I lA: - -:';''v '.''' --AA'A - . - v,-- ". ' . A:.,- "f- , '!!;; YY."Y,YY : :VY" ' 4- -i - .i .- r- ' ': - f I-,-;-. - P :-i - - k;.y----, -;p;,- r-.. - " - ' ' : . , yy h . - --P . v ;- - x v& v:,,a;..;'-l-P-- r lit a 1 ' , . -V- p-v - P Pi; p- P ; J tl , V I M .. H ! M r :!P. : ! 1 1 V :A- - 1 ; I ! v r-is; -n. 1 rr 1 l l n ; - - J: iib ' : :- r :tcWa&e the foVowitgiteccs onevs r' rVfrncr Ltc'tr of Va , was-arrest- i . his rf sijce ia IexIi. g'dn Va , dti the V j.: 9rf Ifa dtPclimVof ;TTrberts .cr&lry; v- Rv.;(rnr-nrw contined in trc ell cspirci poi SrttaTy- ot War, J ndpfi l aTrpoy.i -VEoS R M T. Hunter of Va,- have ako been arrested. 1 ' id Cftl ' s at lrt res and te brand I! i irr rf te District cf Colntnbia haveij ftiund ; 'fa bllt'of indK'm'wt nt the fbrrfij-. for ft.rthm :.e?'i;nbe -.fvev- pi ice f wVm'f : My-bo!tpd and ironedn Two giar!iji con B'ritijjjDccupy1 the room wiOi hirn, . wj He in theoutf-r rpora are efj8-a titl 7 a com minion if d "iCT -and a.'lard,rH : char'gd .vwflt.H' thp j 4atty -of seing that' the acned ulfes nt r -1 liwia ia..: rf nopmitran rr. acr n w-orJTo aDV one, neither is anjloiie per- rnitt.ed to 8p-aK a word to nira. ne 13 111 orally in a living tonib." .. ! if "1 tjaye:Wn cent 6n 0 : 1? art Warren! w Bo? ton harbor., 1 :- V J:r'.J- ' - ' ; Mra r is, her ? four, :ildren,Tprofcher anHsi ter, and Mrs. O OIay harp jftone to oairannah in.the steamer : Olyaoj lff, PiirtrftaaTMoQros -uader sealed jorderp, ' APTOINTMEST3. BT T1IE .SCr EBINTENDENT ,1 !'"' OF TIIE FREEDM EN'S BUREAU. : ajSr Gefieral H'.iwar.l,; Saperinftndent - df Uh Fredtoen's Bureau, ha mad the following appointmenia .of Ste -com mi eion- ' e'r?, nnder the ?ct organizing the Biireau of ' Freedmen a A fTi irs & 5 j ;'; v i rgima Captain ' O. prown, A;33istant 1 iarter master. ;f! ; y:, 1.: SiVN-)rth!CarUra -Horace' Jimes ;.. v . .,'t. 1 j Gen R'4fu. Sexton. ' . ; : I ' AJabamaf Mj-fr T. 0?borrJ. Mississippi-- Afn 0 r : HI-- h j lea erf j '' Jjoni3iana ChiiplHin -Jas. Cohway. - . irsao art '"ai'l Arkan ?v3Brig ''tran .I J tV: r'.rne ";:!,!: . 1 A ;!i'.' ' '- rf-t 'C .-r :i ...... 1 r . .K-rrtuiky and Tennessee Brig. general Arc5srciiif Justicet l hasc 0 the Colored jjle'ur . thaJtoa;- My Fries ds : thall comply ..With'the 1 - invitation, of Geri. Sixton to address you a l vyery. fe ww 6rd3-lE is.jtrue that Have a t ;? ways been lha friend of freedom, 1 have" i .always desired to see; every 'man, b. wha- ' I ever C imp'eKXion. proecfed in tho enj ivt I msnt-of aFl h'a'-!.-na.urarights,- aud-jo.'.-sf. !-'.i;:!ev4ry:matt ' clohedi,li-'overy; l?jttirnaW I .mau..frth pro&MriV of ;:tjixj3e rfehi's No man, nro!)a')ly.jiat: oouritrt 4 'pi I xi this war f .raore-; ifuvit ty'f 5 perhaps, no man-would', hlive maIe grater ."'gaorjfice.i tb 1 aid not vsviii to se even th f great good of- em anqi paion- o'btai ne i (at sue!) a terrioie c st. -i -nei is vaa t o w u woui 1 na,v comasome , time -fh") by a wm4 ad ja J administration of tb-r Mora! G:rtnmst fi1 the time"migh!t be-t tiai;e'ned-bdvrm nevei desired to see 'su'-a terrihlr Strug w. EaVe passed. leyer dei?frei ( ,?e vft. ' ae seals Of vbloid ana tho: v 1st giiTf.iir. -whie-th? treas'ira of theicoUrt'Tv h vd be- vs'i!-; eveu foe rhu - higl'fesc -"g o 1 which c 'i! ? b obtained by. n 1 o't.er mean : . B ; ; i.n the providence of G id the war c-v.n : ani l as a manY of cvrrying !t,Wt war tFir ""Ugh to n I soccess'u! H-u'i I letut waa thd r yb th- GnoraS Gyern indent to reipecA -itsTp.nnl all; cv and L .knew (hat the "whp' "orii peonle of the 8 mihj war loyal ftf roiling- i'T I ed ch0er,s. f id. 1 ?truste U arul i f. n tha. r - if we wo.ilH. sa-copd in tV.i ;9fr:ii,rle w riiwt strike th'lfetter; from th b.-ipdmei. Oheer?,.!-; ' S;ich :-wiia:',' my eoin in tb . vaniHHi., ,a,rta wt,ven tiwf, '.lonoij mari ho-; mm.. with a4ii the '.lovers oi' Jr;e4Hn 'thm'n'wS-; n ; ithd world wh.;thH'rjf noffVi ' roah'i nivd IIS !dn ! j; shiil frep, n ij cnJg ive a a ro?4 heaf, I i sanction 'id a Jmore: Vmphatiy. a-n mi than i: ttiysHi'. r.hef j ' Tnen, when thkrother i qu'von arose; r S all W3 !p it arms: in 4 tb H 1 hdtHV pt the Mack rri inj' '', I navrer 4 H'b'd. tifchse If w m ike t era-,' irf etn?1, and 1 he o t ' r t; e r r f r f d rn i 3 rtre'of ti:, w)iAe d'Vy f5 it, fi? l'sir arii j; if n f IVi r?. .Ilie':r,if ' 1 W hme dntf. ii f-c-t-, l.-. . .. .. tJ..-, ...-. rJ 'r ,l",i'- j :i - " 5l .Vs--m Jl 1 iir Trncsuj jrri in i-t tl as lor U uon. n it n. nor, the I A rtc1 ? . .v i --Jr.- ' - as J A v . . ' f , - ir'u t;o-y cau f;r!Ti;pv?!)?c,'' i it w ' o f :n h a y i V ;v ir' I y 1 -f- hat; lrVrigth: -w'hK ; :n V: -; ys5 r .;rj 4- f? .j a u ,ai tct 'Hte i f tn by te ci red (- i'i vvh Ich ir whrn t,'?-1 , i ve f'rj oi eiTt m atl - 1".Y.,bi?ir ra'nd to 'il' jl inn to the fi-ld 1:1- hat they; 4'd" H o tt. -bri i momen tjy but a great5; iirju jdav ipo lat I: iT'vt19 A'Qdhow ha- th c 1 ried man rijp h'f proper, shire i':jth ?trne? - 'I t, MPTj!'- Vaa'. -i-de -S-i,. N hV'mad r- -:1.-.C'.Inyho xfemeilt. .".Jrr: ' ?uS; od.,r; 'AM i h'f -.yie-vri-bAkg : JTj'-'Jreeip anlMlXiiiai a V "(secur V r.vr?y fi-is-i'oeater; rrg.hth:ie" .1-to ' b4;.ak-- ji : -; 1? Li ar and' iC5v.Sin vid .i i ;;ttrrm:v.maer -:of j-i c,- n i l ,;.,-, is " a-? p thV.'l 3. :' --( V-)0 .t3 .4t.;.;, I jhHikvV'A safr I ,.3 la o-umg jtutioe. 1 -.H, ye in 'the V;;t;Vtu ef jihat scnp-ure wLiii sy'jf he I '-K'tbupflgjiUy - wa';k-thsreiy.VTria : tf'aidd thatuation Vbh h:4s hifeelT. 1 YA. ,1'V t-ifeandidr-h ani feHefeon tht ; .roaeVee ut Aim'gH fJol- g suite;1 to is ; aeJafely aud Uiumpaently :f ii cube tha: To every tliihg tHer0 111 1 ' 1 " ' " ' ' 1J graat i .struggles have to - be gone ' throngh, great sacrifice made, rrean trials endured, ireafc h.trartydoms" Ruffifed ; this, war ha : nten its rn.ulutudes :l mattyra, the Ia3t and fiobtckt 01 eoa:3'rtxck"iowa by ,th hand;of ai -e.?ftas3irj 1 few dij3 flgou Grat martyr -dorm may yet be endured '; Vbpt ythrougH;: them all tho right' cause j will'come otitj in" th iend triumph int and sure," ,torj a j 1st God a on tha throne and bet1 v?ilh -ji.fc In this -!3!i, I 3aid tHat' vxotptt; is . wop' the battle h over, the . army, of the Rablliofi is dishan jded, jpace re'urn?, and thia brings with it it3.di'iea. i -Tne country 18 ia 'aj very" pcu kaj, cndition ' A great! reer numbering i,t)0fj 000, is iBuddnly brought iato: ; free dom.j O -ijr cc'intry, ia.looki ng to Vee-whethfr the prophecies of the; enemies of that rac w. 11 fee fu' filled or ftl sifiedl It! rests upon Jhe men of that' race to sav; . THev say tha you will be :dtaorderiyv id'e, lmproviden t lazy;; tvat you will sfarve rather .than work ; that wages cannot tempt j&n to, work ; thaf yon will becom disorderly andivagabonds, Xonr enemies say that. ; and a great njny people not your eremies j fear it It rsta wiin youto buuw woe.flRr.u soait oe ?) or not: i -it uuM uuu uevoive on you, ray frinrlg, to have too m ach anxiety as 'to what. "people say of you ; feel in your, inmost con victions- that your salvation, under (J-od, re3t$ ;w'th yoiirselrea If you will, by your honf sty, temperance, industry, 1 faith fulae'sR in all employ raentf, , by your, readiness to work . for honest! wags, by your economical savings if you will lay up a portion of eth i week's earnings! m some Saving! Bank for? yourselves and 'family in a wet day -if you do everything in your powr to increase the prf dupti vb resdurcsi of the b6antry ; if. as agncul t-urists in agr'cullure,' as mechanics in. th 'mechanic arts ; if in this employment and ' jtha't employment ; if. in "whatsoever f-Ofiva aTfntfn$ to (J6 -you exceli aid haye an., nne9tr character - you wii I hzyp ' your- sfrjre'f, and reflect cr;'Sit on lhfose who have Ildie I,sh,lI hare tohangniy he Alia zham and C3 r. W 11, I 'expected a" ??reat deal "of ttiis' pi iopfe -that theyco'iM bW?do'm that; tfasy would he hohest aridi ldaUiou aid d?y, and I finti that I aia tn'istakeii'; lljai ithBV t allowed;- m-serale 'ices to arfo.w.ip atnon th'rm ; that they allow-rd vindictive4es3 to'gro v up i 1 their brea3?s; that they : were pleaded yhtn ; white . men, wpre (Overcome OtbaSj they : werj, m willing to take their part cheerfully in life and im prove their condition. 1 j, ' ; j'-,.'. I .as a western boy, and-'I Iviow thaf Jaqor mnst ba a Gidithr Ikw of, our, lives. Itr 'lf5g' cabin- ofths. West, we fireoTj it as roi?g!lNand hard as, most; of yon h-ye;'to fre, vd we had a very: 1;, tie of poy kind of c-i piH-nGthing 'ti go; u'po'i, but par g;od patient hearts, and equal dppor: unities r;e'fleicar,fon which PV&rjtykhir&hoy- VnaTtk G l-f-' av had m ihh c;"untry,' end all bla'ftk f oh''S ;who watit.it 'on now hava-' Weil, irpKri jthis capital we went- to worlc nd came :.Vtriet.hing, and EupVyou can do the sam - fi:ig'if you go t work. - Bat if 7O1 spend VtMi'-; time in fieujn because .t'uis or. thas sritei .man' has a( ber,er; time thai you have orMmore pdyanuge?, and fake' (short" cit to yiiatiyf may tamk; success, then you will ?6 V'iry !5idly di"?ip pointed. I? talk frankly f t nd si ace rely, s 6ie w 1 h as always, been yoijr'lfrietld,,.; Tf you go to work paXienJy kii A labor fiithfiiliy ; if aV soldiers you fight v'la prcHcjiers yo-i prhch we'd, as car- e.ritsl ' y GU ::-.above : onn pianeai well; dnd par, ia an ta'o;i w)a -iij yoa c in ; it you ; 59fk:: honesty f. r honsS vva-f iT il yoiti .;ai'IF)ru. T0 f hire liorsrs a:idi;t0f-n ..'ip-.i'v. 1 !n hl honest. $v a ge toh -'.f-'Vu ah, thu v-tn r-y'Ml"'- vilt be "gki riddl r v oti ne-i h v no X a', ah jut t'" elecv t A-trta s4ys.tH it he aea'6Y'y,of'iMirrf;;' i vi ifrinchUe, ,Jf i yh'f j Mf 4 me in th" 0 ip t!ol of the TJ nt'd 3 y1 v vfi dirr- the black ta4n ought to'biv'tMe i 'ive" franchise If he had Tstenel to rn 10 ;'?.' "U"s n jo tq Vthe e i t f o t C i ;Tcn n at i, b . "-.aid haV;. nea h e ard me say ; if:hi the tin ng Thg-3 ' hay e.- lr led!; on Co.-afl fht r3u:ry -ia ! certiiidy thy 1 o!c a g;- jdeal b-. jow'( thari tih. If evi-ry bby "n-h",3 cifv. th;ir g ve q tl as J ; see - tt z in ; , f th e y ;i:;as J. 'f?eVffea' il ii inhflritere-ii o" l -w.nj an' H black, t ---,1 1. iu.t.-r mat h i-i ! .4 hi vie ' ms ng iCo h-iijr tuei aw. r. c m ..vfr sooa. Buu t liicre is ao- hat sgi-epm"nr- I am'jit p- '?a- d ,to siy T: n. no p !iticV'. and !ii v n-ahngj t-j d yitli p'ific, jnj I am no jn t.h- o ivY, U ":tKe- 0SvfnV',n?5;--I;d:i:;-rv :-fo wu:'- lir.-fiprepa--'' to -do.W w;lrd t-3'b'u I w,i ti'ieiiG.vii vmeii; wh i wb'ihJjiot J' I? pleased ;o spe snff a ze universal : batVaf tie' gam- tixab li d not knW feciuae I' have no pHris of snoring;, li it G Vdr'n-n :ni js pre- oar a t.o .--.8ay .T.iaii.-Si-ia.ag sn.ii!. ? u'i'ver. ': Bti- his l d kaof that A -ou f ar liUfn, ft l c')rHfant!y slunv hy y. h you mens ih right P 'sidt i acf? that p.it can oe ia" if t'u?tf-ii wim true right o I ' nl "'gi' !?-tnat-ih I vd'ir: fowl, it I wiil be on ihilti H -ofider and liherfy, anq 'du iatiou l-i!li pHgres, and be honestly" dsd, I can !My ; b c me ; I reason on g nera! 37 pl;K that ybu. will &et it. jt -Y.TU roav i! it yecy v8ooa it m jy fe elayd; I can- o?t!tel. because ih i3 n t in my Ipower. ' If it kvere irl rrfy per i you would ; get it, mi gat oe to aav : 11 m'gnt oe.w morrow i,r.wouid not os long. ous may you wu hive it in the end is last-as sure as it 13 th' H' VesiNiC : yonrsejvea " and. respect th , - .-. . 1 r-rr : j- - 1 c - '. ' 'i i. . I ' 1 -r-f f ifihts pfJI, ana ao your yry pest to sno ihat you are worthy of it -I have no douS- a Wut tUat. aad I iinki you will yftw'yout v j- -1 . -r . ;. .- . - : 'i .- .. : . , - i - ,. . - ...... . . . ...-.-i . .-. .i. a-Season, diid ai Time . i ' ' ' . ' ' " ' ' - -c i 1 j-i .f. selves fo worthy and behave so wfil m tbu citvj of -Charleston, that every. man wHo ha beeptTstrohest In ! opjp6sLtion!; o - J ; mayytljeCome Failed pf hk (error and' m:-. we -have been mistaken, and it is betteitha,; everybody have thetjr'ght of ! fuff rage tha b witS'out it. cWhkt I want is that' yoi wjll ; irate th m think so. : Yon cranot b aavlmisbeha viorv b.you ciin bypatienc: ther if" the G ivofnmet of the -Ualted foVinor pvervthiriorinto considfatiok doesnot at once enroll yon. as cu zas ant, votcirs, rhat is yonrji duty ? "xxTo fret snd worn -l-y-l think . not. If : I, were in! -you. case! I w wli yirt. gi to work; audfhow b mv''ScDn'lnct; that the G vernmhtXfvf rth TJaii d S ates had made a mistake in leak ing a delay. It you do 4h.at. if that mi' take! is made -it.! will be speedily corrected v I think ' it is best for all men white men' and 'jblack mn,)knd trown men,' if Jyoti wil; make tha. 3istin6;Iori that every, man who is hone3ti and evry man who. is of due ag shall have the right of j suffrage - Becau hayipg i, it seems to me, he will more rps: pecCjhimsf) do more work, oVmoe .,pn ductiye labor, do more to increase th" wealth of the emmunit be'more rAspec' bv hp a fellow men and a society com puseo of such men is always great. Hence, lam in favor of all having the ballot t but .if Government- should); think diffdrentl and circumstances delay, ita action, bfe clm, la borious, patient, faithful, I, advise "you. J think it also your duty. Ordinarily the sincele performance cf .daty -.3 so .blessed of G d th t men arc better off in all respects in. .this world, by it. Bat if these rsilt do not attend tho performance of dnly df i man Icarries ii hU heart. he codpeiousuess that jhe - ddei : whatsis ' right m. the ght of G d, or N vhat he " believes to be right, rendering fo each r his due,' ..withholding bis j foe ' from none,- contributing as. much a3 'brfWn to Uhe general happineai and gen eral "improvement d flCaMng ai much . en joy nt'Pn.t.rs he can in t the 1 little sphere o( whicjh be is the center t hen witV that con sciodsnesa heiray go 1 1 rough ife aa f'hapr py; as a kinsr, '! though he may never be a ;;ing!"an. uS'&yltr & $ JT. " wheijs1 therje is nnd end to thos4 Icontroyer iies,'ecause there is one Gd and one Fath er t.o; whoal al His; chiUren are rfial. Ciieers. 1 PHIOE LIST in A -i L . Tit - J V iL ' v' rknnAil JbSiaUilSiiea- lac rosi uuuyii ui I- Atlministratian for uaieign May sia ; '-T835 - ' - ' I Applies:; f ach,-' r:!:-.j''.-Bn,ttr'.p?a lb , I; Broomi each, : J Boots per pi'J 5 to 10 40 to 60 Ti- . - Ilutt"ons--shi'rt per doiz., ;". Horn per oo., Blacjcing-pGr box ; ii i Brushes blacking each, 10 to ' clotll23 (ch,' -:- v hair each,, i . , too tli each, it : 25 iq 73 .', 1 25 : 'Y: " j 'Kft" - ""i '-- v slnying eacK. Beef! dried per lb., Boloinia :Sau5age per Cakeis ginger per lb. ".'.- "il tea"pjr .; -. (trackers per lb;, b., 50 i 30 Ohyise per lb., (jan-IIes each. Cigairs eayli, .;-" :'-: r, y:; :--' 'r. Combs, coarse and fine, each, Co.Kr-h per lb., f ..,;h;': 1 0. to;2 0 15; tp 50 ,..,1--'- Ciip4 tin (qts.) . -1 ; , 1 Cu ptia w4(h bails. uhdoyer3, (Jollirs-ppMpCr box, v ; ; Capf Cniceiv ; .-y.1;-:. $2 to 4 $1 to 3 " . o :" Y- no Drawers per pr , r Kmqry paper per sheo t, Kgjp pr doz.. Envelopes per h bunch,. 20 to. 40 Vi Fruit 2 lb, cans, ' j 1 lb. eaas, Flour per ' FigTxrr lb.. .'-. i.lO Y I 10 ;'. : GO 23 to 40 1 to 2 - $1 to 5 f). to $1 o5 to 6 ei to 2 GlOt&s cott. per pr ,: ; "j r; ;; buckskin per fr .gauntlets per pr., Hanidkcrehie.fi: linen r. co ton, silk, Haft : S5 to 6 ' Haii per lb., fed ber1 too, - ' A: A l ' Ink iper bottle. Tv i 1 ik'es po oket; 40 v: i' YY ::: -., -15 SI to 2 5 K.:iios a:tu forks; -.! 50 to' Sit I! -I1 'ting; Glasses Pocket, ; .10 to 2T, YY - - I'J k--'inrilen ier can. Olhl r I :r l.ra' id, 1 i: ! 1 . 6 . ' '':i ?! - j : 50 15 to 20 .5 to 10 - 10 J.UK Pr tit., . -, . -;; Me4ts -2 11) cans, ; . 1,1b cans, 1 Mustard per bottle, j Mackerel each .Y: Matches per bunch, ; f Xetfspipers-r-daily, ; j j Nedle'i per paparr: f j j Orarl?es each. '-Y ! 1-"' : OI14 armor, p2r bottle,! - ! 'i' lot 10 . -". 10 10. to 2D 25 Yt ' 7i $1 . 10 On sweet per. bottle (small) riargel Uysterssmall cans; r . v large, O nitons per lb., 1 Poijltry 2 lb. cans.; if . Pickles per jar,- - i- j A Ay Paper note per qr., ; " i letter and capperqr. Potatoes per lb., - I s 1 " : Pepper per paper, i v ' to 73 : -;, "'4') v'i 10 10 Pepper per i lb. paper, YYY -trr r i . .r0!: "?,, Plojaghs small, Ploughshares, ; . 35 to -common, .wood, rtbher.-- :.r,.: ; 40;to -.$ t ?a-rray dnd 'tthif cf pl ' '-.-'-' 75 di;dly ttnitei pelt i '1&0' tn-1 weai end. f irt :M A tot eiy ;. lit. vy.-t&i "' - iPuripcise -tiiiderltliQ iEIeav 4 V m idiPN:E!lf Feijeils-le'r$ - lQ.to.25. 75 tO $12 ? 50 to'S1 O7l'to'$t '. ": :';20 .1 - !-- r SI to 2 f aas-saaci, si r OlB-r-tXlU Platesi-ti Pius, per patvr, Rasjnsjpef IE Uazorst eack? r Razor Strops c-flca 50o 75 Byrap4-goldi peri bottle, , Soap-havm per cae ;!.li;'li't:e . 50 to 20 " !- : 'eastci'pet'i lb cake, 25 $1 to 2 50 to'lt' saspenacrs trr: pr Si ssioif s per fer ,T Shpe stk-ingsj?r pp.. X-J: nar.qines peiriox. '11. 60 15 . in bpoon3f-rtafce each; Scocks4-cbft m ; ';' 7 j o in Shoes ner n -' perpr., 404o t.-r 35 to 75 ,$4 to 7 t $3 to 7 -$2 to 4 per pr:, Shirts-iwoo aeh j Tobacc- si)kiB. .''. 'VfjckinSck per 1 lb. bale, $1 25 ;"ft'-:Iictperl lb. bale, ; " $t 25 "" NL TiGlpanr. : :- ;,;; - ' : " '!v? -: 15,t6 25 Tobaccdfiri cu.t jchewmg, f : 10 , :vfr i .! ;j;-8fiav?.ee.pfer.paper; " 1 Wneri orands per paper, ;roDacc-ri perl H. :!V;...vxat.pl Thread ier bliich, ! i V 10 . - 50 '; 75 75 to $1 50 50 to $' 50 Tohaeshstiiried berb.: TT . t ii ill' . . : egeiaesHMnaii fcaas, WalletS4 .. '-:"!,.;.! j: njQtCCO, , ;:.;r-.;..;. -;;:: v ash Bfsigg itm, "75 75 50 :. 20 Wirceste.rsK Sanee large size . small size, Yeast-Piwi3r t per box, P fE -LIST FOa J54RBRS. Shaving, 10 15 25 Hair.CutrfS',:!i ChampodrifiI 4 . All articllalnot Jehumrated in 'the above; i Pnee Liit spl beoldf.at a; riett profit of not tror tiian 4;nrer cput. :.'- U 'xH:; i f; .-j jQrtaUipri couni of aofellb: 'tttian '30 per ceiit. shall be mads frofe'tl';ri-cfe3 eifablisbed in ''tle above JjlSt. Y- OR DEES. . vi ' Hdad? ftV: Pfjpartmant, ;of N. ; C. ; ; .: I '-'-' MI AaMY oF TnE UiHo,') -;!, yl' WeN,;4, ApraTt'lSSj.,:, ; :-No;;-i.Ktr :- :. Af 'A ;i i - :'-': rpHE rjEE Cbnaatling iGeneralj haa the -great satis- 'JJ -. fkcti$i'. lT:iao'cneig -tof tr the Peopl pf-IS''tH- JJr in thij gtys: d&ft the- wa Jsl.eifcp.l, Any soon be reKtfwtth.r.TJ!:iont ur conncry. i . ; It' w dMrV-ruUty .of ; aI14a,cltivi.e friadlyJ 'relations vritA thef same zeal which has character-i of North Ciirolina.will.cor- endeav o accomplish this 1 Y IE ohna tiiat hostilities with-:revent cAme and arE'primia.i!s, as far.;as prac ileiyceased ;: that for us ; tifcable: within their jeohiv.-'lund to -KjiA Vth it is ' led i that. peace will; fill orders ofc-the,-Uited .Btaiba Wm&v aalh'ok :- 4 - iAM4Mtt v, .vw v v. . rriiURs arta tne names ot 111.-- - . - ' .i v resxorea co iiia. eir1" uiiumrv.. it , v"musn,. '.-with -h hri,i,M s .. i : I v oeuevea an a iexinipi,u i ua& - uiewv.n:. vms . ; rtv omm-n1 r,: ; ! J All gool ajUeaceftble ripens will bejrtectefl j. ; nd treare if kitidiss; vhile1 thosff- who di3- i : 'turb the p4;?vilate thle javvswill be pun AJ): - Kh"'l with"fchl Vijy of martial law! ? ;L ' V i-'oiv with r.rii sj fc'irriv ui uiwiini law. 1 ne trooSf.yio iiii-tuuvtsu.wq p.es co beenre; Rjuitea; ocates uoyernment. bly deposed; afe inyited to ! rf,iVn to thej .4 bomesl and resume'their in J utril - pursuits, antnifv! H.i r-bd temioraJw ftummea. as - far as f practicaoie. 40 upon apilin-to: t!ve nearest royost Marshal, f)0 .bydpansbfta:e;d property. the;Q(iarteii en;s Upartnent. .IJae needy will also, 'be surJslr pe time , being, witli subsiSr. te.-cMpuf!i? U)mmissary Department. ilt will -tomm. m tWj Udiuial Department ottne-fV GtverrineS5i sntftiiah tliuse political leaders who fare reonfbyL'; 4fe'sioiu rebellion and'eivil ' war,' with afBHSmnrors. Jittween tne Wivern - ment 'ot t h-e; Sii t.;ats ana tue people o; x orw taronnu mrtjii . . . 1 !. ; , . , By iconimfl i' Ainor-General -.Scuofield $Y ' i-.'YYMh'J i J . A. CAMPIiELL,. June 1. -VPS ft Aistaat Adlutant Geaerftl; . . .-vrt-t--- i'i; AMV F- THE. UmO,. f Ah seigil a. May 15, 1855.; ; qviK l?usvlilr ,itruqr3 from II1; artor? MUita li nt that Military 'DI'iK hlEADCiltlllLViSIOX O t T FI6 T AM ES , ) .' I i: - -;!"- i I Hin;rl, Va., April 'is, 1 8ti5.' ; f 7o i GEXE'.t UI !li5it 1 v ; 1!, diT : '- -'-:":-: '-! xa1;-:-:: f --17 CTrkl !orti of recir in Richmond nd .Petrh'n'iVfil. fbd -pEhuM toj resa qts- their f a 1 1 -i r .1 iiki ifV i iie o'athnf :llegiaaoe ! ' - k If; AH af rnevs. dunUorj, aavoa-Ues na pretdri iath uiTensi'd to practice a particular pr.itedsio; rsae wr uirttaess; jn .presapu'n. ana an qn're I trv tifel Aih f alleguin'e: tothev tTiutec -tits. Anr ftiji iu th AtKive. mentioned cities, who. ;wkhtifAs th oath, shallrafter : thefirst a'5Jay txttStti to practise any licensed pro fssi;o.br enrlkeln. inv licensed tradtf or business! trr-" sftarL WeH isetie functiuns of a' predi Jentl flirectoror-lificef 'f aay corporatioai. will bi arrFdv VWf foregoing provisions will be eri- frrtsoJ in othiiijyartsj of the btate as eariv as prac (YAiW.MAYYY l'YY: i -; i t Y LIL lAll xksfQ&f maWng claim's for restoration of private ipeSMyJ before a Profit Mardal, or any.otner, ntjLKp pmr,, court z or commission '. M J.., $.A 4 ri- imirt fli.' rij-K f'i -xnta .,1.1 .r; l-.J.tilr 1 i wm m. W ' vi. v ; Muei;nifceaoaiiejiaa'a aiikuvixT t iainii hu-j i preWnied -path peit'er be granted ': $7 1 nor cousidevedi ift X. ' - i'1 '-.' J 7 ',--- YY -Y'x'iYj. $1 1 XYkVY All mB oT eostdms fa.thU. Mdttary Di- ' iYYt ! the interesf f he flnited States Gorerriment. TVs UE RifA F TE R i COMMERCIAL IKTERv i 1 The mnistc'qipline and good conduct are X. cour m the State 6f North Caroling in ar. i ; enjoined upbffaiponier3 and soldiers; and cordial tide10 contraband of war, ! will be restricted i suoD0''t up i&yigooi citizens, . I' ! t: ;; '- ' 'hv the "rearnlations of the! Treasurv Depart. 0.: -..ft w .jM ..npv Deien -deprived off ttieir fawt ; arjns ammunitionj, and allj articlesl Jfroin Is. arKy.pggni by. the hodUie, armies will a ntnnurtidn ' ti miinufiured, -grayiuni- rv liivisi'avuS tit:i ..i,;n'i5 ar? paoasnct fur n iuformaHonl-Jsivlm of aU-,fh the IKpartnu rt;& ;-tli CLtl'ua -'wLtch 110 w ffur ihs art of reeto : iftaJS-liotra tot an coiporauons. person vart 4 fef -ei es;f t he beneiit of Gtn -lr. a.ier N'i'-i-'id resr-l to ti-ale. wilUbe re- 186511 erson "who has not taken the oath of' allegiance, -o the United Stat;Ii:!M;.v'::l----' ." , F--;'-'"V iV. iNo marriasra lieene wU be issued until Qkh pairtiea desiring to be fhrried take' the tath of uieWM8 w tne ubiwi fsvues.ana no clergyman, iiiaj s'lrateV'or : other "person auttioriied bv SUte laws td perfiirin the TO.irHage cereraonv.;wtll5oJ5- (yate in svII capacity iiintil h himself and the narties uontractin; mfttriniovi have tten th prescribed oath; of allegjjmpe-. ?V f.-t'i'C' '; ; -l:?-! t FI. Any person atiat ih;ivIoktion of ltK:W orders . will; bv an-ested. knd a jfall account of the cae reported to these Ilpauarters. L t ! i . ! I uyoraer of Major General Ilalleeh:, ' vi:q , ; ' ":' '"". '''A C-.: ' - i-J Assjcjtant Adptant General :'' By command of Major jGenera'l hoftcU : 1 7 r-h r:: r;;''-:.K -: lJ.f A:i CAMPBELTL: v r ? ':'! tf '! -''AsaUtant1 Adjatant Geneirai.r ? m OmciU: "h ; -,-;. : -t :f ' ' M'&-. '";; ' ; . , Lt A AcA.9h-t."Adj't (Sent - t Office PrbiC Marsiialif i H GENERAL' ORDER -p'Kp V-6x..: Ify . TN compliance with General Order dated I Headquarters Departmpnt, N. C Army of the Ohio. Raleigh, N. C, May 15th 1865. . All parties who praciice their pro tesins or. engaged i anv business will tinraeditelV reDort to this niRnii anVl takethe prescribed oath pf allegiance. AH failinir to comply with this order will be arrested and reported to Headqnarters of this Department, f : By order of ., V-- , j - 'c ' " y geo. b. ' dyer;-- . June 1, . . Maj. A Proyost MsrshaV - ; ; ; H adq'rs Department of N. C; ) : (AjaMr of tqe Onio,) :' '; --. X ; i 1 ; Jlaleigh, N. C. May 4, 1 8 65. i , ) GEXERAt OuDERS. ) . - :: . . :..;yv;t-l:' " .No. 35: ' f "' 1 1 '- ": : ' :!: MAJOR-GENERAL J.ti OOX, ITIliniS Corps, and two Brigade$bf Geni KilpAtrict's Cavalry, 111 occupy Greiensborougit, ;. Salisbury Charlotte and such other 'points ; as ha may.tieem necessary, and' take care , of f ho western portio of the State.1 - : 1 - - :: ' : ' ;-. j " v .Maor-General A..I. Terrywi'th his Corps.aud one Brigade -of TJ-cnprn! T?t!.afi.i fJL. .m occupy leTh, Goldsb&ro', ayetteville and 3UQ v otlier points as hetnayj deem necessaryand take care; of the Central portion )f the State. BHgadjUr-Gen eralS Cktmir and dda"leyj will comman i the Cast Oistrjcis a heretoire-T- The troops will Visit all pat4s of tlie Stated dis perse p,r capture- all bands . of guerrillas; and irna l auders, and collect all .mllitivry ariris (othe? ilvan the" side arms of paroled 'officers -which may be found in the State. -; Vl'iv '' ! The-Corps land D'stnfct1 Coramanderg 'will.-as soon as practicable,, serd j to. eadi ; county .under their juwsdictio.n . a dtscceetj officer, ; with al swffi. cienfc force : to organize 4 small compauy - of, thf. most responsible loyjal citazens td Bery'o. as alkxa!! police fdrce uutd fqrther hrdirsi A.farnces sa?y the coTHpaQios sV'oranized ill 'ba tin'Uh. fed; with captured arrri3 an,! iiarnnQitlon.'b'uifwill receive no compensation for their services, r 1 ' j All the members will be ite-pjired to taW jh? Niath'of allegiance to thft iGolerhment cf the Uni- tip t Orindnal vWmM tU tKi-l;n -ik-: wm bfi R.,nt . ,A,Vii tuiL- rU LitA witnesses, niilst"3 ;".r',' h case. - V-f - ' -V.1 ! ' df-Gdn'Bralc'(heldi5 ; Jqao'i. : RaliA X- P., May 12, 1565.. n -. rv " : v0 . 45. ,f. ' 1 -icnt ; the following, articles' jare 'contraband of war, . -;aa machinery fjr,o ;rattng railrordstelegraph .telegraph. lines. - .Y -! .rt:' - :' -': ! 11: All frtCtarvl restriction pon trade in articles Mother than those above eiU!nerkted, ; are. removed. r Hereafter .u nrjitai v tiL VilWw iib?Wsed nr.An f.jt;iri -;.fc: n.vA ir S Tif,nttf -nf -nv' l-ml ribr any ot!er reafji whatlyr,aa1 allVfders om.;wji - ;ltrver ,nrce latlioruikig kick taxis are hereby revoked. 'l v j -; j I tl liy comuuiud of lIaj.Gen:iSch'iii4d : Y :.::'Y-Y , 'Ji A.' C A Mll-BELLj lane i. :; :: . ; As ?istdt Adjutant Gfuieral r lleadq,jf Repair tin ent of A. C, ) r-' Rateigh; N. C.,SAprii:27th; i&(5. V K G.Sr!tERt. Uapsas, 1. - N-i. :J2: . : f It E MO VE A 10U RT W HI .Ijl SiEETV "exbt In). the: mimliflsftme of; the-pleopte of $tti 2$?tiin:' it is hby .(djplarl that, by Vir-: toe tif the , PrOiamai ioaiof "the Presideat of the Cnited SUtvs,' dated ; J apiuary 1 1st J 1 SS3 J all per sons in .ibis tate heretofore held ajj . slaves are now "fre jf and that it is'ithe duty of the jAxfny to raaintai. the freedom of jsuch persomsi , :J : i! -" : :lt4i recomrhend'.'! to the form'fri (j weers of the I j Treeu, mn to employ mem a ; inreu servants at reasonable waaras. ; Anas it is reominenaeaitotiie freed men that when allowe-l to do BoUHey re mai i wjth thei r i-r mer jiuajters,- and -I alio rf faith fa'Iv so hag a thev nhill b4 - treated" kindly and pain reqisonw.e w iges. or inaL.uiey iminrfuiaif.iy ek employraeat el'swljierB 5 in tlie kind of 'work tt, which they are -aecasomivl. 'Y It Is not Well for theinto C 'regate bnt towns or Military camps 1 They wid til besnnpotited'in idlfness.':! Y Y uy coniinana 01 Jiajor venerat ocnoneiq; ,. Y Y, Yy ' : y AYy" JU A O-AMVBEL L, ? : ' ; June i V Assi!tnt AdjaJant Genprsl. Healq'rs Dspart-V at of H. V., Raleigh" Iavi 15. 1S63 llilt or- iHH! VJillO, J -: mm GEsxAt- Orders ),'4 YY YYA.Yi'l Y .: xfc 4. I y 'YYY;&'WY'Y:"' rpiIE FOLLOW IXG RULES. ARE rEBLlSlL l: ed for the gbwrumpoiof Frcvdmen tiij 'or4b. i'adiniW ipuiit il ;th;. restoration lof civS govern -nent in the ;.SJtate;r tYYY'yY'Y ;'Y'A?YY& L'.Xlw coniinon lawi Vovernin' the domestic . - -. , - . .. - ... ... ia Anny and'to, tedates, aa4 an oalhj- toy preserve the ileaci-: rl rlnt.h 1 riprnTJ.lt.Jvp.il hnra; raiJrrnri : lrnn j rplatlor such aihsef giving iarens land control--oy;r. their Iiddren,- nd . gn&rdmns t .-L?at J B Foo comuianiing o B. "- Y --;! jier tf guardian's auth;orfty aad obligations take t Ij&it - ilcGi', eonimding p 1). , f ;u i IT 11; Tbft former W-Ktki.arK cALlAtawl ihmir- l(xl commanUing eJ F. :.--r. yeVR of age, rematal under the control Hf"th6ifJ ', .' 1 parents or naMiani ''until Uvpv' become of Ti - 1 thni oid'iig to enpporf tueir parents, aad-.V9UBffer'''v Of ' - ' brothers and &ir't?-:St -.lti,- ' - j 5-f IV, Tin farther mastrs-.:of freeimea,Wyifo gixe thenv.fbodu-fehelterV bott may the IftKdJt cjf ' : botlj men or women go nway frbrrflhek home,!,- ; ;U or ini iUjeniss, and leave their ParentaLchi!-,l - ''','r '"' -! '-J. drrn w'yoan brothers aud sisters to be supporti ? " i : - ed .by others. 4;, ? 'XiC.'KTf.4 .-v3pl?-S-$I'; ' -ty.- Persons of ar; wh-arelroe f roiTrp- of 'dtfr-ii,-' '-'-- '' the obhsrations referred td boVAr.V t liW i--J-a 1 hd new homca wherexT they can obtain proper i1 -.'...... l t.I-l " "IT- . 1. J ' . - 'v riupn uiniv out iney wilt no? oe snpi ortea of the-, goyernmn Vnor by their, former roasters, un -less thev work. '.-- -'. i. - -: . - h-1 :'- VI.; It wLU bejeft to the employerUnd eervacl td agre upon the Wages to be ,aid; butrfreedmeii are advl?ed tKat for,the pceeont season jthey onlit to expect Onlv nic-derate wages, anil where their? employers cannot pay them money, they usrht'ttr j "I - "v ;"' rai-sed.:" T'-ey bare gained their pwaonal freedonv I " Pr indatry and arood conduct . thev mav rwo to: ! ' - independence asd even' wealthy V V - . , '. yil. All offieei's,' soldier? andicitizen aw'ris- j quested to ffivp publicltv to these fntes: and ia in- ' v! struct the freed people as to thei new rights and "i:'", . -obligations. -'v:-.v..i::.,-Vf,,? :i-':-i tK' i: vU':!5! :'H-":'-v'' T!'v : ty-poli(;corapanie,'' nrenthorized 'vnd.lrqurrfcil tgLcprreet any violation; cf thebove rules. witlin their Juri3tlIct:ion:v M: 4E .v'jii :' H f ;IX.' .-Each5: District 6mnfander will appt'int i superintendent of freedraea, (a corataisioned ofti- J cet.) with mich nnmber of assitau?5 (mcer3 and V non eomuiltoned- ofncersVas piay be Necessary i w hose duty it will be to take charge of all th 'J -freed people in his District' who are without' 1 homos or prop r ernplovment. The suoerinteni v dents wilLsend back, tt their homes aU who haW left tlRra in violation of the above rules, and Nkill ;: endeavor to find homes and suitable eniployreht -' for all others. They .will provide snitabl e campa , rr ql'ip.rt era f r s.neh as : cannot be .othf-rwloe r pro-' viaea tr, an.l attend to. their uiscipline, ixhee, subsistence,; &c. Xo . v';:;, ''?axA?:A$ VA- X. The suHcrintondents win .hear -all comnfftrhta if guadianj or: wards, and report ihe"c;3l;to': wu-ir wisiriei.coramanuers, wno-are auinrnzeii u . dissolve the existing -relations of jruardian" and" " ' ward in any case which; may seem to: require tt -- and to direct, the sup rintendent to otherwise- pro ";V;!. vide for the wai'd3, in accordance with the aboro Y-i V rules. .:YY ifr .'?:-:f-AYYYAAP'YY By co JJmand of ,Jajor.Gieperal rclwnld V '-:-: ,: . J. A. CAMPBuU : : ' Jane 1." - -v." j Asoistant Adintaiit General. T ialelgh,'-N;:C;'Mayif !'ibC:.t--:i General .Obpers, i ;f:YA, Aff - A f--' 'A No.'SC).; J".; - i ' . '-- I : ; -' . -; k-- ,'' Grati' uitovs issues of rations -:lo ; c;tizas wit ; eea'se n and after the 3 l?t of May instant.;; i.J' ' w . ,i Tl5 surplus Commissary Stores in tlus.Deplirt-? A meat win .oe soul to citiz n3 at the varimivihl'i.. I tafy posts, in small auantUie;'ir fui'ail'y"ttse.' YHsf f : SalesXwiU .be mado bv,aiiv:P.ist vComrn?fnrvr '-.Y upon the order of the Post- Conniiintler. which - U uruer wiu uer uiisea ; upon an -tmrn of tne pervert r . f desiring to purchase, that-' .the sunnliesi nuihdl i ! fcV i-hall not'bo re-Sfjld; but hall b u 'tor; hti "r - , Tier ovynifamiiy or ; Uc ' given td tlii,poof Allj; ,: persons-inuati take tlia -oath of aliectnuce btvfrY .being pefmitLed td iairtiias;b' ;'-;!' --Y .'AY A'. A': Y The -p.ri'fe.4- wll be.tised thClo' Commis- sary, r.iid vriil be sac-b as ia covr the etiiil ctrt ip Uia , govercinenti; includiuUhu 'oust of Iran;. nortaliwn. - :-'-.' : ': ' ' '' portaUn, j 7 By .cotnrnan Geneml Scflofield' . ' Vj. A. OAMPBELL: June I, Aistarit Aiijataut Genera yay y "'' L ' . :- 3iiLitA'n.P.yEavaii2-Kif OPIIj;-;-;.j.M ::: ') i X xti-tt ; i i'-ilh,!-. -Vols, A-A'.ra. :i,i-?i : AAyX fcnAP.yj'Aij:itant.-; ; , :;:'- ..- :; .k - Pl:?;--. ;.'Pt S.U Knu.h. W h e V.M. A A I Ga,A . . ' - . Major GfioiB Dser, 5taitVbk Pio M srhMr: U s ' i :-! ' M. rshl v:-! ' :- -; ' - - .'' ; ---V" ft-!-" U-v; L G erJra S , l).ii1v. !Mh Ats? v-'cl 1 AsRisfaut p.qvo.1 f. Ma h..i, ; : -YY : --yY -z'XY -lwPjWibkt'l f;M'?,'AAtJ ii;' Geo 0' v- -"- '--V -'- '-1.-,.:. ! i,': .f Mir P.wnd i'Ktio loOh,16lhi N Y Vols, CJaief M:cul Officer. . ,-';' V ')- : ' ' f Cup E h. Mo!ve l9fh N ' Vo, A D C.: Lt Kd Vun terzeo , iydi N Y V.-K A D 3. r : ; Ofticeb of 1 13ih iiEa'r V V'c 0LC5lTfcaJ. . K J JbhnionJ j.t 1 ot Ojhiinaadin -;: ;.L WatrthM-jor.i"r-- YY ! ' "Y ; ;N chb a Oe GrfV, t Autant, Mitm ile w tin, uralater. ; - . . . l.iCut A C SU'cucu,' OoiulaaalingCo As .. L eut A Co jit r, d . do. lil -Licnt (J L'C ark; .: Ydo, , , d U -:.-.' Win Il ttbaw, ; ; ; 00 da -JBii-:-. Capt t A. igc, . - do do. G, v Lieut :M MuIii'AMh,' :i.: ..Ly-'fd'-'-l; Lieu. J M Hill, .:, : do lo K: , : ; Y b?Fi'jRi op th NImxb Vo; vxrmcs. i Joef h bla, J'jii; Col G mm m ling. . '(rcorge ii liyBr, Major. ; .'-.:- .- . ;-, -it Ii -ivi 1. .id :,v,i; s-..! ..;. - ..: : U'co S Hhj, Qr Master .; ,; ; ;.i '' "::'--;-: tl P lt.ee, Ay riti'j v. . .. . v -:.;',,':vj L ;u'. V uif A B h- vk, Coimajdioir C Av i IV.., I L 1 . .... .: -X .1 . ..... l" . I - J : ' ji . ''' - " Geo Ptro;'iJ. " be-j J ii n, 1 J C. no I, i Linn V F Dernb-sr, ' -:d ..Cipt (jw fti C IsiaVhi Oaj t S j ita i'i, i 7-.'':.:o":-. .; do '- ' A AA: 'Off ceks 4-rff Jt . H, Voia. Lt C I F W Pnrker,Cemih-ndiQgl: 7 e vv uncle A 1; y m. :j i. v it Lt AliV llarind, AeUg A4uant. " i j '",- V ' 'V J.j eph "Winerftjtf, Cowinan 'lg .A.1- !y ,"it-l..;..i -a ...:-i. .1,. , : 1 t N. f Xnei A Gay, , - ii$ . lo Cj.pt Lo d Mrl-. usaej , - .dovr--IstLt Sam'l H Prolate, Y do: C Cauf V ur T Vtxrklr, Y Ctarenee L Chapman, "d 2d Lt Patrick pow.l., ro' '" . lftt L E twin. Wiiitibrd; ;.v s do ' Capt '-o FO, dun y ;-'. . do . d " Geo Hakin, i it:- do d ;;i:;S"' Orrimiib iZw Iscu Vols '. r J II La'-.vieh('e, M jof," rommandingi: ' &.cy It-ri- lit atidAdj i-1,' V A HP. iil, LtniRQ jL: - ..' -' ; - N A C; mberUin,- Awt Surgeon. ' - Sdas Clark. Capt Coin oandiug m'-A : C Car v,:i i -: " v." i - , -t ' i M Gufer,-2d Lt lYY PYY'; : .' iv; ; ','-.hs;'v. :::,:WmJI3Kwej--Ca: t eommaiidjiig co. B.'-iil-f Y-i) J dl-Jii-ntjafj.'Jftt. Lt.. " v; .v. i :-'.:T ''.- fjv ;'' f;-R H-Jonec, 2d Lc a ! .;:. :' . : '-...'VI - V;;': A T ' iefte. Capt commanding co C, . . - -i S M rri on, 1st Lt. ' au--fl,' A O St.tcV-ik-d Lt -;, : - '. -y ': - - :r 'k'-;-y K J Grah.i, 'Car cimmn'?irg co D. ''; " - -T Cwrley; 1st fAz YYY 'y YYJ--Y . 'J ,H Sherjw, ia-Lt.'- f r.. vv,1 Vij;-'-. V W 'Tk!-pt.Ct com.maoding'Co'E;:.V:':Ii::"-!-:1 J C Botd, Lt .' . -' - ;.,--;.- 1 ". H' y Y u Wru A Senm, 2d 11 - - -'.':' ' I : r Comrine.FrG, ll4 1 kni K ara'eommandl l by Officer whte Cafi)ea ha Ken ufe; iinjd.- : ill ;;--l: 'OrficEsa oF J6sni PzW.!? Y Vow. ! !, . J & Colvi.r, l.-jt Co1 tmnikhihjf; Y - - Y'YY -. J Keph U Alle'.; -Maj.jy..--;v.; ;i:''i.t .'. y :'t.p..KKw,.,n. bnrtfeon .: ' - :..;--:; a L . . iVl ' . s -- YYY':i A'- AAy . Y- A It .: YYY A n!'i.l:''4;i ;rf:-1 -,1- ' " ; a t J-L;: AAY'Yr fet-:-- - : ' YY :4:' f 'X..'Y".-ti i j ; ; - v j 0 J vi-'on. are rinetjed to" give po cjearances or.per- fl- 0inor& &nrt 0f Ia -M v4 rHi i I J' nprnna K i ; r 25biatoM ::!w'i.:v: - ' '- .:,. " U':-'-;;r; f. --':-':;;:t,"'?-S'!lTif :-V'-'.4-f -;v- ;;-::ri-:'i :;, f ,:;v;-; v. :: li -- Y, '?'' 'J ; - r1 v r 0 1 1 : fAAl -. -: - II :.- -- ':-,-"' . ;.- ..-X' Y ";- iAY Y' Y:YYAYi' YY. Y.t. 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