V.. : ; : w1 SALISBURY EVENING POST. L, 2. NO, 42. The Post Has a Larger Circulation Than Any Newspaper Ever published in Rowan County. And the List is Growing Daily. SALISBURY, N. C. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1906. $4.00 a Year. jNHARDT IS COMING. A DEATH AT SPENCER.jNO STRIKE IS LIKELY. TRACT FINALLY CLOSED. PROMINENT MERCHANT DEAD. MITCHELL CONFIRMS REPORT Be ia Salkbnry tin Night of Rer. Dr. Spnrgee. Preached Twice at March 10th. Spencer Yesterday. No Ceml Strike af Coal Opera tnes Eipected April lit time. Asked public at regarding this the the Methodist church here. Dr. , declaration made in indanapolis ! .."i.-K" ...pe. barah Bernhardt will be; .r-jK9aoc at w i New York Feb -? -P-ii. isbury atMeroney'. the-( Spencer Feb .-, Rev wil'dent Mitchell this morning said -:? Camille on Saturday even-!.. Sl)U' ' n 'n (( pw! he had no statement to .Siarrhiotr... mis informa- . . . - - . .' - .make to the nicame to Manager Marsh k- n . i if Dr. L. J. Meroney, of Phil- pma, m a te.egram received jg u ;by Vice-President Lewis that lay night Just how pr. Spurgeon and is him-l be to general strike rcmcy succeeded .n making g noteJ her At tbe ' April 1st. Mitchell said that he J engagement after Bern- invi(ation of Rey j E G ; thought the sUtement. was cor dis manager had called the torof the s , Meth(xlisti rect but would say no more. I off was not stated but Mr. fa The settlement of .differences p-m Miuurura vo iimut: . .. . . . . . , m the bituminous coal field, how- THE TURKS WHIPPED. THE SULTAN MAKES A LOAN. CHINESE DO MURDER. SLICK FORGER'S TRIAL. THEIR THREAT IS MADE GOOD GOT AWAY WITH A BIG SUM. The Arab, It u Stated, Hare Declare Aa Eatire Fiauly at a Miiaisn Statioa With Hit Mistreu Sailed oo a Cbar- Their ladepeodeace. authorized to tive announcement that a jtract hail been closed. This -tiiMjici lii Sa'i&Lury de lft and Mr. Marsh is satisfied, ft ite the tremendous figure;. of the Kin?dom. xhe' the miners and soft coal opera- . UJ .....u. ""k". :i,,i ;tMa tors is iiKeiy. : the engagement will be a .. . . . .. . , : , Stable one. This morning a . . . . ,mw.'nD uii cnn nil ciiDCTmitmii hesl cm frQrri one Greens-' .,, 0,, , ,,; Ull. n ILOUii Uil SuBuiiitiliurt irshay pwredm from Char-; . . tm t. " a " 7 , .... , . . L i Constantinople, Feb. 2fi.-The correspondent of the Publishers Press is informed by the British embassy that Turkey has met with a great disaster in the Ye- Rumors to this effect have been spreading for Ueveral days but hitherto it has been impossible to confirm them and full details of what has tran spired have not yet bn receiv ed but the Arabs apparently have asserted their independence. The i Slaughtered. tered Yacht. Washington, Feb. 26. -Advices; Paris. Feb. 2(3. - The trial of at the State Department received Jean Gaily, the bank embezzler, this morning of trouble in the in-, and his mistress, Actress Mme tenor of Lhina nas already oc cured in conformity with the warning recently circulated that Valentino Morelle. began this morning in assizes courts. The double charges of forgery and re than a hundred Salisburi- clamoring for tickets were turned away today, as Mr. 'rsh baa decided not to begin fM n. c Mi,i ever seem- asssured and the iunisn casualties in tnecam- , upon the cause and effect of the! Publi3he Pre9 " . If f m " ver great Welsh revival which re- this afternotn, on au- j two thousand and General Risa icently swept through Wales aad1"'"- arment between 'fha.mmanueri the Turk- oil a.wjjb, 19 miu i,yf iiaic uvii fatally wounded. The Sultan has secured a loan of a million dollars from the Imperial bank with w'nich tn bear the rxtierise f lading reihfoivements to Yemen province.. ... ... .. ., :,. . ... THE LYMAN THlTO-NIGHT Sjwncer on the question, "Is Re-"t ligion Worth Having!" He was' heard at each service by im-, Preachea aa latere. tiiif Topic raense crowds and his visit to; Rev. Dr. J, H. Wilson preached yesterday morning at St. John's Clerer Predartiaa at Meroaey'i taeatrt tiu Ereaiaf. tf advance sales before Thurs-,8" qmU an I Lutheran church an interesting -! 4 The tickets will be put on!"18 1,1 sermon. His text was taken i Tbuday-1norrilnK at.9 hc,7fof ds ect ! from John 8;1. .. 1 , . v' rit and Mr Marsh will Jon the l,fe of the note,l preacher; ForGod M loved the world 4vor to see that none of them vr WM-a-pargw - Thrrt he gtve fits only begotten i into the hands of ticket' funeral of Mr. Sydney !son that whosoever betievith in suilpers. jKisdon, who died suddenly at; Him should not perish, but have Barhardfs appearance hereihis home! here Saturday after-!ever life. he the leadintr theatHral non f asthma, was held from' Dr. Wilson said in Dart: F.thics. . .. . ,. ... s Muthlif r , . . 'ianu vent m ftortn Carolina mis T social service, pmmcai retormsj advance gaie of tickets indicate a ..m WIllUll Llir UCtnUWU MM JIUII- ' nH Ik. IiIta hair, f hm. nlnAA . . . the lives of foreigners in that embezzling money have been part of the empire would be in placed against Gallay and the 1 danger on and after the 24th. madame is being prosecuted as ' One family by the name of Bing-; his accomplice. Gallay 's embezz ; ham, English missionaries con-; ling of funds and flight from Paris I sisting of two adults and two j created a great sensation. He 'children, has been killed. The i was employed as a clerk. Hede I information comes from Consul vised a scheme for transferring j General Rodgers at Shag. He accounts of patrons to branch in : reports that the mission station stitutions and then drawing mon ; at Nanchang and Kiangai near ey against them by means of ! Kinkiang has been destroyed. A 1 forged papers. In that manner ! later report stated that the sta- j he collected about 850, 000 francs. ; tion at Hanching had been saved, j Gallay then chartered the steam The dispatch states that fourteen- yacht (atarina.. filled it with lux- t a ai'"T"riir?nc llI in ! itriaa fin1 ,lu!nt ae ori.l ili.l fvnn fthe tieiborhood of the rfftsions Harvre with Mme" Mohlle ' Aug.' reported destroyed are believed ! 1st of last year. For three weeks to have escaped. "The causes of, the police of all Euroe and the uprising is not known, details ! North and South America were being lacking. Consul General; kept watching for the yacht. Rodgers states that the Elecano, j Gallay and his comianion were an American gunboat, has been i finally caught at Bahia, Brazil, The Lyman Twins at Meroney 's I theatre this evening is one of the pest attractions oi its ki..u cnai comes to North Carolina. The twins have been in Salisbury be fore and have always had large and appreciative audiences. The ordered to Kin Kiang and will arrive there Wednesday, having left Nanking. . . . AJf EMINENT BAPTIST DEAD. August 24th. Re. Dr. Woodbara, of PitUkorf, Died thii Noraiaf. AGED COUNTRYMAN DEAD. Mr. Greta Morpa, of Ea.tera Row an Died Saturday. which the deceased was an hon-anrt .v. iji, have their r,lB .n.r.. , Ll inroA mU enX.t .f)u,nnr.n . .. "T T ! nOUSC lO-nigni. " are important, cut me cnurcn; ii neer Reaexhe VUHed by His Kiu- people Yetttrday. New York Yoang Woman Died oa the Eighteeath. I LTCVrD DDfll'lirT UflUC i lulT w and her service are concerned : iiipc ICi'l'lC mi'DnV flCIIl i. AttVtn DKUUnlll nUMLifriendswer in attendance. In ;with reii-oid fashioned re-'inl5a JtlMt LUiSKUl UtAU. I .msn-maritstDe jiastor. tcev. J. ; ligion-the truth that makes free ;b. uay. paid a nigntnoute tome Truth can never change. As i exemplary life of Mr. Risdon. jGod, its source, it is the same who was a native Englishman : venif ntav irwkv anA f.,rvr n d v locating in Spencer a year ago ;Truth has cut iu way through neTIZL)TlZ Ju0 CTBaifin in uud-rethe wilderness of sin. The' duty so badly inured in the coll- buiiness in which he had been of the church is to uncover T uw 7riful- the highest ; cear, declariJ( out the tand. ns on the western road oiI mm,.. -i Snpnfor Th in.' u.l..., V., . i . ... , , , , . ' -- : murivs ; out w ueairoy orcnange day 18th was discharged from : waa in Spencer cemetery ! never .. Asheville hospital, where he;the p,,, bearer, being W. H.j The church must not form J I been under treatment, andlBurtoT w u' Tate 11 C Holt Uu I . x. I j iT i v,.v, v. o.,-j ' ' ' n "" that her task ia not to adapt the 1 Xt rwTthi..t G" W and ! truth to man', taste but to Una- tAZiriK''V;WeU''lln' Risdon-WMiformmanto the truth, by the JL of lg,rL of Cht. by renewing (Unea were of such nature, ing pro8trate at the unexpected hig nVjnd treLftti.frideath0f berhusband- A Binlru- I" 'the fantastic, glittering, jeki before he u. able to re-jlar fact ia that Mrs. madon had .. zed methods, 9,e nis run. : been twice married and in each i -gneeiallv of the last nuartM-of Lngineer reter u. Koueche. ,,. nM v rill:oH fiftn ' ., ., Miss Janie Conroy, aged 17, died in New York City on the 18th. Miss Conroy was the youngest sister of Mr. J. J. Conroy, of Salisbury, and with her mother spent several months in Salisbury visiting Mr. Con roy'. family last year. Miss Janie was a bright, pretty girl, and her death will be a great loss to. her aged mothc, who is sorely grieved. - . . 1. T ...1 . 1 t. ll tcniury, me L,uuieran cnurvn Capt E. B. C. Hambley is spending the day at Whitney. , - 7"(monuisartermarnage, ner nrsi ; has a unique history. Her eort- I rW by hbirT Mr. WUUam Poweu. of!9ervati8mhaabroughtthechau k wreck, was Tisited by ma, WaiTenton, being accidentally of ..gk)W.. "antiquated," "be ither. and other Salisbury !.:,., th. nmilli ,; ,. . . A. ..',.,. . ..j., vr- o,l, . iiuiu uie Mines. out wisuum 19 htives yesterday. Mr.Roueclu! . . y-v j. u- ..i,:u r ...11 ma 1a liruinlfnl r. w w,va"va J V IITTi 1, 1 1 i 1U I C 1 1 . All . , . , . , tided head-on near Biltmore last ; twenty-five years, in the city of omed sting, is my substitute. m 1 lual irnnrvvemenL The I Sunday have ben brou8ht to the ! NeW Yr1'. "he has grovn from ; When my chastisement is upon gift, the rescue. Who goes to battle in my place is my snbsti tute. Who bruises the serpent's head .for me, who receives for me, in his own body the ven- Southern's shops here. Both are : twenty-two churches and 5,000! him, ard I am healed by his 1 nnt K J-., ,, tn amrilltflt Dd,y torn UP almost beyond re-' members, to 122 churches and stripes, he is my substitute. 'I right kXh to p,ir' and were broufht to Spen-i 50.000 members. Only one other (When "Christ the mighty maker infully fractured above rtwicer on em ';. UA the j denomination in ' that, eity has i died" for me, he became my sub 1. rw t p ci 1. 1 c 1 i engines are among the most dam-ir.ore. In America, in six years, I stitute. When He triumphed over ;iee. ur. g. t,. atoicea, 01 oai-i ...0,lo, ,,.!., . . . . . ... .i , j .u ;,., &ury went to Biltmore Satur i'iwukuv w niwiiicuvri sue noa leupeu irum ine sixtu iu uui, ntii u mc a'c, 11. o Sy and participated in a con jltation of physicians reHpect ig Mr. Roueche's condition. l llTUl TZX ITS ants combined. ; Sealed fact. An actual reali-jMISS KLUTTZ ENTERTAINS. .I , ; r ,1;; r. "I 7i Children of this grand old zation. Testified to by God s first "yards. jthe third place of numerical ' that for me, through him, the . u..nt!...u j strength. In all the world, the, sting of death and the victory of Mr. Burked Slifhtly Improved. number of her communicants is ! the grave might be swallowed up. ., , . . equal to that of all. other Pros- . Rut this is not a theory. It isa Pittsburg, Feb. 26. - Rev. B. P. Woodburn, the well known cler gyman, died this morning after a long illness, He was born at Shousetown March 23, 1X12, and was one time editor and publisher er of Witness, a Baptist publication. MR. JORDAN MAKES BIG DEAL Sella a Greenibore Ceatpaay 21,000 Acrei of Florida Laad. Mr. C. B. Jordan, of this city, has just concluded with a Greens boro company a deal for 21,00 acres of timber land in Florida. The consideration was f75,00O. The Greensboro company will begin at once working the tim ber into marketable lumber. Mr, Green Morgan, a well known citizen of the Eastern I part of the county, died Satur day evening of pneumonia. He was 75 years old and is survived by a large number of relatives. The funeral services were held from St. Matthew's Lutheran church yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev, N. D. Bodie officiating. NEWS TOLD IN A FEW LLNES. Notice of the Pauiaf Throng and Cob deated Local Newi. BIG NIGHT CELEBRATION. AD Saliabary Pythianj are Eipected oat To-aifht. Pythian Big Night will be celebrated this evening from 8 . to 11 o'clock by the Knights of i Pythias of Salisbury and Spencer j in the castle hall of Rowan Ladge No. 100. After a few short) speeches cigars and ref resliments will be served. All Pythians are invited to be present. . Miss Mattie Griffin, of Greens boro, spent Sunday in Salisbury. Mrs. R, G. Kiser is quite sick. She is threatened with pneumo nia. Mrs. Charles M. Brown, who has been sick KAveraj days, is im proved to 'day. Don't fail to attend the Spur geon lecture at the Spencer Methodist church to-night. Mrs. W. S. Frost and little daughter. Louise, returned yes terday from a week's visit to relatives at Portsmouth, Va. Dr. R. M. Eames, who has been confined to his home for a week with a badly mashed toot, is out again to-day. his fi iemls will be glad to learn. iys: nir. tvouccne rested wen aeain s poor tor two weens, is , . . , - : . , . ' this grand old tzation. aut;kf Tt. i i. ! t ,i v,. ' cnuren, smootn out in iv iiikiiu Allele to iiw rwlldllKC Diiblll-iJ luil'i cy . vviar. nu . . . . . his condition to-day. . : hope is entertained for his reeov- r . . . .. . ? - ; . . a.. . . upon her sweet face the kiss of 1 j I ery, however, as he is afflicted , , ., , . , . .. ' 1 , . . , , . ..... . We and nstle close to her great Mr.T. B. Brown leav, to-! with a fatal malady. - ! hrt Thril! her with the nul- ightforNew York to buy the! f Rations of vour life blood devoted pring stock for the Brown-Pal- j Mia Kluttx Retunu. j ber iife , jhier Clothing Company lie gone two weeks. He will j Sunday '. Atlanta Constitution Now the whole gospel is con contains a fine cut of Misj Kath-lcentrated into this text God's i leen Kluttz, who returned Satur- love gift, life ; man', need, res- Mr. James Da' vis returned this day night from visiting friends (cue, crown. morning from New York. i in Memphis and Atlanta. We have to do to-day with the ! before us. types, prophecies, sacrifices, wor ship, jiopc, lif- glory of the old Testament revelation, confirmed by the life, teachings, death, resurrection, ascension of Christ; sealed by the sacraments of the church, and the advent of the HolyGhost, realized by patriarchs and prophets, apostles and mar tyrs, and is the hope of glory set Thirty Cueiti Do Honor to Mrt. D. H. McCulloafh. Mrs. D. H. McCullough, who has been visiting Mrs. Edwin Overman and Miss Jeanie Kluttz, left for Statesville this morning. mino ntuuu. .uwi wiuvu 111 1110. j McLunougn s nonor Saturday 31 ternoon, alxiut thirty guests be ing present . . New Ada Today. Barber Buggy & Waggon Co. Daily arrival of buggies and surreys page fi. Bell Shoe Store They com pare their shoes with others, page 5. Salisbury Drug Co. reliable drugs, page 4. . W. B. Summerset t House Cleaning, page 4. Robt. Portner Brewing Co. first car Bock Beer, page 5.