Vol. I No. 193 SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23,. 1905.. THE POST HAS A LARGER BONA-FIDE GIROILATJION THAN ANY DAILY PAPER IN ROWAN Cd Our Frescrintiaa Deg Note The)o Points: QUALITY of Drugs and chem icals: The best procurable ACCURACY: Absolute by rea son of our infallible double check system. bfi-KVimC: promptness and dispatch. PRICES: Compatible with the quality. We give you ex act! t what your doctor wants yon to have. No sub stitution allowed at this store. Your ; DOCTOR know what you - should have. WE give you the thing liw prescription calls for. YOU get the ben efit.. Grimes' IS THE PLACE. No one in Salisbury Undersells Grimes. REMEMBER HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA when you take that -path. In sist on its being used in your Laundry. The most delicate fabrics are uninjured and made snowy white by its use. Re member the name C. C. Parsons, tali-no other. Pint bottle lie. N. P. Murphy's. Stands to Reason , IT You should buy your STATIONERY . ..... from . . , Cornel. son & Cook andbewisei Their stock is COM M.ETE ail the newest designs. Their Service is good, nd when you want something snd don't know Where to get it, THEY HAVE IT PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. . . W will nil all th semi-pore-Isia d mr acts, odd cupe, ao oars, plaUsv odd p a. ' ate.; t CjsI to nut rorm for lb Urn stock of Havilaad snd German Ckin Diaaer Sets will arriva is a few dayt ; we also bsv a few bed room ta la pretty deIgn i-a. .1. -. :u .t.Mi.tW. ivxt iwt itui pp. ww -- T)mm will sot last lung at th pri es w bar them marksd. Km ,li.ilv of nlataa, odd Dieoa. tie:, la our South Window.' gorhlHii & GReen, Uapino Jewelers optioans sauausy akd imNCxa T. F. KLUTTZ & CO. For pure cream and delicious sodas can't be beaten. Try them and you will be their cuat- omer. ... . Prescriptions Carefully Filled at all times. PLEASE EXAMINE our complete line of Suit' nd Kill and Winter and be con vioced that we have the nobbiest things of the seas on. Everything made in our own workshop by prac tical tailors WTe are no ex perimenter., but thoroughly understand our business 4 ruarantee to fit and pleas i he most particular dresser. - tied jour cleaning,- ' pressing and alterations Over Davis Wiley Bank. BR1SD0S 1 BI0ED1H Octagon see 7 Cakes 25c V7. H. WALLACE TA.S. HEILIQ IS DEAD. 1 I0BLE III PISSES 1W1T. Th Chug For th Won Cam Tsstsnlay Aftsraooa. A city was stricken this morn log when announcement was made of the death orAlberk Sidoey Hxilig, Esq. To all Salisbury no sot was dearer. .." "None knew him but to lov him, . " . Or named bim but to praise. " It was not a though a light ning blast bad laid bim low, for th grateness of his illness and it probable fata termination had been reoognixsd for a week, but the full realization of the 'dread fear which brings (hi city-wide sorrow. II suffered an attack of typhoid fever in mild form three weeks, ago' aad until last week thai was every reason to belitve that hi -recovery -was certain Complication set In, however, and his brave ipirit has for seven day been tearing the borderland. Mar, women and children, high and humble, white and black share the poignant grief his no timely taking iff has produced. Pathetic, even heart-rending be yond the power of words' to pic ture, I th desolation of his aged mother. Their mutual devotion wa beautiful. ' Th youngest of her tore sons b ws always to her "my child." He, her heart's pride aad lifs' j y sh th ob ject of hi tender, loving care. Albert Sidoey Heilig was born la Salisbury in 1H65 and was the youngest sob of lbs lata CjI. and M,.VrldiW th'tatUrc.iof whohj " iufvives'.'' HV baa made this city his eosUsuou p!ao of residence all hi lit. In 1887 ha m graduated from Roanoke Col lege, Salem, Virginia, d in 1889 was' l!eed to practicelaw in North Carolina. .;-.', AS OTM AMD HAW. -T He wa verpabil spirited. Scarcely a single industry of any ontrqueec thrive here today with which he has not been Iden tified, and at his death b was a stockholder in a d( sib or mora of Salisbury1 tno-t flauwhi-g-au' terprisee. He was culibtu but nsver captious la his businese transactions. His word waa his bond and men trusted bim because they knew he was th soul of honor. To th affair of th un lettered, the widow sod orphan, n devoted a Istg pr p irliun of hi time aad it is doubtful if I bare wa Mtrutted to any single ioih idual la Salisbury so many varied interest calling for capacity and integrity. He was generous ia bis dealings with men. No chsri- ty ever appealed to him in vain. His big heart responded to every esll from 'need or sorrow. He wss bo les libersl ia mstters ef fecting the Interests of his native citv. He loved the town and Bone rejoiced nor In it pheoom enal progress during the past five yeara than him. AS I'Hl'KCUMAir. II waa devoted to his church Twenty five years a member of St John's Lutheran church be wa fifteen years or mors an officer. His aounsel wasr'wsys Inspired by seal ous wisdom and carried conviotion. He was po erased of wortfly goods snd his church was the recipient of a liberal ihsrs of his wealth. kor years he had been a member of the oboii of St. John's church asdjseldom was he missed from the sanctuary. - A A SOCIAL FAcrlOB. While not a social leader as that much misapplied term is generally understood, Mr. Heilig waa on of the a ost popular ecciety men in Salisbury. JSi function was oomplet without him. He wa aoiSmbtt of th Hoy 'tgii;iiKlk, Knight of P iiasaod Jr.O. U. A. M. ,.'--;: - TH rUNCIAI. No ft al arran&amentf bav br .for th. fuo.r.i but u will Of) Dflia it wow nuur x i tvj afternoon probably 8 oetwk from Su John' Lutheran church. EXrBXS IONS or COfDOMNCE. During the day a steady strsam of visit rhtve called at the Heil ig home and with expressions of sympathy have given utUrcnoe to 1h!r love for ' Sidney Heilig. Numerous telegrams of oondo lence have been received. IEGS0 BITE! OmCtL PeUoeasaa Barbsr Bitten by Osssis ' Kaox, a Bsgro Wemaa. Pjlicemao J. Frank Barber ra bitten on the right hand Mooday night by Camie Knox, a young negro womao. When Oept Bar ber attempted to arrest her (he fought like a tigress. Th bit wss so painful that the rffioer finds it necescary to korp hisfisgtr bandaged. -. , : IRS. J. I. WiESEE DEI". Th aUaaias te b Taksa te Blaeks barg for Intsrssat Mrs. J. K. Warner died at her home on North Shaver street this morning of pulmonary troubles. She wss 45 years old and is sur vived by her bunbsnd end one child. The remains will be tskea to Blscssburg, S. C , tomoirow morning for interment IDlDir SCHOOL C0ITEIT101. The Aaanal S. B Convention ef Xowaa Ceaaty thisetk. The annual Sunday School con vent io'ewj, l&wfMfaf. 'i$f.-M held al Bethsny churob th Crescent; on Tbnrsday and F.ldy of this week eml the good people of the neighborhood are making prepa ration ; to eatertaia Vbs large crowd expected. An unusually iuteresliog progrsm has been ar ranged. U W01EI KITE OUT. Ityor Boydsa Served Strict Xstio a th OUwrs Today. As the result of Msyor Boydea's determinatioi. to eleaa out tbe notorious section oa Council street near tbe depot twelve negro wo men left Salisbury Isst night on train going South. Several other appeared before him this morning and at any time they are caught loifiig on the street or entering s taloi n Itev m II he ur nl to j ,11. Baik Fieia Boose Party. Mia Beulab Haden haa returned from Statesville, where sb hts s attending a bouse parly given bv Mine Altia Opening. Urgent Xstlee ts Pythiana. All members of Salisbury Lodge No. 24 K. of P. are urged to be present at tbe meeting ' tomorrow night in Cistle Hill. Among other nutters of business ia ar ranging for the funeral of our 'ate brother, A. S. Heilig, ' - Notice of hour of f oner! will appear in tomorrow' Port. W. M. Eawin. C. O, Xsetinr of Juniors. A called meeting of Council No. 3S, Jr.O U. A. M. will be held tonight at 7:8) o'clock to make arrangeorents in connection with th burial of Bro. A. S. Heilig. . . J. H. VrKEKjaB, Councilor, Mr. and Mr. J. H. L. Rice, of Cooleemee, spent last sight ia the city returning from Morehead City where they have been for a week, They went to Cooleemee this morning. Never ia tne way, bo trouble to carry, easy to take, pleasant and never failing in result ar De- Witt's Little Early Risers, Thee time m Utile pills are certain guarantee against headache, bil imnBwsTtoTpid liver and all of the ill resulting from constipation. Tcey tnnlo and (trengthaa lb livou - Sold by Ja. Plummer. C( H HOOVER KILLED. VICTIM. OF EltLROlD WEECK. Popilar Bpenosr ; Ingiiesr XiUea Bear BUddlsbereafi Xy, YesUrisy. ine inena in eMisoury sou Spencer, of Mr. JO. H. ' Hoover Wer shocked Ust-rffghl to bear of his desth oa thf rail yesterday afternoon near iiddleborougb, asnineky. ' " .V-T'' The meaaajra cpivsying this in WUigenoe gsv toldatails of. the ill news. The'j hatur of th wreck is not keoT and just how bis life wss lost eaknot be ascer tained. . j ' ; Jlr. Hoover Hd in Sptnoer but went some timk sgo to Ken- tacky where he fcxk a run there. Sine leaving bere.ilittle ha been known of bim, but be bid msny friends in both town,'' i', ' Mr. Hoover wm5 years old and ia survived by young bride, having bees matjied but six months. Mrs. K (over lives 'ia Spencer. , The body will be brought from Kentucky tonight o No. 18 and the funeral will be Held tomcrrcw morning at 10 30 o'clock. DEAD MAN IS A CAR "'.- roCID IT SOOTHE! UPLOYI Fsliosmaa Called la tbi Sisoovsrsd lu wss s Car dm. -4' Policeman Walter fi raves made a startling discover in apassoa ger ear oa the Southera Bsliway yard her last Bight About 1 1 o'clock a feat hern em ployee Who wsslf?aTdf ob served the 6 jure of if man la on of the passenger ewrhos which was brought in on, the Ysdkia trsia. ; He summoned an tffioer and Policeman Graves responded. When he ektered the ear be up posed (be man to be ia a stupor snd shook him. II received no resistance or revponse, and exsm ing closely, found that he was in tbe presence of death. 1 The dead man proved to be Mr, , S. Pender, a painter and vehicle workman of Salisbury.- H hid been lo Norwood abouWa week and- returned to Salisbury last night By torn chance he was overlooked when the passengers left the car here, and tbe coaches ware pulled into the tide track with th unfortunate man aboard. Coroner Djrsctt wss summoned aad said that Mr. P.cdor bad heen dead stversl hours, th cause of death being heart failure. Tbe remains wer taken lo the borne of Mr. Pender'a dsnghter on Liberty street. The funeral will be heM f.oro the residence to- morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Pender was a native of Qoldsboro, about 65 years of ge, and had been la failing health for several months. Bdaoational Bally Psstpoasd. Owing to the funeral and barial service of th late Mr. A. S Heilig tbe educational rally here tofore announced, for Friday morning has been deferred to later date due aotic of which will be given. Aecldsnt U SaUibary Mill Mack Brandon, son of Deputy Sheriff Brandon, waa painfully hurt at ths Salisbury Cotton Mill this morning. His foot was caught in the machinery and painfully cut. ' Oirdea Farty a Baooen. The garden party on Mrs. Tier nan's lawn last evening wss a iuc- fcoth aocially and finnancially. 40 wa realized. ? Ios Cream Snppir. Aa Ice cream eupptr will be given ca the lawn of the First Baptist church tomorrow eight from 8 to 11 o'olock. U invited tu al.ead. The public 1 SUIT FOR $25ffl)0. IGillST THE SODXHCEI B1ILW1T Hess Wright aad CarUoa Hav Is- stitated th latt 1 Wright and Carlton bv institnted suit sgslnit the South ern Riilwsy Company ia tbe sum of 5,000. . This.luit is brought by tb adminiatral if . the , !at Walter Burlaytoi Ii will be reujeaSbersc that young Burleyaoti, whrfwaa a private In th Uowin B4 "received injuries by falling inneimlar pit at Char lotte during the (ncamoment from which he died. ) It is alleged thai the Southern Railway Is liable for continuing dangerous premises. The city of Charlotte iay also be mad a par ty to tbe suit '' .'.,;''..'.. . Mr. Wright went to Charlotte th'e morning to examine the RO WAH V ASSOCIATION SOIE OF ITS OBJECTS I0TED. Will Oivs Scholarship for Beit Work -. ' 'i a tars of the W ark. The Rowan County Branch of th North Carolina Association for tbs Betterment of Rural Schools, which organind yester day at the graded school, is one thst is destined ta be a great fac tor ia the improvement of lb county school buildings and the schools. - There ar many such organization in tbe State and theeeaie largely responsible for the demand for.' better ttUcto.to --".'s n'V.-- v -.?,.'. i..- carry on the work. In this oonnty, there ar to be township organizations, a vioe- president repremnlleg each subdi vision and making reports to the large organixstioQ. This organi- zttian will hold meetings yearly ith th Teacher' las 1 ote, ma king out two reports, one on build ings and the other on the number and date of improvement, A rep resentative from the Association Iso attend-i the State Teacher' Assembly the expenses being de- frayed by tie orgaoizttion. ' The Riwan B.ancb will put s premium on good work done oa choo) grounds and buildings. To that teacher showing tbe greatest improvement in this line a scholar ship to some teacher's summer school w ll be given. The fount B -srd of E local. on will be sclwd to duplicate this amount sod send snotber teacher showing the nm beet work. This question his been lift in the hands of the local society for the present. The Rowan Branch has fine offi cer", the very kind to give Kiwi n County tbo beet rural ichooli in the State. Trains te Sunday School Convention. Delegates and those who with to atteud tbe County Sunday School Convection to be held-at Bethaney church at Crescent station oa the Yadkin railroad on the 24th and 25th of August can take the train leaving Salisbury at 8.30 or 11:30 o'clock a. in., and returning can take a train at Crescent that will arrive in Salis bury at 7:15 o'clock p. tn. Rare fbr Operation.. Little Miss -L'zzie Barbee, of Albemarle, is at- Mr. C, Mr Ms tone's having been brought here to have an operation performed fot the removal of a growth oa her neck. She was accompanied by tnr tiitor, Miss Belle Barbae, and Mr. Williams, of Albemarle. Br Enrphy Qaslifies ai Admlnis- trstor. V Walter Murphy, E q , ha qual ified as administrator upon th. UU of bis father, tke late Andrew Mcrphy. ' v Mr, Pleaeani D. Wise i ia Con cord today on bumae. -- - - -- BOLD STREET MURDER WEUTBT WICOW TIE YICIII. Bighwsy tebbots XiU Her la te Heart of Chioaf- Chicago, Aug- S3 Mrs. Tbeo doreMias, a wealthy JNew: Tork widow, waa today soi dowa la th street and instantly killed by highwaymen wbo attacked her la on of the roost frshkinsble) dis tricts of; tbe city.. After tbe tragedy-the bandit ' snatched the woman's purse, eontsioing f i And escaped. When ordered to throw up her hands and surrender bet purse Mrs. M si bravely attempt d ,t resiat the rchber. Two shots rang out and the woman lay dead oa the sidewalk. Una Sapella clerk 1b a store aad two xhr s uspects were u- rested. ' . , BUSIED 10 CE1TL EiplMloa ef 011 Caa Xstalts la Dssth j ef Child. High P.iint, Aug. S3 A most h lertrending accident happened at tbe Friends' Orphanage, two diiles from here, today j ist before the ai hour, which caused the desth of one of the little orpbsns, Lizzis Bryant, wbn attempted to start s Arc in a stove with kerosene oil. There were smoaldering coals is th stove and ae soon as the oil struck them a deadly II tme leaped out and enveloped the can, which tbe orphan girl held, and St ex ploded with a thunderous Boise, scattering fire over the room and burning the child so badly Hast tbe died' tb( 'sfternWJrV'Johi. Montgomery, the mstroa, beroU cally want to the resuos sfliM taiaed painful burrs about the arms snd bands, trying to ssvs the psrentlrss litt'e girl undor her cire. Charlotte Observer, TIE WE1TBEE. Ths Wsathsr Forecast for Borth Car- aline for 24 Boars. Washington, August S3 The weather forecast for North Cam tioa for the ensuing 24 hours tsf Showers tonight and probably Thursday. SHORT L0C1L ITEIS Qathsnd la th Bosh for Bsws Thos Whs Com and Os. See sd of Mix Moms on 11 psge. B g variety sale. Mr. T. L. Smok went to Coins Grove this morning. Mr. Q. H. Shaver is hsviog s cittage built on east Steele street. Ltrge lot of pants at reduced prices by J. Feldman. Ad. on 1st Pg. Mr.' W. D. Watson returned last night from a visit to Charlotte,'---' - Officer C. W. Pool, who baa been 111 for several days, wss sole to be out a abort while yesterday, Misses Gertrude and Lena Mont gomery left yesterday afternoon for Concord to attend the Farm era' Picnic today. Miss Reina Davidson haa re turned from a trip to the moun tains where she spent two weeks in recreatioa. Rev. J. A. J. Farringtoa, of Mala Street Methodist church, hs gone to Davidson county to assist in a meeting. Mre. T. Edgar- Johnston r turned lent night from Albemarle where she hid been visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Pattsrmtn, Mr. Ernest H. Woodson has te tu-ned from Hot Springs, Ar- kaisap, much improved after sojoura of two week. Mix Nora Hendrep, stenogra pher to the Lexington Grocery Co., pissed through Iowa last night ou her way from Siateeville where she baa bsea visiting hs parebt for the past two weeks, EXCITEMENT IS HIGH. TOE PEESlDEIT't iDCCESTiCI WltU Is awsitia- a Bsply from St : Tstenborf. PorVmouth, N. H , Aug. S3 The President's proi oiition to pot an end to the deadlock Is as fol lows: Jspae to sell ill or bslt of Sakalia to Rue .la; Russia to con sent to pay a price for Sskaltn renumeratioB Ruesis to pay for the keep of Russian prisoner-; Ja pan to yield oa the subject of in terned Russisa war ships and lim itation of the Russian naval power ; Japan to permit the sale to ae international syndicate of the Eistera Chinese Railway, the pro oeeoa to oe added in "renumers i . . .... tioa. The conference met es-l"-W"vOt'o Japan assured lD. 'Jta today, dent it will present h ln-rarno Portia. outbrw. situation this mi, exceesiv Unsiai' debase of exr1" " h .ar ordem 1 - - iramp,'-'; at the bote' Cook i okmer guesb'; seemed v ' Jta ia the sgitation f$ , M tbe fr ners. Popular btrf-. 7, waa that today would decide hsue.but the Associated Press certain information that such is aot -ths esse. Witte's communi cation from St. Petersburg won!.! hot allow bim to accept let ma but it waa sent sent befot Witte bad telegraphed President Roosevell'i communication. Sj, it is bulieved sa adj lorament'wili be tcken h allow Witte to hear further fron oie government The Jspanesi seem keenly aliveJo the jadvant ojf tbrrp.rUon. ' Sboald Rm- siif eventually decline to oompro- tie ftfty iHf Uey eWaoV'Tieliew sh ean escape responsibilitv foi the failure of negotiation. "Ii will be politics, suicide for Has -tie,'' said one this morning. Portemiuth, Aug. JM.-Sjwcii telegrsph wire at Oyter bay bat oen put in so ths Pie nbut msi fiiainlain close commun'cstioo en voys. SiTUATIONJRlGHTEH TIE DE1TI SITE DECREASES The Country Towns is Bot Show aay Improvement. - New Orleans, Ag. 43. Th liluation is more hopeful. Death' (or the week coding nn the 19 h ere 4J iifsini.! 4H fiw the week reviuU', Toere aie 09 pooitiv. oss.-s and 63 auspicious cses. Nsw Orleans, Aug. 23. While the leaders In tbe fight seiini-l the yellow fever feel that theii struggle is succeeding beyond ex pectations tbeie is no dipositi n to lull th public into a false sene of security lest there be relaxation of efforts oa tbe part of overt Householder to maintain th pre ent control of the disease. vTl e aondition is encouraging a'beve Canal street. The disease b failed to secure a foothold theic and cases are now reported frt ; tr ait to eight hours afUr th pati ent are taken down, indicating increased i fCciency on tbe pert ol the local authorities and oo open -tion with the general authorities. Last night's report is: Deaths yesterday, 9. New cases, 57. New foci, 81. Cases under treatment, 819, Rev. Dr. J. C. Rows, of thr First Methodist church, expects to beve a series of meetings begin at that church the firrt Sunday Sa October. The pills that act a a tonic, and aot aa a drastic purge, are De- Witt's Little Etrly Risers. They wre Headache, Constipation, il biliousness, Jaundice, etc Early iisera are small end easy take in,! easy to act Sold by James FiUtuuier. - - - For i 0 Chickens. f-W pounds tin UK) pecksgts ' I MO " ' J V0 " ". 8h DUltlS S w.'-r MseL 4" (tisves Mm I datlf. Fruit Jars and J. ALL MUST BE SOLD Pte wWorstr " ' M. - j MAX H THK i'EOPLKi JlST-J'tFJ ' stv' iCBQjru, Sir . t U5 SOUTH M A Bonch oi WuoJIanJ Violet Fl, p " Tmlet ' " Sichrt, Uwiuot'J Vi.W Ssihet, " Exlti-m Violtt, " . Violet Sec. Toiit Colgate's Violet Tili, ne r -.TIetJ . or. G. VbletSoin, Wnilwl' VWl We ( Shn-cma Vl,.lt Perlum. Qum ol Vl.ilelsPertum-, GsIJi n 5!SI Violel Pertur a( Salisbury D Inonnh U tf JUObpll Hi m Can Supply WINTER- wants-n J. N. McCH Aluminutrd and Ra Signh a Specialty, ally prepared fur yoi banner hiyns for the Parade, H I Hi S. Main St.- WE REP All kinds of Watt and Jewelry. TIE HOW I0W. e do our 27 years of exp hard study has been ALL WORK .GTJA1 We also fit glasses tee satisfaction, Our prices are lo our expf nses are sm. afford it. It Try uJ W. P. THOR TlM Jlr, 104 N. Talbort's Signs AM Per Adver Over Froneberger' 1 COAL, CO THE SALISff ICE & FUElj will supply yoJ and save you Try TU i -.' . nr.,. r ' ' TBH Jfm , I la. C MLl f. Originator of Cut Price.

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