1 8AUSBXTBT XVENINO FOST. ! -wets- and -DRYs- wab. j jgXXXXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOO? Ready foiMoFe Busy Days. Specials for week end ing April 24th. Compare these prices with those of any other house and' spend -your, money where it will buy the most I $1.00 Corsets lorlUc. American Beauty Corsets the kind that always sells for 1.00 all sizesv Speciairprice 50c Sea Island Special. 39 inch Sea Island Sheeting, nice smooth quality, special .4c Specials Id Cotton Goods. One Lot Dress Gingham, good quality and neat patterns . 5c 38 inch Bleached Curtain Scrim 5c Yard wide Percals, neat patterns .. .. ."x... 8 l-3c yd 12 l-2c and 15c White Lawns nice sheer goods and full 40 inches wide.-.. - loc All 12 l-2c and 15c Percals at - -.' 10c 50 inch Mohair in black, blue and Brown. Special price. .50c Embroidery Specials. Aj an extra inducement for yon to come to our store during this special sale we have piled out an A counter conven iently, hundreds of yards of fine yards of embroideries worth up to 15c yard at the special price of... 10c Big Special In Val Laces. Fine Val Laces, Edges and Insertions to match worth up to 10c and more Special at , 7.. ..5c What we advertise we sell. What we sell advertises us. G CP &? O f A . QjaiMuri Xet! Dear la Klultz & KendlnnaiL T. M. KESLES. Hgr. A Bitter Contest in Two Indiana : , Towns. Indianapolis, 'April 19. A bit ter commercial war hs broken lout between the "wet" town of fjoffansport and the "dry town of Peru, and "dry" sympathize r, i in tne lormer are paimmnup r'ru merchants and "wet' sympathiz ers in th latter are going to LS- ansport to spend the money. ine .LOginspiTi Dimness aicu Associaticn, which espoused the ause of the "wets" in the recent iocai option plectioa, have peti tioned the Pennsylvania Railroad to run weekend excursions to : their eitv. and have nurchased 1').- !000 interurban tickets to be used in attrartinfi buyers from ' dry territory. A delegation of Liwiaaport wo men visited Peru and waited r.pm the merchants, asking them to ad vertise in the Losansport papers. Every member of the delegation purchased a spring outfit, and ar rangements were made by some of them to have staples, m the war of groceries, sent to them by in terurban cars. There will be twelve local op tion elections within the next ten days, and the "wet" and "dry" cities are flooding the . territory with statements as to the effect of local option on business, i A SOLAS ECLIPSE. Theato ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEE DAILY AT 4 P. M. "THE JOLLY 4 QUARTETTE." FINE SINGERS AND FUN MAKERS. 2 PRICES THIS WEEK: Only 10c to all. AIbTOTOBOT ABT in laundry work is what every one calls the output of this establishment-shirts, collars, cuffs and all else washed without tear- -'.. J . .'Ft" " " tons; starching not too little or too much; ironing without scorch ing, or otherwise ruining of ev erything in a man's wardrobe that ought to go into the tub. If your friends can't tell you about our work. 'Dhone us. We'll call for and deliver the goods and our way of doing up thing will tell for itself. How it Can Happen, Considering' the Size of th Moon. I; has been asked how a' total eciipso of the sun cad! possibly happen, as the moon i smaller than the sun. A self luminous body, tike the sun. scatters light in all direc tions, and when the rays fall upon a nonluminous body they are in tercepted from the spaqs immed iately behind it, and a Shadow is fhrAwn rtAtn riiiitatUA in that direction. Another celestial body, deriving also its light from the sun, will upon entering -he are over which this shadow a cast be deprived of its luster either whol ly or in part This is wnt hap pens to the earth in a solar eclipse. The sun and eirth re volve in the same, planeof the ecliptic, and the moon, beiig but slightly inclined to that plane, interposes between them oilce in every revolution, so that it hap pens thet they are sometime all thre? in the same line. When ! opaque sphere i seen projected iC upon the sun's face, intercepting I Si its light, proportionate with the magnitude of the solipse, which depends upon the distances sepa rating the eenters of the tun and moon at the middle of tlie phen. mnenoo. Only in cases where these centers precisely correspond can there be a total obscuration. New York American. Buy Your Coal FROM C. A. Montooiiiery I sell the best Blue Germ Coal; PHONE 187 J. Salisbury Greenhouses Another cut price Sale this week. This time it is bedding plants, Rose bashes, etc.,- and when we say special ent prices you know we mean it Coma ear ly and make your selections. PHONE 38L Grace Goodykoontx. Teacher ol Singing 421 South Ellis St. Phone 349U We make window shades to or der while you wait. T. E. With- erspoon Co. 10-8-tf Stock is now arriving daily. Every de partment of the store is running over with new and pretty Noveltici New Dress Goods in silk, wool and cotton Ready-to-wear Garments in the latest and most fashionable -effects. White Goods, Lawns, Under wear, Embroideries, Laces, Neck wear, Linens, Prints of the latest shades and designs, Handkerchief T 1 il " -t i uwcis, every imng complete in up-to-date dry goods store. I have just returned from New York where 1 selected one of neat esx assortments ox goods ever brought to Salisbury, and have marked them down to the lowest prices. The public is invited to call and inspect my goods. Call and examine my stock be fore buying. rut Salisbury Steam Laundry r FOUNTAIN PENS We have at least found a Fountain Pen that will not leak. We will guarantee this pen absolutely. It cannot leak. Let us show it to you. Greens Jewelry Store. Successor to GORMAN & GROW. Spencer, N. C, 10 Maiden Lane.; ' Salisbury, N. C. Nw York Office: During the spring tvery one would he benefitted by taking Fo ley's Kidney Remedy. . It fur nishes a needed tonic ti the kid neys after the extra strain of win ter, and it purifies the- blood by stimulating the kidneys, am' caus ing them to eleminate the impuri ties from it. Foley's Kidney Rem edy imparts rew life ad vigor. Pleasant to take. Smith Drug Co., Cornelison k Cook, H. M. Cook, of Spencer. ) Q ssja mmm at mm assk skskiobs' M YUU uAN I M UUK i on FimrjiTiiRF Here Are Some of Them. REMOVED I Foley's Honey and TAr will cure a cough or cotf na matter bow aevera and preVnt pneumonia and conaumptlon Thia ia to certify that n drnniata are anthorixed to N fund your money if Foley's f Honey and Tar falls to cur your cough or cold. Contains do opiatet. The genuine la ia a yellow package. ; mm narrrrru 8mith Drag Co., Cornelisos k Caotr H M. Cook, Hpea-er We have just completed fitting up our new machine shop tnext to the Vance Mills and tie now prepared to fill all orders : nroftrotly. . Machine work of ahkinds, Boiler repairing and Black' smithing. Brazing of cast iron,ray iron and Brass Castings, Pattern Making, etc. Experience xiachanice in each department Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rowan Brazing andXFoundry Co. Fhone 663. J. MURDOCH, Jr. Manager. DB. M. JT. SAOkAND, Veterinarian. Office 118 W. Innia Street. Pho 205. At night phone 430. Dr. 1. S. FOX, Busv DENTIST WW It will pay you to find out Terms strictly eash. I Sl Full size solid oak 8 P 1.58 $1.98 120 Coil Folding Springs 60 inch Enamel Iron Beds Solid Oik Hat Racks ! Solid Oak Extension Tablet, 6 feet' Five Piece Mahogany Parlor Suiti Solid Oak Bed Room Suits Chase Leather Couches Genuine Leather Turkish Rockers Solid Oak Sideboards Folding Bed Lounges Solid Oak Arm Rockers Natural Maple Porch Rockers Stolid Oak Dressers, F B Glass v - Gilt Frame French Bevel Mirrors, 18x36 Solid Oak Dining Chairs." Three Slat Double Cane Chairs (set of 6) Quarteaed Oak Box Seat Dining Chairs, guarateed leather - Window Shades, any color , Ingrain Wool Artsquares, 9x12 . If you buy before visiting our store you wu lose money. 5.9! 7-18 4.98 2148 14.98 10.48 24.48 7-98, 7.98 138, 2.9 7.98 4.41 5S( 2-6? 1.98 7A p Bell Hock. BOO TTnTntR n a TT - - Phon22.j ....