x- xi ' - . ' ------- b r-l :! " - .. -.. xxx- x'xxx.xt: ix s- - 7 i ! .. .; j.L'J- r'--:' ---Ii. .'"V-.-- ;:. v.. -- ... , . r . - . ii--vTV;.-. .,v: .--; ., .y - yrrv 'U -.,--.' :; - - I"-"'-'- ' V" ' .a-j"- - 1 sif ..vv-ry ' : "'"'.. -' j-- i . SI MRlEEKLY RECORD. SpilnWEEKLY.EECOEI). . 0i Hit Gobh. i , BATES OF ADVERTISING: On square 1 time, ' - , ," 1,'- " . II jjlXJFlHIxM & COBB, . - v-li o , - . 2 pa - 7 06 i" - ii - - 10,00 S 44 - , t 8 - - 4 :v . 1 1 month ' 8 " - I EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. , ";To eyery tiling there is a Season, and a Time: to erftery Purpose ixmder the Heaven -SoLOMON. 3E3n-Vl;EILY SIX MONTHS, 3 00 1 VOI-. I. RALEIGH, K.iG. SATURDAY MQR;mEjBER 23,; 1865. : 12 MONTHS, 5 OO Larger advertisements, without special contract w.il do charged in exact proportion. - 111 3 0 j '1- 4 ' if 3IISGKLLAN.E0US. PliANTlNGr FRUIT TREES. The propagation' and cultivation of ft uil tlees iiilar inost'plcasaht .nd agreeable occu t:itim for ;the soni aud dduahters of -fai'ih- j . -I . Li 'i i i i l i 1 iJi. . ".i : I j. ers : inxjse wno nave ueen 'euuuaiej lu.nu ,i,nTHt hndtl.o into whose min k lit rv: V T I i, Rr!iinl:-inbral nrincinlcs have been instilled. I are mvvarly'fondj of it. L AVe are all fond icilie'iabpls.'.p'ea plums, quiu- cis and Cherries, and there or; aU Shoulu ue "billing tp lend a heljiirrg hand in their p;ro- ductroH !' "cvcrjfrom ideas of economy, .yv'ant: i."V.::r trees; the same care,- time A'a. uyo ro(.:,ii,el.4for poor trees as 'for :-w.. aJU -'nUmoiik The difference in dx- reiise is but small,! and will :c much motre than inado Up by ..the first crop ori'uit. . -Tl.e rbotsrof trees .being designed not ctl- W to1 sustain tliem in proper ; position; but to fu'rni?h them with nutriment, care should )c biken in planting to loosen the jcarth foi Vc?jqsHcrate'listaicer around them, lhose dio iry,huvv smW a hole yv accomriio late uii roots oi a tree, miss xneir aim, iuj (ixperinicnt has demonstrated t 1 uilanted ih a . hole three fecft in dir that a tree iametcr will ; . grnv moie in dive years than one planted amall ;jjo:ler will in" ten." I doh'i wish understood byjl this to limit .the. size the hole to three feet, for there is no lim . the. la:'U(-r the better. ; I : ; ' i'X -v'Si kre bftcn' planted tdp Beep ; this in to of it, is ie . . one of the greatest disadvantages where t ;.; soil is cold-on moist, r consider it a saie ip. rule about or a little less than the depth at which the tree grows wh3n in the iimrser : Sonve giveas an excuse for ,, not planting ; : trees, that they- will never live to sell the -;;;uit;:jsyppQsc those 'who plunted that old ;'; , rciiafd;Oni yoar farm had thought the same, wbere would vour apples have been? It is to a taimcis interest, and even lih'-duty 6 . , plant-trees,, "if not for jbis own use, for tp6' y;':'Grcrati6ji. XX:X: X;L X- j X'-'X foihe ground tlTat they, don't expect to remain where they : are much longer and are goring to sell ; but i ii3dptiway"can an equal amount, ot; cai : JyJal or layot b& expended so as to' incref se "ttievaluq p.f a farm more than a well stodk . v ed orchard IX - '.'.,-:., 7. . . '"'- Itjs aiv excellent plan to plant one pr two --Tow of -irOej every j yearVbyHhis planjypn ' may secure the'" best of any new varieties :X' Whicli" may cdme ou'Sffcrup hava,a' regu- lar mpply ot iruit. . .. ;. . , i ' After the best kinds of trees have been secured anciTantcd, great ; care, should pe taken to protect lucin iroiu oeing ii?jurea by cnttlb ; they should be secured to stakes to keep them in proper position. If ariv of " the t. cfeirt appear toj be weik,:it is better to ' rcniove them at once and, supply their places with sound ones. -plt is, a great mistake to tluiik that rtTy .'getting arge trees .-to plant, you will get lrdit soonei, for such is seldom the case. ' X V- -X,. " r It h almost. useless to plant a you lg .ctiaiu vherc there has been? one betore. The .trees iv il 1 not attain their size but w ill be pioor and stunted It wuuhl seem that the first set of trees exhausted the proper food frbm thc soil, and tliitt t teipatres several years to rega n it. . ;Tiiere7 seenis to be a . :gteat ; diversity opinion as to whether , orchards .: should cultivated or not. s . of be .' ';-z:-J&i faraLmf experience. goes I think too ;tmich jnrtivaiion is -not best the tiees re- qu'mi all the nourishment they can get. ; . The , Diiiu 1 would adopt is something in tins .style:, !V, .. I"-" 1 v ..,"'.;..'- ::-. Before planting the orchardyput the Ia;nd tlrouirhti regular. three years' rotation (corn; oats and whTTat-) sowT grass, seed as usual iui the wheat, nut use none but clover an ab;( not sparing: with it.: in the tan at- J -' a '! i . i i , r -r- . t t i r a . ter the vlilcat ia en off, or next spn '""pifiv.t vour trees. During 1 the summer let - - your gigs run in the orchard and cat off th.e ru e.over; wmch by. -ay is excef Sent hiod for tvu.;. Let the Ipigs'have possessioti.of the orcMard AvntU the' clover begins to run . -out, -and the sod trots thick. Then' manbre g'and jHiitpo:tatoe4 follow 'them with wheat &nd clover 5 in the! sprinrr turn ' calves er Vn he wieatjand keep it down ru.til v.iiiier. i-et this course be pursued, until the trees f4iiirneuce bearing,'when with an occasion a trees' will eat of manure " and liihe the take care of "themselves.. t It ray seem to. the practical farmer that hisl; .iiidWiriainsi too lv without t,pl lng l lite re -t, Jbut iu the qui it will pa) hi an .An feasonably expect to , raise :w6 j .' good d'Ops at the.samc tiific ft-oin the s$tivCchtn:s, busine?i "! P- ...M'., t? ,' 1 ; thc, expense xf the; other. If a farmer ob- t: uis a good crop of wheat .fr,om his orch ara,, no aoes c at tne expense oi nis trees. ' i dhly- r'eeomm'eud a crqp of .potatoes as ino ine.ms or prepannir tlie sou ior ixrass tecd.f 13oth I.I " ' . - - I - - !. h clover and potatoes cohtairl a'g iit or nonvihr,.ent "from the air ja fe-r s i . ' i i ne "anuiuii ;Auy.;-itiC'viho hai seen'a Ipior in a' patch of CloVC r,: wtili auuiit that-it must do him g iy :tiot m loo jnueii h hmrv. to obtimla "crop jr. t; tuiit ; patience will meat with its rtid' l)t iiottiilir.latc (hy 'manure t ei . ti to bear, la rge CTops! at ! lirst, as uev -)ear j w ij, vxluut UKMic.yes ouc year and i '. 'M. u'n pi; ait jiiic I tn'tosi trJ c!oc! v .appie," thiilv Evi ft 'et -is I close opou ('c: ii.iia i.es " itti i lie in iieg thir ii v c feet from' j the leucc v iiicli runs at right; angles toltbe row, and seven teen feet from the one running parallel to it. In the secorid tqw place the. first tree seventeen ieet from the fence which 1 at right angles to the row. i By this plan the trees oi the second row will not come op I A . :i i ! . a ' posite to those of the first, but will alter nafo ivtVi. tln it tlina Krinmnrf t.ho, hops far- ""vv ; ...y .., r - .. u WAU"U Wl thft riwa f Jnrrvst. (rer. Iff, i 1 1 1 FETISH SUPPLIES OP THE PUREST MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, WINE BHANDY, PORTER i- . CHOICEST, BRANDS. f. CIGARS, TOBACCO, . WINDOW GLASS Paint3, Oilsc Brushes, Dye Stuffs, . m . - ..I. : e ! - ... Ud tli latest an 'j most fa hionaMe and splendid Tuitrricles, SoapsJ, Perfurnjery, &o., at , PESCUD S DRUG STORE. V:. ;- i ! " ! . ; EslabJisIsert January, 1811, rpiIROUGII-TH KINDNESS OF FKIENDS 1 I lilave beii enabled jt6' resume business, and have jusi rtftumedi troni the Northern Cities and aih.now receiving 4 well t el cted and most deira hje: stock .of al articles usually found in a Drug - tore to which J ask the attention of old and new friends- . V j-'-' :-: "i'X,i ' '4- ' '' "' ' ' ' f riuVfing to iiiiy exclusively fot CASH, and relying alonarup n the proceeds cf tales to keep niy - took renewed, I sh -ll expect tbeX3a?h. and hope na one will jii?k for credr .as I auMxOtable'to erive it. In spocMf, caee-a sausiaciory arrransjements will b-: made, A NEW EATEUPRJZE. I 1 havo alo aeceptod an Agency frbm one of the largest Importing atfd Jobtng H'-ustsin the' Union and am prefared to issue jto. dealers,, ''at the lowest 'J-or; heru price's, all tliai ihey rieed i n the l)rug' busine, and will jfprwarl thoir.brders, receive and forward their invoiced fojra small commission;.- CASll must inVaria'' ry accompany tli order. ' ; Thus all ;Proggwt-j P simians,- and. Dealers in Drugs, or -anytjuii in thd Driig" line, need not go Jfort-i, 4ut eari SaKe tim&L trouble, ami handsome per ceHtage Dy setuitng mo u iitv cn lueir wanw, .whicn 1 will price! m tnat iney may Know wnat umoiint to remit. . T ;" "-i : ' ' ' ; .: J;h uii ar 200 I can furnish as heretofore, at the ii-ual proatf, au my Drug store. X hope to receive and merit a liberal patronage ' r Kaleigh, July 8 H65. : ,, 31 lm . AGENTS WANTED The Secret Service, (he Field, the Dun- eon, and the Escape. 11X ALBERT DV1 RICH A It SO I?, i v N. Y.i Tribune Correspoi dent.; . j 1,000 copies r,ll& mAst interesting f.nd excitinff book ever L publishM, embracing Mr. Richardson's unpar- al'eled experienc-' ". fr -..four years. Mmvenug t hroifch the Souih in t he secret service of , the "Tri-' bune" at the 'outoreaK oi tne war, wun our a-mies .an 5 fleet, bcth. East aud West, during Uie , first two years of. tne Kebeinoni; ni' uirunng capture ; .his confinement for twer.tyjmonths in seven diller- ent rtvbtr prisons hiescape. ana almost miracu lous journey by! nijght ct nearly 400 miles. . It wj II abound .'h htirriria events, ind contain more of the f,!1- 4nilfht and romance of the war. than any other Work ytt published. 1 Horace Greeley says of " A crrfat manV1 books will vet be wmten concern irtr tins wan-in1 addition t the many already in print: but not cne of them i will-givC, within a sim- Dar compass, a 'clearer, fuller, mose. readable ac- mon'talitieR. of the .slaveholders' rebellu n: than tloe the' unpretendicir narrative of Mr. Richard- Son."- ; j a- : -:. j . x ; ' " Tftohprs. ladies, eneuretic young men, and es peciallv re'-un cd iand disabled officers and soldiers, in want of pro fifcajble' employment, will fiad it par ticulars aitaniea to meir conaiuou.; osi-u-iuiu- culars.. Address -v ; AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, j . - . ;'-':j. i .1 ;f Ilartfy'rd, Conn. "Sckaxton &,I3iiiui, A gents. I .- ..; ; 59--4t . '. . ; liiK. . ' : x:- x x "-x COMMERCIAL BULLETIN, iA FIUST CLASS PAILY NEWSPAPER i s m ; -xx '.and ; ; Commercial Directory. E D-I T O B I A pQ . . XjOgAL INTELLIGENCE, FOE EI Q N AK H nj MesTIC NEWS, STOCK MARKETS OP ' ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF T1IE U N IT E D ST AT E S. , '.".-. I. 1 . "- :i " : ' . v '- ' : y 'X-x ANp.j;;;.; X - ' X 1 -X, - '. GENERAL INFORWATIOX.' ON ALL SUBJECTS. ; ... : News Agents wi'h he iarutie-, as. well -as News Dea'ers erenerallv. wi l be furnished with the dcx- lftin in anv . number a'ndat j.moderate prices, y- i Tho BuMctin is furnished to -ubcribeTs at the r tn.of 30 .cents ' er moiitfi, with the additional charge of 50 certs to. prop -postage. '; . a soo' a ;hc bbs aj P,rrraige- ents are c rrplcled, we pTono'.-e' to i?jue ft N7eeiiy an dTfi-weekly Bpte LETivtor thfe befvt 'of our o-e mtry riends. V. :f The DuiJLETi-ir -s rapidly rectivirg a iarge and extensive circulation, ? I , It reprceurs the ;tnisin5? mtprest of the mei- .' . . L" - - Jj ' .. . ss men, aqa riurx-n. at, ixih.) ur It bus mot.whh a- mo,-t cordial reception by the buiress men of this cityv Tt-. ivtf!in r,irlva!t thn advertisements 5n a r as more reudirg matter than any other reaper publish ed, in Kichmo'nd. 1 ! "' '"''X Acents wfcn'ed i every: town and vilhtge n vbr flrnia who will take atd7orw.rd .hscViptions tsxihscribers can oe iur UsDeajin ruraicrsir-ui ;sg"8 remir!'". ! v - : ' . I ill ill' 11 iiyi c. t k ' T v. w v AcTdl-ess" ! . ':!' 1 :-X 'T -::XX BAILEV", wEpD2N-BUHX'& CO , '.;.-. Propnutors, tactiuinndi V a. Just Received,, -v; T 44 FAY ETTEVI LLE STEEET, BA LEIGH Dou'ule Hurrtlcd liuuf, "Si; trie Suiri-ie t U hs, ! - . ; Gun' Tn's, Gnn iCps, Pistol- Cartr"dj:o,l d"r F!a.-k end low very liuo Lhild CrriaoS.' 1 or sale low. .'" '' : ' - v ; ' P T. 0 RKAWA Y. ,t - MISCEllLANEO'US. -I --4- T1IK DAILiY: EXPRESS, ""i PETERSBURG. VA., I Hias er:teTeJ upciri its riHeenth year, in an, enJarg under auepices'highly. flat-" ed form,"with new typw1 unni.- ii nas aiargre lation, and pflers to! nifekLabts arid otheis d'efeiring to communicate wih the Southern nublic. advxi- tge surp assed by.i orije. !. l AIYEItTISIiG RATES. 1 V ONE SQUARE. Two weekH,:..!., On mcnth,...;. Two inontlis,. Three months,!.!. Six mpfethd,T.J. One year,. ..L. i., -. ' : ' - Twb ....6 00 ...,...-.10 00 15 00 24 00 .40 00 8QTJARE3. Two weeks, J,.L.L $10 00 12 00 .15 00 .18 00 .30 00 .60 CO ". une month,..;. Twomnth-4-.L Three months,.!. Fix month One vear. . I . . . : . . Persons desiringrlasr reater quantity ot ppace than is above designated, will be accommodated en lic- eral terms. subscbip;tio rates. Single Copy, (mailed)....... I One -month", j 1 do...'...... :' iiree Months, doi. ..'... . j ! s Six Month's " do........ ; r One .Year, do , . 5 Cts. ; . 75 " .$2 00." . 3 50 ' . 6 00 A. Fv RUTCIIFIELO & CO., I -1 . PETERS BURG; VA August 22,1855. X' XXX . . ; . . 53 PROS PECTUS " ' 1: I." Merchant OF THE : ' fej.t Mechanic's in AND XX '' :X ' ' -" .'-.' XX' FARMER S JOURNAL. IT is proposed, in corineeticri with "a genera t;ng business,' to publish a I , Pnn"i Daily, Semi-Weekly & Weekly Journal in the City of Ealc'gh, bea ring the above idle. As its name imports, it jwill 'primarily be deyoted to the interests ot hose asses oi the community em braced in the detagnati on, and will str" ve to elevate audi iid vanee ihtm i n a 4co-danee " witbthe p drress ift the ! same time it wi'l not iveideaii of the era. i At be. unmindful or uriai p recative of the wants yf the it will fiot enter the arena genkti 1 public . VVh lej of political g'adiaiorhin ' it will be made the ve- nicie vi iuuepeuuem, oibcuHBionox estate Or rsatioual 1 1 i .1 I i 'i " v. - . . exigencies, a tney niy a lse, always consistent with an unswerving -lv a1 ty to the common Gov- ernwen' Itwill gie nli the lateut'news, foreign anddo- mestic.-4' to siKjwthe verv form and brdviofthe times " Ana it will hfive a sub-Editor or corres pondent in evcry.Coufttj in the State, thereby en suring a local interest which cannot tail oi render deri'g it attractive to Ml pe tions .. E?ery effort will re" ! made to render the Journa an aoftuisit'.on, esptfcinjlly , to the business, cHiirnu- nit'i, and a v- luabl rpplium ' throngb which their wants ftnd operatioiis 'my be; made . known . Ad verfiSiner will'- be artHiisred at low rates and the most attractive muttcorncnts to secure it be eten The size'-of the Journal will be double medium, an will-contain EiGHf roat'y printed pages It w;ll be gotten up in! thb bess style ot typography ana printea on new mptenai. Terms : Daily, for one year $8 t0 V.i'.:..V.-.;J.L..i.6.00- Da1 ly, six mont s . J Daily, one. month, . !, . . . i t . . 1 00 ..5 oo 3 06 Semi-Weekly, on year.... em'-vvceKiy six 3nntD3, v eeKiy , one year, . . u. 3 CO . 2 00 Weekly, six ni iiitbis Persons desiriT g to j subscribe will4 en 1 in their names immediately! qut may withhold thfel' price of s ttJricription unti) te receipt of the firs number, tij tf q receipt of the firs number. It snthcient enov:r fee ; eut is real zed, tr: first miniver will be .sue"dTn the 1st of January j 1866 Address, . " i. i u. m- rv r i 1 11. 1 r n Mr. August 23, 1864 Raleigh,N. O "r ' ' : , - rja. TO M CHANICS TTTE nA VE IN qUIR S fOCK, BUGGY AXLES, TT binnsrs Rim? Patent Dash Lea lie Clips, fa ks and'Nalila Shoemakers'1 Tools! Md Screws, Ttcks, BradsJ Nails, &.;. Axes, Hat; hets, ' liana: oaws, ti. .-nise is,;'Augure osc.,. uomn xriatea, nu?nber. 44. Favette'viilie street. Raleisrh u; ;ii ja mi a wax, With Hakt & LiKWis August Jfi. 1665. M 62 ' ; FOB SALE. . AAA :CT ON THE BANK OF N. C . w n tJp-tJJJ 0,00 iNlates tn the Ba k 6f Cape Fear ; 1 l.Ooo'Nlotes ontheBankof Ch rlotte. 5,0C0 jMlisccllaneons. . - 5.000 hid Coin. johni G. WILLIAMS, & CO Aug 19. Brokers-. 1 Wood for tie Capitol, nun Rl . nrnnnfsals iWUi oe reoei-v eu uv t u .uu i EALED "proposals dersi gned until thio 20th'Septe-nuer ncxtto far- oT.TT-ntoiit nnaniltv or wooaiorxneuf-e oinie nnblic offi es ot thejSiare.in me vapiw auu j.u' UB S-Lftte Cmvehtion, the ensuing winter an x sprmg, The Wood to be soi;nd bk and hickory, to oe delivered nd miasitrid in the wood house on the , ,T t'.nn ttnia tn rimp !i TPnnirftl.. . . i5:.ior wiiT Raie( tihe piice-per , cord the 1UUV- I W -r- -j .-' vlie rWht of lejoclti lids" vi win Turmoil iu T not advantageous to the. State is- reiervec KOBEliT H. BR iDLEY, Keeper ot Capitol. . ,. o r- , e-;;::;;.,u ro.;,".oTi' ,Jt"h: N M.Mirtin,Plummer&Co. Citrp Miters', Coopers' and ii lliffiv Afiii Ki raniro iFirohAnc ' : Thread : LocksT Hinges, ""v- VUV " , 1 "f '""l Hand:es,f5crews and laeks. i . 5 : f A n I 4F n T nfln -m4-V.!JR- H land Great Uonvenienceot wearing tnj P INGjGUUUb and flUWarliving hy ever? OfflAft !)ftr. 8th aiid llanfll Sfsli V.l.f. Sieamer irom xew : jl urK wiHwticiu, 1 i i .. yjr - ! j vyniiareujjxe buu iuuuj aujea Ihey are ".v3" Lik for the JigriU ' Hii dwark . and the i "Hj"-f XAX?TnJMniTlV'f.'i t rior t all others. - ji. A WAKE, ,! :,:rx 'XX -Xr - t:. ne' Fr.MKb Gilt China,' 42(:4f f? Very low at V UnllJ ... I I S ETS of n rif.i'p In fl fc-1. 2 i 5 No a FiTE i TEY' LLE STREET.; A ClIARMIpiCf NEW BOOK 1 'N PliFSS : will be's-ned firt of Octohcr, 1865, h SJIITII UU., rif m ana rire- si.tn Bv k P bii-hiu lloube, ob ,ayetteviue jst., WTirh' N. O. NA-vlKLFS. by M rs. Fshny nrdaTgh Down- in 2 j One Volume. I 6 mo.; U'ne- Ulclh rr.ee a ;rh:?nniii story of heart -a wor d. told in the most tie $2,(0. Ihis is ream Ithe lftshi -nib cr ut and refined 'an ruaffd. . Aside fr m the b s rbinjr plot so' hieel : inter wov?ii, it abound i thouiut redect ve; and d s -j?26Stive, pu asimr jcrptive i assge g4 trvd jiud exo niite in eharac- finish ..Wlifie't.r :".NjMELfcbS'rr"i- re it will be p.iz d . as la thr giriui ata aiuauu- LCI " - -T-l . , U . , . ,.!. lh- nh sWent thetq- Kooiety ia receive ?ucu a bolTa tb's with a 4rftefvil welco" ; :asb rrHcrs Iro . - the Trae or. frm single suh. sciit .Mo nr. v e io b.rdr:d at.ce. ! i . " v rja-Editors iuo-rtu-c this "A vc timalf wi..a il 1 otd wiirrticie!aHiOpy-x)i the book JJuleigh. September I, m BUillNESS CARDS, JO Bf GJvWIttlAMH & CO,, BKALEBS in pilver Coin, Bank Ifotes. ' 'r X Bonds Bfjigbtand Sold onCoWmission. r tW deposits received . Jg2 ;r ' f' , 195.1.1 XXXm- XyxM l -X J. 522t D. OAEEAWAY, t it . - ' 1 j )''. l ? FACTCKESfi AND EAllKK8 Tini Prli Rlicraf" Trnri Warn H A E Dwlf:, HOLLO W AKEC RO CE.ERY AND sJtL ASIy All TABLE AND POCKET j Cutlerjftj Cooking Stove?, Lamps, U tfAtlrTEVILLE ST., KALEIGH, N. C. 5 Sm Attdraff and Counsellor at Law XXXQMcyh the Court Ifouse. 'Hl'Ij E I O If. Ii C. . i ParticWaMattentlbn eiven ! to the EX AMI A- UUNVjsyANULMG, to the .Cd'lSNTS; and the COLLECTION OP CLAIMS.:!' ; -V: : XV : : i-X- .-XT: -.. July2l,-li:'5., ; - X :. S I 42 ntaw6m. .' i i -v . - .- ' - 1 ' ' : - " - ; .-. - ' t,: - & CMINGGIM. ffoFOUWAEDING AND I XX . i 1 r r - . . v."-. IF-'" ?! : - -. T. ssion Jopn F F6 Aug. 8; t i W. II. CUNINGGIM. I ' - ' 491 m M. WADDELL, ATT CRN V AT riLxIl'NGTON, N c. HAVIiiGfe S formed a coniieoUn With a disdn 'guiihef Law) firm and Clai n agency in Wash ings ii City! Hjy advantages for r rospesecnting cIhuus at ev;y kind, against the government, i i .Wdl practfe ift I dl the Courts! of the State when opened July lTih ' 38-lm ct-jims & co. i UJ?i U I!' M LKg, to AND A " ' f ' .' K ' i '.. ; I It- -1 ' ' I '' I - I BJ$tTi Mn1ai&livertiaiig! i-lnoYMa 1:133 STASS AU STREET, " ' 1 "l - x A-i'x ' x n . .j.-- X x-x . , ; M.:; GuRTIf'p-V. .-' Ged . Ai; Jitf orman; j ; ' New York. :0:- Advertiseij in's inserted in all the :city and conn - try papers iiioughotit the XT- S. and 1 1n Canada.: j' -- h oixiGii &!i-eo : . 1 -. -..-:.. . ;- : - , . t: (LdmWX C. Hamilton. M CoXM X flv- Ji, - : iwJ ii - ' "i " Cor. So t!l Front fMldle Streets, i ' . -LJ j . . . , K! j . : ' INC.VV cpc.rIN, IN. V-- ; : ' . . iJiXt74 nilJ, L-, :- ' 1 - ii .k. - - - t . . GROCERIEI PROVISIONS, CROiOKERYj FUR i moro than: twices hng as any Single Spting.Skirt l :':' TsnrHnni7 "Svisrrt TiipnwiPir ithatevc has orpan be made. - - I 1 . , . W ' ': - ' ' 1 "'I The wonderful ft xibility and great comfort nd July 20 1 41-lm. i i J !ftETKR irirftlIlTSIftii.lKnrni!UT'ff r..u ,vv... &uy.vi .fwuvJU4l J fj, .J",. vf j.-,".":-"' . . ,? ".'T' it .'--.i i i ' ,i Fiteajeorallkihdafef 'ir. w it' . v y3 TV Tktiyik in A 5 m J Orders rlobods filled, promptly at - thedowes I Market rates? a r- . ' " . V ! f j KKato,.! ;j Eichmond. ! ".-. ' 52 2m ( vr , ' i---l-i. i '." :. I -! . Aug. 19, M 5. t -x i :-y. - ROBT. As M R ,.JN . f M ' ' X - i ?f?; TfNHI1'V M i SYCAMOEE STEEET, " -I? : e 'W r s b; u r gb a ir , WILLH prompt, ipe ! iJLjiJ M1!!? ..-P'-Vuipi.tuciB ai cui'uji v tiio the t y. sas e oi; wo dbcco. v-o- sale ot" obacco, Co'tojn, Wheat, Corn, Fl on-. , Bacon, fe.v & id respecth '.WW from their attends and .tlpublf genemlly - r - - " I Will nlcn ti I v -rrlfra tnr rA Will also fil! rders for goods oil th4 most &VQrft ble cash t$ip&:ffi'''; XX- 'r: - .X::h : :1 . " x '" : fl Aug-ift 65,i ' " . . .' ': 49 3m Mil BOAB H.HilTs 1 ') 4U H jll N K ...1 '-! 1 FAT; . fTEVIIXE ST., BEtKIGHX.' C,i ; rf Mrl Alfred- Williams.) 1 u t . i i- the day, week aud montli Italeigh, Auj ist 8, 1865. 49 lm K P. Brrte l J. M. HckLJ B. P. Williamson SOUTH LAND AGEXCV. BATT LE? .H EGK i & CO.. xrTTrri l lJY: SELL AKD ILEASE, ADJUST t j . - Wr ' tiUeAf. tav taxes on . and tak e srneral f .. ll-r- I' dintA 'rrli' .r'f.itir. lend iron and.oth ' uaiae 'rUr-pow ers, !&:.,,: . T.hrcugh ;dl4'agent3 in evry county accu- r.to lBtorraal on will Imj gen oout paitieuiar io.t iitis, tTae- i ot land, x-;. - . , .; -; . iiiUike ie' undertake coUecUca of debts in oiih CWoj La aud elsewhere, by iit or other- Cciiimissiorub IsttJ-charges! jnoderate - CuUituuu itioua . cosnwsjsrstix. i.. . - - . i . f 1 K V' Hii 111 BUSINESS CAtipS. . MILWAINE & CO.! WHOLESALE GROGERS X-: V'-XX t AND t 'firX'- '. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; "Vos. 79, SI and S3 yea us ore Street, : PETERSB URG. VA. ! ' THE subscriber r'epevtfaUy ofier their service to the. T aie NORTH undSOlItll, and to toe rianters oi vinuiMA art KOiriH CAEOLI- Pi A, in tne purciiase and sale of Groceries, X : i 4 Cotton, Tobacco, "X'X j JX'X,A l: X. ' :;X' , ; : -; Oral u, i&c. They trust by i 8trict persona attention ! to all business confided to their care, to Beeure acontin nance of the confidence so liberailv bestowed on uie iaia nrm oi (McIIiWAIWE, SON & C,o4 of which our senior was so lone a mernb'er.t 1 ' ;L 1 McfLWAINE&CO KOBBRT D. MdlLW AESI, 1 S, S. Bridgkrs. 1- ;; Mr. EDWAKD GEAHAM. of the late firms of Mcllwaine & Grasam, and Hamilton &i Graham can oe louna with us, where he will be see bis friends. I t August 19, 1865 ' ' pleased to ii' 62 6m WEST'S NEWSPAPER I And DFferiodical Iepcrfc. JFhyetteviUtt Street. OPPOSITE OFFICK OF ADAUS EXPRESS CO New York; Philadelphia, Baltimore; papers received eyery day, : . daily.aiid BENNETT, YANPELT $ GO., . ' ' . No. 23 White. Hall Street TJEW YORK. - ..- . .... - - . . ... ArrRED K . Ben jntt. 1 C. H. Bejjnbtt, T. U. V ahpelt, t ; at 15. l Williamson & Co., INewTork. J Raleigh N. C, GENERAL (0)niISSl0 3IERC1IAKTS ': FOR THE SALEOF I!. : . COTTON, TOBACCO, COTTOX. YARNS, , CLOTH, SAND NAVAL STORES. Freight and Taxes arranged and Insurance efiect ed by fcailroad and sea to New Jork. !j S - B. I. VYilliamson &Jo.. Kateffh. will furnish in- formation I concerning Taxes-, Shipment &c, for cninments toithe above parlies. B H E B'TO ' New York President Atlantic Bank! Fenntfr: J. Bar- ney &Co. 1 .-. ' ' :. C EaleighfDr. W. J. BTaWkijis,rre?ideht Ealeigh & Gaston Railroad Battle, Heck & Co., SI. Heck, mamson & Co. i l jg-ryjn -; NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. Tr e Great Invention! of the Ap !d J. W. BRADLEYM NEW PATENT niupr.Ex ' ELLIPTIC, (.OE DOUBLE SPKING SKIRTS rpHfS INVENTION- CONSISTS OF DUPLEX Ji (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel; Springs, a-ffeniousiy braided tightly and firmly tojrkher. edge todgj, maticg the toughest, mostf flexible. elastic and durable Spring evr duse. Thev seldom ben A or break, like the Single Springs, and conse- quently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape leasure to any liaay wearing tneuup'ex Jslhptie n.xrt wiji ue caj-ciiciv eupui ticuinri y in ail era war d Assemblies, Operas', Carriages, RaUrSadTCar9, Chr.reh . PeWs, Arui Chtirs, for 'Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded "when . in use to, 'ocupy a small place as easily and conveni A t.aay navmg jnjoyea me r reasure. uomrort Uplex. E uver For supe- I . nfi ftnnnft "ara AWftred with 2 rlv danbtn twiatArl Jtrad flnrwilliwrtflr twice aa.-limir.aa th -Hino-li iyarh cover-ng wh ch is u?ed on all Sinale Bteel Hoop kirt-. The three bottom rods on.e ref, Bkirt are also Double Steel, and twice double covered to prevent the eov'eri- g from wearing oflf the rods when draiTi;in5r down staif, stone. steps. &e , &c.i, : which they are constantly' subject to whenin use.s -X : ...: ' !'!-,..: - Xy All are made !of the' new and e'ega-'t Corded Tapes, and arc the best quality in every part gv- lEg to uie i w earsr me most graceiui, &u periecc - shape possihle ahd are' unquestionably the lihte..t Imoat desirable, tomfoi table ;.hd economical Skirt 'Ti!. BRADLEY & CARY flate J. I. & J. Proprietors of the Invention, i and Sole Manufacturers, 97. Chambers and 79 & 31 icado fotreet8, Pew iorK. . ' , - ; , - . - y Fur sale in all first class Stores in thia City, and ihoughout .tb,". Kl.nited' States nd Uankdas, Ha- J l l V I . .V 0 ... . 1 . . ja fink ' X' " m e&ica. oouta Amensa, ana tne rit Ininit 5?- WV Sprir g Skirt.; S4 5m. RAliEIGII, July 19, 1865. rpiIE UNDESIGNED FOR ANY YEARS JL past in the BAnkii g an-i- Brokerage business in tms city, aesire o can tne Ttenuon oi xne; puo ! lie 'o the fact that they have re umcd. tFhey will . . . ' ;:r xr :r;' r1? strict attention 'to arr narinz and Betr.1 ng Oid '.claims, masinf collections. ouyin ana sei inir stock, &j , and giving to all business entrusted to LilULli VUv lOabna, pS-flulA U'abViX . X T by prs-mptness in making returm to retain the con fidence of ol . friends', nd to make mtny tiew ones. JUiUN ii. W1L.L1A&U CO. -Jnly'20,1655. ; - 1 1"T :- ' - L'- IjAND AG15NT, '.-;4KH ' : rrHE UNDF,RsiGNED HA VINO FOIi SOME A' years previous to the war, en engaged in the improvement and sale of - lands- in liiq Fcsteru Countiesriow of era hi' services is Agext far the pur hs.se ot sale ft lands in. North CiT-lina. x iT. ;: 1 w f " u . ft Jl) MUUtCOB 13 IMUOlgll llr V. JWU'UIMO 11 UI. No 46. W. IL CUNNLNU(iI .I Kalcigh. Jtir.ft 21 vl8S5 :xs-: n st-. J Wi n cfirVB.i, and Bank! feJCi 1 1. r SALE 1W UAKfS OF STOCK TBI Baleitrh aiid G tsiou tL ti Kod Ootupauv i WANTED TO BCYtNi C Houda uid Coti poi? payable at the Bank oflhe'K"puiiic,'"Nl Y. ;.' '; w -u J - i - yr. L C CLICK, U -?7:. X XX" j tX ' At the N. C. Book Stored A ' - f AJk - - .. ",a A. A -7 - - V IV .,! SCHOOLS, COLLEGES; WAKE T0REST COLLEGE- JL will be re.umed.on Friduv. Julv nisi: i ii.struction will be giytn iu dl biaucJues usually ught in Male allege.5 A ' aialcgae of tuuies J Uu may ba ubtaineor ou applleatton to auyj- member, of i,uucuuy. -, ,,-L.X '!, -'I !?'! v-rr 4 A.rrauKcmcnts have been made to open art, - ACAD EMU: DEPARTMENT 1 ' ' r ' in which boy s may acquite a thorouguf bv&iruu ed ucation. The cour t" in ihis deparime.it b eminently praciuaL iPumla will h pared for any puis4t( in W hush ihey may purpos ' ' to e gage. 1 A reguliur course of iecturta. TiluStr. - ted with ample ai paratus, will bo '4ehverd on a ural Philosophy, Chemistry afecTAgticallural ' eu on Botax , Geology; neragy, &s. ix4 v tensive iiDurries compriainseVeraLtnousaad' vol -XX ; ameswill be accessible to all atudenta.. .1 x uinoii yor session ot Jto weeks iu Col Dept. $20 f r, , ! - 1 " Academic t 2Q -Board per session (exclusive of lights) 65 1 ' -,!' - X'vo sxT&ijiXtJX 'X'X :X :?:! X' ' lioard and Tuition are due, in advance, but ef forts will b made to indulge patrons in special . cases, provisions will be received in pay men. at it 1 current prices. .- H . . .; ', '-p.--- ; : H 13 S ''i For turther particulars address I " 1 l f ! Maj. JaMES U. FOOTE, I June 28, ; 19 lm. v ForestviUi '- ; Female . Collegiate Institute, MURFREEiiBOKO N. Jo. ; i r t , i j-. j THE next session will begin on tho first Wedncs-i day in October,'! 865. .1 . ' ) 'j 1 - Terms jper session of lour months and a half, oneL ha'f inaavance, th remaindei at the end of the session. - . : . . .- . ' Collegia e Department, $.25 00 3 Aeaderoio ! ; do - - f 18 6 ) Music and toe cf instrument, t i . 20 to .Board pe month, -T 9 0J The, above pa able in coin or equivalent in cur-1 rency. ; ' ; r ' , , ' . ! " !. The Faculty will be full and composed entirely' of experietcec and succebf .1 teach. . i A Professor of Mus c to be supplied Applicants' willplease address 1 s h . a: McDowell, Prebt. . Murfressboro', N. C . August 6, 18b. 49 -2m THE : BINGHAM SOHOOlI IS IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION AT ME-! bauesvll e on the N. C. K K ! 1 - . I Room 'or Be vera! new boys xn August 1st. Address; r i ! , - j Wil. BlNIIAil, i ''',. Jtoe banes v die, N. (J. . ! July 22, 1965. -.. . : 43 -lOtJ .Standard and Newbern Times copy six lim.es,' ' OXFORD FEMME C0ILEGE. Y rjMiv 29T1I Session wilt, opkn n the I . JL third Monday (the J7th) of July and close, with L ; tne Annual tommeaceuient, on the luttt Tnursaay the ith of Novem ber. ' ! ' j 1 I1, For terms etc., apply for a circnUr to ' 5' .XX ' X.i ' -T-: :, '. J. JL MILLS, ; "RaleTgK June' SO, 18S5. '.j. uxiorii ix. Uu 24 lot. , 1 THE ; NEW YOEK NEWS. HJ-.T-! r V;.-;;-,,. V DAILY AND WEEKLY TflE NEW YORK WEKKLY NE1FS. ' vi: a:great ; j x: FAM I liY j N EWSPAPE R ! I BENJAMIN WOOD. .... ........Proprietor. -- . i - .. ' i. A Journal f Politics Literature. Fashions, illarkct. and Financial lie ports, lute estiug Mbcellany, and News from. ; ' xx'x x - ji V ALL! PARTS OF. 'THE WOULD I ' f " It Contains raor Ueadiug Mailer than ANY OTHER WEEKLY PAPER. : - i-l-i, . . . - NifiW IMPR0VEHEHTS 1IJTE0DU.CED X- X:iA : : An Immense Circulation Determined on The Largest, Best and Cheapest Paper r Published in New York. " j J" Single Copies 'i..:...'... ..... .Five Cent f One copy, one year. i ...... i . . i. . . . ,$2 0, Three copies, one year.1.. 5 70 i J Five copiesJ one year .. ,., 8 65 . j Ten copies, one yer.....; ...80 00 ' And an Extra copy to any flub of Ten. : The Weekly Xewsis sent ktClcrgjynea at $1 60.- r' x-y x:;x ? ,. . , JfFWYOJlIDAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers. ... .....l. .110 Per Annum . i LSix Months . L . . t. . . .". . ........ . . . . Five Dollars V& Payment! Invariably, in Advance. i 1 Specimen ?iDopiesvof Iaily and i Weekiff ZVewa U Sent Free. i . S AbDRzsa j- ;- : j ;- r ; : XZf'X'ly l:X, ::'':.xX:i BENJ- WOOD, i f XaiIy IVews Building j - Hd. 19 City Hall Square, 1 ' " ; ... : KfEW YORK CITY I NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP, x TliE un .ereigne'd Irnvb entered into Co-I'artncr- ' 'ship forjtbei purpose of conlocting a " General Commission , Business In (he City of New York, m dr the firm and nam i' OF TAIVXAIIILL, McIL WAISE & CO. We have taken an office i t No. 70, FKONT ST.; ir Mr. EOUTJTAN VAllILLisiiow thete prcpar- s GUI ed to erive his Htent;in to all busicess entrusted to us. Vie resveCtfrillf 'iohcit frcm our nnmerows.: friends nd ith pa fie. conirnmen of all kinu ; of SOUTHERN PRODUCE. . f I " Prompt a'tention i aid 10 the putcha lcirof ilEaj CIDIZE. i ' - - . i OonsieTiraents ot Prodn e . for our New ' it rk Hou"e, if direct He the care of cither of us.- will receive prompt rhlBplrg attention. f i ? i. U irui i ii'D r"r J " -4 i ! , " 'MAETIN & TANNAHILL." Augtui 8, 1853.' X X" " 1 4S 1 1,1 . m Kiitrili' Springs N ., ? i i;.: f-;v- Jniy, 15. lses; j.- P r-LlOATJONS Fl?0M MANY INVALIDS induce us to oren our House on Isl Aucust f jr th accpmniodauon oi a few of our eld fneni eod fra.or patrons;' - ; - ' t : j . The Spring is now , in good running ordr, not v4th-t ding parties have heea buiiy. ivgugvd C Teul-llngSiej ortj to the contrary. . ' K i : BMfd-iit be muderate JLali f which mv aid(in dvanc) in ptuvisions at market mie. hest write us a few days betore hand bo tht ooa- eyaiioo may b ia reud'ulesM jt the Depot. - 1 1 .... 4 m.AnifNAI.T. A cx i ! 1. 4- 1 ". v V.. v-V i I M 1! ft 1-1.

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