1 terms, i ' TUB DAILY FT-RAT,T1 1 furnished 4euberibrs at 6t Lr annum, strictly la AnvAjrca- ---! i j2E WEEKLY HERALD, eootaimog tron rooi col max, is published rery Thursday moning t St anum, in abtajtc. ' r r I tT After the eommeceeraen I of iabtcripUo year, to briber wi permitted ts discoctinoe bit pper . Ike expiration ,;f said year. f EFT Office oa South tide ef Market .treat, 4hre Door j 5at of Morrill A Peire' Book Store, an nearly opr-eat' ' la Carolina HotaL , : - . . . j noon, jou and card nf ! a n ! iXECUTKDWITU 'NEATSBU AND DLSPATCH.AND ; ON REASONABLE TEKH3. ' HETTIIfO W ACUIWK5. WE EMPHATICALLY asaert 'T?-? The nrice of them U r0. , e iwre muraos m w ine price ."V '. .v;a towTi. toether with ?l "Vl- XZntouTbl of rv in this Joootber patent who produce Tinkle Ltoxx'm the beat HaUuseercrsabmitted to their inspection. Those who are in want oil those offered by the fa. tiewing Machine will please examine xe mdm of the art e!e and then exaoi iT-Tv. frnn UsAhine. Thai will tell for itself. No noise in operating, perfect stitch alike n both sides. ! aad are warranted to gire perfect satisfaction. OEOROB MYKB3. , y. B. We will submit oar Family Machines to lb tet with any ia tbie market or in the United State. ,Oct5. ' ' ' i tTtTTT! T A TT.TT TTTT.T.TTTTTT " :1 - '"- AND , j CATAWBA JOURNAL, . ' - rcBUsaao ar I If, L. 1LEX1NDBB 4c CO., !..-.... CHARLOTTE, X. C. rptLESE PAPERS (ambraci.g the TirWaxi.T Bcll- X tin) estebliebedn the town o! Charlotte, N. C afford. osaiufti aaraniagesto NTcnufn n uvu, uu wivw affording as they do a circulating medium of 1 OVER TERES TU0VSAKD CO PIES PER WEEK. which we hare no doubt are read by at least i. : TEX THOUSAND 4 t persons each week, a large proportion of whom are Plant era and their f smiles. t As a means of Advertising we are confident that great advantages can be obUinea through this establishment Lenee we embrace this opportunity to inform our friends and the Mercantile communities on the Seaboard, f Cher Jestoo and Wilmington.) thai oar facilities for circulatipg their bosiness Notices throughout Western North Caroli ne and the adjoining Districts in South Carolina are ex pensive and complete. ' Our terms are liberal and a large deduction will be ma-ie on the bills of Contract Advertisers. I 8ept X6-2awftw. PIANOS. THOSE CELEBRATED KNABE A CO. fL-J-vrJ Piano WHICH CANNOT BE SURPASSED : J 1 U U by anr offered for sale in this market. They will keep in order longer than most of the 1'ianos sold at the present day, as for rem km and swerrxsts of sound, thev only need a trial to decide in their favor. We can refer to Geo. Myers, Eiq., Jas. M. Middleton, Esq., W. L. Jacobs. Esq.. Y. D. Poisson, Esq., Griffith J. McKee, Esq., ;od others of reliability. i ' Two specimens now on band. ; All Pianos we sell deliv ered here free of charge and at manufacturers prices. GEO. H. KELLEY, ! Sept 21. ' Agt for Wm. Knabe A Co. f 1 SUNDRIES. "7( BBL CITY MESS PORK; 50 do. Flour family ' I U and superfine; 10 do. superior N. C. Lard, 15 kegs do.; Bacon; N. C. and Western ; 25 boxes assorted Candy; 15 bbls and 10 boxes Crackers; 25 bbls. Sugar, C. CofTee, J A. White and Crushed ; 50 bags Coffee hio, Laguayra and Java ; SO boxes Soap No. 1 and pale ; 50 do. Ada mantine and Spe m Candles; 25. do. Pearl Starch in small and large boxes ; 15 do. Salaratus; Soda and Yeast ; Powders; 20 jars and 20 boxes Potash; 100 Reams wrap I ping Paper; Hoop Iron. 1, and IK inches: Biveta ! . 7 and 8 lbs; all kinds Turpentine Tools, Canal Barrows, S Pepper, Spice, Ac, Ac In store and for sale b by jmy jam. ZENO H. GREENE. HOOKS. BY ADAMS A CO'S Express at KELLEY'S Bookstore. Monteith 2nd Geography, The Sacred Harp, patent Notes, Sander's 1st, 2nd and Srd Headers, Hzen' Speller and Definer, Cornell's First Steps, in Geogrsphy, do Primary and Intermediate Geography, i do High School Geography and Atlas, I QreenleaTa Cosooa School Arithmatie, do Intellectual - do. The Presbvterian Psalmodist, patent Not. ' Town's 2nd and Srd Readers, i Hart's English Grammar. ! Andreas A Stoddard's Englitb Grammar, j Bertinea' Piano Forte Instructor, - History of Methodism. 1 vol. by Stephen's, Worcester Elmenury Dictionary. ; Oct 18. JTJST RECEIVED. . if? BBLS FULTON MARKET BEEF, loO Whole and half Boxes Adamtattue Candle, . w m, r m No I Pale Soap, S Boxes German Erasive Soap, j I " Castile Soap, in cakes, - Pooelne, Venetian, Almond, Hotel, Honey, Brown Windsor, Transparent and veriou other kind of Toilet Soap, A superior article of Green and Blaak Teas. ! 1500 Seirers, Various jJixes of Well Boeketa,' 2 Cans Ginger Preserves, 25 Bbls C Sngar, 20. J N 0 and Brown Sugar, 10 " Cut, 10 Crashed, 15 Boxes Surcb, 100 Table Salt, 250 Bags ... of various sImo, . Oak, Cedar4 Juniper and Pine Water Backets. i "' 4 Dos Pails, all sixes. aS ' Boxes Yeast Powders, 85 Gross Matches, Wooden Boxen, ,- 5 Clark's best Matches, - : $ Dox Bottles Pepper Sauce. . Sugar and Soda Crackers in bbls and Boxes, 100 Bgs Coffee, Tariou grade. Bed Cords, Plow Lines, Scmbbing Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Wrapping Paper, Ba con, Pork, Lard, Mackerel, Syrup, Molasars. Rice, Flour, Butter, Cheese. Imh Potatoes, Onions, Codfish, Pepper, Spice, Gingar, Nutmeg Cloves. Mace, Bluing, 20 Doxen Boxes Mason's Blacking, 4 Dot Leather. Preservative and Water Proof Blacking and many other articlea too numer ous to mention. O. KELLY, Oct 8. - ' - - No 28 North Water st. MILLINERY. TE WILL HAVE our- first regular openiag of YV- French Bonnet, French Flowers,-- - " ;Head Dresses, . Bridal Wreaths. . ; Velvet, Bibbons, Silks, Ao.. TUESDAY AND WEDUESPAY, OCT., 13, 18, which w shall bo happy to exhibit to all wishing to ex amine. .. " - , ' MX' Kt . Since all are of our own importation quite recently, w shall not only show the latest styles, but are able to ' RETAIL AT NEW TOBK WHOLESALE PBICES, .n . i - S.TL KAHNWEILEB& CO,' Oct 10. , ' . si l isyoid SUnd Corner Store. SEE TO IT, THAT. YOU may bur your Umbrellas where they sell hem lowest. C'The largest and best Stock in the town orStats at - - r " " - - MYERS A MOORE'S, Oct 23 r' .. ". 84 Market Street. T GEORGE R.FRENCH, WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL DEALER IN f3 BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, leather and bhoe Findings, fio.ll Market et. an.l,185-ly. WlLaiNGTOX, N. C. THOSE ROOKS. BY ADAMS' A C0S EXPRESS hive arrived at EL LEY'S Bookstore ; Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. B !, Adam Bead e, by Geo. Elliot t, " Villett, a Tale bj.Currie Bell, Shirley, 4 M ' - 1 . Alone by Marion Harland, ' , - MarryaU's Novels and Tales complete ia 1 vol. : 8pt 17a vav -------- BECD PER SCHR HUIiSE. ' FLINTS UNRIVALLED YEAST POWDERS, warrant ed to mske good Bread without fail, if good Flour it m-A ..4 a VMnlrftnr eUmate.iPoi4 by he TKtand $8 1 pound beingeqaalto balf a doxen bdxe. ol the ciatry Yeast rowuers. - ssie vj - Oct 18. ' t. . --. Pharmaeaotut.. AT MERRILL & PIEBCES, . Adam Bde.' . - Love Me Little Lots M Long. P-rley Universal History. . Universal Letter Writer. : Gerald FitneraUA -' ' Life for a Life, ; - 1 ' -Pvnpcrtlu. caix ! C. E. & IL' BURR, VOL.VLNO. 178. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER KAIL KOADS. Orrio 0. SJcr'T ' Wit. A Max. B. K. Co, Wilmington, N. C, Nor. loth, 134S. fVOTXCB TOTIIWELEila. vK AND AiTtli W h.US tHUA Y , iec. 1st, a chanjre o U gchedaW will be mde apon this road, aa4 the Mai and faenger iraios win run u iouuwi . Leave Wiltninffton, at S A. M. and 8.15 P. M. Arrire at Kingsrille, at t.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. Leare KinaTille, 5,15 A. M. and JS0 P. M. Arrire at Wilmington, at 1 P. M. And 1A.M. All the trains connect close! with Columbia trains, ex cept the morning train tearing Kingsrille at 5.15. Connections are made through with the lireenrille and olumbi 4 rtod. J. P. BOBERTSON, Geo. Sap't. Dec x-f. ' i-'" it". wmrTix0 OITFICB WIL.3IINCTON St WBL. U 11 CO., WlLMINOTOX, 21st Oct, 185. IUK DIRECTORS of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail X Boad Company, have declared a diridend of 4 per ct. i profiU ot the Ust six months, payable to . " tbe 10th NoTembr next. the stock Books for transfer of stock will be closed on first No JA3. S. GREEN, Secfy. rember. By order. Oct 2-ltawdtm. -it: itd OFFICE WIL. Zc WliLDON B. U CO., WiUfiaoTOX, 21st Oct. 1S5. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon Bail Bond Company, will be held in this place on Thursday, the 10th day of November next. By order. JAMES 8. GREEN, Oct 22-1 tewtm. J- 300.000 NO. 1. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE WESTBROOK k MENDEN II ALL, PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST OKEES NnrwriM snd Gardens near Greensboro, N.C. ftrvntsm .Atei to their very extensive stock of native and acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fall und Winter Trade both wholesale and retail. This large and handsome assortment has been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon tbe best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to, plant Orchards either for marketing or family use. The stock consists of the following trees : ifuvrmo APPLE TREES. 12.000 PLUM TREES 100,000 PEACH - 5,000 NECTRINES 10,000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, 12.000 APRICOT " 10,000 CHERRY tt 4,000 GRAPE VlftlSS. Besides a very fine assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc., all of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will bo required to give a note on the delivery or reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or they will be charged with interest from the date thereof. All packages put up in superior style and a complete invoice sent to each patron ana so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orchard alter the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list. 8ept20-tf. 8. S. BOYLE, PKZDSJUCK GOULE. BOTLE Ac CO., j 59 Sbcokd st., CINCINNATTI, OHIO. IMPORTERS of Foreign Liquors and, Wines ; Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, ! and Spirits of Turpentine. Manufacturers of fccry des eirption of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and French Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Bye Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, Baretaria and New England Rum, Ac, ra- S le m: aufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky. JlgetUl r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. Ap 21, 1S59- y. NORTH CAROLINA C A SSIIttERES AND KERSEYS. THE GOOCS manufactured in S.lem, N. C, by Messrs. Fries, are deservedly the most popular. We are the wholMle agents for the towu of Wilmington, and wili sudp'.v th above goods to merc'aants at factory prices. Oct 4. HEURlt'KA RYAN. CHECK AND.UANK BOOKS. 'pHOSE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPH CHECKS upon X the Branch Bank of Nrth Carulina, Cape Fear Bank, Bank of Wilmington, and Commercial B ink, are here call nd see for yourselves Also, tbe finest got up artiele of Domestic Drafts to be found in the pUce, at Oct 8. KELLEY'S BOOK STORE. OWNER WANTED T70R1 PLOUGH and 1 Harrow, marked Pa H, Kenans- r ville. N. C, received per Schr Jonas Smith, from New York, October 8rd. Stored and advertised at owners risk and expense. A. D. CAZAUX. Oct 12. NO ACCOUNTS NO CREDIT. WE SELL AT RETAIL for cash exclusively at the Hat and Cap Emporium. We are daily asked to open accounts, but we cannot do it We have tried it, and are dissatisfied with the credit system. W can and will sell a better cl-iss of goods at mA latt er price than under the old style of "credit." Try us and be couvinced tis for your interest to buy your Hats, Caps Ac, for cash only. MYERS A MOORE. Oct 12. 84 Market st. OLD DOMINION. I HAVE the Genuine Old Dominion Coffee aud Tea Pots, that were purchased from tbe Manufacturer and will be sold very low. H. R. PERRIN. Oct 12. FOX'S PATENT. PABAGON UMBRELLAS. Tha ligheet, finest and most elegant Umbrella ever made. We now hare in store all sixes from 23 to 84 inches. Lighter than Silk, look as well, do fully as much service and cost lsss hokxt. Call and examine them at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 84 Market t. MYERS A MOORE. Oct 15. OCFFI E OF THE DELANO LIFE-PRESERVING COAT AND VEST CO., 256 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Ssptxmbbe, 20th, 1859. WE HEREBY CONSTITUTE AND APPOINTORS. BALDWIN our sole agent for the sale of our goods LII E PRESERVING GARMENTS) in Wilmington, N. C., agreeing neither to sell or consign to any other parties or party in said place. 'By L. L. Moor, Secfy. Sept 80. FRENCH PHARMACEUTIC CONFECTION ERY. FOR the relief of Coughs, Colds. Iritation of the Throat and Branchial Tubes. Vanilla Jelly Gum Drops ; Rose 44 44 lf Lemon 44 44 Rose Juiube Paste ; Marsh Mallow Himostatique Paste ; English Mint Lozenges Also tbe usual assortment of. Cough Preparations. For sale by L. B. ERAMBERT. Ocll9. .Pharmaceutist. NOTICE. " "VaROPOSALS will be received until 1st Nov. next, for Urine tha foundation of the new Baptist Church. Cor nar Aflfarket and Fifth st. All the material to be fur nished br ths Church. The bids will be made for the stone worlr bvth nerch fl6V feetl. The brick work if any required bv the thousand. The Contractor to excavate the niJUurr tT-nrh for the walls. All to be measured by a competent Ssperintendent. "X GEO; B-FRENCH. -. Oct 19. . , ! u k. Chairman Bnildrojf Comtnttte ZLafaTERN HAT. LI3TE A NO CRICKS 07C BALES EAST LB X HAY, ;lt)x0M. 44 Brick?, . 28 44 44 Whits Pine Lath, . 10 bbls Choke Irish Pctaioes.. Just received per enr u. v. urtr. lor sale or . .: - r Oct 34. J. AD.MArRA' AOr GTJNlfT OAG7.' O'AAl BCSHEL5 OtTNNT BAGfl, far sale by VVWptll' a A.Kmn. til - I A i WILMIKGTON, "N. C. SINGLE XintBfiR LOTTERIES! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE Nearly One Prise to Every Nine Ticket ! X1TE EXTnAORDINAUT D BATTINGS of Wood, tddy A Co.' Stnirle M umber Lotteries wil take place in public, under the gaperinteodence of Sworn Com missioners, at Atigujta, Georgia, as follows : j Clmaa If o. 47 maws Katardajr, Ncrrb'r 1 9. 1859. Claaa No. 51 Draw Saturday lecUr 17, 1859. Claas No. 56 Draws Saturday, Jan'y 21, 1860. Clause No. 60 Draws Saturday, Feby 1, i860. EXTRAORDINARY DRAWIKO, j To take place as'abore specified. 1 BAK1 CAPITAL POIXE OF 3100,000 ! Prize of $7,GQ9 .... 5,000 .... 2.CXX) 1,000 .... 500 .... 409 APPROXIMATION PBlZES. V v 4 4 4 4 4 Pmeof $600 Appro x. to 100,000 Prixe are. .$2,400 2,000 1,C00 l;20- 300 2,000 .100,000 500 50,000 400 800 200 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 100 5,000 Prizes of $20 are. 20 Prizes amounting to. .615,000 Whole Tickets $20 ; Halves $10 ; Quarters 5 ; Eeghts 2,50 THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS ot Wood Eddy A Co.'s Lotteries will take place at Augusta, Georgia, os follows Claas 45 draws Saturday, Novb'r 5, 59. 'Jlass 46 draws Saturday, Novb'r 12, 59. Class 48 draws Saturday, Novb'r 26, 59. uisms 49 draws.Saturday, Dec'r Class 50 draws Saturday, Dec'r Class 5 draws Saturday, Dee'r Class 53 draws Saturday, Dec'r Class 54 draws Saturday, JTaai'y Class 55 draws Saturday, Jan'y Class 57 draws Saturday, Jan'y 3, 10, 31, 28, '59. 59, '59. 39. '60. 60. '60. OUDINABY D R A W I N ti , To tttke place as above rpeciiied. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF $50,000. Prize of. .$20,000 . 10,090 . 5,000 . 4,000 . S.000 1 50 Prize of.. Prize3 of. , .$1,500 . 500 . 100 . soo . 150 . j 100 llX 10 . 100 . 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Prizes of $400 Approx. to 50,000 Prize are. .$1,600 1,200 .. 1.000 .. 1900 .. 80' .. 600 , . i .100,00ii S00 20,000 10,000 250 225 2o0 150 100 20 5,000 4,000 8,000 l,5O0 tt u 5,000 are . , 5,485 Priics amounting to. .0320,000 Whols Tick km, $10 ; ILvlvss $5 ; Qcartsrs, $2,50. WOOD, EDDY & C0.'S Grand Extraordinary Drawings. ON THE THREE NUMBER PLAN. I CAPITAL PRIZE ! Takes place on the Lcust Saturday in caah month. Whole Tickets $20, Halves $10, Quarters 5, Eights $2,50. INORDERING TICKETS OR DEUTlFICATi. Enclose the amount of mone? to our address, for what you wish to purchase ; name the Lottery ia v. hichyou wish hsn vested, auj whether you wish Wholes, Halves orQuir-ter,aa-.reoai2t3At - tish, we send wbat is ordered, by first 1 mail, together with the scheme. j Immediately after the drawing, a Printed Drawing, Cer- ; tifid to by the Commissioners, will be sent, with an expla nation, fgr Purchasers will please write their signature plain and give their Post office, County, and State. All communicaiiona strictly confidential. I ! All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after tbe drawing other prizes at tbe usual time efforts days. Orders for Tickets or Certificates to be directed te j WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta, Georgia, I or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, Delaa ure., j Alist of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel j with the amount of the prixe that each one is entitled t. will 1 v . J . j : iL ' 1 1 ' ! wo iiuiiucu aikcr coijr urawing, iu vue lOliOWing papers . AKjuUi (Gem.) Cjilitvmalxt, MobUtiegittr, AtiaAciUe Gazette, lllchmorfl Dia pitch, Pauldiig (Jw.) Clarion, Nov 8 . SSPTZHMCSSZI. 22d, 1850 ! SPLENDID KAMWEILEIt & BfiO'S. ABE DAILY OPENING and will continue to add by every arrival for weeks to come, the larzest and most varied assortment of foreign FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS ! which it has ever been their good fortune to offer te the citizens of Wilmington and toe surrounding country. They will attempt no detail of their supply. Solace it to say, that in ELEGANT SILKS AND SILK ROBES, (some surpassingly beautiful) every description of Worst ed and other Drees Goods, say Poplaius, Poplainetts, Val entias, Mouslaioes, Figured and Plain Merino, Flonlard entire new styles. THEIR CLOAK AND MANTILLA DEPART MENT, will be Crowded with newest shapes and choicest fabrics. Their ware-room they keep pacaed to iu utmost capaci ty with every -article in tht way of FURNISHING GOODS, for servants and laborers, such as Linens, Sheetings, Dam ask Towellings, Failed Cloth, Kerseys, Linseys, Satinetts, Osnaburgs, Brown and Bleached Goods, Ac. All of which will be offered at the lo west rates,. KAMNWEILER ABRO'S, Sept 22. J3f bear in mind 2nd Store from Ex. Corner. OCE A N STEAMSHIP NAVIGATION COMPY. 1 AT a meeting of tbe Commissioners of the XX " cape x ear ana ucean btcam Aavigatio Company it was . -f Raolted, That Books for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company be opened in the town of Wil mington, and continue open for thirty days from this date, under the direction of Jno. - Hedrick, Wm. B. Utley, and A. McLean. n1 ,K ;:.? .-,.. In pursuance of the above Resolution, we have opened Books and will wait upon the citizen for subscriptions. . JNO. J HEDRICK, ) V. WJI. B, UTLEY, V Committee ' A. McLEAN, . ) - j WilaiBgtOB,Oct. 4th, 185V-tf. - r f u J3RS- CAROLINE LEE UUN'IW COMPLETE The Banished Sen. .Gmrtshing and Marrige, 1 Marcus Wearland, . helene and Arthur, . Renaor theSnowBird, ! Planter! Northern Bride. I Eleiae, of MagnoUa Tais, Linda or the Young Pilot. Leva after Marriage,' - " " T.adr Of ths Ma ' ' - ' T&Lat Dunsbter, Bob'ttJrahaji, J-'at ! KELLEY'8 Bookstore, nepi ct. 1 Prize ol $50,000 1 1 ' 50,000 1 1 ' 15.000 20 1 " 10,000 U0 1 5,000 100 1 " 5,000 100 1 " 5,000 150 EDITORS AND i'KOriUETOllS. 7. 1859. WHOLE NO. 1755 NEW YOHK AND i'liiLAi'LLi'lllA wa. a. oaxivKR . wa. w. nxsuLxtm l . .1CJ11 AIIARRNLSS, COTTON A GENfcKAL COM JkJllON BOChE Nor. 15tb, 1 557. PaiLADsxrai. CLOIIOE O. V1X AIUNCIl, Jr., CO.IJJlSdIO MERCHANT, Cotton, Spiritj Turpentine, Roia, Lumber a d South ern produce renemlly. 104 NORTH WHARVES, ABOVK AKCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. J-jy Prompt perMOaati Httdiiian Ten to all coDsiumeats and quick returns usde Deo 4-tf. PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. DR. J, A. MILLER, CFRONT STREET, WimissTox, N. C. J? OFFICE next dmir te that of Messrs. Milier A Baler. Jan. th, 185S-tf. ' WILLIAM II. LIFPITT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in Paj.vts, Oils, Drs St. m, Window Glass, Pcttt, Cigars, Old Baaxoiks aud Wines, Pkrfliikrt and Fanct Articles, N. E. corner Front aud Market streets, March 25th, 185S. Wilmington, N. C. BUSINESS CA10)S. EDWIN A. KEITH. COMMISSION MEKCHA.NT, Oct. 1. Wilmington, N. C. . L. BATHAWAT. WM. R. HTLET. HATHA WAV A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. 7s Wilmington, N. O. J. MICOUINSON A: SON. vii vk t rr t- t . , . . . ' i. I "ruitj j-.iio a.mj UrJAl,KS iu Foreign and Dos win Hardware, Agriclltcral Implements, Ac, No. S, Front st., Wilmington, . O. Jan. y, 1853. JOSEPH K. RLOSSOM, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANT, Wilkington, N. C. t7x rompt rersonil attention given to Consininents tor Sale or Shipment " T Liberal Casu Ada.,;es made on my New York frienos. Consignments to Nov. 'd, 1557. John MacRae. Donald MacRae. J. W. K. Die J. 6c D. MacRAE Ac CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. " JC Jan. 1S53. vilmington, N. C. HEJiHY MTT, ACTOR.AND FORWARDING AGENT, V . . . Wilmington, N. C. , Will give his personal attention to business en- irustea to ms.care. Sept. 10, 1857.-tf. A. D. CAZAVX, MERCHANT, WiLMixrjTfiv V ir c OMMISSION agent for omitu s L.1NB of New Yoek Packets. 3f-Office, Corner of North Water and Princess streets JOSEPH J. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, March 8th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE. rHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers is renewed for three .yearn fromi.I Mili ary 1st 1859 under the names and firms f BROWN , DaROSSET A CO., New York AND DeROSSET, BROWN & CO., Wilmington, N. C, auu an. tnubiAJi L. uEtiuasu 13 admitted to an terest in the business for the same term. JOHN POTTS BROWN, A. J. DeROSSET, Jr., R. 1 .BROWN, Dec ox, iov WM. H. WIGGINS. m- w-.,,.. , CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. nTH SUbaORIUfclih have this day formed a co-pa rt- liul'. l an J .'ill ...... . . n 4 L...n:. 1 : ner inin and -ill trm.sact businest. under the name and style o vo & MOORE, at the old island of the former. Hat and cjp Emporium, 34 Market st. CHAS. D. MYRS, -FRED. J.MO0RE. Jnn 1350 Cm.v.". I). Mrses Fkkd. J. Moohe. MYERS & 'MOORE. W1 "HOLESALE and retail deal ers in IfntJ. (nns Kt-tt Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, '.Canew, &c. Ac . &i Mai-ket streer, AVilmington, N. C. June 21, 185t. SMITH dc McLAlRIN, COMMISSION A FoRWABDI.NO MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Refer t : John Dawsox, Esq., Muvor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President linrach Rank State N.C. T. M. Smith. jOHx McLacrin. July 1, l5y. tl. MALCOM Mcl.VNIS, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH ENTERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJ . Wilmington, N. C. LEWIS N. II AH LOW, ( ROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines, Ale ant VJT Porter, Fine Green and Rlnck Teas. A'O.S, UHAXJTE ROW, Oct2tf. Wlmingtox N.C. HENRV P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, H7 East Bay, Up Stairs, Charleston, S. C. March 17th, 1853.ttf. UNION DISTILLERY, Wilmington, N. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN & BRO., Agents. LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, n.nu C. factored and sold. ! f" WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP ERAGE done at fair rates. Jan. 1, 1853. O. G. PARSLEV A CO., TYBOPRIETORS of the Hilton St ax Saw and Planing XT Mills, Wilmington, N. C. All orders or inquiries for prompt attention. LUMDER, will receive March 21, 1858. LAW NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have associated themselves togeth er in the praeticejof the Law in tbe Counties of Rla den, Columbus, Brunswick, Sampson, and New Hanover. Office on Front St., 2nd door south of Bank of Cape Fear where one of them can alwavs be found. A. EM PIE, jr.. Sept 29-lmd-w3m. I). C. ALLEN. EDWIN A. KEITH, Ll j ui i'i. ?a j .1 JIUVVUAJ 1 , ' Wilmington, N. C. Ufltrs his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON, will give his personal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Co. ton will be 50 cts. bale, no additional charge will be made. Cotton iui w &iucu to 4ew 1 ors ai iu cis. tj oaie. Oct 4. Fayettevilie Observer copy 1 m. i RODERT II. COWAN, "I ENERAL COMMISSION MERCAANT. VX Wilmisgtox, 5. C. umce outn Corner Market and ater (Bicets up stairs. Oct 5 1559.- WALKER MEARESj ' " V 'U' 'SCCCESSOB TO :' "TTTALKER "ME ARES 4r CO., Wholesale and Retail If w ' Drnsrgist, 4 Market etreet. Wilmington,! N- C. RAGGING; ROPE ANR TWINE. 4 Q BALES Heavy-Gunny Bsgann . - - XO W CoUs Best Juil Ttcpe, 4 vi m atfgiut iinne. lsr.i! at th. lowett cut ' rie,br 014. HATES OFADVnrSTSIIt C.t 1 , 1 v ? SQOAKX. oxm, 9 23 m lday,.... ntfSday,V..V....... 0 8 day,... 1 4iJi. 75 lday,.. ......... 1 wek..vr: r. . ... n fjw ..." 6 day,... lwwk,...;,..;;.; S weeks, .......... 1 month. 3 months,...... t month,. months, Tl rs 1 t7K Iweeka, .'St S 00 1 month, ... 4M 60 iBaonth,. T Co 00 1 month,.., 10 Of t 09 montha, It Of li 09 1 TNT,. ,...,.. ft ft IJWtfV. Ten lines are coasted as a square, ani line rtlet half sqnsre. Loneer ad rerti meats la f raporttom. il PAYABLE UTAOTANCE. JTT. (?7 No publication made without a res oaaTble B&xa. tJ Contracts by the year made CaTorabls tsnas. - BUSINESS -CARDS. ' " co-PAnTannsnip BOT1CE. I HATE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED MR. R0GES UOOIU: with me in buaiae which will Bereafter be coadaeted under the style and Srm of JA&. T. rETZBWAT h CO. I wonld return my tbanks to my friends for the liberal ja ronao heretofore extended to me. and trust they will fa vor the firm with a con tir nance vftbe taa. - . Oct 8. . jas.t;petteitat. JAS. T. PETTETTAY St CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MEBCIIASTri, N. t Nerth Water Etreet,' ' . WtuiixoTex, N. O. Solicits couiguuieU of all kioda of Produca, alaa ardera fiT Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Uaaae, Ao., As. Refer to Jobx Dawson, Esa,., O. G. Parslxt, Preset CaassaercUl Bank. Gao. Daritt, Erq., Jas. T. PxiTXWAr, Raaa Meaax. . Oct-8, 18."?. NOTICE. WiuirxGTOx, N. C, Oct 1st 1&J4. KST WE HATE this day associated la ear Iras Dr. W. W7HAERISS. The busiuess will be conducted a formerly, in ths name and style of UARRISS A HOWELL. SKORQB HARRJSS. A. S. HOWXLL. Da. W. W. BABStt. UARRISS St HOWELL, . - - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct. 2, 1855. ' ' WlLMIXOTON, N. O DISSOLUTION. , THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCK,1 Is this J " dissolved by mutual eonsest B. MURRAY, ' Feb 2, 1859,-St. LO YET PEACOCK. CO-PARTNERSHIP. ; ' . THE SUBSCRIBERS have this dy formed s Ca-pari-nership, under the nam and stvle of B. MURRAY A Co., tor the transaction of the COMMISSION aad WHOLE SALE GROCERY BUSINESS. E. MURRAY, D.R.MURCIIISON J.T, MURRAY. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 8, 1859. , E. MURRAY A CO. (Sl CCKSSORS TO MCRRAT A PCACOCS. C COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Wats STttsr, WILMINGTON, N. C E. ML-KRAT, I. R. MrRCRIS'tN, J. V. M CHAT. February u, 169. m ' T. C. Sc R. . WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . WlLMlJfGTOlf, N. C. DAVIDKAUNWKILKR. DAN L KAaNWKILK. JACOB KABXWStLB KA1INWE1LER Sc DRO NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE CORNER. SELLING Ol'P ADOVE COST. GREAT RUSH OF LADIES TO KAUNWEILElt A BRO'S Fancy Goods Store and nattering testimonial! by them of theCHEVPNESS and DURABILITY o he Goods offered at their store." Our Millinery dcpartOjioLt abounds in the most beautiful and tasty goods ever epea ed in this city. Miss C. PFEIL, who has charge of this de partment, is acknowledged by persons of tabtb, to do the most neat work that is done in this city. Our Cloak ana Mantilla arc of the latest styles and finest texture. The assortment of Dress Goods and Dress and Cloak Trt mings of every variety and style offered by us can net .be surpassed by any establishment iu the South. All of our goods are warranted to be as we represent them. 1 Our stock of Domestics and heavy Goods are complete, , : . . These goods having been purchased by u for CASH we will guarantee lo acll tbeiu CHEAPER tbau any estab lishmeut that sells at cost. Au cxaniiuatiou of oar stock is all that is necessary t convince rtihtotner that it is as we represent. , N. B.- Please take notice tliat ' we bare na conneciies with anv other stoic, and tbat we are NEXT TO Ex. Co. Nov T. : ; . . K. A BRO'S. wmTknaheAco7, '. ., CELEERA TED ' PIANO 'FORTE. : ' ; ' SEE WHAT the Baltinioro Son of November IK,' aay of the aboro Pianos. : . . . !,t f, "Baltimore again triuuipbaut. It will be rccn by the re port of t lie Maryland Institute, which was- pU'ilubed yes terday, that Wm. Knabe A Co., hivo again bees awarded the GoldMed l CF.RTiriCATE, for the betavii'ARB Piano os exhibition. This is the lourtb ) ear in succession tltut ihev have received the highest honors of tbe Jxstitvtk for the best square Pianos, over Instruments from the txmt make ofNw York, Boston, and Baltimore. In ths year 155 Wm. Knabe A Co., received tbe Gold Medal, and in the. succeeding years, 156, and '57, and now in 158. Tbrv hare been awardec "Tue Gold Medal CBnncArr,M whkst' is the highest honor of the Institute, and can only b ob tained by continued excellence over alt competition. TbU shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, and is a Wrll merited tribute for the Messrs. Knabe A Co., the fame of whose Pt anos is so extensivelv appreciated." 'For sale by GEO. H. KELLEY, Agt., July 28. for Wm. Knabe A C GROVEH A RAKER'S $50 SEWING MACHINE. - THIS MACHINE is a plain got up artiele, the maceiae. ry is the very same as toot e Machines we sell fat higher prices. The difference consisting only in the hit Sriced ones being silver plated and setting on a nicely nished Mahogony Table with a cover. We sell there kl $50, no charges made for wrench, oil pot, screwdriver; Ac. We give the above information simply to con ect a m in state ire 11 1 privately put forth in this nty bf the seller ol the $40, No Humbug Machine, whic4- a only aa imitation of the Grover A Baker Machines, combined with laa Watson pstent, costing $16 delivered here, and selling at $40 to $50. All we ask is fair aod honest dealings . with our Machines, which we are willing to allow to others GEO. KELLEY, Agent for Grovtt A Baker s Sewing Machisea. July 18, 185V. : . . , CLOAKS. CLOAKS." OPENING OP SPLENDID CLOAKS I VE INVITE THE INSPEC tion of tbe public to Ibe EXHIBITION or 01 a kcmt PARIS STYLES FALL & WINTER CLOAKS. Comprising all the latent norelticsof the sessonis Rich Burois, do do with plait, new st rles of oor wn Impoitatkm The Toledo Cloak, The Salferino Cloak, The Ilirondelle Cloak, The Psvche Cloak, The Eugenie Cloak, Thft Margneritta Cloak, The Elegant Cloak, . The Fernand Cloak, . The Polonaise Cloak, Tbe HorUnsirrCloak, The frylphide Cloak. We hare alto on hand a splendid assortment of enr ean manufactuie, wbi;h we offer at prices before nnequaled. KAHNWE1LEB A BRO S. Oct 7. EST! 2nd Store from Ex. Comer TO ADVERTISERS. THE " ONCE A WEEK," a large. Weekly, Paper, to be published at Goldsboro', commencing Nov, 3rd. offers facilities to advertizers unequalled in the State. ' 153- Advertizing at fbe usual rates. A. B. CHAPIN k Co., . t Prropristoni. COFFEE. - -BAGS BIO, Lagos w, sad Java Coffe. for sals Oct 15. HATHAWAY A.Ca . 500 WANTED. . ; TWO GOOD BOOT WORKMEN, for which the hiebot wages will be paid. GEO. R. FRENCH. Sept 20. - ' . CiGARS-JIGARS. T - 1 . c:A AAA OF VARIOUS 0 U 1 1 U U for sale low, by OF VARIOUS BRANDS, fust feeived ao4 , li. N. BAKIXJW. 1 AOf 19.