- ; .. "- -.. -f - ii - , - . t, --r-' -!::'..: - : ; ' i -:. ' - :'. .'.vif-:':N-.----.;; , -wv-t ;..: ;-::-ife-v: ;V--. , ., ' ' : . ' i i : .. -. -. v.-,.,- v v.. ;:-:!. - . - . J, - ! ; : -.i " . .v - - - . v -.V-' . . ' -'-.-- . . ' . v.. : : r r, i ; .: . -., ; -"..iw-Tk ,- . . :: - v 1 - y v - - -vv..; v .-- ... '- uut:'' -;mli- i V' ':'i''"ii"f " i V i m '' Y:,"''';,i ; " ;;":;'!' linn "in iLw ! i' - ' "' -:; - ' ''-:'- y '': , 'nil " 'i---- ' . - ' i 1 1 SEMBYEEKLY BECORD, 1HI ulli a m fc Co b b :. ityvroiw- and inioppiETQiw. ' Vt-BATES OF ADVEETISINa i' J 17 Ordiuaety ad ve? tle mnt. . otap ft jn km rvm .nan ten lines solid minion or one inch space make' -square. . . - f 7! i . Pm Squarb: ' - 1 Pa SatjABK. V':'!3T TERMS: , DAILY 3IOTJI, . ; - . months, - - . 6 To every tliinz tliero is a Season, and a Time to eery JPiiirpbse under tlie Heaven"- Solomon .iuv via, Two days, fhree aa 0, ne week, f wo-week", $0.75 Tlkjee 'months. tlf.00 1 24.00 SI 00 X.15 J.55 8.75 5.00 S.00 8ix months, OriA voar a 00 3 00 2 equates 1 year, 60.C0 $ square 1 year, s 72,00 I i S LVLLIi Li V, S I A J1UNT1IN, RALEIGH, N.' 0., WEDNESDAY, AUGU&T 9, 1865. VOL. I. NO. 49. Une piontn, 4 squares 4 yeai, bu.w , 12 JIONTIIS, Larger advertisements, without special contracts j ' Lt 4 ul ie charged in xact proportion t : I f; : I . i V t 1 i-A r 1 1 - 4 1 1. .1. I LI 1 ' 1 A - - M I -. II I A. II J I I I I I i II Lf II II S i : c , , 1 1 " . -t . 1 ' , j -4-5-5,; e - '.- V1 - , . : - V " " . . ' .... - ,j 4 i 14' J i 1 ;r":. :ir i.. A KELIGJUUS.- !IJIE DliVTII SGEXI5 OF THE DISTIX- ii VIS 1 1 E 1 ' 31 1 S S I O X A II Y ,ti .!. 1J O AUD- ;.i-MA.U V';1" . p AVC fiTid in the mprnoirs" of George' I). N:fearcliiaB; ly Kev. Alonzo Kinjr, the fol- lovrrrsix tbiiciuriQ: letter from hisVife'wIio was aftnMird the second Mrs. Judsoii. descri I liu theTilVt scenes, in" t-W loss ' of that tru 1'lT lniau.' Ourreaders will, be aiiiply . jjtia-oy. its-perusal : v v ; t : " Tayoyt Mar.h 7, 1831. 4 44 Jfi, JJeIovedx JJarenth ; ' j h IVulffli .-heart' glp vvng- with joy, and ai . - the srunor time rent. with , anguish unuttera 1-le, I take my, pen 'to address you. You too wih i'ej4ice when: you hear rhat God ; ;h 'isv rb ugii jt through' th,o j iVstru rrientalitjy; of if f .J'o4ter;vei..so;ny-. ; ';es,' .you-'wiil bless. God i; ! tlqvt 'you jwere' enabled ta devote "him to his : ( blessed service among tlije 'heatliQu, whpn,:!: kr teii you 'that within tliQ ..last two months 1 fU'ty-Feven have bee-i baptizeJ, all Kajens; yj exqeptinji one, a little boy of the school) and rfcah of the native governor ;Tenty thre.; "V('if !iMf'itl7('(l in tliia nitr ! lir frniTvnr Tnnr vr and-thirty -tour in their na ivo wilderness by ' ; Ml. Mason. : ; ' ' ' Ir. JShnon arrh'-ed Jan. 3d, and on the H j t, he,ljwith Mr. Boardmaji, myself and . Go urge, set out on a long -promised toura I : among; tho Jvarens. Mr. lioardimin was ;nyc"vy:' teeble but we hoped til 3 change c f air. I; and seuntrry. ; wou d be beneficial yjmuf of" Kareusr had come to convey us out, .: Mr. Uonrdman on his bed, and ''me in a:i .ir. ;'iVrea Hjl th'.placp'on the third day, and a found tht-y had erected a bamboo chap:d On ,Jj5aiitifui strcani at the base of a nyie of mountains lue place was "central,' Land nearly ot : .ft - irchuhdi red persons h 1 assem pled, ' more than half of ttiem applicants tor bap call tisui. Q it: was a suht calculated ; .; fovtli the livf.'liest "joy of which human na- fcjvd is Kiiseentible', and.! made me for a mo-. mem. Torgex my oiuer. griers -v . sigui mi pUI'pa:MS all I had ever anticipated even o in tny n jsT sanguine hours. 1 he Karens i coolic'd, tte and slept on the ground, by- the ??t? tr s- Ik with no other shelter than the trees "of ithe , forest. .Three vears aoro they w'cretsurik in the lowest depths of igno ance i; auu h.ujn4! suuou. , iovv uu; ginu tiuiiigs-oi J imcrcy had .reached them, and they jwere V williil-g to live in the open air, away-jfrom ( thejr.hojtp, for the sake of enjoying the ljriyilegipR' i-thelG'oseh '-NV-'V;..:V. ' '. '. " vm', I U :: " My lenr JiUsbfind had borne the . Jonr noy betfciLtha'u we had feared, though tie jj siiiieretl i troiii -exhaustion.- and pain 'isi "his jl'. fide, whudi, hbweve Vas much relie'veclby : 'n a Hit le. '-attention.; ." His "spi rits were u nsu a"- good,- and we fondly hoped that a few days'resi ence m tlu t .'delightful airyjspot, j; Surrounded by his loved Karens, would, re--.:' :f ctit Jmd invigorate his: weakened frame.--: 4 Jiht sooii . perceived he' was ;failing, and teinkrly urgcl his return to town, where lie 'ccn:!d' enjoy the quietness of- liome,,ah d the Aicri! j ft, olmedical .advice. - 'But he 'repelled .tee tiiouglrteat once, saying he conlidiently cpeeteci improvement from the cu mge, land that "the disappointment would i be 'worse; fo.r:h:im than staying.;; ' And even,'; . aided 1k ' should my poor unprofitable life ro.--sQmcTri.it shortened by staying, ought".!,;! . on thiit account merely, to leave this Inter; toting ixcRi ojiouiu i no&, ra ner stay una ssis'fciii) gathering in the e dear scattered; lamb- of the fold ? You know, Sarah! that I ;- i coining on- -t; foreign lliission , insvolvqs ;thc! -4,pTob;billtT of a shorter life,, than staying in ; , mju's Kitier country. ' ; And; yet; obedphec fjj 1 o'Ayu.in '"Lbifcf,. -and compassion -'or the pcfrish- mir iieattien, inducetUus to .make .tms $acn- ii ;o. ' iAtioT.-have we ever repented th t we ij:$;inw-s . ; i irusi we ean , innii say vnai .we-niess ijO(i : iLiar: nc nas oionjin us 10, liairinah, that he directed : our footsteps to .:T;iv'iJ,.:ind even that he has led us out here now, 1 3 on already know, my love, he con ; Jtmuei , witn a look .01 tenderness neier to ibo ' forgotten, '' that 1 cannot live lohir, I fmnt ii)k;U'Hlcr iliis disease ; and s iould 7jvv'v.Igo! honif now, the all important buidness r.-wh-rdj .broiThi, us out must: be given up, .and-..! -.might linger out a few- days oi sutler i:ig. i-tung. Iy t:i;e reflection, tiiat I liad pre-4 n iet red aTev nlle days; to my plaster s ser viiv. 'i uru i -in ere lore ask. me to r!, uu these poor 'Karens h.'-ve been baptized. 'i 1 saw he was riirht, but my fce!inrs reciolted. Nthinj; seemed so valuable:- as 'Ins lifej anc ,; I felt jtliii'I: wO'dd make any sacri ice to proloijtg it, tbougJi it were tut fro if one hour, 'Still a desire to gratify mi. if no higher : liiotive.,, itiade nie si ent, though mv hear aclicd.to fs.ee him so ill m .such a wretched lacc,;deprive( of many of-th con 1 fe, to sa v, nothi ng of the gences desi- i ;lb-e in ic kneis ' , ' 'rliriiTKmel was large, but. open on all i.dv e..KCpting a."srh'all . place built aip-foi r. tartn. and a room about hve toct wme aiwltcn f'ot. lon-r for the accommodation of -U'oardjn;in' hid 'myscjf with oilr little bpy J fh-r roof was o low that I coul'd'not stand juprkdrt ; and it. was but po-flv einb upri-ist; an.l it. was but po- i-CJQS'O Intra IIV .l i IS ll 1 1 111 r;i!V'T'.t : N,. .aa-l 4i li. .ii... . 1 .... ' ' nnd to the cold -:V.:- ...... .,l r4 Mi! i i. g V.V nv. ht. 13 nt i;cf7l'v',f;.l-ppy, and liewold oft n say, otic mrntiier:n'--. I .mat ' 411 i happ V Si in con. Lor t .- - ,r - ;d,'nov ;-t, lepur m pc ec ac b thy won!, f. r atioii. :, d Iov -minfe eve? inanv mi hfive niti.'rr: ' ';? di o-fsljed tiey;might'..die in their pulpits! ; ! "-"itiijCL wyuld iioi dying iu a, spot like this be even more blessed than dying . in a, pulpit at home i 1 feel that it would. ; I ' !Nor was it merdy the phasing stetcof things around him, that filled his jmind .with comfort. He would s. metimes'dwell on the infibire :eompassibn of God, : and his own UUorthiness' till; Ins strength was quite ex bau:teJ ; and though he told Mr j Mason that he had not the .rapture' which Jichad sometimes enjoyed, jet his. mind was calm and peaceful; and it was plainly percepti ble, that; eartv. ly : pa-sions had died; away, and that he was enjoying sweet foretastes 'of that, rest into which he was io '80on to fn ter. 116 Svould often say to me, ' My meditations-are very- sweet; , though my mind ' seems as much weakened as my body. I have not h.ad that liveliness of feeling" which I have jsometimes j enjoyed,; owing -to my great" weakness, but 1 shall soon be released from these shackles, and be wh re I can praise God continually,' without weariness. My j thoughts delight no dw'ell on these words, zTliere i noTnight iJisre, 1 ; , ; ' v " I f!t 'that the! time of :scpa; ationvwas iasc approacmng, ana saia o ; mm, mv dear, 1. have one "request to make ; it is, that you would pray mucb for Georore durirr our fev remaining days; I shall spon be left alona, almost! the only one on earth to pray for him, and I have great confidence in your dying prayers.' lie looked earnestly at the little boy, and said, 4 1 will try to pray .for him, but I trus- very malny prayers will ( ascend for the dear child frofn -our friends at home, who will be induced to sup plicate the mere; :earnestly for hini when they hdar that lie is left fatherless in a hea then land.' . : : ' ' :': ' '- ..' , On "Wednesday, while looking' in the glas he seeny?d;at once to see symptoms of his approaching dissolution and said without emotion,!' I hayp .altered greatiy- I dm sihfcing k td'the jrrave very fast lust on the' verge.' Mr. Mason-said to liim, ' Is there nothing wej :an do for you ? Had we not betfet call -thie pl yfeician ? Or sliall we try to remove yoii into town immediate ly?'; After a: lew moments' deliberation, it was concluded jto defer thb bapju of the male applicants, and set. out for home early the next morning. - Nearly all the female candidates had been examined, and as; it is dillicult for them! to come to toyn, it was thoifghti best thai ! Mr. Mason ; snould bap tize them in the evening. We knelt down, andiMr.: Mason living prayed jfoi'-a blessing on the decision, with sorrowfub hearts we sat down io breakfast. - : : ; : f "j While ve were at the table, my beloved husband said, ' I shall soon be thrown away for this world ; but I liope the Lord Jesus will take me' up. That merciful Jeing wuo is rep esented as passing by, apd, j having comnas ion on the poor cast-out jinfamV will uot.suifer me to perish. O, I have no hope but in; the1 wonderful, condescending, infi nite mercy of God ? tsrough his. dear. Son. I cast my poor perishing soul,' loadpl with sin as j.tjisy' npon i hisj compassionate 5 .arms, assured that all will be for ever safe ' On seeing my tears, -he said, ' Areyou j not' re conciled to the will of Go 1, my IovO f . lAVhen I told him I hoped I did hot feel. un- reconcile'i, he continued, I have long ago, and maijy times,-: conimitted f you and our little onj into the handsj of bu1' covenant God.: lie is the husband of the widow and the - ;father of the fJtherless. kLecive fhy fatherless 'children, I -'will ' preserve them alive ;, (ind Ity; wulcnvji iru$t in ?nysaith- the Loid. He w U be your stay and sup port when Iiam gone. The. separation will be butsliortj O how. happy I s.hall be to welcome y oii to heaven.' He '"then address ed Mr. Mason as follows, 4 Drother, l. arh heartily !rejoiced, an tr bless- God that you have; arrived, and especially am I gratified, that yoji are so much interested- for the poor ' Kareps You - will,- I- am assured," watch over them,, and take card of them i and if some of them! turn back you will stilt cave for them. As lo my dear wife and child, I know' you will do all in your povrer to make them comfortable. Mrs. 13 will probably spend the ensuing rain' in, Tavoy. She will be happy, with- you end Mrs Ma soil ; that is, as happy as she can tie in her state of loneliness. She will mourn for me, and a widow's state is desolate and sorrow- ! ful at best Bu t God will be inunitel y b'etr- ter; to lieV tliahf 1 1 -have' even beei.?. .;,.On the with us' and several, among. others; theone beginning, ,'Ah lovc.y appearance oi death. uii w eunesaay eveiung, - xmrty-rour persenjs were baptized; . Mr. Board man was carried to the-water side, tnough so we;k tlial4rcould scarcely- bre4the withou-' the cont inual use' of the fan and he smelling- bottle. The joyful sight . was ! almost too miibh for his ffeeblei fraine. When we i t ached the' chapel, he sail he should like to sit up and take tea with us. We placed I his cot- near'the "table, and dialing bolstered him up,, we took tea together. He asked tilth blessing, and did it' with his right hand upraised and in a tone that struck m e to the heart. It was tho same tremulous, yet urgent, and 1 had j almost said, unearth lv voice, with which my ;ged granldfather used to ipray. We tiovv began' to InotidO i.bat biio-hteniiig of tjhe i mental faculties,-"'which I had heard spoken of in per - ens near their end, : ' i concl'uOed next week. -, Rieiisrd . H-ldrett, : author of Hih'rett' ItiSTory of the XjThited-S tes died recently . m . ' ' t. tt,.:.u.j C .A at'ii.r!S:e. wnere;ujj.ii3 .uuiwu oiaies vou- suL I He wa3 a native of Durfield, ilasa. saine d y? he wished me to read sjom - hymns on atlliction, sickness, death, ic. : I took Wesley's1 II mn Book, the only one we had .6c G. It. 11 Slock, Stale onte and I5;ink Hills. FOR SALE 100 -HARES'jOF STOCK OP THE tRalelffli andti'tsron;Ruil Road Company ,T WANTED TO BUYi-X. C. Ponds,' hnd Cou I pond payable at the' Barik of the Republic,' N; Y.V VIV.VW XL j. JALiH. LJ.il 3. Vl'UiV IO -: - ' ) W. K. UL'LICK, . ; ' v.(: i : , ! At the X. C. Book StSre. Rxdeigh, IS. C, July 20. . .V; 41 ltpd' '. HOXJGMI & CO.; (Late W. C. Ilaprilton, & Co.J Cornerf Soiitli Front and jWittdle Streets, ilVeivberii, T. C. W H OIL E S ALE DEALERS IX V GRqCJERTES, PROVIONS, CROCKERY; EtJR NITUUB AND HARDWARE. July 20, 1S65. : 41-lm. SHACKELFORD &'HAASr rOommissioii Merchants, : : RXER WATER & CHESN UT ST. J. Shackelford A.. Haas, ' New York, j 33-lnipd. v llmingtpii. JuW17, BEHNETT, VMPELT &.00.. 23 White Hall St., ? NEW YORK. Alfred E Bennntt, C. II. Bennett, . at Br P. Williamson & Co., .". ", Raleigh, N. C, i, Ui. V ANPELT, ! .JSew lork. GENERAL COWIIISIOX MEUCUA1XTS . ' i ; ' FOR. THE SAJLiE: OF COTTON, TOBACqO, COTTON YARNS CLOTU, AND NAVAL STORES. Freight and T.axes arrared and Insurance eflect ed fcy i:ailroad ,and sealto New York . B.iPv Williamson Co., Ealeigk, will furnish in formation!' concerning-iTaxes,'. Shipment, xfec, for consignments to the above partjes. . ' ' - Bennett & Bowman, John McKellop, W. J. Bar'" hey & Co. v ;..-: 1 .'-.:;.-,-- ' - Balcih-4)i .W. J. ILiwkins,President Ealeigh & Gastbn Railroad, Battle, Heck & Co., J. M. Heck, Esd.L B. r. VV llluinisoiji & Co. Jalv 14. 1865. i-. -!,. IT : - -: ' : : ' S3-2m EVERYBODY ! Dry Gtod, Iprocerics, fcpn fecliaaries, Hardware, F Tobacco j Snuff; Pr o visions, &c., &c. FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH OR BARTER . 'H'-': 'r;': !'l:.BYi::: " ' vi'; ". '' : ; - COBB & AIcKIXXUi .''-' . ' :;AT -: '. .. - ,. - ,,'? ! DUDLEY, WAYNE CO., N. C. ; THE SUBSCRIBER HAVE THIS DAY EK 1 tered into a partnership for the purchase and bale of Provisions, Stock, Cotton, Turpentine, &c, fcc. Alio Dry Goods, Groceries,ConffcCtionaTies, Hard- ... ' Z . ': ;' ' t'j "'--! ' ware, Tobacco, &c, &c. . I . . I . i - -' , are invited to give us a'calUbefore purchasing'else j ' . . i i ' where. ' : - loir, motto is ready sales and small profits. Come I and isee. W. H..H. COBB. D. (McKlNNlE: 82 lm. JviTy, 12, 1865. NEW., STORE S GRAHAM NORTH CAROLINA.' AVE JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK A' I a goo--? assortment of ; - y Good-, ! ;, -';:!.' : ,.-;'-';,;- '.;"; . - Groceriesr:.: ' .:-';-' ' f Hardware, Medicines, &c, which are offered' to the people in the vicinity of Qrahani at the lowest cash: prices.-- Barter or iSorth CaroUna tfanis nws receivea in exchange. i f t. vv, rAl Liit:hU.v THE C031j1EU(1AL BULLETIN. . .. A FIRST CLASS - DAILY NEWSPAPER f 1 AND . - . Commercial Directory. I i i ; i t:o r i a l s, LOCAL INTELLIGENCE, ' RE I G N I AND D 6 M E ST I C NEWS, , -' STOCK MARKETS ' ' . ALL THE PBIXCIPAL CITIES. OF THE FO t. OF UNITED STATES. AND '-,: - INFORMATION. L GENERAL ON ALL SUBJECTS. New3 Agents with the armie, as well as News Di-ers generally, wjl l.be furnished "with thelBcL- jLTlN in any number and at moderate prices. 1 TheBdlleVm is fu-nished to ubscribeis -at the rat of b) cents er f t.ont-'-, with the additional bhajrge of oy cent UfprepHy postage. . ', i As-so'o-.'aAilie poVararrangefuents'are.crapleted., 'we jproaose Xq issue ai Weekly and Tri-wcekly Ecl- iLETixtor the benefit of onr ofountry friends. ; j ' The Bri.i.Etix'S f-pidly receiving a J large ; and xtensi vc cir . u I at ioiii. - ' ' ' ' . ' It repa-esen's the business interest .of the mer- Ichan?, .business mn, ana feople at ,urge or JVi;tciyt. - ; ' l! - - ' .'- ' ' :: I Jit has: met with a most cordial reception by the business men of thisicity. . -J - : . . - - - ,- I It contains nearly iall the advertisements andha more re;.dii:g matter than any other paper publish ed ir. Richmond. A ::' '- , j .Agents wanted In every towh and village in Vir 'ginja, who will take;fand forward snbscriptions. ; Sjubscribers can he iur' ished with numbers frm tbeibeginnin?: ifhey ai ply soon, as there are onlj a few sts remaining. '' ' ; '' . duress - . ? - - . - . : ' . 5 BAILEy,!WEDDENBURN & CO ;' !' Proprietor, Richmond, a. TyEAUTIFUJj SWISS J11USLIN I J For sale. " Kaioigh July lO.ltSJ. JEINSEY, 81 -if 'Irfif . I Julr 17th,-'8fi5. S K4:liERSIGNED; -HAVING LOST OR THE Is mi bl e to Saryft A - Tate, deceased j as his legal repre- setitanye of ies ail persons not Vr trade for the same and.'obHsron to ipay them to no one but me jjcdersiftcd, or h- rAtu.ro e One Morgin 11000 due 16th May, l$63lfM- . One ibt&5on Sam'l D Morgan $1000 due. 15th IJuog; ls;s,i-.i - i' - : UnQ joloASam'l D. April, tssi., :!-" . Morgan, $2,771 due 3d $l,id0,! due 29th wne not;ixi lildh- Sam't D: Morff in." 300j due 17th VCC,lb2i:. One hotto& Sam'ID. Mori?an.f 2.53i" 42 due 14th- Oct, li One fcSttebit Sam'l D. MorarsHiL $3,954, due 26th May, 152:' ;Ore nofJi'S. H. Rcgfifs. Cajrin J. Rogers, and Sioti Rogp,l,000 dpeTleb 186, credit $11 r r One :foTA.H Y-Allen and ID. Overbv $1,106. iiofpt Jl. Y; Allen, $4,85 4S,1 due 15th Nov. vv.i. :.sj-; b .-- . . ...... OnelnoH oh'1D,avid Oferby ana a. x. Alien, $i0i53Jdia6th May, 1859, subject to a cre-dit of $5 toe; ioml J v - J. Ferrill, fliSOOdue 7th Oct, s.One; 186 One notri?n J. J . Ferr1! , $4291 44, due 6th Aug- One noJU) Jatni B. Green, $C00, due , $jC06, due 23d Aug. Uno now i oi x iioiitaa xiicit, qivv uuu oi.ii oan. 1856. J, One hoi dr. 1 CkCi-. Thomas. Hicks, $801 73, due. 1st One 'ha M Mary Beaaly $1)00 due 28th Feb. One noS-sion Davjd Norwood and W. J. Norwood, 2SL 3K6 25tb Jan. 1862 One nofoa Tnomas uocks, f3,82. 68. . One nofiicf'S'-.'-P.-.H. Russ, $300, due 15th June 1S63- ' Wi.- ' . I ,:: One now on Sam'l D. Morgan, $100. One no0OB G. H.-Peimngton, $300, dua d Nov, ltSTC V. -: ; I :'.. . r. ..' ' . One riot!:nri R. Allen, $225: die 5th Jan. 1863. : Ohe nt9hiAlex. Colclo'ugh, $100 due 10th Au- gust,-18. I , f One nvw.0n S. J.-A! l363.suH;to a credit. -.Alien, i,tou, cue autn oan. I3f 1 oway,! $30, due 4th April One dotS pti W. D, Hoi! 1S63. I -I': , .': One holiOn VVil is Carpenter and John Col- dough Mlftue 1859- I , 1 Oue notion' John Ferrell, $513 14j due 6th Oct. I860.. .f ::fE - v .. .-;: : ;::v:--'- .. One noon John P. Qhandler, $300 due 16th Feb. lSM "One noiM on Junius Paschall and Wm. Green. .$240 dub.MhJOct.' 1858. ' . - I V '. .- - O.nfe oou a. u. erren. f4Ui ey aue 543a April 1803.. Qne riott March 18 U McVay Chandler, $203 2, duo 14th One 'k$$ o'n Ilillory Thompson $201 due 18th Due UUnlrhoinas H.cks4 due 21et Dec.1860 , Onc nloiSjiS W.'D. Holloway $289 97. due. 25th July, IS One ncWS-voirDivid Holloway and W. II. Hollo- Executrix of vtay, -fa Jaly bQ?i,2'th. Ju-ne H859. FJtECCA D. TATE 9h . MARK ID. TATE, dee'd, -. 39 6w. M:fiUllNERY OF THE FLT812 PAPER ;Mil. inpau) can bu purchase on" favorable erlnsv 1 yvfrly application to the- Treasurer tin et.. 'j' : x- sil. .1-- - Any f ejfiit.dcsirous ofem harking in'ha.mannfac ture ot tuf ip.-.will find it to hisinterest to call on mm- IL W. HUSTED, TreastiTer. . J p Raleiakjru)y 10,1856 ?T 31-4-1 ni'. . flKitll'cii's Springs V. 7 -i v i July, 15, 1865.. J A P P Jfc-H A.TlON S FROM MANY INVALIDS inditc-ina to open our H6use oh 1st. August i lor theacftrnmodation oi a few of our eld friends ! and tori rc-v-vsatroiis, ' ' The S bifsg is nojv in good ruuning order, not- "with-ta drji iWrties have been busily enraged j- Boardj ;Ht be moderate, half of whici. may be, ' paid'(inj )Mvauce3 in provisions at 'market urates.' I Bestwriitcts a few days before hand- so that ccn- eyancc V&if be 'in readiness at the Depot. ' : BLACKNALL & CO., 88 , Proprietors. WILT4mM H. OLIiVER & CO. COM'rtl3S10N, RECEIVING, !."' ': - :-j- i-: I' " i.1 :. ".- FOUVVKIIiCr JIEKCIIAiYTS, HATO-43 RESUME u BUSINESS . T THIR Oli,Ktaml, will give strict) personal , attention to the or; shipment of Cotton, -Naval ib tores, Cbttoh 'fMM u!nd Sheetings Flour, Dried: Fruits.. &c. , &e I-if Also, to" rccei v ing; and ib "warding ,G ods. Regular ill jpfe" lot stvianierS' and sailing vessel.- are now run QpttAw. eh New Berne, New York, Phil adelphi'fitlti&4ote and Boston! . .. ' i ' . Jiiiyla; :'! AGEXCY, NX bJr:: I . ..: WjftZRVxfl II. OLIVER &! CO, ILMlVE STRICT AToIeNTIO TO THE sblh'sr or leasing of eivert discription of Real haV'ing COAL LAN DSL;p;0 Vf i. OR CIT i PKOi LRTY which they, -vwirfiv (Jispot-e oi, wiu nip a it ito tneir rnter- est'trt Mjpfd with us iit.K f. ,,-ui with na 1 '.-.I t! ;;-. 81 lm: EWlK)i)y lllBW GOODS ! I A LAUCK assddieut of beaatifal ' .. 1 TimfpSi 'AtfD 'MUSLINS, : ; mmx - h- The Cppit and best iuMitJ Of LAITIES,' GAI TER3 -M;i KISSES MORBOQCO SllpE, Cliil dren aniiaaadiV? HOOP SKIRTS, Everyta'jnif that oustoniers want, will be ordered ' - R LI. KINSEY. ; : I - -. Fiaettevule Street. RjJeiiliS'Jnly lo. 865. 'aIM 1W :e f HE, BEST AND &IQST COMPLETE V PdUaaHahd Statistical Libraries in the' Si ate. A jrare ' iMMm rls here given tlx Editors, or other iblic iWi?i:.ttiobt2iin without trouble, a collection oi..tsoof' W ioutd no wnera else 22r mu ue? lurnished on.appjicalion ! 1? P WIT.T.T AMON Ar. I'O Ealejfelf July 15, 1865J -! . ! I S4 St. MillEDMJ S TOADDELL. .rjoiinellbr at Law, 'ft WILMINGTON, N. C. - AVIS G informed a onntipn withi; disn; gWiMedjLaw linn a a caai n agency m v tsn nj;t n OkV; enjoys adva4tgei Tor i rospesecuting ngt n Uk fi enjoys aavaj tims.-fetek-rr kind aga: nst t$e government; 'Wdl ipirHctice in allthd Courts oi the State when ljulymiirVi'-'- t-'; L - " ' iW-lm RE$piSTATEr REAL ESTATE AGEXCY, TERSONSl WlsniNO TO PTTRCnAS"E OR' XT lease Farmine or Turper tine land, Col fite-d or Oil lands, aline ral or Ore lands. Cit v or Town; propertr in any pottion tf orth Carolina, will 04li n to meir lnttrest to oorr-pond with us .. I ;1- XITXt tT SIT VXTTSTS WM. H. OLIVER," -&'i July 10, 185. ;-. .-: ll li OXFORD FEMALE COLLEGE. nnHB 29TH SESSION WILL OPEN ON TlIE - - . 1 JL third Mdiday (the i7th) of July and close. witE we Annual commencement, on tne last Thursday! iue ?ytn oi iMorremer. ' ,, . ,-. . . . ior ttrms ijc., apply for circular to J. a. MILLS, - . , -Oxford. N O. J TJl'arh .Tntio SO ISA?? ' OA ... .t CURTIS & CO., Mutual Advertisins: Affencv NO. 133 NASSAU STREET, M. Curtis, . ) New YorH Geo. A. J. Korman. Adyertisements inserted. in all-the city and eourj- try papers, tliroughout the U. S. and In Canada. forest College. rpHE EJXERC7SES OF THIS INSTITUTION JL will be resumed on Friday, Julv 21st, 18651 Instructiorl will be given in all branches usually taught: in Male Colleges. A 4-ataloffue of studies may b obtained on application to ! any memboE hi Arrangements have been made to open an ACADEMIC DErAHTMENT : in which boys may aeauire a thorough business uc8tion. Tfle course; m this department will eminently pmcticaV Pnpds will be specially pn pared foT any pursuit. in which they may purpo$d to ergage. A regular course of lectures, illustra ted with, ample apparatus, will be delivered dh Natural Philosophy, Chemistry aod AgriculttiTiil ijnemistry. I Occasional lectures wili also be giy eii on Botaby, - Geology, Mineraoigy, &o. Ek tensive libraries comprising several thbusandyojl umeswilf. be accessible to all students. 'J Tuition per session of 20 weeks in Col Dept. $20 ,k: - u Academic 44 I 0 Board per session (exclusive of lights) $5 , .-:,:' :- '"':-- NO EXTEA8. 7 Board and Tuition are due;, in advance, but forts will bejmade to indulge patrons in special cases. iTovisions will be received in pay men at current prices. - .. ' ' ' - ; ; ' For furtheB particulars address i . 1 . Ma. JAMES. H. FOOTE, June 23, 19 lm. H i . Forestviu ". NEW SCHEDULE. ; FROM UALEIGII TO PETERSBURG . . THROUGH IN ONE DAY. ' G N AND AFTER THURSDAY NEXT THE Raleigh & Gastrtn train will leave Raleigh at 5 o'clock a. in.L and rbach Gaston; at 12 o'ciloek; in. The Petersburg train will leave Gaston at I g'clols in., ana; racn tne terminus or tne l etersDufg road at6 o'clock p. m. . A sunicient number bf ,Omnibussesl and Wasrons have been secured to take all the Passengers and Baggage from the tff- minus or tnje. retersDurg ioaa to i'ei ersnurg. Leave Petersiiurff at -4 o'cl ck a. m., reach Gastcm at ll o'c'ock; a. m. .Leave viast nat Vi o'ciock. and reach Raleigh at 7 o'clock p 1 m. P. A. DUNN, Sup't RA (i. 11. R. r rvTTXTT rT i Sup't Petersburg R. R. Raleigh, Jufae 21, '65. j T7 I2t. .' - siuticd, ; :;. : .:' TELE proprietors of that long established popular family journal, i.j , ; ' THE SOUiTlER FIELD AND FIRESIDE take ereat ' pleasure in informine' its numtriAis triends and patrons, that its iblica'ion will bef i suiiicd jtiisl ! as soon m the mail facilities u!' the country will' triable them to circulate the"same This is an oMpat er, published for inaiiy vearsfat Augusta &a.jnd is devoted entirely to : POLfTE LITERATURE. ; It is a-gem for the preside, an ornament ior parlor,, ana an lnaifepensaoie companion ko house wile aha agricuiturit. It i a larg eiglit page sheet, handsonieiy priit- ed witn new TERMS. on one ye.ir, v six months, Subscript $5 00 3 00 THE HEY STOm Our Monthly- Masonic Magaziae Will alo Ida resumed .t the fame tin e-. Th Magazine is lend'rsed, and recomtaended to tie Frtrternit at 1 arge, py the uran i L.oage oi JMor Ciirolina. I A reifarus matter tuiu iv potfrapDy; fi will be eqiial to any publication in the United States.. - TERMS. Subscription one year 3 00. Addresf, WM. RaleigU,N.Cl limited number of advertisements admltt int-j each publU cation. . 167 xsewsppers gdnciiiiy win please noticej ixcniviiges resftiecMuiiy in vi tea at once iroin. parts of the co u;itry.; Jur.e v!0, Ibo PARTNER WANTED. luterest ! in " Souther n field and - ... . . Fireside and Key-Stone V;'-':"F:-',;:.For'; Sale;:- y)y ryHE -EDI10RS AND PROPRIETORS 0F JL these weU known journals, contemplating n extension, cf jtheir business;' wish to 8ellto an ac tive and enterprising man a portion of their estab lishment, and to admit him to .an equality with Themselves f ! : Such an opportunity for a profitable in vestment of Talents and Capital in the bouth kn seldom be found. - ' . 1 " None but a first class man, well recommenqed need apply, i . ; - r ! WM.-B SMITH fc CO , . i i , Editors and Proprietors. Raleigh; Jtine 20, 1665. . 15 tf. WEST'S KEWSPAPER A.nd !Periodical Depot. Ea-yetteuille StreeU opposite Office op ADAM8 EXPRESS po New York, Philadelphia, Ualtimor 4auy and I papers reoired Trj dy. 1 K P. Battle. J. M . Hecju B. P." WiiiilMsos. i0RTIl CAUOL'JVA LAM A(ilSX. BATTLE, HECK & CO, Raleigh, ISr. C. ' - TTTILL BUYV Hiuuh AND LEASE. ADJUST WW titles of," pay taxes on : bnl ttke rneral care of all kinds ot real estate, goJd,-copjHjr-j lead iron and other mines, wter-powerv&eV&G. . Through reliable agent" in every, county accu rate information will be given about particular U-. calities, tracts ot land, , Will likewise undertake collectioa'of debt ia North Caroliua and ebewh ire, by wxjit or othtr- Communications coxsidkhtiax.. Commissions and charges moderated .Kii i xwaieign, June i, 1000. : uftt. REAL" ESTATE AGENCY NOtlTH 'CAROLINA . ADVERTISER. qflHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ESTABLISH- I JL ed iii the itv of Raleiirh. an Acericv for th I .. purpose of buy in nd sellinglieal KstaU in North i .1; T .;.. a v. ' . - iary thereto they will publish a doubla sheet, twen J tv-four column weekly newspaper, wherein, will i be-advertised, free of cost, 'all lands offered for saH through their agency, and which will be de- " votea lo-tne aissemiuauon oi lniontauon concern- i ing the agricultural, mineral jmanufacturjng and i . other resources of the Stte. By means cfcompe-: tent Agents in every county theyf will show the present advancement andspecial capabilities for future developement of each : ! f li ' i t It will be found, on investigation, that no State in he Union can present such a combination of ad vantages as. North Carolina. Situation inidway ; between the colder regions. of the North-and the' more tropical climes ot the South, its land! stretch ing" fioni the sea coast; to the mountains, yield bountiful returns of cotton. .Tobacco, rice, grain : ffuits, pasturage, grapes and other prodocj,s, w-ile : in its bosom lie ncn mine or goia ana-nron, cop per, lead, coal, and other minerals, its. rivers -ford water power sufficient for the most extensive factories, and in its forests are boundlesslsuppliea of naval stores, timber and material for tanning. -Under the recent change in the system ol labor it becomes the interest ot proprietors to part with a portion of their real estate, and it is the object f this enterprise, through agencies in R ston New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, aad ; other chief cities to bring theso resources 01 tke State ta the notice of men of energy and capital-, to get together the seller,, and the buyer, and to aid, in starting North Carolina in a career of pros perity heretofore unknown.."" tl ' i The ADVERTISER will be furnished free of. J charge to all customers and to others at One Dollar f per annum. The first numbor will be issued by' ' the first, of July, or Booner,- if the type and neces sary material already ordered, ""can be (procured from New York before thtjtimer Thosiesirou . i to advertise; in the f rst nnmber will pleae' commu nicate to the undersigned at once, :. Moderate com missions Wj2i. be charged whee sales are made. HECK, BATTLE fc CO., ; i y-- -Kaleigh, if. u. Kemp P. BArrtx, - - : I ) 'i Z J. M.,HEpK, t B. P V illiamsok, Raleigh, J une 13, 1865. 10 2t. THE DAILY INDEX, PUBLISHED IN ' V ; .,- Pet e rsbirrg, Ya.; Iiulcpcndciit on all Sub4 et;ts. . Neutral in oJliin DEVOTED TO THE Building up of the interests of the South, par- ' t:3a!arly of (Virginia, with a candid and indepen dent discussion of- . - ' ..':;!. gTATE AND NATIONAL, AREA IRS. 1: Its columns will also contain the latest Foreicm and Tomestjc Intjelhgence, Literary Criticisms avd Reviews, Miscellaneous and General Ndws. Com- ' merciai tfeporta, ana such otner iiia iters as will-, make h v-v- ' - j. the: index i r - A F ir s t C 1 as s Jo ur n a 1 fOR THE BVSINE8S MA '"''' '' The LOW RATES at which' THE INDEX is published, Utaccfe it within the power oi' every in-; clivi'uiaj W J UUiU ; j.- !: - ! A Firat Class Soutlicrn Papqt. ..ti!bMsTq the index Single Copies r-.- ! . 1 Five Cnti One Montn,! : .' . ; ; : STfchty Firc't;' h Thrf: ilt-ntl!,: ,- . : . ' .1 i 0 Six Montlis, ' -;. ' , " ,-; ' - f On-i Year, i- - ':' ! - rl C ',0 invariably in Adamite: f ' - T f- - - J'K-l Specitneh Copies sont free. Address f , ' ' : .' y i f s -. W. Ii. WILLI A IIS, : .- .- -- Poterslj ug, Va J- The INDEX affords, the best. facU.thv for. Mercnarrs ana Dusinert io auveruriii,. it rapidly- gaining a circulation thraughtint Virsriu- ; and North Carolina. i t : .:)' 47-t4. . H. J. MENNINGER -''. Suttesso'r to I. Bisesswdyi ; : BIIUGGIST, NEWBESN, N. C. July. 20, 1863. 41 lmf THE ' BINGHAM SCHOOL Address : 't. VM. BIN: HAM, JSdebuiCvdh), Ni G. July 22, 198 43 -lot. Standard and New'ocru Times -opy six' ,1101' 1, It AtECSi?, .Inly 1 1; .i, SG5. THE UNDERSIGNED FR v ANY J. YEAR past in the Bank iug anl BrvIi.3aio! hnsineai. in this city, desire toca.il the attention of the pub lic o tne iact tnat tney nave resumed, i iney win continue the business in ail its branches giving strict attention to . arrnflring -and 'settling old claims,' making collections, buying and seLiflg . stock, &3.f and giving toll biu.ie entrusted to -them the ' g'reatsst possible despatch. . They hop e by promptness in making returns to retain the Con fidence oi olw meaos. na raaae many new ones. i : ilUJUll X. rt lUUlAitlO JOG KsJ. July 20, 1865 . 41 lw.. QUENT. BTJSBEE " ATTORNEY .AND COUNSELLOR . -;'AT:;LAijfl(,:f Office in the Court Hous , RaleigTi, P Particular attention given to the EXAMINA TION OF TITLES, fco CONVEYANCING, to the aKd aCCO 0 NTS, and the COLLECTION GF CLiAijia. Jul 21, 1865. 42 8taw6xa. Ib IN SUCCESSFUL. OPERATION AT ME banes vle. on tie N. O. R R. ; . Room ior several new boys on August. Isti' :!' :';!:-!- a .;:if .'.)-' r. : 4.t - : 1 i1 Jif ; -1 . 1 WM:y j 'J 1 -': rfl . "