: ' V ' : ' -'L ' :'! ' ' " ' j .i--..Jlx MMMiir- jfc,ffT'n"" .!'''."r?'r'-,"'.'.""'''' ""i"'"""l,JW ' J ' """ - ,' i" i mr nr1-'- i. i.,-..- nfc inn in ' MMST I Tig W 1 IWI UMl'' W w l" . - - - - . . (.- . . 1 dy . . . .fw I V&.'.'. ....... M Sdars. : 7U Sdars. TUB DAILY Tver toittia, strtc - r m m THE WEKKXT 4UT8... 62 V darl,Trrr.7r.' 7S 5 d-T.. mratu't it 'publUhed rery 1 week, ,. tw i-8Tf 175 . i weeks, ."l 1 wek,.f ...i 1 7S I montH..w,' SCO l monia,..,. ...... w "tnortb,...:... Z 50 1 "2 monlhi,.;.. ? fw gJbcriberwUlbp-ruuai-..---- - thfrerr-tioof JW- ; wt'.tr tfcr Door T OlSct on Booth side of JUrkei -treet. Merrill P.irc.'. Book 8n-, -a HJ U 3 dOBtits,.. 5 00 8 motm,...,. i jo w t nwflH.... .M. 8 C0 't month,. It to lyor,.... ...... .14 00 1 year,;.... 0i Ten lines ure coon ted as a square, aa fire lineo or kt balf square. Looser adrertisementa lot proportion. all PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. . ' 15T " No publication made without a responsible n!m. tT Coatracts bj the year -xsUe oa (atorabU Verma. r'ElilTORS AND PROITJETORS- h Carotin HoteL . . - : 1 1 1 1 i i .i . ,i 'ij ii i ' - - " - ? - - w . - - . - . - 1 -- i . .. ... JL , .... .. m. j! .-- " - i tt- . ir ir-r neexur js . A rk '-Vr KoTeL Prioted from G, I. iinWor which the publiher- P.J the author .iXMrn. u------- .m.. - uV.l.: br G. P. u. Jw, Lord MoDUgu'- Pger "Ar- 'Am -to tC lMr; or DinuwuK j t;. Lord' MoutaVPe, by J. K . R. JjJ Mooa-tery. Anne of Geicrstein, by Mr IL Jsmea. At iSCmiX. Tle June 11. JVKT BECE1VED . 4 T MERRILL k PIERCES, Bookstore t 'J Opaque Envelope. Lusioes do Note . M - do Cream Laid do Mold Laid do Buff - Heavy Kntelfrm, Po. UHce. l'-oanr 44 . , " ,. . . Tooth'l'ick. Urge and small w e. C-rpcnter-s 1'enc.ls, Rd aud Black, Strange' Pecl Sbaxpeoera, - Kabber Bands, all sizes. , Banker's Sealing Wax, Mourning Paper, Letter and Note Mies. Voiding reirpi,Wfine nu Msortu.ent as ever w.sbrougbitotDls ptace. Visiting Card, a full assortment. Tot PauiU for water color painting. Slatee, all sites, - . !,. Oflice Tot Office Scle such as are used in the 1 ot unice in this ilace. June 11. Journal copy It. wear mind i i. ,, nai lAxn at Alan umttmrtr "4 " . " . . , wVir7d.ex;mine roods and price at the ii , fad Cap Emporium. 34 Market sU & M00RE. fc June x3. JTtTT UECK1VED. O order, sell in g lower, for cash, than ever s 1 . IX GA8I OENTSFINE CK ed to the public UU ana e-auuuc Feb 10. GEO. R. FRENCH -f AN ILL A HATS, ANILLAHATS, Manilla uais. Something New, t5omething New, Very light and handsome ahape, . . t . Now dj at thl Hat and dap SS ; sti u. than cost, - uvnfTn lIIIPCSJ for certain atvles,. of Straw Goods, at MYERS A MOORE. July 14. HETEIt A BETTEK CIIANCB THAN TIIK 1y RESENT to buy Summer Hats of any kind or style a . ct pi ice for cash. Try RS & M00RES, '' . uiylL Hat and Cap Emporium. " . - HOOP IRON. - ' 1 ? TONS 1. XH. K i w IroS-. MSfk x l July i- 35 H ABKET STBEET, GENTW EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. Very neat. July 13-3U , . - HLAIINWEILEB Sc DUO'S. 0 K0OND DOOR FROM EXCHANGE CORNER, offer the S beat and Undsomest assortment of Hoisery. Uto w, 1 Wk LieVUopSkirts, Corsets, Skirt Supporters, Ac, Ac , of all make, at & loweat prifur cash only. jun3. : , .'---. ' - ' NEW STYIjE IfIOIESK.IN HATS. TCST RECEIVED by Express at MYERS A MOORE'S, fj -Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st. . , . fcUKaillSBoV- S Ter'toAM,4 fb,.fc KELLEY'S. Jaue 10. a- - t , AV ' t irrTER COPYING BOOKS, A Copying Books, also Cap . ean be , June lu. ' , : mnnnHS AND BONNETS. ECEfVETJ fh& inbrnng how tapply Bonnets and K . m.m.A t Thi 11 nA UtU. miOM 1 J !Uy27. gnd.door from tbe Corner Store. JL1 sale by . ..! Jane li. :. : : ; ...... BUCK WHEAT. : JCSTRECElYKDby. v N. BARLOW, M9U 17a " VwTc. SJXEETINCSAp.XABNS. 1 k w--- . 1 BALES IN STORE, and for salebj WORTa ; tfpWPW.v s ; 4 ... M PEAS, I 400 BDsna cow J AO. A. fn" " !. :.t,. ir;4a FTnnM TTOISERY, Glores,; u -'-7 Vrya'k ll this morning. niir" m - Jttlyd, SUNDRIES. Tfl BEL. CITY MESS PORK; 50 do. oj 70 andluperfina; 10 do. .operior N. C. kegs do.; Bacon; nTc. aad Western; 25 boxessorted Candy; 15 bbls and 19 boxes CrackeTs; 25 bbUv bngar, oonee, A. .White nd Crushed ; bags Coffej-ho. Lagmwr and Javai SO be p-fo. 1 and 1 nal ; J-AAj mantino and Spe m Candles; 25 do. ' bH-"? Sll and largo Cxe. IS do. SaraSodi and et m r : ' . . in,. V a 100 Reams wrap- SOT.u,"J7,""Tv ad Inches: Rivets- rSffy'llT9' ' ?ZEN0nT tiREENE. I -t ; : n 1VAJ3UCS BOOLS ir I . . f t i'l FLORA'S Lexicon and interpretation of Flowers, Tbo Langoago and Poetiy of Flowers, The Lad?a Book of Flowers and Poetry, . Tho Poetry of Flowers and Flower? tf Poetry.; . Tbe Poetry of Flower Ongina and select ' , Tha Passion of Flovrera, : ; g NOW LANDING AND FOB SALE, 50 Canal Barrows, , , "55 Bbla. Mess Pork, " 70 Bags Rio Coffee, 30 Lairuayra Coffee, 15 Boxes Cheese, extra article. 4 - . - JO Kg Batter, - - " ;- . 18 Bbu. Crackers, . . , : ' . : - , boohs, Jt , RECnVED thU morning by .Adams A Cos Express t KELLEY'S Bookstore : : : ,,.f - r, , . , : , . . ? -' HrodftiOriSulia Antkjniora, cowrprising portions of Heroditn aa give 5Ctd b$7n Jje East to tbe fall of Babylon nd tho death .of Cyrua ue Great, by Herman. M Johnson, D. D-. " ; - TbeSaaediIrp:Reviaed.. . - - -July 28. . . . .'. ' ', "'! ' COUNTB WEB CHANTS. " ' ' TXTISIUKO to assort their stocks with a few V Straw Wool or Soft Far Hats will find a largo stock Vu or sena U you? wnynwu -Vt and with care. :CUAB.D.MY .Jane 14. m ,r. ; 34 Market si ditties OF CHRISTIAN MASTERS, a new and valuable -work will do an rood to reads br 1I.N. MTyeireD. D., a .. ' .. - . . . : .' ". I J GREEN AND BLACK. Just received at Aug 15. L. N. BARLOWS. 1LUL ilOADS.:: Orrwa C. Spp't .' Wh.; Alh,R.EXV, f ' ; Wilmington-,5. C Nor. 80th, Ida. . j .- . NOTICE TO TIUVBLE-M, . ON AM) AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dec 1st, eban;- o Schedule will be made upon this road, aud the . Mai and Passener.Trains will run as iollows : Loate Wilmington, at 6 A. M. and 8.15 P. M. Arrive at Kings-ille, at 3.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. LeaTe Kinnville, 6,15 A. M. and 0 P. M. Arrire at, Wilmington, at 8 P. M. and 4 A. ML. All the trains connect closely with Columbia trains, ex cept (be morning train leaving Kingsvillo at 5.15. " Connections are made through with the Greenville and olumbia Road. J. P. ROBERTSON. Gen. Sup't, Dec -tf. " r j r . ICEICE ICE. pUE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE, will be opeiu X. the delivery of 1C everyday at sunrise, closi stHiset except on Sundav's when it will nositivelv c! fur a ? A. M. ICL will not be delivered after time of closii; ' c a ex cept in cases of sickness. TERMS CASH, toitfuMit dtvUUio. ; TICKETS can be procured and deposits made br those who desire. , ICE for the Country packed and forwarded as .1: t d. ICE furnished to the sick poor, free of charge i di rected by physicians, or members of the visiting coii.ii.'ittee Orders must be addressed to WILMINGTON ICE HO US E A pi 2 6indAw.' A. 1L VajcBOKKELEN. , SOO.OOONO. I . FRUIT TIIEES FOR SALE t ir pot ii-wt- .mitt v.,.. .r . PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST GREEN Nurseries and Gardens near GreetiMbm-n v r? ould respectfullv call the attention of the -itina"Tr?K Southern States to their very extensive stock of native and acclimated h ruit Trees for the Fall aud Winter Trade bcth wholesale and retail. This large and handsome assortment has been nro'nara ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant Orchards either for marketing or family use. The stock consists of the following trees : 150,000 APPLE TREES, i. 12,000 PLUM TREES 100,000 PEACH -V ; 5,000 NECTRINES " 10,000 PEAR , 1,000 ALMOND, 12,000 APRICOT " 10,000 CHERRY " 4,000 GRAPE VINES. Besides a very fine assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc-' ail of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will be required to give a note ou the delivery or reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or thev will he rhuro-oH with v aaie taereoi. au packages put up in superior style aud a complete mvoiee sent to each patron and so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orchard alter the j trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list,; ; Sept20-tf. , i i " - mreirat 11UUI i - C LI .).. U o. -vri.-, FREDERICK GflULK. BOYLE & CO., 59 Skcokd st., CINCINNATTI, OHIO. IMPORTERS of Foreign Liquors and Wines; Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid and Spirits of Turpentine. Mannfactarers of every des cirpuouof Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and French liitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rye. Whisky, Peach Brandy, ALjo, liaretaria and New England Rum, Ac, i . l" Sole'mmufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky. Agents f r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. Apl 21, 1850 y. ' '!" FRESH ARRIVA LS. i i KEGS Extra Goshen Butter. IV 8 Half bbls Fulton Market Beef, 60 Bbls FlourFine, Super and Family. 20 Bag Coffee, i 23 Hhds Cuba MolassesJ 1 'S. 50 libls No 1, Herring, , 50 Ualfhhls No 8, Herring, - I am constantly receiving goods from the Northern Mar kets thereby keeping constantly on hand, a larjre and fresh assortment of every thing in my line. V ; Mav ' I 0. KETLEY. A VEUY LAHGU AIWOUNT OF MONEY DUE US IN SMALL AMOUNTS, which we cannot col lect, compells us to adopt the Cash system. Dou't ask os to open accounts we can't do it. T , ,D j MYERS A M00RK Jul718- 1 Hat 3t Cap Emporium. SUNDRIES. 1A( IIIIDS PRIME NEW Crop Cardenas Molasses J- J VJ 125 bbls Portland Syrup, in new, bright packages CO hhds New Orleans, Porto Rico aud Muscovado Sugars ; ' 50 bbls Clarified and Refined Sugars; 200 bags Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffee f 100 bbls New York and City Mess and Prime Pork Aug 6. For sale by HATHAWAY A CO. " A tt LETTEB COPYING PRESSES. ' ' SUPERIOR article can be furnished you. It is an in dispensable article to every man of business. June 10- . at KELLEY'S. THE LAND AND. THE BOOK. fXR BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS drawn from the man- V n ' 8 WEETJM A AG A WINE, "I C a prime article, for sale low to' close consirrv IJJment.- y A M.MauINNJS. July 12. OATS. j AAA BUSIIS per Ixmisiana, for sale by' 1UUU Aug 15 ' ELLIS A MITCHELL. EASTERN HAY. Bales in store, for sale by Aug 12, "': ELLIS MlTCUEUi.. 100 STONE JARS. VF ALL SIZES at J An. 15. L. N. BARLOW'S. CORN AFLOAT. Prime Straw colored -t A A A BUSH. lrime Straw colored Corn now landing from Schr Surpass, for sale by Aug 15, ELLIS A MITCHELL. IMPORTANT TO LINEN BUYERS. THE LARGEST and best assorted stock of Linen Goods in the city is at .J - i KA HN WEI LE R A BRO.'S r Jy 21. , , 2nd door from the Exchange Corneif N. C. BACON. . . fTO A A LBS. N. C. BACQN, hog round--daily, expected x)tJJJ from Lenoir County. -I or sale by . i a ir , r ' ti k Tit 4 xr V fr. - Aug 6. KN17 A WEB OF MAN .Byji'pl Shillaber, XJL (Mrs Partington,) in one" volume, lZino. price f 1,25. Uandsomelr'Illustrated br Augustus Pippin. Just ree'd by Adams Express, at ! MERRILL A PIERCE'S, -Aug . " .. ' ' Books.torg. , v. - BY EXPRESS. THIS MORNING AT KELLEY'S Book Store ; Knitting Work, a Weh of Many Textures, wrought by Ruth Partington, a rich and spicy book. ' TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ( f STYLES OF STRAW, Leghorn Panama, Shell and Sen ate Braids, Maracoba and Extra See tons at less than cost at the Hat and Cap Emporium, Market st Aug .n r. .rX : -1 - ; - JAkLRia A HOUKh. . BACON SIDES. -i f HHDS. a saperiorartidovnaw landing from Schr Ned, 1U and far sale low from wharf, by f 1 v c i Augl9 i" Jr " M. MAeljJiia. MESS PORK rr - RriLS. M ESS and CTtf lTess7 larsiOre and forsae by - . 1 if- M- UiHBl - OATS. -i"AAA BUSIIS PRIKB Baltimore Oats, iust received , 1.UUU Ang U; ! uby t ELLIS MITCUivUU. " jti. If E W OR LEANS MOLASSES. vl ;A B,0B fl fo" VSB k- .v. era and customs, the Scenes and Scenery of Thk Holy Land or 25 ear3 residence in the Holy Land, by W. M. Thomson, D, D., with Maps and Engravings, in 2 vols., at J"'J 2" I KELLEY'S. j-t 1k . : SINGLE -NUMBER LOTTERIES ! j (CnAKTEKED BYrTEB ST43t OF GEOhGIA! m . - I - TICKETS OIVtYlQ; i - ' 1 ... WOOD, EDDY A" CO., MANAGERS, SUCCESSORS TO S. SWAN A CO. The following Scheme will be drawn by Wood, Eddt A Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single number Lotteries for , SEPTEMBER, 1359, ai AUGUSTA, GEO- in public, under the superintendence o. Commissioners. Class 3G draws Saturday, September 3,. '5 9. Ulasa 3? draws Saturday, September lO, '59. Class 3S draws Saturday, September 17, '59. Cla 39 draws Saturday, September 27, ON THE PLAN OFSINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tickets, vk tuousand four hundred a kighty-fiy- frizt ! Nearly One Prixe to Every Nine Tickets I MAGXIFIGENT SCUEUE ! TO BE DRAWN r EACH SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER ! 1 l'nze of .-.. ; . . .i. . . . ... . ........................ . $50,000 .20,000 .10,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 .1,500 .. 500 40t . 300 . 150 .100 .50 100 100 100 loo APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 1 Prizes of $400 Approx.to 50,000 Prize are. ..$1,600 . . 1,200 .. 1.000 .. 900 800 .. ' 600 .. . 400 .100,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,000 w 300 250 225 200 150 loo " ioooo t a 5,000 4,000 3,000 1,500 4 It 20 are. 5,485 Prizes amounting to. ... $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 , Remember that every Prize In the above Scheme is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk : Certilicate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, I .$80 ii lOUalf " ..40 10 Quarter 20 10 Eighth. .......... . V Sparta Academv Lottery, CLASS NO. 513, Drang Wednesday, September' 3 1st, 1859, ON THE THREE NUMBER PLAN. 78 Numbers 14 Drawn Ballots. , NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKE1 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 30,000 DOLLARS ! 1 Prize of f 17,742 ! I 8 Prizes of , $1,500 ! 9 Prize of 2,000! J 10 Prizes of COO ! Ac., Ac , ' Ac., Ac. 34,412 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $567,962 ! , . WnoLE Tickets, $10 ; Halves $5 ; Quarters, $2,50.. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to our address for the, Tickets order ed on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any .figure they may designate. ' The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be snt to purchasers immediately after the drawing. rjggF" Purchasers will please write their signatures plain and give their Post office, County, and State. . . . . Remember that ereny Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. : . All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing otherprizes at the usual time of thirty days. . , NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use .ADA MS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars , and upwards, can be sent ns f '' ' " AT OUR RISK AVd EXPENSE, ; from any city or town where they have an office. The mon ey and order must bo enclosed in a " GOV ERNMEN TPOST OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE," or the Express Com pany cannot receive them. ' ;, . .. "All communications strictly confidential. , ' Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to , ' WOOD, EDDY A CO.j Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A'CO.,Wilmington. Delaware., A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel with the amount of the prize thit each one.is entitled will be published alter every drawing, in the following papers . d.iyjuta Gmit'kuuaix8t, Mobil4 Register, Aasivillt OaMitt Richmond Dispatch, and I'auUitg ( JJtis.) Clar icfnl' ' . . July 21 ' LOUIS Bw ERAMBERT, PRACTICAL PHAKMACfcUTlST, ' ' . :,. ',. .. .' ' .;';a " WlLMINGTOX, N. C. ' Offers for sale a very select stock of Drugs Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines only of known reliability, Trusses, Ac. Havana Cigars, 1 . Fresh Congress Water, -- Fresh, Citrate of Magnesia. ' July ir,: ' : 7 ,l T UNDENIABLY SO,. ; . THAT THE LARGEST assortment,' finest descriptions, aud lowest priced Shoes, are to be found at 1 GEO. R. FRENCH'S,. , May 9.-' 7 ;: jy'.:,t' Nd 11 Market st-:" VALUABLE WORKS, ; 1 RECEIVED per Express at KELLEY'S NEW BOOK store. ir-... . . - -W1 Popular Geology; a iew work, by JIugh Miller ; The cruise of the Betsey, - :My school and schoolmasters, ,;The testimony of the Rocks, . 'The' old red sandstone.: : i , ( M ; t it ti The letters of Junius, 2 volumes in one ; . ! ! Edgar A. Poes miscellaneous works 4 vols. . Curran and his Contemporaries, by Phillips. 5 ; ; Napoleon and his Mars balls, by J. T. HeadleyJ . .Life of Geo. Stephenson, the great Railroad Engintjer. 'North Carolina Form BookC r r ' North Carolina Revised Code.' " "; ' - 'AJarr.5n.dLJL n'-n :.-' ,;W'.-iK'i-s'i " V IF XOU TYOULD BfJY' XOUR HATS AT CbST,palronizsL the Emporium, 3 Jb; Market aireel- t-XJW.f. rt-.J jaiy g6. '. r ri : jtixexCHCORSETS ' , H . . A LL KINDS; at lune 9. S. D. ALLENR AT KELLEY'S. ".' x ' ' I7REEDLEYS I EGAL ADVISER, or money saved, K ? Practical treatise on business or. How to Get, Save, Spend, Give; Lend and Bequeath Money.'-" urke on the Sublime and Tietifnl: " ' f ' U ::-i- Bqrke on the Sublime and Beaatiful. J uoet4. t- - f. wit ' n r ' v' -y i LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 ? JH 5 VOLS. COMPLETE by Washiagto 1 rrmg: for $7. June 2S. . -1 at KEIJ-EY'8. , .1A AAA IJJS. BRIGHT-N. -C. BADON nor round. J JLUU UU. Jasirscexreda-d far sale by rfl-Ti 1 Tn o . i t o m rr irr STRICTL3T CITY MESS, Kf BBLS. strictly City Mess Pork, in store and for sale tV July 12. by M. MacINNIS. v VO ODi EDDY k CffS NEW YORK MD PHILADELPHIA CAKDS '"fi'fiunm ""'- ' ' wm. w. Hasjttss , vJ 'u! CBEINEIl A HABKNESS, ' ' COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION MOUSE Nov. 15th, 1S57. . pHjLAPKLrniA. , t GEORGE O. VAN AMRINGE, Jr., Commission merchant, , yj Cotton; Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber knd South era produce geaerally. Q jjri HARVES, ' i ' . - ' ' -' ABOVS ASCII ST., , PUILADELPIID. 'iS" Prompt personal attention giveu to all consigumeuta and quick returns made Dec 4-tf. 1'ROFESSIOaAL CAltOS. DR. J. A. miller; ipRONT STREET, Witmsoro.-, N, C. 1 OFFICE next door to that of Mes&ra. Miller A Baker. Jan. tth, lS58-tf. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paixts, Oils, Die Swrrs, Window Guass, Pcrrr, Cigabs, Old Bkaxuiks and Wxxks, Pkiupvmkkt aud Fanci Articlks, N. E. corner Iront and Market streets, March 25th, 1S5&. Wilmisgtox, N. C. JI BUSLNESS CARDS. J. L. HATHA WAT. WH. R. L'TLSV. . .HATHAWAY AJCO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. '5S Wiimingtox, N. C. JT. M. ROBIN SON Ac SON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in For-ig aud Domestic Habpwjrk, Agricultural Impl-mknts, Ac, No. b, Front st., Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 1, 165S. ' JOSEPH II. BLOSSOm7 KNEUAL COMMISSION AND FOB WARDING MER VX CHANT, Wilmlngtoa-, N. C. 5gT Prompt Personal attention given to Consignments for Sale or Shipment. . Liberal Cash Advances mad on Consignhknts to my Nrw York rRiBXDS. Nov. 2d, 1857. John MacRab ""Donald MacRab. 3. AV. K. Dix. JT. Sc D. MacRAE A: CO., &ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, v Jan. 1858. , Wilmington, N. C. HENRY NUTT, 7ACT0R AND FORWARDING AGENT. .JL? Wilmington, N. C. yT Will give bis personal attention to business en trusted to his care. , Sept. 10, lbo7.-tf. A. D. CAAUX,i COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Agent for Smith's Line or Nbw York Packets. Jf Otlice, Corner of North Water and Princess streets. JTOSEPH J. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, March 8 th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. itNOTICE. 1MI E CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing 'between . the Subscribers is renewed for three years Ironi J iru ary 1st 185D under the names and firms f BROWN , DkROSSET & CO., New York. AND DeROSSET, BROWN A CO., Wilmington, N C, and Mr. WILLIAM L. DeROSSET is admitted to an t crest in the business for the same term. hv JOHN POTTS BROWN, DeROSSET, J r., UKOWN, H. WIGGINS. ' WM CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a co-partnership and will transact business under tbe name and style of MYERS A MOORE, at the old stand of the former. Hat and cap Emporium, 34 Market gt. CHAS. D. MYERS, . June 20, 1859. , FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Mters, Fred. J. Moorb. MYERS Ac fMOORE. "1Y7"H0LESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Wj Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes; Ac, Ac , 3t Market street, Wilmington, N. C. '' June 21, 135t. SMITH dc McLAURIN, COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : - p John Dawson, Esi., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Esq., Presideut Branch Bank State N. C. T. M. Smith. John McLaukin. July 1, 1859. tf. , V. MALCOM McIANIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street; Wilmington, N. C. T. Cm WORTH, CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JT Wilmington, N. C. LEWIS N. BARLOW, , (7 ROGER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines, Ale antf JC Porter, Fine Green and Black Teas. SO. 3, GRANITE ROW, - Oct 20.' - Wlmington N.C. , ,?-v HENRY P. RUSSELL, (7 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, XX 147 East Bay, Up Stairs, Charleston, S. C. 1 March 17th, 1858.-tf. ; ' . UNION DISTILLERY, Wilmington, N. C. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, n..nu jL,factured and sold. Pgr WHARFAGE" A STORAGE furnished, and COOP ERAGE done at fair rates. Jan. 1,1858. O. G. PARSLEY A: CO, PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills, Wilmington, N. C. - fSgf? All orders or inquiries for LUMBER; will receive prompt attention. ; March 21, 1858. REMQVAL. TILE UNDERSIGNED. woukf inform his friends and tbe public generally, that he has removed his office from his old stand; South corner of Princess st to the store wita ths YELLOW-TRCNT one door North of the Custom Uoue; where he wotild be pleased to meet all of bis old ctretomers. .,Mch7. , -5 ,'in i.r . JAS.;TvPETTEWAY. t . ... , ., , . i. , . ,.; .. ft,,., ,t ,.., 'tM.4.n .m-.- : . ' . JAMES T. PETTEWAY r -TRACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHAxtT, ' J No. 8 North Water Street, . "... , Wilmington, N. C. Wil 'give persona! attention to the said and shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores and other produce. ' ' Oct 4. . .. . . HOOP SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, - ' ; Hoop Skirts, 'j-a - . ; , . . Douglas A Sherwood's, Twentr diflefen styles, HSDRICK A RYAN. JslyiC. . - ,-- -lT"c7'JX ladies and gentlemen A HE VOC. going North- or. to the Springs during, the Summer months'.? f so, don't neglect to call and sup-v ply yourselves with a good assortment of books for the re fief and benefit of the mind And improvement f the same'! You will find such books by calling, at , ; v i, ?i Jane 30. -;.'vr:. 'I KELLEY'S. , ; .. . ; - . , JUrT RECEIVED , 1 OA bbls. a suoABvrj. uu '.j. JmAJ 10 KegsExtra Goshen Butter. , July. 53. . .j..: ;,Vf 11 'J Q. KELLY. ; ENGLISH SYfONYMES. .r,' WITH Copious Ulustralions and Explanations Drawn from the best writers' by Geo. Craft, M. A., at Julyl3- KELLEY'S- Book Store, BUSLXESS CARDS: WALKER MBAHES,, , rrccxsso to WALKER MEARES.ACO Wholesals and. Retail Druggist, 45 Market street, Wilmington, N.C an. d, 1 rti?. J -;, . - ,f "T'1' ROIPT II. cowan; - !r.: HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE on lot South corner ofPrin cess and Water st up stairs and oflcrs his ssrviera for the transaction of any kind or business, f.r the usual oommisaion. ; , " ' " ' " " May 27th. 1S5U. . ' t. t ' , . , ., ... .i NOTICE - , v-t Wilmington, N. C, Oct 1st 18J5. Kf WE HAVE thi day associated In our firm Dr. W. W.HARRISS. . . ; i ' - The business will be conducted as formerly, in Ue aan and style of HARRISS A HOWELL. CEORGe'hARRISS. A. I. HOWELL. nR. W. - UAMUf' HARRISS A: HOWELL, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 J Oct. 2, 1S5. 1 ', , '. . , ,WmWTUMt -L? DISSOLUTION. "it-. 4i"V THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PKACOCK, is thi4 dissolved bv mutual consent. E. MURRAY, Feb 2, IS5J.V . ' LOVET PKACOOK. rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS have this Jat tormed a Lv rsr' X "nership, under the name and style of E. MURRAY A Co . tor the transaction of the COM M ISSION and WK"?LK- ii i'i:itiwn:itv lillMIVKj-W- VL MURRAY. D.R. MURCHISOS, ' J.T.MURRAY. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 8, 1359. - ' ! i. ILkMURRAY A CO. . (SnCCESSOBS TO MtTRRAY A Pe ACOCK. COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, ' " i AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, . Water Street, , - WILMINGTON;N.'C K. MUUUATr D. R. mcrcuison, .. 4. t. auasAt February!), 1S.VJ. v ' i "lrr Sc II. G. .WORTH, t.. - COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WilminotonJ N.C. DAVIDKA11NWE1LER. DAIL KAH.tWKILER. JACOB KAllXWKJLa KAHN WEILER Sc BROS, ? NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE CORN Eli. SELLING OFF ABOVE COST. ,i w GREAT RUSH OF 4 LADIES TO KAUNWElIJiR A BHD'S Fancy Goods Store and flatterinfif Uatimoniala by them of the CHEAPNESS and; DURABILITY. at - the Goods offered at their fetore. Our Millinery department abounds in the most beautiful and tasty goods eer open ed in this city. Miss C. PFE1L, whs haa charge of this de partment, is acknowledged by persona of taste, to do tie most neat work that is uooe In this city. Our Cl6aka aud Mautilla3 are ol the latest styles and hoeat texture. Tke assortment of Dress Goods and Dress and Cloak Triw ming8 of every variety and style offered Jty n cannot le surpassed by auy establishment in ths South. AU of, oar goods are warranted to be as we ; represent thenu Our toek of Domestics and heavy Goods are complete. These gsods haying been purchased by us for CASH we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any eUU litihment that sells at cost. An examination of our"stock is all that is necessary o ceuviuce customers thai it is as we represent. . ' , . N. B. Please take notice that we have "no conneeClon with any other store, and that we ars NEXT: TO. Kk. Cta . Nov l. ' , K. A BRO S. -. ' ' ' JtOBlMOil'S MANirULAtED xTJmAJsrOm rpUlS FERTILIZEK oompossd of one-half BEST PKR X UVIAN GUANO, ont-half line Ground Bons and th BEST PHOSPHATE GUANO, U in condition for, Immedi ate use, being prepared with new and improved machinery, by which meaus the most intimafccombinstioiwa sllecW, redueiDg all t auniTorm tine powder ; and for application by drill or otherwise, it is in tbe most perfect orocr. 'And we hare no hesitation in saying, that lor all crops it ia equal to any fertilizer ever offered to the fstming community. The quality will be. kept perfectly uniform in all eaae, ainl Warranted to coutaiu lcr t t, of Ammoilla 45 TO 50 PEU Oil OF RONE MOSVIIATE OF LIME. 1 1 - Our Guano is put up in strong bags, weighing about lfi lbs. each. -i. . .- ' ' FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his personal attention pa preparing this article, and purchasers cao rely on "Robiji-son-s Manipulated Goano" being in every particular as represeuted. All orders will receive immediate aUeution. 1 F. ROBINSON A CO . No. 4 HoLUNfiswoaTB Street, up stairs, 1 " BALTIMORE, MD.. ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO' Is lor sale in lots to suit, hy'the foTlon ing Agents": Jonathan Tyson, Frederick Md.' J. C. Nevett, Alexandria, Vl;, J. li: Bballet. Fredericksburir. Va. w 'Garrison A Maignb, Norfolk, Ya. E. li. Skinner A Cov Richmond, Va. - Tuos. BraNctt A Sons, Petersburg, Va. - T. C. A B: G. Worth, Wi'mingtou, N. C. R. C. LiNSDAr, High Point, N.C. Jnly28-2m. ' . " ' WM. KNABE Ac CO., . ? .CELEBRATED PIANO .FORTE. SEE WHAT the Baltimore Sua of November 1858, says of the above Pianos : ' . Baltimore again triumphant. It will bo seen by the re port of the Maryland Institute,, which was publihed yes Usrday, tbat.Wm. Kpabe A Co., h-ve again been awarded the GoldMedij. CEanriCATE, for the best so.ua re Piano oh exhibition. This is the lourth year in succession that they have received the highest honors of the Ixstitvte for the best square Pianos, over Instruments from the best makeis of New York, Boston, and , Baltimore. In the year 15 Wm. Knabe A Co., received the Gold Mkdal, and in the succeeding years, 1856; and '57, and now in 1858.' They have been awarded "Tub Gold Medal Certificate," which is the highest honor of the Institute, and can only be ob tained by continued excellence orer all competition. This shows well for JnimoTe Mechanics, and is well meriteI , GROVER A; RAKBK'H $iQ SEWING ' MACHINE. ' . . rpHIS, MACHINE is a plaiq got uf article, the machine- JL ry is the very same as those Machines we sell for higlier prices. ' The difference consisting only in the high priced ones ; being silver plated and setting on a nicely tin;sbed Mahogouy TaMs with a cover. Ws srll them st f 50, no charge made for wrench, oil jot, screwdriver, Ac. We give tbe abore inforaiation simply to eonect a m in state rr en t privately put forth in this city by tbe sellers of the $4J, No rinmbug M'achine,' which is only sn imitation of the Grover A liaker Machines, oombmed .with the Watson patent, costing $10 delivered here, and sc-Umg st 40 to f50. All we ak is fair and lwneSt dealings witk our Machine,. which we are willing to allow to oUienr , GEO. KELLEY, ' Agent for Grover A Baker's Sewihf Machines. , July 18, la5r..!- i ..- -. - ' - -THE SOUTIIERN FIELD AND FIRESIIHC ALlTERARk' and AgricoJtural Paper published in Au-ista, Georgia; Dr. D. Agricnliura Editor. W. W; jSann, Uterarr Editor, Wm. N. White, Ilorticnltu ral Editor.- - Devoted to Agriculture, Literals and Art. It is in quarto loim ot eight pages, folio size, each Usue con taining forty columnr of matter. It will be In all rejtpects a tirst class paper, on a scale of expesditurs -OUrs' liberal than has yet been attempted in the South and designed to rival in its merits the most distinguished in the North. Terms, Two Dollars per anoum. invariably in adtarjee. For saleV l , ' MERRILL A PIERCE. ' Send ob your names with toot post office and It will oe sent to you regularly by maiL Addrew .- J- MERRILL A PIERCE, Booksellers. -Jobs' 2V 1 ' ' ' ' " Wilmington, N. Ct Jonrn Jcopy 1 w. .WBliamstoa Mercu-'.copy . Tfll? COLLEGE OF ST; JTAWKS MAR YLAND.4 IIIE ElGHllkNTH.ANN UAL tHiiiSlOS begins on the X last Wednesday (the 2Stb) of Stpumber. The van ous elsesesiatheCoLLEOE and Mb theORAaMAa School resume their work prompUy. New students will be exam ined, on Thursday September 2th- - , inei on nDrsr87 TOUN B. KERF00T, Rector A , I College of St. James, P. O., Maryland. julv 25-lawdf5w. '.'.. . SWEET CIDER. 10 Jf "'"'(JEO.MYKU- tribute tor Uie iewrs. jvaoe a t0- vs tamsoi wuoso j i anos is so extensively appreciated.'.' For sale by ,, , . , , . r ,rr GEO. 11 KELIJSY, Agt, ; July2S., : . -. ' for Wm. Knabe A Co

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