VOL 8, VO. SALISBCST, H, 0, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1909. $.400 A TEA!. fiNT ASHUT SEASON 111 PETITION ASSEJiELT. tmwv ' bwt f Q"!, .r of Rowan, viewing the Pid decree of will petition lo" niri iw --- j.;t.1 IB aineium " ! ttffl week: "To the Gener jCmklT of orth Carolina: t , tt undersigned eituten of lAu county rDertfullyrebmit rl Honorable body. That the ijll tf tke sportsmen end the tu hTcnll weather condition have largely diminished the number j muii is our county aa to iug- MltUt danger o frmsition. Tht we view such ttn:ned conditions with alarm; W( therefore, earnestly oeg w men law or lw tt Cgnwut session that lor .two Mtttr t toaea or mi , owedj f Jki unoa petitions with the hmi sMured will b forwarded fcwity evening to Raleigh, to lno't two wpronentatrm end wic.r, end th-jr tineerely hope wffKMnUtiyrt will be able to jwlkeBsuct! to act Ynt"BtWM0U8S." fat tuts Hert of hit towMtion tl Uaft Epidemic. . Jms 8. tad L Phobert pre set tin t)tnrl ihiwm snt-trt.iis-BiiK Yku," by Clyde fte it s ttiettrt, Thurs- ij, ftbmtrr . Mth. Ti troa without tiw. An elabor t. KJu.'ti,ri' rMM ntA here I - r ' ' r 1 ttotxify tb mom in every de I ti:!ahit tum in it (Mrvf month Lyra Theatre, New td, Vr nightly standing t !d tt t premium, you 11 kfl tai yon can see bat on ! si yttr, thii k the one yon fM to we. TV Wilmingios. iM Journal, of Feb. 6th, My "Ik Blue Motae," made its toil how to Wilmington last eK tt tke Open IToum. If m f tag htr nd pplttue ttk Ukrn u criterion the K Xmue" it eteily the fan- wt mdy teen here in yetn. h tt iMBfrr, furniture and no- twrio, tke nrodtution u oer- ft it erery dettiL The nctinf mptet tee mutt be eommend- Mifliwet Evtnt ttthe B- dc, who for the turn of CMO tfKft to nut u tlu wife Anpatat fiollitt, in order to ,Hirt kim t position ta division "Niiteadent of I rtilrotd, wee m of tUog peculiar to the chtr r iIk preeentt, but it it to welt Mil there it tnch tn nir of "t demeanor behind it til in the htndt of n lea M utirt would undoubt4sdly J niMoartrBed. The plot of the W wnple to ftr m (ronnd eoneerned, but many ex ridiculout coropliettiom "in its action. To thoee "the Blue UonM" U S;rh. ., ma rvwUi t Opera Hotue this tfternoon tAUQfo MACHimt. Pwfoncmce to U Qirta t - latato Tonight J-to for the R.t:.i, - talking machine, the ? of th, tge." A fin ro- "l trrtnged for the firtt Zl'of tflent pietnrot 2" thrown on tt. tad movement, going to- tntMt l - --j: TT 111 w yTJ- etch t im. ; . . . - The prioe of ad-'on . r"v ifl prion oi BO- VJ the thow win b ten SUPERIOR COURT OPENS JUDGE MAKES FINE CHARGE. Trial f Negro fer the AtttaU tl Hn. " IttetSet FerWedaeteir. The February term, of Rowan Superior Court convened at 10 o'clock thii morning, Judge Eru tua B. Jonea, of Wintton, preeid in. . .... ? ' The morsiug teeaion wat eon- tamed almott entirely, by Judge Jones in a tpleodtd charge to tht jury.: Tke judge made a fine im preesion upon all who heard him. and it it evident ha will make thingt buttle, in the way of trying eaten,- y- The following tre the iurymenr Petit Jury: L. J. ll-m, 1. C Sloau. Uo, h. Kluttx, Oeo. KlutU, Jne. U. Aenerty, u. o. McDanid, O. A. Softy, C. A. Boyd, Pinkney Iud wick, II. V. Cooper, B. C. Knox, Wb. M. Ij. Feepermtn, Archie A. Boat, U U. Stfrit, R. J. Loflia. . Urand jnry:Xi, E. Heilig, fore man : John A. Brady, J. J. Seen- ler, A. 1 Peeler, II N. Woodton, Cieerft A fadwkk, W.-T Biwy, Kilo A. J. Bott, B. F. Fleming, Julius A. Earnhardt, IT C Keser ly, Paul Peeler, B. R. Keehie, W. B. Lyarly, Henry W. Cauble, w. J. Fweperman, J. E. Steele, 0. W. ConaeiL ;r" ::.v:- A few minor evum were culled and submitted before noon. Tbe cat of Henry Young, col ored, removed from Stanly coun ty, charged with atMaultmif Mra. James R, Mow, of stoat's Biding, in Stanly, on the afternoon of De cember the 15th lt, wa set for thai Wednesday. This will be the nnly important eat on the crania, docket this court . A THTXT EIGHT. Mr. 0. T. sUawl rinds Bj Stoi- m Bom at KichfitUL Mr. a t. Stewart, of Whit Pine, Tenn, was here Saturday and shipped by (he Southern to hi Tennoste bom a beautiful pet mats. The animal wat stolen from his stable torn four weeks ago, and after searching through North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, spending about $800 in th search lonsd tbe pet beau ty at Richfield. Tha" thief had ridden tha animal all the way to Richfield where it was sold and but for his return to Whit Pin where ht wa arrested on tnspicion, and told whew it could b found, U. Stewart stiU b without kit hort. Tha horse lifhter. whostf name is disremenbered, was pardoned front the North Carolina peniten tiary wberje he had been aent for a term of aix years, by Governor R. B. Glenn on Thanksgiving day. Hia first act after returning to hi horn at Whit Pine was to burglarize a hardware store, and since Mr. Stewart left homo he was informed thst officers Irom South Dakota hsd started with the thief to their State where he was wanted to serve a sentene of fiftren years in the pen. Th'is is a thief right. - MTMISTSRS' ASSOCIATION. Eagular Meeting Thia Morning , Oonstitotion Adopted. The Salisbury Mintera' Asso ciation held its regular meeting in the Baraca room of the First Bap tist church this morning at 10 o'clock. Among the business transacted was the adoption of a constitution for the association. Tha topic for discussion today was Th Scop of this association. ' Th meeting wat interesting and pleasant. The Southern - Railway an nounces th foUowing reduced ratal from Saliabnry to Wathtag ton City account of th inaugural : Tickets on sale Feb. 28th to Mar. 3rd, inclusive, round trip $10.85. Tn Mi-tiM of twentv-flv or more, on ticket, $7.25 each. Limit March 8th. No itop-oven auowen. Messrs. Lewis Yoder and "HnA" Pnw. of Newton, are pending several day in th city MR.VANDERFORD'SCARD EEEAfiD CITIZENS VISHEsi ; : ' . Tired efUteraml Strife ud Detwtta Ceed Tickat Nestisttti. , To the Citiient of Salisbury: I htve been repeatedly asked if I intended announcing mytelf at a candidate for the- office of Mayor, and I have invariably stated that I wat not a candidate, that I was engaged in a work that I had far rather see tueoted than to be Mayor, that I was opposed to and tired of the internal strife occasioned by these hard fought elections; that oar city never had been split Bp in factions and I di not want to see it now. - Onr eity and county, from the force of oircamstaneet, waa ' the tcene of t bitter prohibition fight, which was settled at the polls, and I. with every law-abiding citi ten, want to tea the law enforced. In this fight friend differed with friend and in tome instance bit ter' estrangementa occurred. Thia nhonld Jttojjtegjtejtha, pt baj forgotten. Tbe operation of thia law bat caused business disturbances, snd to the people who are most affect ed I etn sty they htve tha good will of the majority of tha people who opposed their . business and that they with them God-speed in tny lawful enterprise. : The prohibition law was endors ed in Salisbury and Rowan coun ty at a moral issue and voted for by Democrat! and Republicans alike and they are alike responsi ble for its enforcement; I am sat itfied that all food eitixens arc in terested in its enforcement To accomplish this durable tad J am in favor of placing the nwponai bility upon them by placing in the ft lit m fwvl.tnveranHint tmcineo. nun't ticket for Mayor and Board of Aldermen, gaarding with all car th selection of men whose money and co-operation the prohi bition movement had all th time, and men whom no on had occa sion to fall out with on account of their change of position. - I oav adwsye been, as most people know, a strict party man bat ear city has never been con fronted with th same eondition of affairs at at present and if we expect to reoeiva tha hearty co operation of all her citkent we must give due regard to their presence and wishes. Besides, the eitiex of today beat managed are those whose affairs are , in the hands of a commission selected without regard to political affilia tiona. "V'p.-'i Can any good thing come to an advocate of prohibition through onr legalised primary! : I have it from a source whicn l deem reliable that our present honorable Mayor has recognised the justice of placing the enforce ment of this law in the htndt of its advocates and has declined to be a candidate , for re-election. Thii it greatly to be commended. Our business people realize thtt Salisbury hat a great future and I believe with the combined effort of our peopls, which we ought to have, we can make it what we wUI, and 1, for one, wiU use every means in my power to further the interests of the county and eity in which I have spent the best part of my life and where I expect to spend the remainder of my days. . Let os set together, nominate a good ticket, elect them, turn the city over to them, to manage, mat the rest of us may direct our ener gies to the upbuilding of onr be loved eity. Very respectfully, . T. H. VANDERFORD. Mr. H. J. Bernhardt, of China Grove, was in the eity Saturday and had hia nam added to the Post's long and fast growing list of China Grove subscribers. Oottoa Market (Corrected daily by M. X Quinn.) Good middling, 9 3-4. Strict middling, 9 5-8. '. Middling, 9 1-2, Tinges, 9 1-4., Stains, 8 9. Market: Quiet. , NO ERRORJNSTATEMENT CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Th Aatf-Trast full Center e( State . This Week. Raleigh, Feb. 1. The Empie game law which hss pasted its three readings in the Senate is not destined to hsve altogether fair tailing in the House. There is in this body no little objection to that feature of the measure which prohibits absolutely ' the tale of birds though permitting a shoot of tit teen daily. It is argued that this is discrimination in favor of the professional ahot or sports man,, who with gun and writ ten permit can keep himself tup plied with birds the season through, while the lest ftvored, even in case of sickness, sre for bidden by lsw to buy a bird. Ev erybody s greet thst something should be done to put a check up on the pot huntor if he cannot be altogether suppressed and by the Empie bill is regarded by many as itotlirto- drsartie-aadTl'Mff- test in the House is certain when thia measure cornea np. ess I do pot wish to become involv ed in any controversy, but noting the statement of a Salisbury law yer in Saturday's Post thst I err ed in saying that the creation of the Rowan county court would re duce the emolument! of justices of the peace of tbe county, I am willing to let the records for the month of April the first month of the court's exixteueevindi- cate or disprove my contention D M. Miller: who probably 1. a. m,l. Wi . ! justices of th ,N peace in North Carolina, 4o not report a material decrease in the revenue derived from their official position, I will stand corrected. At a matter of i fact, th very purpose of tha crea tion of the court was to invest the trial justice with jurisdiction not now possessed by mayor and magistrates,, thereby , putting in his court for final disposition ac tions that have heretofore origin ated befortT justices of the peace and gone to the Superior Court by reason of Isek of jurisdiction on tha psrtof such justices. The' Jurisdiction of the latter is now just exactly as it hat been, while the measure establishing the coun ty court gives Use trial justice fin al jurisdiction over all misde meanors and in civil cases in which an amount not exceeding 500 it involved. The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Salisbury will be called to meet either on Saturday night of this or Monday night of next week for the purpose of naming a date for holding the municipal primaries and formolatinf a plan for holding the primaries. ' Sub-section A., the auti-trust bill, takes the center of the atage this week. The same bill, as I have heretofore noted, wat intro duced in the Senate by Senator Lockhart and in the . House by Representative Weaver.' Its ap pearance wiU be the signal for tbe warmest debate yet had at this session of the General Assembly. The American Tobscco Company, which declares it -ill not be able to operate it factories in North Carolina if the bill is enacted into law, has strong lobby here fighting the measure, f-" am ttill convinced thst it willfjjfeated. IvcuM" . A bill was introdUf iu the House this morningTtlmending section 1506, Chspter 28 of the Revise! with reference to . the Mar and November terms of Ro wan Superior Courts, As the law now is the civil docket cannot bo called at these terms until the sec ond week. ; The Salisbury - bar think that with the establish' ment of the county court the crim inal docket in the higher court will be so reduced that the civil docket can be reached before the expiration of the first week. Mr. J. W. Carlton arrived in BIRTHDAY RECEPTION. HONOR OF ARTHUR FRAZIER. G seats Ssead aa Eajeyablt Eveaiag aal Wist Him Maty Rehtras. Invited guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mra. L. A. Fra tier, on North Main street, Satur day evening, to celebrate the 23rd birthday of their son, Mr. Arthur Frsjtier. Mr. Frazier's surprise was com plete, but this did not deter him from sharing; with the guests, an evening of complete pleasure. ' 'That the evening was thorough ly enjoyed by all was due to the charming hostess, Mrs. Frazier, assisted by Mrs. J. Frank Miller and Mrs. Chss. Bell - The parlors were exquisitely arranged : and - decorated with ferns and holly. At 10 o'clock the party repaired to the dining rom to partake of one of those deli cious luncheons, to well known to those who htve previously enjoy ed Mm. Fmier't hospitality. fWfrwer nafdTor the inSeT Josephine Speight Naomi Frund, Josephine Young, Luna Thomp son, Grace Gaskill, Alice Gray, Rosa Holmes, v Kathleen Kluttz, Janet Quinn, Sadie Snyder, aud Jsnet Cdump. ;j Messrs, Francis Murdoch, Ar thur Fraiier, John Yeager, Worth Murphy, Jnlian McKensie, Walter Crump, John Fisher, Harden Cle ment &arl Thompson, tlargrave Brown, Linn Bernhardt, June Russt-U and Stable Linn.- Hilarity reigned - until 11:30 when the guests reluctantly bade goodnight to Mr. Fraiier with ex- hin-'lrT",u ot.kind "l"1 anu weti wisnet for many return many returns. COMMENCE LATINO TRACK. Car Lin to Fair Grounds to be Completed Soon. . , Mr. E O. Whittle, a first-jlass teotion foreman, who has been with the Southern for some years, and during 1908 was track man for th Salisbury-Spencer Railway Company has been employed to superintend the building of the new car line to the fair grounds. Saturday Mr. Whittle distributed a lot of ties at the terminal end and laid seversl rails to "see how it would look" to use his expres sion. Today he begins with eurn- teen hands and will ; f ush the work. . It is expected to have the road completed to Main street at an early period. Mr. Holmes a Candidate. Mr. Reuben J. Holmes an nounces himself a candidate lor Alderman of Saliabnry from the West Wtrd subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Hr Holmes is the first to announce for Aldermen. He is a leading young man of the town and feels that his counsel would materially aid in the condaot of municipal affairs. See hut announcement in another column of thia paper. ' ' -. Hew Ada. Today. , Meroney'a theatre, "The Clans man," page 5. - Piedmont School of Stenogra phy and Typewriting, scholar ship! at discount, page 5. The Theato, talking pictures page 4. V. Wallace 4 Sons, sacrifice, sale of winter clothing, page 5. : Chaa. C. Adams & Co., real es tate and rental agents, page 4. -. The T. E. Witherspoon Co., pic ture frames and ahadea made to order, cage 6. Fisher Bros., horses and mules for sale, page 8. ", Col. F. F. Smith left last night for New York City where he will spend about two months getting lor nis spring trans. ' , Raleigh Saturday evening and with Representative Carlton went to the latter 'a old home at War saw for two days. They return Tuesday morning and Mra. Carl' ton will spend the remainder of the week here. 3. M. J. OREGON JOINS CRUSADE ADD TO PRESIDENTS CHAGRIN Bill fretikitt Realty Heldiag by AsW atict ladaditf Jiaaaeie. Salem, Ore., Feb. 8. Oregon threatens to add to the Presi dent's chagrin over the anti-Japanese legislation, as wat announc ed today from a bill being pre pared to be introduced in the li'g ulature this week, prohibiting fu ture acquisition of realty holdings by Asiatic, including Japanese.' The bills will not affect present Oriental property holders. The passage of the measure is likely. GOES TO RALEIGH. In th Interest of a Bessemer City ' Cotton HUL Esq. Burton Craige left last uight for Raleigh where he goes in the interest of the creditor of the Southern notion Mill Cnnu panyref Bessemer City. It is pro posed to reorganize the company and Mr. Craige 'a trip to Raleigh is to secure a charter for the new organization which it to be known in the future aa the Slate Manu facturing Company. The null waa sold a week ago by Caesar Cone, of Greensboro, and bought in by the creditors. Mr. Craige represents these credi tors who hold mortgages on the property amounting to $300,000. A meeting of the parties con cerned will be held in Greensboro Wednesday to perfect the Organi sation to take over tbe new char ter and. to formulate such other business arrangements at may ba found necessary. ine mm, aunougn involved, is running as if nothing wat occurr ing. -. , - : Mr. Harrison Soliloquises. ' ; Raleigh, Feb. 5. There is a world of human interest and a moral as well in the experience as a child of Representative Har rison, of Halifax. ' He was not talking for publication as he sat at a table in Oiersch't today bnt what he said waa of euch value for . present-day : application that he ftllntvofr Tna hnnn it ,i,.nt Mmuh to repeat him.: There happened at the table our party had taken a dish not entirely satisfactory tO Sit. , - .'!'". , - "When I was a boy," said Rep resentative Harrison, ".my father, an indulgent but firm man, re quired the three of hit sons, the only children, to eat at least a portion of every dish on the table. If we should tay "I don't want this or that," he would command us to eat and eat we did. . I can now appreciate hia object. "You may go away from home, boys," he would say, "and find the fare altogether unpalatable if you grow up oh a diet that your palate diststes. You may find at the table of tome one ' who has taken especial paint to entortain. you nothing that appeals to your appetite and disappoint friendship-, and effort to please. So learn to eat whatever is Set before you so long at it it decently served! "I have observed the same rule in my own household, where nine children have been born are being reared," continued Hr. Harrison, "and I hope they will find life at it relates to their desire for food just aa I have found it. Noth ing is too good nothing to com mon for the aatiafaction of my stomach, just so long as it it serv ed with clearliaes. I often hear boys and young men at hotel ta bles near me laying, "this is OS good," or "why dont they have something to eat here!" The trou ble with this class of people h? they have never been trained in the matter of eating." There it a great big Sunday and every-day-in-the-week sermon in this experience and the reflections of the Halifax representative'. J. M. J. , Twice Sevea Book Club. The Twice Seven Book Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. N. P. Murphy.