PROCLAMATION. -1 HIE ! D A I L YiLiREOCD ED. SCSflS'' -" , ; - ' - ' - -!- --. ': :X"": ."';-:l ; '. '-" - : '""-'' "i g . g ; g. g g 5 ' "To every tiling tliere is a Season, and .aj Time tctf eery Purpose under the Heaven" -Solomon. ' Si. -!j g I ! 2 'BiW.! - W. -. HOLfifcN,' PRO VISIONAL GOVERNOR,. TO THE rqOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA, v ; - t 1 ..... V) . W'nfiuEAs, By the . Proclamation 1 of Ax rvRKW, -.Johns .ton, President of thq United ' States of America, dated' May 29th, jSOo, J have teen appointed; Provisional Governor of the .State of psorth Carolina, with instructions to prescribe, at the earliest practicable pe.' rio'l,. suclr rules and regulations as 4nay .be necessary and prof er for convening' a ! Oonven- .tioiCcuiiiposfd of delegates to that portion -pf the' people of said State who are to the United States, and nbi others, fur .the purree oi altering or ainenfUng the ; Constitution . thereof ; and with 'authority to exercise witlin the limits of said Stafej all the power necess iry and proper to enaMe such , loyal T)eo.t)lel: of the State of North Car- ofina'to' restore said Htate to its Constitu tional reiatioo-j to the Federal Government, anil lo precept such a Republican form of ' State Go vernment as will entitle the State to ','thV guarantee!, of the United States iierefor, and its people to protection by the 'United States aeainsfi invasion, insurrection, aind flo? v mestic: violen,((k'' . ; 5 ; , VJ. And W ill r rVa s, It is proper that thp of-the Slate stiould be informed as fat people las may 1 - at th is ti mlfi. of the m eagu res that willbs necessary to, ajttain this end, so tbat thpy maJ - bo ready to ofleV an intelligent ana wi op.efation in t$e same : - :. And Vu krkas, I t is - also proper 'frjiirposes of. tHe Federal Government lanpr co- i i :hat the in rela tion to the peqple of the State should be made rknowni so man me loyai ,ma.y receive; aasij- 'ranctFSof protection and encouragement- and "the : .disloyal,.' it any there be may khjcjw that the'iiiof autihoritv is . upon them, aid that t (they; will got' be permitted with impunity to H'si.-i the-laws or toJ disturb the peace! of so cu-tyi ' ,' . ' -"X- , ; - ; Now; Thererore,-1, AViixtAM "W. Holdrn, 're Visional Governor .as aforesaid, .(lo pro claim and dechire'; ; 'f ' - j j'j i ; IstTrhat'; a Convention of the people of Ni Carcttna; will be held, at as. early a period as "practicable, ip .be composed of the nuijnber of memoers to wincn xne counaes are respecuve ly entiled in the House of Commons; of the State Legislatuire. No person- will be; a can :didaeJforthe Convention, and no person will vote for members to compose ft, who shall not previously thereto have, taken and subppribed to the folllowirig oath, prescribed in theiProcs lamation of the tPresidentot the United States, dated May 29th, 1865 : . - , ; . I db solemnly swear or affirm, m presence-o Aimigmy. vrou, inat I will nee forth -faithfully support and defend the constitution- of the Unittd States atid the if nion of the "States thereunder, and: that I will,, in like rnanner abide by and faithfully support all lalws and proclamations which 4 have ,een made during: the 'existing; rebel lion w,itn reierence 10 ine euittuuipa ,iuu oi - Blaves. So h'qlp me God. i; ! And no person, not weii-anectea towaras tne Federal Government, and not. loyal thereto, will be permute d to tale said oath, or to vote In said, election . ' ;M jj I ' -: y . j Pleasures wi 1 be( perfected as early as prac Hieable for administering 'the .above oath to suf;h persons as may. be entitled to ' take it, and for ; providing themj with certificates of I thsifanTB as. evidence of their loyalty, The aijj'ruatlii is. regarded as a part of .the behelS's of the Jiroclamfctioa referred to, and will not ue auimnisrered to any or tne classes exciua ,sai.4 Proclamation s've on the exhibition lev them of a hill ' pardon from the- President M the ' oflencej they may . have . com mitted against the United States; . v I. '! 'J'.rTTe Contention thus to be called, will aIut br"amentl the Constitution of the. State, andl wil isubmitfsaid Constitution thus aUered or amended, to the voters :of tho ' 5'.ltekt the - Fallot box tor their acceptance or rejection. ' ' 3d. The Coiiventisn will provide For tke. ; elec'tlonj. by th people of a Grovefnorj ; and members of tli Lesislature' ; and the' egis ture will elect tvo Senators to represent the btate'in the Congress of the Uuited States." '. - lth. . An'.elecon will also be held, in due ' time,' far members of the , House of Rer resen .tativfs4rom thqi State . in the Congress of the .-'UoiielTStates.-' " ';... V Inarmuch as there are: no civil rhaprifeitrates in tlils State, nor State, officers of an the? .Provisional! Go'vernorJ ?bK virtue kind, km au" thoritvvin him am f ested by the Presidjent Les, will proceed bf the IJuitedStat . i ,1 ot, Ta : -a') piv!nt , j iii-tieeH of the Peace for the varibuB 'counties,' loyal men,- by whom the " will! be administered, and who will " also conduct the election?, throuo-h . subordi nates, for mem&i ra of a Convention, in iccor ; . dnee Svjitli .instructions- from this office,, and, : agreeably to tlie laws of this' State iri: lore,e : previously to tie 20th day. of May, 1S6L j '2'S. SuperiorjCourts of Oyer and Terminer will be held, when necessary, by Judges spe cially appointed ami commissioned to dispose .'of criminal casts. . i - H'-V-'' d. The J ustaces ot the reace, appomiea as aforesaid, will be authorized, to hold t?ourt? for the transac ion of all such business as may not ,ne or tne c ass of cases triable by a jury The V Justice?. bv a minority of their whole number, will' r ? J r v . - v . ,1 lareo be auihowed to appoint theirifchenils-and their Uierkg for the tito be ii. hur. and such' ther ofllcek-s-as may' be inuls pens'ahle to a jtuoper' transaction of business. And thev' wilHilso be virflsint and.-'wili exert themselves to maintain the laws and to pro- ' m6te tSe neaCd of society in their respe(jtive u Couh4hs i, ami ef neciallv to arrest andftbm- ; mit for trial when the Courts may be hWd, all offenders against any law of tne State in iorce previous -to inei 'ulii oi Jiav. icvji . iuu iu . . i ,n.v c i r - i OKI . .1 ' low where; the case is bailable,' airordiiig to thfeuisage-or the lotate.-. : - iib The Vn 'visioual Governor will appoint . . N . ' -1, ? ! ( A the btate . Dirtfctors "and State nroXiea m'tne tr: . .!- varicms ccrnorltians in which the-State is in- f- c ; ten sie 1, as A Exercise of such power biy him cannot be avoided. But the eontrol of the : L , Railroads, the lAsy Vums -and other corporations , m wnicn tne estate js .interested Hnusupavod l -.."iably ;to this .extent cuinmitteJ tb htm, wijl be V .j rt-iJeqxiisneu iipitie action of th Uonventior .' ; when that body shall havfeXsemblod, f Such itj britf-'is, an :.. outline. the policy , utMmu-u necessary to rccc nstruct the govern- ': iTient'ot ..JNortli - Carolina, arvl to, restote tht l( f hv te icr its (ponstitutional ;. reiatiotes Ik thv .illt"rAl?!ovcrifu-4int. . ;) . ;-- And ndw, as Provisional Governor pftlileState a '-. 1 invite. "the .loyal people thereof to resumie with ' .v':c$u;e.r-uln8, auiu" with confidence 'in the future, IT j "tfi'.'vr :out'Uatomcjd pursuits; and I invite those who j - .liavaiiccn driven ftoni the State, by despotic pow- YOL.l TST0,18. er, to return; assuring all loyal citizens of thr State that tht-y will be protected in their person and property, and encouraged 19 their exertion to improve their condition. T alsol exhort them no to cease to tfke an interest in' pullic -affairs 'but t( uiHi wiiu me in ir? puqwse tofe reconstruct thf State Government "through the lid of loval 01 ti zens; and td bJe vigilant and activip in disccuragini; aisoyai sentiments, ana in ensuring the election of known friends of the Federal Government to every office, j Your experience, fellow-citizens, dur in'. tne rebeUion should attach yofi hv tlie stron estties to the froverntnent of the United States Yoiu,have just been delivered by the armies of the Una 6n from pne ioi th most corrupt arid rigorous despotisms tliat ever existed in the world, Many of you liave; been forced, for opinion's sake, and because of your love for the flajx; of your fathers to irom pie iautj vi your uirvn pr 01 your adoptioH, arid seek a refuge among strangers, to escape'the hknd of arbitrary power. Many -of you have been, torn from yourhomes, or hunted down like wild beasts in the forestand : forced into the rebel armies' as conscripts ,to" fight for the' coritiri- ed Enslavement of the colored race, and also for a state of slavery for yourselves and your children Some of youjhave been subjected to. impiisoninent anc tortures ori account or your opinions ; and all of you have .been deprived,, for 3-ears, up, to a re cent period.ttf freedom of spsech and of the press. and of evervl esseiitial snuoiantee of ilibertv" and of protection to person ana propercy which 13 con tained in thb Constitution- of the United States. You are once, more free jcltizensi of -the United States. By your sufferings in the! past, and bv vour hopes for th future, I adjure fvou to eruard well your freedom.' ..Bemember that all tliat yoAi have, pnd all you can hope to i be. and all of good;that isiin reserve for your children, are in dissoluble : bound . with the Anjjr.can Union. The " Unity! of government which constitutes' us one people," should be morte dear to; us than ever, on account of the suffering's through which we Have passed In the language of Wasbington. " it is of infinite moment that you ehouhl properly estimate . the immense i value of I your national Union to your collective apdj individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and liiHnuvauie .atiacuuieui) lu jii , auuuawunn your- selves'to think and to spefk jof it as thfe palladium of youit political safety anctproperiUwatchin'r!: for its preservation with jealous anxiety ; discountenan- ciBg-whatever may suggest even a; suspicion that it can in any event be abandoned ; .arid indignant ly frowning; upon the first dawning of every at tempt to alienate bnp portion of our country from the rest or too enfeeble the , sacred tigs which now. ink together the various, parta," 1 , To the colored people of the Skte I would say, you are now; tree, rrovidenqe has willed natl the yery means . adopted to render vour servitude perpejtuah, should be IJ is Instruments lor releasing you lrum uouuage. ;j.c now re mains for .you, aided as you will be by the su perior intelligence of the white, race, and cheered by the sympathies of all good people, to decide, whether; the freedom thus suddenly bestowed! upon you, will be a blessing to you or a source of injury. Your race has been depressed; by your condition of slavery, and by the legislation of your, former masters, for two .hundred years. It is not tov pe expected that: you can comprehend and appreciate as tney snouia De compreneqaea ana appreciated by a self governing people, the . vise proviso ion's and limitationsrof Constitutions and laws : or that y6u can now have that knowledge of public affairs which is necessary to qualify iyou to discharge all the duties of the cfteii. j Ino people has ever v 'u0Untved at orjee into, the enjoyment of the right of self-govern-meirX'.; 5ut you are free jin common with all our .people, and you have the same right, f em ulated by law,Uhat otherfi havP-.H enterp the pursuit of proven y and happiness. You should henceforth sacredly observe the mar riage relation, , and you should provide' for y our: offsnri- 70U can now not only learn to read yourselves as -some. 'Oi yon nave beefn able to do heretofore but. you cjan instruct others, and pijecure instruction fifom others for yourselves and your 'childrenL without fear of punishment. But to' be prosperous and hap- J x ii ' 'i . i LiJ'i ' i py you must, laoor, not merely ynen you ieei like it.'.rOi' fora . scanty -support, tbut indus- triously land steadily, with a viewjto making and laying tip something for yourselves and your families. If you -are idle, ly pi will be come vicious anfli woifthless : n Vicious and worimefs you win nave no .jritjuuss anu win ' . .1 tL ' -ti l : ..j 1- C' .- 'J - -J -11 at last perish. inr the sweat ot jtny lace snalu tholi eat bread all the days of thy 1 tfe.'. . Tne same Providence that has bestowed freedoni, has told you (tliat diligence imbusiriess". is required of all. liia ;cf features : knd you cannot expect that yourj rfece will es cape ultimate exunction, n yoq wniuiiy vio latig or disregard this, one of His ! great com mands, r reedom-' does , not mean1 that one may do' as he' pleases, but that every one may,; by industry, frugality, and tenip"irance, im prove his condition aud enjoy thefruits of his own labors, so long as he obeys: the laws. . I have no prejudice - against you. ! Oa the con- irary wniie j. am a wmie man, auii wmie my lot is vith my own color, ' yet -I sympathize with1 you as the ;Weaker race; jatid;l: cannot forget that daring the rebellion ;nany ;of you fought jforthe preservation of the!Union,and, thaft thsebf you who ;remaine;d th6me: in the then slaveholdiDg States, were, for the most -part, - docile- and, . faithful, and' ,'made no attempt by .force their; own freedom. of arms to gain even will see to it as tar as I can, that, you have your, liberty: that you are protected m your property and her sons ; and that you are. paid your wages But.jon the other hand,v I. will set my face against those of you w ho are idle and dissipated, and prompt punishment will be , lidhcted forany lilrnnhi nf 'the nr v inlalinn nfl law Tn finft T wilL bejyoiu friend as long as you, ire true to your- selves, JiihI obedient to the laws, and as long as vou! shall labor, no hiatter how feebly, if honestly and earnestly, to improve your condition. It is Lmy dirty, as faq as 'I niay, to render the govern- meat ' a terror' to evil doers, a fid a praise to them that do well'," and this I will endeavoftb do in relation to the whole people of the State" of Norths Carolina, "without fear, favpr, or affection, reward, or the hope of reward." ; And now "with charity for all, -with malice towards none," I enter upon 'the discharge of the duties assigned me by the President, earnestly and solemnly invoking the good people of the State to iXlll Ll i c ill tut. . ,' v f vw. "vo. t) . meiitiaud in restoring the State to the protection benetits, and blessings of the Union Dojie'at'our ity of Raleigh, .the 2 h day of June. ia the car ul our f Lord one hundred and sixty-five, and in thousand eig the S9th year o i American lnaenenuei ic. j 3 . ' WILLIAM W. pOLDEN, ' ' I ' Provisional Governor. Bribe Governor j ": , Jos. W.. lioir Priyate glcretary, , - - E A LEIGH, 1ST. 0., THIJRSiT, JUNE 22, B: P. ; WILLIAMSON. I CO.,' I AUCTIONEERS, 'I - i r - -. i . : FORWARDING AND C03IMISSION MERCHANTS, I ' FA YETTE VILLE STREET, ' EALEIGII, N. O. June 17,1865., 14tf. IT'AjMILY Pl.OUllj '-40 BARRELS, . Superfine, do 15 v do l -Seconds, do 10 do Meal, nice White, M Bushels, Feas Clay, Black ad White, 100 Busbhels, .:'! At B. PWILLIAMSON & CO'S., j .- : J - Fayetteville Street. June 17, 1,865. - . '. j ':;-! ' 14 tf. ' " " ' ': -: .-1 1 -": ' ' POUNDS NICE - WHITE LARD, IN kecrs 'and barrels. - ! - 2000j pounds Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shoulders. 200ir 60a soo 500 do . do do do Dried Fruit. Bright. Brown Sugar. Crushed Sugar. . 'Manufactured Tobacco. 600 do Snuff. ,J 1 Dozen Cases Colman's Mustard. At . B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., ' i . . , I-. Fayetteville Street. Jane 17, 1865. , :;;. 14 tf. 30 O.YAEDS ENGLISH LONG CLOTH, 2000 Yards 4-4 Brown Cotton, 200 Bunches Cotton .Yarn, ' 100 Coats' and fT y lor's Spool Cotton. -' Cotton Handkerchiefs, Soft Hats. Shoesr Envelopes. &c., &o , 1 B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. 17, 1865.- , . 14-tf. At Juno WANTED TO PTJE0HASE, A GOOD AND CONVENIENTLY LOCATED City liesidence. Applv immediately to IB I - . A. V V . BATTLE, HECK & CO., ' . ., " Land Agents, i; Favettevilie Street. Ealeigh,' June 19, 1S65., j . , .15 tf.: 1 O DOZ. JUNIPEE BUCKETS. j 50 pair Cotton Cards, at H P W TT.T.T A fOAW rn ' ; Fayetteville Street. 9, 1865. j 15 tf. June 25 DOS EN OAST-STEEL AXES, 8 Dozen Long Handle Shovels, - r Kegs Old Dominion Nails, - ivijr x-ounas snoe xsans, -. At B. P, WILLIAMSON & 0O. .i ! vi Ii tf.' JJune 17, 1865. FOR SALE ! . - PAIE OF FINE. 1IOESES. CAEEIAGE and Harness. Apply to ' . i i 1 ; . B. P. WILLIAMSON & (jO., "' On Favettevilie Street. Ealeigh,: June 16, 18fi5. ' 18 4t. FOR SALE ! A . FINE PAIE OF MULES, GOOD WAGON J. and Harness. Also, six setts of extra Wagon Harness. Apply to . 15. P. WILLIAMSON & CO., ? J Fayetteville Street. Raleich, June 16, 1885. . 13 4t. - GOOD NURSE, WHITE OE COLOEED l3L white perferredj None reed apply 1 unless they can: come well recommended. Apply to ..".-4;'J i i . . . Fayetteville Street. Kaleigh, June 16, 1865. . IS 4t. K P. Battle. J. M. Heck. " B. P. Williamson. 3V0RTH CA110LT3VA LAND AGMCl. - BATTLE, H ECK & CO., lt.eilei?-Isr.; -C. . ; TjprriLL BUY; SELL AND LEASE. ADJUST y V I titles of, pay taxes on and take general care fall kinds oft real-estate, -gold, copper, lead iron and other mines, water-powers, &c, &c. Through reliable agents in every county accu rate information . will be given about particular lo calities, tracts of land, &o. . T Will likewise undertake collection of debts in North Carolina and, elsewhere, by' suit or other wise, j i . . ' . i . Communications J ooxeidektial. Commissions and charges moderate. , i i Ealeigh, June 14, 1865. . . ' 11 It. REAL ESTATE AGENCY NORTH CAROLINA ADVERTISER. rffTHE UNDEESIGNED HAVE ESTABLISH JL ed m the ity of Raleigh, an A geheyfor the purpose of buy in ar and selling Eeal Estate in North Carolina in cocnecuon inerewiui. ana, as auxil iary thereto they wll publish a double heetytwen ty-fonr column weekly, newspaper, wherein will be advertised, free of cost, all lands offered for sale through their ;agency, ana wnicn win oe de the dissemination of information concern ing the agricultural, mineral, manufacturing and other resources cf the State. By means ef eompe tent Agents in very county they will show the ? resent aavan'-emeni ana special capaDiiiiaes iwr uture developerrent of each. ' ; It willlbe touna, jon investigation, that no fetate in the Upion can present such a combinatioiii of ad vantages! as iNorth Carolina, situation midway between the c Mdeil Tegions of the North and the more tropical cj-mes of the bouth, its land stretcn ing fiom the. sea eoa' to the mountains, yield hountiful returns cf cotton, obaeco, rice, grain, fruits, pasturage, grapes and other products, w ile in lis DOSOin lie ricu mines ui guiu uuu iruii, wp fer, leadt coal, and other minerals, its rivers af brd water power sufficient for the most extensive factories! and-in its forests are boundless supplies of naval stores, tiriiber and material for tanning. Under the recent change in the sjstem of labor it KArvWies'thft interest ot Drc-nrietors to bait with a port-ion of their real estate, and it is the ofcject of . . . . ' .t 1 Ti A "kT this enterprise, tnrDUgn agencies in . o tsion, new Vork, Philadelphii, Baltimore, Washingtcd, and other chief cities, to bring: these resonrceslot the State to the notice of men. bf energy and capital, to get together the; seller and the; buyer, ad to aid, in starting North Carolina m a career of pros- penty heretotore unKnown. . The AD VERTISEE w ill' be fnrnisbed ! free o charge to all enstofers and to others at One Dollar t.f.'ft -first ot Ju'v. or sooner, if the type and neces sary material r.lready ordered, can be procured from New York before tint time. Those desiroms to advertise in the first nnmber will rleaecomma- nicate to the undersigned at once. Moderate com missions will be charged where sales are made. . ; ; ' Ealeigh, N.C. Kemp P. BATftfcr " J. .il., ' B. P. WiLtlMeoift FROM.'RILEICH T05 PETERSBURG i'THKOUGn OE DAY; VN AND- AFTEB THUESDAY NEXT THE Vy Ealeigh Sf Gaattn train will leave Raleigh at 5 o'elocK a; ni., ana i reach Uaston at 12 o'clock m. Omfcibuseft and: Wagons have been secured -to take all the Ffcssengers and J3aggage from te ter- minus o 7 tie Petersburg load tb Petersburg. Lieave up't EL A G E. R. h M. UTTnT.OP. v ' '' ';..r Rale;gl Jnne 2i; 65. Sup't Petersburg E. R. .- j j 17 I2t. & . J liAJVD AGENT. TTTTTT1 TT.rT 17 ISO T TVTT r TT k t l'kT1- TV"T OAlfD I vears Previous to ftie war. been knired in the improven4t, and sale' of lands in the Eastern countieSfw: oners his services as Agent for the. purchase or sale ol lands, in Nrth Carolina My address 19 Ealeigh. N. C. Exchange. Hotel, JNO 4b. ; - , W. L. CUJNJN1JNGG1ML. 'Ealeigh. Jun 2 VISSSr H ' If 8t; UNION MEETING AT DURII A.MS. A Mass SfeeUng of the loyal .citizens of Orange County, w?l b held at Durham's Station, on the 24th inst yjiex. Saturday.) Let every man true to "his cun;ty, .and those' who approve of the Gov ernment ogHh.e United States, attend.! " : MANY CITIZENS, "): 16 td June 2 m The .GrgvU Iiiterary Weekly Re- THE proprie'toVs of that long established and I yvyuiai juujuoi, i , j ... THE SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIEESIDE, take great, Jleaslire'.m informing its numerous friends and patrons, that its . publication will be re sumed justas soon the niail fstcilities pf the country. winl enable them to circulate i the same. This is an oHpkner. published for man v vears at A., 4. r it .s. A : Vr a.. . ... 0$I$fi LITERATURE. 1 -WM-.f-'H-i:, ; -iv'" It is a gei?for the fireside, an fimamf nt for thft housewife s&d "ricnlturist. ' ! i Jf: i fctarflSk' eight page sheet, handsomely print- n;TEHMS. Subscrijcftl onej y ear, , " : six months, f5. 3 00 00 THE! : KEY STOXE. Our Mgnthly Masonic -Magazine, Will also .'be:pesumed at the same time. -This Magazine is jeAdersed, jand recommended to the Fraternity at large, by. the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. As regards ' imatter and typography, it will be- equaltQ f any public ublication in the United ?.iS':T-'E!ESIS. Subscription bncj year . . j: B. SMITF 3 00, Aaaress.W;T vy iuj- mm Kaleigh, N, C.! A t: . xiiiiited er of fldverusements aamuiea into "each publication.- s . I , i '; '. ! jrgp rsewsp pecs general nu uuuivc Exchanges rMpeetf ully; i invited at j once from all parts of the e3unry v!, ' "A, .' : ; : j k ..." 7 If June w, i(jE r : -,!'! -.- P ARFT"! ? R WA NTED. i Interest lit' Southern Field aud Firesidandr 'tley-Stoue " i rrTTF. EDITORS i AND PROPKIETOKS Off 1 ! these wefllfMown journals, contemplating art ' ,.).r,omti tlif hnmnpsa wish to RfllT tn nn Rfi-!H cAiciwiut-i v.v --- , " - r- . tive and enterprng nian a portion oi jineir esiao-j lishment,-aniM;toTiidniit! him to an eqiiality with themselves investment Q seldom be fou None but iifirst class man, well recommended need apply. '. ;v ' s ' M'.j ." ', Ealeigh, J uhe 0,"1S6. 15-tf. Tret&urjIiepartmeiit of Vi C, 4- Ealeigh, June 14th, 1865. t THE UNDERSIGN EJU HAVl.Ntt JiiN Al' pointed 'i'uBMc Treasurer of North . Carolina. by W. V . lloldeQ?, jfrovisionai governor, wnn i,ne duty assigned, airing other things, of collectirg and securing all the property of the State, at home 1 I. .t. ; TiAt.ina oil r ofonYia Via-ircr qt-it7 such ' propeimi in tlieitt possession to report .the same .wu&iutdellay. to. the end that 1 may get the game nttf my possession for:the use of the' State ; and aU! persons knowing of any such prop erty, lh the ses3'on of others, are requested to give me information thereof. J jV ; . ' '1 , W. Ji. Ml'l WrilaHlUXiuizeu lo reeeivij; aiiy ipmic property in Almance. County, and II. A Dowd is authorized- to "receive" any such property in ' the State West of Alwnance Countv. s 1 ' j -J & u r -. JOJNATHAJN WOKTli. Public Treaiiiier atid Property;A,genit of N: C Ealeighaf , : .t 13 8t. SCHOOL FOR BOYS. .1' i REV. DR . LACY. I Principal rpiIIS gCITOD -.', Wlf.L' BE QPENED 5TH J. July, IS&S'It peade Institute;, Aud English, Classical and.TfatJiematical blanches taught. Ealeigh, ijijp i) 1865i . - f4 It. 3HS KEWSPAPER , . FeUevtlU Street. OPPOSITE ADAMS EXPRESS CO, Newr TorkPf1Bdelpiia and Baltijnora dailv apers recelveyvery aay. Of mil HESiifcLci EXECUTED THE ' 1 ';' , 1 t y3:i-;vAi I F I Ct P OF Til Th Petfr.-jlTiiTfr tritvn will InnVB f-lnntrm of.T rlrmlr I p. in., and-ieh the terminus of the Petersburg Nicies exeepied) rrsaA ot x '..linV. m ' a QnAi.;t one can purchase at 1 1 o c"94?k Tv'-m. 1 l.eave Gaston ac 12 o'elocK m., Kv v u P"""8 i-ersDiirff at 0'cif ck a.'.m.j.reacn aton y "j uwimwubu. w m -m . . w a . ... I MflIAnl VII -vu . - and reapri -Ealeigh 7. o'clock p- ml , r. w,wiul, cau.De smppei s jucn an uppunumiy : iur a uiuuutuie, enaeavor to nna nomes ana suuaoie employment C T&lents and Capital in the bouth can i. tnii oil others. Thev -will nrovide suitable cam w m RECORD 1865. tRieE 5 CTS NO PERMrrs REQUIRED TO TR Ann , IN PRODUCTS. ; r TN OEDEE THAT MISAPPEEHENSION, AS A. far as possible, may be removed in relation to the nurchase. sale and Rhinninir f rpn4nfo Va i 1 116 tjoyerameni in relation thereto are again published and reiterated bv me as Ttp Jirstr-That Trade in all Drodncts reontrVn is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Any i Cotton. Tobano. Tn I ftoeia, Grain and other products, without a permit u"7 "7 1 gent, an statements or aa- 8,ertlQn8 to Uiexontrary are without foundation and purchased by parties other a to the N oi them mar and duties to the Customs officer.: ONE FOUETH of the cotton purchased and offered for sh must be delivered to' the Purchasing Agent the remaining three-fourths can be shipped WITHOUT CHARGE. No seizure, whatever, will h mo of any article a person has - the - riffht to nn rrVi aha Or Ship. - " ' - . , . o r - r- - j Ihird " Contraband articles " are. abandoned caPtured and confiscable.-: property. - These, pf f.e' no Pnvate party will attempt to purchase I r T) TTWATOTJ ,t Sup'g, Special Agent Treasury Department. jNewbern, N. C, June 8, 1865. ; je 17-14-6 1. IMPORT A-STTf MIL IT A EiT ORDERS. Headq'rs Department of N. 0., f Raleigh. N. C, May 16. 1366, General Ordeks," ) ' !"; ; - : ' No. 46. f - "J5" THE FOLLOWING RULES ARE PUBLISH ed for the government of Treedmen in North- Carolina, until the restoration of civil government! ia tne state. ' . i-. t , s 1. The common laws governing the 'domestic relations, such as those giving parents aut hority auu couwui over j m?ir cuuuren, ana guardian cont,roi over eir warns, are in tprce. The pa rent's or guard v.n's authority and obligations take I the place of-tb-e of the former master. IL The.forhie.juasters are constitu?ted thetruar- diana of minors H;d of the aped and infirm -n the absence of, partita or other rHtir -relatives ca pable of supporting then I , :-; : v- 111. Young mer. nnd wnmon' nnrW fwontn. . - . , ...VI..J-VUO years ! age," remain under the control of their parents or guardian until tliey become of age, thus aiding to support their parents; and younger brothers and sisters.' ; ji IY. The former toasters of freedmen may not turn away the young or the infirm, nor refuse to give, them food and shelter ; pbr! may, the able bodied men or women go away jrom their homes, or. live in idleness, and leave their parents' chil dren, or young brothers and sisters to be support ed by others. .' ) ' V. Persons of age; who. are. free? from any of the obligations referred to above, are at liberty to find new homes wherever they can obtain proper employment ; but they will not be supported by the government, nor by their former masters, un less they work. . ;.' VL. It will be left to the employer and' servant to agree upon the wages to be paid ; but freedmen are advised that for the present season they ought to expect only moderate wages, and where, their employers cannot pay them moneyl they ought to be- contented with '& fair 1 share in the crops to be raised. They have gained their personal freedom. By industry and good conduct they may rise to independence and even wealth. , yiL All -officers, soldiers and citizens ae re quested to give publicity to these niles, and to in struct, the freed .people as to their new rights and obligations. ' '' - ; yill. All officers of the Army, and of the coun ty police, companiesr are authorized -and required j to! correct any violation of the above rules within their jurisdiction. :. V , ' : IX. Each District, commander will appoint a superintendent of freedmen, (a commissioned offi cer,) with such number of assistants (officers; and non-commissioned officers) as may be necessary, whose duty it will be to take charge of all. the freed people . in his District, who are without homes. or proper employment. The- siiperinten . . ... - , , ! , . . i , 1, I 1 ucum ocuu uan w mm uuixip au nuu u,o 'left them in violation of the above rules, and will viied for, and attend to their discipline, police, subsistence, tc. ' ' . v .. . X. The euperintendents will hear all complaints of guardians or wards, and I report, the facts 'to their District commanders, who are authorized to dissolve, the existing relations of guardian and ward in any case which may eem t6,T,equire it, and to direct the sup srin tend ent to otherwises pro vide for the wardsin accordance with the above rules.--' " : ' t ' :T -!-'V-' " .;. j ':'. By command of Major General Schofield: . J. A. CAMPBELL, v June 1. ' : i- 'Assistant Adjutant General. Htadq'rs Department ofN. C, ) ; : I m- ( Army of the Ohio,) , V ' Raleigh, N. C, May 4,' 1865. ) Gexebal Obdees. i i No. 35. ! S ; '''' ' '-':--- :;"''::::,:;-' If AJOR-GENERAL J. D. COX1, , WITH HIS iiLCorps, and two Brigades of Gen. Kilpatricfa Cavalry, will occupy Greensborough, Salisbury, Charlotte and such other ; points as he may deem necessary, and take care 'of the western portion of the ;S.tate. 'y: . ) -: '' ' '- - l Major-General A. H. Terry, with his Corps, and one Bngade( of General Kilpatrick's Cavalry, will occupy Raleigh, Goldsbdro',' Fayetteville. and suc' other points as he may deem necessary, and take care of the Central portion of the State. " Brigadier-Generals Palmer and Hawley , 'will cbminan I the Coast Districts as heretofore.' . . The troops will visit all parti of the State, dis perse or capture all bands of guerrillas and ma rauders, and collect all military arms (other than the side arms of paroled officers) which may be found in the State. '- The Corps and District Commanders will; as soon as practicable, send to each : county under, their jurisdiction a discreet officer, with a suffi cient force to organize a small company of the most responsible loyal.citizens to serve as a local police force until further orders. As far as neces sary the companies so organized will3 be furnish ed with captured arms and ammunition, but will receive no compensation for their services." . All the members will be require'd to take the oath of allegiance to the Government of the Uni ted States, and an Oath to preserve, the peace, prevent crime and arrest criminals, as far. as prac ticable, within their county, and to obey all law ful orders of the United States Solitary authori: ties.; ' ..' '. --o; ? .. r , Criminals arrested by the police companies will be sent to the" nearest Military Pst fo trial by Military Commission. A full statf ment of the crimes' and the names of witnesses, must be sent with the prisoners in each case. j Bv command of Major-General Schofield: I- J J, A CAMPBELL, - Junf It f ' AasisUBt Adjutant General, : : ' : : f ? c, Januabt.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8 9' 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 ; 19 20 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 . I - r 29 30 31 ' i:-v iJtlr'v I ebbuabt.. '.;;: r vr-vt-- 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 ! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -' f 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 , 26 27 28 ;. (. . -'V-;-rnft' Mabch ...... , --'- : i- - 2 : s .-4!t" 5 6 , 7 :- 8. 9V 10 11 f f 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i 19 90 91 90 no- i . I . 26 27 28 29 30 1 APBIL "'. ..:;! i- V ("--.'-;': k!'j:, I 2 3 4 ,5 6 7 s! . 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22' V 23 24 25 - 26' 27. 28 29 -1 - ;- 30.' ' M- " . . ;, ' : .-, Mxt......L.. :-a-V-2V.-3:. 7 8 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 ,16 47. 18 19 20, ' ' . 21 22 . 23 24 25 r 26 27. ' : :. ;i; 28 29 30 ' 31 ': f J;:'N .V.-.::.:.-.'.. -:- 7 8 1 9 lo . 11 12 13 14 15 i.16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 ! 23 24 " " 9R 9ft 9T OS' on I on il I m ' ' 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 : 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . i- Ifi 17 1ft ' 10. 9 A 91 OO I J 23 24 25 26 27 8 29 I ; 30 31 . August.. SKPTIUBKB MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF ' ' " . CITY. . :. : ! : Col G F Granger, commanding 8d Brig 2d Div 10th A, f!, Pp6t Commander. ' . - i i Lt II S Sandforrt, 115th N Y Vols, A A A Gen eral, and Post Adjutant. , i j. r ' CaptS C.F Smith, 9th Me Vols, A A I Gen. " Major Geo B Dyer, 9th Me Vols, Pro Marshal. Lt Wm K Norton, 4th N II Vols, Assistatt Pro Marshal. : '' -v . - -j-.-i. .... . Ll George S Dailey, 9th Maine Vols AsaLBtant Piovost. Man-hal, - . . ; 1 Capt Chas F Week, 9th Me Vols A AtJM. '. ' ; . Capt Geo C Almy, C S. V i v Surgeon Jno Knbwlson: 169th N Y Vols. Chief iueuiuai vjiiicer. , . i Capt E R MosmSr, 169th N Y Vols, ADC Lt Ed Vahderzee, 169th N Y Vols, A D C. 1 Officers oe 11$th Reo't N Y Volcktikm. N J Johnson, Lt Col Commanding EL Wal rath, 31 i or. ; I , Nifchb!a8 De Gran',' Aat Adjutant Mrtin McMartin, Qr -Master. Lifeut A C Slocumj Commanding Co A t r Lieut A Collier, ' da i do li. i JL.iout U li Clark, do do 0- Capt Wm II Shaw, do do E. Caipt'E B Savaae. do do ft. Lieut M .Mcintosh, do" 'do .1. 1 Litut J M Iliil, do do Ki Officers of 9te Mitte Volvxteeis. Joseph Noble, Lieut Col Gommanding. i : Gebrge B Dyer, Major. - Heairy II Waisw irth, Adjotaht. -Geo S Hay, Qr Master. OtisrP Rice, As Surgeon. LMutW F Denning, do do , do do ' do a. - do F. ! do Oi do HJ do I.l do K. j U'l o a voten, 4 A II Chase, ' Capt Geo S Col bath, . OaptSrf Manu, II. Vols. Lt Col F W Parker, Ccmmanding. eo w nucicins, a it y M. i i lstlLt Alfred Marland. Acting Adjutant, ; '1 ' - j Jo eph Wingate, Commanding Co. A.I " 'Leonard A Gay, do do II. Cait Louis McD Mussey, do do C. IstXt Sam'l H.Prescott, ( do " do D Capt Vm T Barker, do do E-. ' Clarence L' Chapman, do do F. I" 2d Lt Patrick Dowl. do J do G. lfetlL Edwin Whitfjord, do do II. I Cat Geo F Qninny, . . do; i do I. M Geo W Hucbins, do do K. - )t I Officers 13th IkcI Vols. - ' - J II Lawrence, M jor, Commanding j J Saxey Eyan Lt and Adjutant, :Tv A B: Baily, Lt and R Q M, . N A Cbsmberlain, Ass't Surgeon. i Silas Clark, Capt Commanding co A. i i " ' CCary, IstLt. A- t , M Gouser, 2d Lt.. Wm H Lowe, Cart commanding co B. ' ! J H Kinnear, 1 st Lt. tf ' . 1 - R H Jones, 2d Lt - V , .' I T Eiefle, Capt commanding e-C. ' i S Mrri on, 1st Lt. t ! ' A O Mitchell, ?d Lt , , . R J Graham', Capt comniandluff CO D; ; Gurley, 1st Lt . " J HSheirow, 2d Lt. "t . W iT Stepp, Capt commanding o E. . i JClBoyd, ltLt Wo A Ketcum; 2d Lt. ' - ' Companies F, G, II, 1 and K are commanded by, I officets whose zumea have .been mentioned. ' .Officers or 169th Eeo't N Y VoLa. J R Colvib. Li,eut Col commanding. i Joseph H Allen, Major. ' - v i ; John Knowlaon, Surgeon. , r LCT?h' Actin Adjt and QM. . Liieut fed Jacques, commanding eo-A. - i ' LlCUt J B Foot. M)mmnriinr m R , 1 Capl J H Warren, commanding co C. . Iiemt B McGuire, commanding co 1 Capl H Mulhali, commanding co j?. Car F R 8a.i h, commanding co F . Lieat C Graneiaoo, commanding co BtZ Capt J H Donn, eomaaandiag co I Laaaw a otraiht, conniiqdAfg $q jr' 6 7 i8i 9 10 11 12 ,1 (. " ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 f 20 HI 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ! 3 4 5;ft 1 a o v I 10 .11 .12 13 .14 15 16 -l ; 17 18 v 19 20 21 , 22 23 ' - j 24 25 26) 27, 28 29' 30 ' Oaro-BEB..... :.''' 1 V; . t i l I " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11 12 13 , 14 I (15 16 17 18. 19 20 21 n . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J . 1 29 30, 31 j , ' NdnifBiB. 1 2' 3 , 4 '.'. : 5 ' 6 7 8 ' 9' 10 U , . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ' - 19 20 21 22 23- 24 25 "' " 2 27 '28. 29-30 . ! '. ''id- : ' ' ; v1t'2 Deoimfkb. 3 4 . 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 v . V 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 ,29 30 ' ' I - : ; - . 1 ' r " ' - i ' MB . Lieut Wm A BaHcock, Commanding (Jo A Cabt L F McConney, do g 'f Geo W Brown, s do . do 0 ! ?vjQJ1?.ii; . do do D . : J.e?!v do do E. ? : t.J . -?;(. I

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