"T V I THE DAILY IJERAIJia fhmlaaed te abeeribers at 6 per aanam, strictly i atatcbu - - - THE WEEKLY HERALD. eo.teining twutt-tom eol auu,i published .very Thwtda Portia f at ft pr nnata,U adtancb. - "' ' : ! . rgj-After the commeDeemeo of sabseripttea year. o ubecriber wi Se permitted U dieeoatiaee hi. pepr anU the expirtuonrfrsaia year. t3T Offiee on Soita tide ef Market .treat, three Doora 2tof Merrill A Pairee. Book Store, a oppoait lha'CaroliJkIIaUl. IDOOE. JOD AND C1HD PRINTING, . 8IECCTED WITH NKATNEsS AND DISPATCH. A ND f 4 ON REASONABLE TFMS. ' test ! SKWLXO IHlcniNES. Tn vmpitatICALLY assert that we hare the best W iSU? ewialreebi I the United States. TaorkW iaSTS xM. We bare teatimonisl. of eom 3f tprSSal nSca .a thi. Iowa, together w.th ibwto eamg Machines bought ofrirt in th.e mi-t ofofber paunta who pronounce Pinkie 4 Lvou a tKt Mraohmitlid to their inspection, thoaa whJare in want of a Sewing Machine will please examine tbLe offered by the Wr of the article and then exaiu rSle A Lron Machos .That will tell for telf.. N aoiae in operating, perfect stitch alike on both aidea, and are warranted to gira perfect satisfaction. upereg GEORGE MYERS. Agt. tr ! n - ;ii mKmliAnr Vimilf Havchiaea to tLc i a ssarew ww y with! aaj in thit market of io the Ueited Statea. , , QetS. . . i THE DAILY BULLETIN, : I A5D CATAWBA JOURNAL, . rCTBLUHKB BT II. ! ALEXANDEB A: CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. . TllESE PAPERS (embracing: the Tbi-Wbeilt Bclli tw) eetebliebed in the town o( Charlotte, X. C, afford unuvual adrantagee to adrertiaera both at home and abroad affording aa thej do a circulating medium of 'OfEK THREE TEOUSASD COPIES PER WEEK, which we bare no doobt are read bj at least ; 1 TEXTHOUSAin) persons each weak, a large proportion of whom are Plant era and their familea. As a means of Adrertising we are confident thai great advantages can be obtain ea through this establuhment, hence we embrace this opportunity to inform our friends and the Mercantile communitiea on the Seaboard. . fChar lestoo and Wilmington.) that our facilities for circulating their business Notices throughout Western North Caroli na fcnd the adjoining Districts in. Seuth Carolina are ex tensire and complete. ; Our terms are liberal and a large deduction will be made on the bills of Contract Advertisers. . Sept 26-2awf3w. t j PIANOS. " Irl-U-, THOSE CELEBRATED KNABBACOL, JoFTrril Pioa WHICII CANNOT BE SURPASSED J u il y U br any offered for sale in this market. Thej will keep in order longer than most of the Pianos sold at the present daj. as for ruiursas and swktxkss of sound, thej only need a trial to decide in their faror. We can refer to Geo. Myers, Esq., Jas. My. Middleton, Esq., W. L. Jacobs, Esq., Y. D. Poisaon, Esq., Griffith J. McRee, Esq., sod others of reliability. Two specimen now on hand. All Pianos we sell deliv ered here free of charge and at manufacturers prices. I . GEO. II. KELLEV, Sept 21. Agt for Wm. Knabe A Co. pt . SUNDRIES. rr'fk BBL. CITY MESS PORK; 50 do. -Flour family and superfine; lOdo. superior N. C. Lard, 15 kegs da; Bacon; N. C. and Western ; 25 boxes assorted Candy; li bbls and 10 boxes Crackers; 25 bbls. Sugar, C. Coffee, AJ White and Crushed; 50 bags Coffee Kio, Laguayra and Java; SO boxes Soap No. 1 and pale; 50 do. Ada mantine and Spe m Candles; 25 do. Pearl Starch in. en)all and large boxes ; 15 do. Salaratus; Soda and Yeast Powders ; 20 Jars and 20 boxes Potash ; 100 Reams wrap ping Paper; Hoop Iron. 1,1 and IK inches : Rivets ; 6, 7 and 8 lbs; all kinds Turpentine Tools, Canal Barrows,: .Pepper, Spice, Ac, Ac In store and for sale br Jnly lfiQt. ZENO II. (3REENE. ,1 UOOILS. ; It Y ADAMS A CO'S Express at KELLEY'S Bookstore. I 3 Monteith'a 2nd Geographr, A::: H U ICS VUA "2 rn C. JL & R. BURR, WILJlINGTON,:N,a EDITORS AND PROrRIETORS. VOL. VI. NO. 179; T UESD A Y E VENG NOV JIBER ,8 1 &69 W HOLJ& NO ; 17 5 6 RAILROADS. -I Orra Gaa. Scr'r Wit. A Maa. R. R. 0. I Wilmington, N. Not ZVp, 1S5S. PIOTICK TO TUAVKLEUS. ON AND AtTEK WEDNESDAY, Dec 1st. a change o Schedule will be made upon thia road, and the Mai and Paaaenger Trains will rau aa follows : Leave Wilmington, at 6 A. M. and S.15 P. M. Arrive at Kingaville, at 8.10 P. M. and 5.15 A. M. Leave Kingsviile, 5,15 A. M. and V-S0 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, at 3 P. M. and 4 A. M. All the trains connect closely with Columbia trains, ex cept the morning train leaving Kingsville at 5.15. Connections are made through with the Greenville and ulmnbi ItoaJ. J. P. ROBERTSON. Gen. Sup't. o?c 2-tr. 1 OFFICE WILMINGTON Sc WEL. H. O. CO., - Wilmixgtox. 2Ut Oct, 1S59. THE DIRECTORS of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company, have declared a dividend of per ct. from the profits ot the last six months, payable to the stock holders on and after the 10th November next. Books for transfer of stock will be closed on first o vember. By order. J AS. S. GRKEN, Oct 22-ltawdtm. beet y. I f The Sacred Harp, patent Notea. Sander's 1st. 2nd and 3rd Readers, Hszen'a Speller and Definer, - Cornell's First Steps, in Geography, do Primary and Intermediate Geography, do High School Geography and Atlas, Green leaf a Common School Aritbmatic, do Intellectual do. The Presbyterian Psal modi's t. patent Noted. Town's 2nd and Srd Readers, Hart'a English Grammar. Andrews A Stoddard'a English Grammar. Bertincs' Piano Forte Instructor, History of Methodism, 1 vol. by Stephen's, Worcester Elementary dictionary. Oct 18. JUST RECEIVED. i BBLS FULTOS MARKET BEEF, o'w"i , i ! i 100 Whole and halfCoxes Adamantine Candlet, ..' 60- No 1 Pale Soap, 2 Boxes German Era&ive Soap, 1 44 Castile Soap, in cakes, ' Poncine, Venetian, Almond, Hotel, Honey, Brown - - -Windsor, Transparent and variou other kinds ot Toilet Soap, A superior article of Green and Blaek Teas, 1500 Segare, Various Sixes of Well Buckets, S Cans Ginger Preservea," 'x3BblaC8ugar, ' .20 N O and Brown Sugar, 10 " Cut, 10 Crushed, 15 Boxes Starch, 100 - Table Salt, 250 Ba w . of various sixes, , Oak, Cedar1 Juniper and Pine Water Backets, 4 Dox Palls, all sixes, J 25"' Boxes Yeast Powders, OPFICK WIL.. Sc WELDON . . CO., Wilmixotox, 21st Oct. 1359. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company, will be held in this Jlace on Thursday, the lWWav of November next. By order. JAMES S. GRtE3, Oct 22-ltawtm. Bect 300.000 NO. 1 . FRUIT TREES FOB SALE 300.000 wu. I. MENDENHALLv DDiPP ti-thrq nv THE WEST GREEN : n.rfna nar OreenSDoro. a. C. ..r..u oii f Via ttntinn of the citizens oft vvouiu rwwctuu'v - r . , e . , acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fall and Winter Trade both wholesale and retail. This large and handsome assortment has been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant Orchards either for marketing or family use. The stock consists of VwSoPLE TREES, 12.000 PLUM TREES 100 000 PEACH 5,000 NECTRINES 10 000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, " 12 000 APRICOT 10,000 CHERRY . " - 4,000 GRAPE VINES. Besides a very tine assortment of Curraots, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc., all of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will be required to give a note on the delivery or reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or they will be charged with interest from the date thereof. All packages put up in superior style.and a complete invoice sent to each patron and so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orchard after the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list. Septso-ii. S. S. B0TL, FaiDBRICKOOPLB. BOILEACO., 59 SlCONDJST., CINCINNATTI, OHIO. IMPORTERS of Foreign Liquors and Wines ; Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, andSpirita of Turpentine. Manufacturers of eveiy des eirption of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and French Bitters. Have constautly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rye Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, Baretaria and New England Rum, Ac, . m, Kf- Sole mi aufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky. Agents f r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bittra. Ap 21, 185y- V- NOKT1T CAROLINA CASSIMERES AND KERSEYS. , rrMIE GOOCS manufactured in Salem, N. C, by Messrs. I Friea, are deservedly the most popular. We are the wholsale agents for the town of Wilmington, and will supd'.t the above goods to merchants at factory prices. Oct 4. UEDRICK A RYAN. ! - 25 Gross Matches, Wooden Boxes, mm mm) dTm m W I ,. a - larxaneataiaicnes, ' . " 9 Dox Bottles Pepper Sauce, I Sugar and Soda Crackers in bbls and Boxes, ; 1W Baits Coffee, various gradee. Bed Cords, Plow Lines, ! 8cm bbingBnMhes, Shoe Bnuhee, Wrapping Paper, Ba I con, Pork, Lard, Mackerel, Syrup, Molasses, Rice, Flour, Jnsa .Potatoes, unions, coan&n, repper, Cloves, Mace, Bluing, 20 Uozen Dox Leather Preservative and Water Proof Blacking and many other articles too nnmer- No 26 North Water st. Butter, tCheeee, !- Spice. Ginger, N utmega. ; Boxes Maaon'a Blacking. 4 oua to mention. 1 ots- . . MLLKERY. E WILL HAVE our first regular opening ot YV French Bonnets, . mv- , French Flowers, - Head Dresses, Bridal Wreaths. -' Velvet, Ribbons, Silks, .. TUESDAY AND WED UESD AY, OCT., 12, 13, which we shall be happy to exhibit to all wishing to ex amine. . Since all are of oar own importation quite recently, we shall pot only show the latest styles, but are able to RETAIL AT NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES, S. B. KAHNWEILER A CO., Oct 10. 1 " v ' " ; W Old Stand Corner Store. . SEE TO IT, ' THAT YOU may bur your Umbrellas where they sell hem lowest.: . The largest and best Stock in the town orSUteat - MYERS A MOORE'S, Oct. 23 84 Market Street. GEORGE R.FREWCII. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 1 1 BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Leather and Shoe LiL Findings, No. 11 Market it. Jaal,1859-ly. ' Wilmixotox, N. C. "THOSE ROOKS. BY ADAMS' A COS EXPRESS hare arrived at EEL LEFS Bookstore: . Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. B oil, Adam Beade, by Geo. Elliott, Villett, a Tale by Currie Bell, Shirley. " " Alone by Marion Harland, ' ! Marryatt't Novels and Tales complete in 1 voL Sept 17. - " ; - - .' ' RECD JPER SC1XR HULSE. FLINT'S UNRIVALLED YEAST POWDERS, waxraat ed to make good Bread without fail, if good Floor is used, and to keep in any climate.. Sold by the pound IS I pound being equal to half doxen boxes of the ordinary TeaatPowdera? Tor sale by '.. L. B. ERAMBERT, , Oct Is. rDwninQuiL "TTrEKTlILL A PIERCES, . Adam Bed-.'xrT f u. ,r Love Me Little Lore Me Long, , Parley's Universal History, .x Universal Letter Writer. . " dj v ritigerald, . i - A rAiia ior alalia, DartflporDuaf- & CHECK ANDIBANR BOOKS. THOSE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPH CHECKS upou the Branch Bank of North Carolina, Cape Fear Bank. Bank of Wilmington, and Commercial Dink, are here call end see for yourselves. Also, the finest got up article of Domestic Drafts to be found in the place, at Oct 8. KELLEY'S BOOK STORE. OWNER WANTED FOR 1 PLOUGH and 1 Harrow, marked Pa H, Kenans ville, N. C, received per Schr Jonas Smith, from New York. October 3rd. Stored and advertised at owners risk and expense. 1J- a'ua. Oct 12. NO ACCOUNTS NO CREDIT. WE SELL AT RETAIL for cash exclusively at the Hat and Cap Emporium. We are daily asked to open accounts, but we cannot do it We have tried it, and are dissatisfied with the credit system. Wa can and will sell a better class of coods at much loit er prices than under the old style of "credit." Try us and be convinced tis lor your interest to duv your Hats, Caps Ac, for cash only. MYERS A MOORE. Oct 12. 84 Market st. OLDDOHIINION. InAVE the Genuine Old Dominion Coffee and Tea Pots, that were purchased from the Manufacturer and will be sold very low! H. R. PERRIN. Oct 12. FOX'S PATENT. PARAGON UMBRELLAS. Tha Hgbest, finest and most elegant Umbrella ever made. We now hare in store all sizes from 23 to 84 inches. Lighter than Silk, look as well, do fully as much service and cost lxssmoxbt. Call and examine them at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st- i MYERS A MODRE. Oct 15. OCFFI E OF THE DELANO LIFE-PRESERVING COAT AND VEST CO., 256 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, SxPTSMBKR, 20th, 1859. WE HEREBY CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT O. S. BALDWIN our sole agent for the sale of our goods (LHB PRESERVIXQ GARMENTS) in Wilmington, N. C., agreeing neither to sell or consign to any other parties or party in said place. v J DELANO L. P. C. A V. CO. By L. L. Moo ax, Secty. Sept SO. FRENCH PHARMACEUTIC CONFECTION ERY, FOR the relief of Coughs, Colds, Iritation of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. Vanilla Jelly Gum Drops ; Rose M . tl Lemon " " " Rose Jujube Paste ; Marsh Mallow Himostatique Paste; English Mint Lozenges Also the usual assortment of Cough Preparations. For sale by L. B. ERAMBERT, Oct 19. Pharmaceutist. NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received until 1st Nov. next, for laying the foundation of the new .Baptist Chureh, Cor ner of Market and Fifth sts. All the materials to be fur nished by the Church. The bids will be made for the stone work by the perch (16 feet). The brick work if any is required by the thousand. The Contractor to excarate the necessary trenches for the walls. , All to be measured by a competent Superintendent. ' GEO. R. FRENCH, ' OCt 19 UutlnniD DUUOIUK wuuuiiwr EASTERN HAY, LI9XE AND BRICKS. 07K BALES EASTERN HAY, mU f O 20 M. .' -Bricks, - , 23 . White Pine Laths, r 100 bbls Choice Irish Potatoes. Just . received per Brig B, a Dyer, for sale by - - ' Oct 24. J. A D. MaeRAT? A CO. 2000 . i OrNNY.JXACS. r i BUSHELS GUNNY BAGS, fer sale by - StpUi.4 E. A.XEITIZ. WOOD, EDDY & CO'S, SINGLE NUMBER! LOTTERIES-! GRANT) CAPITAL PRIZE Nearly One Prize to Erery Nine Ticket ! ,THE EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING of Wood, Eddy A Co.'a Single Mumber Lotteries wJI take place in public, under the Saperintendence of Sworn Com missioners, at Angusta, Georgia, as follows : Clausa No. 47 Draws Saturday, Norb'r 19, 1859. Claaa No. 51 Draws Saturday Decb'r 17, 1859. Claa No. 56 Draws Saturdav. JanT 21. 1SKO. CIsuh N. 0 Draws-Saturday, Feb'y 18, 1860. EXTRA ORDINA R Y BRA WIXG, To takeplace asabove specified. 1 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF 8100,000 ! Prize of . Prize of. it ..$50,000 .. 30,000 15.000 10,000 5,000 5,000 " 5.000 APPROXIMATl 4 Prixes.of $C00 Approx. to 100,000 Prize are. 4 " 500 " 50,000 " 4 " 400 " " SO.OOO " 4 " 300 " " 15,000 4 " 200 M " 10,000 20 " 100 " " 5,000 5,000 Prizes of $20 are 1 1 20 100 100 100 150 ION PRIZES .$5,009 . 5,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 500 400 . S00 .$2,400 2,000 1,600 1:200 800 2,000 .100,000 5,520 Prizes amounting to. .615,000 Whole Tickets $20 ; Hahres $10 ; Quarters 5 ; Ee THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wood Eddy A Co.'s Lotteries will take place at Augusta, Georgia, os follows I Class 45 draws Saturday, Novb'r 5, 59. Class 46 draws Saturday, Novb'r 12, 59. Class 48 draws Saturday, Novb'r 26, 59. Class 49 drawsaturday, Dec'r 3, 59. v Class 50 draws Saturday, Dec'r IO, '59. Class 52 draws Saturday, Dec'r 24, '59. Class 53 draws Saturday, Dec'r 31, '59. Class 54 draws Saturday, Jan'y 7, '60. Class 55 draws Saturday, Jan'y 14, 60. Class 57 draws Saturday, Jan'y 28, '60. ORDINARY DRAWING, To take place as above fpecified. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE. OF $50,000 1 Prize of . . . . 0 Prizes of 100 " . . Prize of ,.$20,000 " " 10,000 " " 5,000 " " 4,000 " " 3,000 10J 100 100 .$1,500 .... 500 . 400 . 300 . 150 . 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 Approx. to 50,000 Prize are $1,600 4 " " S00 " "20,000 " 1,200 4 1 " " 250 " " 10,000 " " 1.000 4 " 225 " 5,000 " " 900 4 " 200 " " 4,000 " " 800 4 " " 150 4 " 3,000 "... 600 4 " " 100 " 1,500 " " 400 5,000 " " 20 are 100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to .9320,000 Wholb Tickets, $10 ; Halves $5 ; Quarters, $2,50. WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S Grand Extraordinary Drawings, v ON THE THREE NUMBER PLAN." CAPITAL PRIZE Takes place on the Last Saturday in eaah month. Whole Tickets $20, Halves $10, Quarters 5, Eights $2,50. INORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the amount of money to our aadrfess, for what you wish to purchase; name the Lottery in which you wish it invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves or Quar ters, on receipt of which, we send what is ordered, by first mail, together with the scheme. Immediately after tha drawing, a Printed Drawing, Cer tifid to by the Commissioners, will be sent, with an expla nation, 5T Purchasers will please write their signatures plain and give their Post office, County, and State. All communications strictly confidential. 12? All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of forty days. Orders for Tickets or Certificates to be directed to WOOD, EDDY & CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta, Georgia., or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, Delaware., T Alist of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel with the amount of the prize that each onesentitledto, will be published after every drawing, in the following papers Augusta (Gem.) Constitutionalist, MobiU Register t 'Aashville Gazette, Jiichmoml Dist pitch, Paulding (Miss.) CUirim, Nov 3 SPiENDIB STOCK! i KAHNWEILER & mm. ARE DAILY OPENING and will continue to add by every arrival for weeks to court, the largest and most varied assortment of foreign FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS ! which it has ever been their good fortune to offer te the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounding country. They will attempt no detail of their supply. Sumce it to say, that in ELEGANT SILKS AND SILK ROBES, (some surpassingly beautiful) every description of Worst ed and other Dress Goods, say Poplains, Poplainetts, Yal entias, Mouslaines, Figured and Plain Merino, Floulard entire new styles. TIIEIR CLOAK AND IUANTILLA DEPART MENT, will be Crowded with newest shapes and choicest fabrics. Their ware-room they keep packed to its utmost capaci ty with every article in the way of FURNISHING GOODS, for servants and laborers, such as Linens, Sheetings, Dam ask Towellings, Fulled Cloth, Kerseys, Linseys, Satinetts, Qsnaburgs, Brown and Bleached Goods, Ac ! . All of which will be offered at the lowest rates, KAHNWEILER ABRO'S, Sept 22. 37" bear in mind 2nd Store from Ex. Corner. OCEAN STEAItISini NAVIGATION C03IPY. AT a meeting of the Commissioners of the Cape Fear and Ocean Steam Navigation, Company, it was Resolved, That Books for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company be opened in the town of Wil mington, and continue-open for thirty days from this date, under -the direction of Jno. J. Hedrick, Wm. R. TJtley, and A. McLean. In pursuance of the above Resolution, we hare opened Books and will wait upon the citizens for subscriptions. JNO. J. HEDRICK, ) " Wil. R. DTLEY, Committee A. McLEAN, ) i Wilmingon,Oct. 4tb, 1859 -tf. . - -! HRS CAROLINE LEE ITENTZ'S COMPLETE The Banished Sen , ' ' - ? i -Eloine, of Magnolia Yale, Linda or the Young Pilot, Lady of the Isle, , . ' The Last Daughter; '"if Sept 27. -f Courtships and Marrige, Marcus Wearland, . Helene and Arthur, Rena or, the SnowBird. Planters Northern Bride, Rob't (Jrahaji, - at ; tr t V-S-. KELLEY'SBoolretofe. NEW YQHK AND rillLADELPHlA CAKDS wa. . esei.WR . wm. w. Haaaxasa G REINER AillARKNESS, COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE Nov. lth, 157. s - Philadelphia. GEORGE O. VAN A3IRINGE, Jr., COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Luuiberaud South ern produce geaerallr. loi NORTH WHARVES, A BO V it AKCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. J-gT Prompt persona! attention given lu all oonaigumeuta and quick returns made Dec4-tf. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dli. J. A. iniLLEll, ITRONT STREET, Wilmixgtox, N. C. OFFICE next door te that of Messrs. Miller X Baker. Jan. yth, 1353-tf. AVILLIAI II. LIPP1TT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paists, Oils, Dri Stpffs, Window Glass, Pdttt, Cigars, Old Bkaxdies and Winks, Peefumsrt and Fanct Abticlss, N. E. corner Frout and Market streets, March 25th, 1.S5S. ' Wilmiqto.v, N. C. BUSINESS CARDS. EDWIN A. KEITH.; COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1. Wilmington, N. C. j. L. hathawat. wm. r. utlbt. HATHAWAY A: CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. '53 Wilmington, N. C. J. M. ROUINSON fc SON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS is Foreign and Domestic Habdwark, Aobicdltcral Implements, Ac, No 8 Front at., Wilmington, N.C. . Jan. 9, 1853. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM!. G1 ENEitAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER T CHANT, Wilmington, N. C. 3fr Prompt Personal attention giren to Consignments for Sale or Shipment J" Liberal Cash adiajjes made on Consignments to my New York friends. Nov. 2d, 1857. JohnMacRae. Donald MacRae. J. W. K. Dix. JT. A; D. ITIacRAE A: CO., aENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Jan- 1853. Wilmington, N. C. HENRY NUTT, IACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, -VW. . ,. Wilmington, N. C. Will give his personal attention to business en trusted to his care. Sept. 10, lS57.-tf. A. D. CAZAUX,! COMMISSION MERCHANT, . , Wilmington, N. C. Agent for Smith's Line of New York Packets Office, Corner of North Water and Princess streets. JOSEPH J, LIPJPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, March 8th, 1853. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE. rHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers is renewed for three years fromlJanu ary 1st 1859 under the names and firms "f BROWN , DeROSSET & CO., New York. AND DeROSSET, BROWN & CO., Wilmington, N. C, and Mr. WILLIAM L. DeROSSET is admitted to an in terest in the business for the same term. JOHN POTTS BROWN, A. J. DeROSSET, Jr., R.I.BROWN, Dec oi, i9uo. WM. H. WIGGINS. co-partnership notice. rpUE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a co-part-X nership and will transact business under the name and style of Ml ERS & MOORE, at the old stand of the former. Hat and cap Emporium, 34 Market sk CIIAS. D. MYERS, ; June 20, 1859. FRED. J. MOORE. ; lewis n. rarlow , ROCER, AND DEALER IN Limiors, Wines, Ale an? JC Porter, Fine Green and Black Teas. NO. 3, GRANITE RO W, Oct 20. Wlmington N.C. HENRY P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 East Bay, Up Stairs; Charleston, S. C. March 17th, 1858.-tf. " UNION DISTILLERY, Wilmington, N. C. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN & BRO., Agents. A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, n.nu f. factured and sold. B- WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP ERAGE done at fair rates. Jan. 1, 1858. O. C. PARSLEY & CO., PROPRIETORS of the Hilton Stbam Saw axd Planing Mills, Wilmington, N. C. fSgf" All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. March 21, 1858. LAW NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have associated themselves togeth-! er in the practice of the Law in the Counties of Bla den, Columbus, Brunswick, Sampson, and New Hanover. Office on Front sL, 2nd door south of Bank of Cape Fear where one of them can always be found. . A- EMPIE, jr., Sept 29-lmd-wSm. D. C. ALLEN. EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, n Wilmington, N. C. Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON, will give his personal attenaanco to the business. His commission for selling Cotton will be 50 cts. J bale, no additional charge will be made. Cotton lorwarded to New York at 10 cts. 13 bale. Oct 4. - Fayetteville Observer copy lm. RORERT II. COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCAANT, ' ' . Wilmington, N. C. Xff" Office South Corner Market and Water srects up stairs. Oct51S59.- . ' " ' WALKER IHEARES, SCCCKSSO& TO WALKER ME ARES A CO, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 45 Market street, Wilmington. N. C. , - Jan. 2d, 168. - r " ' DACCiNG, ROPE AND TTflNB. 4 Q BALES Heavy Gunny Bagging I : AO 90CoUs Best Jote Rcpe, , i 100a lbs Bagging Twine. For sale at the lowest cash prices, by . ' .. ZENO U. 6REENE. Oct 14. ' ' ' - 4 - ' " Chas. D. Mters, Frkd. J. Moork. MYERS Sc (ITIOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers iu Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, fcc, fcc , i Market street, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, 1859. " SMITH & McLAURIN," COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, , Wilmington, N. C. Refer to: w John Dawson, Esq., Mayor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C. T. M. Smith. j0Hn McLaukin. July 1, 1859. tf. ITIALCOJI McINNIS, f ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VX North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH, tl ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. aAXrsQOAU. lday,. f Jx. days, 4 days,... ciaye, . 1 week....,.... , Ki w; weexs,.. i Z7i 1 month, ,.. ..... S 00 2 months,..,..... X 50 S months,.... .... 4 00, 9 months, 3 0' 1 rear. 15 09 J ONI SOf AIM. . 25 1 dayj,.. ....... J 0 7Wdy,.;s.d... T SO days, 1 62 4 days,... 125. 73 ft dare, A .... ; .'. I 2 weeks. t-Ti, 1 raonth,.... ...... 4 C 8 months, T S months, ! 04 C months,.. If te lyear... I4H Tea lines axe counted as a sou are, ai Ive lines erlicva half square. Longer advertisements m pro port iea. 11 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. . ZZZ. 157" No publication made without a resoeaTble aanie. rjr Contracts by the year mai oa favorable temta. BUSINESS CARDS. CO-PARTS EnSUIP NOTICE. ' I HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED MR. ROGER MOO KK with me in biwines which will hereafter be cnadncted , under the stvle and firm of JAS. T. PETTEWAY A CO.. ! would return my thanks to my friends for the liberal yl rouage heretolbre extended to me. and trust they will te vor the firm with a eontir cancel the esae. Oct 5. JAS. T PETTEWAT. n JTAS. T. PETTEWAY A' CO., " FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS r I ... Ne.t North WaUr Street. M i ' ' " Wiuiixotox, NC. Solicits cousiniaents or all kodsef Prod ace, e ardera u r wrvceiies. xagKing. ivope, uuaii, ct C O. G. PaKSLBTJ'res't Cemtaercial Bank. . Geo. Da Tin, Eiq , . Jas. T. Psttswat, Rei Meeaa. Oct 5. 135?. NOTICE. Wilmixoton, N. C, Oct 1st ISii. f- WE HAVE this day associated ia our inn Dr. W. W. 1IARRLSS. The busiue&a will be conducted aa formerly in the name and style of HARRISS A HOWELL. GKORGB HAHRI3S. A. 4. EOWBLL. St. W. W. HAtBJar I HARRISS Ac HOWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct. 2, 1M5&. ... ;. vWiuiuieTox, N. C DISSOLUTION. 4 ! ik u. - THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCK, ia this I dissolved bv mutual eonaent. . E. MURRAY, Feb 2, 1859.-3 1. i - LOVKT PEACOCK . CO-PARTNERSHIP.' ' THE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a Co-partnership, under the name and stvle of H MURRAY A Co., tor the transaction of the COMMISSION and WliTLE SALE GROCERY BUSINESS.- E. MURRAY, D.R. MURCIIISON J.T.MURRAY. Wilmington, N. C Feb, S, 185. . c E.MlItRAYACO. (Successors to Mubbat A Peacock. OMMISSION MERCIIAFTS, - AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Wateb Stbeit, ' ' W I L M I NO TON, N. C ' K. MLURAT, D. K. MCRCHISON, J. T. MUBBAT. February a, 1359.- T. C. A II. G. WORTH, ,, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, i. - '-WitiONOTOir, If, C. DAVIDKAUN'WEILBR. I) VN L KUl.VWtlUU. JACJB KA.IINWBILB KAHNWEILER A: DROS,' NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE CORNER. ' SELLINU OFF ABOVB COST. - &REAT RUSH OF LADIES TO KAUNWEILER A BRO'S Fancy Goods Store and flattering testimonials by them of the CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY of 'he Goods ofiered at their btore. Our Millinery departuec4 abounds in the most beautiful and tasty goods ever open ed in this city. Miss C. PFEIL, who has charge ofthis de partment, is acknowledged by persons of tastb, to do the most neat work that is done in this city. Our Cloaks and Mantillas are ot the latest styles and finest texture. The assortment of Dress Goods and Dress an d Cloak Tr;: mings of every variety and style offered by us cannot be surpassed by any establishment in the South. All of oar goods are warranted to be as we represent them. ; Our stock of Domestics and heavy Goods are complete. These goods having been purchased by us for CASH we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any estab lishment that sells at cost. An examination of "our stock is all that is necessary to convince customers that it ia as we represent. ' i N. B. Please take notice that we bare no connection with any other store, and that we are NEXT TO Ex.' Cor. Nov 1. K. A BRO'S. " WM. KN AREAc CO., 7 LV CELEBRA TED PIANO FORTE, l , ? SEE WHAT the Baltimore Sun of November lSae", aayn of the above Pianos : . r, "Baltimore again triumphant. It will be seen by the re port of the Maryland-Institute, which was published yes terday, that Wm. Knabe A Co., have again been awarded the Gold Med l Certi ncATB, for the best square Piano oa exhibition. This Is tbe fourth tear In succession that they have received the highest honors of the Institute fur the best square Pianos, over Instruments from the best makem of New York, Boston, and Baltimore. In the year 1855 Wm. Knabe A Co., received the Gold Medal, and in the succeeding years, 1856, and 57, acd now in 18I8. . Tbor have been awarded "The Gold Medal Cbhtificat, which is the highest honor of the Institute, and can only be ob tained by continued excellence over all competition. Thin shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, and is a well meriU-J tribute for the Messrs. Knabe A Co., the fame of whose Pi anos is so extensively appreciated." For sale by GEO. H. KELLEV Agt, July 23. , , for Wm. knabe A Co GROVER 6c RAKER'S $50 SEWING MACHINE. THIS MACHINE is a plain got op article, the machine ry is the very aame as those Machines we sell for higher prices. The difference consirting only in the bih priced ones being . silver plated and swtting on a Mice) r finished Mahogony Table with a cover. We sell them a't $50, no charges made for wrench, oil pot, screwdriver, Ac. We give the above information simply to con ect a mis statement privately put ; forth in this city by the sellers ui the 140, No Humbug. Machine, which .a only an inutatiou of the G rover A Baker Machines, combined with, tbe Watson patent, costing fl delivered here, and aolllug at f 40 to f 50. All we ak is fair and honest dealings witk our Machines, which we are willing to allow to others 1 GEO. KELLEY, Agent for Grovel A Baker's Sewin Machioca. July 1 8, 1 859. " ' " CLOAKS.. CLOAKS. OPENING OF SPLENDID CLOAKS t WE INVITE TI1K INSPEC tion of tbe public to the EXHIBITION .-', ' . . ' or oca new PARIS STILES, FALL & WLNTEli CLOAKS. ' ... i-. , . . . Comprising njreltiesof th all tbe latet he season in Vim. -Rww,. Li-., if " ,:, -..-.. itIVU m US V Wm - do do with pleitrf, new styles of our own I m porta tie The Toledo Cloak, . , The Salferino Cloak, - Tbe Hirondelle Cloak; , . . Tbe Psyche Cloak, .' The Eugenie Cloak, The MargueriUa Cloak. ' The Elegant Clok, The Fernand Cloak, The Polonaise Cloak, . ' Tbe Hortensio Cloak, . . Tbe ftylpbide Cloak. We have also on band a tplcndid assortment f eur n manufacture, which we offer at prices before unennaled. KAHNWEILER A BRO S, Oct 7. 2nd Store from Ex. Corner. TO ADVERTIZERS. . T'JE " ONCE A WEEK, a large Weekly Paper to be published at Goldsburo', commencing Nor. ZrcLefleis facilities to advertizers unequalled in the Stale. , K3" Advertizing at the usual rates. ' a: b. chapin a Co , - -jh :. ' Proprietors. . COFFEE. ' C A A BAGS RIO, LaguayrJL and Java Coffee, for sale by DUU Oct 13 ' r"- HATHAWAY, A CO. .WANTED. , - f , r TWO GOOD BOOT WORKMEN, forwhich thehiahcut wages will be paid, i : GEO. R. FRENCH. Hcpt29, C1GAUS CIGARS. IV If .BARLOW rA AAA OF VARIOUS BRANDS, just teeeived and tJJ JJJ tor sale low, by - Aug 19.