... .. - ... T .4 4t' A' ui i THE DAILX t CKESgENT JOHN S. HAMPTON. " ' Offioe 3ed Flookiu.umsos, Urquricn at Thomas' Stow;. Fayetteville St?' Onf year in advance, ..,.;, fcaXV Six months V. 1 2.50, Three '"44 ;5v ' ! 4....;.;.. 4ll.25. City subscribers supplied at tei cents a wek 44 :..4. I) Vi.iT;! - ?-'' 4 -;: f "Closer to Me." i. Closer, ray child to me, . V It is a Father's hand V That chastens thee; 4 . 1 1 From every danger free, ; 4 , . , 41 My arms shall gather the ;, Closer toMe. Deepens the pain, and strife, j The anguish sore ? -4 ; , . Wrestling the tired soul '' "With life no more ? , . " : Rest wtiteth here for thee f : Cling, weary one; to me, ta .'. -Closer to Me. . . , Come, with thy treat unrestj . Thy pain untold; 44 Come, with Life's problems Vexed, ; And truth behold I v ,.rj f ; ''! : Come, through ;the golden sea tl . i Of Christ's dear lore for thee, .- ; ' ClosertoMe. J; 4..--4 y -4j The, Corned; r m -r - ; j t7ie Comet. ; . ;M. ' " -rin it. . r i x' rom vne oun. i !?i ':;Tbe reporter -3maiiiedi whether ha f had received any letters about tlie comet" V'i , ; 'About commei'ee, Efdd . the Mayor; jj why, of course I hate dozens of them. 0Vhat about them?" " i Is ! The reporter explaihed that comet, not commerce, was the word used. iomic, Baiar ine Mayor, witu a bewil- J 6d air! t what's comio?" . ii 'sw' A dered air; j "what's comic?' k wuw,..wuii;un irepoiw, ueBpaixing- iiii r-Kja, , saiu . ine Mayor, , "tno comet. ,,m T -V. ;tV-;V ' 'l "Why, Coggia s comet," said the repor- tor. I "You surely must have read some- f htnV a Kn 1 m i-Vrv ft ir 1 nfTffAread the nevBpapers mid the ;17-!bld OD04oftliemV :l i. ."But purely, , jhe reporter urged, , "you muBthftve .hoard about the comet- some- l)pdy must have spoken about it in your IelhW" aid the Mayor, relactanUy? have heard it.poken i AVhat aboul li -llave you received ariletters hboufc askecTihe reporter.' T i, MiTFkm wim t i.ViM quired the rMaor, ( signing his four documents SSii -From the affrighted citizens said-the porter; "from men who," haying heard thatlhere is;a possibillity ' of the cornet- striking the earth wish to obtain from the Chief Magistrate himself itheassurance that mere is no uanger. l , Hhfl havn't received.a. single, letter on theM subject." saVs tlw MaVor i fcindVt vA 1 r witk tfi. it!L ,t ..... ; P'f ..it riOi - saia tne, jaayor, -1 snoumo c Know howl to begin such a calculation." 1 i I !lDd you think.it would strike us V asked therepOTter,' anxiously ? pi : - do, any harm farmed of excwingly Tare, ter.M -f!-ilJ sf 'God Mess me; yW ' don't fell me so, eaidthe Mayor.. '.p . 'Vt. '. 000 miles inleftgtlCj:qM Jit -;TJ T :! You're joking," said the Chief Mfejfe- trate, incredulously. J " . , l f : It approaches the earth ,at the rate of thirty miles a second," added the reporter. 1 1 . He Wlirtplfi necTTt!l thcMaypr. i;i"Jt iJiplaneaVy- sjfici-be repor- , -an stellar," and ito-nucleus is re. markahly bright. Its orbit is parabolic and a bunchy neb?os na,? is observable on the siaa nearest' me sun, , ; ; The most; extraordinary tiling x ever heard pf!" exclaimed the Mayor. 4 ; !"D.oyou. think; jtl-'has' anyifiuenc thiheat . 'asked tnelreDbr?.i WV I enceon i : I don't think it. has," said the Mayor. At leastr I notice that it has been quite Ann fir two or three'da'vs. There was one very hot dayThat. fmight : have been nsJudied Semy: MT es kn interest in it: ' I saw him looking at it nnaai rvir Tha rmoT J A u i Bain nAinrn I Frt;;A,!Anc?iKAnr,4fw -'' i J 1 - quesuc ' T" .'4 4 r . -: y- , !i ' :,. W .1 i i r ..v i.uu. wt.- ' 4u 01 ana OUl tuuuu uiai iv wiuuufauucuiu- is 'i! J . 4V.nl lV.a SWVm. OAA AAA Kmies rer aaY., ana wiu. continue nooui me SSe learestris iiiK i BAVAhtv-tive miies Der secona wmcn ;5,000 tims faster than the motion of an ex- J -press tram. me uuKumis ui iu uiia x uc . . i- -. .- 1 a. a. .a" sume at about 5,000,000 miles at the dis tance of 26,000,000 miles from the head, Ym sure IOn't .knew,. repiiea. the .sion opens n Monday, SepW 'the-Mayor. I wish it would."' I 'think'it vls74 r - . . . j is high timyitdid -added the Chief Magi f0ricatalogue,'r - trate, emphatically ' mlv 2-ltawtd 9 ' 1 " : .- MWell," said the reporter, "it : might, not . JalT 1 uawta , - ; ' ; ' ' brightest star, with tbiee- exceptlona, Hugh Morsos, Jr., Un. pf-yirgmia. The best adTerUsing . medium in the State. . Give me at triatat is ajl l.askwar.- "OABCrAINS 1 4 BARGAINS 4 - :&einthe evening with IL- As Dot d's JPJJ-?Ar ' v -lilsl-ifi- ": :-; ":'-r'-:v'-iii-rt-it i coTnt VaUed Arrtarrj,? -4n brightness! nA.4W. Vexab, Jr.,; PokeepeieOom. i::r-M&::.:$ rant complete satbfaction-r 4 i-h J v - ' ; ! , 1 i:4mbv no means confident that th T)relent College. ; ' ;.. 4 . ,' ! " i - v':!r L -f-:JUi,,a ,iu.,:?eji;.-v4-N:-r' : t. ' "R A"Rft A "TNTSJ Iff ! v 1 will be equally prignt. 4 .h!" r."-,. 4 4 .. ' 4 -.- .vT . .ur 5 11 'i iWi tiia1 rTf ; The motion ot the eartu is i,tbU,OUO miles lune.o-iioju.y' - -t - :?-r;-f - u.4 ' ' OUR PTiTnES.v. ; v;f Hirr? 41 iirjrtrv. r'r4- -.4':Mf :;V:a'"v--: r vheaitihallliaVa wsfched that.lengtk,ihlf , (j'The' TindersIgned'Have for salef at.EVery' bres', yicT .:,k4 -p '-i-;4. :,4 t--44.; 4j i ; ; I .'4, v -the earth were tapos centrally through it, lof price ji 4 ' 4 1 i ' - .v: q -pnaf TisWo. " " T Art'- T thepassage would Occupy about twenty- le:Uq v.a , , : .M.f ,..Dr. E. S. UTO; 4 44f ? :; ;X00ax-I Passinctoriu extreme TJTrro t ; Hr. Hall, Scothtnd NecV.- . - .. . - ,' , edge, as I at first thought possible, would ,.:;ioinf o..pA,yittW , f l.- TnS " " : -not ocenwr more than i four tor six hours. Mctt Vnearr &k as neW rmWrr nf '?r-':5?W 5: " 3Ww5Wf :Rrr L; ! . .1. iV. . tanco of the mpon, r But this will bo sufli- cicntly nerir tb ' 'cause W to appeKr ftfior- mously large,, if it canbeseen "at alL'f which I hop to be able to speak morf de- finitely within a few days. . One thiflg'is itornot-ATeruw. - . -i .L fui.lr,iVf . t i 1 ' . . . . AUe JUlcy peacu; jonjB iuo ieueiuo r7azrite.WeiriUfmrvsacknowledze 1 lno received from Mr. Buie. Son'tatTokav ! Vipeyarc, bomo ueauvuu --vvacnvB, hXofitS wSi ioTa. homiBCh 1 nSt less than 4,000,000 miles, which would typel'itogelherwith- Leads, Rules, Chies; ' il?16' J" -ii? a iery superio m:' be a distance trom tae, eageoi me iau oi &&c.J- everything ready, for a-newspaper S f ; f l M'att trrwrN i-i -i rf.:i-vto 1 filrfs i ' -rW' 1.500.000 miles, which is six times the dis- Uit36: With or without Prefis.- Xr,hliu L Ro rvf fh Pi-arTWL f ! : t., AKINDS OF . , ; - ' HrVT-Vr. Vi"t f i; & ' I if i V : t.. -y ai m it - J U-j " ' " - KALEIGII RETAIL FHICE3. B. F. CI1EATIIA3I & BKO., irhlesale and retail dealers, in GROjO KIi jECapd iDJIJJ G 0 QpS, ! NOT1 ONS, HOSIERY, tBwtsShoesand JIABDWAEE, TIN & WQODE WAIIE, Leather, Tobaceo and ; General Her '; " cliandisc, C' - No.;l Exchange Place, I Highest price paid for cotton and conn try produce. -: -.. ? r 'cousrntV '"pftoDt'CBi ' ' .". t"-. APFLES,. Green, ' 2 50a3 00 : ' Dried,- ' alO : BUTTER, Best country, 30a40 Goshen , ' 40a45 - ,iiMmvn'iV-V':4:nl7i .rTirtra EGGS. 35 '20825 FLOUir C. Family. ' ; ' ' f 9 50 ' Extra, 1 ' 9 00 FODDER, Per 100 lha. " ' -150 HAY, Per 100 ls.,- - - 1 25at 40 'CORKT 1 vM - m J w: I 00a 1 20 MEAT : i f 1 oa POTATOES, Sweet, : 5a85 ; u -t-jw - i : : o aa UAT8, J5aiIed fer 100 lbs.. 1 60 fix grocertks. BACON, Rib Bulk Side, 11 . a R. " A , 12 I " Smolcad 4 v 11 It i 1 i -- Best Sugar-eured Hams COFFEE, Oldgovernment, v i - fe'Laguira,- ;' f t ps'ft . Good ' f?lKNlinU cut? f S'fi vW- WoSr' -- " JIWR mapsco, V a. family, 10 18 '35 ' ? 0 SO 27 13 50 8 00 11 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 T ioowrSff " , , - ? ?2 HSSl - IS U ? . 5 .V ; : ";..' Ji r, .x,;.:, ,?,.!111-J i . fS, Six?! c, ? - Jf rfS i,, i " 12 " i . r T ' f t?m tim ' YR UP, BbL, CYell6w,- v iv -:-K. ' - !iii:r TIM ; ' ' ' S9t - ausaya -i --r-n j- 1 ' - F. P. HOBGOOD, A.M. Principal s A; F REDD A.M t, Assistant. f ' FRED. AGTHE,' Music Department. v!'- 7ip:!; Ti7 v i iji; i!-'?4i i ("'.u'! - 4 A, Boarding ailll Day ScllOOl -n-w 14 1 v-;.4-iu,-vir:- :. , 4i.K'iii" ;4'irrr, s4'!- y 01TJ NrG L A DI E S , ,..,. .MVn.-i;-j.a: v.U-i. ef-vri.. t- :i ''.Vxr'Tr'TT ''".ist' '-"'-L .-f -r-t " ' 'iflft-'1 1 ' - jy wis vj:ui: .,.-45 --r r.;.- g commences .on WED- 1 f r .,r otxr cat nm n. tinhoutmi8Sl6n to middle of jfMnti-vnr J.ritIi.,?; wTMON 5 ;.Ivt rr v-p -w nJlTl0 in BiMp RAlio-inn. i Rdncation. iun xivuoioi. tu vi j. - i . ' , TTORNER AND GRAVES ' SCHOOL; i AND GRAVES-' ;- '.: f ' : . 1- ' . -HlLLSBORO', 'N. C. ' -XI :t 1 1 ' , ; . , 1 J-'' ' -h it' T 1 TT11.1.8BOK6'. -N. C. n? -4 J f ir t-M 4vj:m ! .: A f 'mootin! mariwmiiiir.i. oc cuuwiiuu MURilrye :-! .::TBJSe8sonbe1rB8the 2nd Monday ih - hi rTrtHiW Jr!ilninc fnel;: wash t Ajuai ii a lava a avvu inffr liffhtsnd famished rooms 1157.50 Per session oi w?uj ;V .,..444. ; ? r4i :r Tavojis,. I - . r, "'4- i tur-Af.'z -' J f ;: :,i ,. AW. JUL "VJ , - v 1 .i . - IJJ ' I ;4 - UK ; f J (trvw 'TnrtVAeV.:' SfcoT-i isi i 1 owm.. over AuoKers- oeoxc ,1 " i. ;;u?-eatv. i.- i.ffln.m 1 - j - '""in" .A. I . . - . . W. J tion should be ithade at' once.'. AddresaCT EDWARDS, BROUGHTON & CO., .t 4T JilPrinter 4 4 ' . '4 " r.-- - Printers and Binders, Raleigh N. ,44. , j NWe are' now sellinff this lustlv celebrated i i .. :-. .... - . vwr ot i.iy rav. x hav; - Beat 'Collar fcsed.u No more ealled or sore shoulders on Hones or Mules Call vwfiy, , i" : rrvT i - r ; . ,-..-, . i 1 - ; iiaieurn. ix. c 1 - h ; : - m i5v reason 01 tno aoceaso 01 our junior RALEIGH, ;N: C ; FRIO ! WlTST lo. is. Job Work. IDWARDS, BROUGHTOir & CO. , BOOK V1NX TOJfc5 i i a ' ...t pnniTtna, B b o k -Binders, Blauk Book Mantifacturers 53 FAYETTEYlIXr: ST. 5bi FLOOR ppppsrrjBiLis Good Work, Good Material and Fair: Prices.- Satisfaction Gcauaxteed. Orders from the Country will , receive prompt attention. s LEGAL BLANKS Superior Court Clerks, i Register of Deeds, Sherifls Magistrate Record Books roB CLERKS AND REGISTERS. ledgers and - - - r : if. as can bought an y i -tv where. EDWARDS, BROUGHTON A CO., Raleigh, N. C. .!: ' ";;" T5tVkiiQl Ponnrrlpr DlUUUdl ICUUiUOl. , j- .-. . Established 1832. ". " : . ... . .4 : ;: ' ' ' ..;." : 'j . ; " B ail o i g Ix r A. F. REDD, Editor The Orcan of the North Carolina Baptists. 7 ;" .4Hv, w4 ;':-;,., 1 ' a 1 . Tu0ratnr Ao-i-nltnre. anrlGeneral Intelli-1 4 : 1 gence. - . .. Has more than 3,000 wDscxiDers. '-jLxtusn: 1 ! f-.-' 1 i . . sons. Has ajargeircuiion unepor- .."... .HaIa!. 1 I ' " - ; " ... : -: ' a-. -..rtrn. :t- ittmb 10ARHOFuMEDICAL3 North "CaroHha held ita, annual meeting - Charlotte, .May 19. 2Q and 21. The ioilow i-v .vv'!'". "r-'r: :TT-rr?7njzr-..F : ing genUemen presented themselves for' ex- licensed to practice meoicine in ltsTariouai ;J i ir - n ill nrv ri miiiHr. ruiieu' u. - si .-v !-;- v ip . i ii aa. aa. i nm iiiL. 1 : 4 JAS. DUFFY. Ja.iiA jan 2 6-4t. See, Trea.BoardMBd.Ex. O "D EMEMBER THAT THE - .,Eemln6to Ckrtton.,Hc.a J 4 ' t f - ,4;;H - - 54:-"U4'4 4 Ik-' . - - f l--'- .- . s . i ui oesfc maua. i 'OvSQ IGX ATlCa jt&fa ;- I T.H.BIGGS&E0NS - I , , W -"T "ft HOTELS, &c. r' w BliACKNAIJi-' Pro. e all Travelling GenUern KTational hotel, , ; , IT. C. A. E "W H O U Hi. s p ) I : r f l3J5 E?0, well Furnished and Fitted up mieiest 8tJle--JtrC,r. 1 ? ' f ATTENTIVE RYANTS ' I i ". - a I 1 i VTIi Table Daily Supplied with thAhiil SPRING ANILS this and. other Markets' Affisrd, .-v U V:,- ?nr .Miu'fL'KBllOWN; r -"'?! ; r? ' r , -y'Prrietor M U I V Mi M a t t rll II t -. .. 1 4. , , .- '. i :. ! f . . . i f- 11 JiiUTIFULLY nn TOnnntij btrcet, one Sauare South: FasLv from'n'il iiv .l.mUa.Li - pArij j-. me v,apitol and close to Fayetteville Street J n wis ousmees portion of the City.: ; Raleiarli,lV, C. .- 'i r. NEW HOUSE, GOOD ROOMS, V TERMS . r yv'' '""T? - MODERATE. . ; -vh; Servants Polite and Attentive. u The table supplied, with the best n Mttkete afford.', r 5 I r i jj Tij.. . The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. $ . v . R, N. HOWELL, Proprietor. ' , R. P. HOWELL, Business Manager ' : ' r- . , : ,. . .'; rnHB CRESCENT ' A J 0B 0 F F I C E . v V I .7. , ?? : 4 i 1 JfU Ui6 throughout. THE STATE To remember that I HAVE V . u:f."t; At the Shortest Notice ... : ..." . .r-v'. -V--'i. "-:.;'. i,f-. and in the BEST STYLE of th ; Typo graphic Art, aH kinds of ' . v " ; :44; , r ': ,4 JOB rW-ORK. "HWf PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING DONE CHEAPLY AND NEATLY, 7,-..-' ' . , : .. . J U- i -a I We guarantee that the work wo send out will equal any done in the State. ' " " 4 ueuuiug rua, . , ; . s 4 Circulars, - Tickets r UCh fKCt. CU . . - . i ;?M. : -. -44 - ai -irepareflt .-.'T- ,', ' ".-J" P0STEES OF :ASY.! SIZE f0R STTllif "fetefA 'th'sendto'nij-whea vou' wffl have them .. t Drinted ui .the . L-fi..air it ' r. i - " .r . ;r;;. AJiA ryapii5A,DA iLr, . 1 , 4 4 Vrrr i I J . -x;' - . . . j , - , afi; ;i-v 4 1 ...f - ; ;h - .wJi.-.P.?..r-.-u--ti 4:,-m f 'cnnot failito-pleas- i h'.a am ; also prepared: to have .all .kinds BOOK TtTWnTTTn ''r'tWdtanttcii and n n ...... r 5 Be Certaia 0 Gire laATrial W work at LlYt t-d Let Live Prices romaHAHPTor, i - x i - wt. - "SI u u Pricii 5 Cents. DRY OODS, .-.i : b; 't- y ; bald asd ; BToxi .1- 1 1 Mountains Exploded, HABBLE JULL XSD TEHPLE of Tvtxrrr - ti-i'S T I L Lb:" A h I V E :rilt; fa" hew 'with f his: corps of polite aid ex perienced Salesmen offering to the trade and consumers of I , L ,5 f , TT?V nhnfl.M'f-t aaUnsaally Attractive Stock of w . r; ...... tSv ; :&fc mki':A-,s.& "l '-"- recency jpprchied in, New York, and many bfthemt CclAmio'ft'weii.; !: r -. ,r - I Dress Goods; White Good?, -'h'k - lTf5i-tr TTAffXa 1?JKKi, f I take plet&ure in say-jnt js Large axd well. Assorted, arid embraces everything that is new and desirable id the - : , ' DRY- GOODS ! 1 5 , f - , t 1 lineiroia -low ..priced, good to fino fabrtcu i .p4Ladie3.in wint of ,'" , ; ( ? ' " ! DRFKS noons' - ' : 1 ? C -" fH findit to their interest toeall and ex- al stock, before a-purchasing else where, as they are new and wiiVbe sold r.t PANIC PRICES, t.?-- ; My, stock of Peice Goods consisting of Casaimeres Tweed Linen Goods and Cot- tonnades. . was never more complete, manv of them - being ; as cheap or even cheaper than beforejhe war.: ,iMy 8tockof':K:'-f-'"-.,iV;: ' ir ' -,' 1 i i SHOES AND HATS for Ladies, Gents and Misses is large and Well, assorted and persons 'wanting goods, wares or merchandize, should always ex I amine my stock before ' buying, as I in-. I tend to .maka it to their interest to buv.of I me. i . . ! -.. I I'beUere in the motto, "Live and let 1 wspuask CouiMerchant. to AYftminA vnxr I cfrwlr ; fta T will nflpAi ftiAtn special inaucements, ana tninic 1 can save them money' ; apr ;lS-dlwfcw4w i A. CREECH. qiO ALL WHO WISH TO BUY GOODS CHEAP FOR OASH.; tire SLOCK OI tZOOus AS ' - : ' - INSURANCE COM- O i A SiH'iO N L T' , 4 " - f - ucmsisting 01 4 v ., STAPLE AND fANCT DEY GOODS, notions,', ni: 4 - ; , WHITE GOODS.? t v tBOOTSck SHOES, TTATC '. fTYTnTHa! PRINTS, best coods. 10 cento per vard, and all other goods in proportion, Now is the Ume to get the v, 1 c ! y .4Wt )RTH OP 3 YOUR MONEY Come early and do not stop until you get to ..Hr- t'i" !.' Ua: lnlT??r?. (jt Tf X L E x S ; ; IV.: , Pw give Jong credit. ; . ; Respectfully, 1 1 t J, P. GTTTiTiEY & BEO. No goods sold on time, i . ii s I xwneigii, iiiiijr uui, 101 i r r-,-. r - J blSSOLVED. f With' alacw to fi -of ltntiiM'f ii.it. en 44';"5 iX-'w' f ariln Cradles. f -fy'it&P?. f!-' '--J L " Brush Scythes 4 r .4 Lawn Blades, ;; f -.4 i ' I , I , A AA. Ajufcwwo w bvmw. yri-htei 4-diJL'Tiv i-4';4Vv4-;- 4--1 THE DAILY CKESCElSIVi ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 , 1 1. &AX1QI or ADTzxTtsrssc. r , . One &pxir;caM day. . .... ; . .... ... 1.C0 1 t 44 ! f two diya. . . .... .. . ... ... hZO t ; :.tht day.,...;....fc 2.fol four 4aya... ,... 2.u i fivt Jajt..., aoo ; J i. Vi week , , taoath.... . . i J-f'joQ ,r r-j two montha.;.......:.. 15.00 J'- ' tliree monthn ....z.00 PKSURANCE CGHPANJES. TWTORTII CAROLINA STATE -it ml- LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL ijL i , ; . b"" :.; 1200,000 . ( OFFICERS: ? .i-v-a Hon. Kemp P. Batter President F. H. Cameron, Vica PresicVnt, W. IL Hicks, Secretary. 't: ' 'r; r.-i.; Dr. ELD. Haywood, Medical Director; Dr. W I. Royster, Ajw'I Medical Director as- Aiatcnelor, Attorney. O. H. Perry, SapervUing Agent DIRECTORS: Hon; Kcnp p. Battle, Hon. Ted !:. Cald. well, Hon,' John W. Cunnic-ham. CoL T. M.; Holt. .Hod.; WrcV ' A i Smith: D W .4 IWUlsaf.. Cb!...W. SL.. KaumWr.-Sl. Y. McJ, J. 3. JUtdulur, J. C. LlatV,- '',alr i-ia-tV G. Upchurch, J. J. DavisvjalV' ;y;:j S ricATvajEs' and Ai'VAXTt Wii " t ; ; i " It ieifit liaiicalh-' Ilfec I'cmwr y. ' i Its largo capital gunraalfcta slreugta and safety. -- v- -. '- 5 ; ' Its rates arc as low cs those; .f' v&y&r. ( cU.(-cbmpacy. - . ..-; ? -:It ofTeriall desirable form-? of insursiirs Its funds are invested at home and circi s lated ainongour own rt-opU'. ' ; , : No Unnecessary restriciioii3 :irrosetl t: ' on rtsldcnce'or travel- .;. 'i,'.-..; i-.-U. -.a v;-" Pclicks cou-f jrfeitable; after twu jo:iix- j Its. kfficers trKi" direct ccs itrf !M-oh.ii:e:it and well-known North OaroUniftnB,'.vf bosn t expt rience as busin ess men, umi v ho?e wonh f and integrity are alone tufijcieul H guarantees- 01 the Uvmpany's sirenth, soi uiicy aim success. , v - , V 1 AliKO. 11. HILL, Local Agent V- N -4-, Ralei-li. N. U. ') O. H. PERRY, Supervising Ageut. ' ' rEqGood- Agents with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted in every county in the State. mar S-3m R. H. Battw. Je . . r , , C, 3, Root President. 44 Vice President. II O UT H CAR 0 LI II A ,f .... -is .i,..lf,fe i . it,..- ..1 j -.: Home Insurance Co. R A L E I G N. C, A INSURE ALL CLASSES OF INSUtt- t;H4 i 4 ABLE PROPERTYi-. , ti-.M 1! -, .4-.i It Aciost Loss or Damage hyn I r Jfcuuuurw uvtuu iuautubtuu 3 PULASKI CQWPER; Super rtsor .-lit- .' , ': ' f '' - B. H. NTisav PresX ; B. t, Sec. 1 H4K.' RixTsoirfV. 'J. D.McIktMu Sec CASS; ASSETS OVER - - r800,0ov,00 $10,000.00 Deposited with the Treasurer I of North Catrolinar for th nrotection af N. I w A'ouoy-uiuera. . - . iwuca HMtuiu' ao;ucT ur j.l.sui Riibo nut please; -address, v .h :- diAWRENC U 44i 4 .ti ; ? 4 General Agents, 45; I jne i- - ifcaieign,-u. TT-k TriTQTD 1 TinW TO TITT TrWT V A T J Ai ! SOLUTE SECURITY IN TH MISSOUBI j VALLEY LEPE 2 IKSUEAKCB COMPANT ' policies are as secure as our National Cur. rency or Government Bonds 4 The Com panjrA inTestments are madQ at, 12. per cent- interest. Examine carefully our "liegis tered TonUntf investment Policy. 4 ' .'. .xpianaaon ot the : system cneeriauy made.. , , . . . - .? .. ; - I 4;4 J. H. DURLANDMAKAorR" Office 1 under Raleiah ' National IBank, Ralfilch. "N. SemJ fbr t Profrnoctuai ., .Agents Wanted.si.'4i-4i4 :Ji4 4 r. ;' ; may20-tf.. -4 - ;.;v-: ' i'v :'" - T AWRENCE i WINSTON, -4 Ofcneral Iiisnrauce iAg - ! RALEIGH, X C.?; . " ' . -- IT . - r ; Represent the following Compan:c;'yjz Imperial of London. ;v! Hartford of JIaHfVi-l Peoples of lIiila., ''i ; ?hj ) Ulu liomimonof Kiciimond, ftinn n A o n n r. r. joa 16-tf 4- V.rifr4...Jj if4;.4i.4i 74" i: HOUSE AND - LOT FOR SALE OR ,f V ' ,BEOT.-t,.f ,4v, r A beautiful new residence, two 'stery with seven rooms, and well I of cood water 1 la the yard, next block to CoL O. B. Harri- I sen and the Peace Institute. S Apply to 4;- J. c liLEr1 ;-fc9lt-a, , ;:.:'-,,: i.a44,4i ; -1 - 4. IV V?! 4 i' ...St;! W2U 4-rC

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