! . i- . i ' i." THE DAILY HERALD is furnished to subscribers at 1$ n m trtetr4a ATe. . - ' ' 1 ' '' ' " THE WEEKLY HERALD," to-taini djjtwiitt-foct cd nnisYli VatllileJ Tef-Tardymontf at f x P" ISfllUr thi coikmerieeme.- tYf scfcacripUon year, oo ubscriber w? jjerigittttj Ifflf?"'.1 pPr nU t.sexplratioa aaidjaar.,, tj I . -.; i X2T Ccj o 8ot. sids f.lUrket atreey tbrea ,Doora eut of Merrill A PeireVa Book Store. and earlj.ap"poeit i r . - nooir. ion aitd card Kinmifc; executed wim ntatnis- and dispatch, and 5' IjliWrVLtflJIiUBpSTBEEF,:: . latbol as J IwirHuxet Adamantine t'a'e Candles. ! lkx Oerraan EraisSop-. . , i ..CaiU 8osd. in eakes. " "Toncine. Yene'tlan. AlawnJ, lloUI. IIoot," Brown 'Wind?, Traofpairot and varioa othtr kindsrot A ypcrwC article of Green, anl L5tck Teaa, . IK) Sefcars : " YarkHis Siiei ofTTett Backrts " 2 Cans Oingtr ireseres, i--' 20 Jf OandOrown.Saicar, . t at 1 " r' - - 1 u Crushed, "''' . 15 Botes Surcb, 100 " TabloSalt, 2i0 Bser i i-' I 1 JDfTnrkls!c4a,f ' Oak, CidinnlHin Plt Wrjlukets, 4 Dot Pails, aU fixes, 53" Bdxes Yeast Powders, ,. TS Qrors Matches, Wooden Boxes," 6" Clark's be Matches, - - - . 8 Dos Bottles Pepper tianeev So irar and Soda Crackers in bbls and Boxes. 100 Bags CoffVg, Tanooi grades, Bed Cords, Flour Lines, scrubbing Brashes, shoo Brashes, Wrapping Paper, lia- coo. Pork, Lard,'llacketel, Sjrap, slolaases, Kice Flour, Batter, Irisk' FoUtoes, Owioni,' Codfl3h, Pepper, rotc,uuirar,Hnimee mores, iaee,iratn, w voien Boxes klaaon a Blacking, 4 Dox Leather PreserratiTe and Yater Iroot lilacxing and man r other articles too numer- Oct 8. ' y ' ' " ! ' No Iff North Water st. taiOVElX & IIAKER'S $50 8WINU 1 MACHINE. THIS ilACIIINE is a plain rot up article, the machine TT is -the Terr same an those Machines we sell for higher prices. The difference consisth) onlj in the hieh priced ones being silrer plated and setting on a nicely hnvsbed llahoeonf Table witbrlf coTer. We sell them at $.', no charges made for wrench, oil pot, screwdriver, Ac We gits the abOTO laiormatioa simply to cortect a mis statement privately pui forth in this city by the sellers of the 40, No Humbug Machine, whicV is only an imitation of the U rover A Baker Machines, combined with "the WsUon patent, costing. $16 delivered here, and selling at 4U io moo. 'All we ass. is iair ana noaest ueuiinirs wnu nur Machines, which wo are willing to allow to others- .! .,..' f i - GEO. KELLEY, " . . Agent for Grovci A Baker's 8ewinf Machines. July 1S.1S59. . 4 SCIS TO IT, TIIATYOU mar tur your Umbrellas where they sell X bai lowest. The larrest and best Stock in the town ... . rrij l unnDL'U orsiatO at Mixinoajuuunuo, Oct. 23 Si Market Street. c:T!OTinii n.xmK.tcil. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER fN ii 1 BOOTS. SHOES. RUBBERS, Leather and Shoe I Findings, No. 11 Market sL : j 11 I T1 " TLINrS UNRIVALLED YEAST POWDERS, warrant- JL ed to make good Bread without fair; U good Hour is usody ead to keep in anr ctimate.1' Sold by ihe ' pound S3 1 found being equal to half a dozen boxes of the ordinary l east rowders . Oct 18. For sale by L. B. ERAMBERT, Pharmaceutist. PIN KI IS AND LYONS SEWING MACHINES. "TTTE D0XT SELL OUR SEWING MACHINES AT V V Half Price we sell them to ali. for nrrr dollars. They are taken in preferenco to those high priced Machines that aro yaffiered at, t&jvjcf, t Etery Machine: wo sell yir perfect sai.taUiOU. .The mtrprtnlatum given by our competitors will not secure sales ai half price. The Pinkie Lyons Sewing' Machiner is the best ever offered for ram ay use. Iney are oestmed to Decomo me ravome. Nor 5 . GEO. MYERS, Agent. v co-PAni7iEnsniP dissol, vtion TUB CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the style and name of MERRILL A PEIRCE; has been dis solved by mutual consent. . - WM. MERRILL, L. Hi PEIRCE. TIE BUSINESS of the firm will -be settled by the sub scriber, who will continue the Book and Stationery business in all its branches, at the old. stand. Persons indebted to the firm will please call and settle with ' L. U. PEIRCE. Oct 4.; . - ' V; " 7i N. Y. BARRELS. lyfifi NEW N. Y. Empty Spirit Barrel, on Wharf and UU o arrive, for sale by Oct. 5, 1859. , ;. DtROSSET, BBQWN A Co. , 2tXAIXSIIALI.'S SALT. jJAA SACKS of Marshall a foctory, filled in splendid '4U U order, for salo by . . HATHAWAY A CO. Oct 20. .; . . , . , 100 EXTRA SECOND HAND Spirit Bbls, per E LB Wales, for sole iron wbart, by Obt 18. TA C,A B. G WORTH. -.1! 77 100 BBLS Extra White Lima,. landing, this1 day, tor sale from.wbarl, by Oct 18 TC.AB. G. WORTH. - SUGAD. .100 'BBLS, Sugars, t?rosb, Powdered Paten tCut,Clai- ne anu urun u, GEO. MYERS'S., Nov. 1st. ' , - ' PTE W BOOKS. RECEIVED br Express at KELLEVS Book Store ; Henry -6t Jobn, GenUemsn, a Uleof 1774 and 75, by John Eater Cook, y . .- A Life fbr a LiA, by the Anther of John Halifax Gentle men,' Olivethe Ogilives and others. American, Wit and Humor, illustrated by; J . McLenan. Oct to. -4. i i tjhhxhelIjAs. UY TO DAY- YOUIL. UMBELLAS at MYERS A MOORE'S. A larro Assortment, at Lowest Prices. The Strongest and most larable, of ALL COLORS and EVERY SIZEFrom IV to 36 Inches.' 2Totu larger than that rr rmxd for AdtaA. . It Is worth your while to EX AMINE OUR ASSORTMENT, atS4 Market Street. Nov. 1st. , . ; HAT A CAP EMPORIUM. . ' PICTITItrrS AND ENCHAirXNGS. ' "A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL assortment of Pictures . X; for Grecian Paintings, large and small sizes, ! Colored Lithographs, do. Engravings, Bteel Engravings, large sizes. -- " v-". ' . . Also, a large assortmeirt of Artist Materials, for sale by Oct 15. , . . , MERRILL A PEIRCE. . 7- BEAUTIFUL CHECKS on the Bank, of IN North Carolina. Bound and in sheets, for sale br rN0V4 I L. H.PIERCE. . LEADING STYLES, 7." WENrS DRESS HATS." .Ten' cases now ready at the . IT Hat and Cap Emporium; li Market st ' Oct 20. ' " - ' MYERS A MOORE. . . m I I ' V ... . SUCAII. ' ry HHDS aT good lo choice New Orleans, Porto. Rico, TJ and Masoovado Sngar, for -sale by . 334 -ntai .1 HATHA WAT. A CO. JOURNEYMAN TAIL Lous. T7irST,CLASd"0KkMN can find steady employment y J X ar.i get best Ivages wA at ' " - : -fi.e!ci.-iM rT5.--i- .;. BALDWIN'S. t Ttll'ITi'lt ATTO CTTETiTL. TtllfBfJOSUEN BUTTER. ' J r f NewChees. "J ust ree a and rtr aie ny ZENO H. GREENE. LAST OP THIS, x-v n VTRST of next waex. w saau receive an aaiiionai . ". M' A " U'mPDly of Sinjrer' Stdrdilachine. 1 " ; 1 a"PP.w'," , - . n.a niT.n-nrrv- i -t EANDYEWus aas - -T j i. V : . Nov 17 . , . ' ; ,'"IS13 ntt Viu1' m i- ii i - - . j iJHfc j, 4 , Exnress. a hansom H4Cnr; "7,Ji.-r.linKt3a Silk ;Robes, Snd door from Kxchtga Corner. rpo PUUCHASS UMBRELLAS at low prices thanMs ? 'ub T BoSn : i tM . . ... ,n C.E.&' ILEUM, OK VI'NO. 202; TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER FIXE HARNESS. BRIDLES. SADDLES, W hips, and Trunks, all kinds of Leather, end Oil, Con dition Powders, fo diseased Horses, Coach Trim- mings, valises, c, tne largesi svoc u " IT whoTetsale and retail at New Vork prices. JAMES WILSON Market sl, near me wuan Jalj tnim. ' . 300.000 NO. 1 . FnCITTBKM FOlx SALE WESTBROOK 4 MENDENHALL, PROPRIETORS OF THE WEST OKtfc Vursiriea and Gardens near Greensboro, N. C. TTTa .A.trV.iiv oati th .ttAntmn of the citizens ot tne Southern StaUs to their very extensive stock of native ami acclimated Fruit Tree for the Fall and Winter Trade both UUIU ICOLVWiUll mtmm - wholesale and retaiL-i; -". ""i- - Thi. t rM and handsome assortment has been propaga ted from thrifty leaving trees and worked upon the best seedling stocks, whlclu sure guarantee rf.-firoitfulness and lonirevity.two prominemeuw,K.iMv "v- - no: be overiooxea oy persons T,1",", , " r" either for marketing or family use. The stock consists of the following 'tTeea ..''mW' irorru 150,fK)0 APPLE TltlSKS, i, 100 000 PEACH. 5,000 NECTBttEh io aaa PFAR' " ' 1,000 ALMOND, ".OSS AC0T - w & IPJOOO CHERRY 4,000 GRAPE VINES.. , ti: 4 - fin.iianrtmnt of Currants. Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, etc, all of which will be sold on very reasonable terms for cash, or npon short time to punc a.. . .Kriii horMinired to enve a note on the a t ion of the trees at the place designated in the ordei or ther will be charged with interes t from the date thereof. All packages put up in superior s tjle and a complete invoice sent to eaca patron ana So "J" t..Ai.n;M will h the register of the Orchard alter the trees are transplanted, if they are planted in succession as each kind appears on the list. Sept 20-tl. S. 8. BOY LB, ' """"" BOYLE A: CO., 59 Second 6t., CINCINNATTI, OHIO. -. I'll Tr-WT-kTTT7T?a V.rrm T.innnrs and V ineS 1 LIlStUierB X of Alchohol, Cologne Spirits, Camphene, Burning Fluid, and Snirita of Turpentine, iianuiaciurers 01 - cirption of Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials ana rrencu Bitters. Have constantly on hand various grades ot pure Bourbon and Rye Whisky, Peach Brandy, Also, uareuina and New EnglandRum, Ac, M XVh;a. ky." Agents t r Fred. Goule's Japanese uuki mj a7vy s v uu v ;rs. Apt 21, 186SK y. ' OWNER WANTED I70R 1 PLOUGH and 1 Harrow, marKea i- u, n-eiiaus- ville, N. C, received per Schr Jonas 'Smith, from Aew York, October 3rd. Stored and ad vcrtised at owners risk and expense. A. D. CAZAUa. Oct 12. NO ACCOUNTS NO CREDIT. . 1 .ill TTi WE SELL AT RETAIL for casn exclusively ai iue mk and Cap Emporium. We are daily asked to open accounts, but we cannot do it. We hare tried it, ana are dissatisfied with the credit system. We can and will sell a better class oi gooas ai mucto ww- er prices man unaer me oia si ie ui n fry us and be convinced tis for yonr 'interest to buy your Hats; Caps Ac, for cash only. MYERS A MOORE. Oct 12. OIJOboMINION. I HAVE the Genuine Old Dominion Coffee and Tea Pots, that were purchased from the Manufacta er and will be sold very low. H. R. PERK1N. Oct 12. FOX'S PATENT. UMBRELLAS. Tho lighet, finest and r-,r i-onf TTmhrp.ll Tr made. Wc now have in n frm tn 34 inches. Lighter than Silk, OWl J caaa 0afo m w look as well, do fully as much service and cost less mokbt. Call and examine tliem at ine nai anu.V,uvr. , ,,7, Market 6t MXiws & m .. Oct IS. : OCFFI E OF THE DELANO LIF EPBESLK VING COAT AND VEST CO., 236 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ' September, 20th, 1859. . ... . ntiAivm rv WE HEREBY CONSITI U I- A iN J- aituuu v. o. BALDWIN our sole agent for the sale of our goods ( LIIE PRESER YIXG'ifAKMhjy io) in v nmingion, . C., agreeing neither to 3ell or consign to any other parties or party in said place. Jll. V A J. AVUr v.w- By L. L. Mooex, Secfy. Sep S- FRENCH PHARMACEUTIC CONF.ECTION- xsia . FOR the relief of Coughs, qias, inuuonoi mo imum and Branchial Tnbes. , . ... Vanilla Jelly Oum rops; . v Rose " " " Lemon Rose Jniube Paste ; Marsh Mallow Himostatiqne Paste; English Mint Lozenges ' , Also the usual assortment of Cough Preparations. . For sale by h. B. ERAMBERT, Oct 19. Pharmaceutist. ... NOTICE. T PR0P0SAI5 will be receivea umu isi o- um, lavine the foundation of the new iJaptist Church, Cor ner of Market and Fifth sts. All the materials to be fur nished bv the Church. The bids will be made for the stone nrk hv the nerch Q6W feet). The brick work it any u reauired by the thousand. -The Contractor to excavate the necessary trencnes ionue -iia. r'"" ",1 - competent Superintendent. u. i. iiwwvm Oct 19. vuiiiii u '..Ji5 v - - EASTERN HAY, LIME AND BUICKS. Cr7C BALES EASTfiK hai, A I O 20 M. - " Bricks, 100 bbls Choice Irish Potatoes. Ju?t received per Erig R. C. Dyer, .for sale by J. AD. MacRAE & CO. Oct 2-. . - GUNNY BAGS. 2 BUSHELS GUNNY BAGS, for sale by; 2000 Sept 15. E. A. KEITH. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF-THOSE Fine Illusion Berthas, t ine rencn tmoroi deries, Cambric Band by the yard and strip, Embroi dered Setts, Embroidered Pocket handKerctuets, tmoroi derod Ready Made Skirts, at the ussal low prices, at irini-lirnri rn t- 1rt Oct.2G, 2 Doors from Exchange Corner. EMPTY BARRELS. T7MPTY SPTS. TURPT. BBLS., selected, just received JJJ per Schr. W. H. Smith, and for sale by Oct. 28. . . , IIARRISS A HOWELL. SILK AND FINE SCOTCH - INGHAM UMBRELLAS, handles mounted with Pearl, i t iTorr. Bone, ana aarei i ooa. w us- opcu.c at 3t Marketst. -: - M j)cU3. : ' 5 PAI1T TV TNE. MCORE, tf QTL CASKS LONDON DOCK PORT WINE, daily ex Opected per Schr. Ellicott, from ew ork, for sale bv Sept 14. . J E. A. KEITH. PROVISIONS, Ac. rrccpnnr TiJ Tlntr Cheese, Mullets, Bacon, JYX Gunny Bagging. Rope and Twine, Coffee of all kinds, .,1,1 Rnerar. niinsf Candv. Crackers. Candles, Soap, Ac Just received and for safe by f Z. H. GREENER Off CONSIGNMENT AN Invoice of Choice Segars,- Champaign Old Jamaica Rum,-. Annisette Cordials Ac.,- Just received and for sale by . Oct. 27. E. A. KEITH. . , 1 " " 1 i ' 1 i WILMINGTON, N. C. WOOD, EDDY & CO SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES'! a IIASD CAPITAL miZE ,.rly On. Prize to Every Mia. Ticket. ! THE EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wood, Eddy A Co.'s Sinrle M umber Lotteries will take place in public, under the Superintendence of Sworn Com missioners, at Augusta, Georgia, as follows : CI mas No. 47 Draw Saturday, Novb'r 19, 1859. Class No. 51 Draws Saturday Deeb'r 17, 1859. Class No. 56 Draws Saturday, JTan'y 21, I860. Class No. 60 Draws Saturday, Feb y 18, 1860. EXTRA OR DIN A R Y BRA WIXG, To take place asabove specified. 1 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF S1005000! 1 Prize of 1 50,000 J 1 Prize of . . . . f 5,009 1 " 30,000 f 1 " 5,000 1 " 15.00") j 20 " 2,000 1 " 10,000 100 " .... 1,000 1 " o-000 100 " 500 1 " 000 1W " 400 . 1 " 5.000 1 150 " .... kSOO APl'ROXIMATION PRIZES. ' 4 Prizcs.of $600 Approx. to 100,000 Prize are. . 12,'Wo 4 " 500 " " 50,0.0 " 2,000 4 . " 4CM3 " S0,000 " 1,600 4 " 300 " " 15,000 " 1;200 4 " 200 " " 10,000 " 800 20 " 100 " 5,000 2,000 5,000 Prizes of $20 arc 100,000 5,520 Prizes amounting to. ,615,000, Whole Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quarters 5; Eights 2,50 THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wood Eddy A Co.'s Lotteries will take place at Augusta, Georgia, os follows . Class 45 draws Saturday, Novb'r 5, '59. Class 46 draws Saturday, Novb'r 12, '59. Class 48 draws Saturday, Novb'r 26, '59. Class 49 draws.Saturday, Dec'r 3, '59. Class 50 draws Saturday, Dec'r 10, '59. Class 52 draws Saturday, Dec'r 24, '59. Class 53 draws Saturday, Dec'r 31, Class 54 draws Saturday, Jan'y 7, '59. '60. '60. '60. Class 55 draws Saturday, Jan'y 14, Class 57 draws Saturday, Jan'y 28, ORDINARY DRAWING, To take place as above specified. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF $50,000. Prize of $20,000 " " 10,000 1 50 100 10) 100 100 Prize of $1,500 Prizes of 500 " ' ' 400 " 300 " " . . 150 " " 100 5,000 4,000 3,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 Approx. to 50,000 Prize are $1,600 4 " " " 300 " " 20,000 " " 1,200 4' " " 250 " " 10,000 " " .... 1.000 4 " 225 ' " 5,000 " ' " 900 4 " " 200 " " 4,000 " 1 " 800 4 " " 150 " 3,000 " " :.. 600 4 " 100 4 " 1,500 " " 400 5,000 " " 20 are .100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to, ,. . . .8320,000 Whole Tickets, $10; Halves $5 ; Qu . WOOD, EDDY & CO.'S Grand Extraordinary Drawings. ON THE THREE NUMBER PLAN. CAPITAL PRIZE Takes 'place on the Last Saturday in eaah month. Whole Tickets $20, Halves $10, Quarters 5, Eights $2,50 INORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the amount of money to our address, for what you wish to purchase ; name the Lottery in which you wish it invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves or Quar ters, on receipt of which, we send what is ordered by first mail, together with the scheme. Immediately after tha drawing, a Printed Drawing, Cer tifid to by the Commissioners, will be sent, with an expla nation, 'i Purchasers will pleise write their signatures plain and give their Post office, County, and State. All communications strictly confidential. . All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid ' immediately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of forty days. Orders for Tickets or Certificates to be directed to WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augusta, Georgia, pr 1 WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta, Georgia, or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, Delaware., J3f" Alist of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel with the amount of the prize that each one4is entitled to, will be.pnblished after every drawing, in the following papers . Augusta (Ge0.) Gmtitvtionatist, Mobile Register, AashviUe Gazeite, Richmond Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, Nov 3 WM. KNABE Sc CO., ' . CELEBRATED RIAJSTO FORTE. -QEE WHAT tjie Baltimore Sun of November 185S, says ) of the above Pianos : "Baltimore again triumphant. It will be seen by the re port of the Maryland Institute, which was published yes terday, that Wm. Knbe A Co., have again been awarded the Gold Medal Certificate, for the best squabs Piaro on exhibition. This is the fourth year in succession that they have received the highest honors of the Institute for the best square Pianos, over Instruments from the best makers of New York, Boston, and Baltimore. In the year 1855 Wm. Knabe A Co., received the Gold Medal, and in the succeeding years, 1856, and '57, and now in 1858. Thev hrohPin Awarded "The Gold Medal Certificate," wbich is the highest honor of the Institute, andean only be ob-J tained by continuea excellence ur n ujj;vil'uu. io shows well for Baltimore Mechanics, and is a well merited tribute for the Messrs. Knabe A Co., the fame of whose Pi anos is so extensively appreciated." For sale by I GEO. H. KELLL , Agt., July 23. fr Wm. Knabe A, Co OCEAN STEAMSHIP NAVIGATION COBPY. AT a meeting of the Commissioners of the " Cape Fear and Ocean Steam Navigation Company, it was . . , - , Resolved, That Books for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company be opened in the town ot Wil mington, and continue open for thirty days from this; date, nnder the direction of Jno. J. Hedrick, Wm. R. Utley, and A. McLean. s, f 1 In pursuance of the above Resolution, we have, opened Rooks and will wait upon the citizens for subscriptions. ; IN0. J. HEDRICK, 1 -! WM. R. UTLEY, V Committee.! A.! MCLEAN ) Wilmington.Oct. 4tb, 1859 1 BAGGING, "ROPEAND TWINE. -g Q BALES Heavy Gunny Bagging, IO 90 CoUs Best Jnte Rcpe, .. . 1000 lbs Bajreins Twine tor saae at the lowest cash prices, by -Oct 14. ZENQH. GREENE. J NEGRO GOODS, : , -! ! I RICES LOW Workmanship good Cn t til right at Nov 14 ; r ' J Baldwin's - Crockery. CHINA AND GLASS WARE. I AM NOW receiving a large and well selected stock of Goods, and am ready to attend to all Cash customers that aro in want of any article in my line. Thankful for toast tavors, and- hope T strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same " '11 R PERRIN, 1 Oct 5. No 9Market street. EDITORS AND ritOl'lUETORS.;,: 6. 1859- WHOLE NO. 17T9 NORTHERN' CARDS. LONDON At BRYAN, , GOMMiSSION MERCHANTS, . , r , . -f-- 5o S2 India Street, Boston. Consignments, of Naval Stores, Cottou.Lomber, and other Southern Produce solicited. ' . Jjco. R. Loxpox, J. U. Brtax, Jb. Nov 21. . : , Vk. , GKStXEK . Wit. W. IXAREXKSS G REINER A JIAItKNESS, ' COTTON A GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE J Nov. 15th, 1S57 Philadelphia. GEORGE O. VAN AMRINGE, Jr., COMMISSION MERCHANT, Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, 'Lumber and South ern produce generally. 104 NORTH WHARVES, ABOVE ASCII ST., . PHILADELPHIA " Prompt personal attention given to all consignments and quick returns made Dec 4-tf. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 9 D. J. A. MILLER, FRONT STREET, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE next door to that of Messrs. Miller A Baker. Jan. 9th, 85S-tf. WILLIAM U. LIPPITT. CHEMIST A DRUGGIST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer J in Paixts, Oils, Drs tyrrrra, hixdow Glass, Pcttt, Ciabs, Old Brandies and Wines, Perfumert and Faxct Articles, . E. corner front and Market streets, March 25th, 1853. Wilmington, N. C. BUSINESS CARDS. EDWIN A. KEITH. c COMMISSION MERCHANT, Oct. 1. WlMINGTON, N. c. J. L. hathawat. WM. II. t'TLEV. Wilmington, N. C. HATHAWAY A: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dec 16th. '58 J. M. ROBINSON A: SON, I MPORTERS AND DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic A DW-EK Agricultukal Implemexts, Ac, No. 8. Front 8t.,V ilmington,N.C. Jan. , 185S. JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, tor feale or Shipment Liberal Cash ADaCKS made ox my New York frienos. i Consignments to Nov. 2d, 1857. J ohn MacRae. Donald MacRae. J. W. K. Dix. j. oc f. JiaeltAE A; CO.. Gr ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jan. 1858. Wilmington, N. C. HENRY SUIT, rACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, -'w-n u Wilmington, N. C. 33" Will give his personal attention to business en trusted to his care. Sept. 10, lS57.-tf. A. D. CAZAUXJ COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. i" Agent for Smith's Line of New York Packets. tSIT Office, Corner of North Water and Princess streets. JOSEPH J. LIPPITT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' March 8th, 1858. Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE. HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers is renewed for three rears from .Janu ary 1st 1859 under the names and firms f liliOWN , DeROSSET A CO., New York AND DeROSSET, BROWN A CO.. Wilminrtnn N f ftUU r. n 1LLIAM L. LIBKUSSKT IS nrlmiHwl n 1 iiri. . . - . : - F t terest in the business for the same term. 1U- JOHN POTTS BROWN, A. J. DeROSSET, Jr., R. I . BROWN, iooo. WM. HJ WIGGINS. Dec CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTiru. THE SUBSCRIBERS hare ibis day formed a co-partnership and will transact business under the name and style of ill ERS & MOORE, at the old stand of the former. llat and capEmporium, 34 Market st. I CliAS. D. MY KUS. June 20, 1S59. FRED. J. MOORE. Chas. D. Myrs, Fred. J. Moore. MYERS d: MOORE. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods Furs, Umbrellas, Canes, Ac, Ar , 4 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. June 21, 185t. SMITH At McLAURIN, COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Refer to : i John Dawson, Esq., Mavor. E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank State N. C T. M. Smith. John McLavrin. July 1, 1859. it MALCOM MclNNIS, &R0CER XND COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WORTH, E.SERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VJT Wilmixotox, N. C. t- LEWIS 1$. BARLOW, fi ROCER, AND DEALER IN Liquors, Wjns, Ale I Pnrtof Pino Hioan v-i1 T!'o-.l- rrk.. an VA J A. AUWr V VV-a Mil V4 1UWJW A V Ot AO. 3, GRANITE 110 W, Wlmixgtx N.C. Oct 20. HENRY P. RUSSELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . 14T East Bay, Up Stairs, Chahlestox, S. March 17th, 1858.-tf. C. UNION DISTILLERY, Wilmington, N. C. J. E. OAKLEY, Proprietress. VAN BOKKELEN A BRO., Agents. ALL KINDS OF NAVAE STOSS, purchased, mnn factured and sold. J3jF" WHARFAGE A STORAGE furn-'ied, and COOP ERAGE done at fair rates. Jan. 1, 1858. O. G. PARSLEY A CO., PROPRIETORS of the Hiltox Steam Saw,axd Plaxixo Mills, Wilmington, N? C. .... jsgf All orders or inquiries for LUMBER, will receive prompt attention. ' ,( . March 21, 1S58. ' EDWIN A; KEITH, ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' J ' -'':'r r-V' -y ! 1 Wilmixctox', N. C. O-crs his services to Planters as- Factor or Agent fbr the sale of COTTON, will give his personal attendance to the business. His commission fcr selling Cotton will be 50 cts. 1? bale, no additional charge wilt be made. Cotton lorwarded to New York at 10 cts, ? bale. Oct 4. ; - ' ? ' ; : Fayettevflle Observer &jj lm.' ' , ROBERT Hi COWAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERC A ANT, -; - J ... . V J;Wu.MIXGTOX, N.C Office South Corner Market and Water areeta npl 8tOct5135 , r -A "SIR JOHN FRANKLIN OVERCOATS ! ENGLISH BEAVER O VER.COATS ii , f , French Ueaver Over Coatsr . ' -Shawls! Shawls! ! Shawls!!! ' ; ; -u- .-Rngsl-Roga! ! v..-i '-:? -c n - . . It matters ot oo cold the weather is, you caa comforable Ulothmg, good well maae, 7"iyTis. BAIJ WIN'S at Not 14 't&FJ x4L C?M3IISSION AND FORWARDING MER VCII Ai T, Wilmington, N. C. jj" Prompt Personal attention eiven to Comsi tlVC Sdars.. . . fdajs... 60ozSdaja,i;" f JX lA :g TA , &dara 1 4 days... 6uysv.;.,k..,,t. 87t 1 trek.I....-.Vl T5 S weexa,. .. i 1 month. .;;r.tS0O iBfliitV..,.. 4 00 t snoaths,,, 7 Oo. S months,...'.... 10 00 moatbs, w It 00.;,r ft months,......,..' 5 00 ' moolZii,. .'. k .V. : 8 00 r,.........M to 00 Ten lines rs conn ted as a squar. an I Hts Uns rjlet half sonars. Longer adrertUeinents in proportion , -Jl PAYABLE IN ADVAJf CI :.t- -,i r. - -; J57 No publication mads without a rtsvoniail Ttams. ST Contracu by lis yearwaSo o CaYoriUttrteavr , BUSINESS CARDS: CO-PA KTN KK-TTf P XfOXICI f ; . IHAVKTHIS DAT ASSOCIATED MR. EOGnsilOORK with me in busioeis which will bereafur b cvdocU4 under thtyle and firm, of JAS T.PETTEYTAY A CO I -would return my thanks U my frkdi for the liberal t- ronafre heretofore extended to ma. and trost Chey iU to- vor the Arm with a oo-ticnancexf tha aasno. lvth Oct 3. v JAL T. PETTEVTAT JAS. T. PBTTEWAYAt CO. ,v FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - No; 8 North Watar Stre f r-:- S ' - -t-- . . , ; H -WlUttSTOMN. . , SolictUcoDsignmenta ot all kinds of lrod ce, also T- era for Groceries, igeing. Rope, Guano, ., Ao.; . ."t , Refer to Joan Dawsox, Esq.. v .-, ., , , ) O. G. Paeslkt, Pre t Commr Jla! Bank. 1 - Gto. Dxns,Ei., Jas. T, Pttwat, ; . Qct 5, 1S59. Roasa Moota NOTICE Wilmixctox, N. C-, OctlW.-' 333 WE HAVE this day aaaociaud la onr firm pr.W. WTUARRIS3. 4 . ' The business will be conducted as formeviT, in the aama and style of UARRISS A HOWELL, OlOlfll BABSISS. Ai J. 'HO WELL. DM. W. W. Bl" HARRIS HOWELL, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . . -;.. Oct.2,185S. ' Wrt-taotoy. N C DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF MURRAY APKACOCKia this I j dissolved by mutual consent , E. MURRAY. Feb 2, 185.-St. LOVET FEitoOK . ' CO-PARTNERSHIP. rpilE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a Co-pat X nership, imdcr the name and style of E. MURRAY A Co., tortbe transaction of tho COMMISSION andtVh 3LK SALEGUOCKUV BUSIN'eSS. E. MURRAY,' - D.K.MURC11ISON J.T. MURRAY. Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 3, 1S51. E. MURRAY A'f;0. (SrcCKSSORS TO MoKBAT A I -ACOCK. COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, " " AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Watkk Strimt, - WILMINGTON, N. O K. MURRAY, D. a. MCBCUISOX, J. T-UKAT. February 3, ,1S59. T. C. A B. G. WORTH, . COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ' WlLMlXQTOX, N. C. J. II. ROTH WELL, a ENERAL COLLECTING AGENT. " " ' ' WiunxoTOir, N4 -"Vill attend promptly to the collection of all Accounts Notes, Ac, entrusted to his care, for a reasonable commis sion ; and wi.l attend all Courts in the adjoining Counties for that purpose. . . . .. He also continues the Agency for the sale of Books, Newspapers, Periodicals, Ac. . ' ' - . Nov 15 tf DAVIDKAUXWEILER. DAX L KAHXWIILEtt. JACOB AaXWEIf.K ICAIIN WEILER Ac BIIO'S, ' ) . . NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE CORNER. . . SELLING OFF ABOVE COST. ... GREAT RUSH OF LADIES TO KAUNWE1LER A BRO'S Fancy Goods Store and flattering testimonials by them of the CHEAPNESS and DURABILITY o? ha Goods offered at their store. Our Millinery departitci abounds in the most 'beautiful and tasty goods ever op0" ed in this city. Miss C. PFEIL, who has charge of this de partment, is acknowledged bv persons of tast, to do th most neat work that is done in this city. . Our Cloaks and Mantillas are of the latest styles and finest texture. The assortment of Dress Goods and Dress and Cloak' Tri mings of every variety and style ottered by us cannot be surpassed bv any establishment in the South. All of our . eood s are warranted to be as we represent tbsm4 Our stock 01 omesucs ana neavyuoou mrv wiiem. i i t These goods having been purchased by ut for" CASH' we will guarantee to sell them CHEAPER than any estab. shment that sells at cost. An examination of our stock is all that is necessary to convince customers tnat u u as we represent. ' - ,. r . v ft Please take notice that we bave no connection with any other store, and that we are NEXT TO Ex. Cor. jfov i, K.'A BROS. a w n -mvi 1Y FOR THE SALE OF WM. KNABE & CO'S CELEBRATED PIANOS ESTABLISHED IN WILMINGTON, N.V. HAVING SECURED THE AOESCY FOR the sale of the abora unrivalled instrumeata, we invite the attention of all wbo marwant a FIRST CLASS PIANO (and no other Is worth buying) to thfifiict. and resnectfullf solicit the most intelligent and critical examination of tha instruments now on exhibition. These Pianos have secured more Premium than any , Oth er manufacture. They are 1 illy endorsed bj inch names in the musical world as Tbaloerg, btrakosb, batter, ioux tempts, beside the most distinguished Professors and Am ateurs in the country. ' "' - " - There are hundreds of families in North Carolina where these Pianos are used. We name a few out of Wilmington Hon. L. O'BBrancbS". W. Cole. Esq., Gen. G. M. Leach, Carolina Female College, Saiem Academy, Rer.R. Harwell, llillsboro', Rev. T. Campbell, Salisbury, Ac 5 . In Wilmington we refer to tbo following gentlemen wbo have Knabe's Pianos in use : Geo. Myers, Esq, F. D. Pois son, Esq., Griffith J. McRee, Esq., and others. . We deliver these Pianos in Wilmington ait the published rates of tb Manufacturers. Every instrument Las the full Iron frame, and is fully warranted. ' " - v- One thing we wish distinctly understood, fST They hv never failed to secure the highkst .bemiums,. whenever brought in competition with Others I A fact worthy of being considered : If Pianofl afe1 pur chased of an established resident of Wilmington, the protits at leastwill be spent in the place. - Piajos now in store, just received, and can be delivered .mmediately, by ... GEO. H. KELLEY, ; July 14. Agent for Wm. Knabe A Co. " ERAMBERTS IODUIIETTED SiVRSAPAUIIIA;.; THIS PREPARATION Represents the para Sarsapirilla in a concentrated form, combined with the Iodide of Iron nd Iodide of Potash, and other' remedial argots of known efficacy. It has received the sanction of different scientific medical men, n thia and other States, for the relief and permanent cure of . . Scrofula in its various forms j t , Curtaneous Affections of all kinds , Primary and Secondary Syphilis; - - Neuralgic Affections of the Face; ;'...; Pains in the Joints ; : i - ; And all Diseases aruing from an injudicious use of Mer cury, i t . ' As this article fs not Patented, and Is intend mors for the convenience of Physicians in prescribing, a further enumeration ot the complaints for which the com hi nation is intended is deemed unnecessary. . . . 4 . - The Dose fbr an adult is a table spoonful three times a . day, and for persons of weaker constitution tha dose should be half of the above named quantity. For Infant and children from ten to twenty drops j rP?r$l Prepared by &fi2Z2 Nov. 23. '. V WiUnington, N.C. , - OUR NORTHERN MERCHANT TAILORING ,;lIOUSE. . .. -.-.. We employ, o cudont tcort izcIuite7j-o rders sen t from Wilmington, Raleigh, FayettevUle, N .C., and Richmond. Petersburg, CbarlotUvnle, Va.,-six CatUra and one hun dred first class Workmen. Our foreman command, tba highest salary of any cutter and deaigDer in New 1 ork--We employ none but. the most experienced, Artia and WorkmVof eminent skill, n m Nov 18 ,' Manofactorer oi Clothing Ac. ANEW BOOK-THAT WILLII AVE A GREAT C9im a v r rnf i ni lie av v w a' w - - a i H Aa nriia llni I milkT nr B one vhiume, cloth,"for One dollar and Twanty.fivo Ce.ta.- Foraaloby" 'WANTED. vnrmrvrm TmiPCTTIE IIAXDS FOR TEAR,' ilirF - JA8. T. PETTEWAT Co. Nov 5 II f THE OLD STONE MANSION, by Charles J . Petersoa Publisher and Editor ot - Peterson's Magsxine" and utK r ef " Kate Aylesford," M Cruising in the Last War." aThe .Valley Fafmr. " Grace Dudley" etc., etc, CompleU DQDn "4 ' t -