the Salisbury evening post. tDaiI Z Suadaf.f THE KVAL NMNTIVi CO. PuMistert. . wad. J . own. . iNO.. JIUAN naslocu Maaagcr. - . . Editor. V. THOMAS 80ST. Associate Editor. Its II. 1-1 N. Mais St. T.wsaoa jai. a-hartuM, but VM a. rarauM M aaaauaaa. UBsourriow katkd i On. Taar. . . HOO T. atoatSa, - . Ll Om Jaana, J iftHi Wt. . JS 0ttarad h Carriara la SaJUWr. Sucnaar and Cwuwt Hill. an4 assiM to any raalsfflaa la Um a.tad Statas whhuot axtra charm. 'Tad aa aa-vatd-rasas aaattaa Jam. U. 190a. at Ik. .u.toass. at SaliaavrT. M. C ashlar Act a( fw aaa af starah I. HOT, PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. A sabscrtber iu ordering the address M his paprr changed, will, picas lout cat in address to which il is Coins at li tiaas lat Uki tor the chatt to b ma.te. A4rrtisers maT lect sure thai through " t. -olvmos of oapcr they may reach All beliabwry m bpencer and a Large IKHiion of the beat people in Rowan This paper giree correspondents wtae Utitede ai it thinks public policy rrmits, bet it is in no caac responsible trr their views, lc recciTe consider' ton a cotnatOAicalion mast be eccompS' led by the tree name ot lb corcepoBd- ',!v S? raS AUiBURY, N. C, Aug, 29, 1905. TEACHERS IK THE KAJORIIY. The Census Bureau's analysis . by Prof. Walter V. Wiloox, oi Cornell, tf the statistics relating tu teachers, is of peculiar inUrest. l'.ut. W ilcox rinds that there is u avert); of one teacher to every syenty-cne in pile, a surprising fact. The analysis sbowe further . thtt tho supply of teacher? h. ' pi'ijHji tiun tu school population Jiai more than doubled in the last thirty ycurt; that teachers excotd tc Ict&i number of c(rfryrna. laityere and physicians. Continu iog, Prof. Wiict-x says that "tbt proportion of teachers in conti nents! United States is smaller 54han in England ..Uitei-J greater tban uermany, fcancr, . JUaiy, Cauda, Mexico, or Cubs. "The proportion of teachers ii "". cilies having at least 25,000 in habitants is greater 'DU ia srnelUi , cities or country d'.stricU. Thit Condi tiun TentJ ' . Tail in all JiTTSrlao'f "Tff&'T'ailei' States. la the North Atlantic and Njrth C'jntral divisions tbt largor cities are not so well sup plied with teachers as the smalloi cities and country districts, a iaci which suggests the inference thai where an effective educational sys tem is of recent growth it has dt- tdloped more rapidly in the cities, but where it baa been establUhei for generation or tuore it hat established a larger ratio ot teachers to population in the slow ly growing rural districts than it the rapidly growing cities. "Ia continental United Statis, - at in all countries for which fig u es were obtainable, the greater p irt tf the teaching is' dune by women. Toe excess of fema'e toscbtrtover male is greater in this eiuntry than in any other. "la the li.rger cities if cveij geographic division in continenta L'jiied Suites about four-fifths, or --- W per cent, of the teachers are wjmeo, while in the country thi percent tf women teachers varltd from M.5 in the South Cwtral di vision to.n.'i In the North Atlan io divisi m." All this would be less Interest lag tban it is but for the fact tbst a high aland ur j of proficiency ii eel fjr those who would j in thi ranks f teachers. The course req'iired in preparation fur thii work are as fully as exacting', ii not mare so, than the eximinatioi of the Supreme c-iurt for licemr to practice law. It is a bopefil : sign tbtt S3 Urge a proportion ol our papula'ion has been fi'.ted for : this profes'on, which aims to jninimiae illiteracy and give .the nation minting, sell-reliant peo ple, ' 0R3KTrULIE3). A RotD tfiipatca of I he liillh the occasion of the anni teraary of the tlwatli of the late fop it wss oSservol hoar almost tntiisly uroitB his msmor; I to ft.tns to ba amoDg ti a people of ! Rome. Fcarce'y tt full ni(ir'r pt prlatei tV'Bt al the , funsr! sertioA iu the tfislio Co Chapel, which wero conducted by the I'upe himself, and hardly any one was seen to pray at the tomb which contains the remains of the late Fjpe. '. J After the death cf Pius IX, sub scriptions were sent tu Home from all oviT the world fat tho decora tion of his magnificent tomb in . the Church of San L iremo, but tbeonly monument erected to tbe late Pope will be the one in S:. John Lateian, to which only the; cardinals created by him during! his pontificate bars subscribed, j While all the Vatican and in many , partsof Kume and Italy obe ca&i see the coat of arccs, of the late Pope on churches and monuments adorned throutu his liberality, no other monument was orected to his memory. hven the plan of raising a! colossal statue of Ieo Xlll, on a mountain jaear Car jwoeto, h's na tive place, Veehis to have utierh failed for want of fundi. Pius X himself bra noticed this -lack of appreciation oo the part of those wbo had known the late Pontiff in life, and ii reported to have ex pressed Ms sorrow." It vra ever thus. The heart burst', with gr':i and the soul stag gars under its burden of woe. Presently there is a rift in tie cloud.', the sun'' shines- again, awakened life responds to life and former affections are but little more than a passing dream. A dreary ri flection this but one upop which life sod death and lime stamp truth. Taking the lax returns as cor rect we arc j.itiiriVd when we read that the Vdluui-f tho watches and jewelry in this county is bui t2i ii Hi in the belief that an enor- moui f miiti: v f paste gets in it then wuik in S.asbury. By the seme tokbu, it is a self-evident proposition that many of oar citi zens livein uoturuishid boue :iace the taxable vuluo as sworn 6i II the household and kitchen furniture in Kowan county is but 19-t,895. Strang Murder ia Ashsyille. ABhtvllle, Aog. 28 "Daatb. it the bands of a parson un inown" was tha coroner's va.-dict at an itqtiest beld tonight on the fKuly of James Daughter, whose lifeless bodf was found in tbt all of a boarding house inthr city early this muro'in?;. Ad Tutopsy htldUBtgfcTTSB1hirwpst revealed two lare clots at oa" oi tne Drain, wnicn wen svidently caused by blows with itunt instrament. Evidence d Juced at tba it quest failed ibrow any light ou llre-mysiery tba man's dsath. Tbe local police authorities i sntrsged on tbe case. oi Dacgsrotu Stuff. "Did you gat a taate of thai Uussiao vodka that Jim Murcbin ton brought home from -Manchu ritt" "No, Pretty powerful isn't ill' "1 should say it was 1 you know John Mildy I" "Yaa." "Weil, dtank only tslf a wino glaaa of it and then went lome and oi dared his mother-in iaw to leave the house. H Cleye land Plain Dimle-. Never in iti way, lu irouBle U carry, easy to take, pleasant am hever failing in results are De Witt's Little Early Kisera. Tiiosi famous little pills are a certah guarantee against headache, bil iousness, torpid liver and all of tbt ill resulting from constipation fhey trnfc and strengthen tbi liver. Sold by Jas. Plummer. A person who it afraid he Is (lo ng more tban his share, usually does considerably less. Another Good HanlOon Wronf. He neelected to take Foley's Kidney Cure at he 3rst signs of kidney trouble, 'noping it would wear away, and he was sow a victim of Brighl's disease. There is danger in delay, bat if Foley's Kidney Cure is takes at once the vinntnma will diwtptwar. lha kid ney are strengthened ami you jar soon sound ana well. AT ft. Base of MorKaMisown, Ind., bad get np ten or twelve tinw the rch'. aJ ii aever bad- Uchr and psjm in the kidney, and , , - ,i,,,.r j.tu , iii Cora's L'AimjOf. Ill t! ii for Fruit Jrs! A Little higher than they were, but not so high as they used to JbeVV'restill under the market, PINTS: 50c per (loz: 1-2 gal: 90c per dpz.. Full Size, first quality JELLY TUMBLERS, - 2'-,c Dozen Unbreakable Table Tumblers, annealed-inOil, - 35c Set Are you Supplied? YOUR TKUE Spot The Dollar Stretcher 1lAa"1 '. .V Stable V Monday, :Augr 28, -05 Some are Broken. good ajafctn go at a Bargain. Inspect them. Minstrels under Canvas Monday, Sept . 4 Two J'erftjnnn noes: . and 8 p. m. &liov(iri)unds. Loeand Jlondcmtn sts. fern i ') mmBikfH vimmimi CTUIK a'igin t.AV.V13 LHt).N( TUT. HOST COMrtCTt PiCTAHIX A; G. Allen's Tho OMoHjt, Largont and Uon in ttio L. b. hverytlnngriew this season.., Come and Lauli will, us r 6000 People Read Ji I The Post Every Day. trnXtteMEZ. jii.jiii FRIENi), sh, and 5c ft 10c Store. Car ot ilkJ 1 am ex jfcting a Carload of Vvestem Morses at . rhy on Cjur.cil Street on Theso horses are as 'tjjruy pnd ihty whl come to my sUble &. int - MUl JUIIVi HmmE tVEK WtfTtD IN AttlWAaJ Original lew Or: leans Minstrels. best Minstrel Organiza-; ; of any Other One Third Bfe V1IU ill!'- ,n. aaacnia w Ttas Out" ...... B.ih nw4U ."i'balt baarings niakii il tis HllUl auoi ii t uiatlilnr !n Int oria. Afania wanted in anoccnplecl icrritpry. Ssnd lor circalara anl Itrma. W HKELER& W MFOOO Atlanta, Oav For Sals by W M ROTH, Otfics al BK0W.H 1J0 CO. I Executor's Notice. I Havinc qtulified aa Saecntor ol the lut will and testament t Andrew Mnr h. late oi Rowan coauty, N. C, thia is to notily all perso"" r- int claims against the estate ot saia op erased to eshihil them to to the under signed on or before the I J2nd DAY of AUGUST, 1906, or this notice wilt be plead ia hat ol . their recovery, an f"" i said estate will please make immediate : oaymenL This 2nd day of Ao. lWi. M, WALTER MURPHY, fcaecator !, Notice to Public. 1 hereby forbid any person to harbor m.ln. mtt son. SamC-vrcll. Jr., who 'rmn away from heme. He Is 11 years of are. small lot on arc and nmrrr caac color. . .. SAM CORRELL, SR. North Carolina, Rowan County. Carrie, ) es. DIVORCE Frank Marsh, ) The defendant abore named will late notice that an action snutteA above has been commenced in the Snpe nor Conrt of Rowan Connty for a di vorce a vtncolo; and the said defendant uill Inrther take notice that he is re quired to appear at the neat term of tbc SaDcrior Conrt of aaid connty to be held on the laat Monday ia Aafnst, 190V al thi Court Mouse of said County in Sal isbury, N. C, and answer or demur 1a the comolaint in aaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the n lor we raise nenvanaea in seio compiajm. !. J. F. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior t-oert. This 2th day oi June, '05. Mortgage Sale. Pnrtttant to the provUioiu contained id a ntirttaj,c trust deed rfitered In Book oi Dccdt oi Rowan County Ho 2i. pa(C 7- vtcd by David I u rue r and wife Susan R. Tomer lor the protection and benefit oi W. P. Barber on the 21t day o 1 Jan nary, 1WH, defaalt avtun been nude in the payment oi the debt which said morteue wu (iven to rttre the andcntined tntc wtU sell at public sale to the highest bidder for Cash, M tue coun ncmac ugw is bnry, N. C, on SATURDAY, th DAY oi SEPTEMBER 1904. th followtntl dccnbed real e utcsitnatc in Unity Township, Kowao County, North Carolina, to-wit: Bctinnintf at a pine, E. Rice a corner, thence Vest to a stone In the branca; 'hence np the branch South course with the meanderinita ol the branch to the forks of the branch to a stone: thcaceupthe right baud fork ol aaid branch to a stouc. Freeman a corner: thence Southeast with Freeman s line to a stnne; thence Northeast with rree man e line to oe ! th r.nmt hue: thence North with Mid line It' tour in the branch; thrncc np the bnuich to a poplar oa Bailci's line; thence North with Bailey Itnc to the aint containtn IS and'beinft the land cot crd hy Kelly Free land to David 1 arncr by deed oated March 5, 1896 and registered ia Book of Decdm ot Kowaa Connty, No. 7f, pafe 178. and conveyed by the aaid David Tnrner and wii Su-4& S. Tamer tc sat i( f litve debt provided IfT i cnd Wort This An(nit 8. 190S. a W. FREEZE, Tmitec. Overman Ortfrj, Atty. IfX Administratrix's Notice. Having qualitird as AJininUtrat'lx ol William A. Catiblr, dMJ, lair n Knwan County, N. C. this Is to n.'lih all petaona havlna claims ag-aintt tti ra Utc of said Jcarii to exhibit tlitm toth. uaiicrsignnl on or brtore Ills tsrth DAY OF JULT, 1906 01 this notice will he plraJfd In bar of thrli rexoverv. All pcrstms inilebtrd to saw? mate will pltax make tniineuiate pay ment. Dated this July trth, '05. Mart J. CAL'BI.E, Adininistrstilx of Win. A, Cauble, dec d Wsttef H. Woodson, Atty. toinistrauota Havinc qnallM as Aitmlnlatrslnr af T. A. Rwr, daniw, lal. Rowaa Cuuatr. N. C, th i Datifs alt pnaoaa havlne claun aaaiaat rh H'al. r.f th. T. a. Kmu .rwai lh. asaas la Uia Ul. in wtmas aa ar Baiara in 0A1 Or JULT. 1M v Ikia notloa will b. pkta4 ia tatf T Uwnr raear. Thla u asrat J.b. H . Wa. T. SUUNE. Ana's. BURTON CKAIGC ATT'T. Adrainiatrator'a Notice. I have qaalifled aa adntaistrator of UM caUta of Harold Crawcll aisal hmhj notify ail persons having claims afainai aaia sut to press 111 tbcm, anlf ran liied, to ns oa or befora AUGUST THE SEVENTH, IMS tn ihia aolics will be plead ia bar. All parsons indebted to said satate aaaat make unmediats settlement. Tkia An. 7, 1905. . O. W. ONKEU, Adair, of Harold Croweii. Klsttt. Hudson Klntla. Atta. Subscribe fur Evening Poet. Ike Salisbury FOlEYBnONinWAR J. II. IIORAII. . ATTOBNEY. ' Office over" Saving Bank, ; SAi-iSBnty, X. C. : lOErBElD CITTaTTilCTIOIJ Oreat Time lor IS port at This Sea- lid's Resort Fish h'mg and satlliig ware nerer hatter at Morehead tnd Beaufort than at the present. These) re sorts are becoming more famots eaih season and ixcelleot sport i asarel e?sry one who takes ad raDtaes ot an out log at these fa' mout reaorta. Oreatly lmproTed sarvioe bae been lnaagnrnted from MitlJIe aod Western North Caro- UrThjmph I'lillman sleepinf vVinst8al.mrBrtjlet',ew' Bnrlif srton, Durham and KaleTff fa t to miwebewl.? Low tat Sammer . . ' i bzcartuon tickets also Week End iioaois mnr on sal. xna Aiianiie Hotel has ku. particularly fortunate in eeenrino the eertitse of Mr, E. B, Gersbam as maoas-k- who has an tnviabla repoitiuiiraaii a Duuii man. i iir fuliWtloalara call aaa.-esa, i i. & Jomstcn, An Excellent Whiskey, l'roperly Matured. t rmarantff these goods to be represented, and ask a tri order. ' H. C. TaCatt, Sole Agrnt for Salisbury. N. C. Tha Crucial Test The linen mat snows tlm pftntleman. Our work gives you me styio, me comfort and ease you are in search of. Your bun dle once will prove our ahilitv. ... n - ANTISEPTIC Laundry. Ill S. Main Itt. Hnnnn. 4. W. a Coafhsneu, Fres. First National Bank. SALISBURY, tl. C. ORGANIZED 1088. Capital S 50.000.0C Surp-ustPrcf. 30.C00.0C Assets . 32i.740.23 V!ACvaKhmvr, iX-CvLinn, '0. A -JtwWt, s ItS N.'Wialdsoii, Cba. Price, Hurton Craife. Your busincKS resjiectfully so licited. 7f. S. 'VEITE Csi43r. in their spotless nuritv are shirts, collars, etc., af ter we ve laumlereu them W'e give everything wash able our best care wash ing, starching, ironing, calling lor and delivering goods. Notour least care is to see that you are not charged too much for our work. Salisbury Steam Laundry. Lacd Sale ! . Pararant to a decrea of tha So pert or V-oan et kpvir connty, maj on tne bp, cut frocccding antitletf J. K. Cai he i ton, adminiatiator of S. A D. Hart, aa K. N. Hart, and othen, I will offar at pnbllc ute, for caah, at tbc Conrt Home door, tn ball bnry, on Monday, THE I1TH DAY OF SEPT., 1WS, inbjaa W th dover rich! of f ra. M. A. Hart, t valnabic lot of land coatiiaii about I 1-3 menu, . tne ted in Unity townaalp, Rowan cosmtv, adjointnt the lanaa ol J. n.. i-ainanoa, u. the parsons. lot, and ottsars. near Voodlcaf, bem lha aam aa waa cooaeyed to . A U. Hart by h L Har riatm and wlfa by deed, regiatcred ia Book 101, page 4S4, Krgisten office of Kowaa, . K culberton. Adw'r and Coan'r Theo r. Klntll. All y. Thla Aug 10 IWs) Notice fo t'mlito. Havlntf qualified at the executrii of (he aktatc of my late hnbi d. Julia. A. Setrer, 1 bervhy notily all peraont limi ini claimt attnM It is cutnte to nrcaent claims itemized and vended, on or be (ore . . THE TENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 06, aa thit notice wl'l be plead in.'!"1 mM nW&laiaJMH;ment i. . . .... .. tittement with tne. HELEN R. SKT7ITD KCjllww M tnlia.. a , .' I Appli, AppUcaUori-jQrPardotv-i snaa. to lha Covcrnor of N C for paadon, to Thomas toll, no ; ... . a---" -FP'ica' aiuiicc as Mnh, aia ti. . ,. -a " "arns in i he stair s Prison, '!E?JJmi'K,J!oa fcptemher tain illation. Thla A.a. 1. isos WAXIER MOWHY, Atty. IAl-f?tr?aaa b wm.rm-m if VERY HAND-SOME Get Away Don't let this chance Get Away from You without getting your share of the good Shoes that are getting away from this storo by tho "Cut-Price" liouto. Ixts of them have moved ont-but there are plenty left for a couple more days--tho XKW NAMK wants to start a NEW store with a NEW stock at the old stand and "Barkis is Willing," so bring -your baskets and your small change and 'load -up' you want have another suck opportuni ty to supply your footwearWeds for .many "a long day. WciSiiflaj The prices have heen Out and Sin shed until we have to lump the whole batflt together and let you take most anything you want at one or the other of the following prk-es:" 14c, 29c, 88c, 47c, (4c, 73C,89c 98c, $1.09, 1.18,1.83, 1. '18,1.(9 1.98, 2.28, 2.09, 2.98, 8.17, 8.00,8.97. Oliililren's, Misses, Hoys, (iirls,, .Moil's ami Women's GOOD SHOES vV FJ.Ni: ON'LH 3 T C.UJM. . ; v Tiee-Frss II ,..a in i B s J&jOrjCyjCrjarjGrj0j0j&jejSJ?ajPjGrjC?k - t " a a s s a a-J I havo on hand quito n IaA ol Quartered Oak ROLL SUITS rhich I ttill Araluea for the GEORGE W. WRIGHT j H aM -A A, aa. aa. au- .aa. a a . VK 7 SaaNaS aSs A Big Closing Out Sale of everythinp pertainintr-to Summer Wear will bt-gin on ikUUHt TtlX, at A below cost Our cut on all Kiifurrd lawna will be to tbe quick. Some especially good things ia this line. Short Iiifrtliof A. V. C. (ainliaiit m ill po at 7 l-2c. Big lot of Short liensrttis of all Summer -Goods has heen gathorcd op placed on our count ers, via: White A t'ol'd Ducks, til It Hatwn, Per cales, white and col'd Table Cloths, Iace Stripe White Goods, Swisses and Serins for Curtainn, La diee and Misscn dropped stitch hose, men's fancy 1-2 hose About bO parasols, all toades, ladies' vesta. Great values. To be aold for Cash.. A. W. Winecoff s Ve v V Vas V A Mlaft XJ Ns V J.eVAS ODRB 5 8. has been to the whero he bQus S--j)li5K"n,arffala8, Tf,es Shoes g are now on Sal t and we ws nt ev- 3 rybcUlr to call Those Shces re a1 1 . , - 3 aaW.VAA 4JUUly VU, rf 107 Noith Miin vrrrrMrwrsfrrirrjrjwjyrj Sale -a .tas. s 1 1 a - t ftftftr- NEXT 1?0 DAYS a Ntt savNSaSNa V4 47 4V 8- 7 8 4V 8 47 47 3 UYER 5 h Shoe Market" - wGreat Line cn us this week. , to be sold as . . . , Phone No. 295. 'P iJL