanncATx, for the best square Piano oa exhibition. 'This is the- fourth year in succession that they have received the highest honors of the JjisrrrcTa for ther best square Pianos, over Instruments from the best soak era of New -York, Boston, and Baltimore, In "the year 1855' -Wm. KnabeA Cou, received the Gol MedAl, and in the. succeeding years, 1858, and '67, and . now in 1858, They have been awarded Ths Gold Medal CxBTinCATx,' which' is the highest honor of the Lostitutsv and can only be obi' tained by continued excellence over all eompetitioa. . This shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, snd is a well merited" tribute for the Messrs. Knabe A Co., the Caateof whose 1'U anos is so extensively appreciated.' For sale by " . t i-i t ,i . , gix). IL KELLKY: Agt,' ?- ' July23. ! t- ' . fatWst Knabe A Ccr ... GROVER A; RAKER'S $50 CJQWXNG i ' MACHINE. TIIS MACHINE ic a plain got np article, Ue machine-' ry is the very same as (nose Machines we sell for, higher prices. The diff erence ' consisting only in the high priced ones being silver platedaand -SclUag on a nicely' finished Mabogony Table with, a cover. ,We sell them at f50, rje charges made for wrench, oil pot,.screwdriver, Ac, Ws give, the above information simply to eeriest a mis- ' statement privately put forth in this city by the sellers of the $40, No Humbug Machine, which Is only an imitation' tOO KA WO illTmb of 4h: Grorer . A Baker, Machines, combined with 'the Watson patent, ousting 11 s delivered here, and seiliar- at 340tdO. - All we-ask is "fair and honest dealings witk our Machiucs which, we are willuvc to allow te etherr ' , ' , . , GEO.' KELLE Y. 4 , ' Agent for Grorer A Baker'f Sewlnf Machines. July 18, 1859. U ;;-:; -r--- -'r i: . .t v.: JTHE SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE. A LITERARY and Agricultural Paper published in Augusta, Georgia, Dr. D. Lee, Agricultural Editor. W. W. Jaann, Literary Editor, Wax. N. White, Uorticaltu nJ PAitAr. IiToted to Agriculture. Literature and Art, It U in quai totoim ot eight pages, folio sire, each issue con taining forty.columnr of matter. It will be in all respects & Urnt r!ftM nancr. on a scale of expenditure more liberal than baa yet beea attempted in the South and designed to rival in its merits the most distingtushsd ia the North. ' Terms, Two Dollars per annum, invariably in advance.,. For sale by - . : MEKuUJU A i'i&kue.' Send on your names with your post office and it will be sent to you regularly by mail Address ' - ........ . . r... T 1 tl Jane 22. Wilmington, N. C ' Journal copy lw. Williams ton Mercury, copy 2w. THE COLLEGE OF ST. JAMES. MARYLAND. rriilEElGMTEENTU ANNUAL SESSION begins on the I last Wednesday (the 28th ef Sep Umber. The ysri-; ous classes hi the College snd in the Grammar School nmiiii their work nroaaptly. New students will be exam ined oaThursttsr September 29th. - , -r.il - JyjlXJ X. JLUM VWi '.College of James, P "July 25-lawdf3w. . ' - - ; - - ': - -.FLOUR. ' ; ; .. - - . t i fAA BBLS Superfine and raaiiy,i.ior aj ur lUUjolyl2. . M. MacINNIS-

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