SALISBURY EVENING POST The Post Has a Larger Circulation Than Any Newspaper Ever Published in Rowan County. And the List is GrowingJDajly NO. 45T SAUS3URY. N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 1. 1906. $4.00 a Year. Ir H PEOPLE BUYJA TUG TURNS TURTLE 30 PEOPLE DROWNED. MOBS UNDER CONTROL TO SEARCH RAILROADS.! 100 HORSES STAMPEDE tED TO SALISBURY.! THREE OF CREW DROWNED TRADING STEAMER SINKS. SPRINGFIELD IS NOW QUIET. INVESTIGATION IS COMING.! ARMOUR PLANT DESTROYED ' If. : It I . E J Place of the Lit Bishop The I Moore a SI(L WiHard. of Portland, Coej to the Bortoaa. Man, Isleigh Real Estate and Company has "i Mr. ' Samuel bins. t!,a:iiiterst of Mr. MeCub- Gloucester. Mass.. March 1.- Th Naatber Lost it Not Lew thaa Tweaty, Probably TWy. Christian ia, March L News has just been received here from , t'.i i,i, The tug, Willard. turned turtle ! Haugesund to the effect that be- McCub- and went t0.the bottom this (t ween twenty and thirty persons Mobs Honed the StreeU Last Doiag Great Diaii. Night morning, carrying to death three j were drowned in the Binking of l.!S ; r-in L Shaver and oth- w' lne Qrownea are tne trading steamer Thorz, near en in ttt tract of land on the W'Tlwrnf. Falmouth. ! that place. s- Whs ff Salisbury known as r. land. Maine, of Boston. and Geo. Greason, ;op Moore place and con- of fifty acres. The con- m was $3,500. Mr. J. T. one of Raleigh's prom- MR. G. H. KNIGHT WINS BRIDE (ken, was in Salisbury . Springfield, O.. March l.-At nine o'clock this moming the situation was well in hand, the militia being in absolute control Charles E. Hughes u asked to Become Chief Inquisitor. Fire at lie Philadelphia Pleat Caniei Law of $100,000. Philadelphia, Pa., March 1. - and closed the deal for ik-rty. .Jaleigh company will lay perty off in lot and put 'i$ the market in a few MarrWd Yesterday Ahem t. Mia: Nw york Maa.h hPnd. Sue Hraau. of Mariaa. ! dnt Raer, of the Resiling Com pany left Philadelphia this morn- Miss Sue Hvams. of Marion, imr ti nmfi and Mr. Guyon H. Nlbury. were K.amel yester-1 situation. It is believed that Washington, March 1. The' Interstate Commerce Commission j A plant of the Armour Beef is on a hunt for special counsel j Company on the corner of Har to assist in conducting the rail- ris and American streets, was of the rioters and everything jSj road investigation imposed upon j uestroyea eany tms morning oy quiet. The actual damage done it by Senator Tillman in the Gil- j fire. It consisted of a large re i ti u i 'lesnie resolution. Charles E. friireratiiiir and storage house DDrPinri'T ll'n Dim Til 1 u" K v woo msi ...gut was novas: r , " rKtoIUtnl AAll OAtK I ALU. the night before but was equally ! HuKhes- of New York- is the, and stable. A nundred horses ,. jM disgraceful. Three houses ' man tne commission would like' were in the stable when the fire were burned and others stoned, j 10 n8ve ana 11 ,s 811111 ne nas been ; 0TOKe oul many were Kiuea in Not one but a half dozen mobj! tentatively offered the position, j the stampede which followed. A varying in strength and v icious- Should he decline, either Judge ! large stock of meat in store in nets roamed the streets, doing Calhoun, of Chicago, or John G. the house was consumed. The damage in the most unexpected ' Carlisle, former secretary of the j lo3S is estimated at over $100,- Dw.e. i treasury, may oe seiectea. uoun- ". . Twenty-eight who were arrest- They Ct Over tke Coal Field twa To-day.' Srtua- isel will be chosen within a week. ! Wert WeO-Nigh deta il? Tau Meraiaf. Iiof Declaration!. of Marion. : in to confer with ..Presidents f. r,,;-.;,; i 'He will be chief inquisitor in the U'nUClI nOll'VCDC IHTDCICC K night, uf : Roosevelt on the anthracite strike I LiJ.J thi,' 'investigation which will be the ' " ulnL'1 ""'"-r.J ..IUULH.IL Fm.Hn wrhnsVith no-.!most far reaching the govern-! ' . SH FOR SEATS TflflAY "y a,tern,,ori Bt 4 o'clock at the j Baer went to Washington at the 'tjcipating in the riots, nine with!ment has ever undertaken. It A New York Preacher Maine Start- . n me 01 me Dnuen s motner. ; reiuest of the President disorder'v conduct and five wihilstlle desire of the commission Mrs. J. H, Hyams. Rev. H. H. President Mitchell has re-jrj-ying concealed weapons, j tn "8ccure man who will perform """r U1 "ZrTy'n cnurcn cwereo.,rom peprsion-oue to. Continuations were asked in eachne 01 worK cnac. nMgnes- New York, Feb. 28. -The Rev. oiiiciaiinif. jne onue wore a tne strain oi events forme last iieautifu! aoing-awav yor'Todd said ilrst hearings open to the public, lecture lastvening on ' Where at the Twen- lieve there would be any nwre.imrwn nin -.we next isw j ty.fourth Street Methodist Epis- trouble. Troops are to be keptiweeK3- wter- lRe commlsS1" col church, made an appeal to on duty today and tonight. j'11 Slt m various parts of thj wonien for temperance. of the - vanct. sale for Berithatdt Wmf?K - , ih; wrtm utos-that when Sarah "an- here March loth, she will dressed in conventional black'. ,a the Ashland HvUse'thtt TnorW."tWi."V'VWw. ma will probably be held in Wash-uu "!? nrreeted by an audience which v.Utas the capacity of Merun-O-'s theatre. The sale commenod shortly hour an impatient line of buyers kept Manager Marsh lia.y. All of the I3.0M and $2.50 mhW were ragerly'anapixil up. There was. iilso a steady demand for tirt orseata. and by noon nearly I '.( of the $," seat had leen ,.; 1 - Three of the boxes wen ' ! d uring the earlv rush. . "..j peats may be had on the or. if after the first rush there Tj? more or less steady de ifor seat from Mated i a,rer Marsh is mure than I 1 with the opening sale. t is confident the Jsnme nf th aeeimpH gown or weefcbefore Kotsevet intervened rnemliers of the" tiftm wis' in th soft coaf 'situation. " SeeRispringfieid.'''' M Ttft attendants were MissCar-i ing Mitchell declined to discuss rte Hyams and Mr. Edward Guy. i the anthracite or bituminous During the ceremony "LoveV aituation. Pleading" was beautifully ren-: . . i TZ uZ iSE'S TOLB iN A FEW LINES.-KANSAS IS CRYING FOR CARS. Maye Blanton received. ! Mr. and Mrs. Knight came to, (Jotict of the Puu( Throai asd Coa- Sulisburv lat on No. 12 and will' , . , , , . , , , . , itmtti Local New. ma ke their home here. The bride f this ijopular vounir man is cor-' ity engineer .. si. miner Chicago, reb. 28.-r rum Kan went to Statesville this morning, sas the cry is still heard of a' Mr. .!. I.. Cecil, a former Sail- shortage of cars. There are still Knrinn nttxk- At' f:rinn ic Vi... in. V day. Miss Fan McNeely is home again after ncn. - . new iuiiv, rvu. tD. iuc ivey. arejdid flr " Armstrong insurance. Madison cPete'rs of the Baptist ...r lt fanie of,'1. in his , ILiUad Han Wk-at Pretty Well Ckaaed tip, Bat there's Con to Move. within the Later, the country affected by tne invest!-1 The alarming increase Kn- . ! drink habit among women of ' j America, especially in New York, PIiriUST IllFS FfinM RinV he said, was a great peril to the dially welcomed to Salisbury. THE WARM SPELL CONTINUES The Weather Forecast for North Caro-1 liaa for 24 Hoars. ' Tiie w eather forecast for North Carolina for the ensuing 24 hours is : Fair and somewhat wanner to-night. Friday, partly whole cloudy and warmer. home and to the republic. "It is a common sight in' this Harrr TeoDj, Libt Weijht PajiUst, ' city," said the clergyman, "to was Fearfully Paaished. ; see women, and often girls in their 'teens, drink in public x San Francisco, March 1. - ! frequently and as hard as the ast quantities of corn that State1 Harry Tenny. the light weight men, often with men old enough awaiting shipment, and holders : wno was seveny oeaten ; of it have become impatient. :;nd knocked out in the four-1 At a recent luncheon m this Th... f..r nf.h . tcenth round in a bout with : city twenty-four ver' young rranKie reii last nignt, aiea tins ; u" iiu'ij uuim-a ;of champagne, while fifteen of I them smoked stven dozens of DANCED, THEN OPENED FIRE. 1 dared to tell the secrets of their -. . profession they could tell tales .i - -e amo.Hnu, mrm.s ... , ment8i and the buU of that cropjnwrmng. 'seems to have been disposed of! Irs. J. M. Flippin ar.d R. V. but little impression has yet been Brawley returned this morning made on the corn. from South Carrlina, where they , In addition to the car shortage, 1 jk ill be sold out some time : !?ance of the date of the ; . : .ry.ance. . iit will be on sale tomorrow and eerj" day thereafter as long as any (remains. The ? demand for seats from ! her dties of the State coiitin- Mr. Johastoa Retaras to Work. Mr. T. Edgar Johnston, city ticket agent of the Southern, has returned to his duties this morn ing, after an absance of three . months, part of which he was a to increase. In the audience' ver' ick man- , Mr J?h.nsto.n ' 4 play-goers from every city . entirely restored to health, a fact I have been attending a meeting , there also is a shortage of motive Ohio Nefro Shoots and Kills Hi Two of the Tri-State Medical Society, power. The roads having out-j Tonneator. Mr. G. H. Dortch, secretary of ' standing orders for new equip- ; . 0- the Atlantic Fire Insurance Com-; ment are becoming impatient for ( Columbus, Ohio. Feb. 27. pany. of Raleigh, was- in Salis-; the dHvery of the goods. ; Robert Butts and George Bridge- hury to-day. Mr. Margrave 'water, young white men of New Brown is the local representative: Georgia Peache and Plaau Killed. Pittsburg. Ohio, died in a hos of this excellent company. ! . . , - . 'pitalhere to-day from wounds of the consequences of drink among women that would chill our blood." , ELOPED FROM WASHINGTON. Minister Kept Waitiag Until Girl Maaaeed to "Steal" Away. Moultrie, Ga., Feb. 28. -At - - . .t, l.. -:..Li i, ; Mr. kWchei, Better. wJZv-n d egand i.lDonovn-C0,ored- - Rockville, Md.. Feb. 28.-Hen- , taw was down Ai degrees and is , Butu and Bridgewater hadlry Lec Neely, of Hinton. W. Va.. .Aie mm me ciiimore railing rapiuiv . a snarp wwia is : forC(fj J3onovan to dance a clog, ; and Miss Ully Chiaholm. of i ! Hospital at 8:30 this morning sta-. blowing from the southwest and;nd after emptying their re vol-j Washington, were married he.e u.u...e, mere - pro.u.mjr uu. .i wm ; . hi thp tn :cafllrJ. :, Thev ha.l nuu SUte. Danville will also K'"r. . r w jreiente.lby quite a large n'Mt ot lnon !uon- . M...M J i c.u.l. ' ted that engineer P. D. n evidence I me merest . , . . . ... .. n aunramnre m... vi; ,. ; u , umb.u w u, .,,,, "-;him. Thereupon Donovan shot ! arrangements with Rev. Thomas Ka n u.s a. u . :r- r:f"T :rr': " r I was mutn "nler 1,1,8 mo""K- cy ' . anu. "um . lre I Butts in the left lung and Bridge-! H. Camubell. nastor of the Ban- v. .., tuw oeen wan uieouiisnury neai- ' - - - ,- ! are n ful bloom and there is but .1 n... ' l " o. ir... 13 ikdame Bernhardt, f-rnity copies oi tarmine ty and Guaranty Company as a Been placed with one book- stenoirranher. iroes to Huntinir. the city. jtonWest Virginia, to Uke a po. cotton stands still again to- le accommodatio.ts for sition with Lane Bros. A Com-iday- lne local lrlee )ald ls town visitors have been nany. ' J" V4 cents. Miss Mauney is one of the ! . - town's most attractive young wo-! New Ads. To-day. : J .-!:.. .:ti ' .. . KFIV FDFIfrlT FIT1HTQ ' ouusoury society win, McUubbins & Harrison to., ilLn inLlUnl LiUliLo. be a big loser by her leaving. ' Real Estate. Datre 4. I ' I The position she accepts carries j Burt Burt's Boston on your -,er Shops Now CettiBf'TwelTe!withitahandsome8alary- i, page 8. i . D j- ! ' Saleeby Kisses, i Cotton To-dav. little nope entenainea ior tneir' little hope entertained escape. water in the stomach. lis in jail at Logan. TJe Southern Railway has re .jpy purchased for the Wash tn and Danville divisions en freight engines of the J'fic type. They were manu ured byvthe Baldwin Loco iive Works, of Philadelphia. iie are for the Danville division Miss Foster to Visit Saliibury. ' Miss Mary Foster, daughter of i ted- ; United States Senator Foster, of ! Louisania, comes to Salisbury j ! next week and will be the guest Buras, rof Mrs. E. C. Gregory. page 4. Chicago Portrait Co., men wan- W. A. Brown, fresh fish. With Brooks to Defend Blackhara. 1,500 Bales oi Egyptian; Cottoa. Fall River. Mass., Feb. , take place at 3:.T0 o'clock Satur j day afternoon, but they failed to . put in an appearance at the min- IredeU i. Charity Colon... . SNEEZED HERSELF TO DEATH ister's home until 8:30 P. M. It The Statesville Mascot is sorry was explained that the young to see that Iredell county is not ;obio Cir, Kuttni BooJ Veuel Af. j lady was unable to "steal" away self-supporting. "We lack $115; : earlier. of paying to the State what we : ter a Tea-hour Attack. i The party returned to Wash receive," it says. "This should; ; . jington immediately after the not be. A county with the! . Cincinnati. Ohio, Feb. 27.- ceremony, their stay in Rock ville wealth of this should get out of D1" came to Bessie Cole, daugh-, being exactly twelve minutes, the charity col umn.and w e will. ; ter of Stephen Cole, of Blomm-1 The only objection to the marri This is the last 'year we propose insburg, Fayette County. Ohio. jage 'a understood to have been to be there, too." Iredell coun-y;irtcrday after a s')el1 of nee?' the age of the couple, the young ty should come out of the class. ! " which lasted ten honr- 1 man being but 21 and the young Lnarloue i nronicie. : ! iv- cnused death. Great is Uncle San. Of course we are expecting to bring France and (iermany to- in or-iinl ! tfether. We saved China from j Mr. R, A. Wheeler, of High, ! 2X. -I Point, who so successfully con- Once open the door to trouble i Fire to-day destroyed the store ! ducted a lot sale here last year, i and its visits are threefold; first, N ,.. ,i.,Cn;ii i.,-,j f 1 u. ,.f n,.,:.. -..(.,, m.. ;.,.... i ii'. ...,!.,,. ;n c.,i;tl,,,- nnii.-uiutmn: second, in nctnnl It nna uuniikcii .ivnincu .iuui VI uiuinvc VUlll'll mill ! suvilt Mtunrw.ftj in wh."m. . , ""v.-!- - , - . ; , . . ifl six for the Washington divis- Solicitor Brooks that he has ac- 2. The loss is $125,000. The! Mr. Wheeler is much interested; presence; third, in living it over; partition six earn aj,o . iou, i Three are already in use cepted a retainer from Congress- store house contained a large' in Salisbury property and says again. Therefore, never antici- , ".'",,',,lfl, '.,"'1 Jdtheother twelve' are being! man Blackburn and will be one ' amount of raw material, includ-jhe proposes to become a still pate trouble, make as little of its;ay exited' to ''soive the Mo rten in readiness at thecompa-'of counsel in his defense before ! itig 1,3S6 bales of Ssvptiaii cot-! mole vxteiifive investor in local presence as possible, forget it as i roccan tiiie:ioi now. Dui ham 8 shoos in Snencer. the Federal court in Anril. 'ton. enterprises. : soon as past. iun.