.1 f j i! il t ' Timers,' 1 j . THE DAILY IIERALD is farnUbU subscribers at C$ per annum, strictly in abtaxcx. THE WEEKLY HERALD, containing rwun-row col- . . mm M - i - nar tnna,Ls pnbuanea .every iuray morning - - r-- i nnnm, in AnvAXCX. After the commencement of subscription year, no j .bacriber wi "Ha permitted to diacootinna bis papar onti. j tha expiration of aaid rear. ' ' ' ? " ' ' I ' j KT Offlce on Sooth aide af Market treat," three Door t flaatof Merrffl A Peirte'e Book Store, end nearly opposit. lha Carolina IIoteL ' U " ' ' ' j , f r kxECCTEAniHNlvD dispaicuIand J2i JtKA.MJADAaD A a- KEmro-3iACiii?rES. ; f ilTTE EilPHAl ICALLY assert that we haTe the best 1 VV TainUr rawing Machinea io aha United SUtes. j xie price f them is We hsre teatimoniala of aome ' f the best practical mechanics in this town, together with those who are using Machines bought of tender in this f 'markrt of other patfnts who pronounce Finkle 4 Lron's j the best Machine erer submitted to their inspection. Those ' who are in want of a iSewing Machine will please exainina ' tboite offered bj the ttnJtr of the art c!e and then exam ' ine the r'inkle A Ljon Machine. . That will tell for itelf. f So noise in operating, perfect stitch alike on both sides. mud are warranted to giT perfect aatufactiion. F llperatinff room op stairs at f GEORGE MYERS, Act. f X. B. Wa will anbmit onr FamUr Machines to the test with any in thw market or in the Doited States, i Oct 5. . .. PIAJTOS. THOSE CELEBRATED KNABE A CO., k-wFTf-il Pianoa WHICH CAHS0T BE SURPASSED U M I U bT anr offered for sale in this market. Ther . will keep in order ld'nger than most of the Pianos sold at ! ine present oay, aa lor mum nu iwimm oi uuu, ' Wey only need a trial to decide in their faror. We can refer to Geo. Myers, Eq., JaaM. Middleton, Eaa., W. L. i Jacobs, Esq, F. D. Poiason, Esq, Griffith J. Mcle, Esq., ) and others of reliability. . j i Two specimens now on hand. All Pianos we aell delir- ered here free of charge and at manufacturers jrices. GEO. H. KELLEY, ;' Sept 21. Agt for Wm. Knabe A Co. SUNDIXIES. BBU CITYUESS PORK; 60 do. Flour familr 70 4 J and superfine: 10 do. superior X. C. Lard, 15 kegs I , do.; Bacon; J. C. and Western ; 25 boxes assorted Candj; j ' 15 bb!a and TO boxea Crackers; 25 bbla. Sugar, C. Coffee, ! . A. White and Crashed ; 50 bags Coffee Kio, Lagoarra and Jara; SO boxea Soap No. 1 and pale; 5(T do. Ada - man tine and Sue m. Candles; 25 do. Pearl Starch in 1 . small and large boxes ; 15 do. Salaratus; Soda and Yeast r- ! UOOKSi. BY ADAMS A CO'S Express at KELLEYS Bookstore. Monteith'a 2nd Geogrsphr, - The Sacred Harp, patent Xotes. j ' Sander 1st, 2nd and Srd Readers, U Hazen'a Speller and Definer, ' 1 1 Cornell's First Steps, in Geography, ! do Primary and Intermediate Geography, i - do High School Geography and Atlas,. 1 i GreenleaTs Common School Arithmatic, 1 do - Ictellectnal . do. ; ' The Pretbyterikn Psalmodist, patent wTCotes. ' ! ' Town'a 2nd and Srd Readers, ; j Harf s English Grammar. ! . Andrews A Stoddard's English Grammar. n Bertines Piano Forte Instructor, History of Methodism, 1 vol. by Stephen's, Worcester Ehnentary Dictionary, i Oct 13. . it i JUST RECKIVLD. BBLS FULTOX MARKET BEEF, 100 Whole and half Boxes Adamantine Candles, 50 " . " XolPaleSoap, 2 Boxes German Erasire Soap, 1 " Castile Soap, in cakes. Poncine, Venetian, Almond, Hotel, Honey, Brown Windsor, Transparent and rariou other kinds of Toilet Soap, . A superior article of Green and Black Teas, 1 1500 Segara, , Various Sizes of Well Buckets, 2 Cana Ginger Preserres, T 25 Bbls C Sugar, 20 N O and Brown Sugar, -10 " Cut, 10 " Crushed,' ; 15 Boxes Starch, 100 - Table Salt, 250 Bags . of rarioua sizes, Oai, Cedar4 Juniper and Pine Water Bucket;, 4 Dot Pails, all aizes, 25 Boxes Yeast Powders, 25 Gross Matches, Wooden Boxes, 5 ' - Clark's best Matches, 8 Dox Bottles Pepper Sauce, - Sugar and Soda Crackers in bbls and Boxes, 100 Bos Coffee, rarious grades, Bed Cords. Plow Lines, 1 Scrobbinic Brushes. Shoe Brushes. Wranmnir Paper. Ba- eon. Pork, Lard, Mackerel, Sjrup, Molfsts, Rice, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Irish Potatoes, Onions, Codfish, Pepper, jSpee,Gingar, Nutmegs, Clores. Mace, Bluing, 20 Dozen j Boxes Mason 'a Blacking, 4 Doz Leather PrcserratiTe and i Water Proof Blacking and many other articles too numer ous to mention. O. KELLY, Oct 8. - , ; No 26 North Water st. l! MILLINERY. "177"E WILL HAYE our first regular opening of T T rrencn uonnets, . Freneh t lowers, ' nead Dresses, ' Bridal Wreaths. - i' ' 'Velret, Ribbons, Silks, Ac.:' TUESDAY AND TVTSD TUESDAY, OCT., 12, 13, wbich we shall be happy to exhibit to all wishing to ex- amine. - Since all are of oar own importation quite recently, we ; shall not only show the latest styles, but are able to I I RETAIL AT' NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES, H " . ' S. B. KAHNWEILER A CO., i S Oct 10. ' , BTOId Stand Corner Store. j I '; 1 ' ' '': V SEE TO IT, "' lT " ' rpHAT YOU may buy your Umbrellas where they sell i LL bem lowest. The largest and best Stock in the town OrState at - .. MYEKo MOORE'S, Oct 23 84 Market Street. " GEORGE R.FRENCIl. hi I BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Leather and Shoe Findings, No. 11 Market st, Janl,185Wy. WlLMIXGTOK, N. C. THOSE HOOKS. ; TY ADAMS A CO'S EXPRESS hare arrired at KEL. LEY'S Bookstore: I i Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. Bail, ii Adam Beade, by Geo. Elliott, ' ii' Villett, a Tale by Curria BeU, ! .Shirley, " " " i , Alone by Marion Harland, i i Marry at t's Norels and Tales complete in 1 rol. ; Sept 27. " . f ' RECD PER SCUR IITJL.SE. FLINTS UNBTVALLEDTEAST POWDERS, warrant ed to make good Bread without fail, if good Floor is ; used, and to keep in any climate. Sold by the pound S3 ' 1 pound being equal to naif a dozen boxes ot the ordinary j Yeaat Powders. For sale by L. B. ERAMBERT, - Oct 18. ; , Pharmaceutist. T MERRILL A PIERCES, Adam Bede, Lore Me Little Lore Me Long. Parleya Unirersal History, Unirersal Letter Writer. Gerald Fitzgerald, Life for a Life, DaTenport Don. : Get IS. . "THE AROMATIC VINEG1K." U S PREPARED BY Jean Vincent Bolly, Paris. . i XX. Corrects impure air, and for Porifring the Sick Room : it has no sapericr. As a disenfectant the properties of ' Vinegar are too well known to require further commenda- txon. For sale br L. B. ERAMBERT, j Sept 21. , v. - Pharmaceutist. f FINKLE ANI liYONS SE WINGIfIAClXINEsI - XTTE DON'T SELL OUR SEWING MACHINES AT iYV Half Prices we sell them to all for rirrr dollaks. ; They are taken in preference to those high priced Machines 'that are offered at hat pried. Erery Machine we aell ! gitttptrfect tat'.tfartio. The mUrrprttetdalioM siren bj our competitors will not 'secure aalcaat half price. The Finkle Lyons Sewing Machine is the best erer offered for Family use. They are destined to become the faTorite. : j No a . ; :u f. :7... t ..rt . GEO. MYERS, Agent. . ! CO-PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION. rpHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the X tyle and name ofMEBRJLL A PEIKCt; baa been ais solred by mutual consent . WM. MERRILL, W X. H. PEIRCE. THE BUSINESS of the firm will be settled by the sub- scriber, who will continue the Book and Stationery buuness in all its branches, at the old stand. t Persons indebted to the firm will please call and settle with L. H. PEIRCE. Oct 24. ping Paper; Hoop Iron, 1, IX and IK inches : Kirets 6, 7 and 8 lbs; all kinds Turpentine Tools, Canal Barrows, 'rPepper, Spice. Ac, Ac In atore and for sale by ,' JulTlth. - . ZENO II. GREEXE. I jr JJ JJft t : I VOL. VI. NO. 180. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, 1859 FIXE HARXESS. BRIDLES. SADDLES, Whips, and Trunks, all kinds ot l.atber, and Oil, Con dition Powders, lor diseased Horses, Coach Trim mings, Valises, Ac, the largest stock in the State, sold wholesale and retail at New York prices. JAMES WILiSUJN Market at., near tne wuari Julr 9-Cm. . 30O.000 NO. 1 . FRUIT TREES FOR SA JLE WESTBKOOK 4 MENDENHALL, PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST GREEN Nurseries and Gardens nearGreensboro.N.C. ould resnectfullr call the attention of the citizens of tue Southern States to their Terr extensive stock of native and acclimated Fruit Trees for the Fall und Winter Trade bcth wholesale and retail. .- Thia large and handsome assortment has been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, which is a sure guarantee of froitfulness and longevity, two prominent characteristics which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant Orchards either for marketing or family use. The stock consists of the following trees : 150,000 APPLE TREES, 12,000 PLUM TREES 100 000 PEACH - 5,000 NECTRINES " 10,000 PEAR " 1,000 ALMOND, " 12!000 APRICOT " 10,000 CHERRY 4,000 GRAPE VINES. Besides a very tine assortment of Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc., all of" which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or upon short time to punc tual customers, who will be required to give a note on the delivery or reception of the trees at the place designated in the order or they will be charged with interest from the date thereof. All packages put up in superior style and a complete invoice sent to each patron and so arranged that the invoice will be the register of the Orchard after the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list. Sept20-tl. S. S. BOTLB, FUEDKRICKGOULJi. UOYJLE&CO., 59 Second st., CINCINNATTI, OUIO. IMPORTERS of Foreign Liquors and Wines; Distillers of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, and Spirits of Turpentine. Manufacturers of every des cirption of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and i rench Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades of pure Bourbon and Rje Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, Bareturia and Xew England Rum, tc, Sole mmufacturers of the celebrated "Rose Whis ky." Agents f r Fred. Goule's Japanese Bitters. Apt 21, 1S59- T. Dewing machine premiums. AT THE LATE New York State Fair, held at Albanj last week, there were premiums awarded jointly to the Grover A Baker and Wheeler A Wilson Machines as the best, and the higJust premiums was awarded to the Grover & Baker Machines, over all others, for the best samples of sewing. New York Day Book, October 12th, as much has been said and money spent freely of late to bring other Sewing Machines into Notice. I copy the above extracts from the New York Day Book, (a perfectly reliable paper) to show to the public that .Grover & Baker's Ma chines are to be surpassed by none of the modern do everything machines. All orders for the above JIachines will bepromptly filled and delivered here at Manufacturers prices free ot Expenses by vessel or Express. GEO. U.KELLY, Oct IS. At for Grover A Baker's Sewing Machines. HAIR BRAIDING. M' RS. DOMELER wishes to inform the Ladies of Wil mington, that she is prepared to make and repair any kindof7ai Braids and Curls. Any orders left at the WILMINGTON CLOTHING STORE, Granite Row. No. 1, will receive prompt attention. Oct. 2fi. tf. , ' NORTH CAROLINA CASSIMERES AND KERSEYS. THE GOOCS manufactured in Salem, N. C, by Messrs. Fries, are deservedly the most popular. We are the wholsale agents for the town of Wilmington, and will supply the above goods to merchants at factory prices. Uct 4. HEDRICK & RYAN. check and: hank: books. THOSE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPH CHECKS upon the Branch Bank of North Carolina, Cape Fear Bank, Bank of Wilmington, and Commercial B.tnk, are here call nd see for yourselves. Also, the finest got up article of Domestic Drafts to be found in the place, at Oct 8. KELLEY'S BOOK STORE. OWNER WANTED TTOR 1 PLOUGH and 1 Harrow, marked P a U, Keuans- JTj ville, N. C, received per Schr Jonas Smith, from New York, October Srd. Stored and advertised at owners risk and expense. Oct 12. . A. I). CAZAUX.. NO ACCOUNTS NO CREDIT. WE SELL AT RETAIL for cash exclusively at the Hat and Cap Emporium. We are daily asked to open accounts, but we cannot do itT We have tried it, and are dissatisfied with the credit system. We can and will sell a better class of goods at much low er price than under the old style of "credit." Try uS.andjhe convinced tis for your interest to buy vour Hats, Caps Ac, for cash only. MYERS A MOORE. Qctl2i ' 34 Market st. OLD DOMINION. Ill AVE the Genuine Old Dominion Coffee and Tea Pots, that were purchased from the Manufacturer and will be sold very low. H. R. PERRIN. Oct 12. POX'S PATENT. PARAGON UMBRELLAS. Tha lighest, finest and most elegant Umbrella ever made. We now have in store all sizes from 28 to 34 inches. Lighter than Silk, look as well, do fully as much service and cost less moxet. Call and examine them at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 84 Market st MYERS & MOORE. Oct IS. OCFFI I OF THE DELANO LIFE-PRESER-, VING COAT AND VEST CO., 256 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, September, 20th, 1S59. WE HEREBY CONSTITUTE AND APPOINT O. S. BALDWIN our sole agent for the sale of our goods (LIIE PBESEJ2 VIXG uAEMEXTS) in Wilmington, N. C., agreeing neither to sell or consign to any other parties or party in said place. DELANO L. P. C. A- V. CO. By L. L. Moors, Sect'y. Sept 30. FRENCH PHARMACEUTIC CONFECTION- ERV. FOR the relief of Coughs, Colds, Iritation of the Throat and Branchial Tubes. Vanilla Jelly Gum Drops; Rose - Lemon " " Rose Jujube Paste ; Marsh Mallow Himostatique Pate ; English Mint Lozenges Also the usual assortment of Cough Preparations. For sale by . . , L. B. ERAMBERT, Oct 13. Pharmaceutist. ' " - ''"NOTICE. Ti ' ' : PROPOSALS will be received until 1st Nov. next, for laying the foundation of the new baptist Church, Cor ner of Market and Fifth ts. AU the-materials to-be fur nished by the Church. The bids will be made for the stone work by the perch (16 feet). The brickwork if any is required by the thousind. The Contractor to excavate the necessary trenches for the walls. All to be measured br a competent Superintendents - - GEO.'R. FRENCH, " Oct 19 1 Chairman Building Committe EASTERN HAY, XI3TE AND RK1CKS. )7r BALES EASTERN HAY, Bricks, 29 x White Pine Laths. - 100 bbls Choice Irish Potatoes. Jast received per Brig R. C. Dyer, for sale by - , . Oct 24. , ' J. AD. MacRAE ACQ. - . ;. GUNNY R AGS.' , .j OrtAA 2 BUSHELS GUNNY BAGS, for sale br JmXjXjyj Sept 15. E. A. KEITH . M VYXY- iii ii i i . . i i n A - - I I I 1 J i f I . I 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. WOOD, EDDY & CO'S, SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES:! . OliAXl) CAPITAL PRIZE 2.ono noia Nearly One Prize to Erery Nliie Ticket ! THE EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wood, Eddy A Co.'s Single Mumber Lotteries wl take place in public; under the Saperintendence of Sworn Com missioners, at Anguata, ueorgia, aa lollows : Class No. 4 7, Draw Saturday, Novbr 19, 1859 Class No. 51 Dranrs Saturday Decb'r 17, 1859. Clast No. 5G Draws Saturday, Jan'r 21, 18 GO. Clas No. 60 Draws Saturday, Feb'y 18, I86O. i EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, f To takejplace asabore specified. 1 (allAND CAPITAL PRIZE OP $100,000!' 1 Prize of $50,000 1 1 Prize of . . . . $5,009 1 " 30,000 1 . " .... 5,000 1 " 15.000 20 " i 2,ftX) 1 " , 10,000 100 " I 1,000 1 " 5,000 10t. " : 500 1 " 5,xm; 100 " .... 400 1 " i 5,0001 150 " 300 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Prizosf fl00 Approx.'to 100,000 Prize are. 4 4 4 4 4 20 . .12,400 ! 2,000 . 1,600 i 1.200 I 800 ; 2,000 .100,000 500 400 COO '200 1 00 50,000 S0,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Prizes of 20 are 5,520 Prizes amounting to ..ci 5,000 Whole Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quarters 5; Ee i - THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wood Eddy A Co.'s Lotteries will take place at Augusta, Georgia, os follows Class 45 draws Saturday, Novb'r 5, 59. 'Jlass 46 draws Saturday, Novb'r 12, 59. Class 48 draws Saturday, Novb'r 26, 59. Class 49 draws;Saturday, Dec'r 3, '59. Class 50 draws Saturday, Dec'r IO, '59. Class 52 draws Saturday, Dec'r 24, Class 53 draws Saturday, Dec'r 31, '59. '59. Class 54 draws Saturday, Jan'y 7, '60. Class 55 draws Saturday, Jan'y, 14, 60. '60. O R D I N A R Y DRAWING, To take place as above specified. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF $50,000. 1 Piizeof 120,000 1 Prize of .$1,500 1 " " 10,000 50 Prizes of 500 1 " " 5,000 100 " " 400 1 " " 4,000 10 ) " " SO0 1 " " 3,000 100 " " .... 150 100 " 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 4 1 Prizes of 400 Approx. to 50,000 Prize are f 1,G00 " " 00 44 " 20,000 . 1,200 " " 250 " 10,000 " " ...,1.000 " i25 " 5,000 " " 900 " " 2e0 4000 " ' 80u " ' 150 ' " 3,000 " ... GOO " " 100 4 " 1,500 44 " .... 40f 1 44 44 20 are ...100,000 5 Prizes amounting to. $320,000 4 4 4 4 4 5,000 Whole Tickets, $10 ; Halves $5 ; Qcarters, $250. WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S Grand Extraordinary Drawings ON THE THREE NUMBER PLAN. CAPITAL PRIZE Tules 2ktce on the Last Saturday in eaah month. Whole Tickets $20, Halves $10, Quarters 5, Eighty $2,50. INORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the amount of money to our address, for what you wish to purchase ; name the Lottery in which you wish it invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves or Quar ters, on receipt of which, we send what is ordered, by first mail, together with the scheme. Immediately after tho drawing, a Printed Drawing, Cer tifid to by the Commissioners, will be sent, with an expla nation, Purchasers will please write their signatures plain and give their Post office, County, and State. All communications strictly confidential. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of forty days. Orders for Tickets or Certificates to be directed to WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augusta, Georgia, or WOl)D, EDDY & CO., Atlanta, Georgia, i or WOOD, EDDY & CO.,Wilmington, Delaware., J3f" A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel rith the amount of the prize that each one,isentitledt'),will ba published after eery drawing, in the following papers . Augusta Gto.) CoTiiiitutionalist, Mobile Register, Nashville Gazette, Richmond Dispatch, Paulding iliss.) Clarion, Nov 3 Q-LJJbr,T3S!JAE3fg MAHL 22d,1859 2 SPiMDID STOCK!- KAMWEILER & BRO'S. ARE DAILY OPENING and will continue to add by every arrival for weeks to come, the largest and most varied assortment of foreign FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS I which it has ever heen their good fortune to offer to the citizens of Wilmingten and tne surrounding country. They will attempt no detail of their supply. Suffice it to say, that in ELEGANT SILKS AND SILK ROBES, (some surpassingly beautiful) every description of Worst ed and other Dress Goods, say Poplains, Poplainetts, Val entias, MouslaiDes, Figured and rlain Merino, Floulard entire new styles. r j THEIR CLOAK AND MANTILLA DEPART MENT,' ' will be crowded with newest shapes and choicest fabrics. Their ware-room they keep packed to its utmost capaci ty with every article in the way of FURNISHING GOODS, for servants and laborers, such as Linens, Sheetings, Dam ask Towellings, Felled Cloth, Kerseys, Linseys, Satinetts, Osnaburgs, Brown and Bleached Goods, Ac. All of which will be offered at the lowest rates, KAHNWEILER A BRO'S, Sept 22. bear in mind 2nd Store from Ex. Corner. OCEAN STEAMSHIP NAVIGATION COMPY. A1 T a meeting of the Commissioners of the Cape Fear and Ocean Steam Navigation j Company," it was- , , v.r y-: t "; Resolved, That Books for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company be opened in the town ot Wil mington, and continue open for thirty days from this date, nnder the direction " of Jno. J. Hedrick, Wm. R. Utley, and A. McLean. ; . - ' 1 Injmrsuancd of the above 'Resolution, we have opened Books and will wait upon the citizens for subscriptions. . - VNO. J. HEDRICK, ) - - Wil: R. UTLEY, Committee . : Ai McLEAN, ) Wilmington.Oct. 4tb, 1S55 1 j FIRS. CAROLINE LEE HENTZ'S COMPLETE I - ' WORKS. . . ; -. The Banished Son, ' r; Eloine, of Magnolia Vale7 Lindner the Young Pilot, Love after Marriage, Lady of the Isle, he Last Daughter, f Sept 27. Courtships and Marrige, Marcus Wearlandv ; - Belene and Arthnr -Rena or the SnowBird, Planters Northern Bride, Rob't Graham, at KELLEY'S Bookstore n ED1TQBS AND PK0PKIET011S. WHOLE NO. 1757; NEW" YOUK-AKD PHILADELPHIA CAKOS VTM. M. GKEIXXK . WM. W. HABKXE33 GREINER AOIARKNESS, COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE Nor. 15tb, 1S57. - Philadelmua. GEORGE O. VAN AMRINGE, Jr., GOMMLSSIONiMERCHANT, ' Cotton, Spirits Turpentine. Rosin. Lumber and South ern produce generallv. 'lH NORTH WHARVES, abovk arch stJ, f 1'HILA DKLPHIA. . Prompt personal atteution given to all consignments and quick returns made Dec 4-tf. l'ltOFESSlOXAL CARDS. DR. J. A. MILLER, ' FRONT STREET, Wilmixgtox, N. C. OFi ICE next door t that of Messrs. Miller A Baker. Jan. yth, lS53-tf. WILLIAM II. LIPPITT, CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer m Paixts, OrLS, Dte STrrFS, Window Glass, Pcttt Cigars, Old Brandies and Wixks, Pertpmert and Faxct Articles, N. E. corner Front and Market streets March 2cth, 1S5S. Wilmixgtox, N. C. . BUSINESS CARDS. EDWIN A. KEITH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct- 1. Wilmixgtox, N. C. J. L. HATHA WAT. WM. R. UTLET. HATHAWAY Oz CO., 002IMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. '53 Wilmixgtox, N C. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ia Foreigx and Domestic fr wmD Rf' Aejcc"CKAL Implements, Ac, No. 8, Front st.lmingtoNa ' Jan. 9, 185S JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, ": auli1 COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANT, Wilmixgtox, N. C. . 1 rompt Personal attention given to Consignments r toale or cshipmeni ior oaie or onipmen 47 LIBERAL UAJH ADiaCES MADE OX V .NSW YORK FRIEXiJS. Coxsigxmexts to Nov. 2d, 1857. Joux MacRae. Doxald MacRae. J. W. K. Dix. J. 6c D. MacRAE A- cet.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jan- 1S5S. Wilmix 7 gtox, N. C. HENRY NfJTT, lACTOii A ND FORWARDING AGENT, "K-a-Tvn . Wilmixgtox, N. C. J2T"V ill give his peusoxal attextiox to business en trusted to his care. gept. 10, 1857.-tf. A. D. CAZAtJX.I COMMISSION MERCHANT, . , T AVilmixgtox, N. C. , 3F" Agent for Smith's Like of New York Packets. ' Office, Corner of North Water and Princess streets JOSEPH J. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, March 8th, 1853. Wilmixgtox, N. C. NOTICE. " r HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers is renewed for three vears fromiJfinu ary lst 1859 under the names and firms f BROWN, DeROSSET A CO., New York . AND DeROSSET, BROWN A CO., Wilmington, N. C, and Mr. WILLIAM L. DeROSSET is admitted to an in terest in the business for the same term. JOHN POTTS BROWN, A. J. DeROSSET, Jr., R. 1 . BROWN, Dee i, xoio. WM, H. WIGGINS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 'pilE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a co-part-X nerahip and ivill transact business under the name and style of Mi ERS & MOORE, at the old stand of the former. Hat and cap Emporium, 34 Market st. CHAS. D. MYKRS, June 20, 1 S5i. FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Myers, Fred. J. Moore. MYERS A: f MOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Furs, Umbrella?, Canes, Ac, Ac , Hi Market street, Wilmington, N. C June 21, 185a. SMITH & McLAURIN, " COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS vy Wilmixgtox, N. liefer to : C. John Dawsox, Esq., Mavor. E. P. Hall, Esq,, President Branch Bank State N. C. T-TM; Sm"H- . Johx McLaurix. July 1, 1S59. tf. MALCOM McINNIS &R0CER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmixgtox, N. C. LEWIS N. RARLOW, ROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wines, Ale antf JT Porter, Fine Green and Black Teas. A O. 3, GRANITE RO W, Oct 20. AVlmincTtox N.C. HENRY P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 147 East Bay, Up Stairs, Charlestox, S. C. March 17th, 1858.-tf. UNION DISTILLERY, Wilmixgtox, N. C. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. A LL KINDS OF NAVAL STORES, purchased, manu XA factured and sold. r" WHARFAGE A STORAGE furnished, and COOP ERAGE done at fair rates. jan. i, 1353. O. G. PARSLEY & CO., ' PROPRIETORS of the Hiltox Steam Saw axd Plajtwo Mills, Wilmington, N. C. All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. March 21, 1858. LAW NOTICE. TUE SUBSCRIBERS have associated themselves togeth er in the practice of the Law in the Counties oi Bla den, Columbus, Brunswick, Sampson, and New Hanover. Office on Front st, 2nd door south of Bank of Cape Fear where one of them can always be found. A. EM PIE, jr., Sept 23-lmd-w3m. D C. ALLEN. EDWIN A. KEITH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmixgtox, N. C. Offers his services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the sale of COTTON, will give his personal attendance to the business. His commission for selling Cotton will be 50 cts. bale, no additional charge will be made. Cotton iorwarded to New York at 10 cts. Tt bale. Oct 4. r- ; t Tayetfeville Observer-copy Im. :? ROBERT II, COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCA ANT, i , Wilmixgtox, N. C. pif" Office South Corner 3Iarket and Water sreets up stairs. v ' . t Oct51S59. - . - - , ' ' ' WALKER MEARES, . ,.." SCCCESSOK TO j WALKER MEARES A CO.,' Wholesale and Retail -Druggist,45 Market street,-Wilmington, N. C. r Jan. 2d, 1S63. : -r. : . -.. , : RAGGING, ROPE' AIfD TTVINE." A -gO BALES Heavy.Gunny Bagging .IO 90 Coils Best Jute Rcpe, - r yun ,-r . 1000 fts Bagging Twine. For sale at the lowest cash prices, by ZENO H. GREENE. Oct 14. BATHS OF ADVERTISING. - . saxr SQnaaa. lr. days,...,........ - ' 15 lda7,.....T. JJ ?7K daja,..M...... ; I &0 .Jdara. 1 4 days,.. 2K daja.. J - 75 ftdaja, 1 & 7K 1 week,...........-l TS S7W Sweeka... ........ IT 4 (UJ ...... 1 Week............ S weeka,.....(,. 1 I month, s 00 - months,.,.... 1 50 1 month,.,. . oo months......... . 8 00 lyear,. U 00 l tBonin........ ... ' a c . S uontha,. T Oa ( S months,... 19 09 C months, . ; .'... . . . 1 1 0 1 Tear........... t5 Ct JTea lines are counted as square, an Iva llnei orjl ti a half square. Longer advertisements In proportion, all PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. rrr?' . 137s No publication made without a responsibU same. tCknticUby theyeaJinaUeafavorleternia. BUSINESS CARDS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE I HA VE THIS DAT ASSOCIATED MR. ROGER M OORK with me in busiaess which will bereaAer be eoadaU4 ' under the style and firm of JAS. T. PETTEWAT A CO.. I would return my thanks to my friends for the liberal a( -ronage heretofore extended to me, and trust they wilt f vor the firm with a coatif uancecf tha same. OctS. . , . . . i JAS. T. PLTTEWAT. JAS. T. PETTEtTAY A: CO.; , . F 'ACTORS AND COMMLSSION MERCHANTS, , .-.;, N. North Waur Street, . , - ' - ' V TU4ltKOTO. N.C. , .Solicits conignmeats of all kinds of Produce, also orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Gnaao, Ac Ac . Refer to JohjTDawsox, Es., , , . O. G. Pajulet, IYes't Cammercial Bank. Gao. Davis, Esq., xn , , . Jas. T. Pttiwat, - Bi Maafti, . Oct8,lSwf. ' f! y - - . " ' NOTICE. , Wnjnwrox, N. C, Oct lat 155S. t3T WE HAVE this day associated ia onr ftrm Dr-W W7HARRISS. The business wiU be condaeted as formerly, 1d tht name and style of UARRISS A HOWELL. , : -.n - GKOROB HARRISS. A. HOT1U. : VmU "W. W. tUUMJU UARRISS Sc HOWELL, ; . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VOct. 2,1b58. WiurmoTO, If. C i DISSOLUTION. " THE FIRM OF MURRAY A PEACOCK, ft this J dissolved by mutual eonseat., E. MURRAY, Feb 2,.1S59.-St. ' t LOYET PEACOCK. CO-PARTNERSHIP.. . THE SUBSCRIBERS hare this day formed a Co-partnership, under the nam and style of R. MURRAY A Co., tor the transaction of the COM II ISSI ON and WHOLE SALE GROCERY BUSINESS' E. MURRAY, ' , ; , , D. R. MURCHISON . J.TMURRAY. WilmiDgton, N. C, Feb. 1859. '. Ii.jnUtlUVACO.. , (Si CCESSORS TO MCRRAT A PKACOCX. COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Win. Kmmwwm- 1 ,1. WILMINGTON, N. C a. MDRRAr- - i. a. MURcmsoie, . jr. r.caiAT. Februarys, l&Z'J. , ; . i T. C. Ac K. G. WORTH, . : ' ' " COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ' Wilmix oto, If . C. DAVIDKAHNWKILKU. DAX L KAHXWKILKR. JACOS KAKXWKILt KAHNWEILER A; UllO'S, NEXT DOOR TO EXCUANOE CORNER, SELLING OFF ABOVE COST. ' GREAT RUSH OP LADIES TO -KAHNWEILER A BRO'S Fancy Goods Store and flattering testimonials by them of the CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY of he Goods ofleredat their store. Our Millinery department abounds in the most beautiful and tasty goods ever open ed in this city. Miss C. PFEIL, who has charge of this de partment, is acknowledged by persons of tastb, to do the most neat work that is done in this city. Our Cloaks and Mantillas are of the latest styles and finest textore. The assortment of Dress Goods and Dress and Cloak Tri-. mings of every variety and style offered by us cannot b surpassed by any establishment in the South. All of our goods are warranted to be as we represent them. Our stock of Domestics and heavy Goods are complete, - These goods having been purchased by us for CASH , we will guaranteo to sell them CHEAPER than any stab' ' lishment that sells at cost. An examination of our stock is all that is necessary to convince customers that it is as we represent. .' .- '- ; N. B. Please take notice that wc have no connection with any other store, and that wc are NEXT TO Ex, Cor., Nov 1. K. A BRO'S. WM. KN ARE Ac CO., , CELEBRATED PIANO FORTE:' ' SEE WHAT the Baltimore Sun of November 1828, Says of the above Pianos : , . "Baltimore again triumphant. It will be seen by the re port of the Maryland Institute, which was published yes terday, that Wm. Knabe A Co.. have again been awarded the Gold Mkdl Certificate, for the bestSQaas Piano on exhibition. This is tbt iourth year in succession that they have received the highest honors of the Ixmrcra for the best square Pianos, over Instruments from the best makers of New York, Boston, and Baltimore. In tha year WA Wm. Knabe A Co.. received the Gold Medal, and in tha L succeeding years, 1856, and '57, and now In 1858. They f have been awarded 44Tuk Gold MsDALCsaTiriCATx which is the highest honor of the Institute, and can only be ob tained by continued sxcellenc over all competition. This shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, and is a well merited tribute for the Messrs. Knabe A Co., the fame of whose Pi anos is so extensively appreciated." For sale by ' ' - ' , : , sGEO. IL KELLEY. Agt, July 28. 1 for Wm. Knabe A Co , v - ' - GROVER As RAKER'S $50 SEWING . .. MACHINE THIS MACHINE is a plain got op article, tha machine, ry is the very samaa those Machines wa sell for higher prices. The difference consisting only in the high gnced ones being silver plated and setting on a nicely nisbed Mahogony Table with a cover.- Wa sell them st $ 50, no charges made for wrench, oil pot, screwdriver, Ac We give the above information aimply to con ect a mis statement privately put forth in this city by tha sellers of the $40, No Humbug Machine, which is only an imitation of the Grover A Baker Machines, combined with, the Watson patent, costing $18 delivered here, and selling' at ' $40 to $50. All we ask is fair and honest dealings wiU our Machines, which we are willing to allow to others - GEO. KELLEY, Agent for Grovel A Baker's Sewinf Machines. ; . July i, CLOAKS. CLOAKS. . OPENING OF SPLENDID CLOAKS ! WE INVITE TIJE iNSPxtC tion of the public to the ; EXHIBITION or .oca nw r ;. . PARIS STYLES FALL & WINTER CLOAKS. Comprising all the Utest novelties of the season in Rich Burois, P :- . . v , do do with plait, new styles of our own Importation The Toledo Cloak, The Salferinq Cloak, The HirondeUe Cloak, . The Psycbe Cloak, ' - The Eugenie. Cloak. The MargueritU Cloak, -; The Elegant Cloak, " : ' - The iernand Cloak. . 1 The Polonaise Cloak, The Hortensio Cloak, The bylphide Cloak. We have algo on hand abplendid assortment of ear own manufacture, which we offer at prices before nneqnaled. ' KAHNWEILER A BRO'S, Oct 7. S3T 2nd Store from Ex. Corner. ! TO ADVERTIZERS. : 1 T THE u ONCE A WEEK," a Urge Weekly Paper, to be published at Goldsboro', commencing Nor. 8rd, offers facilities to advertizers unequalled in the State. ST" Advertizing at the usual rates. f A. B. CHAPIN k Co.. . , Proprietors. ; i, . . .. COFFEE. v.,t'. 1 C! fifi BAGS BIO, Lagnayrs, and Java Coffee, for sale by O V U Oct 13. : i - HATHAWAY A CO. f jlti -.v- 'WANTED. . " ' '.. rrwin noon ROOT WORKMEN, for wbich the highest 1 wages will be paid. ' ; 7 . .. GEO. R. FRENCH. t i Sept 29. - . CIGARS CIGARS rA AAA OF VARIOUS BRANDS, just -reeived aul 5U UUUforsalelow.by L.N. BARLOW Aug 19. ' i

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