;i - TER2XS. THE DAILY HERALD li furnished to subscribers at 6$ per annum, strictly in advaxcb. THE WEEKLY HERALD, containing TwsxTr-rocBCol urnns.is published every Thursdsy morning it 2 per . nnumf in advaxc. ZT After the commeuewnen fof s subscription year, no sabacriberwill b permitted to discontinue Li paper until th expiration of said year. vy-Office on South side of Market ttreet, three Door 2: it of Merrill A Peirce's Dook Stored and nearly opposite he Carolina UoteL . " DOOK, JOB AND CAIID PRINTING, iXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND ON REASONABLE TEEMS. ' JUST IICCEIVEO. - 4 T MERRILL A PIERCE'S, Bookstore ; ! 0. 1'. R. James's New NoveL . Printed from G- P. R. Jimr'i own.mantMCript, for which the publishers pay Hie author aixteen hundred and eighty dolUrs. Tub Cavaubb. an historical Novel, by G. P. R. James, El, author of "Richelieu," "Lord Montagu's Page," "Ar lah NeiJl", "Mary of Burgundy," etc., etc. Complete in oue duodecimo rolume of Fire Hundred Page; done up in two volumes, paper cover, price-One Duiir; or handsomely bound in one rolume doth, price, tl,25. Also. Lord XlonU.pi a t'age, by J. r. It. James. The Monastery, Aune of Geierstein, by Sir W. Scott. . Juae 11. " " JT L'SxllECEI VCD AT MERRILL A PIERCES, Bookstore : Opaque Envelopes, Business do Note do Cream Laid do . Gold Laid do Huff M Heavy EnrelopeS, Post Office. Canary " Tooth Picks, large and smali size. Carpenter's Pencils, Red and Black, Strange' Pencil Sharpeners, Rubber Bands, all sixes. Banker's Sealing Wax, Mourniog Paper, Letter and Note sizes, " Envelopes, " " " Wedding Envelopes, as fine an assortment as erer ws brought to tb is place. Visiting Card, a full assortment. Tot Paints for water color painting. State, all sizes. Post Office Scales such as are used in the Post Office in this place. -Juue 11. Journal copy It. TXEUCIIANXS, I) LANTERS, FARMERS, and all who buy. sell or w ear . Strw Goods, of any description will bear iu mind lliat our frtock of Straw Goods for Summer we-r is now of fered by the case or dozen at JdvfKturtr'seot, nd must betold. Call and examine goods and prices at the Hat and Csd Emporium, 24 Market st. JanexS. . MYERS A M00RE. JTUST IKECEIVET. O IX CASES GEN TS FINE CF. BOOTS, manufactured to O order, sellirtr lower, for cash, than ever before oner ed U the public Call and examine. Feb 1 0. GEO. R. FRENCH .TX AN ILL, A HATS, MANILLA HATS, Manilla Hats, Something New, Something New, Very I'tht and handsome shape, Now ready at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st. July 13 MYERS A MOORE. STILL. LESS THAN COST, A RE OUR PRICES For certain styles, - Of .straw Goods, at July 14. MYERS A MOORE. NKVKIl A IIETTEU CHANCE THAN THE O RESENT to' buy Summer Hats of any kind or style a JL coot pi ice lor ca.su.. '1 ry it, at MYERS A MOORE'S. . uly 14. Hat and Cap Emporium. HOOP IRON. I T TONS 1, X, and 1W inch Hoop Iron, for sale by 1 f July 12. M. MacINNIS. 35 MARKET STREET, TS EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. Very neat. GEN Ju ily 13-3t KAIINWEILER He IlIIO'S. QECOND DOOR FROM EXCHANGE CORNER, offer the k7 best aud handsomest assortment of Uoisery. Gloves, lldkf 9, Ladies Hoop Skirts, Corset, Skirt Supporters, Ac., &3 , 01 ail maxeat tne lowest price for cam only. June 23. NEW STYLE MOLESKIN HATS . XUST RECEIVED by Express at MYERS A MOORE'S, fj llat and Cap Emporium, 34 Uarkct st. June 23. A NEW WORK. UNSHINE or Kate Vinton, by Mrs. Harriett B. McKee- .j vr. a supenor boor for the young, at June 10. KELLEVS. LETTER COPYING BOOKS. AN EXCELLENT article of Mann's celebrated Letter Copying Books, also Cap size can be had by calling at June 1 J. KtLLtl'S. RIBBONS AND RONNETS. 1" ECEIVED thi morning a new supply of Bonnets and X Ribb ns, Misses and Children's lists, also a very handsome style of Riding Hats, which we shall sell at low May 27. 2nd door from the Corner Store. OUR. 75 Bbls. Super and Fine frsh ground, for sale by June 11. BUCKWHEAT. JUST RECEIVED by L. N. BARLOW, Fbl9. . ' 8 Granite Rrv. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS. I - BALES IN STORE, and for sale by ID June 7. T. C A B. G. WORTH. COW PEAS. A(C BUSHS. COW PEAS, for sale in lets to suit, by 1UO July 8. JAS. T. PETTEWAY. UOISERY AND GLOVES. TTOISERY, Gloves, GauntleU and Mitts, by Express. AJL this morning, July 16. HED RICK A RYAN. SUNDRIES. T A BBU CITY MESS PORK; 50 do. Flour family I J and superhne; 10 do. superior N. C. Lard. 15 kesrs do.; Bacon; N. C. and Western; 25 boxes assorted Candy: lll WVIO HU IV UV4CO 24 UU1S. ouga, V. VUUCC, A. White and Crushed ; 50 bags Coffee Kio, Laguayra and Java; SO boxes Sop No. 1 and pale; 50 do. Ada mantine and Spe m Candles; 25 do. Pearl Starch in small and large boxes ; 15 do. Salaratus; Soda and Yeast Powders; 20 tars and 20 boxes Potash; I0o Reams wrap jtbg Paper; Hoop Iron, 1, 1 and 1 W inches : Rivets t. 7 and 8 lbs; all kinds Turpentine Tools, Canal Barrows, Pepper, Spice, Ac, Ac ' In store and for sale by July l&ih. ZENO H. GREENE LADIES BOOKS. FLORA'S Lexicon and interpretation of Flowers, The Language and Poetry of Flowers, The Lady's Book of Flowers and Poetry. The Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry. The Poetry of Flowers, Original and select. The Passion of 1 lowers, at Aug 2. ' KELLEY'S, Bookstore. SUNDRIES I OW LANDING-AND FOR SALE, 50 Canal Harrows, 55 Bbls. Mess Perk, 70 Bags Rio Cot , 20- : Lajraayra Coffee, 25 Boxes Cheese, extra article. 20 Kejrs Butter. IS Bbts. Crackers, 15 Kegs Lard Prime Leaf, by Jan. 26th, ZENO H GREENE BOOKS. RECEIVED this morning by Adms A Co's Express at KELLEY'S Bookstore : Cooper's Virgil, " . 1 -Ueroditi Orientalia Antiquiora, comprising mainly such portions of Herod it us as give a connected history of the East to the fall of Babylon and the death' of Cyrus the ' Great, by Herman M. Johnson, D. D. The Sao ed Harp Revised. July 28. ' ' COUNTRY MERCIUNT8. YTTISniNU to assort their stocks with a few Dozen V V Straw Wool or Soft Fur Hats will find a large stock a rtductd prict at the Ust and Cap Emporium. Call or send in your orders we will fill them promptly and with care. . CHAS D. MYERS, June 14. I - . 34 Market st. : it. ' m ' DUTIES : OF CHRISTIAN MASTERS, a new and valuable work will do all good to read itTby H. N. MTyeire, D. D., a July 28. . ' i . . i: . KELLEY'S Bookstore. EASTERN HAY. " BALES now landingand for sale by 10 Aug It ELLIS A MITCHELL. C. E. & R. BURR, VOL. VI. NO. 139. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST RAIL ROADS. :' Ornrt Rrr.KioV WfL. A Ma"RL'1L a'.?' Wilmin2toti.N.CLNoT.0tb,18W. J NOTICE TO TKAVELEnS. - N AND'AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dec. 1st, a change o W bchedule will be made upon this road, and the Mai and Pttsaenger Trains will run as follows : Leave Wilmington, at 6 A. M. and 8.15 P. M. Arrive at Kingsrille, at S.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. Leave Kingsrille, 5,15 A. M. and 0 P. M. Arrire at Wilmington, at S P. M. and 4 A. M. All the trains connect closely with Columbia trains, ceot the murnioz train learinir atimrsrille at 5.15. ex- Connections are made through with the Greenville and oiumor iwia. w. i . uuDLniouj, ueu. oup . Dec 2-tf. , : : ICE ICE ICE. THE WILMINGTON ICEHOUSE, wiU be opened or X the delivery ot ICE every day at sunrise, clost g unset excent on anndav s When it will Dositivelv cl .-e a 9 A. M. ICE will not be delivered after time of closing ex cept in eases ol sickness. TERMS CASH, without deviation. TICKETS can be procured and deposits made br those who desire. ICE for the Country packed and forwarded as ii' ootd. ICE furnished to the sick poor, free of ehare-e nci di rected by physicians, or members of the visiting cou.niittee Orders must be addressed to WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE Apl 2 6mdAw. A. H. VasBOKKELEN. ARTISTS MATERIALS. JUST RECEIVED AT MERRILL A PEIRCE'S Book store, materials for Grecian Painting. Paint Brushes Bristles and Sable Varnish, Blenders, Pallette Knives, Pallette Cups, double with corei s, Oil Colors in tubes ground to the finest decree : Mastic Varnish, Grecian do, Urying O'ls, Canvass Scrapers ; Materials for Pastel paint- ing, Bochart's Soft Pastel Crayon's, Dime Hard do do, Pa per Tor do., ifoards Tor do ; btomps or ifienaers. Materials for Mosochromatic Painting, Monochromatic Boards, " Scrapers, " Brusoes, " Stomps and Black Craj-ons, . Drawing Materials, Mathematical Instruments, Drawing Pens, Porte Crayons or Holders, Parallel Rules, Engineer's Sliding Rules, plain Rules, Pencils; Creta Levis or Chalks in Wood, Carpenter's Pencils Tin, White Crayons, Charcoal Crayons, India Ink in sticks, French White Drawing Paper, " " Crayon English " Drawing " Whatman's " " Cartridge Engineers and Architects Paper, French TracinCloth, " " Paper, Bristol Boards 2, 3 and 4 sheets thick, Pictures for Grecian Painting, La Suisse, Swiss Scenery, La Figure, Portrait, Equestrian Scenes, . LesAmazones, Choice Studies. Just received at Mai 10. MERRILL A PEIRCE'S. SOO.OOO NO. 1. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE WESTBROOK 4 MENDENHALL, . PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST GREEN jjq Nurseries and Gardens near Greensboro, N.C.ZLli ouid respectfully call the attention of the citizens of the SOUwiern oiaies to tueir very ciicuane Btut&ui uawve auu acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fall and Winter Trade both wholesale and retail. This large and handsome assortment nas been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant Orchards either for marketing: or family use. The stock consists of the following trees : 150,000 APPLE TREES, 12,000 PLUM TREES 100,000 PEACH 5,000 NECTRINES " 10,000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, " '12,000 APRICOT 44 10,000 CHERRY " 4,000 GRAPE VINES. Besides a very line assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc., all of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will be required to give a note on the delivery or reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or they will be charged with interest from the date tnereoi. Ail packages pui up in superior style and a complete invoice sent to each patron ana so arranged that lue invoice wiu oe uie register i tun vreusru aiver we trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list. Sept20-tf. S. S. BOTLE, FREDERICK GOULK. DOYLE Ac CO., , 59 Second sr., CINCINNATTL OHIO. IMPORTERS Foreign Liquors and Wines ; Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, and Spirits of Turpentine. Manufacturers of every des- cirptionof Domestic Liquors, Wrnes, Cordials and French Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rve Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, Baretaria and New England Rum, Ac, rsy Sole mi oufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky." Agents f r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. Apl 21, 1859- y. FOR T1TE SOUND AND S3IIT1TFILLE. MODERN CoOKERY,vby Mrs. Eliza Acton, Widdifield's New Cook Book or Practical Receipts for the Housewife. -.' ' - Virginia Housewife or Methodical Cook, by Mrs. Randolph,' Miss Leslies Complete Cookery in its Various Brauches. The Reason Why, or a Reason for everything, inquire Withiner 1001 facts for the people. Magician's Own Book, full of sport and fun. The Sociable or 1001 uorae Amusements. The Ladies and Gentlemen's Mirror of Fortune. To be had June 4. at KELLEY'S. FRESH ARRIVALS. KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, 8 Half bbls Fulton Market Beef, 10 80 Bbls Flour, Fine, Super and t auiil v, 20 Bags Coffee. 23 Hhds Cuba Molasses, 50 libls No 1, Herring, 50 Hajf bbls No 2, Herring, I am constantly receiving goods from the Northern Mar kets thereby keeping constantly on hand, a large and fresh assortment of every thing in my line. slay 6. G. Kb' LEY. PRICES REDUCED LARGE STOCK must be soldsplendid assortment of Hats, Cap and Umbrellas. Straw Goods of every ya nety, at tne very lowest cash prices. Mat snd Csd Empori um, 34 Market st, - " CH AS. D. MYERS. June 10. 1 NOTICR. E ARE SELLING OFF the balance of our Snrino- and Summer stock of Fancy aod Staole Dry Goods. and Superior Ready Made Clothing at a great sacrifice, for urn etaiu ctw fy, we anaii sell daUy until all is sold, to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock. We shall also sU our superior assortment, of fine Dress Goods, con sisting of Plain and Fancy Silks. Bayadere and Check Silks, Black Silks, all the various make. Grenadine Robes, BIk and Colored Barage, Robes, Organdie Robes, Jackonet Robes, Gingham and Calico Robes, Printed Lawns, English and American Calicoes, French Calicoes. A large and handsome assortment of Scotch and American Ginghams Manufactured. KAHNWEILER A BRO'S. June 23. rIACON7PRi: AND LAUD. 1 A AAA lbs. n. a hog round bacon, lUeUUU 75 Bbls Heavy City Mess Pork, 15 and 20 Kegs, N. C. Lard, for sale by June 17. ZENO H. GREENE CORN AFLOAT.:' 1 Q A A BUSBS. Prime White, landing from Schr Ed lOUvwin and Samuel, for sale by i May 9. ELLIS A MITCHELL - . BAPTISM rpESTED by Scripture and History or the teachings ot the JL Holy Scriptures, and Uie practice and teaching of the Christian Church in every age succeeding tbo-iApostotlic, compared in relative to the subjects and mode of Baptism, by the Rey. Wm. Hodges, A. M. A work highly recom mended by many of the learned of our day, at July 25- KELLER'S Bookstore. S - 1 . WILMINGTON, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. IJIPORTA4T TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND HOTEL KEEPERS. 5 : Dayton' new and 'iJfnj&Md' method oj 'preserving JFruiUy- vegetable, Ac I?RESU FRUITS AN D YGTAiLc2 are not merely T the icreatest luxuries enjoyeo by mankind, but they are absolutely essential to toe pertectiou of health; ana mj b regarded as one of God's best gifts. As however, the season ol their production is brief, it has long been a matter of deep interest to devise some method of preserving them in ail their iresuness, long aner tneir season 01 ripe ness had passed. It is belie Tea, that in this apparatus will be found at once the cheapest and most effective method 01 Keeping them and oilier articles : irean, aver atsoovereo. NvUiiDif can possibly be more beautiful and effectual than the o Deration of the Exhauster. ltmutbe seen in oruex to be reamed. rerv can oeiore beine niiea snouia oe exhausted by this mode. 11 it be nut perfectly air-tight the fact will be discerned once Call and examine tnem and see the operation ar , ! GEUhVUEMYEKS, Juney... Agent ior new uanoverco. PALL STOCK NOW READY. f ERCHANTS AND PLANTERS are respectfully soU- JJX cited to examine the most complete assortment 01 HAl'S, CAPS and UMBRELLAS ever oefore opened in this Sute. We bare in store 260 dozen Wool Hats, comprising all the crudes from the lowest to the nueat Cashmaretts. 200 dozen sou J;elt and halt sUtt Uaasuuere nais. 01 au - .... . . . . colors, styles and Qualities. SOU dozen Cloth. Me hair. Silk and Cotton Plush, Peter sham, Silk and Cotton Glazed Caps of all the different va rieties, includiug some of the neatest styles of Dress, Evening and Business Caps yet introduced. Also, bilx, Beaver, and Black Dress Cassimere of the most handsome styles, together with an elegant assortment of Infants and (jnildren Mala, and Misses rials and .Bloomers, iaaies Beaver and Felt Hiding flats. New style Umbrellas, hue and comiuou Canes. &u.. &c Ladies Fur Setts and Gen J , tlemen's i ur Collars furnished to order. A call is solicit- lromail. CHAS. D. MVKRS, Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market street. JOMX1UN SLICK-'S .CrRJBAT .WORK. rilGH LIFE IN NEW YORK, by Jonathan Slick, (Esq) 1 1. with lluiLorous lllustratious. Uomplete in one large troiume, neatly bound in cloth, tor One Dollar and Iweniy hve Ceuts : or two volumes, paper c jTer, lor ,Oue uoiiar. A hearty laugh is tue sure reward of every reader of this inexpressible luunv rolume. it depicts tne bdveniures aud vicissitudes, iu 4ashiouable society, ot a "live Yankee,' fresh Irom the ouion beds of Weatbersaeid, who describes all he sees and eucounteis in the richest Yankee and witu the rarest humor. The equal' to it has never been written. Maya. For saie by MERRILL A PLfc-KOK ENGLISH! PUBLICATIONS, RECEIVED from Geo. Rutledge A Co. Loudou- TUST A large supply ol their cheap publications, consisting m part ol bulwer's Novels, papct ouna; u lsreailrs Works., paper'bouud. Railway Library, containing some of the choisest Novels ol tne day. Suakspeares Doubtful flays. The Dramatic Works of James Sheridan Kuowles. (Jaluiett's Uiblical Dictionary. Orieutal Fairy Tales. The Fairy Tales of the Countess Daulnoy. Allen's Life of Nelson. Mactariaud's Life of Wellihgtoa. The foems of Allred Tennyson. For sale by, MERRILL A PIERCE. Mayo - IN STORE AND FOR SALE. 250 BAGS Rio, Laguyia, Java and Su Domingo Coliee 2U0 Uols bugaiB dmereut grades, 40 bbly C Yellow, Cru&n V hite A, and Gran ulated sugars, 125 bbts MacKeael and Herring, 2o0 boxes Candy, ftoap an Caudle, 150 Kegs Nails -ussor led sizes, 10 Tons 1, 1, and 1 1-2 inch Hoop Iron, luO Bois and xibds iN U and Cuba Molasses, 50 Hbds Western Sides and Shuuiders, 150 Bbls City Mess and Mess Pork, 50 Bbls Family aud Super Flour, si. MAcliNMS, May 9. No. 16 North Water st. - BOOKS FOR THE MILLION. rpHE REASON WHY, giving a reason for most everything JL inquire Witnin, or over 3,700 lcts tor tne people. Tne Illustrated Seli-iustructor on Pnrenoiogy aud ir'nysiol- ogy, witn loo engravings and chrts, by . a. Jjower. Engineers and Mecnanics Companion, comprising United btates Weignts and Measures, Measuration oiauperncies and Solids, Tables of Squares and Cube Roots, ' Circum ference and areas of Circles. The Mechanical Powers, by Scribner. Templeton's Knirmeer, Millriirht and Mechanic's Pocket Companion, a very yaiuaoie worr. North Carolina Form Book, Cantweils Justice or to wains He vised, at May 2. EELLEY'S. DIRECT IMPORTATION RECEIVED this day per Adams' Express, one case of those PAULS MADE Patent Leatner Dress Pumps dua Oxiord Ties. All those that liave Deen waiting to make their selections, will please call soon and do so, belore they ate all selected, as we are selling them very last. 2f 2nd Door lrom Jxchauge Uorncr. May 6. KAMA WEILER A BRO'S. LOUISR. ERAJfXBERT. PRACTICAL PHAliM ACii UTIST, WlLMINOTOX. N. C-ti. Offers for sale a very select stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Patent Medicine only of known reiiaoility, Trusses, Ac Havana Cigars, ' . Fresh Congress Water, Fresh Citrate of Magnesia. July 16. UNDENIABLY SO, f pUAT THE LARGEST assortment, finest descriptions, JL aud lowest priced Shoes, are to be found at GEO. R. FRENCH'S, May 9. No 11 Market st. RASOIRS A SONNETTE TV e la fabrique de JAQUES LECOULTRE au SENTIER 1 S Vallee du lac de Jouz Canton de Vaud, en Suisse. a nese razors so wen Known and or wnicn the quality is warranted, possess this great advantage, that they may be used ten years before - they require sharpening. Before using them it is necessary, to rub them upon a good leath er sirap. Beware of Counterfeits ! Nona are genuine but those stamped JAQUES LECOULTRE an Sentier. To special order, just imported and ree'd an assortment of the Razors above mentioned. Selling less than ever be fore offered m Wilmington, at BALDWIN'S Gent's Furnishing Store, July 13. 33 Msrket st. STILL AT WORK REDUCING stock at cost. No regard to profit. Our object is solely to reduce stock , At any price. " r In any quantity. Great Bargains. Great Bargains, MYERS A MOORE, Hat and Cap Emporium, July 11. " -34 Market st. SUNDRIES. T7- QAA HHDS. PRIME NEW CUOP CUBA MOLASSES O J U 100 44 Fair to Choice New Orleans Surar, 100 Bbls New Orleans Syrup, j 150 M choice Yellow Planting Potatoes, 6000 Gnnny Bags. (2 bush each,) .: 300 Sacks Salt, tT Bacon and Pork always on hand. March 2. HATHAWAY A CO . iiacon: Qf HHDS. choice Western Bacon Sides and Shoulders, OO for sale by - HATHAWAY' A CO. June 23. ' SACKAAtT. f r A A LARGE SIZE SEAMLESS Sacls, Tn store; f O V J June 25. . by DaROSSET, BROWN k for sale CO. PROVISIONS. frVBBLS. MESS PORK, fJJ 4 hhds. Dry Salted Pork, fur h- June 25. ,. DaROSSET, BROWN k Co. 9001! BESTFOXEO CONGRESS . GAITERS, at ft U y pr pair, at the Shoe Store in Front sL, former ly Holmes' Hotel. H. MARCUS. MARCUS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. 18. 1859. WHOLE -NO. 1686; KVW YHRIT ANN Plilf.A DELPHI A AKI1S WM. M. GBXDtXK WM. W. BABXXKSS 4 GRUINIIR St IIARK.NESS, COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE yj Noy. 15th, 1S57. PBlLafiBXPBlA. GEORGE O.VAPrAHRINCEjJr., COMMISSION MERCHANT, Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber and South ern produce generally. . F 104 NORTH WHARVES, , ABOVE ARCH ST.. PHILADELPHIA. V2 Prompt personal attention given to all consignments and quick returns made . lec4-tf. , : PKOFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. A. MILLER, FRONT STREET, Wilmisotojt, N. C. : OFFICE next door to that of Messrs. M iller A Baker. Jan. vtb, lS58-tf. WILLIAM IL L1P11TT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer J in Paikts, Oils, Drx Sti its, Wixdow Glass, Ptttt. uiQAJts, uld lfSAJiDiss and VV imu, rsajrciixKT and axct Articlks, N. E corner Front and Market streets, - Jiarcn 2ctn, l&oa. wilmixotok, . C. ! BUSINESS CARDS. J. L. HATHA WAT. WM. ft. CTLKI. HATHAWAY A-CO., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J Dec 16th. '56 Wilmisgtox, N. C. JT. 91. ROHINSON Ac SON. I MPORTERS AND DEALERS iu Bnv iw-o A Hardwsrc, Agricultural Implsmkxts, Ac, No. 8, Front st., Wilmington, N. C. Jan. tf, 1658. JOSEPH R. RLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANT, WiLMUiGTON, N. C. Ids' Prompt Personal attention iriven to Conai ior Sjale or Sbipment. gdt? LiIBkral Cash Advances madr ow Coksignhknts to SY JNBW lOKK rRlkKDS. A'ov.vd. Joh MacRar. Donald ITacRajk. jTW. K. Dix. jr. A O. iriacRAK Ac CO., Gr ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jan. 1858. WlLMlNGTOM, N. C. j.ACTOR AND FORWARDING AG I T, - ' r 4- ilminotox. N. C i 1" Will give his prrsomal attkntion to business en trusted to bis care. - Kept. 10. 1857.-tf A. . CAZAUxV COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jft Wilmington, N. C. HfT Agent fob Smith's Linh of New York Packets. $f onice, Corner of N orth W ater and Princess streets. JOSEPH' JT. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, March 8th, 1858. . Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE.: 2 HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing betwHen . the Subscribers is renewed for three vears lrom J m.u- ary 1st 185y under the names and firms f BKU WN , DeROSSET A CO., New York. AND DeROSSET, BROWN & CO.. Wilminston. N . C and Mr. WILLIAM L. DeROSSET is admitted u, M.M in terest in the business for the same term JOHN POTTS BROWN, , .A. J. DeROSSET, Jr., R. L.BROWN, Dec 81, 1858. WM. H. WIGGINS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICK. THE SUBSUKillfcKa have this day formed a co-partnership and vill transact business under th nxmo and stjrle of MYERS A MOORE, at the old stand of the former. Dat and cap Emporium, 34 Market st ' CHAS. D. MYERS, June 20, 1859. FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Mtbbs, Frbtj. J. Moobk. MYERS A 'MOORE. WHOLESALE and letail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Furs. Umbrellas. Canes. Ac. Ac . 34 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. June zi, 185. C SMITH Sc MeLAURIN, OMMISSIOA & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, - Wilmington, N. C. Beferlo: . John Dawson, Esq., Mavor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank SUte N. C. T- M. Smith. John McLao bin. Juty lj 18o9. tC - MALCOM McUfNIS, a'ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nobth Watbb Stkbxt, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH. jSN E R AL COM MISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. LE WIS N. BARLOW, GROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines, Ale an Porter, Fine Gieen and Black Teas. AO. 8, GRANITE BO Wt Oct 20. Wlmington N.C. HENRY P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 East Bay, Up Stairs. Charleston, S. C. March 17s, 1858.-tf. . UNION DISTILLERY, ' Wilmington, N. C. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. . VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. lu aiflua nAYAii C5iui43, purcnased, . n.nu- rjL factured and sold, - - ; . tJ WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP fc.HA(jr& done at lair rates. Jan. 1, 1858. O. G. PARSLEY Sc CO., PROPRIETORS of the Hiltox Stbam Saw iirn Plasixo JL JIilu, M llmington, N. C m. all J ' ' t w w-m -m ... . au oruers or inquiries ior LUMKm, will reeetve prompt attention. March 21, 1858. REMOVAL. qpHE UNDERSIGNED would inform his friends and the jl puoiic generally, mat ne nas removed Jhis office from his old stand, South corner of Princess st, to the store with the YELLOW FRCNT one door North of the Custom House wV.ova Ka w.kavlrl ka -aA -M .St! s 9 Mch 7. JAS. T. PETTEWAY. - - . u. ' '. '" 1 . - 1 1 " ' JTA9IES T. PETTEWAY. ACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . No. 8 North Water Street, " Wn.MnrjTrtx H C. ' Wil 'give personal attention to the sale and shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores and other produce. Uct 4. . HOOP SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, , Hoop Skirts, , , 1, - Douglas A Sherwood', Twenty differen styles, HEDRICK A RYAN. July IS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ARE YOU going North or to the Springs during the ply yourselves with a good assortment of books for the re ( lief and benefit of the mind and imprayement of the same Yoa will find such books by calling, at ' June SO. , . KELLErS. JTUrT RECEIVED. C( BBLS. C. SUGAR, J 10 Kegs Extra Goshen Butter. , July 29. ',. ' ' ", : ' ' r " O. KELLY. ENGLISDI SYTON Y9IES. I ) i.f, v..;-" j ITU. Copious Illustrations and Explanations. Drawh T v irom tne Dest writers' by Ueo. Cralt, hi. A., at xxsnv 3TTP - SUUPMCAU. idsy......U....t oniovin. 15 1 day,., f sr?ffcU7;i.V 50 75 00 15 10 75 75 00 Oo xaays,....t..;.fc. daysT....L. J days,.. 5 days,....,, i weekvtctx.v: .rr 50 Sdsys..... 1 4 dsys... l 75 5 days..... 1 week,r. . 1 S weeks,. ;..,;fi -1 1 month, .4.;... S " WfSJL. ..... . .. S 00 lBOBtb. 4 - s months, .4...... 3 50 - months,....;.; 8 00 4 months......... 6 00 lyear,....!...... 15 00, S months, 7 S months,,. ' . lo 00 . jear, 20 00 Tea lines are counted as a square, ant firs lines or Irs half sqaare. I Longer advertisements in croportioa. all PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. rVr . 37 No publication made without a responsible name. tif Codtracta by the year sn on farorable terms. Business cards.1 I WALKER SHARES,. scccnsoB TO ' 1 TTTALKER M EARLS 4 COL. Wholesale and Retail M Druggist, 45 Market street, Wilmington, N. C Jan. 2d, ladS. j . i T noiinr n. COWAIf, HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE on th South corner of Prin ce&a and Water ata up stair-and otters his saryices lor the transaction of any kind of business, fcr U naual commission. I : . May 27th, 159. ' . . - 1 ' I NOTICE. WnJdSQTox, N. C. Oct 1st 185S. tST WE HATE this day associated in our Una Dr. W. W.HARRISS. The business will be conducted as formerly, in the aaar and style ofHARRISS A HOWELL. - ' OBOBQB BISSTSS, J. lOTILb W. W. BASSIST. IIARRISS St IIO WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct. 2, 1858. . WiuinieTosr, N. C. 1 DISSOLUTION. - ' THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCK, is this dsy dissolved by mutual consent E. MURRAY: Feb 2, 1859.it. LOVET PEACOCK. CO-PARTNERSHIP." THE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a Co-partnership, under the name and style of E. MURRAY A Co., tor the transaction oftaeOOMUISSION andWL )LK SALE GROCERY BUSINESS. E MURRAY, D. R. MURCHISON, J.T.MURRAY. WQmington, N. C, Feb. 8, 1859. - ETlCURAYaCO. (SrCCSSSOEf TO M OS RAT A Psacock. COMMISSION MERCHAFTS. -i AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, , Watbk Stbbkt, WILMINGTON, N. C D. K. MCBCB1SOV, J. T, H0ERAT. 1859. , . . K. MURKAT, Februarys, I T C St H. C WORTH COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, j WiLmwcTpy, N. l DATIDCAUXWSILKB. oiVl. KAB3TWSILBK. JACOB KABXWEILS KAIIN WEILER Sc DUO'S, . NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE CORNEli. SELLING OFF AIIO Vfi COST. : GREAT RUSH OF LADIES TO KAHNWEILER k BRO'S Fancy Goods Store and nattering testimonials by them of the CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY ot the Goods offered at their store. Our Millinery department abounds in the most beautiful and tasty goods ever open ed in this city. - Miss C. PFE1JL, who has charge of this de partment, is acknowledged by persons of tast a, to do the most neat work that is done in this city. Our Cloaks And Mantillas are of the latest styles and finest texture. The assortment of Dress Goods and Dress and Cloak Trim- minsrs of every variety and stvl0 offered by us cannot le surpassed by any establishment in .the South. . All of our goods are warranted to be as we represent them. Our tock 01 uomesucs ana neayy uooas are compieve. These goods having been purcnased by ns lor' LAll we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any estab lishment that sells at cost. Ah examination of our stock is all that is necessary to convince customers that it is as we represent. '- N. B.- Please take notice that ' we bays no connection with any other store, and that we are NEXT TO Ex. Cor. Noy 1. i . K. A BRO'S. ROBINSON'S MANIPULATE D ' ''PHIS FERTILIZE, composed ot une-half BEST PER JL UVIAN GUANO, on.-halfbne Ground Bone and Uie BEST PHOSPHATE GUANO, is in Condition for immedi ate use, beiqg prepared with saw and improved machinery, by which meaus the most intimate combination is effected, reducing all to a uniform tine powder ; and for application by drill or otherwise, it is in the most perfect oroer. And we hare no hesitation in saying, that tor all crops it is equal to any fertilizer ever offered to the farming community. The quality will be kept perfectly uniform in all cases, and Warranted t contain 8 pel ct of Ammonia AND 45 TO 50 PER CT. OF BONE PHOSPHATE OPLlMEl , Our Guano is put up in strong bags, weighing about K,o lbs. each. -J :;: .. FRANCIS ROBINSON giTes his personal atUntion 'to preparing this article, and purchasers can rely on "RobIX sox's MamipOlatbd Goamop beinir in every particular as represented.! All orders will receive immediate attention. ' . P.ROBINSON A CO., No. 4 HoxxzxGswoKTm Strbbt, up stairs; , BALTIMORE, MD. RORINSON'S 9XANIPULATED GUANO . Is for sale in lots to suit, by the folio ing Agents : J os atham Tt son, Frederick. Md. , J. C. Nbtxtt, Alexandria, Va. . J. H. Bbaalbt, Fredericksburr, Ya. GaibisOjt k Majqkk, Norfolk, Ta. E. H. SrursBB k Co., Richmond, Ya. Thos. Bbamch A Sobs, Petersburg, Va. T. C. A B. G. Wobth, Wi'mington, N. C. R.C. Lis sdat, High Point, N.C. July 26-2m. ; : -t WfflU KNABB Sc CO., CELEBRATED PIANO NORTE. SEE WHAT the Baltimore San of November 1658, ssys of the above Pianos : "Baltimore again trramphant. It will be seen by the re port of the Maryland Institute, which was publuhed yes terday; that Wm: Knabe A Co., hare again Men awarded the GoluMsp!. CsBTiriCATB, for the best qdabb Piano on exhibition. This is the fourth jear in succession that they have received the highest honors of the Ixstxtltb for the best square Pianos, over Instruments from ik beat makers of New York, Boston, and Baltimore. In, the year 1855 Wm. Knabe A Co., received the Gold Mbdal, and In the succeeding years, 1856, and'A7, and new in 1863. They have been awarded ThbGolo Mepax.Cbbtvjcatb,'' which is the highest honor of the Institute, and can only be ob tained by continued excellence over all competition. '..This shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, and is a well merited tribute for the Messrs. Knabe A Co., the fame of whose Pi anos is so extensively appreciated." For sale by - ' , GEO. JLKELLEY, Agt, July 23. r r ' ' - for Wm. Knabe k Co GROVER Ac RAKER'S $50 SEWING THLS MACHINE is a plain, got up article, the machine ry is the yery same , as ' those Machines we sell for higher prices.- The difference consisting only in the high priced ones being silver plated and setting on a nicely finished Mabogony Table with a cover. We sell them at $50, no charge made for wrench, oil pot, screwdriver, Ac We give the above information simply to correct a mis statement privately put forth in this city by the sellers of the $40 No Humbug Machine, which is only an imitation of the. Grover. A Baker Machines, combined with the Watson patent, costing- $16 delivered here, and sellisg at $40 to $i0. ' Alt we ask is fair and honest dealings with our Machines, which We are willing to allow to others GEO. KELLEY, Agent for Grover A BakeVs Sewinf Machines. July-ia. 159.. t . .-,. V-t-w " ; TUB SOUTHERN s7IBLD AND PIRESIDE. ALlTEKARk and Agricultural l'apes ? published in Aueusta. Georgia, Dn D. Lee, Agricultural Editor. W. W. MannTuterary Editor, Wm. X. White, Horticultu ral Editor. - Devoted to Agriculture; Literature and Art. It is in quarto fui m ot eight pages, Mi size, each Issue con taining forty columnr of matter. It will be in all respects a lirst class paper, oo a scale of expenditure more liberal than has yet been attempted in the South and designed to rival in its merits the most distinguished In the North. Terms, Two Dollars perannum .invariably' in.advance. For sale by .v ' r.KKiii a rAE.n.u. . Send on your names with your post ofice and. it will be sent to you regularly by maiL Address : . jAB.njAixLa i iiatbJ, uwucucu. June 22.' ' " ' ' " f ' r Wilmington, N. C Journal copy lf. ' Williamston Mercury, copy 2w. THE COLLEGE OF ST. Jf AMES MARYLAND. TnHE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL JUESSIUN begins on the I t..t wHnHT the 2Sth) ef September. The yan- bus classes to the CoiASGB end in the Gbahmsb Scbooi., hr mark tromttlr. 'New students will be exam ined on. Thnrsday &vbZt- - . :)y ., ; ' College eXSt James, P. O., Maryland. July 25-lawdf3w. ?. f t) ..1 .. .. FLOUR. -I A A BRLS Sopertine ana ramiiy,ior aaie uy ' L me.. l t Apl20. Agent, JuIylS. KELLEY'S Book Store. iVVJuiyis. M. MacINxW

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