2 0. Hi THIS DAILY CRESCENT. -; J :i ygE DAILYj DESCENT. f MJi .-nvn ' ' V I llBllN a HAMPTON. 1 ' ( j " 1 . . . . . . .v I uua iugi . . . w . . , l.UU j 50 Oftick 3nn Floob WnxriMiios, UrcntncH and Thomas Store. Fayettetxljje Sri One yeaf in ftdvfrnceX. .It 1. : ; . f. . $5.00. KixmoniLs ' .V! t: 7, . . 2.00. Three T ' I . .vV; t. S 1-25. One , -, 0.50. City subscribers supplied at ten cents a U00 2 V IVAVC "Jilt .i rrn--i Jir.ve'dAyi. .v. .J ;a;f . 2.oo onf week .....! .j 3.50 s-onr mcnth. . 9.00 two months. , i.'. r .15.0o RALEIGH,1 N. C, FRIDAY, MABftflr 27; 1874. 00 00 00 ,4 t , r . rt!2. ..fii months. .Af.25.C j ?f I - , - - cite year: . ?i .:v;;.40.C f M 1 : 1 j V 1 ' . A. . a - . A ' M Mm . I - a 1 f 1 I M. ' A vx I II ip II II II II y , 11. 11 11 1 4: V AlBKiDE'S HUIiRYi I t i ft - i lAioiYia a Wealthy Wjdoweb at FirT Sight - Ixd AiLtKDbscfa Hni Next.Pay.: "a ' :;:( The New York.-Sun publishes this story : j f . ! A few days ago Mr. .J.- H. ."West- i-cott, a wealthy widower oJSaratoga, N. Y., advertised in a New York r ramer for a youncr v lad v ilo.i ike chargo of and bo a oompanion to .liJittlft cnrL., Amqng many aptH- cams was ayoxnig iauy4wuyKuiu iier ; ; name was Kata -Jiunting ; that she i .was attending a boardincr school in f : Princeton,-N, J. ; that, her fatter and mother did not live' happily to gether, and were separated ; that her mother lived in - JJordentown N. J., and that her -father was a broker, and spent his whole tiniQ in . ' New York. &c.. : I 1 Mr. AVcstcot said, she was too rc- -. "kpcctablo a girl to take a menial po- or I were ' younger, I would offer to i j ' make you my wife. To which she i replied, "How do you know I -would liave vou ?" On Mr. Westcot's re- 1 vtirn to the carnage sho said she r iwas satisfied as s to his references, and as to all other . particulars, and that she would marry him. "NVherc : j upon they drove fo the residence of i the Rev. Dr. Greer rector of- tho ;;; ' Church of St. Thnothy, New York, and were married, by her; consent ? iu due form, received their marriage -j ( certificate, and left the presence of the minister as husband and "wife. Tho happy couple then proceeded :.) ' to Saratoga and took rooms at the i . American Hotel. Tho honeymoon, Which had just commenced, was n terrupted the next day, when four . rersons entered the American Hotel 1 in an excited manner. One of them -; was an officer and another was a stranger. . The party, without any . ceremony, proceeded to room' 81, m ; which sat thebnhappy brideffriev- ' i ,Jzt TAclbe sbran Jironlvlier . . ; gt and exclaiming, "Oh, father !" ; rushed into the arms of tke-trahger. 1h interview was' brief. -He said, 3at, do you want to go home ?" ; .'Shorphd, "Oh; -ye!". She also ? saio "On father, this is awful and -; gather replied, "I'm awful, too 1" was immediately carried toJNew yk. The bridegroom Was in total iorance ol the affair until hij law--4 wife had been gone for one' hour. , , Plating "BLtjtt" in ChuechJ A . jrell-known : English - nobleman,, a ' Juke, was in church, when a collec- , table object. The plate' began to cro round, and the duke carefully f took out ,a florin, which he laid oi tuo pew ueiuro iinu. icituv iyi uuus- fer to the plate. Beside him sat b littlo snob,6 who; noticing the'action, imitated it by ostentatiously laying a sovereign.; alongside the ducal florin. This was too much for his jrraco, who pulled out another florin, which ho laid hy the' side of the first. 1 Tho httlo snob : followed suit by laying another, sovereign beside 4; the first. His grace quietly added "i i r a third florin,' which" was capped by X ' i third sovereign on the part of the little snob. , Out camp the fourth to .i ; .bweii iuu uuivu uuiiauoLi, Liien me O. littlo snob triumphantly laid three sovereigns at onco tipoii the board. ) 'l'hc duke, not to bo beaten, pro- Y , daced thi'eo florins. Just .at' this - V .moment the plato " urrired. f The littlo snob took up j-his handful of sovereigns and ostentatiously ratr tied them into .the plate, then .turned defiantly towards his rival as if he would say, "I think that takes the shine out of you." Fancy his cnagnn when the duke,1 with a grim smile, put one florin on tho plate and quietly swept tho remaining six back in his pocket. , 1 His grace chuckles when he tells the story. - "' ' . A A Haz-vedous Lilvp. The.Ensrlisli sporting papers report the. following iooinaroy letp during, a ride with f the Queen's countv hounds. . A wn. Ueman riding in front, j and quite uwo, w-.uiu nounas, roae at a fence, and, though there was a limestoiie 3 quarry outside, rodo - straight ;on. Tho drop, when measured from tnn offence .to bottom t of the quarry,' was luunu io ue loit. bin. " Neither horse tr rider appcai-ed the least shaken, as they still continued the Chase. The quarry was quito visi- I .. 'The first Methodist meeting ever held in Hillsborough. N. C. was.bv tuoiiev. iienry Hardy, in 1821. The . . . T -m-w ' . . . ' 1 lother of Di Ed.' -trudwick and Ir. Bacon were . thor only Church i i f. .. . , . , . , . Evening: Crescent Directory. The frietida'of this paper will find it to their interest to patronize - the following reliable and first-closa firms' : BOOK BINDEBY. , - , . , .. John Armstrong, No. l.i 'FayetteviUe ' " Street, over Enniss' Bookstore. ' " BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac A . " - Alfred Williams, No, 40, - FayetteviUe ! Street - -1 CABBIAGE & BUGGY ilANUFACTBS . t N. S. Harp, Morgan Street, one door '. caktbf Wynne Yancey .& Co'g, Mr" Kan Street. . -n , .. . ,' COMMISSION arERCHANTS. - WillMmwOT UpJrwrti Xhonuis, Fay- 4 etteville Street; e 4 " A " : ; ? CONFECTIONERIES & FANCY GOODS. ; Royster &Bro., Faretteville Street. " j Nat X. Bjtowiu FayetteviU&Street. - M. aiMoseley, FayettevitleStreet. -'; COAL & WOOD dealers: ; ? - "NV. C. iStronach, & CO, office Jn, block southt)f aty Ilall ti 1 1 ' P ; DENTIST. : Mi'M w.-;. Dr. B. F. Arrington, . office over Tuck : i ' tr's store. r -wy D1!Y G0QDS,V - ! ' u Petty & Jones No. 20, Fayettville i Street . J. 'l;;GtUeV"&' Biro.', 1 one door south of B. F. Cheatham & Bro. No. 1, Ex- ' m chance Place, ft i t j ' ' ;" . W. H. k R. S. Tucker fc Co.. Nd. 23 and 7 25 Fatetteville Street B. F. Cheatham fc Bro., JNo. 1, exchange FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANIES. , W. n. Crow, Agent for National,' 32tna v and Manhattan l ire insurance AJom panics.; - North Carolina Home, office one door ' south of Raleiffh National Bank, A, W. Lawrence, Agent foT seVen lead- ' , mg Fire Companies. Omce opposite City Hall. P. F. Pescud & Son, Agents for sereral ; Fire Companies:, Office over Tucker's hiore. FAMILY GROCERS. - Allcott & Co - second ;u Sr north of the Yarboro' House. Mrs." J. N. Buntins. next door 'to "Ex , aminer" office, Fayetieville Street DRUGGISTS. ! Pescud, Lee & Co., 14,' FayetteviUe St FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. ' iMcCallum, "Wyckoflf & Hope, successors to Separk, liicks & Uo. GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCH'TS, R. F. Jones & Co., Wilmington Street, opposite Market Squaro. : HARDWARE. . "'teviuTViTCetr-r- HOTELS. ' - !- Yarborough House, Dr. G. W. Black- nail, Proprietor. Opposite the Court House: iri?i'k. j . : t.-ii tional Hotel, CoL0. S. Brown, Pro. mmediately .north of the Capital. . ; owell House, B. M. Howell, Pro., on i i Blount. Street - ; -: . LtVERY STABLES. i Wvnne, Yancey & Co., Morgan Street JEWELRY, WATCH REPAIRING, Ac John C. Palmer, JNo. o, F ayetteviUe St LIFE INSURANCE COMPAND2S. tna Life, office in Fisher s new build- iiig.-WILCrow,, General Agent 4 North Uarolina' Life, over Citizens Na tional Bank. -; Brooklyn Life, A W . Lawrence, General ,! ;? Agent, FayetteviUe ; Street - opposite City Hall. . ' . ,T. F. Pescud & Son, National Life, office over Tucker's store. .p LAWYERS. V Merrimon, Asjie & Fuller, office in Ral J. eigh National Hank building. ' v I ' Robert T. Gray. Office near Yarbrough ' House. ; MARBLE WORKS. Whitelaw & Crowdcr, corner of Blount and Morgan Streets. '...; PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. . : Wm. Shelburn, FayetteviUe Street, next door to Pescud, Lee & Co's. ..?.- SCHOOLS AND SEMINARIES. . , St Mary's School, ReyAldert Smedes, tl? D.IX:Frincipali;:Hf J in u r- Raleieh l emale beminary, a . a. od- good, President Peace Institute, Rev.. R. Burwell, Prin- i cipal. Lovejoy Academy, J. M. Lbvejoy and J. M. White, Pemcipals. ;t 4 SADDLERY HARNESS, &c i u W. is. Hutcnings & Uo., oppcsite 'lxicker Hall. , . : T EG ISTR ATION. . . ctty: election. Si" f. Books of Registration will be opened at the MAYOlt ri UJJii'iUE, on MONDAY, the 23rd mst. and continue open until sunset on tho 21st of APRIL following, for all vo ters in the City of Raleigh to register their names, preparatory fori an election to be held in Rahegb, on the 4th of May next, for nine Commissioners and a Mayor, r The law - requires the registration to close ten 'days before the election, and all who fail i. it i!- ' mi to register witnin me uma specmea, win not have the privilege of voting. It should be remembered that this is a new registra tion, requiring all voters to register. -i nol6-td fc - ' ' W: WHTTAKER, Mayor "TXTILLLiM SHELBURNS PHOTOGRAPH ;:' 'ri: . - AND . ; FERRE0TYPE ALLERY, fit West side Fayetteville'StrSct ' r. EALEIGH, N. C. noil A v-'i All kinds of Pictures copied, from sum' to life-size, and fiiiishetliiu India Ink, Water colors or oil. ; . , ' The new shadow Photograph and Ferreo. .ttm v made" 'specialty1 at this Gallery. Also",EimmellediPhotx)graphs. Forenoon is the best- time to take childrens s Pic turcs.' J - r: .' . ; . ' r; Nexx Doob to. Pescud, ?. Lee i & Co's Hotela, & Boarding' Houses. A R BOROUGH HOUSE, ii. J? StACKNAIili, Pro. i : Reference made to all Travelling Gentlemen. mar 2-ly . ' ""TATIONAL HOTELS DeitghtfanjSi tuaies'to Capitol Sqar .;C.'i:!;": - '- . "7. J -"v.... - . - 1 , j ' . i . i "' Fine Rooxa3. well Furnished and Fitted tip in the best, style. . .. :. , -. ,, , '; ATTENTrVE SERVANTS. The Table Daily Supplied with ihe. best it this and other Markets Afford. f . .-...t.j,;, ,'" ; ' : . :" : (. ; Proprietor HOWELL; HOUSE. "DEAUTDULLY c Situated on Blount JLf Street, one Square , South East from the Capitol and close to FayetteviUe Street and we busiaess portion of the City. NEW HOUSE, GOOD ROOMS, TERMS Servants Polite and Attentive. The table supplied with the best Markets fford - f.f ': . . ' : The patronage of the publie respectfully 80llClted. i -l . -. I, , I IB. N HOWELL, Proprietory ; V ' k R. P. HOWELL, Business Manager It rs the best made, warranted . . : i ; : very one fully HANDLED, It is made From Solid Cast Steel. '- It '.jfejiiV.o'...:;.! f . It is made especially for this maket . It is the hoe everyboay should use; .in f HOES. f f v ' I Send for Price List and Discounts , , ' T. n. bRIGGS & SON. RTJFFIIV ROLES, ..... --J. -: - f - MANfJFACTURER OF I i , ... . : . ! Plows and all Kinds of Cast- w 4 ' ALSO. ALL OK CABINET TV0RK, Sash Doors and Blinds, ' THREE MILES.: ABOVE CAREY, . ON THE CHATHAM RAILROAD. t ! I i I. am, now: nreoared to make- DOORS SASH and BLINDS, all kinds oi MOULD INGS, Scroll work. Porch Brackets, Piazza Balousters, Ac. Also, all kinds of TURN ING, such as Newell Posts, Stair Banisters. I Cabinet work aod; Plows - aud Castinars. done by experienced workmenAU in best style and at lower figures than can. be had elsewhere l r- ' 5 S u,r. Orders soli ted and promptly filled. ' i . RUFFIN HOLES, i niarlljlm). QtTJBk:- Carey, N- C-: B , I F . A R RI N G TON 4 I i i f 'V I '. - SURGEON DENTIST EiF" OFFICE OVER TUCKER'S STORf ! mar 3-3m C A R D 5o the Caizens of Wake County The undersigned ifapectfully announces himself a candidate for the office of , CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COUT, subject to the enaorscroent of the Republi can County Convention. I am thos early in making this announcement in order that the public may have full and fair opportun ity to scrutinize my past record, and I offer the same as a pledge for rriy future conduct. As JLo my competency to perform the duties of the office, I respectfully refer to the mem bers of the bar, Hon. S. W. Watts and Hon. A W. Tourgee. v Respectfully, mar 17 ALBERT MAGNIN. REMINGTON COTTON '"-';!'''' ' i V Schools Colleges, J&c j S T MARTS SCHOOL RALEIGH." Founded .18421 j Rev. Axdikt Smkdes, D. ' D. : Rector. ; Biv, Bumm-r Sarcncs, A:M. Assistant. ' . Geo. GaOTiEfiQ , Paorof Music s j . -The" ixty-fortli ierm of -this-. school otjened Q&nJ 19t&ubtfi Dunilr are received aV anyJSandr-ben" they entriate-ta; .. . .... . th6 verm are cuargya paiy irom me aio oi Iri accessibility and' healthfulness of aitu- ation. extent of - baildina-s' and srronnds. - t I n is. ;i ' j " i! . : r .'j ". ' merary, Bociaj, j ana rexigioui i aavaniages, and moderation in charges, this school is not surpassed ty, any competitors. .4 ., . For a circular containing full particlars ply to the Kector. 4fr Rk F. JOWES &C0m , Cotton actors ana tjreneral i , v noiesaic ana xtetaii r Wiuosgton Sr., Opposite Market Square, Have ; on - hand and are flaily receiving every article usually wanted in the Grocery and rrovision line, consisting in part of 10 Bags Uoifee, 140 Bushels Peas, ' ' , V SOBbls. Sugar; - ' 1 100Q Xbs. Bulk Meat, , 2 jTierces Hams, , . v ' ..' . : . , 50 Kegs Lard, r t r . , - ;- . . ' ( 10 -Boxes Candles,' ' '.' " ' " ' 'K ' i Casesv Brandy Preaches, 80 Boxes Family Soap, : v. 25 Boxes Lemon and Strawberry Cake3, .25 Boxes Candv "Pure" ' lOO 'Bbls. Flour, Super,. Extra and Family. 59 Sacks North Carolina family' lour, 75 Kegs Nails, assorted, "' .. 200 Bushels Meal, white bolted, ' , 30 Barrels Molasses, .; : . ' , .; 80 Sacks Liverpool Salt ! Together with a full line of ' ;. Buckets, ' " . u--:- l Brooms, y , hr I . . v : I r-1 Measures, . , .-' j ". c " r Crockery and ; t . :i :. f, ' Glass Ware, , J. D.; W. P., and ; - i Musket Caps, 4 ,. I to s . : : Powder, Shot yad-Ll. Oituucu i 111 IT? Cove Oysters, " Country merchants will ! find . our stock full and varied, and .will find it to their ad vantage to give ua & call or send their or ders. '-u-,-;; a ri-'f:V .; . ; : We are , special agents for the famous Thos. Wilson & Co's. None such Crackers and Cakes, put up in cases of 12 boxes each of a variety suite d particularly fpr the retail and family trade; ; J v :K . t Also. for ' the Favorite Family Flour "OVEN BURSTER," the very best brand of Flour sold . inf this market, and sold at lower prices thaa any other, r . xixie one ana two norse tr lows aiways on hand. ' A large 'lot now expected, to gether with points and e tra parts. f,'mar 3-3m iJi f : ! U-,--?i i .v.H;';r;.:-:v-'.i-,;: EACE INSTITUTE. A. 'Boarding and lay: ' A Sclioolfc for Young " RALEIGHv N.C- ' 'i.-' -!- (.;.'" .i . i i '''i.'i'.Wi -iJ . I The. Spring , Term will ' commence on Monday February 2d ,1874.' K "i - 1 The attention of parents and guardians is invited to the following ? advantages of fered by this institution j rrv L nr i A mUd, intermediate salubrious climate, A refined, intelligent, cultivated comma-; nity ! '-J " w. A central position, easily accessible r from all. points. .-ivj.viiv .rrvoifl'iC.Ui .zir: A 'beautiful oak groyef;of , eight acres, half mile from the Capitol square. JyJ ' A' : spacious ! building well " Ventilated, warmed aid lighted. tj S'" -. A large Gymnasium; and an accomplish ed Lady teacher of Calisthenics. v 'f ,. ' i A well selected library, Chemical and Philosophical ' Apparatus, and Cabinet of minerals, i i Oi u 'r ..i , A full corps of : eleven experienced and successful teacners.4 r ?h h-ih - : The Musio Department under the charge of Prof. Baumanu, long and . " favorably known in Georgia, Alabama, and the Caro- inas. The Music roll at present numbers eighty. m-'ii f?o- i :-irjrit .-,' . . In addition to the large class in Drawing and. Pain ting,' all the pupils , take lessons in rree. Hand Drawing," without extra charge. " The scholars draw from objects and Iroiri nature. n;.K't-:f5f .:' f .-. rv Special attention is t give: to German; and French. ; ,.. The cheerfnl, pleasant,1 home-Hke manage ments for the convenience and comfort of the Young Ladies. ; - The ample provision for religious, moral and physical, as well as intellectual tram mg. For Circular, address d 1 Rev R. BURWELL & SON, , Raleigh. N. C. R ALEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY, RALEIGH, 3V. C. ; F. P. Hobgood, A JL, Priteipal. ,H, W. Rein'hart, (University of Yir ginia,) Assistant PrincipaL j $ - The Principal - is? pleased to announce that the present session, notwithstanding the financial crisis, is the most prosperous one of the school's history, the boarding patronage especially having largely in creased.', - Students entering now will be charged from time of entrance. ; . Apply for Catalogue. RALEIGH. RETAIL-PRICES. - i ? jT . 1 1 ; ' CORK-EdTED xn daV it- 'l!;. GR0C Rlti ES and , DRY.fJO QDS,- v JVt. -. . NOTIONS, HOSLtlKy; s f: ,1tk. X7i .'iNA4T,?;, ' S' StockXif Isuriac. Ootapaay ia BOTJte, Shoes and Clotllin?, America, and: Insures at Jower ratri xtAjW)WABiL k$WV&&E; . otri , Agents lor the folio pug Tin In vt? TriVri l uT snrance Companies ? Horned York; Leather, Tobacco and; General Jlefl v ' j f i i i ? n cnan(Usc,r4 , - f W 0. 1 liXClianff , X Highest price paid .for cotton and coun try produce. , ' j f , ; . PRlfeOFCOTTbN kiddfinsteadyat Hi cents! -Low Middling 14 Stride uooa prqmary 13L Ordinary 10 .o 12. : COUNTRY PRODUCE.. APPLES,1Green v y Dried.' BUTTER, Best country.. " uooa r Goshen i BACON, N. a Sides, r 80a35 I 1 i f 45a50 I j 15 j 15 , " " Hams, ' ' V i " : ' : Shoulders,N. O. CHICKENS,. ,,j r 4 , ;25,s30aSP- DUCKS, , ;3& . EGGS, Vr j.t i v t.tyi:,.-.tj l$al6. rLO U K, K, C. Family, : , 9 60 ' " Extra. ' . 9 00 FODDER, Per 100 tts., If HAY; Per 100 lbs., . , ' 175 1 25al 40 CORN. MEAL, POTATOES, SweeV " " ...Irish,;-- f-, OATS, Bailed-Perl 00- lts. ' Seed Per, busliel, 7oa85 1 75a2 00 i I 50 r - t fcfi ' , x GROCERIES. . . BACON, Rib Bulk Side, 5 V 4 . ; ail" ; ' '. - . y '. Smokad ,4 ' ' ; 11 t m: -10 17 35 1 Sho aiders, - : i J Best Sugar-cured Hams COFFEE, Old goyemment ff '.' : ' -;' ; Laguira, ; 1 -' J . fc . 35 : ;ici;V33'"- Rio Prime, , , Good, ' . FISH: Mackerel, No. 3, J ; t 13 50 i , N. C. Herrings, cut, h u.1 850 4 ; Roe 44 : -tiajOO Corn bhatl, i bbL ' ' 10 u Ya. Family, : h . . w '8'KOaIO oO - 6 50a8 00 1 O PiA Extra, f Superfine, ,h ss$. MOLASSES,- Cuba, new, 50' 50, crop, Per bbl .;:-::" hd : ill : 45 " RICE, SUGAR, Standard A. Per. bbl, 12 11 m - j xeuow, s ; r - -r it sYRUF.-Bbir r r CONSOLIDATED, ; THE MASONIC H0NIT0R. 4 AND -'u:,i ::liU iriieBrislit JVIason I .1 ONLY, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I V The Consolidation, of the Masonic Moni tor anJ the Bright JIasoh, makes, ' i .u i Jf I 7ixt;TiE BRIGHT MASON'- 0ne of the Very Best Masonic Journals in. the r Southern Atlantic' States. It is now published .in lilagazine Form, at the low price of One Dollar, a Years ::1-'L bubscribe Now. j Masons in good "stand ing e veryweere are requested . tQ act as Agents, Clubs of Ten or more only 75 cts. , The whole Club need not come from one P. 0. , names may be added at any time at CF.f HARRIS, 7' Belt Mcdiuni f or Advertisers in' the SouthJ -ri W. H. II. TCCXZB. B. 8. TUCKEB, T. JICGEE. Wffi . !& -RS. TUCKER & COi, f v T. Wholesale anausetau ; " Dealers and'JTobbcrs 6 Foreign & Donietic Dix Ooods xiais, jtttOLs, iaaoes, : vjarpeung3 motions, "Nos. 23. ajtd 25 Favetteviixk Sxezxt, ( ' rajleigoe:!, iv. o. Special attention given t all Orders. Samples sent on applicatior. New; Goods received daily. ,;? ; mar 3-3m , I '- ' E 'MAKE A SPECiALTTY OF . Cotton, and having large capacity for storage, we solicit your consignments. whether you wish, to sell or hold foa better prices. We charge only 50 cents per bale for selling ; am prepared to mako liberal advances on cotton when deared.oi:s f WILLIAMSON, UPCHUECH & THOilll MRS. J. . N. BUNTING; - - ' s J , Family Groccr.;;i;rj Confectioneries and Groceries Tobacco, Cigars. Snuff, fec. iCI c 'i;;?; East side of . Fay etteville Street, next door to Era Office ' Insurances Coiiipanics. P tF; PESCUD SON 'i ! tucker hall, iuigii. p. t ueirerai agents or the Nation l LXlm la- srnco Companyf U. S, A, which U tho f?' w iuaaeipniaj : ueorgtanome, oipmons ; juiverpooi, ix)naon anq uioDe, Fireman's Fand: CaI.jAtIas.'of Hartfordw J Atlantic of 'New Tork. f Losses nromntlv adiusted ? combined as- sets, f so,ooo,oooa . r? t :i w mar. 3-3m ? W. LAWRENCE, , - i - r . General Insurance iAjjcnf i ;: Office: 4 Raleigh. Ci Represents the following Fire Companies, i Insurance . Company, . of Richmond, Va. ; North Carolina Home Insurance Company, oi xuctuf iT v., ew;uc!ier sire insu-: ranee Com pany,,pf New Rochelle, .N. IT. ; Workingiuen's Nationar' Fire Insurance Company; lofiNewi Orleans; People's Ineu ranee Company; of Philadelphia, , v ij. . "Combined assets, $16,123,977.58. B ROOKLYNjLIFE LNSURVNCE CO J 320 and S22 Broadway,- New York Christian W?Bouck, President Will i am M. Cole, Secretary ; Daniel Ayres, M. D., LL. D. Med. Examiner, D. P. Fackler, Con- I suitinc - Actuarv. Tha UomDanv 1 which I guarantees a definite cash surrender value m viwju a j uuuu v x iui iVU tur uvu-pav- raent of premium. ! Agents wanted.! ' j A. W.i LAWRENCE, General Ag't. t Raleigh, N. C. inar S3m R. H. Battle, Jo , . y C. B. Root, .Vice President. . irresment. UO RTH ' GAnOLlUA 2 .? . J. J '"' t0 1- J. Company, RALE I Q H, K. As-., ill c. INSURES ALL CLASSES' OF INSUR ABLE PROPERTY, Oi .;,;! Against Loss or Damage bv Fire. On the" most Reasonable Terms. :!hiu vlili ! bosses itraoMn.jr. adjustep j&p paid. 'Encourage Homo Institutions." -:y SEATON GALES, SeVy. s ir h:. : .. PULASKI CQWPER, Snperrisor. mar S-Sm ' 4 :;,' VTORTH , CAROLINA STATE , v ' I LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, : z- I iALIIGH.'ir. cl CAPITAL, t ;-x r . ,1200.000 OFFICERS:1'- v I Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Presidcnt. ! ' if. Canteyon, Yice President, J M- W. H. Hicks. Secretary. Dr .:B.-Saywood:'iiWic''I)ifeMr mjk. tf . a. jiuypLer, .ass ; jaeaicai xrirecion J . Jo. isatchelor, Attorney. .... -.: O. H. Perry, Supervising Agent ' " yl 'i'.j'X 'j -;: ' " ' , DIRECTORS : J Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Hon. Tod R. Cald well, HonL John W. Cunningham, CoL T. M. Holt, Hon. Wm Ai Smith Dri W. J. . Hawkins Hon John Manning, General W B. Cox, Col. L. W. Humphrey, ' C. Tate Murphy, Col. Wm. 1 Ei AndersonJohn G. Williams; CoU W; L. . Saunders, R.-Y. Mc Aden, Col. A A. McKoy, L J. Young, Jaa. A. Graham," F.; H. Cameron,' J. C. McRae, . JB. Batchelorr7. a BlakB, i Walter Clark,,. ff G. Upchurch, J. J. Davis, Jno. Nichols. . V rKATCaES" AXD ADVANTAGES. .'v-.. It is emphaticauy-ajHome Company. :t 'Its lirg capital guarantees Strength: and safety, t ' ; - . j- , .. v 'Its rates are as low as those of any first class company JtwM ir.hn i It'offers all desirable forms of insurance. Its funds are invested at homeand circa Iated among our, owft pebplo I - ,No unnecessary restrictions .imposed up on residence or travel, tfcl; -m" ;fy Policies ni-drfeitabl4i fte? . twd years Its officers and directors are prominent and well-known" North 4Carolinians7 whose experience ; Jbusinessimeaiid whoso worth .and. Integrity are,, alone sufficient guarantees of tho Company's strength,! sol encj and "sucaasv.'esX n ;.4 , ' ' TUEO. H. HDLLy Local Agent,1 "rt i - v, JIUleigh N. C. : Oi H; PERRY; Supervising: Akent. "i v aGoodi- Agents i,., with-, whom liberal contracts will; be; made, ' wanted in every countylin the State.. ; j&fSj 1 -r mar ,3-3nv . . - i- A LEIGH COACH TACTOKY; . Coddx Bugrgyi ITannfactrircr COVERERD PfLETONS, SULKIES, JAGGER Wagons &cv tci--;- -5' i. .f.-'fi - i ; i ?! RerAraixo iPaoMPTtT Exxcuttd By permission I refer to all the practicing physicians 'of Raleigh. f y ' I S: Place of Business one door East of Wynne, Yancey Co.'s Livery BUblW Morgan Street RALEIGH, N, C, XSSX vvI3 r 2 50a3 00 1 viz:; Imperial Fire Insurance Company, of h f il 8al0 ' London ; Hartford ' Fire Insurance ' Com 1 30a3&: panv, of illartford, Conn.Y Old - Dominion Jf : V I, i i 4. f

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