' Vol. I No, 208 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, MOND AX, SEPTEMBER II, 190S. THE POST HAS A LARGER BONA-FIDE CIRCULATION THAN ANY OTOER PAPER IN ROWAN COUN i t .! f. i i J Grimes SaysriPHILLIPS lion Prices j There are places where you can have your prescription MIXED for est money than we charge' for COMPOUNDING It. But there . Is Bo place wli more care is u$ed "purer drugs dispensed, greater skill and proficiency exercised than here. . , It Is poor business to haunt the prescription bargain counter. You can't irford to DoV : less than we charge for your prescriptions. Ev ery cent under our price represents so much sa;rifice of Purity, Profic iency and Promptness. Grimes1 IS THE PLACE. No one In Salisbury UnJerstll Grime. Huyler's Candy, is the best of all. A Fresh Supply .just Received. Also Pe tersmilk chocolate ;N. P. Murphy's. CALOX The oxygen Tooth Powder "The Sricntific Dentifrice en- Phvcutan1? Hharm.nWu and S uiinrlants, - r The Oxygen Does it PRICK 2dC. Cor nclisontx icook Present)1 Expert" Repairing & Manufacturing We wiah to oall the attention of the public to our rr roiling and taanufaotaring def-anuiont, whore we do ail kinds of repairing on Watches, Clock and Juwelry. We have now fmplnved KOUH COMPETENT WOH'iMEN.eed - we are now able to tura our work nut promptly. cd we RturanUe , that we not only cat), but d.i the highest grade of work that ia poe "aible to get done aowher. We GUARANTEE all of our watch and clock work for one year and the Jewelry work la guaranteed tab of the bcit poesir bit workmanship, ar.cl it aw fiaranteed to tlaad to the EN IRE satisfaction of the tu'tcn!r Gtre us a trial ' ' GORIW.!) & GRGen, Leading Jewelers & opticians aausBuk: nd antMCU T. F. KLUTTZ&CO. For pure cream v and delicious sodaa can't be , beaten. Try them and you will be thtlr cuat- Prescriptions Carefully Filled at all times. Bananas for Tomorrow Only... 50c a Bunch ; 200 Bunches First Come First served Saleeby'3 Candy Kitchen. HswFish Goods ! Pickles, Fresh Shredded Wheat' rt-,. Biscuit, Frcst Oat. Flake, New Cream and Smim C'hewae, Fresh Cakes and Crackers. Special in Olive i Anv bottle of Olive Jn the Store for 20c. "W. H. WALLACE CONFESSES TELL! Of ITEP-riTSEEI IDBDEI San H Billed Bin Imut tks lu track Hti Bothsr 'It ia uootxcirabl tbit a child of tb years of the little negro, Elisor PhiiHpewhj wae taken to the penitentiary Saturday U wrr a term of tight yean, could' bold out agaissi every edvre condition as did tbia boy. From the day of hi arrest to tha boor of hi leaving for Raleigh Satarday morning he stolidly protested! hi Innocence. Shrewd lawyers, accustomed to dealing with criminal of erery type, condition and age were lot' preaaed by tha boy'e story, And that), too, it mart be eald to the credit of these sharp-!tUd judges of toman nature that pity for ten dr year Invciad nevcy-. '.. It wau not until Sheriff Julian wu well on hi way to Raleigh Saturday morning that the boy confessed himself the murderer of bis step-father. Ha was onmoTad whit telling tha story which was finished with a few words, A few days proceeding Jb murder the boy beard dispute between hi step-father and bit mother and saw tha ftfrroeT)trik her t terrible blow amttea the right arm with, big club, lit raaolTtd then to avenge tbt it j try and the first op- njrinniw that nreMtnled itae!f waa the ditcovtry ca the afternoon three day later that bietilep father was sleeping.' He took down a breech loader- ut the barrel at b s1epg "fcat,'rB'p'e.' lew bi brad i ff Snd ! g.?ed him to a thicket.. '- -";,-;--Ti The boy eipreaett ao regret for bit crime, ; 10 EOCT0&1 IUG? A Knotty Problem Whit, a Oreop ef Oettieen DlaeaK. Asa rule, do doctors sing I Thi wat tb q tery that yeater day agitated a group of gossipers bo usually know'and nerer hesi tate to discus any topic And ibis is th result of the discussion, as tr pertalni to SitUbory physic- Ian': Dr. Johi Whitehead, vary at 'aalive bit crrar found guilty of sounding a note. ', Dr.W. L. Crnmp.temi bar'tont, week oa tbt finish. Dr. J. S. Brown, familiar with th note, but tht Tocal organ are far adTaacad orar th talent Dr. W. W. McKeniie, ezcellen baritone vole. D.-. J. B. Council, a brer of music but hat pleaded guilty at erery potslblt opportunity to io ability to Tocaliai. Dr. H. T. Trantham, nolo eon tender, -r Dr. B. M. West, taya be tang tenor JJntil 16, bis roict changed in a day and he wat nerer able to catch ap. Dr. I H. toast, a bass what I a base. a. Dt. 1L Q, Heilig, nerer claatv lied. Dr. E K Djrsett, sings any part when in tbt mood, but, an- fortunately, rarely in the mood. Dr. J. Meigs Flippin, arariablt reble. Dr. B. Vance Brawley, aiprano, ; Dr. J. E, Stokea, nerer known to disease, hear or. meet music sinct his ttat appearance With tht Yale Glee Club, " Tbit it tht actual outoomt of . little oontrorerty partiolpited by a bunch of an even dotes Grime' drug etort yesterday morning. While the result of the UVU'MUUa (-M. .mHM factory to tht many men of many iewwill wer put in good -humor iy a onaoimout rota to determine it a latsr date th relative merit of Salisbury'e legal fraternity ae warblert. fell: from a tree. sai rnniT ruirrjuT im. BplenAid Teaaf Xaa lffrt tnjirle That May Prere fatal Mr. Dan. F. Kenerly, the . SI year old ton cf Mr. George EL Keenly, of Woodleai, yeaterday eoetalMd tojarie whoee Mriont- nee cannot now be ascertained. Tha young man was oa the land of Mr. Phillip Sower hunting muscadine. He climbed a large tree and wat oat on limb 40 or (0 feet from tha ground, ilia condition ha been tuch since the accident that It cannot b learned whether he (imply fell iron the limb or whether It broke, bat he fell to the ground and wat almost killed. A number of iWtnrea must hart resulted for bit tondi tion wat moat precarious last iRht. " '.. .; J Mr, Ksnerly wat rtDortd to th Whitehead-Stokee Sanatorium today and a operation was par formed. There ia tome hop for Mm now bat tht rtealt of hit In jarie of course can only be gueae- ed. ., Dm, Keatrly k on of th Try best ofyoang maaad hit serious accident It regre table. He ie an employe of tbt Sooth" em at Spencer and bat many friend there and bar. His father ia ont of th most proeperoos of Hown farmers., Young Eeoerly it also t nephew of tht lata D. C Kenerly, who ia to well remem bered her., . The operation at the sanatorium thiafenanfhlecf5 three f ractarea, ymm ly w imi tht toller bone. Mr. Kenerly stood it remarkably waff and there it erery assonance, of hit raeorery. It kit sot beta icarced yet what canted th fall: t ' BDiTiTirm. A Taaee Bill CiUua leeeirtt ' Baatbec ( . leratekea, ' Tht greatest wonder to all ob servant Sallabariana who hart watched tht cart maka their regular rounds between Salisbury and 5rncjincetheybga operation it that a duaea or more mall boya bar not beea grouad under tha wheels. Thee toys ringing ia age from eight to eighteen chat th ears, stand up on th track and dodge th ear at th laat second and perform other stunts that set at taught the warnings and threatening of the car company's employes. Saturday night, however, the first accident occurred. A worthy oitixenofth Vane Mill settle ment lamped while tht ear wat in motion, with a market basket np on hit arm, and was severely scratched about th face. His basket was spilled tad solicitous parson went to hit rteco. Th annoyance which th car people bar suffered from boys tod at times grown men ahould be abated by tb city authorities. 11 LillEB I rUKllL Held Yesterday Afttraeen Vrea tht first stisdlat Chink. Th funeral services over the rmlns of the late James B. La- n'.er were held from 'the First Methodist church, of which th dc ceaaed became a communioant Uat week, yesterday afternoon at o'clock. Tht fraternal ordert of Elkt and Pythlane attended ia body ' and floral offaringt from both rested npon tb ettket a it was born to th altar. Rer. Dr. J. U. Kowe officiated and a quar tette composed of Mr. D. M. Miller,' Mia Jalia GaskiU and Mast. . W, Bideoutte and J. M. McCorklt sang oat of the favorite of tht deceased. .The remains war interred in Chestnut Hill emttry, ' Mr. William A. Keith went to Graratboro thltmornlag. DEATH CafBEE WHEELS l?tlCH T0US6 111 IltLCK. 1 leptrted That At Xad Itatetmt That ht Wat PaahetOf. 'Walter Whltmore, a. young whit tat of Spwtetr, wit killed aear Concord 8aturd Bight, at a lata hour, by th fast freight train No. T5, which rnt from 8pencer to Grfir!l!e.. 'Th supposition it that ht Wat tiding tb trail without (h kaowWg of th conductor tad fell feeder tb wheels. H lived lot sereraj hoar tad H it reported today that ht mid a tUtement before he died to the effect that h Tras poshed from car by brake man. Tbit report cannot b inb- I ttantialtd, oth . tht lower limb of tht youtg mat) wen fearfully cruthed and it It on aldertd rtmrktbl that b Mr rived th ahock for any lengfh of tim. ' Th remain Wert brought to opeaeer yesterday morning and, accompanied by relatives, taken to th former home of th de- oeaaed at Kttlty, S.C.,last tight for bariaL ,. ! Mi. Whitmor was aa tmplqy of tha 8outhera at Spencer and wat 11 years old. He it tarriyed b young wife to whom he had been married bat t short white, : Th same train that killed yoapg Whitmor alto raa ortr tail ln- aUntly killed Coacfuctor J, ijf. Allison, of Iredell county, who recently returned from th Watt, where ht has been railroading and ntrd th eerric o th' Houh: era." Capt Aliiaqn, tt it Mlird, wrong track whil shifting car. Hi body was !itrUy ground to pteca. . ' ' ' ' 1 ,. V BIG TB1K0 FOE CITT phi ii Capital or $20,000 aeCahbint a4 Karriaan aaage law BeaUtss. . : Salisbury it to hart a new bnai nett that will figor largely in the commtrcial world. By torn an txplalnahi mishap, this story misted pabtlcttlca 1 tbt For of Satarday. Th Guarantee Loan, Trust and Intaraaca Comnanr ia th nam of th new eorpo ration with eapllafi authoriajd at 1100,000 and p:l 1 to 120,000. It will begia busieeir October let Thto oonspany hat. absorbed tht laturaao ard rial estate bus's tea of Messrs. McCah hint tad Harritoa and theet msa ag th new bosinast. Mr. E. P. Wharton of Greensboro, repre sents Tat South r a Lift and Trnat Company of that city, their four fire la su mac eompaniee,. their life inearaac eompulu and their real state. : , Th company, will accept money to lead and guarantee repayment of principal and interest. It will list property for sale or rent, will collect reott, pay Use and other wis protect tht latere t of the OWBr. Liberal term will b mad to borrowtrt. This arrngment will afford aa opportunity to net money accumulated la tht Greensboro Iasaraeoe Companies ia develop ing Salitbary-Speaotr tad ridalty. Th following gentltmaa art aow holdiag ttook, ths first three mestioaed being th largeeL'own trtt E P. Whartoo.J. a McCab- Wnt, B. H. Harritoa, A. L Smoot, Jao. 8. Headereon, Frank B. Browt, B. B. Mllltr, A E Davis, W. M. Harris ft 'jo, H.Q Tysoa, E. C. Hood, W. IL Huff, J. H. Bamtar. Victor WalUct & Soot, B. B Orarmaa, L!ntt Btra- hardt, T. O. Williamtoa, Jno. L. Eaqcuetnaa, C L Hall, Biwan Hard wain Compaay, E, J. Rote mat, J, I. Stewart, Belk Harry Compeay, ; CONTEST ORDINANCE, m ubewiii pisrosmoi Tt PlaM tr let t Plate Ware ea trtete the OaesUen. That tha ordinance reoently adopted requiring tha grocers of Salisbury to keep their ware off tht tidewalkt will be contested, wat madt certain by the action of thre-foortbtof th grocers who placed produoe opon the slreete In front of their place of butineet m order to wet th constitutionali ty of tha ordinance. Tht matter . cam ap before Mayor pro tern L Ed Hailig this morning, and tbt defendant! en tered their pie. Oae, and tb mort significant of all in view of th fart that a lrgal battl will (all probability follow, it the contention that while dealers In merchandise other than grocers bar not boen disturbed In their front-of-door display the ordi nance hat been rigidly enforced where th grocer are concerned. Mr. Heilig continued all the ca se until tomorrow morning when Mayor Boydefl, who returned to Sallabury today, will officiate. UOKT LOCAL ITEII Oathered U the lash for Bews- . The Whs Cmm and St, V7. m. Suiuibtruit hu t chsrsc of ad. today oa Snd page. Mr. J. K. Culbertson, of Wood leaf, wae In Salisbury today. totu. It tb guest of Mist EJna "-,wnavrfr".'TTnra. Airt. B. a Mania and family bar returned from a visit to Nor folk. . ; ' ' ; ' Mia Sara Fowler has relumed to South Hirer after rieiting Mise Jnlia Snipe for a week. Mr. and Mrs. E F. Fraley weal to Bock Hill Satarday night to ria it rtlatir there. ;: Mr. and Mr. W. T. Nicoleon, of Stateerllle, returned home laat night after rialting Mr. and Mrt. J. . Henneesee. '".'' Mr. Joha Stoddard (Mia Jen ai Mitchell Eankin.-ef Saraanah, Gi.,) it is Salisbary oe a ?Wt o bar mother, Mrs. W. L Bankln. Fiilicemaa Wit, who hat not beea well for rtrtral days, wat compelled to take to his bed yes terday afternoon. Mr. Henry Bearer, th reteran tabttitute, i filling hit place. Mr. Wm. M. Erwin, managsr of th Beil Shoe Store, successor to tb Bart Shoe Company," went to Lynchburg - thi morning to select additional ttock for tht Fall business. Mist Camrui Wseturland, who has; been rialting her titter, Mia Etta Fraley, for a few weeks, re- tnrntd to her home at Bock Hill, S. C, Saturday night. Mrt. Haynef.of WinstoL-Salem, who ha beea ia 8ulitbary oa busl aee connected with th construe-. tioa of th Willisms block of buei- aeea house, retcxard to Winston Salem this morning, Mr. W. A. Brown opened the local oyater aeasoa at hV market oa Council street Satarday. The .-gallon bucket which he recelr ed wat readily disposed of. Mr. and Mrt. H. Millar hart gout to JNortnera cities. Mr. Miller will spend ttrtral months la toat eeetloa. Mr. U'ller gott to parch goods for tb Glob DepartmeatStor. H trill retort ia about three weeks. Mr. & M. Hart, of Clarendon, Arkansas, who has beea In thia conty,for tht past three weeks, having been called to hit old hem a', Woodleef hythi diticl illDeat ani tabstquent death of hit father tb let Aloaso A. Haxt, rturns to - Arkaaast to mrroir ... SIX FERSOHS KILLED. EUY1TE) Tim Tomsmn fer the Tint Tub U U Xlatery ef, Bw Terk Aa Herat Car testree Ike Traek a4 Plaaftt tt. tht .... tretBlew. New York. Sept. 11. At Ut result of a car of tht Ninth Ave nue elevated train jampiag the track and plunging to th etreet alz persons were kilied sad fir teen injured, tome fatally, short ly after 7 o'clock thia morning. Tbt accident happened at Ninth Arena and Fifty-third street, and it it tht first time ia tbt his tory of the Elertted mad U thia city that a car hat tallea to tht stoet. Tho traia wat bound South and pached full with people on their way to the day's labor. Tha traia wtsMtiayed at 116th street and Eighth - Avenoe for several mlnotee and when it got started the motrrna tried to make op lost tim. As th traia approached Fifty-third street where tb Sixth Arena Elevated train era sw'.tchrd from Ninth Avenue and sent through Fifty third etreet to Siith Arena the motorman, thinking tb twitch was propirfy set f&Jjim, ilict aqt slacken , the speecF of tb train. TBtf6teupd ' orer th swlUh alright when, tb witch man teeing Lie mistake, turned tb switch and th second ear left the track and created through tb guard tail and fell to the street below, diataco of twenty fire feet. Imeaediately there waa maae of howling humanity among tha twisted wreck of the ear. The other car remained on the track. Hurry call war aaat for ambulances and the fire alarm waa tnratd ia from the third car of tb train baring caught fir from th third rail. 'The Injured ware removed to Bellevoe, Flower and Rooeerelt hospitals. Coroner 8cnol.e ordered the ar- reetof th motorman, conductor and twitchman. v . i in" iEiicii conoi ciop Liter taerease te 0,000 r 10,000 Bales Orar Laat Tsar. Mexico City, Sept 10. Last year's cotton crop wae 75,000 bale, Th lowest estimate tor tht present year it 90,000 and possibly 100,000 bale. Th cot ton produced ia th republic la about one-third ot th quantity rrqulrtd for : nativ mill, Th annual lacraa ia acreage it smal ler. Beporta of xprimcta with th cotton tr ar not ry talis- factory and it it not liktly that cotton from thi aoarc will for long tim b had ia quaatitise to elect the market, ' Ttntehilt Hon Win Pari Prist. Prrl, Sept 10. Th Prix d Villie-V at on mil, for two year- old at Longchampa today, wat woa by W. K. Vasdarblll't Bel mar. : Beara ef Bdneati la Bssaien. Th county Board of Edoeatio It ia tewloa today. , .Tht rtgnlar eseloa waa poatpoeed from laat Monday natil today, Beek Cltb Kset With Mn. Xlatta Th Book dob will meet with Mr. T, F. Kluttt tomorrow af UrnoM at 4.80 o'clock, Author, Hugh Black. . Maj. Smith, cf Wlnaton-Salem, i ia Salisbary today oa boaiaeee lot th Norfolk and Wwtora. THE 1EHT NOTIFIED, ixcnra iivi or tuitt trtrythUf Wte it a f tate ef Bartoaeat Per Battie. Pre Guaehb Paaa, Manchuria, Sept 9. Since aewt waa received that th peace negotiation! at Ports mouth trer approaching a coo el uaion tb , eorrerpondent has made surrey of all the Kusaiaa poeitiaae from Mongolia' to the headquarter, the ot ject in part being to ascertain the extent to which th efforts making for peace were viewed by the army. The negotiations received ao official recognition ia the field prior to their successful ooncluaion, the army keeping ia a state of pre- paredneaa for a battl until tb receipt by Genera Uneriteh of a telegram from Emperor Nicholas, declaring that the treaty had been signed and that tie "mejti'y ac oeptedtht conditions arrived at. This telegrant wat officially pub lished ia the army aawapeper on September and tb outlines of th pev:e condition wr printrd la tb tarn publication today. St Petersburg, Sept 11. Msj General Oranorsky, Quartermas ter Genera! on tb staff of General Linariteb, baa beea aamed a plenipotentiary to confer with General Fukuahim tho Japanese rapt sews tatlvc, to arrange war trmirfw T!1?r Wbteb fifrktisis; k to be suspended ia Manchuiis. Field. Marshall Oyama took the Initiative in arranging for the ar mistice by sending a letter to Gen eral LiaevitcSaturday uor,8. dig of truce to soggeal "tending rpreeatatira for .thU'parposa. Th gtatrele aamed will hara Ml charge ot drawing op the terms of arnststo."'' T0U5 100T TO lOH 01. BseteaPelieewaa Alst Save Isaretary ef War a Pasa. Boston, 8ept . Elihu Boot, Secretary cf State,' waa mistaken for a loiterer by aa ambitious spe cial officer at th North Station late last night, and with a business like grip of th arm wae gruffly or dered to "mora oa lively." Th ine dent which nmure-i rvh- r thaa provoked Mr. Kcot, oc tarred a few minutee after hit ar rival oa tb tardy St John ex- , oa hit way horn to Nw V oeeretary Boot was about to give oa of hi two sons, who accompa nied him, Instructions ooaosralng th baggag, whea a gUat special offiotr ia gray uniform swaggered np to tha group. "Move oa there, yon fellerer he shouted. "You're blocking the way. Liwlyaow." Ikewsn Csslng, Th wthr bureau at Wsahirg ton It back of tht prophecy that Salisbury, to dusty for th three week, wiU bar relief tonight and tomorrow. Tb weather fortotet for 4 hours it: Showers tonight tomorrow. Mtetlag ef Cemssandtty. A regular oonclar of Sallabury Commaadery No. 13 will b held to eight at S o'clock. It is lm- portent that all Sir Knights should slteod. Bsw Ate. i 8ueataerseU, 9ad page. ' Coraallaoa at Cook, 1st page. Sapoaa Tribe No. 8S, L O. B M , 1st page, Tho. Boorbaum, 4th pag, For IUat-rw Rooai CsHa la East tVliabarr, ApplT te uus ellM. , tt-t . Vsataal I Fir tint eua taacr troociK. Apvtr nadr t werk Tad7 aaenuag aa taa taucm ally. Far Raat-1 Kaaaa Hews, sa4 Mif h bothee, aaaaWra ceavtawaoM, aaw ArT t Caea. A-r, 11 Moses For Fresh Grits, Moth Flakes, Va. Country Jl Ciiroiina Shoulder Fine Pineapple Follow the Crow u n 1 es&-yeu-4 nol better way to MAX fflOS Boy's School Si Wb have jut rrn-t'i' big shipment of School Suits at 98C, SI 48, S $nd f2.4cVJtw.il pa to seo them iKiore chasing elsetvhero. the habit. Trade at nm mnxn 135 SOUTH MAIN What vre tmiim compliment to our tionery department is deiiiuiiu mi e !m for nice writintr pai We load the town in t box.pajHT3. . Salisbury Drug SaponaTribe,No I. O. R. M. Mmi ve v Wfdnrsd.v nit 1 1 o'clock ever Wachovia Loan O. yiitinK brotrm-s xnd mcmi vilej to attend. C. M.D.Kit II Joseph H. McNel Can Supply yq WINTER C04 Wants-now WE REPA All kinds of Watches. and Jewelry. TH BUI HOW I0W. We do not our 27 year of expciienc hard study das been wast. ALL WORK GUARAN' We also tit glaasca and tee satisfaction. Our price are low. b our expenses are ama. afford it. MTTryua W. P. THORN Ti Tke lawaiar. t0 Hi Talbort's Signs ABI Perpe Advertis Orer Froneberger' Hara coal, cor THE SALlSBlJ ICE &, FUEL i will supply you and save youm Try The!

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