1- t - .t 3 r 1 "4& I'M i " 34 n't- --'Vlll'h-'. 3 &-:--r -v f if',: urn Wr - pi J". !i i lit;,'. 1 iv 1 1 fi - '' ; -ill ." . iff! lli Vi ill '.I.e. r- f. '. ill-: XX "; " ' m -i'i-ai-.' " mm -. -. ft:?, ' -. 'Tiir! Jit ;V WW'-'.- ii if I ram THE I DAILY . RECORD. It ALEICII, N."C TIU; DULY RJjLEIGII KECORI). uudoincd, iaving obtained the necessary (.(rtiiit from the rrilitary authorities; begm with Ih'w nunitx r th.jritibiic.U.fjn of a ne .daily-paper tailed the U v.Ui'i'jJt 7Ucorth It i-? 'dc'sinep to be em. inewpaper, apd, as its. name indicates, it, vill cpntaih a Record of jthe important! events oc- curing daily inthe military and political world. ia Nort'i Ca olina and ejsi: where., itilbalso give jLhdaMt inArlcet prieesai.id .such othfcr literary ) ": ! ftnd ,inicel!ap r-niia rr.!ff.ftrJiLS ia usuallvi found in ; '.--. ; li.t' column" southern dailies. T jlavhii rifji' party iJiTriff'fi to subserve, and no - poii-aI aj.fratioui tf graitify, we shrill, whenevk er we feel c;iplel upon to do so, ppeak tur houest bserve, and no .(nViments iiTrenrd to the great public rue-ftures . jiBflectini; thctintwsts of jourpvoplej unwarped Ijby . partizan 4Tui orpersjonal aniinosi y. .- ; : i IVrbns in the Vity desiring to .eublscribe for ithe KAi.i..nfii:coni) will please call at; our office V, .f.iri.tlie;iflb Rtyister building near, the Cc nrt-IIou.e - ; iin d opp h tHl i e. Yarboro ugh Hotel jtOjgive us their ziamedt. ; i ' ... i - . . 1 ' -. TERMfe Cm THE jREpORD Jai!yO n orijh.s.v " .1 jroit!i, . $5 00 . 1 00 Oakh iii advance. Ten rOT. f.fc six months or tweutv comes inre - i . it., i lon) as to one post other address, f-is.oo ftnti.'orti-c'opi extra to the . Twenty couies b'ix month's getter'up of the club. ."$80.00; i.nd one .cojjy extra to tl e 'getter u cjf tlie club iADVEUTlSING. One'ineh llengthwke the colutrn wi 1 court a ftguaie, no nUtter wh'tt'sie tyj-emay be used One S(iifri one day,.. $1 oo ; Two.. Iays, , . . . Tl.. 'ILmJo . . 1 75 . . 2 50 3 00 .. 4 00 those ad four Dayi, .'. . . . ...... Due Week! . . . . . . . X liberal lleduetion wil be tnadetO Tcrtfalng by tho month eirj tru? y ear. . special notices. .necial Notices will b3 inserted undp the Spe- Cial OllCe. lit '8(1, 11I1U VI1 yoi'Vl-. P vuaijjtju for .every insertion.; . '' J FUNK 11 A L NOTICE MARRIA QES, Jte. ' xVill be ciarged same as advertisements, and -'must be .paid! for when handed in, or thiy will not appear, ' '.. . . ' ;':, .t- The above rates will b' Adhered to ;ri aU cases, and as we hav.e to pay ca.i for evervthingr in our business, wei rmtrtt demand cash. i'H J. Di. HllFIIAil, N. B. COBB. .-I' Raleigh, N. Ct, June Jut, 1865. SATUR DAY, JUXE 2 4; 18 6 5 ArPOINTIENT OF MAGISTRATES - AND MAYORS. ...Gov. Hdlden h as ' appointed Justices 9f the leace in the following counties, viz: -rl .' ' ' "t- ; "T' ' -'i -' ji Alamance, Beaufort, j Bertip, .Pamden, Caswell, Chowan, Chatham, iFranklrnJi:Gran- ville,1 Guilford, Halifax, Hyde, Iredell, Jbhn- 'Hton, Lincoln, Lenoir, Nashj New Hanover, rJorthamp'pn, Orange, 1 Pacquolank, ' Pjtt, I qLiimaq, Ipwap, liockmffham, Ruther ford, Sampson, W; jyne, VV ake and W ilaon. 'K; This ciivil magt i.btracy," says the. Stan- cktrttr wmch PDeaks by authority, will con sfinile the foundation atone of the !Work of i ' i J. K - reconstruction.' A soon as the Justices are qaalified in the yariousj dounties. they may d 'constitute & Court, uncler the proclamation cfrtHe.Goverpor of June 12th, 165. Ia due time Kuralling Boards will be appointed in tho varijua Counties ;from:. the body! of . , Justices, whose duty it will be to admini3 : ,ter tho amnesty oath to such as mav'be eri y filled tp talke it', carefully, excluding! the disr, . AG) hi and tno&e mentioned in the fourteen cias&ea of the President's amnesty ' projla : mat-ion-, unlless special- pardons .shall be ex- y . hibfel frobi the President by the latter, This will tjift the cfiaff from the whsat and J J putit in the jpweif of . the . loyalmen alqne -to recoustriuct tie government. Only, the r real friends f. the Union will be chosen to ' r.esioitj th Union. "Thebb Boards j will not the respective Courthouse?, but f art a ; of the counties, slo ; as to t.Tiiy s:t at in. arious., give ib ? 11 Ji' . n'; ts"A Is O ot C W the loyal pHop'e an opportunity ' (ath unci t?. us b come voters votje or be a candidate fyr office vlo hH iipr ad these Karo'ling! Boards d a' cernficHte oM ylt v. eGoi hao appointed Mayors and 1 Cauiu;isi.iQnfcrs as follows': OXFORD. l.v .Mayor,. Russell II Kinersburv.-' (bommis- C. TL.r, W H. Hicka, T ; T. ' G.a;.dy anj id J. G. J ne. ,' i I'-f;--;'; ;'.'' . -'; ! i Mayor, J p'n-i C :. AT-rfKr. lin.LSBOROUGn. v-. u. -3i urarcK. uorcmiaioner.0, ii arr-ntmp. L"Vin Larnricheal. J u L Miiuel Jjvnch, Jc.s. R tse. D -C.Pailf ard GeOr L iws: B. S. Johih.-l.n. . Commissi oner?, C. 11 udersorr, M R'- B a) jyn. B. H. ei a id J.. M. R chardcon; - " "WAIIlGTOX. . m - L JLj.e?s- L. K.b.jjwn Furrow." sai'ah Ji iPH.-s. - Cnn mid siope r?, wlf, John S Hdw k? '1 George .Thomas D. Sin aw "and William WILSOXiJ' . - '''' ' M ,vcr, G-.crc? If T1 i. : r G Jul din, Ki vv. . Jving - and v?s:X v v ' ?': ilavor, filciiif rs. J. L0U1SBCEG Wiihsiii II. Pleasant? Qomrnia- Mne.-r .l- uller, J; G Dnti E. R. Seail and Thomas, K. Thomas. 1 m. , i GKEENSBjDHOCGH. Mayor, j W.;vLj Scott. Cramisjsioner iJr Anarew -u JJaia en , v . U. if orter. D t . ... r- - - 1 -t ii -r-t -y . . -m-. i . j 1) W. C. Buibo-A-, A. B. Echel , Lyidbr, ; cwaim anoj uen. Juo xi-at. ;. ' : . f V' i 'V KKW BEBXE. Mayor, James T. Hough. C()mmission s( W. l. Vestal, T. B. James, E D.1 Jones, 1)r iJnhn M. D.ivia and .Turrwa T Oq .....,! THE DAILY CLE3IENCY. "W aTe among those who sincerely re- jolce-at the implied,, if i not express pardon of the members of the Cnvfntion which Ue cl red t hte out of the Union, by the ap; pc intment of two ofit- membera to. pi ices of the-highest tnist." Of 'course - we allude to the present GrWeraor of pTorh Carolina, ar 4 tp the Judge of. our District Court. Tney could not, as we thiutc, have een so pr pointed except under such impl ed par dc n. j With' these appointments,, under circumstances, we find no fault. J Gov. Hol-d-a is as Will informed of the want3 and i rerests of he State, a .any man in ir, ai d as he assures! us in his Proclamation that he" enters on the. discharge .of his duties '' with charity foil all arid jwithj malice. to wards none " he ias it m ht3 power. to do much good to the S.ate that has been our lie has many friend? in we ; think that: the bitter ccramon mother. the family ,ad ness feltby fcome of the, . bi ethren is gradu- allytoning ,uown into acqaiescenee,- at least, by the feeling, as r ear , catholic fas may be, with which he seems to be' 'discharging his . i I . ' , . : i. . i :. arJuou3 and very! complicated duties.' . , ; 11 As to Judge Dick', our hopes ere san rrmn We have always understood him to e an accomplished scKalar aifj a k'md-hear- fftd Gentleman. "With such a- man in the Judicial chair,-iwe have assurance that pirn lahmenf, when necessary, will be 'tempered with mercy. ; He will remember that we are all: sinners,' and it will rejoice hi3 - j ud icial heart to sav in', concluding ihis sehtence-- " Go and sin no more." ; - J j Tint whifc we I desire to -say.- is that the pardon of ihis very' potent class of offenders who by solemit'ordinanje'ldis'solved the con- j nexion ot tneiOtate iwnn ine oiu govern mdnt, and thereby created the necessity formirit a new one, mu3t; logically lei ty for lead to leniency towards tosC who only followed in the wake' pi those -who J perpetraLd seces sion. Sliduld those be verv severely pun ished who so became members of the quasi state government utidex a necessity ro cre ated ? Should war be declared to the knife on those who aided to form and conduct a new Cohfederacyj when : such confederation after the secession so declared, - became an obvious necessity ? Should those unfortu- nkte men C:f means who sympathised rather too actively n' the means bf establishing an independence, which the Conventw "om" posed of, such members declared, be doom ed to lose their ' last dollar ?' 'Ought those who had high office in the army, which these Conventions raised, be doomed to the igno minious death ot traitors: when the members of the Conventions themselves a.re gracious ly pardoned ? We hope for better things for our erring brethren and ident will continue the good that the Pres and christian work of pardon,.u'ntil we ! may all become good' citizens again, and loyal to that flag which i.nr our souls we once honored, and which will b?come endeared to us again, by nothing so much as a noble magnanimity and logical cdnsisjency ih jthe issue of par dons by our native born President. ,! i; . We' are gratified to learn that thezpres sions of President f jhnson towards the Sjutb, have been latterly very kindr Her probably sees jthat we; have all aihiied alike;" and, that those 'who practice many genuflex iorls before .him now, and' profess the great ett liorror of the act of ? secession,1 were not in jlSGl-much. better than 1-heir neighbors. He probably sees that he cainot punish a?Z who- have ofTrndd, and have any. North Carolina at all, withou the aid of the Afri can vote. If all are' excluded from suffi-age who sympathised with the rebellion, at least in jlSGl-2, we solemnty believe, that a State Convention cannot be formed. - A State government' cannot be made, But though ?uch is unfortunately f truthful historywe. tire now united again tn our Constitution and the Uaipn Sites'. .. - ', : n ' ;U '1 - lojfalty jto the of the United A writer m the Standard recom mends Tod R.-Caldweir for President of the Western Js'orth Carolina .Rail Road Com pany.' An election - to . fill- 'this office, 'he says, will sboh becom0 .neces$aryJ : : ! ! WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. j We ar- pleased to learn, that the exercises of this time-honored,, institutioh, ;which were e uspe'nded by -the operation of the Confede rate conscription law, are soon to be resumed Br reference to bur advertislngxolulnni it. will be seen that th3 college will be. re cp&u- d for the reception of stndtaonthe 21sof July -ptxt, and, that proyisfoa ha's ? lo been raie for' the et abfishment cf an Academic Dc-partment in tioa. comiestion with th,e insti'tu- AVBRIEF ORATOR. r. Of Monsiecr.xV-, forraerly. a member of the'Constitucnt Assembly1, the follbwino- is ' related.'. ( He ascended the. tribune but once! ';kCieutleineny ' ?aid lie; " mart JLC-an animal ! t v . awed by' the impos:ng aspect of the assembly, he stopped short A member exclaimed, "I move that ithe. speech - Le printed, with the portrait oi' tiie orator nr. fixed," RE C O RD Si A NOXSEVSICAL ROCEEDIG.,, '(Th6 indictment found agaii.st Lee, by the; grand jury cf Ear era Virginia, -is a rmeti I nonsensical proceedifg, says iae W&fhington correspondent of ihi Philadel phia fiedger. j ; ; . r . - ' The bid could not be is ued.on tie au- n?ff of tie court which has brbaguV in .th indictment. ; Nor can the grand jury set thus fbr the !ate; fat Lee kaa not commit ted tHa3on agt'uit it. He took up arms in obedience to,a ca'l of the S:ate, in her de- ffinee nd how then can he be lT.t icted for treason against the State ? S silly ia the actioh.cf; the grand jury, that' I ;fi2d eV3ry one is labeling at it." . - " r" Ia a short space, her, thts correrpondent uUers a number of important truths, in d.e firtit placeithr p;6ceedrag3 oftthe grani . !: r, n 4t . : . t ... i r.. jury ar pronounciu nonHeusicaji, auu i.r a variety ct weighty reasons. ine nonQr of Giverntneat is involved in a noa-moles tation of . Gen. L'-e, who,, as a paroled pris oner of war, is; enjoying its. protecuon. Neither can the proceedings of the curt that brought in the .iodictment be ricogniz- ed or authorized by the only auttionty to which properly' belongs the exercise of pro scrip ive action toward Gen, Lee- the gov ernment of the United States. . Again, in taking no the'eword, the- Conrede;rat3 Carl- t-.in followed th1? fortun .s and .behest of h;? S aejand pros cu el the war.in iher iuter ebt and hnce'no jury of Virgiriia, suppo;' sititiouely actiV;g in the vindication of her broken laws,:can reasonably indict him for "treason" agafnst the, sovereign Jauh'jrifcy that called him to arm3.S It i, therefore, not at all surprisugi that, as the correspon dent remarks, .'' every one is laughing" at the incpMsisteut, and. not to say malignant, display of irregular authoritv indulged in bj the-gran 3 iurV. of Eastern .Virginia. - Whilst, however, this action may afford fittibcr fo-td for lauffhter, it would be prope to bear in mmd that the official joke recently perpetrated may end in a serious and practi cal viotion of the contract of Surrender entered into between Generals Grant and Lee. Whilst everybody would be enjoying the -jest, and making light, of the Norfolk jury, Ithe delay on the part ofUovernrqent, r.o stamp , tne seal : oi aisapprooauou. upon the " nou5?n3:cal proceeding that nas pro sribed Gen. Lee and . others, may result in the srieedv arrest and incarceration ojf those indicted : and we scarcely think that so pal pable! a sacrifice of ' governmentjil honor would be tamely submitted to by tne united States Government. .:-, .- We would respectfully suggest, ia view of this eventually, that, in order to obviate tho necessity of a future undoing of the work of the Norfolk j iry, Government take time by , the forelock, and, by throwing the aeig of its protection over the menaced pa roled fe"'0- iy rf toc itself the ultimate 3ion m the) case of General Lee, so preserve from Responsi ble persecution those whq, in pledging their honor to the observance of a certain line of action,1 'and in faithfully abiding by their pledgees, have become entitled to at least a decent! acknowledgment of theirj course since- tjhit event .that threw them iapoir the generosity and clemency of the conqueror. Rich. Bulletin THE . An REBEL EXCHANGE BU REAU. investigation is in" progress respecting the charges made against Colonel, Robert Ould,' Captain Hatch and Captain j M( ffa of the Exchange Bureau It ia alleged that larse sums of monev sent to nrisbners in 1 the South passed int6 the haads of these parties; and have not been accounted for. The investigation is . private'; but it Is 'said that thus far not the slightest proof has been adduced tending to implicate them., j When Quid apd "Hatch were captured they i applied to General Grant for 'permission to visit Richmond for the purpose of settling their affairs with General Mu'fjrd. The request was granted, and they turned over to Gen. Mulford twenty-seven .'thousand cloUars. This tbjejrj claim is all the money they have received unaccounted ' for. When mone y was sent to prisoners hy letter Jt was cus tomaryj for General Mulford to take a re ceipt from either Ould or Hach for the amount. These receipts have all been sent to the Parties "sending ,the money, "and no duplicates retained ; so , if they are evef so guilt there seems to be no proof of th tact. They are confined in" Lubby Prison, and ho allowed to communicate at 'all with thVj6uside..wi'v There .are no other Sjuthefn peopleoh fined in Libby ki ptes- eht. iticA.. ''Hepublie.- ! . - '- : '. U : ' -i, JC03IMON SENSE. ' - j". '. Ccm non sense! is nothing more than that which appear tol be 'rational,! whether it " be so or ndt ' It is. the general opinion which it i3 jthel perogatiye of reason to correct when it is enormous or savage. We grant also that there is no necessary connexion he tweep reason and common sense .;- fpr com-in-3U sets V when best f xotaind, iboin- no other; than com rnon opinion. "will saniistimes be true! and sometimes be lse, although if can never appear absurd to the community under the ititi lence 01 the maxims. -(7o7an'5 i . j' . :.:, Fatal Affray. vf, Ou Sunday ngit a person who was sup poafid tjv be' a soldier, although having' noth ing on pirn to indicate that fa-t, endeavored to enier a house on Second streei,: ab'c-W Leigh, iud wh'le doing so he was fired upon hv a isilditr ac'iiner&s euard to the nrprn U.. 'i '! ... ;. I.V.; i - V poa i xmin:ftion the man .'was found- io' hafe died insuntly.. The bill having' struck him in the body aiid passing completely fhrousli. Ft-jni the -.obscure manner in. whici tiie ne v73 W33, obtained: we are not enabled to fully devclcpe the fct3.V Tie dead body was carried away bj smo-of his fricndr.r Richmond EtiUeiin. - . ; V 1'otaries Ptiolic. Geor 6 - -"jij;., vi uiwiii,- uic , i '.-V . . . A..ani fAf have been araoi: Govenibr of Y a. horityof the Gen ral. Government, f r the Utter is pVdg-d not to ,uiolrst Lee ; while further,. it does not recognize the prweed . "JTJ T TJRTC A Y NEWS. Pro vise bn$i' Govenior Appointed fofi 0)rgia and Texas-' The Gefigr of Oa. !a Native of H. C. EARL-kWsmoyEDZIGERENT RIGHTS. ':;:'7;:':jp5C.?V;;fe G Jverr for Texas and Georgia. The Jj'ieside.nr. nas appoiaea inarew o, H imiltfthi4f fexas. to be Provisional Gov rno? bbatiiie, arid aho James Johnson, of Geflrgti 1 Jbe Provtaonal Governor , of GorgiajM5h form of fttra proclamation is oreciselriniifi to those heretofore appoint; iag Povoeftx-Jverri ors far North Caro bi d tbe'pe; Tdey nre';- to ; exercise tne pu v t;i3 i loyal pe ennstitu 6rnmeritdi &"pre8entfsuch a repuolican form' of ttigbvernnjent! as wiil entitle the atlb tQ'ithe guarantee of 'the United rS atf a freoll ialnd its people to protection by the TlniceE ? States againpt'in8urrection nvasion. no ijee, sc. OtlieJ Plvtsioisnt Governors. ; ; tkif - i:-ti-t . - . S ...;' - .i -' Pravli&naiyjrovernork for Florida. Ala;- bama an4S6ii Carolina remain .to be, and will oonij-le' anointed, under ;taej same gen ecal prin pie wki ithe other lately .rebellious States hahe thus been supplied, i . Tlieri-iional GoveriioiLof .": : .: I S : M " 3, 1 if m : - Jamesj oh;istonr who has been appointed provision' j (ijvernor ; bf Georgia by the PresidehMs4!resident of Columbus in that State1, nnws;fbrmerlyj Democratic ;mem ber orCJMgrfs .From T85lt6 153, at the timd at;!: President Johnston was in the Hyu8 G"5.v., Johnson ' is indorsed by the; most liale Union men; in Georgia as wue wno -iiiievr uwtjrveu. lroui me iauu, jauu who'hai orri,many pbrsecutions because of his Uffion sentiments. The eight Union, men of fhe Georgia delegation are- "per fectly 'stfje;j(.jwith the .selections. vGov. Jobnston-aiativ6 of North Ca'rolina,: but .Aii i4.tw. t-:jJ ;' --Pi .- ' -"' ' ' ' f -4 : " ; ' ' ' '' TliMJergia. Appointiiieats. . The fgnai? ing appointments for Geor gia willbv miile early this week. The fol lowing itle en will probably: be selected: John ETsjf ne;of Atlanta, for United States District ildgfe Av W, Stone, . of Savannah, for Unite?;! States District-Attornev : E.' L. Dunnig; J. RidieiV of Savannah, for United Btes -.Marshal. 1 KARL RrELtPI XETTE1B TOj THE LORDS OF fnE ADMlRALT.r. ' ' - K ofei the London Gazette. ors?ign Office, June 2, 1865. -r U i1 v . , , : . My LrI have he honor: to state to! your Lortllhif thai since the date of letter of the i$h hit., intelligence has reach ed this crtly tSat the late- President of the socald p3onfederate States has been captured military; forces of the Unitexj States, aii th been transported as a pris oner to ifTt -i'g j( on r p e, and the armies hith erto keptlfi field jby the Confederate States' halWcl the most part; surrendered '",' ;In thisoVure of affairs Her Maj esty's Goyernrnt fe of'opiniori, that neutral jia fions cahlt Sti consicier the civil War in" I North A"rMripr.fas- at an endj v . , iu connuy wim xpis opinion, net Majesty'sfcbtnmenk. recognize that peace has been-Mfled within the whole territory of which le TJnited States of North Amer ica before,Jjtli?yfcoinmehcement of the civil war wereMdisturbed posssion. As a riiecst&Ty .consequence of such re-' cognmonin yrjerpart ot HerjMajestyTs Gov ernm.entiaerIaiesty's1 several authorities in all ijottO. Ihiiibors and wafers 1i.mmnrr to j Her pyy, whether in the United Kingdom grv)eyono! the seas, must hence ioi'l rfipirnissipn jto any' vessel of war carryirfg'.'Mnfeie.rate;. . fiag' ta';; enter any such porfM lsrbQil ; and waters land must leuuiiu,. mo; 3a uuitjetate vessels OI war wlncn, ateime wnen these orders reach Her .MajMyll 'authorities in .such ports, harbbrs aijwter3 may have alreaily entered therein prMifaith of proclamations hereto - ing , compepwath the: proyisiphs gf such pun.-! liitiyt V harfc0jand waters, forthwith to de- part-trOmhev ..m ; ; , !But:Iliiesty's Goverhment consider that ufinifeard for national good faith and hpnoiires fhat Her: Majesty's aii- thoVitiesVippd ..be : ikructiS,dfa3 regards any Confere; vessels; so departing, that in any shoif)rts, harbors and waters, and tliot cncli TwJ vU.itw... cl l 1 l.U l. i e i n -any po t ce tM revere paid S a'les "to their Et&alSHationtb the LPederal G v. or waters of Her Majes- are receiveM,hsr Her i or mir VriSr f noYi nor LU U. or may eirguch portbor ;pr waters, within fixmm after these c new brders nrn i r--: . : MJii s. i. . . .. r. in which prised th tection W&i S'. T -! Ho Was Jeff D.vis' slave over tweD: ty s domirltBnfe th lira ? these new orders T rr. a j kWCU, '' yc-t' it r ' . ; . . r3,ty years, and served him as carpenter and are receives llv Her 'Mat est v r t.n;. -i J v. - -. v . 4 ; . . . n? . r-"11, auu 5S' m plii -i . . . 1 ::-1) tBori5leyM'l cp&miciacr of suciij . J . Plentr OI Caudidalesi' : .i ' iffiiifl"''' ST- v FT1 . ' A U'- i-uat,, iu ice KIPB lie .11UU11I 1B iiisrinPTix- Btl. A I. - A. .1 "SH vuv uv iurner pro- the Cunfedmn .V '. . V ' IT f " . J , -f ! " ".. . . . aivsty s...., government.' 'sons except sucmaajie-may;.be- entitled: to in . th-;.ci - j -imp -s. f . ..! "M;n.m.JU uj uw in imiSJi'aieMi'e S , y t i" ""ficdyr. . .. f I such veaselw . j j ; N'E : 2 '4 7 18 6 I have addre sed a similar -letter to the' SeerMaries of State for the Home, Colonial, India, and War offices, ! and also to, the Lords " .Commissioners of" Her Majesty's Treasury requesting thchi, as I do your Lordships, to issuo instructions in conform ity with the uccisron of IJer Maj esty's Gov ern.raent to tlie several British authorites at home on abroad who may be called upon to act in the matter. - arajtc , v :.. , ' 1 ' RUSSELL.. ' f Note. A similar letter was addressed to the Secretaries of ; State for tJie florae, Colonial, War,-and India Departments, anjd to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majes ty's. Treasury. ,'"' v-'V ..';"'' , ' ' ' From Hew YorKi : The; arrivals of immigrants at New York, last week, numbered 7,44-4 ; being the larj eest total of any week, thus far this season. The arrivals' moreover, are steadily int-j creash g from week to week. '.: On' Saturday, evening Fredrick . Foster, i a deaf mute was drowned while ba'hing ip the' Hudson; off One Hundred and Sixtyj third-street. - The body has not been rej covered. ' , . j : Tne contract with Messrs. Brown, Dej voe and Knipp, for cleaning the streets o this city for ten years, was signed and sealj- ed on Saturday. The work will commence on the 1st of July. ' x 'v':V' .''. . Cotton to .the amount of 6,879 bales, was received at this port last"; week. ' - Ine customs revenue: of the p.ort las! week amounted to $3,103,603. Special Dispatches to tlu" New YorkTimes. Washington, Sunday June 18. Reopenitiz Soutberii Post Routes Postmaster-General Donnison h"?s ord jr-' ed the post-office at Winchester and Dan -villa, Va., to be reopenedl r George . Wl Taylor is appointed Postmaster at the torm er place, and J. B. Lowry at the latter. -The offices at SmyrnapFountain Hill, Car, thage and Bristol, Tenn., are hUo ordere ji to be reopened, and Postmasters have, been appointed. '! Tlie Norfolk Treason Xndictuientl Judge .Underwood is 'still in Washington but there is, as yet no defin'te conclusion -a to what 8ha'l be done with the : fifty indictt menta for, treason found in hja court', against Gen. Lee, Ex Govs; Smith and Letcher anc other prominent participants in the late, re: bellion. It is understood that some iofiuen' tial gentlemen here are inclined, instead " o ; frying, them, to faotify theTn of the indict ments, and give them , an opportunity ;: tc leave the country, never to return. . These men surely are little acqnaintec with the character of General Lee, or they have little faith in the pledges of the govi' ernment. Eds. ofthe TtECOBp-.J : . Foreigii Iews. By the arrival of the Sidoh, the Breme and the Hibernia we have six days late news, from ?Eurepe, The Umperor of the French, when at Constahtine, invited five Arab chiefs to dinq witn mm, ana tooir,.ic is announced, tne op th;m thai desired to seJ with him, and took, it is announced, the op Arabs in general become fitted by labor! and education to enter into any positions now filled in Algeria by French subjects. The rnperpr had arrved at Bona,' j The insurrection in Hayti is at an end. President Geffard has issued proclamatinnSt granting a mil amnesty to the insurgents, with the exception of the leaders, : :: ' The Work of Confiscation, v The officers of the Federal Court are now; in this city; preparing business for tQterm which will be held m October next. The policy seems to proceed against the proper ty, "real and persona1,' of all persona included in the. four teen classes who: are denied the benefits of general ananesty by the lat.epfbc lamation. The business of the Officers of the court is to identity the property of all such persons and to collect proof of the par ticipation of it3 owners in the war. 1 As it is the property of such persons which is proceeded against, and notthe.persons them- ool ; know whether their interests are implicated m tne proceedings or not, j h We under8tand"that nearly three hundred different properties are already embraced in these proceedings, " and the , number ii, of ,j course, increasing very .rapidly. m . . i : t r . t : " ... - . xne lenaency or tms stae ot things is, of course.' very Dreiudicial to the husinpsa ! of the ity; which, in many! departments, is ' brought to a standstill. Rich. Republic.: i:; .Another Riot- ': '' :'i'. Another unfortunate disturbance occur- red to day, oh Maryland avenue, the parties jin this instance,: being soldiers of the 21st New ;York Cavalry, and a - West Virginia brigade of cavalry. . Three ; Virginians and Pe citizen were wounded; in the melee; pistols were freely used, and hadfnOt two regiments of the Veteran i Reserve Corns raid ou the cars in which it wa loaded. x I ; . -I . ! who recently arrived nrchaae dry goods, was a I D '.vise named Montxrom. He is 54 years bid arid n iif intoM;;:. "."H,i"' uu ma orotner a plantation of00 acres. The entire 2 000 acrire J 'u-..rt - 7T e ,'u , -ac . T ?re umvawju m couok ;Dv nis ijimer vation durihij the event of the failute of the y scheme, few if any Vei, )f respectability could be1 found in the .t'C : tJj- t C w9 nn pgrgious .error. The ! 'i t" , " i I annbrnf inna frr nffi t. :i:.':i i . t miu a cspowitiiji iae case .in reopect to State Hohrrumd Why. A OTassaeSiiMcU's jlraiikec Propo sition. , It is suggested tl at jif the Rurviving Y roes'of the war are, to have a hurdn d aid sixty acres apiece the 'acres bullT: fc v) , sen1 of the' best 9 Virginia, North .CarolQ. South Card m a; Georgia; Albania, Floilh Mif t'ssippi, Tioiii-iana mdTeap, fn alin''. dned.landsjor ccnfiicled eatatte. - TlIiV the way to give a proper ione to the Sod-I era society pf the next generation; V ' " ' ' ' ":4V'' ' ' ' . . j, ... P'ston 'Until. ' ; At difficiilMy 'ocenned atortr.Us Mhrl,i 1 on -Tuesday hst, between four c0meriiesrpf i cojored troops .and their oiheer, the nen. declaring their intention of not; goinr t. Texas.. They we?e promptly disarm rd v a superior force and -then placed in onJf the transports belonging to the 'Texis (xpe. dition. ''' j ; : 5 - '' . ;i V: 'v " ' Boston, June 14Ther National :C)WV:i Icil of the Gorgreasional Churchk 'coiivui.ei . ': Abouc four hundred qelegv?; were .bWi, ent, and it is expected the number will : b' increased,to six hundred during the session. J The delegates represent e 3 three t Vfcuaaad 1 Orthodox or Trinitarian Churehes; V 1 TIIE "MOBILE : EXPLOSION. A Reiuarkab Id Story. : The repent explosion of the pbwdur ma ezine at Mobile, resulting so disas'rQuslr not only to human life b it, to prop ;rt met with aut-explanation qnite -asimyvtVrica in its tenor the accoant of the Pi ate Parr" away df in;the Bahamis. Tr prn. cious innocent, who , inc ulpafes ihim-eif iu his narraviye is irdof d to be .pitied hut the reasoning mind, wjll be prone ,to . consider the " Confederate Mpjor" referred to, with a drawn sword rherely the spectre of a disordered, find . exalted- imagination. The account below is . furnished by a' man who has-been Arrested in . New Orleans, and ia from the New Ot leans Times:. v The following "is Hhe; charge eifercd against the prisoner : 1 ft t I v t . I o Alrn -k ,11 mII. M .i. J I 1 1 - geaat Angram, cuargeu witn Deing implica ted in. the explosion at Mobile; i and w blithe-blowing up of two steamers.'' - In conversation" with the officers at- the police station being questioned, he told ' tie following story : Oi the nighty before the explosion at Mobile, he helped lay three : torpedoes between two building3 -both sto red with 'gunpowder. These tbree wer laid by ; tjiria, 1 -;. with 'thes assistance pf two otter nen; under the direction of a; Confederate 5dajor, wrio, with' ! a drawn ' 8 word, threatenened the ' men with instant . . 1 I V - I . 1 Till . ..: death on slightest, resistance' After the torpedoes were laid, a shell with a long fuse attached to it was given to him, and he waa told where to place it, at the end of the liner made by the three torpedoes, ' He did as he was bid. Ha ascended a plank: he nut 5'' the end ot the tuse lighted by the Maj ir, the three men hurriedly getting out pf the way. The' next-morning the explosion bc- cured. . , -i ', - X- !, : The above are) theseries of circumstances connected with the! arrest of this man. He gave- the name atlhe?. Confederate Major, which is not recollected. f ; HOTEL: ARRIVALS. J uno 2Jd..'. v . TARBOROrjGH HOUSE. 1 -! " : Granvillfe: W RPenner- ITATifti . v w Viom t. -'.'rwiVt jiu; vj' tit ir. i m . Sloan, D A Jenkins, Garton ; B W Lord, A i Foard "Concord; T Black B A Sellars, Randolrili : Prof H II Smith, 9Ohapel H 11 ; Capt A A Walter., Ina ; K K Jones & Lady, -Mrs R Jones, j Jones co. ; n-3 Ritter & Lady, Petersburg, Md:jA Wriihtr P McKee, Ind Dr J W McKay.iss McKay Sum merville ; M F Windle, Maj W II Foyj NCR R; y BStaresa, ... i '--' V--' ' ; ' FURNISIIED BY B; P. WILLtAMSOX. & CO., Commiuion Merchants. ! , .. :- Beef 12l'8cper.lb. . Bur.R 4050e'per lb. : ' ' Beeswax 2025c per lb. . Baooh 15l8c,ier lb. hoff round. Candles lallow 3 35c per lb.; Adamantiii Chickex8 25(35c per piece-. .Cohn 1 15 1 25. Chee8b 50 cents. - - 'Crackers 25 cents. EfaG.s-sslSo per dozeh. .' . u W Ter bbl ; ' Extra Super-nne-7Xg8 There is ood demand "r Flour. Si Uon Plantation 12Xc per lb. ; JSheet 25c. T ! Lard 16lSc per lb. . ' . v ! ; Meal f 115 125 per bushel. ; . Peas 87 . .00 per bu-heV ' Sorghum 50jg65per gallon. ' - Stjoab 2230c per lh. . .Tallow lu cents. 1 : ; ! Nails I2320c per lb. e liONKT 1525. !-.' I 'i . '.: ' MONEY-market. . , Gold 1 85 I 40. V: '; June. 23d, 1865.. . : , iTuxp ntine Lands Wanted. HEAP TURPENTINE LANDS WANTED.-rV Apply immediately to - . ) - BATTLE, HECK & CO., 4, 5 Jane 2-1, ( 20 tf v li tle:h,'-.:''- WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. " rpnE EXEKCTSE.5. OF TUTS INSTITUTfON LL vvill be renifned on Friday, July 21 wt, l-.3. rnstruction will be given in.alt branches '7 :. Sanght in Male Colleges" .-A -catalogue- of folie iay h obtained on application to any member of - the Faculty, i -. - : - :; j - V; ' . , ; - . .rraoffomems, nave neen made to pto an : I - 'ACAD EM f0 DEPAIfMEXT r ip whichrboys may aeqai'-e a thorptigb' Sitini e. d-; ton- The cour-e in tlil def.ariiaefit -wi'l : efninentty practical.: Pup ls wiir be' epecially . pared for any pursuit in which they may purpoy tt engHge. A. regular course of lectures, lJlntra- - ett on - Botarv. fieolntrv.' . Min-rraGiV. &jJ. Kx" vtuKivc. jiDranes- c-mpri?in-f several inoitjjauu.y , u;neswill be"cces.4.ole to all t.tndiiiis. Tuition per sei -h of 20 vveeks in C 1 "'DftV't; f 20; . - " " ' Ae.deinii ,4 .2, Board per .sessLa (ex.laslve ol' Migidj ' -1 V; o5 j '' KO KXTRAa.' - ". .'. V Bor1 and Taitioa are dne in' advance; but ef- , ftfus will ,b made-' tov irtdrilgo puwen- . id. hfecal . cses. rrovisioiis wm u ieeeivd m pattien l current prices. 'For further particulars address Maj. .TAMES H. FOOTE, V 'June 2 ; Jja, . grevvui , ; i; teawua ample apparatus, yfill, te deiivere.i t If a'nral' Philosophy, Chemistry and Agric-dtunil Onemlstry. . OccHsional leetn res' will al-to fe .".gi-j n :'.-'- LL.-. -'t n1 J L II :- sEK