1 Q TOST. fht Soil bury EiHnlnj Tojt Ha a Larg, Liftr Inert Ill ajing Circulation Among a Chrity and Vrogrtjjiot VtopU. X 2. NO.r'W. '. SALISBURY. N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1906. $4.00 a Year SALISBURY EVENIN I. im raun car i II DIES IF Uil oavoui UM.1IU nua l tbit THE MALN LINE BLOCKEOiJURY HOLDS INQUEST. klMtteSeMkmlnJa. a. ltwJ !. - EM WAS A EIMt E3TKI ffl fin LBM .Can CmhTh CWmi iU W Did ilStrtM- vaV nil aWiiaa, ilteiOitaef Ethel WUHumoW at da thii sjornitg front the ht received erhiiejiiakiajr pre- to start frwa iMTfata-Ikaraft koaw oa Santa Loaf atrwet , knew; TV father aoarwl by) death that mm. consuming gaf for th only child auch a Wenta )f fbair only oljpring tha wife and bother ktool yesterday awiiiag. Th widowed and childless allkfthia! IT suffering vara fearful a week tells ia a few wad the . Caldwell eased her pen -tragedy that has darken! thai after NaortfaaltB th ad 1 home of James B. Rex-Jfe Baa jtnuioe of berofctecasdie. ji th way tha world knots him ktti ana waa prerticelly - well-to-do fannar i from tha waiat to tha KO. 2IVIECIUUSTKIGHT Two can on tha Salisbury, i Mr- JonB A. Howard received' Spencer aUetrie Una came aa this afternoon from lather aa Chestnut Rlfl thii'Mr- A- Hallmea, announo- at n. t lrj j,,, , atoning and the smaller of tiieg tte dath of th latter ' wife can u badly nashed. No on " Staterrtlle thi morning. Mr.; wm hurt howavar. ! H,lm nt to Ststesrill twa weeks ago oa a visit to relative..! artleeVOff. TEACEEn IX2E TECXESSAI. lot remain win ba broutrht to Salisbury tonight for interment . i t Tto. 0- rVtoJy PUIT MAT E3 Ml1 raKamWlata)SaiWy. i TV A aX- 1 Ba . a aa a . ' 1-wi iti Twit HE IUAIKABLE VE1EICT. Tto Ob-m WW Haatoi "Hawfa" Dm Acawotd Thaaiu. Aaheville. Nov. 16. At tha in quest bald ovar tha body of Will Harria, alia Rufa Lindsay, tha who waa shot to daath ht child waa a favorite with ahool toataa aad township. Oa Friday of fast of Lack wai Mr. Salisbury to antartaui aa liabtful party of viaitora saat wack whaa tha primary taachan of North Carolina aaotmbla bar Washington. Not. 17.-Peary. L. A i i .u . ' . : 1. : 1 i. : iM npiwv, n omaiaraa "-vov m miini- i k .aaaii aj mihbmii nMltagwj Byaa accidant last night to No. 38, tha Southern's fast and crack northbound train, between Holtaburg and Lin wood and about nine mil from Salisbury, the by a poasa of officers and citiwris Southern's main h'ne waa blocked 1 yesterday, the coroner's jury re train midnight last night until turned tha following remarkable U oYtork today. There waa no possible ontk and impatient pasasimn were compalM to Tartticti "We find that Will Harris, ajias Ruf Lindsay, came to his death at tha hands of public-spirited No. 39 was tha first train 'Citizens who at the time wan in 1 J : I &J m r . . . m ... i .L - VT .1. t - i m i i i m 1 ' i ... . nuinirmi m. 1. r.nmrtwz mm rniAr vicunw u iiun uiv .iutul il un ihth ira umnnu nim and Mr. Rex lost theii only T'.,un: " wtartnajsa:,, Buraau Yanla and iWk. larrived at 11:30. more than ftveteham of a oublic dutv that the B(uwmsiiM ma Pao-jThs latter retire Not. 26. Should hours hue nd tha other trains law might be nndicated and jus- liaiiritar nMttr ami inaiii Umlum BtrJa) Blarmataa , in M f Auitaai TVaiLa , V- matte itmrsassi all aw.'artiala arTarrinii araa wtv w) The hi after hsejfaaofherfrlffbt. and the wen cnuhad h tKU oa twadaya rptrnnce. ; great softrw. Theebild hsl aa . ,j ... . .. 'PasryaakarwthsrleaTatttopoa- beW up by tha block folloired at tie administered: t atMC. . "bit that either Commander R intervals of 15 minute. Harrii. alia Rufa ilT-LTT H. Holiday or Uaut A. C. Cua- Just exactly what caused tha 1 tha time of his deat tag a receptioa will btgivaa ta funefal oarrleaa ariO las miA kit fi !.. mt , llton Honor M tft ChOr . -.. tnamaawilWa fl kOI UU. ' auditorium. Bingham wiS be chosen. Durina: wreck of thirty-eight is tfternoaoat Sa'dack. . UTeaifht CaUarkiWe USsrioMWs1laMi sen asa aWaesr. irst rYastrytattes Rar. J. M. trtj wiO iraach at 11 a. av J0a.g. Sunday acted at aual hour. sary Lttharasu. Bp sneer and Mr. Rx had hardly rturB-' - ft.,tb 7iTH tuna rci sumr. wnea aa waa stricken PnaBnov nia claimed tha father, too, and yesterday evening be died. That mental depression caused bthe death f hi UtU girl contribited : to th speedy terminatioa of blr.l The weather forecast for North Res' ulaess hi not doubted. Carolina for tha snsuing 24 bean Ha waaaSjaanabJ andra: Raia tonight and Sunday. Peary' twenty-fir yean in tha known. Three can left the track nary fourteen have been on aw the passengen were badly War. ; hake, up. Engineer Jo Stead- BaBBBaBamaaaBaB iman was also bruised but not that said Will Lindsay at death was rasist- not ing arrest and attempting to shoot cnumtificcNTiia. k IS. lea fast f Crsais Is aa Cayef wad knew throughout the cam. Warmer tonight and colder ftua-1 ty. Ha wiQ be buried frootSt. day m th axtrame Western por- church . mm l hvtm st 7 JO a, m. aondiirted the remain hud beside th nettr 7" . : , : ' mao mouna mat maru ue set- jh senoinaine a ma ngragatioaal eaaeting 0I ba ing pktea af bia child. : firrba tt ft'i - ssld Senriccs. (Ceiraaaoeaaaat f fWI faith. Nee. I7.-A Childrena Misatonary Society waa racentlr organiiod at Faith Lutheran church with 47 member. The contract to paint the Luth eran cburch and paaaonar tu ;.. tt,. .m.;AM.t Special serricea will be held at awarded to Mr. Cauble, af Salia-j, tniti WM and kill the citiien above refer red to constituting tha pone who wen attempting, under due au thority of law, to effect the cap- seriously hurt It waa persist- turt of the said Will Harria, alia eatly rumored on the streets this Ruf e Lindsay, morning that both he and hi 'That the citizens above refer fireman had been killed. The red to, constituting th posse obstruction ha bean patiaOy re-1 aforesaid, a well as others who participated in the search and spontaneous effort to bring to justice this incarnate fiend and savage desperado, an entitled to tha commendation and thank of tha whole community." and tha operation of train tonight will not ba inter- farad with by reason of th! wrack. BAD rLACt IN TRACK. ' ' A later report thi afternoon says than was a bad place in the back when the contractors an Chestnut Hill Baptist ebon b !bury. and he is at work oa ha 1, .peed of twenty va miln aa Two BrakemeiiKiM the fee 11 B. for 7 a. tt. Subject Have faith la Divin Addition St Peter' Episcopal East Borah street: Bishop (heshir wiQ preach at 7 JO P. at First Baptist: At Kt John Lutheran: Rev. Dr. II. Khuunt . naatneV DMnaii icaaat 11 a. a, and 7JP a.f .V10 fTiandslultiplkatioa. Subject at th wwrninf mBtmtHotgm wen marrjeo ry i a conference of the church of v. "Posftiva Faith th Meed r. riiiianaaysit ;Wfy toporttne wuj ba e Hour." Sunday achool wa reataence w ssr. opip- unrdiatelr after the morav tta nmainaMs) a ' - t WtWehildran to th Sua. !ar foDowad. - . i WchooL Mwt fc ; h held Wedneeday at 7a.m. I, . . ... . ih Lnthmna of tha egr """" ' w - tt cheerfully itrvited t St Paul Episcopal: Stfvfcea it 8t John' their church at 11 a. bl Bishop Cneahtowifl m. Coma themsetrta andipnaca. , ; 'job. C. C Wyatt has gone to super intend a big granite quarry for a company Boar Rsleiga. J. T. Wyatt was today awarded rogthrir friend. Everybody tt aO aarvicwa. Hmrch of the Sacred Heart: a m. ma anoenoi in . . r.. . tU rae uaty win laaarra Holy . ; . marmAe. pJ r rwnB0dy. At WfcBX-.ip,. th, ghMaa and aermon, Sunday f.ukAf thM t,uv ' is found bwi'ttram. Evening devo-1, , Uark. pw and bmedietioa of BJesoed -jt duster wiTOWWIWSWn. l.MKAthm tenth eaL 'TBBt Bamea Memorial. Methodit I y, may know that i Soa af - Salisbury: Service at 11 a. i man hath power aa afth to wr- ud7J0p. at by Rar. Hr-igrrasm. HeaayathB taa mem UDwav. Kimdav araooi at a : af the aaltf. anaa aae aw uij "M. A cordial tavitatba to bad and walk." Tie preacner. li . win ibew that tha irr Bia muat keformaa: Af 11 .'deck b to. hmwmorninaT Raw. Dr. T. J. .. , im.m aiaaed ker. of Rowk., Xi-T, 11 .C the etor of aaw w" i - . ing sermon. Every member tt sernestly requested to be present A cordial welcome will be given to any not moaibtrt who attend. sip fiti i :m. 8. Goodman, tha clothier, pre ferred a complaint today against aa unknown white mat whom he accused af the larceny af a watch. The officer were unable to locate th man. to admit the passage No one was injuxsd. of train. .l ' .i. j i fore tomorrow evemrfg. A track , . . . . .,. ! wa buiK around the main line of Asheville. This will bring sev eral thousand dollars in the Uamant and giv amploymeatto many cutters and hauler. . . . Morganton. N. C.. Nor. 1&- ' 1 Ely DuTBoCSC. At a meeting of the Chairman of I ika r.Uptinai Rnanla nf Rurba A number of Seiuburian. went ; McDoweU and Alex- Columbia, S. C, Nov. 16. Two brakemen Mined Uoyd and hour. The tender, two postal Chesney were killed in a head-on can, th jYo dtr were collision between a freight arel. derailed. " "w a awk train an th heraS difficult ori"7; " fc "r A ill ?t aear Dent -urtomer not b entire- ' . be their Bodies toi to r.!i Bavls isd iDcd Dectei raeoamition Conducto f)f44 broken and t htfStltCtSp his fireman wot. Holme Msck. Bant Spcotlfc Albany. N. Y.. No. R-WW Randolph Hearst .Indepan I League and Democratie e I date for Governor, to-day X.JP k Ercat SpccdL P. H. Hanley. b former Rowaa Itaaawa resident af Randolph esuaty. is in Salisbury for a few days. Mr. Henley heard Senator Overman apeak at tha great ntsaiBr at the Democratic host at Aabebora a lew day before the electron and ba says that this speech made Randolph sofidly Detnocntk for yean to pneh. At the evening serriee God." Maa'a aiij will not be n PP organ recently -! f t),, .mmoa staitd in thia church will be con- lI-T-.w torn the failure Iwated and Dr. Hacker -wiB ta J to the e an address aprjro?riat tol occasion. m. will ae shown that Bible school at 10 : m lt. u bort of! v ; God'a wtory. oaa- Fim Me'odisf: U service Wh light I cordial Ta- B be held morning or evening, tfcm extondecto toe amw wing to tha abaanc fnaa th aJ of the pastor, who to sttend- "S conierenea.-... - v Spencer Presbyterian: CB. a. Sew. Curri will preach at 11 a. Cheatnut Hifl Presbyterian: ervicea win be conducted at I 9- m. by Raw. & B. Carriu. k aAtsatta bunoay ashoslatf-aa. Also mission SuilycaodttheB and KsalerMiUaatS a. nv Aasist Mtpaator.TF. CalUwj, wffl preach at thaEaat Smbsbury M. E. Church toth morning and ZJOwirlvmA at the Easier Mm at 4 a. m. Paator Neighbour ra preach at thoHO rhtnetainloB aIa.at Kci Ads Today. Meroner'a Thestro, "The Mer chant of Venice," psg 1 J. H. Reid. faH goods, page 7. L D. Peeler, adrt'r., sale no- tk. psgel. Dave Oeatnkher. great special ale, paged. Dark A Wiley Bank, state ment page a. Rabb!ne Bros. Shows, page a. Newbro's Herpfcid, psw Mia Annie Dough ton. daugh ter af Ex-Lieut Gov. R- A. Doughton. af Sparta. N. visiting Miss Coraelia Hannah aa N. Jaeksoa atreet ' to Jubilee yesterday to attend a luU. ' lntw nivi.m. th ' at t tha suatarr r sumtt that bwbcnil h bi iiJIth Senatorial District, to can- he hsd spent $256.370 in pramot- joyed by th guest. . the vote for Senators, it Una hi canvas. f 1 was foind that B. F. Da via, an.m iu Tieraocrat was aiecwa oy .,,,, rait. tin Peel majority: and W. F. Wood, by a Buui ttuiwna am BjM. New York, Nov. 16. -Sacdard Oil stock reached anew noy lead for 1906 todar over the news of the government' act an ia St Lsuia. when the bill of plaint ia th suit to dasorve th :eorpontionwill be llledtomorrow. The stock sold atKZa decline of 13. It Closed sligWy higher BT86S. showing a net decline for th day of 10 points. Standard Oil ahtka aold at $700 a share in Jatuary of this year.- Then ha teen a accUQ therefore, ie the present year of $138ahar. A th capital' stock of the Standard aorporAioa ia $100,- majority of 10 vote. Cara to'i lppiar. New York, Novr 17.-Senr eonv ! Enrico Carouao, arrested yester day for disorderly and indecent conduct, did not appear in court today. His rounaal explained that th Sonar was suffering from sciatica. Mrs. Graham, ths com plainant was not at court Ca rouao ia said to have collapsed completely. Fairbanks CohiIej Smith. Washington. Nor. 17. Vice President Fairbanks is hen for nM .v. j.ik. (, twavaina'the first time since th ckmeof n-.wut mmrm - j.. Jackson, Mia., Nov. 18. Bish op Charles E, Galloway, of the -Southern Methodist church, ha consented to relinquish all labor' until lie is completely restored to health. He will leave for Florida In few days. Cficgressmai tcs EL , St Louis. Mo., Now. 16. Cerurressman J. Weairy Gaines, of Tenneaaee. i seriously W hen of appendicitis. y .v Salccoy. C!j Sa!e. Saleaby's big sale today hit everything and more than of it aharea siscelaM January hi campaigr tour. Hewfll leave he anticipated. H- doorway represents shrfnkageof $138.-, ""n. ' r w" TT 00o!oo0 its maHtet value. compwued by MnF.rfswka, to- opening hour and hi, whole force I tniaaean wmwr trw i . oaa una namj day. The talc will eastraae up. . til midnight tonight The pproac Soda effect en Grii reporter of in there hi rounds T seans i.' SBSS-- th. veaterdar M the and of the to have tittle Soda trad. A "Poet" dropped while making found the Soda Mrs. T. M. Hall and Mr, ldaj , Austin, af Chartotto.. an the; Sillkut-Se you thmk their f Bn,wm- friendship wiQ end ia marriage. . Mr. Mary William, of Char-i eh ? Cy nicuk-r Ye. 1 guea that it. rniladel- drmkingaUvwritedrink. Mr. Sam Shaffer. p Record. 7 i i i I i I -' ! I - ! Brotherhood Bible ctaa at St mi "i K 7

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