SALISBURY EVENING POST. TH!ISrS :CIRCULATIN' INCREASES WITH EACH ISSUE. THERE'S A REASON FOR EVERYTHING AND Tim IS NO EXCEPTION. VOL 2. NO. 195 SALISBURY. N. C, MONDAY.UGUST 27. 1906. $4.00 a Year m 5R0KEN OPENJAUOUSrCOURT BEGIS. ALL ODESSA RESIGNS. A LULL IS EXPECTED.TWO BOATS ME LOST. LEADING PALLBEARER. i i HAMMER AND CHISEL FOL'ND JUDGE FERGUSON' PRESIDES ST. PETERSBURG SURPRISED. Cl'BAN HOSTILITIES CEASE. VAIN EFFORT TO SAVE THEM JOHNSTON SEES THE DAT. rtt Si! t it J. F. Ladwkk'i Bottlioj i TVe Case of t. ly.cner, and The G.err Cneml and Ay Sobordiaate. R,pwt, Rec.Wed in Was... " .f ! One Boned ..d Other Went A.bore. 1 Socceuor. Wk. May New Sncceed Piut Opened and Sacked. time-Saturday night or Netroej Ckarfed With Harder. Resifned Today. an Eaceartfiaf Naive. 1 The regular August term of Berlin, Aug. 27.The corres-i Washington, Aug. 27. -A de- Storm Sweeps Lake. .to Sboea of Morgan and Petru. -js-iav morning, most likely the: Rowan Superior court convened pondent of Schlesiche Zeitung at , or the combination safe in this morning at 9.30 o'clock, St, Petersburg wires his paper I y 0I)tlm,3tlc tone Cleveland. 0.. Aug. Two: Eirmintrham. Ala.. Auo- 27. charactc- i were lost off this harbor: Indications are that B. B. Comer jfiiirinc a at Arm that c-r.t nror' n.lll 1, t idwick's bottling works 'Judge Ferguson presiding, and that Governor General Kaulbafs rized the reports received at theLake Erie last night and this day's primaries over Dr R m' ar of the old Meroneyj Solicitor Hammer in his c-sto- and all the principality and mili- State Department to-day and morning. To save herself the Cunningham Adjutant General n-u either, b.own ormary place representing the tary official at Odessa have sent there is even-indication that for' 3teamer Roda Stewart cast offi W. W. Brindon is a favorite in i j state, j ne grand jury composed in tneir resignations m a nurry. , :thehneto the barcre Wi ham thP in.limA .;n,r was entirely unex- the time being at. leask a lu.. m j brandy and Assies Potter (which 1 B. Smith" and Horace Hodwall , Cuban hostilities can be expected.; she was towiSg. - The IPotter behind him: Justice John R. caught on fire and was burned Tyson seems to be the choice for iand the Grandy went ashore. ' Chief Justice, Governor .Tohns- The Stewart headed for the har- ton Seems to be leading in the bor but her steam pump was out "race for alternate senator with of commission and she was , ffx-Congressman Jflhn H. Bank beached near breakwater. Life head or Attnrnev Knnv. of Art- half oast two 0 clock Sun-i of the follow. msfttUmon . Their art morning officers on duty sworn in and then charged by peed. . a noise proceeding from; His Honor: V. A. Boyd, Geo. direction of the Ludwick ;c. Stirowalt. D. Henry Mahaley, : ind went to the back lot. Henry C. Farmer, B. F. Lively, ;,ra wth wagons were inje. V. Hayes. J. F. Phifer, Henry ! .-; but they professed to; A. Trexlcr, C. L. Shaping. Law , r,.: thing of any trouble. . rence U. Brown, Leroy D. Linn, .;T;cers, after a vigilant IS. W. Han y, Frank E.Wright, h. failed to discover any-; p. M. parger, V.'. R. Woodson. : wrong,. ;W. F. Pnsten, Jos. C. Keslerand ;erday morning when office of Mr. Ludwick 's IS FATALLY INJURED LAWSON IS STRICKEN. BRAKEMAN HAMILTON DEAD IN STATE OF COLLAPSE. 01: the Rufus A. Ranev. Judge Ferguson read his charge : tas entered by one of the ; which was one of the most ex-: ever Tout aa Ronnun Between SpBcer He May Hefer be AbV to Resume Hit 1 ; WITH THE MOVING THRONG.1 1 niston, second. j opened rainy. The morning fUrs the safe door wasjhaastive and intcrestwg : i i-pen and the drawers and , listened to in Salisbury- -rs scattered over Uie lluor. j r.ey bad been left in and Monro Diet of Injuries. Former Activities. A Glimpse Tiuoagb Type of Known and Unknown. Faces; theufter eleven o' .l.vk, wlwn the;.- f,.,,nv inimw) nt I intrtnn ' this morninsr savs: ovr Saturday evening ana ( cr.m.nal picket wa taien "P-: Saturday n:;-ht. Mr. Hamilton, Lawson is in a state my va.uaoie uuten was a.iieorgn w nite. me wj nejn, : -The Herald Miss Janet Quinn i8 visiting at "Thomas W. 'Graham. Mr. Hamilton, Lawson is m a stat? of pnywcali n . : wno a Drarmiir. m me aiiti nivuuii wimwt iu u; vuiiac- , . , n-i-i i.. whu re .n.! 3t-vra! ofliecrs when ' Southern, running between iucnce of his wife's recentr ' ' ' ' :! the safe was !mn'i ! ne was srret.-5 a ten weeks to ' Spenr and Moroc". was cross- death." This is supported by j Col. Fletcher V. Smith came (. hammer and chi!. The! and who to use his bK the car-Ls freight train No. detaik-d statements in cxtrava-jc this morning from New York. -M bei-n tat rtdinaio2cn; tieaded guilty and was.e. .,nnA in,n i.-nirton and fell trant forms in which his zricf has n A. J.ukson went to Concord between the tender snd first car. . been manifisjted by his prolonew ; this morning on a business trip. Both lei's were t.racticallv ami).:-' absence from his ofiice and ab-j . n ... , ..... ..1 .!.. r.'.e. I no t vnnxc . . TkT " . ul fo" .. ' -- , C laied Dy inewr.eeis. jsienwm urai uuam.. "inu a partner Gf K Saleeby ubjttl.e ftitwi.we of the j he surrendered all tlanns to the, The young man was broGchtstory bas been quietly wh'ap-Mwd'f Li:,bary on . viVt ' :t indicates that tao work was i pistol taken, from- him and da-t Raj;, taker, to the 'about t.tte street during the, " ' ix.eftfc the inwmtnU fmnd-j with ibn sherUL 'hvhttehead-SU)I;es sanii'oritwn butiPt twJ weeks. Many of those j Miss Annie Kizar ha returned a floor..- i- It is not certain yet whether wa3 ; , dying condition when! wlio have been in tho confidence! from Swnnnanoa. She bar, been or not the cas.s against lei'4 arrived here and lived but a 'or conflict with him in his mani-'away from hausbury two weeks. nU finoniitl lr-t I vi t itva finvf was 21 V(ara! reached the conviction that he jirut uuis lur muiuti vis 4UUI1U ola ftDu lormtirly Uvea ai UocKVI Will never ukh irauino uia IWAS LYNCHED IN LOUISIANA. Attempt at Criminal Assault Punished bj Hacgio; to Pole. rent r-laee wi4 the eombina- s.-nteneed t.i tw. removed. I!y sontc it is be-jtlw county rjads. m I WITH! IIFFFR Nil UlUuiBMm r.rm ar,ajshort whila Li ft blLtl.U UIIUIMU. j, Gillespie . swinst whom twin, 1'i.cesti Jclal Offtriafbj Siiayjin connection with the Lyerly j Mount, where the body was tak- mer occupations and be tho pic- Wls for tk Work. fha County Sunday School ,e.f.x-iatkn has appealed to the Schools of the county to jssi. tln jjushing the enlarged work mai'.curateu in m. cou-"j in the fo'ilowing resolutions: We had with delight the evi- of a great forward rnovo- murder, will be tried at this term ' en for ji of coi;rt Nor has it been finally j tfrl "TntiSLODEN DEATH 'l VJ' M f, VJ ..... , " -' - nonitentiary and who is awaiting trial for hia life for participating j Mrs. Daniel in the lynching on the night of failure. the sixth. A big crowd is in Salisbury, many of the visitors being from wnno ouieiw iu wmy than a hundred miles to attend i survived by a family, the trials of the negroes and watch developments in the lynch irg case. BIG MEETING OF INDIANS. Sapona Tribe N. 33, I. 0. R. !o Cather WwlcesJay NijliL M. mei.t in the waanfeed worn i u,."uum,OT i.J. l.Z Oo schools in this county, ana, ; .n.w.ich as the organired work til the Sunday schools is undi r r 'r g quite a revolution, and, Whereas, it is a well recognized fart that it is impossible to do t.-ff..iet!i work along this line ithjut money, and V.'hereaa, tho. county of Rowaa a'.ar.da pledged to the State S. S. WLitiontohelp carry on the work, be it II. solved, 1. That the Rowan v-.-iiity Sunday school Convention fi-i'ect fully asks and earnestly tiroes upon every Sunday school in the county to make a special -:r rinir for this cause, entreat ies the schools to do all in their 'rower tn rsrrv forward this 'rk. J.'That we recommend to all the schools that they avail of the opportunities for 'rasher training to be offered K-m in the near future. Hopkibs Diet of Heart Funeral Yesterday. Mrs. Daniel Hopkins, of the county, died suddenly Saturday night at 10 o'clock of heart drop- t sy. one was ho years uiu aim turesque and striking figure he once was in the life of the street FLORIDA ON THE GROUND. The funeral was held yesterday at Mt Olive church, Cabarrus county, Rev. Mr. Dutton officia ting. ' Building and loan Report. The annual report of the Per- 'petual Building and Loan As sociation, Yi. L. Kluttz, presi dent and F. J. Murdoch secretary and treasurer, appears in this evening's Pout. This association has done' much for the home builders of Salisbury, and its re- Tnere is to be a big gathering of Red Men in the wigwam of Sonona Tribe No. 33 Wednesday niaht at 8 o'clock and every memoer ana an v.i..n ...u.-.. j fc voXames loT it how;""1. . the the noble red man prepares snecial. August 24: Fri- for the war path. Mr. G. A. "jav evening this section was vis-, strike went into effect at & o Jackson. the Sachem, requests j ited Dy the. largest and mostjdock this morning. The rail all to bring their bows and ar-1 damaging rain of the season. ! roads made r.D attempt to run NWS, SnU lO come r.uij Uotton in HUB section ni" cars na tunc nun iiv u... Mrs. Nellie Holmes Pearson and family have returned from Asheville, wherethey have bi?en spending the summer. Mrs, F. F. Smith returned Saturday night from Western North Carolina, where she has been speeding the summer. J. V. Wallace returned this morning from Now York, where he haa been spending two weeks buying for the clothing depsrt ment of V. Wallace & Sons. Mr3. John A. Murphy leaves to-night for Northern uiaikcloto buy her fall and winter stock. She will be accorrrir.Lcd by her son, Charles. Misses Ethel and May Miller, daughters of Mr. Elijah Miller, after spending a few days in the city visiting relative:; and friends, returned home yesterday. J. Wilson IX-al, of Atwcll townshin. a leader in every good Sanrrancisco, Aug. 26, W"ithjmovefjrm3 C0Unty and town the exception of the California i anip wa3 one among the few and the Geary street lines, street I country visitors in Salisbury to- railway traffic in ban I- rancisco day to whom the ai 0f curt Ou Hncircd Delegate Appointed to Greet Bryan in New York. New York, August 27. One hundred in the Florida delega tion, neaaeo oy lormer vioveruot W. S. Jennings, E V. Frelcher, chairman of the Democratic State committee of Florida, arrived here to-day to help in the wel coming cersmomes to W. J. Bryan. They will call on acting Mayor McGowan this afternoon Smi Francisco Tied up Calhoun, 1j., Aug. 20. Alfred Foreman, of Colum-ISchaufniet. a negro, was lynched here at 10 o'clock today by a mob. for attempting to criminally assault Miss Olive Charr.Urs, a prominent young woman of this place, at r.ny early hour this mominjr, Schaufniet was fright- ened by the screams of his in tended victim and fled, 1-jt waj later captured b a ; a fev miles out of town. lie was uivtight bz"k to town by the posse, and after confess ing his guilt, wa3 hanc- :d to a telegraph1 pole. His body was viewed by hund reds of persons, both w hite and black, and everyone seemed pleased at the swiftness of the justice meted out ,to the negro. The following bold notice was posted upon Jho negro's body: "This is a warning to all ne groes who would attempt to force an entrance to the apartments of white women. " The mob which lynched Sehauf niet was a quiet Lut determined one. was suspended today as the re sult of a strike for higher wages by conductors and motormen of the United Railway System. The Depositor Goes Crazy. Chicago, Aug. 23. Johann Kindler, 13 years old, today be came violent and alarmed pas sengers in an A3hhnd avenue car w hile brooding over the loss of ?S0 he had deposited in the failed Milwaukee Avenue State Bank. Kindler Li held pending an investigation of his sanity. Kindler is the second person to become mentally deranged as a result of the failure of this bank. In addition, three persons, in cluding a teller of the defunct bank, have committed suicide, ... , ,,. and one man fell dead owing to Are you one of those chaps that (h(? . ht of men would rather shake than- nd th(? c,Mi rf theMi, k shaKe handsjth? . State Bank. The police itooesntnunanj ies u. ";are still in the dark as to the gave no concern. Mr. Deal was in town on private business. stay late. 'about three weeks Card of Thanks. t . and Mrs. R. J. Barringer Und their thanks to friends who were so kind during the ill n' s and after the death of their sihter. H. R. plffrtor wnt to Taylors- "" this morning to join Mrs. Plaster, who has been there for ""veral weeks. Mr. Plaster will !c gone a week or ten daya. ! year some was sold on this mark-1 were used tiJay and they Jesse Hall, colored, of Warren- i et August 28th. So far none is good business. ton. was drowned a few days a- :0Pen yet , . . rvninn!,tinn go while fording a creeK ; - fa . jai,; ,IIC bU..bu. ,n had been swollen Ky neaviin winston-Salem for stealing! "Yes." sr'd Dubbey, the act rains. He was driver for a 11 y :si25from hiawife-s grandfather, 0r. -'I had a splendid part in ery stable and had driven a PjT I A,,en Brown of Mocksville. He the show, but I-i.T-took sick senge into the country, un . the country land-"-. returning he drove m o tnc - ' led. -Ah."" interrupt!.: Wiseman. ..j. i "you mean you didn't take well.' Mr RtHnhens Barms, a well late. Last I Automobiles and other vehicles bowled over by a street car than ; whereabouts of Stensland. did a len stream and he and the horse were drowned and the bJggy wrecked. known eitiaenoiwwo m .., .u.,?-. 'this eighth congressional district European trip, my dear? Belia tv,n'r. Ludwick. who has died at bis nome m u . , thatr. whcM their funny ! -the adopted home of tne Hon. lies, wn . . r nnirrhntrnriiNi m icw uuj a i "I know why people laugh up by an automobile. Pride is the most thing a man c-mi have exception of a wife. It's a pleasure to make w:3hes -and that is about all the satis faction the most of us got out of them. What ex-Senator Butler didn't say would make mighty interest-ino- readine should he speak in expensivel Koeky River Springs hotel will with the be closed after hni:kf:iit. nn Monday morning. September 3. Under the management of Mr. T. S. Lucas, this hotel has had the most successful year in its history and its guests were all delighted with the waters and the fare. Stella Did you enjoy your been aick sever! days, again. is out I Branch neighborhood a few days ago, aged 84. bone is."-London Telegraph. jF.. Spencer Blackburn. indeed: we sent 117 venir post eards.- Puck. sou-