THE DAILY HERALD b furnlahed U abscribera at 6$ per annum, itrictlj tn xdtaxck. . -THE WEEKLY HERALD, containing ttott- nmns,1s published every Thursday morning at f per . .1 r - ...karintMa VeAT. BO .abscriber wiU be permitted to diaeontinue bis paper on W the expiration of aaid year. , 1 OffieaonSoutheideof Market street, tbrea Doora 5at of Morrill A PeireVa Book Store, and nearly opposite he Caralioa IlotaL . - '.- w.r- Vtt awn r?jnD, PRINTING, - SXECUTEDWITII NIATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND .;,, OH REASONABLE TUHUS. f jC8TECKirEI..,.r, A V MERRILL A PIERCE'S Bookatore: : -O. P. R- Jame'a New Novel. Printed from O. P. R. JamesVown manuscript, for which the publishers pay the author 1'iwen hundred and eightj.ddUr. ' " . xia Caraua. a historical Novel, by O. P. B. James, Eaq , author of Rkuaiieu," "Lord Montagu's Page, "Ar rmh SeiU", "Mary or Burgundy," etc, etc. , Complete in one duodecimo Toiume of Fire Hundred Pages; dune up in two volumes,, paper cover, price One Dour ; or bodomely bound is one volume doth, price, f? i A T. .... k T O T? JTYY Te Monastery, Anne of Oeientem, by Sir W. Scott. rJonel 1. ' -i .. '. . J USX KBCE1FED A T MERRILL A PIERCES, Bookatore : Opaque Envelopes, . - Business do . Note" do C.eam Laid do Ooid Lmtd do Buff " - Ilea ry Eorelopea,Pot Office. Canary . 44 Tooth Picks, large and emali size. - Carpenter's Pencil. Red and Black, Straoge's Pencil Sharpeners, , RcbberBands, all sites. Banker's Seeling Wax, . i Looming Paper, Letter and Note sues, " Envelopes. " " Wedding EoTelopes, aa fine an asaortOient as erer - - was brougni to tttis place. VtsitiagCard a fall assortment. . Tor Pauits for water color painting. SUtes, all aizes, Tost l?flice Seles such as are used in the Post Office - inthijlac. June li. Journal copy 1L 3XEHCIIA!fT8, PLANTERS, FARMERS, and all who buy, sell or wear etrw Ooods, of any description will bear in mind tbat owr stock of Straw Goods for Summer wer is now of fered by tho case or dozen at Man fct urr' eot, and must behold. Call and examine goods and prices at the Hat and Cap Emporium, S Market st. Juneik. , MYERS A MOORE. . , r." J UT RECEIVED. QIX CASES GENTS FINK CP. BOOTS, manufactured to O order, selling lower, fur cash, than erer before oder ed to the public Call and examine, Feb10.. t u ... f t'iJ. j't GEO, R. FRENCH HANILLAniTS, T TAN ILLA HATS, iX Manilla Hat, Something New, -, . r- Something New, Very light and handsome shape, Now ready at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st July 13 MYERS A MOORE. ,TILL, LliSS THAN COST, A lit: orR PRICES .. , - . For certain sir les, --s? v of Straw Goods, at CVIT uooaa, a M VEKd A MOORE. Jaly liA KVKU A BETTEB CIIAIf CB XlTAIf TItE PRESENT to buy Summer Hats of any kind or style a complice for cash. Try it, at . M VEILS A MOORE'S, uly 14. , Hat and Cap Emporium. HOOP IRONY If? TONS 1, lVand IV loch Hoop Iron, Tor sale by i Jul 13. . ; , M. MxcINNIS. r KSTTl EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. Very neat. VXJuiyiMf , ? T ! ?tt - U r . T-J in i is i i ! - - - -' - KAIINWEILER &.DRO SECOND DOOR FROM EXCHANGE CORNER, offer the best and hundsotnest assortment of Uoisery. Gloves, Hdkf s. Ladies Hoop Skirts, Corset, Skirt Supporters, Ac, Ac , A all make, at the lowest price for cath only. June 23. . NEW STILE ItlOLliSltlN II AXS . JCST RECEIVED by Express at MYERS A MOORE'S, Hat and Cap Emporium, .4 Market sU Jone 23. A NEW WORK. SUNSHINE or Kate Vinton, by Mra. Harriett B. McKee rer. A superior book for the young, at June 10. KELLEY'S. LEXTlin COPYING BOOKS, EXCELLENT article of Mann'a celebrated Letter Copying Books, also Cap aixe can be had by calling, at Q lo. . . . . . KELLEY'S. "dune RIBBONS AND BONHETS. RECEIVED thia morning a new supply of Bonnets and Bibb ins, Misses and Children's Hats, also a rery hanUeome style of Riding Hats, which we shall sell at low figwea. . . ' KAUNW EILER A BRO S, May 27. . . . znd door from the Corner Store. FLOUR. 75 Bbla. . Super and Fine fr-sh ground, for aale by ZENO H. GREENE. Jane 11. . . : BUCKWHEAT. JUST RECEIVED by L. N. BARLOW, Fb 19. ' ' I ' . . . j 3 Granite Rrv. N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS. BALES IN STORE, and for sale by June 7. , k . 'r T. CL A B. G. WORTH. 15 COW PEAS. iAA BUSHS. COW PEAS, for sale in lets to suit, by tUlJnly8. .... J AS. T.- PETTEWAi. UOISERY AND GLOVES. " KERT, G lores, Gauntlets and Mitts, by Express tbisrtornibg, - ' UEDRICK A RYAN. Jaly 16. . SITNDRIES; rr A'BBL. CITY MESS PORK: 50 do. Flour family I J andeucemne; io ao. superior N. C. Lard, 15 kegs doujlacoa; A. d And Waatarm f 21 bozea aasorUd Candy; 15 bbls and 10 boxes Crackers; 25 bbla. Sugar, C. Coffee, A. White and CHttbed f So begs Coffee Kio, Laguayra and Jara; 80bexea Soap Ne. I and pale; 60 do. Ada maotmer and-Soe m Cindlea: S3 dn parl Starch f small aad large boxes ; 15 do. Salaratns; Soda and Yeast rowaers; xo tars as4 L1 and 8 lbs Pepper, Bpice, Ac, Ac In store and for sale . July I9ih. ZESO IL GREENE. ''- ' ' " LADIES BOOKS, FL0RiS Lexicon and interpretation of Flowers, The Langugeand Poetry of Fig went, T Lady" iiook of Flowers and Poetry, ' ' The Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry. The Poetry of Flowers, Original and select. The Passion o(FVwtra, at Jf M KELLEY'S, Aog 2. Bookstore. SUNDRIES ! ' NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE, 50 CanaJ Barrows, ' 55 BbU. Meas Pork, h 70 Bags Rio Coffee, " 20 44 Laguayra Cofree - - 25 Boxes Cheese, extra article. ! 20 Kega Butter, - " 18 Bbia. Crackera, - 15 Kesrs Lard Prime Leaf, bt Jan. 840, ZENO H GREENE. BOOffx.' "DECEIVED tbtl moraine by AdatniA Co'r Eifresaat Cooper's Virgil. . .. . . . ' Hcruditi Qrientalia Antiquiora, comprising mainly such portionaof Heroditos as gire a connected history of the East to the fall of Babylon and the death of Cyrus the Great, by Herman M. Johnson, D. D. The Sacted Harp ReTissd t July 28. . . s, , ; - cocntby irrRnrriTAirrsL' WISHING to aasort their atocka with a few Dozen -Straw Wool or Soft Fur Hat will find m large stock ei reduced priest at the Hat and Cap Emporium. Call or send in your orders we will fill them prompCy and with care. . , v , i CHAS"- D. MYERS, ' Jone 14. f l . ! 84 Market st:. DTJXIES OF CHRISTUN MASTERS, a new and Valnable work t iW lIld0 -ff1 ? 1 1 Ur U. N. M'Tyeire D.' a July 26. - - : YVTi.v.Yi . "ESliTEAS: - i BEEN ANDBI .CK. Jaai reoMTed a4': - I. 31 BARLOWS. boxes Jr'ot&aa: 1 00 Reams wrarv Hoob Ironjl.lX and inches : Rirets : all kinds Turpentine Tools. f!nJ lUrmwi C. K & It. BURR, VOL. VI. NO. 152. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBFR : HAIL" KO ADS. - OmcsOax. Hcr'T Wiu. A kUa. R.R.Co Wilmington, N. C, Nor. 20th, 1S5S. ) NOTICE TO TllA VEhEIW. VN AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Dee 1st, a change o J Schedule will be made upon this road, ana tne Jiai and Pasenger Trains will run aa louows : Leave Wilmington, at A. 11. and 8.15 P. M. Arrire at KicgsTille, at 8.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. Leare Klnrsrille, 5,15 A. M. and 130 P. M. Arrire at Wilmington, at 3 P. M. and 4 A. M. All the tr&ins connect ?'oae!r with Colombia trains, ex cept the morning train tearing Kingsrille at 5.15. Connectiopa are made through with the Greenville and olutatMa Road , , J. P. ROBERTSON, Gen. Sup't. Dec 2-tC . , ! r,. , ICE ICE ICE. THE WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE, will be opened for the delivery ol ICE every Ly at sunrise, closing a sunset except on Sunday's when it will positively close a V A. M. ICE will not be delivered after time of closing ex cept in cases of sickness. TERMS CASH, vfithout deviation. . TICKETS can be procured and deposit ; made by those who desire. ICE for the Country packed and forwarded as directed. ICE furnished to the tick poor, free of charge when di rected by physicians, or members of the visiting committee Orders must be addressed to WILMINGTON ICEHOUSE Apt 2 6mdAw. A. H. VaaBOKKELEX . 300.000 NO. 1. FRUIX XREES FOR SALE WESTBROOK t MN1NHALL, i PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST GREEN Nurseries and Gardens near Greensboro, N.C. ould respectfully call the attention of the citizens ol the Southern Statea to their very extensive stock of native and acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fall ana Winter Trade both Wholesale and retail. This large and handsome assortment has been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant Orchards either for marketing or family use. The stock consists of the following trees : 150.000 APPLE TREES, 12,000 PLUM TREES 100,000 PEACH - 5,000 NECTRINES " 10,000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, " 12.000 APRICOT " 10,000 CHERRY 44 4,000 GRAPE VINES.' Beeidee a rery fane assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc, all of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will be required to give a note on the delivery ot reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or they will be charged with interest from the date thereof. L All packages put up in superior style and a complete invoice sent to each patron and so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orcnard alter the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list. . SeptZO-tf. 1 S. S. BOTLI, FREDS RICK GOULK. BOYLE Jc CO., - 59 SacoND sr., CINCINNATI1, OHIO. IMPORTERS rf Foreign Liquors and Wines ; Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, and Spirits of Turpentine. Manufacturers of every des cirption of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and i rench Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rye Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, BareUria and New England Rum, Ac, Sole mi nufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky." Agents f r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. Apl21, 1859 y. ' FRESH ARRIVALS, - A KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, 1 V 8 Half bbls Fulton Market Beef, . 80 Bbls Flour, Fine, Super and Family, 20 Bags Coffee, 23 Uhds Cuba Molasses, , 50 ibls No 1, Herring, 50 Half bbls No 2, Herring, I am constantly receiving goods from the Northern Mar kets thereby keeping constantly on hand, a large and fresh assortment of every thing in my line. May 6. O. KE'LEY. A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY D' CE US IN SMALL AMOUNTS, which w- cannot col lect, eotnpelhvns to adopt the Cash" systejj. Don t aat us to open accounts we can't do it. , y . MYERS A MOOR July 18. . Hat A Cap Emporium.; SUNDRIES. HHDS PRIME NEW Crop Cardenas Molasses, . 15 bbls Portland Syrup, in new, bright packages ; 60 hhds New Orleans, Porto Rico and Muscovado 100 Sugars ; . . , 50 bbia Clarified and Refined Sugars ; 200 bags Rio, Lagua ra and Java Coffee i 100 bbls New York and City Mess and Prime Pork. Aug 6. For sale by HATH A WAY A CO. LETTER COPYING PRESSES. A SUPERIOR article can be furnished you. It is an in dispensable article to every man of business. June 10. . t KELLEY'S. THE LAND AND THE BOOK. OR BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS drawn from the man ners and cos to it s, the Scenes and Scenery of Th Holt Laxd or 25 Years residence in the Holy Land, by W. M. Thomson, D. D., with Maps and Engravings, in 2 vols., at July 25. - KELLEY'S. SWEEXPIALAGA WINE. -i A BBLS. a prime article, for sale low to close consign 1U ment. M. Mac INN IS. July 12. 'j , OAXS. i A A ( BUiiHSper Louisiana, for sale by A WV. Aug 15. ELLIS A MITCHELL. EASXERN HAY, Bales in store, for sale by Aug 12, ELLIS A MITCHELL. 100 SXONEJTARS. O F ALL SIZES at Aug 15. L. N. BARLOW'S. CORN AFLOAT. i A A A BUSn. Prime Straw colored Corn now landing XIJ Vy-irom bchr burpass, lor sale oy Aug 15, ELLIS A MITCHELL. ' IMPORTANT TO LINEN BUYERS. THE LARGEST and best assorted stock of Linen Goods .in the city is at KAUN WEILER A BR OAS Jy21. 2nd door from the Exchange Corner N. C, BACON. PQAA LBS. N. C BACON, hog round daily expected J Is from Lenoir County. For sale by Aog 6. HATHAWAYA-eO. KNITTING WORK, WEB OP MANY TiCXTURES. By B. P. Sbillaber, jr. JL. (lira rniDgion,i id one volume, is mo. price f 1,20. Handsomel ly Itlustiated by Augustus Pippin. Just ree d by Adams Express, at MERRILL A PIERCE'S. '' Auff. - Bookstore. BY EXPRESS. rpHIS MORNING AT KEcLE I'd Book Store ; X Knitting Work, a Web of Many Textotes, wrought by Ruth Partington, a rich and spicy book. Aug S. EASTERN II AY. -i C BALES nor landing aad for aala by JlAJ Augl. ELLIS A MITCHELL. N. C BACON. HOG ROUND, lUvV Just ree'd and for aale id lots to suit by An?. 92 ZENO H. GREENE, ' ' UNDER GARMENTS. SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, at Attff25. . BALDWINS. " TO THE LADIES, ' l OKA PAIR "BEST CONG KES-- GAITERS, atla tdtjyj pair, formerly 1,50 at the Shoe Store. Holmes's Hotel. Front near Market tU H, MARCUS, - . Agt. N.C.BACON, ."' 4 IN LOTS TO SUIT, for cash, by' mt Apm. - ZENO H. GREENE. WILMIKGTON, N. C. WOOD, EDDY & CO'S, SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES ! (CHARTERED BY THE STATE OP GEORGIA ! TICKETS OiUI dlO. WOOD, EDDY 4c CO., 2TXANAGERS, SUCCESSORS TO S. SWAN A CO. The following Scheme will be drawn by Wood, Eddt A Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of their Single number Lotteries for SEPTEMBER, 1S59, at AUGUSTA, GEO., in public, under the superintendence ot Commissioners. Class 36 draws Saturday, September 3, '59. Class 37 drawi Saturday, September IO, 59. Class 38 draws Saturday, September 17, '59. Class 39 draws Saturday, September 27, '59. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tickets, ve thousand four hundred eighty-five priztb 1 Nearly One Prize to Every Nine Tickets X MA QNIFICENT SCHEME I TO BE DRATTN EACH SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER I Prize of. ..150,000 . ..20,000 ,...10,000 ... 6,000 ... 4,000 1,000 .... 1,500 ... 500 .... - 40 . . . . 300 ... 15o .... 100 50 100 100 100 100 .1 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 50,000 Prize are. . . .fl,600 4 ' 300 " 1 20,000 " " .... 1,200 4 " 250 " '110,000 " " .... 1UX0 4 M Si25 ' " 5,000 " ".... 800 4 " " 2O0 . 4,000 " " .... 800 4 " " 150 4 '1 3,000 " "... 600 4 " " 100 1,500 " 400 5,000 " " 20 are......1 .100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to. $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5 Quarters f 2 Remember that every Prize In the above Scheme is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rate, wmcn is the risk. : A . Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets,... $80 lUHalt " 40 " " 10 Quarter ao u 10 Klghth " ' ' 10 Sparta Academy Lottery CLASS NO. 513, Draws Wednesday, September 31st, 1859, ON THE THREE NUMBER PLAN. 78 NuitBr 14 Duawn Ballots. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKElb 1.GRANJJ.PRIZE OF 30.000 DOLLARS ! 1 Prize off 17,744! Prizeof 2,000 1 Ac. Ac , 8 Prizes of $1,500 ! 10 Prizes of S00 ! Ac, Ac. 34,412 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $ot7,962 ! Whole Tickets, $10 ; Halves $5 ; Quarters, $2,50, IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets order ed on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can hare tickets ending in any figure they may designate. ' j - The Lost of Drawn JN umbers and Prizes will be nt to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Kggr Purchasers will please jwrite their signatures plain nd give tneir r'ost omce, County, and state. J&T Kememoer tnat ever.y rrize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. tSF" All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. I n KOT1UJS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. whereby money for Tickets, iri sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us ! AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they have an office. The mon ey and order must be enclosed in a "GOVERNMENT POST OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE," or the Express Com pany cannot receive them. All communications strictly; confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY" A CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, Delaware., tgif Alist of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel with the amount of the prize thst each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following papers . AwutUi Gf.) CJnttmmaUet, MobiU RegUier. AushvilU Gazeue, Richmond Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss.) Clar ion. , ! July 21. LOUIS R. ERAIVRERT, PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST, ! WiLifrxGTOK, N. C.w Offers for sale a very select stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet (Articles, Patent Medicines only of known reliability, Trusses, Ac . Havana Cigars, i Fresh Congress. Water, Fresh Citrate of Magnesia. July 16. I . . UNDENIABLY SO, THAT THE LARGEST assortment, finest descriptions, and lowest priced Shoes, are to be found at I GEO. R. FRENCH'S, May 9. j No 11 Market st. VALUABLE WORKS, RECEIVED per Express at KELLEY'S NEW BOOK STORE. i Popular Geology, a new work, by Hugh Miller; The cruise of the Betsey, j ,- " " M v school and schoolmasters, " " The testimony of the Rocks,' " " The old red sandstone, j " . The letters of Junius, 2 volumes in one ; Edgar A. Poes miscellaneous works 4 vols. Curran and hia Contemporaries, by Phillips. Napoleon and hia Marshall, by J. T. Headley. Life of Geo. Stephenson, the great Railroad Emrineer. North Carolina Form Book. North Carolina Revised Code. July 22nd. ! " IF YOU WOULD BUY ' " VOUR HATS AT COST,' patroni the Emporium, 34 X Market street. i luly 26. FRENCH CORSETS. A LL KINDS, at lune 9. S. D. ALLEN'S. AT KELLEY'S. FREEDLEY'S I EGAL ADVISER, or money saved, Practical treatise on business or How to Get, Save, Spend, Give, Lend and Bequeath Money. Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful. June 4. j LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON r 5 VOLS. COMPLETE by Washington Irving, for $7. June 23. J j at KELLEY'S? N.C. BACON. LBS. BRIGHT N. C. BACON, hog round. Jost received and for sale by - I"JAS.TPETTEWAY. .. 10,000 June 0. -. - STRICTLY CFTY1TXESS. ZTi BBLS. BtricOy City Mess Pork; ih store and for OKI Jaly 12v I by M. MacINNIS. sale EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS- 2, 1859. WHOLE NO. 1699. NEW YORK AK0 FUlLADELPlllA CAKi) wm. a. SUOTH - WM. w. BAjuurasa GREINER AJOARKNESS, COTTON A UENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE m J XI OY. lia, 18o7 I'bxxjUmclthia. GEORGE O. VAN AIHRINGE, Jr., COMMlbttlON MERCHANT, Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Lumber and South ern produce generally. 104 NORTH WHARVES, ABOVB ARCH ST., PUILADELPRIA. 3J Prompt personal attention giTen to all consignments and quick returns made. Dec4-tf. DR. J. A. MILLER, FRONT STREET, Wiuuxoroa, N. a OFFICE next door to that of Messrs. Miller A Baker. m - - - - ... ' WIELIAJ!I"II. IJPPTTT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paiitts, Oils, Dra Smrrs, Wixnow Gla, Pom, Ciuabs, Old h&Asuuta and Wixas, Pcktcmcbt and Faaci A.KT1CLM, N. E. corner Front and Market streets, March 5th, lttob. - . VYiuluotuk, N. C. JiUSLNESS OAliDS. J. L. HATHA WAT. WM. R. CTLIT. tHITHAWAY &.CO.; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. 'b WitMiMOTOS, N.JJ. J, M, ROBINSON A SONT" ": I JUrUKTlvKS AJSD DEALEKj im Fo&kiox and Domestic j A UAROWARa, AGRICULTURAL iMPLKMKMTS. AC.Ao. tt. i ront 41, Wilmington, IS. U. ;.. . ' . . ' ' Jan. y, 15. JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, &ENERAL COMMISSION AMD FORWARDING MER CHANT, WiuiiNGTOM, N. G, r-l Prompt Personal attention given to Consignments or oale or shipment. Liberal. Cash Advakcbs mads oh Consignments to a x A aw Y oaa jrikmps. A 0v. 2d, 1&57. John MacRak. DonaloMacRajl J. W. K. Dix. J. A D. MaeRAJi A CO., fS ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VJT Jan. 1858. VVlLMINOTUN, N.C. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT.fei Wilmington, N. C. J" Will give his jpbrsonal atthtio to business en trusted to hia care. ; 8ept. 10, 1867. -tf. A. D, CAZAUX,! COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. fc" Agent for Smith's Lin of New York Packets. Office, Corner ot North Water and Princess street. JOSEPH JT. LIPPITT, COMAIISSION MERCHANT, March 8th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE. rHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing bet w en jl. mo ouuevriucn is rcueweuior luree years irom j itliU- ary is xoov uuuer me names ana nrms I BROWN , DkROSSET A CO., New York. : .... ... -Ajf0-: - . . DkROSSET, BROWN A COJ Wilmington, N. C, and Mr. WILLIAM U DeROSSET is admitted to an terest in the business for the same term. m- JOHN POTTS BROWN, ;A.J. DkROSSET, Jr., R. I.BROWN. Dec Oi, 10i0. WM. H. WIGGINS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBCRlBJKij have this day formed a co-partnership and vill tmnsact business under the name and style of MYERS A MOORE, at the old stand of the former. Hat and cap Emporium, 24 Market St. CHAS. D. MYFRS, June 20, 1859. FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Mters, ; j Fked. J. Moorb. MYERS & IttOORE. WHOLESALE and letail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac, Ac , 3i Market street, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, lttoif. SMITH A McLAURIN, COMMISSION A FuRWARDLNU MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Refer tot John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank Stale N. C. T. M. Smith. John HcLacrin. July 1, 1859. tf. MALCOM McINNIS, r ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VX North Wateb Street, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH, 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Of Wilmington, N. C. LEWIS N. BARLOW, GROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines; Ale an Porter, Fine Gteen and Black Teas. A O. 3, GRANITE RO IV, Oct 20. Wlmingtox N.C. HENRY P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 East Bay, Up Stairs, Charleston, 8. C. March 17th, 1858.-tf. UNION DISTILLERY, WILMINGTON, N. C. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, t. factuTed and sold. r-WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP ERAGE done at fair rates. Jani 1, 1858. O. G. PARSLEY Ac CO.. PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Steam Saw axo Plaiting Mills, Wilmington, N. C. . : , . ISP All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. March 21, 1858. REMOVAL. THE UNDERSIGNED would inform hia friends and the public generally, that he has removed his office from bis old stand. South corner of Princess st., to the store witu the YELLOW FRCNT one door North of the Custom House, where he would be pleased to meet all of his old customers Mch7. JAS. T. PETTEWAY. - JAMES T.PETTEWAY FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 8 North Water Street, . Wilmington, N. C. 11 give personal attention to the aale and shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores and other produce. Oct 4. HOOP SKIRTS, H OOP SKIRTS, Hoop Skirts, Douglas A Sherwood', H&DRICK A RYAN. Twenty differen styles, July 16. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , ARE YOU going North or to the Springs' duringthe Summer months t if so, don't neglect to call and sup ply yourselves with a good assortment of books for the re lief and benefit of the mind and improvement of the same You will find such books by calling, at Jone SO. KELLEY'S. JUrT. RECEIVED. t)f BBLS. a SUGAR, 10 Keirs Extra Goshen Batter. July 29. O.! KELLY. ENGLISH 8 YrONYMES. : W ITH Copious lilustralions and JKxpUutions. Drawn from the best writers' by Geo. Craft, M. A., at JnlyJ13 KELLEY'S Book Store. vr AO T- - 1 oxisoCxxi. MALT SQOAms. 2r. : f Jdmya...... , JJ ox aoti JS 1 day, f fiO I daja, 1 2Wl4daja, 1 50 TS 00 to oaaya. 7 . SdaTS... ......... ,1 1 week,.. ......... ,a. S7Wlweek, ITS ...;..f .-ls7-'srweeka,:.Tr..Tr.r-1 ts - S 00 1 month,.. 4 00 2 wecu,. 1 month. S months, 3 fid a months.......... 7 Oo S months.... .... . 10 00( & aaoatbs,. & 00 4 months,........- 8 00 lyear; 1 00 inontha,....... It 00 lyer, to 0 Ten tines are counted aa a square, ana firs lines st Itli half sqnare. Longer advert isemenUiS pro pemon. all PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. j - fgj" No publication made without a rrsposalola aams. fdBT Contraeta by the year mad o a favorable terms. ' BUSINESS GAUDS; : WALKER fEARES, i " aoecKssoa to . ALKER MEARES A CO, WhoR-aale and Retail Druirtrist. 45 Market street. Wilmington. N. C " W Jan. 2d, ls65. ROUT II. COWAN, HAS TAKEN AN OFFICE On the South corner of Prtu cess and Water ats-rup atatra and oflera hia aervicea tor the transaction of any kind of business, fcr , the nsaal commission. ! ' v1- May 27th, 1S59. . . ' NOTICE. 1 .Wilmington, N. C, Oct 1st 1 S3. rg?- WE HAVE this day associated .in oux firm Dr. W. wTharriss.. s - " , The business will be conducted as formerly, in the nan and style of HABRISS A HOWELL.' GEORGE HARRIS. A. J. HOWELL. DR. W. W. HAUUT. ' IIARRISS Ac 1IOW1SLL, . OMMXSSION MERCHANTS, Oct. 2, 1855. WlLMIXQTOX, N. C2Q DISSOLUTION. . THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCK, ia this J a . X dissolved by mutual consftut. Feb 2, lS5t.-St.. E: MURRAY. LOVET PEACOCK. " CO-PARTNERSIITP. THE SUBSCRIBERS have thia a; lormod WC, nership, under the nmand style of L. MURUAl A - -Oo.,tortheYransactioettheCOMMISSION and WKDLE- - - -. J. T. MURRAY Wilmington, N. C, Feb. Z, 1S59. ..'. ; E. MURRAY A CO. 4 (Spgcxssors to MraEAT A Pkacoc. , ' COMMISSION M ERCll AFTS, r ' ' '' , AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. . ' . , , Wateb Street. v WILMINGTON, N. C K. M WBJIAV, Fehruary 3, O, R. MCECHISOW, . T.mvmmm, 1859. T. C. A B. G. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . WlLMlMOTOW, N. C. DAVinKAHNWBILERTnAN'LKABNWErLEU. JACOB KAHNWElLl V. KAUNWEILER Ae BROS, ; ' NEXT DQ0R T0 EXCHANGE CUUNEU. . SELLING OPPs ABOVE COST GREAT RUSH OF LADIES TO . KAUNWEILER A BRO Fancy Goods Store and flatterinff testimoaialt by themoftheCUEAlESS, and DURABILITY ot the Goods offered at their btore. Our. Milliner departmci abounds in the most beautiful and tasty goods ever pw- 1 ed in this city. Mia C. PFK1L, who has charge of thie de partment, is acknowledged by persons of tastb, to do the most neut work that is done in this eiry. Our Ctoaks aad Mantillas are ot the latest sty lea and huet texture. The assortment of Dress Good a aud Dress and Cloak Tn. mings of every variety and sty la ottered by w canr.ot be surpassed by any establishment in th South. All. of our goods are warranted to bo as we rcpn."4 then.. (Our btock of DomesUea and heavy Goods are compute. These goods having been purchased bv u lor, CASH we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any estab lishment that sells at cost. An examination of our atoek is all that is necessary to convince customers that it ia aa. we represent. ij. 1'leaae take notice that we have no eoanecUou with any other store, and that we are NEXT TO Ex. Cor. Nov 1. 'v K. A BROS. " ltOBINSO.NrSMANll'ULATED ''PHIS FERTlLdZE,oumposdoi one-half BEST PER X UVIAN (iUA.NO, on-half hne Gror.nd Bone and the BEST PHOSPHATE GUANO, is in condition for immedi ate use, being prepared with new and improved machinery, by which meaus.the most intimate combination is eOi-ctetl, reducing all ti a uniform line powder; and for application by drill or otherwise, it is in tbc most ierfect oruer. Aod we hare no hesitation in paying, tnat ,or,i" ""Ops it is equal to any fertdhter ever offered to the farming coraiminity. The quality will be kept eifectly uoiionu in alLcaaes, and AVarrautcd to eoutaiu & lcr t, of Ammonia 45 TO 50 PER CTfQFlWNE r II OS PIT ATE OF LIME. ; . Our Guano is put up in strong bags, weighing about K0 lbs. each. . FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his personal attention to preparing this article, avd purchasers cau rely on "RoatJi bon a Makipclatkd Goaso'' being in evtry particular at represented. All oiders will receive immediate attention. F. ROBINSON A CO., No. 4 HoLLiNca worth Street, up -flairs, BALTIMORE, MD. ROBINSON'S iriANIPCLATED GUANO Is for sale in lots to suit, by the folio ing Agents : Jokathan Tvkox, Frederick Md. J. C. Netett, Alexandria, a, J. H. Brallet, Fredericksburg, Va. Gakeisox A Maiqne, Norfolk, Va. E. II. Seixxeb A Co., Richmond, Va. Tnos. Branch ASoks, Petersburg, Va. T. C. A B. G. Worth, Wi mington, N. C. R. C. LiNSbAV, High Point, N. C. July 26-2m. - . -T- WIT!. KM ARB 4c CO., CELEBRATED. PIANO FORTE. SEE WHAT the Baltimore Sun of November lbSS, of the above Pianos : 'Baltimore again triumphant. It will be seen by the re port of the Maryland Institute, which was pubh.hed yen terday, that Wm. Knabe A Co., hve again oeen awarded,, the Gold Med l CaarinCATK, for the beat kiuare Piano on exhibition. This is tbe lourth year in succession that ibejr . have received the highest honors of the larrrrcTt for the . best square Pianos, over Instruments from the best makers of New York, Boston, and Baltimore. In the year 1& Wm. Knabe A Co., received tbe GoLb Medal, and in the succeeding years, 1856, and '57, and now ia 1&& They have been awardec "Toe Gold Medal Ceetificate," wbicn ia the hiirheit honor of tbe Institute, ami can only be ob tained by continued excellence o er all competition. This shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, and is a well merited tribute for the Mefwirs. Knabe A Co., the fame of whoso Pi anos is so extensively appreciated. lor sale by UtO. 11. KtLLfcY, for V m. Knabe A Co 1 K 1 rrk July 23. . GROVER Ac BAKER'S $50 SEWING jrEACIUNE. : THIS MACHINE is a plain got op article, the machine ry is the very same -aa those Machines we tell for higher prices. Tbe difference consisting only ia the high gneed ones being silver plated and setting on a nicely atshed Mabogony Table with a cover. We sell them aifc. $5o, no charge made for wrench, oil pot, acrewdriver, Ac, We give the above information simply to conecf a mi stateaent privately put forth in thia city by the sellers of the $40, No Humbug Machine, which ia only an inntrtion of tbe Grurer A Baker Machines, combined with the Wataon patent, costing $16 delivered here, and eellMJg at $40 to $50. AH we ;ak is fair and honest dealing with our Machines, which we are willing to altew to others . 4 GEO. KELLEY, Agent for Grover A Raker's Sewing Machines. ji July 18,'lb5.; ' ' THE SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE. A LITERARY aud Agncoiinral Paper published in Augusta, Georgia, Dr. D. Lee, Agricultural Editor. W. W. Mann, Literary Editor, Wm. N. White, Horticultu ral Editor. Devoted to Agriculture, Literature and Art. It is in quarto lot m ot eight pages, folio size, each tMue con taining forty eolumor of matter. It will be. ia all revoecta a lirst class paper, on a scale of expenditure more liberal than has yet been attempted in the South and designed to rival in 1U merita the most diatjciguisbed in the North. Terms, Two Dollars per annum, invariably in adtance. For sale by ; MERRILL A PIERCE. Send on your names with your post office and it will be sent to you regularly by mail. Address ; MERRILL A PIERCE, Ilookaellerr. - June 22. - Wilmington, N. C. " Journal copy 1 w. Will iamston Mercury, copy w. THE COLLEGE OF ST. JAMES, IMARTLAND. THE E-GHTEbNTH ANNUAL ttESdlON begins on the last Wednesday (the 2Sth) of September. The vari ous classes in the College and in tbe Grammar School resume their work promptly. ''New students will be exam ined on Thursday September 28ih. JOHN B. KERFO0T, Rector Ac, College of St. James, P. O Maryland. July 25-lawdf3w CORN AFLOAT. -i OA A- Buihels Saperior White Corn landing, for aa jLu" by ' ELLIS A MITCHELL. aale i?Arri Aug 19. . f .

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