i I": - a - K . ..,-1:.- T: "f;v; :AA- A : : ; i . 'A- -! ir ' t Correct Thyself. SomV vftars airo. there lived in the neigh borhood o1f Paris a retired jnilitary officer of 1 lare. fortune. Pos?e$iied ot 'many valiialJe Mjiialitics :brave, just; and 7ion'r.raMc, there were two &ad dravvbackstb Ihis character he wa viflent-tcmperpd and ' : -avaricious.! ' He married a beautiful and gfcn . tb girl, wlioni lie fondly loved, but w,ho, iioveitht'lcs, often sought her chamber, ' ,wer'jinbjttcrly at the "bai-ah arid iwjustre-. proacjies which her husband Leaped pin her when the merest trifle had excited his un goerned temper. Often, indeed, she felt . teiriilcd lest bis violence-houJd bei more . than verbal ; and - although his fits of - rage - werci-egularly followed by i penitent I apolo-. , gies.i she jtremlded at the thought that he in Wlit sorjie day forget, himself so far! as to stj-ikeher. t ' '-., - M-v; ' ' .- ...if j' ' j ; It vds very sad to seethe happine;.-; of a ;Wriionfontied; under, the most promising auspices ? thus destroyed :by brutal a iiid un :"rieaniiigtf$t3 of , rage,'; which' m cliy be-' 7 .Icamtrore 'frequent - ' It 'required all the yyourig wifp's tenderness and fidelity .o sus tain iier bbneath thci custant grief and ,tcr- jror v!lichshe felt. . One day whenthe hus- i ".band, ln.'.the. presence of i sevpral visitors, . had given' way to a mpre than usuaj'y put-- rageous" esiplobi'n of temper, he retjired to Jliis 'aw itiartmont. whither he was fallowed bygone- ofi .his friends a true ; irienpl, who never shrank frim adaiinisteririg a faithful reproof. j jWithout regarding . the, officer's angerthD dying embers of vhicm still tnoweu niicrceiv, ihis .irieuu carnesuv ana severely lectured him for his unkind &nd un yust i condiict- The culprit listened; with a gloom v air, and then replied : " Your re- . . iroacjies are peneciiy just; l-conaemn my rown conduct iar more, strongly map you iban1 doand I make rainy : resolutions- of amencrment, but without avail. My un happfVt.eitipcr is too strong for mbr, and. ; ednstantlyj in a few hours alter the btiterest t :!:Lfirt!critance,! L find myself again bsfciaking : I Mt is. indeeh very tcniblo ! tf Idiavq i'need of a'strong ilcssonl and I ' slialT glve jin-jstilf onet". o. saying, he took ECval tuHis up and down the room, dacin " r 'withta ilctcrmined stp, his eyes bentjim the y 4und j."and;h is lif'S-firmly clo'seJ. -Evidently f "some strontnternal confiict wa$ goi ig on. ?X vBu'ddenly he stopped j opened acasket which lay in scratpirejanrtookfrom it s.ank ( ; ; liu c of " a thousand francs. ,His friend Wat;l.ed iaim. with curiosity,! not knowing what "i:6' was about, to do. He -twisfioid the s-note. applied one end of it to a ighted tanerj and then throwing it on the earth sto' e.i watched until the curling fiami had tjuilte deybtircd the light And prbciousfpaper ' His : friend.- amazed at ah action wh.ch Hvobld see-in strange for any one, bu osne- ciaHy tor one wiiose parsimony, was no tori pus, ran to! him and, caught his .arm. r, " Let mie alone I said the, 1 o nicer in IroArsC voice ' ; .. HiVrayokl mad:?" "No.""-!;' ' ' Do foiil know what you haver dohe!?'' 'lidb : I-have punished Inyself.": jTlicn when no trace ot the note, remained, save, a llttln liri-litr flnt: t.lirt boro' for so wfi maV call iiim, addl; firmly : " I solemnly vpw'tl.iat "jr T .-"-, -"-. : l t ' -1 , -whenerer I! -lose my temper, II will : 1 - " -f T! 1 A j i T Ml M fl -i miiici. punishment on my .love pviijbhey. i -The; promise was 'faithfully kept, that time the avaricious man paid; : faults of the; ill-tempered husbands From, pr the . After every outbreak, he appeared (before Jiis.pwn iriujunaL, ana uuinuieu to ij.ss suii imposed peiiahv- . The condemned ulprit tnen openecl his1 casket, an.u, 4ale anct trem blincr with shoordssed ta'critation. took, put a : note and - btirned ' it. TThe expiation! was always in proportion to the crime . .- wnA.lnM .win! rl nnnn tint! . 1-.)T1"1 i Va 1- I Umiltll Stills Ul. UCUfHMUO, ' "l J i''S' act'ordin" Id thenature of the oftencel ItrOta 3 00 to 100(11 Irenes A' fev of these chastisements had thd hapr y; . 'jptefetfStftct !-.prtb('th theMefective-phaies of im hero's character. ; By degrees he tefi'mej not bnlvi mil I and good tempered, bijit gen- : ; prpilsid 1 ady to dispeiisV his ytn : "in ways ..wljiich, if more t ;agfbe ublc :.:':L';jfneiiiouM hot, however 'be esl his treasures his estpbnied lmbi-e; useful to hi'mselftlian the noteswliicli he jlutd biraviblyOnsigned to the flamjee Kow what is the object, whichwe hayei in .Veducdtm'ff'-atchUd ? ft is very plaia that ;; Ve wish to teach it to use- it? 'eyesj ! We ' point it', to Ithe window.-1 We iturn itia face .-. to the candle. We show It bngit (dolors; en we teach it. to ns? the ear. y,$ cab itnn; d'ffirerit" tones of; voice. We make iQusioal souiids. We cheer' it with'njdtes of cheerfulness,! and ;we quiet it with, thpesjoft tones of : music"-' Next we educate it to, use 111- iiaiUS. - IV C UUU IU1UK9I lii,W.lltCUt.l ri We Wosettre hapd and lSCh rt to; hoM 1 fast AVe U a :h itjto move tfu hand, to' shaljce the -rattle, and to expect; that hc next thakie will make the same" noise. Then wet teach it to' use the and then on eet, to poise its weight oh cne foot whde.it, caretully them takes p! aVd movesj 'the ether : to balance . M..-'. ' : - !' !-.-' '-. ' mi rn. - ' t itselt ''and to mbye ,wh'ere it yril 1 Tiieu we it ktruci it in the art! of 'making s ) u nd?, Wtt ri; g :; -yrdrd'a nd . jfVrm u g sent e i.c-s. lit tt tf-nrh it to make khbwn its wants, to we .px-; jrej'si. its cmo lions, to;nuer ii8 notes ::pr1.r q-n o-V, i t o (undVf rstand" human language ai.d to receive' and 'Comaiuiucate bp j thoughts ! A ll ihis pkce&s of iedijeatien;; taes befcrrtfce chi&d is two yeJi'is old. vAtd a verv grj-aV w-irk ixi is to -do ic : bu'o G id ibas .in- . t.ur u its- ten g done m ' .I. ice v'ays : i such pi -a3 ire to learn ni Av gives ,tht chi d4tise,thih! Lrs t.na?: ii, strives coutmuia iy to 1'nrrs.v4i i t-ti s cottd','-, wp i .vo to 1 r:pl f. ' ttr to'mjTHVve :-t::-d. i'd i no I 4 ; !jT tt 1 i-i ; vir, f "ST"T;?3'hi.'vu've df .vL ih w"hch nakes. th m'o h , f .-. - - J 4 , , t r f.'rct.; herfflf pr-a i i- - j lHtirrnoa n jdnit.ref itpracting and - d'awicg cidt 't-he pOm irif her chud, :.'iiwrJp -Kroner!?, of education ha Atid jVtju .has - F? Q"TC M1 his. vViids iu. . To eveiiv tliino; tliere a Season, and a Time to'efei'vIPurpo'se nnder.tlie Heaven-" Solomon. i i ' ' r f 'i ' ' - ' ' : ' 1 7 1 ' ' . ' W ' .. ' . t . i ' . ' .. , . j : ,VOL. I. portion fo'its valuei l ilf we watd; a bnauti ul tre'e for ehade or tp produce ua fruit, w? must-plant the sped, defend the gefm. train the shrub, watcn ov the litrle tHing till ii' growa into strength apei. beauty. . w e may have beautiful stori83. to sparkle'and flsh be fore the ey but theyjmust firsVlbe dhg from the earth, then pdlialed with immense care and finally pet with skill. E yen then they "re niueOUS, ume, mey auyru iub . pciwn the; person ofihei virtuougj W4 m miy -f'tke pound of eteel "'hicn is worth ja iw cents, j and bm tow labor , an dyskillupon, it, "till j j ir3 made into ppHnffs for ladies' wp.thfs and that, one pound of steel is tfiew worth jo'ty tJiQuscnd. dollars 1 We may thr0w out the stenea of a qinfry, and they are almost wHrthlass' ; but linor and skill lay -them up in the walh of -a palace, and age$hence they are ladnr.red and iq U3e;; and injthe hands of th! wonder working artist, the rbugh block of "marble b'ecorpes the beaiitf ful -etaltute. " We take the hardest and thje most -gnarled trees tha fjrow, and they become under labor and kill, the beautiful 'ship that passes like, a bird from continent to continent. The most beautiful ro3e s that now , adorns the wjndow or the eatden was on,ce the sirjl( wild rose, i possessing hardly -anything like beauty or frasranqe. Cultivation bias (done all the rest ; and many of our mwti nutriti ous vegatabls werej in' their wild' state, both unsavory and prisonous. -1: vV: j r i Iti3 not su'Driing, thehi that, in the tfr rangpfhents of Qodfs.prov.denee," it is a great a3 well as ?.n important work, to educate. One hnman:beingt;t1ttrain its: body spirit fo' thatit wjdl llventuallyr be all for which it iijcPeatedi Tt: is and its and : to a srreas work,; for ten " thousand right impression are tdbe'made and: on the scml; ten thousand wrong impressions are; to ve?rs roll counteract d and :ffi'.cd . As onward and the child! grovys, the work, of education bcomeS! more' and more j difficult. iTwiera- mut beUhej .ydbk of many years ere the c'iild i in any way fitted to take care ot rtself, and to ne inTrusT.eu- wra, us own interests. Slowly and c.irefully taint the fouhdarions of character be laid, and liile W many would think I.Hjit tJie"' great arixietv pf the, parent wpul4 liow be, How feed and clothe and.srelter my ht vjm o m .U ( theiLfiii8 much heayiepK qnpstion weighed up-' pn nimv ano ?,nn!jsiir'.' '-r?.n mannuBJioi child 'i'riall'thn he fJfohn -fToT ::.!- ' - M.': GOOD MAXIM! FOR DAILY . i ANCE. : ; :-: UID- 1 Do that which i right ; love that whien i t -'. is tru3. nt to ljvCitnat you may die. 3 H is iniTheWay of life wh etn l.nsrrupfion. 4. i would be wipe must' be willing to be I taught. 5 When a man iadmits that 'W has been in the wroriff, ir. is nut teniu youm aer wmuv inai ue f'Unrv w ins: c- AA,:I. l: r V i T -'.T.'r"M'-'lft V was..' rjmanq tnac uonfiM, ian ??f"ifoviAon being mni.er.d but, the division re. rmp.;as many can Itli. . Think of that raa:n;n. a iiivi; field, said regiment or rei- w hich i9goorJ, pndpu wi,l theti not think of that Which is evil. f8 Tou will be , cpr- tain to reap a rich reward if vo'i are fadhful to the end. 9. It isibetter to be wise and no4t seem so, than to peem -wise: and! not he so. 1 OA Mankind jinj general mistake' diffi culties fpjr impossibHitieff this is the dSerence between hoe who svjqced and those who do not. i 1 1. lifter to; Ma jortoipe'onjth riffht. track tbjfri a:racerloithe wrong. ) d2. jHe who; never changed aby of his opinions, rev; er corrected adv of bis mistakes. 13. It is aiffilnlt f Ir the rich! td humble and it is im possible for the prOulito be wiale.- 14.- We phould never seek reyenge when out eneray-j ia ppwer&it, lor tnen.- wouia o.i-mpruaerir.; nor I when he is I wealc for then It wculd he rnean'and cruf 8uVjstitut0f for tern heaaaLand ' ipxfrCTsobiit there is nothing so. cr poda? the things them- pelves. ; ;16" I. ,is impossibles o. make, some people nnfd'in khfetr tsrnorance. Fr it re- quirs knowledge oi-percftive jit. tnerefbre be that can perceive pit, hth it hot ' ! ... G uis in no N'.hIcs. inhko absolute -laws, It is impossiblej t lrrthe jni' d,' Bern olinson wrote.," Every Man. in his... Iluhio r - I at' twenty -two and Paul Potter droppe Ihis nencil before he wai twenty nine i.oolW Hffi of fhni lute eet, fioemst effort A All the purd juice of the vine lows into a -ing e gluls.j Zurbaran's: early pic ture divided with K;'itiaelle the applause, of criti?is(n Jih the iouvr.e. Akehside, ?t twimty-threca, hadj A : Jijsfre of ' invention vvlrich veach succeeding -year Seems to have diminished. Fraucik' stood oh the thresli ohl of hsfortietlj )!carjwhcn;a picture by Pirugino inde hiiii fa .-, -'painter,-" Di-ydeu was nearly- seventy yhen he completed his channifig copies i of Cjhaucer. ; Michael An gelo had' jvery hoir!rea?he(l the years of Dtydbfl twUkmi he Wavthe-- Iist Judgment'' to'th(woihl.;.:.Tiio 4)je;Klor;of Titian, slione 'trist toward . ii-j -.rjef tiiig las wonderful portrait .'ot ' Paul ithef ;Tliird wis fainted at sei eijttwo, and' bi$ m ignifieent4 Martyiv ihim Of St; 'Da'wrer, ,ce'rj.at eigltty-oiie tll :?iih' Pleasures,- Qfytct, atvi Advantages of IJfrn (nre: -' .-' . ' TT'f Hsaia'rs 2?ertment of IT. C., V i I i AMf of the Ohio, ; - - ' ' . ; ltfll.';li.X. C. Juno 9, ltsoo. ' ) ; GLKERAL O UU KHS, :A:. - No. 71., :i; ' diets of the army hrtj ; required to ai-l and a-1 Jm .nf N orm uarouna, uu ii);iicciaauu siit? Ills Excellency to the aiscnarge oi uie duties of his office? ojf Provisioaal Governor. Alt in the military service are also: ; eujonfed to'absUoi from, ia aay way, biudIiiS, impod- His Excellency, Mu.iam W,Holdex, hav ing b2cu. appohitejd-Ib- the President, of the ; . 1 C;nted.ritatcs PrhvUional Govornir of , tdo RALEIGH, N. C, MODlIt', JUNE 12, ,1865. ing or discoura&in? the loval people fmia. the organizition of a State' Covemment' as au thorised in the Proclamation ot the President. Tue militarv authorities wdl reader all prop er aud naedfJl aid to ail executive o'licers of 1 the State who may be d uly appointed ;under the ?lro visional. Government, iu the discharge of daties ; devolved. up5n them . by i thj law." All s?ich executive ojheers are authorized to call vipon the nearest military commaaders for nppcflfv airl in 4 tH ipvpr-ntioTi irf thpir lesral datiek which commanders are lrebnired'-tb ren- j jer 5ilch aid so far &s it mav be in their! power. When the Ouuu'v; Co.art shall be properly organized in any County,' the j County Police Fore? organized in pari-uunce of General On ders, j No. 3d, iroml these lleadmartors, will thereafter act in obedience to the orders of the local! magistrates, as part of the posses of the county. "K ; - ' -' -If --J '":' ". j-J -: - l -.- , By command of ialajor ! Gen: facnoFiELD : i : i J. A. CAMPBELL, I- ' . Lt. pol. & Asst Adj't Gen'l. Official. : ' ' ,: ' 1 .-, :-r- it' - !;;? ;' L'. H.. STETSON, ', ' Asst; A djt Gen'l i. 23 1 standing the. Army. OFFICI 1L. WAR GAZETTE. Wa Department, A djctant-Gexkral's Or- fice, . W.ASinxGTOxj May 15, 18G5. General Orders No." 91- The followiug regulations are announced, and will be oteerved in discharg ing from tryice such volurtcers as are hereaf ter to be mustered out, with their' regimental or cQmjiajiy organizations :. j - j ; . , 1, Array Gorps; or at least' the divisions thereof, will be kept intact, and immediately uponj n eceipLpi an-orper directing any portion of- th'd forces to be mpstered out, Commanding (idhe'raU of armies and departments vvill order the. said troops, if not already thereat, to one of .the follovvjag rendezvous, viz : . i ' Fitet. Middle Military Division,, and- troops! of btilier armies or departments arriving there ih-!-fl$fense-s of Washington, D C Ilarper- ir Ferry, Va , anJ Cumberland, Md. ' Ssporid .Military! Division of the James r Kichinond and Old Point Comfort, Ya. Tturf. f ) .partmcht;. of North j Carolina Newborn and Wilmington, .v 1 ' ) Fourth. Department of the'South Charles ton, S- C. and 'Savannah, Ga. j . . ' FitVn. Mili tar y ,Di vision, of West Yirginia Mobijle, Ala.; New Orleans, La.,.. and Vicks burffi Miss Sixth Military; Division of the Missouri T Little iKofiic,- Aric .: at. Loms.. mo,, ana i?ort .Leaven worm, ivansas i n i ii. - Tv i .J Seventh; Department of the Cumberland Nashy die, Ivnoxvul.e and Memphis' ' 1 enn Eighth. Department! of Kentucky Louis- Ninth, .Middle Department Baltimore, Md uo-mmanamg i uenerai-? ioi armies anu ue dartmeTits are author izfed to change ike atore- should the public s of i wdl bggifea from tl I hee "relative to the t; roons Therein serving: as "--v r ---------- j - I for discharge-is apprdached V IU In case. Of one or more- regiments or a !.mens will;fce ixmstered-out at the place where found serving' -at the ;time, and ihcrt 'placed en route to the State, i as bereinatter directed III. The Adjutant-General of the army will designate places of ' rendezvous in the respec-. tiveStares; to which the regiments, -after mus tered out, will -be forwarded tor payment. IV; Upon arrival at the rendezvous where Uhe ihusteiis but are, to take .place, a-critical recordbooksi&c.j'will be made. In cased! omissions, the iproper commanders will be made to supply them, and make all theen tries as enjoined by the' Army Regulations. At. the same ; time; the muster, roua tvui oe commenced aud prepared in accordance with exiPtintr recii ations. under the 5 directions ot - .- V i assistant coram fesane ot musu-rs or oivisions, supeTiutended by the corps commissaries. Corps and ;drpartmerit commanders wll seeJ executed promptly , using to this , end division J and brigade i commanders ; to supentuena it, and tbeiF .l-reppectrv' staff; 'officers- to 'aid the rmistjecim? officers in cplleciirg the data for the muster out rolls and discharge papery as we;l as the preparation of the same. .-. Iu. frimiug the rolls particular care must be exercised in Stfttlftcr (Seo General Orders No; ,84, current series, ;trom IV IB this office ) V:j So soon as the rolls of a regiment are completed the said command, With, us arms, : colors and necessary equipage, win u piaueu and to the renjaezvous .winch it was m'ustertd m 'En route and after arrival in the Stale the foilbwinsr' will be observed : First. Immedistt-ly On arrival at the State rendezvous the regrm ent will be reported to, and taken control of, by the chud mustering ,or his assistant at th- officer for the State poirii : The said officers will lend, all needful assistance-m their power; to the yaymasiers, with a view to prompt payment. of the trobps- bond. The reci-m entaroffi ers-wdi- oe cetd to a the strict accountabi ity for tL'e' discipline ot cf n.rr.acds and prcstrv&tion ol J uhe nroprnv. .. . - I - ' . -. . :' . . ' Thd, The Oornmi?sary oT Musters of nhe xlivisjiba to which the regiment belonged in the" held wiU. taW po i-sesiun of the copies of nv.i?ter-out rblls intended for the field and stafi coin panics- an ii paymasters, also the company knd regimental records, with all sur plusj blank rolls, ( returns, discharges, etc , in possession of regimental and company! commanders: or other officers, and, after boxing them up, place them- whilst : en mutt under the snecial charec oi a dis cree mont. and responsible .officer of the reeri- Thn sole duty of sa'd officer will" be to Fourth I IV:.. i.i,t ts'-wu f be designated b'v the Pay, Department meet regimeuts. desismMed istate renC-eivoas, -and" 'thr-re at the make irarodr and' -prcsc. e said rolis aad rt-cord.ii whilst en houie. arid on arrival at the State rend I vousv where payment is- to be made, to turn; them over to the cldef mustering officer or his ieUtant at thit place. - tlanrth - Paymasters will le-desismated by the Pay Depirtmentl to meet regiments at the i' . ' saiamiaces' ot renuezvepus i i ! j i 1 1 - e ! - l - pe nt to. ; interest io demarid. For the Department 6 seek-, the :East. Fennsvlvania, JSTorthern, Nurthwe&t, yoaVNewiXfexic J aid-Pacifi c, such ,peciAl orders le AdjutaQt-Geaeral s of- tit under d!sjphij:.-V ':. : .. ;-T; 'j ;, TIL rhiec tjef mustering Officer will, un der regulf;iioii to be established fby himselL take possio of and carefully j preserve the reginrentiani i company records! dlsb the'col or3 with Sjiei ispeclive regiments, aad hold them subfit tdforders from the Adjutant' Gen eral of tHiarnty.-s v .. f- i'Ji: :'-;; VTil ssffas practicable! after arrival at the SUjfe mndezvous. the chief musterm? oUicer 0Trs;d4'Bisstaht will see that the arms and oineti pu.jQe property Drought to the State byfthei'roop3; i' turnbd; Over to the proper c&rtj bf the Sup dy ; Department thereat ,f ,f ' j-.VWj"1-' Wr " i : A VI. Id nrertarin?; the milsfier-'mit foils. CJrps,m defrtm!mt, division- adl' brigade com mander,;Svlft llfcold " .resrimental- 'over's to a strict acjcniajiility, in, order, to jmsdre a;ecu rate aij.d )mpjte' recoAls of tlie leniisted imln and . the btter;jpoest the ' n on-c prh mil fei oiled p ft c erg. ( ir privates who htive beeji fwoui, .(led. or the representatives of xuose wnp?jiav mien irom diss.asei or,wound3, or been killed bat'tle. '.,. ";-,-ll '- .'..Tlll-'orlp ' the ; departur pf .regiments roni the-:Mndey'dns" .where 'nistei-d jouf , all public p0per'(- except I arips, fcplctrs' ; and equipage ;f,eq.uii'id' en - cite, will, be turned over ,to and ucl:ipedi;( d for by; thci prbpe'r officers of the supyM depf rtmenf5 coticerhedl ! VItl.4;yii!a4 s prescribed diilthe fotegomg lor a reErlrterita' Vill.be annliftablei to! at of. artillHf jor ii independent company ' .IX Af 4thyt ispective Sstate rendezvbuithe foliOwingJ.g ort1rod, viz';' : , ; '-J -' .; Hlrstv:' V&flM-vma'lter Generah will be bre- parea to jyiv aT;su(hcient lorce to insure rojnf t jayments. SecohdjjTiie quartermaster of Paymasters General and Gommissarv lGl-ineral i of Subsistehee1 will , be prepard j) ha a suitable number; pf officers of d-heir Jlsnecttve - bureaus to I bfovi de sun- plies, fraf ipqrttidn, :c., and receipt for pub- ii ,.JhU. i - -i . !.'-! i 1-1.! '. ' '.Third j h4 OhTef of Ordnance will arrange oi armies an n - i I apartments is; directed to the important? f 'Regimental tmd companv offi- cers diavifg Mtffi records so tbiiipleted and an-anged tiaf, a)ahy time; the, muster qutdolls By ord!,0,f?t ..A? ,f! - .-.j ri L '1' ' e. , Secretary of War. E . D . T4 's L Assistant Ad jutadlj-d ener al . iBy'0.DEilS;. R;- tr He r ueparinier-t cl hi. U.. ' ReighjfT; C.;?April 27Ui, I kijRM v of Tm; .umflj- 1B65. 'JNo,..ijU - t rS r 1 Mi L tfom-ian-sms General has the jrreat satis , L 4 t, L !i jj Armv and to - y fV ih n -r 4i ' i! ' i-T- -tu the4eoiIqn.f po th Carolina thati hostihlies with- .. A. H . ,f, a . f- -i , j -i- n -1 e ln this ttsje. naj deimitely ceased .1 that for us u,- il , ii 1 i 4i . .,, the war lS'i'iKte.t and it is hoped; that peace will soon be refitoredNhrbusrhout our countrv. !-'- -14. ; r- .un 4 ' fj; r.? : i4- ii 4ii i--t " i i it- it t I relations .ii.hth,i samfl zeal vhifh hat oharafifr. j is uuijurc wily ui an m .uunnttic: nicmiiv uw..vifv w. v. an iy,v'"i...."' ii icuuii ,rai i i i.- it i t ' ' t " fJ?Q zeal whidr hascharacler cdjtcif the war, thai the blessings of ized. our ;i .'f'Jd i4 -iwK- .-.-4: i4-J yTi!.s.c&.4 .'. .. . i, ,fT - ; .. ... ..-Jr r v. . ly ;believeand xpe?ted that the troops xf j this l: army and ' jie pecple of North Carolina wHll cor- great eiid, A A''1 ' -I A:'M XA All .goof land pjj aceahle citizens will be protected and treateH'vithi! kindiiss, while!" those swho dis- turb the $M, 9 'Tiolaie the lawill be pun- ished witlh-sefe'Hty;of martbdlaw. - . v!v. The troMllHe distributed so asbestto secure TKr Tt.-.iWiiefr,einl!nft nrl Toi,! WrlvW ,-.U,-,fyirt.,isr,o .i-Jift4lW1i.;,i -;.- Pr,5ninPd nionll kffiv, nn.rl RnlHi 'nil i.l pf lull disposed are invited to resumei their l iKlnstrial pursuits, wiueh- Hs hav.e been dtpilived of their animals a,i -1 wa4wns bv the hoitile arnff-s will aesignfd(j3 S(t!e rendezvous, audr there make final' p.uiienf 1, obtaining,, for that purpose, the ro Is fomllhe mustering officer thereat. - T. "Wtt 5oop, are awaiting payment supplies ip-illjli- furnished, by the respective supply darjtf en"ts, on the uiuarreq'uisifionr and- returps, cuntersigned by the1 chief mus tering pLtfferf c his assistant . j. :!;' .-t; ... ' , yi- 'UiJtiUa W payment, aijd -the final dis-jCharge-opthijroops, the chief musterhigj offi cer will I-bk5t;! their .beinsr- kept: tbg-etherl and to nave anital;;len urn her ot hisbureau -to re ceive thelpnjs, icoul remeids; utcj : - '" ' .-X. Thfeatltetitievn commahdiiW'g-e'nerals stiijuwi.b ui.ii no riuou yiiieus All whaMtr-e pdkeeably return to t r?eir bohes. and adtohs by the hoiti armTes will j T1 TJ-T i ?U itnuiluru' .ray uni i . 'T? t t r i T , ... i , i tonus a d cloth, locomotives, cirs mi md iron be tempo iy tuppiied, as iar. as spracticaoie.t upon applf'attonjo the nearest lrovbst Marshal, by 1 oa a s d the bt ar ed - property1; in possession of n, Ari..i(..di..i .1,1 ,J n'.,..i. 4 i The needy will also be ftijfplipl.j. or the time being; 'with subsis- tei ce, storfi fifoaj;ihe Co'mmissarv Department It will M left ffthij udl'cial Department ofthe Governma it-tp i4iiili those political leaders who are respoir "libje fir "Recession, rebellion and civil 'war, 'with! U'1 it-tghorrora. Bttween the XJoverri- ment" of tlbittr S ates and th'ejpeople. of Nor ih Carolina tere iseacei J ' 7 J - ' uy cuiuj iaii.il o u-iijuv-v nii iti ipuiwuciu.-.- ! ; ..'.;; .'.' J. A. UAail 'lifcLLi, "i . "Assistant Adjutant (-eneral. June 1. f leatli'rs iKpartiiient of X. C, ) e -i J; Jj ARiiV of tnEi 0mo i; . '? I ig ..BaUngh, X. C.tMard 5, 865. ) - ; E'NEU'iijtetS '"' '' A--:A A-: -1- THE. fotififiglcirders from, Headquarters Milita JL' ry pivrafi;ftli6. Jane.s are fiublished for th- in'foriiKitii ftddgjiidiuce of all indhe jpeipartment of- North; LHroin I ;hich .'now'..; foxis 'art of that MUitarymvigioiil -v : ''"; ' '! V i- ', i ' :::.M ';;: liEADQ'l iilliddiION OF TIE JAMES. 1 . ' i Kictimond; ya.- April 28, 1865. GENERAl Okliklti,-1 'v-:-' )' I,- - -;;Nf 4.1 d-Fi :"f . " -Kvi " : IZ; I. ClerkK of fcofVts .bf records in Richmond and PeiershupM; Will be permitted to resume ; their functions j taki. the oath of allegiance.;v j; -fll All toT'n.M;-' counsellors' adyoaates rnd proctors aiCuothe? 5 licensed to practice a particular profession''ads r bustdeis; the presidents, iii- recidrs" anj pln$rs of all';Corppltatios, and. ai persons ayyimgljieniseU'cs i uie ueuens . r-Al M-ilAt r A VI til VlUClil U'J... t derirt ot. i i m retram to trade,, wi wiii ttr re- quired to t"e.th o'ath ot allegiance to the United states.. An'lpersfinin the ahovementioned cities, k!;o.' Ulii.& taklpg the oatv: dial' - after the lirt ilfe atjiut to pnvwei aii licensed bifo.;' leFfeion, or ?pg4'i aiij' liceitec tfudeor ousinef. or snail s;m-i.si U tc tuncuons .01 a preident, director. otlOitntfcHoi any crporaiion.. wui De ar- . rrti . i- . it : . . .. .-..- i. rested. Jlje iioruis .provisions wm ue hi- forcedin ot ierpa5L3 of the States aaearty aaprao-i ticable. i r r p no; 9. j -III. All persons TOakinir claims for rpstoi-ntin f private property. before a Provoet Martial, or iny other uihifary oflieor, court tr commission, be rtKjuirtd to take the oath of TUlejrianc'eto we united Mates, ami until the c'aimaut m&es-thc prescribed oath, his, claim will neither be grantp.! jlV. 'All officers of customs in this Militorv i)i vision Sre 'requested to Hve, no clearances or ter- tuits to ship pt .land fgaOdsip-dther .articltslof trade, to any ! person or for thexJienent of anv person who has not' taken the oath of ' all e. inn co to: the United; States. . ! ; . IV.. No marnaW-license will be issued until the parties degiriing tp be married take the oath of aUegianae.to the Lhited States, and no clersrhian majistrate, or' other person authorized by State lws to pei-fntm the marriage -percmony w ill, of3 ciate in sueli capacity uiitil he himself and the parties contracting matrimony, have.- taken the prescnoea oatn otalieria!Jce.. r -rM j Yl, Any person- acting in! violation of tli-'se orders will tu'.' arrested, and a full account of the case reported to tlese-,Ilaf'quartersi. : iBy order olihijor General Kallech: ' ---'- ;- ' j J. O. K ELTON, f ' ' -J-Assif-tant A'diiiUnt General. By -tsommand of Major General S'hofield : ,t:'. : - - -..- . J, A. ' C A M PL K LI, .Assistant Adjutant. General Official: :'; ";-- -."' r -T. r- -' ;.;" :u . , ; FRED'K AND! RSOX; ; . ; . .' - v Lt. fc Act. Ast, Adj't Gen'l. '--- '-4i..,--j-i -,-r :'u-i . :':.-. , Office JProv. Marslia I, Post of Raleigh-, N. C, May 22nd: 1865, f 1NERAL ORDER ) -A i : - " G d-V .' "No. 2J :-.J r C '.:!' ' VT,;--..- j-.V1;. T N compliance with General Qi der No. 52, dated I ! Headquarters Department N. C'Army of the Ohio, Raleigh.? N. a ilay,15th1865 All parties who practice their prolession's i or engaged in aay business will immediately report to this office ami take the prescribed oath of ajTegiance. Alt failing toj comply with this' order will, be arrested and reported to Headquarters. of this Department. , . k By order of ';-'---' ! ' I - ' ; -. . ! GEO B. DYER. ! 'Jane 1. . Mai. Provost Marshal. H adq'rs Department fjf "II. C. ) , 'I , ( Abmy of. Tiia Onro,) - L ; JtaleWi, N..C, Mav 4. 18 05.. ; Gi.VEUAL ORDERS. J . ' 2 ; -i r - ;' : No. 35. -!-'. "f ' -.vjt" - ::' - - AJOR-GENERAL J. D. COX, vVdTII HIS Churns, and two Brigades of Gen. Kilnatricks A Cavalry, will pecupy . Green'sboroiigh, Salisbury,' viiauuuc uu.ouinunici muls . as ne--iiiMy ieem Eebessary, and take care of the western' portion of; the State. ::: ; '; '::; ;- ,: ; - vMajor-Geueral A.. II. Terry with his Corpsand one Brigade of General IviTpatrick's Cavalry, will pcptipy: Raleigh Goldboro',7 Fayette ville and sub i .other points as he niay deem nepessary, and taKeK-are ot ttie jtentral portion, of tlie State j. , Brigadier-Generals rainier and Ilawley will 1 cdrainari t the Coast Districts as hei-t.cf.re1" ' ) v ; !The troops will visit all parts of thb tatetdi perse or capture all bands of gjierrillas j andt nial rajudersi and cquect all military arms (other tluiii the side arais-of paroled officers) which' may be found in the State, . i .--: "-"! j :';, IThe Corp and D'stmct Commcnders will, a soion a3 practierfble, send to each cofuity uinler their jurisdiction a discreet d)fficer,;With; af-utii-cij?nt force to organize a sinali company of thu mjost responsible 103-al citimjsjtp serve -as i'local police force tutU-further orders. As far as n'ejfes Fa'iry t h e on 1 pa nies so. organized. , w 1 1 1 . be f itii f sh ed with captured artii3 imd ainmum'ticm, b)it will refceive no compensation for. their 6ervicci tAll the members, will be-'required:1 totake tire - ' . 11 ... & i ; , .. -r. ' icq ormes, ana an oarn to preserve tiitf ptace. prevent cryne and arrt-st cniiiHi'.ils, as tav as urac- ;;Ln Ti .i ! - ;,, ticaole, wiUun their e.ountv, and to obey all la iv- i Tr , 1' ; J , . fife orders of the-b uited states M'htnry auth-ori- . ,- - .- ;. f A t. ; y - J'-'t -' ' , , - - ".' I )' ' -H criminals arrested oy tue- police cortinnnies i. .,i. iA'ir.-..' m:i:.. t ,4 .3 i: i -i i . ., . j .r t . 1 , "in v:uii i-u uie ticuieBi. iiiiiitar v jrosi lur trial-. ... J " wurue sent 10 uie nea Miuirfr Commissi cra(;s autf the ames ssiom A fuli stati ment of the witu, the prisoners in each case; i : -Jiv command of P.I)tiAT JJy command of Major-General Schofield: . , . ... -! j... .- i .J. - A, vJAMi iJli JjJ,., -: June l.; Aesistant Adjutant Genercl. Headers Department ofS. C.A) fi"-.'' '' " ;. JTn1,i';-k . "NT n ViTlf to '1 ' RML Oaps f ' ', j , ' - -.' !. V ;,: . .' ,: ' . :; - - T r J. i'p a fi p ii ; nnf (rn'nnT i TviriJ J- course in .the State of orth CafQhnaMn ' . i course in.tuepiawJ'Oi, iorxu aroiinaln ar- tiolesnat, contraband of war, will; be restricted only by the regulations of the TreasuryDepart ment, -t '-,i -: ' : -. ''-':'-j . ?; ''" ' ;; ,. fi he following articles ,are contraband of war ' ! V" i whrch omnium. ion toit: arms ammunition,1 ;ahd all articles from ;.- ' - - ----- ---- and machinery for om 'rating railr ords, telegraph wres, insulatp'i s, and lnstruunents1 for , operating teiegraph. lines. . S; ' - " ' -':'. 'All imlitar!. restrictions" upon trade in articles other than tho.-e above enumerated are removed. . IE' Hereafter no ( milita' y ; tax will be imposed tippn citizens for passes or permits f ol any kind, nor fpr.any other reason, whatever and all orders from whatrver.sureeauthorizi.iig such tax s ate hereby revoked. - ; . , : .'; '-- I ByTtomruand of ilaj. Gen; Schofield : ' - ! ' .j . x j. a..cam:ijell, - r Junej I. Assistant Ajdjutant General, ; Ii oadq'rs Departinlent of IV. C v 1 ; '':, ' (Aaiy or the O'lio,) " i i Ralegh, N. Q.f April: 27th. 1865. Gexerai Okdeks, ) . . . , (X:- ?rv-' -''--: ' -'- '"I i No. 32.- S - : '.: V. .i "n Tp REMOVE A DOUBT WHICH SEEMS TO XI exist in the minds of some of the people, of North Carolina, it is hereby deciared that by Vif tue of ihe lrroclamatibn Xi th? President of the United 'States, . dated January 1st, .1883, ail per soris jnj this Stte ' heretofore held as felaves are ndwfree ; and that itls.the duty of the Army to maintain the lreedom of such persons. . ' ; ' .It is recommended' px the former orners "of the freed men to employ i theia' as hired servants at reonabhr wages. .And itls recommended to the freedmin that; when- allowed "to do. feo, ; they re main with their former masters, andtabbr iaith fully' long as they shall be treattT kindly and paid reasonable w iges, or that they iminediatdr seek employ meut tWwhere ' inJ the ,kiml of stork taiwliidhahey are accustomed. ' lt is not? well for thia toici'nregate .'abjitit to wns or Military campsl T!i.-y Will liyt be supported in idleness. ' f l! . iiy cuuuiiautLof Major General Schofield : - J. A.'CAMrliELL, . r" AaeiHtint Acljuum GeneraL Jime'l. it of H CJAfj Ohio,) - - - 4 1, li(5. ) ; : V-.. v - - ; j j I :. . (An o? tk j i Jialeigh, 2C-Aiy OEkeRAL UrIers, , , ; .- ' . ! - x0. 4o, riflE FOLLO W 1XG RULES. ARE EUEL1SH- 1 JL ed tor Uie goverwaeui en x retxtme ia Korti- ath"SaUl-the rcstoralloa cYl greramcDt-; , L Tlie wmmon laws, governing tho domwi'lei relatNJfis. such as those giving parents authority i aiid control over their children, and .guardian coulrotover their wards, are in force. The7 pa-- rent's orf. guardian's authority and obligations Uk 3 the place of those of the former master; i - ' ? j II. Thefonuerinastereare'ConstiUitedthegua. i dians of minors and of the-nged and infirmia the absence f pareuts or other near relajlivtca-' pableofsupportintheja. , ' III-. Yonng men and wom'en, under t-senty-)fet ? years of age, remai under, the" control I of their ' parenUlor. guardiaus until thej becojue of age i vuus iuing to tuppoji s iiieir pareuis, ana youngcr I brothers and sisters -1 . . t J ! IV. The former mastera of freedmen. dibv hot I tiun away the young -or the intirro, nor reftsB to r Kivc ,thm food and bhtlter iior may the idle . ; vuureuuicu mi mouieu lo awayi irom tneir itomvK, or tliyu hi idleness, ajBlleave their parents cliiL .. 1 .1 .. . -1 . ' . , uirii, ui ij oun oromeis ana sisters iu De.suppyrt ed by others. - : ;-- -.-' ' '."' ' -. " - i - ; . Y. Persons of aret.wlio are free from, ant of the obligations referred to above, aro at liberty to-, i nuu new. uoines wnerever they can obtain profit1 employment ; but they will not; be supported iby Uie goTernmcntj nor by their fbrpier masters, juu less they; work,; ; : -J ' .. '.,''- I -J, VI: .It will be left to the etnplbyer. and' servant to aree upon the wages o be iaid ; but freednie.nl are ad,viied that for. the present seaion they ouli to .expect .-only moderate wagej. and -where their" employers cantiot yny. them' money, they ought' to be co ittntedwith' a fair ehare in the' crop? to bo' raised. T, ey have gained their Krsonal t'reedom.t Iy industry-and good conduct ) tliey may! rise tot indepeiderce'and even wealth I ..' ...,f ; lbAllK)frieer soldiers; anil citizens" are re., tjuid to iiVe iuliliritv to these rulesand toiiu struct the freed people as to their. I new rights' find! obligations: . - " ;., ;--.; ..j ..:b ii VJ M. All ofheers of the Arm v. and of the cotmi ty police companies, are authorized and reodiredt to correct any violation of the above rulva Svlliaayr tneir jurisdiction.;1 - : .. s .; , .1 .'.) -, ;-, .'..j'-j ; .'-:'.-- : IA. Each District commander will appoint a superintendent fOf Veedinen. fa commissioned 01 eer.) witirsuch number of assiHtants (officer? t non coimmssione( officers') tig may 'benecespary,! 1 Avhose duty it will 'be to take charge of all t the'- '- n ccu pcypic in ms lisinei, wno. are witnout homes or. prop r emplovtiient. i The .simwiiitMi. dents will send back to their homes all who hava 1 enueavor to nnd homes and . suitable eirplo-inent , for all others. They vill 'prvjde suitable. cnn!i- orjtiuarters m isuch a'cannot be otherwise i r i. vided for, and attend to their discipline, )o)ice ,i subsistence, fce.:. '-- ,.i . '' -: -.1 v .. i A. ine superintemlents will hear all caniiilftintu id guardians .or wards, and rejort thej faefsf to their District commanders, who afetauthorized to Missolye the jexistinjr jelations kf guardhiii auxl' ward in any case which mav seem, to reouihl it. and todiructthe ktip'-riritendent to otlierwis.- pro- j A vide for the wards, in accordance 'with tlie'ab.!ve f rules.;;-- - ,: . ..- .' V, -: "; ,: '-;.v.-l . By ;o i mand of Major General Cehofield -J ; .-; --i j. a. campbetx; June 1. Assistant Adjutant (icnera M I LITAllY G O VE It5lENT. ori Tire ' Ity. ; ' :-'-Ccl G F G a cror. comman 'lintr 3d ;g.2d Kth A.', Pott Cominand,r. I - 'lA li 8 Samper 1 15iH N Y Vols. A A A O) erui, sua i.i si.Aojiuunt. . " " . ; Oipt S 0 F Smith, ti b' c.V(ik:A A T dan. JMajor Aieo a-Vycr; Vta Mo Voll'io Mart ir i 1 . . . ' ' . . J - i - win Jv iyrt0i.-4tli IN 11 Volte. Aisisti t ;ui rsuai 1631 h N Medical Oilier. ; . ; v .;. Capt E li.Mo.ier, liiDth N Y Vols, ADC. : X-t Ed Vandeizte, 16ith N' Y Vols, A 'D C.' . --Officers'- oF'lloTa Reg't N T VotNTEKs V:N J John.-ou, T t T.l jmmanUiiier" X'l i. K L Wuir.fh, M j r. -' , v -v - N cho,ia Lie Gn. tt ? At'rttunti ! ' - ' ' MhI tin Me'wa .tin, Qr-'MuiiU-r,",' I "I :Xieut A C: m-'cmu, t. on man ding Co (A Lieut A o'Jb r, ' ": '.'." do CU l. 'X. '- Lit ut C L dHrlf , ' . ; to ; do C ! X aot Wm ll $huw, 1 do do E.' I f . jipt r. t hu are, do . do (;.. ..Lk nt M MvIn'ohj , d. ! ' do I: '' -:: Lieu' J M lli)i,; do do K . ' i Orricr.B8:..oF$TE.-Maixe V'otxtiees. .,Jo-eph Nwi.le, Lk-ui Col GonniikuoiiK. Georg ;13 DcTj Miijor. J .. , li-iiri It Wa !.-w xtlt, Adj timt. f Owl S iiy, Qr Niu-r . ',- j." - . 'tis. 1 h;ee, A. SSurge-r, Li u;. W A Bit c et;', Com Lup . L F !!; rjiincj , . - u Geo W lrovij " lierj J li 11, " JC ticA, ' Lieut V F Dennirtr, :. - S A Dcten, . " A Jl Cliat-e, Capt Geo S Colbatli, Oapt S Mann, ' V leg C A. ; . do H. "' do C. do D. d-j E. -. do do 4i do Hi do J. .dr c.o . do do do M do do" do do K. J Officers "4th N H.- Vols. Lt Col F W Parker, C'cuim iiding. , " Goo W liuck,n A R O M ! 1st Lt Alfr -r Manand, Acting Adjutant, ' J'i'ciih Wiigate, Coma an . ing Co. !igO.-',' A.. " Xj' iiaro a Uay, ,, do Cpt Louiri AUD inssey, do 1 mi Lt bam' 1 1 1 i'rcfcott, . do Capt V m T IJ .rker, . do " Clarence L Chupman. l-do 5d Lt 1'atrick Dowd. do lit L Edwin Wliitford, " do Caitri.oFQ'dnny,! "do " Geo W liatHnu, , .;;; do ' do : " go' il. do D. do E. do F. do G .. do If. 'do I. do K. I - . Officers 1-3tii Ixxi. Vog -ir J tt Lawrence, Mi j.r, rbmmanding. Suxey livai) Lt and Adj taut,. I 1 A ll B aly.Xt and Ji.Q Al, , :; . . N A Ct feinberliiu, Acs't Surgeon. . Sdas .Clark, Cups Commandiujf CO At C.Ca'rv. iHtlr. .::-' :! I ; 'i' -i 1 G'ms-r. 2d Lt - , " :: X . X. j Win 1 1 Lowe, Ca? t comnaaadii'g co B', i ! ' i J H Kiunci&r, 1st Lt. ; : - -! - i .ii it j.mek, ?d Lt.- ;.. - j ; X-X ..Tiefle,J Capt cmmanding co C. - -j :- S M. rri on, lut Lt. : . 4 . -f ";-"j : AO MUchcll. :d Lt : - i '' ; K J Graliam, Capt c mn:indinsr CO D. T C Turley, ht Lt. ' , j . . - J H SLetr.!w,tEt. :s . ;.),.;; W T Mei p, Captcprnmaudinsr co E. J C Bo) ti j-t Lt l i V : Wm A Ketcnm, 2d Lt. ; i '...'.'. , . .7 Cempanies f;, G, II. I jmd K Bre commanded! Irjt oiuetfra owe names nav neen nier tionedJ . -:; f ,' . Officeks ojr l63rH Beg' N; Y Vols; it J K Colvi.., Lieut Co:eomuin4ng;; vi r jtjsepn u Aiie;i, Mitr. ---.- ' . John KnowiVi h, JSdirjreon.' 0 i -.' W C urch, Aeting Adj'cnd Q KX L eut Ld Jaeqiics, edumiindiog co Alf-;' " LeutJ 1 K .O.. com uandinjf c B. i r i L-apt j ii 4.rrent Ovuiiiandirtfir co C Le'iS ti AleGuke', tiomtaaudinfif o 1 dint 11 Mnlh.i- r.n ...-.4... . . t?' . 1 Capt 1 K $i h, co nmaniiing ooi P.'Jr "! I . Lieut E'Van Sant-nrdt conlmaiidinf cb G. L Elegit C G Erncisct'eomm'itndiug co Hi)--Capt J II D i n-j c -mnian-l:fg C;ifL: i j. ? Lieut. J H StraigLt, connnaDdiug co K.r ; J . Wanted to Rvnt, " r 4 GOOD PI A Ot FOR IIICI1 AREASO X. tie pEivO. dl be paid. 'Apply atf tBt8 0nlc!e. ' Ka'e gn, June 1, 865.. f ; ;. . , - i-f i XEAliy. EXKCCTHD .- -I . , AT- THE O F F rc E OF V BE If.ULl 1HID P,bvos-:.- Ma.lid, . I -: -'. - ;-.; :'. I V, i . Ct i lniF Wek?, 9 h V& Vl A A'Q'ii; ":. apt Geo 0 hinry, O S. 1 1 . --' v- - '--'. i-; 1 fc uricon -no Kuowlson. 143th' N Y VoUr' t'l Ui' JOB - WORK - T, . r - - -1 p V UX: d Id-. - ': . - : , it 1-1!- t ":i Ir i m r'i 1s:f . 1 1-- -;