vvvvvvvvvTvvvvvvvvvvvva TH15S DISTRICT LEADS State Board of Elections. rrd of elections Closing Out Sale of Drv Goods Store OK Kluttz 6c Rendleman WILL XEGIJ MOSIVAy. THLIOth All . jr Kir.c ?.U. F.gurni aoi 'tr I Lrn: ill our trv Sk;ru and Wa t. a!! our r-4,U. out 'Mire st.tk . ( M.-t' S i t. M'o' Str ). K-r Hi:-.; all our H..-UI Ti.f ,rf ATUrr rUR USH. hir entire i-k of Ne Silkr. Br.rfcl.Hii. Skirting. ant other k.:i-i of Ire (mJt. IV.y. SqiU. Men' Pint ill ur Paul (r..i. l'ar-t .. Kag u,i Mat ting At 10 Per CenL 00 for Cash. ftM OF THE METHODISTS Tk tffMMII Wait by V. N. C Caefrrtaea M.aety. Dwwwwvwviwvwvwwwn Mt. Airy. Nov. 1. Tnecalicf the 2tth question wm conclude wathit morning'i session of thi aUrn North Carolina Confer ence. The answer of the jrv,d ing elder with reference to ev ery member of the Confer! C im "Nothing against him." an.1 Bfcap Wrhwn nM The Confer ence had much for which to be thankful in the fact that thii was true. ADMITTED ON TRIAL. In answer to question L "Who are admitted on trialT the fol- C ar A K Stat .e' Ka -igh ii Novem- - !' e p -' ejecting s.. : .4 Uh. A. Tru- board ,i V.'on 0. Lamb. ".. c .airman. R. T. ..!. -f Vj. ntor. secre j H U of lKbson; v-e C.i o! Wi.fitboro, and Frwrna , qC Henderson- .Just Received I Lard ampment bf Miss kM Improving. . Vt:.SdIsbiiry Ice &Tud tenms'.y wounded laat Fnday n:ih. while out driving with Mr Jack Tamer, u doing nicely and her recovery ia no' ex-' 1 TRY JAG K SONS Cold Storage Meats they are tender Jucy and ICE COLD. peited. Kiner Dnm and Graham Trot ter, two prominent young mas of thin vwn. who were arrested on the charge of being implicated in the shouting, were given a hear ing before magistrate Wednes day and bound over to Surry Su perior court The two gave bond and were released. William Craves, who. it n aL. from the Morgan wtM vjltl Brim tn1 Trot- ter. at the time Mist Aahby was hot. is not here now. It is re- lowinj named young men were recommended for admission and were received: D. R. Porfntt and R. J. Parker, from the AsheviUe district; J. A. Fry, from the FrankUn district. R. L. Melton, W. W. Peele, and A. P. Foster. district: P. D. Bridges and D. W Lowman. from the Ml Airy dis- W. FALL GOODS AT TIE BIG STORES Con:' position Grocery A "Pnjtr QaiT Bss&g. Vvw kewee la ike bawsry et ewr I Fan. IHwOmSs, Dry awkla, . ar warn an UtowaUy 1 1 Cm .WjJ ' 1 vwi. a, fa auren mm siama. iiaairajia, W are ei ike esteMa ikM kw sal fell aw W I r- ---at.- f M JJ hmmatmmdm CkvioM. TkM at ala a stcm mZ1 awafes la the past hat w kv ear Ban tea aviHr tkm Z1J VSSJmtrj VaiW awr ststie 1 ikwt Is a ssweewly wMk aB ras, we saa vaspty yew. KfWTtkiag akattii mtt tm as eaw wmIisw mi mt ikai ywi I OWII CARKIACSS WITHIW fl 3Zk or au. y V l''f V . po rim. M il 11 B lfTL3 fi-3i t auW aiaw II fl? T of -I n i vr II V 7T7 -13 'y N 'J.Vi! .r rata I --fVvn CvAfV it r MtratMa-ipariiw nuaaioo at Il A .it fm.rt ,. .. 4.. H ference. II ' II The im 11 mi rtxir H periodicals ,!fi5MAT,LMO,lATia "miferfemdtsfreia. wim pwntmentor -- ..irt v, m; M nwa H ed minister II .!.. f m n publishing J . 11 USIIMC DONE rOMr 1 I CLL II 1 Clr Buggy and Wagon Co. jV f15C.Cawa.KsT St. SaMsWy. . C. Q fO.C-1 1 lCS3Qi c bkt a SftttaBy i c4Aa TnawMtta k) paa a ad sav ndsmm wl It mUm ei CkirtSMa, wsas )iiiImj fraa aowaM I ia. avMMtae. Miiaaawi aawaiailaa, i la ia The Little-Long Corop) met: . c. sonea. a. s. tuggus. thr k. k.. 1 "'"f1- Miss Ashby is an orphan and V 'l D,PP' L- v" 1- has held a responsible A. Taylor, from the Salisbury the a. r. Mmlck datnet; W E. Poovey and J. L Co. here for some time. mcunaa, irom irum ine Matea. riCe- district, and ). A. Hyatt. from the Wiuton dialrvt Tk. Salisbuo- d it net ftiraiahed tbe! Sim wseU ago the followiag largest number t appliuuiti fofbevan to circulate in Statesrille admission aad one fact eomment-, and has been received by a nam ed on in this connection was that' ber of people in this community: the seven applicant from this "O! Lord Jesus Christ. W district is that they are unmar- implore Thee, O Eternal Cod. to ried men. have merry on all mankind, keep R. L. Melton, an eider from u from sin by Thy Precious the Methodist Protestant Church M iod. and take us to be with and T S. iebrt. an elder from , Thee Eternally. Amen." the Missionary Baptit Church, "This prayer was sent out by were recommended for elijw's &hop Lawrence, recommending orders in this Conference and to rewritten and sent to will be received on Sunday, with nine other persona. He or she the Conference class to be or- who will not ssy it will be afflict-1 dainedatthat tun. There are by some misfortune. Cm no recommendations for re-ad- P4 no attention to it met this sessioa of Con- "Ith a dreadful accident He or : ah who will rewrite this nmver committee on book and romin day aad distribute it to ZT recommended the ap- nice other persona, rommenrfnf Tk. fcfi.h.i itm the foUowms- nan on the dae ranived and aendiiu autfcw a m alua and laymen a the on ewch day, will on or after the riTdJwiitl T!?12?iZTZ? commrtte of The ninth day experience great io. wimtMi ik North Carolina Christian Advo. At Jerusalem d urine tn Holv TZTZ TTT7i cat and th appointment was Feast it waa said that be who 5! am 1 et mad : Rev. J. R. Scrotrgs and would rewrite this Driver would ItAZLTiI. urn j ta. F. Siler and Messrs. C W. Brad- be delivered from every calami- wi t d... 1 I v.l .J n d . n a- . 1 . ... w iv asv m i.v am Ay. o. v. ivmm i au nus. mu Ml k 4 tran. chain." . - tUe4 vlik awaalr aakMarnaaaw aani&i iUm. ira..ktW iKsaatkai lniMi saa wukiamkwi I fmm ' OwhaaJ 3 NOTICE I Henk Canllaa, Rons Ciia) a w a. nn t NOTICE AJI itatkalikaa wkw, aw kutwt a mt ltkeCkHaCwwatewr ItaktaMtaatkMu Mk-I A. Uaa. b i. Ur aat. I Caa) Cif auaai taw a an.y kMk-k taj IaaaaaviaMas f wlwk awj Gawsw Maaf Cm do not break th tevw; 4n wraat et tweki kv rford. corre- noop Lawrenc. who M a kZntitmtiminrV etikil of the Wo- bishop of the Episcopal church, " i. . 4s J wwv I laionar So-V ooncd th. a of hi. t-TT ZZ?Z S i Antiseptic Laundry. rinois in rttncni it iue nstuiia. We cany a policy for your benefit while your Laundry is in our charge. We are prepared to handle al! your Laundry promptryand tatts . factonly. . ... ... ... Antiseptic Laundry. W. S. NICHOLSON'. Prop. : Qeaolng, Prcssinf ind ; : DjEfng Diitta ; Br. L. W. Crawford, corre sponding secretary rran's Foreign Missionary riety. and Mrs. Frank S.lor. pre- Dxrn m this connection and says Ka. sident of the Woman's Horn he has had nothing to do with 3 Mission Society, of th Con-' ith sending out this nrayar. frence. were introduced and ad- iTa threat in th letter that drtased th Conference in the something wiB happen to those inareat of these organizations, i "o wiU not say it" is sufficient 4 E. Aberwthr. the confer-. evidence to sensibt people that eoc host made as encouriging" nsibJe noisier rjnponsible! repart. stating that his alar' had far any such business.. It origin-' beei adranced two hundred doL.;ated with aara crank, but nr lan er that paid the preachers ' ous or superstiboas peopie who ' iac jeer ana mat haj rrveiv-. receive n may b affected by tt m . 4 r50 additional as a pn-tent We sboold prar at all times but M ; . He abo reported a net .ncrvase ommoa aena is needed in of snoWthan U)memcrui.hrg ligiouj matters as well a other tn yekr. things, and tn thing io do with Rev.Uuuu Msjirath. the mia- a conununication like the ahav of the' M. . O -:ch. is to throw it in th fire and dia- South. b th Jews, and Kn. J. nrtas it from nund-Sutesrill !N. CoWk superintendrot of th Landmark Method Ike toUMtaf at ( aaawaasai Waaav" arfcCarcaB 1 i mm4 ItowwsCkwjiT. I i ax-KMONi roa ixJ 1. AtaataaSD.J. BUlw . ai-nU kat aavat m.A at " - - m IIM m laia Ow-l STATX UT JWRTH CAStA 1 My wm Ik. letk ear 1 V ir lata. tM tmt ik.i J ' w limnwlw ala aa a-l Tea at kawtt '' ta.vkii.MMiu.ai . - - i.4MudUI Mfiuwl iiai.fcMl L j il"-1 Tk ia Sftk ay aMr.lM. TV w X r. MXTBBing. i we ia H lwaanw CI.I Raw ammliM " i - 1 1 kl W A. irf w.m.1. Aiwra mr I -U : , rn-t tir.M.-kwt ortgas Sal. 'Tani.in u "-t-tMl"" liviissi. - W:nter Tour. 1906. f Orphaaagt at Raleigh, Sale NoUcc : tax " Si-. . a. We 1lm St t. IS. ratm R IW 1 1 iHlll ! I 4 11. tc ta m ruiu XXI.lXXXti TU SALE AT SPLMIL To the ux-payen of Speorea Vk brreSy girea l!U ewa-f acJig Satarday. 5ot. JTih, I '!: a.vrt:w lot aak am-rdiBa; th law aii mi sa&r c which taxea fee O yw tSKVi ar KiB aapaxL T w It kt w priwwid Io garnishee to rriller. d'ha-jfot poll aim. JOHN B- CRC9E, To. a Ti Ceilector. I mm mIX to Mm k4Vn Ur bait ! A 4 Uw . ia. nr Pi 1 1 U ITS. at.kwiS M m am av w Ow to) w to. Wm m, Umto w uam imi w aiaia l - . ayaw T -b .. ...,. i . itoar V lutsTiMDwl aiiHtow: kt SidhIh mmi U - 4-1 mm M to.. nia.toi.iMJalXl k. MdMl Jkawa nr nw antoiilli aw;to1 lit kwwkitb. pus, aWilik;WawBiaja"- 1 mt HmiAu to . n n i i n i hi '" kT "iin fliriil n arat . , ',' if WFT 4.-nak- , ,n- km to.Hhi M Am arikw . W.V.rTT- at Ik. vtltoi ml ftoakli. -- -' mr- ' . . j-tk-a.a.aia, -- -J I 1 n ;SignorPatricolo Piaoiat. MERONErS THEATER. Monday Nov. 19. Popular price. 25c. 50c 73c. uced and Mr. die Conference concern- Manage work. terntoc Mr MAarath wno is a onverteu Jvw-. idW ed a larg jdtenc in the inter- . rm. m oiMronarj work among the Jews. a the wife bf " - "urva tl ck W SO tact to Mb L A.rv thi. aftr. a Mi. . aw o u the Suniar school KMiumkt B it a i toi Adniait"atwrn Notic. fceid and Bishoo 4,! 4 kdir W- .aw.wa.aaia at to to. a. tototo A-to ftl-f w"","' " : Mia to .fl -. ,.xr r k W MM to S Wi to. so prornntlv n. n . . awiu . u m- that the an- T Fmm. Ato tra& 1 mi Oci.i n nT artv. pocRtanena wtibe nwj Monday " " ia rim. far tV, i-J. , fen. w. uw ircrn) ior bom that to.. I taaT afternoon. -Ca.ou Observer.. L. B, nan aa aT Hra. J. EXIoore a miwiiofisr.l ItneladieaofM inoon.'Tonig'i anniversary ass IWOson was fit I Thetosinefl al being trans that it 3 probe, ""u1" a.-;Mai( awr-kT;CTP7lK ft raa ton auk Baa- C a. Jacatan Ma to L L Lun aa ; Sm. Mm. It 4 IS ck WIMtot wi HTkiaeliMM. f t tl BATS, mmnai Urn to . atoM M t tot. to tob M ak .I..H.S tar. . . M toW ilu mm. . . . I w V . . t - aaaSM I www to a. ioeiaa HEWksasow. aitt raani with was rwnn BB ka.ak. a. """" ',,"l "to-aa- -.--- 1 - m. al mm9 faffillk . was i i i r a i a ton. hmu. mt-fmt to war a ijMia aM " ww I laSiK.S totoMaatoto tn a M na. samtabb " kaVl mSMataeWnwn-rc- nuaaaa. Ad kUIUtl