Partly Cloudy Witt 8hower. SBURY POST, 1LBBOTY, H. 0 SATURDAY, SEPT. 4, 1909. HOO A TEA R A BIG FAIR A BURGLAR IS NABBED. J PEOPLE" WHO TRAVEL. A HOPELESS ILLNESS A GREAT OVATION WRECKERS CUT A RAIL fCRECAST: SAL1 EVENING m FOR ATTRACTIONS. bat; Fr AUti- foot TUv- ... 1 with the ioc" .-'Bi':: . i,.h:i..t ,.fiw p.'.iH--U for having W-r'-u,-""(il"iy.ril1 fL .... ,!..h liberal fcff SND", UjO 6J 0O ran fcjfltBf aiseniiuu Ltflparmrf the country. 1 - bo-!i'h wit! f thrill during thee four ,:! th f" . tonl d( th very bt fr no the road are btinf ajifd Ut Secretary Jack abating for monster Pid taw will bf a bun L(Un .hows on th Mid Li Of on thing the patron L i. fur tin be assured at th -tk fBtlenB behind to kt it't laid down the Ut js 4m k to he absolutely an lottt a my brm. Tai will u lswcatiott propos in nut ewpetitive county exhib it tat Mi-Mrui departments: ,rd!ft, tltirultar. Horse. ink Swp. Ssn. Poultry, Piatij Sapy'i, Needle and fiMj Wwi. )fc2 and Mineral. T! SKWSiTt office M BOW y ja tt hf of th Rowan Wnn Oiroy, th nremmni tat i?pnr8,-i' nut wec mtbm of )imU will btfin ki'.oa t.i th iniI train ti S-wsbrrn. the P1J- .;n i'nt Railway Mr iperatinjt on a -oa - hdulc to the m 1: lis rn,l of th tint ki,-!.- , trottad. OVliMAN TO LKAVS. i7 Txiaj Kaa Caoaaa Aa- tttut Cuhiar of Bank.' fc "t!ll:! T fhrerman.' who MftnH't.t a. aalnman 1 tfe 4c dpertmPBt of the n Stor. h Wn .lM,t t-pti,l the nnltmn of r-Mi fBier of the Panic of f t Dunn. V C. He K e 1 W"ir. V is an eirellent n lh;4 election to thia 'ooi-Ar tvVi, 1.:. """J ffi'nii muth nleaauM. CAUGHT IN ACT AT SPENCER Tawaf Wkite Kaa t Staad Trial f THOSE COMING AND GOING. Skatt Ntwf ltaaai al laUrtat to Sana- hariaat. ' Fred Olonom, a well known young white man, is in jail charg ed wit burglary ami will have to atand trial for hi life. Yesterday morning about one o'eloek Mr. J. I. Ineuhour, of Spencer, hearing aome one in hi room, atruck a mati-h and con fronted Glnatom. The latter caught the match, leaving the room in total dkrkneta and lied Mr. laenhour at onee gave the alarm and Chief of Police Cruie took up pursuit, 8nally locating and capturing Oloaiom, who of fered no reaiataoce. t-'iO. wkich he had atilen from Mr. laenhour, wu jioanit on bit penon. lie priadner waa placed in jail here and 1a being held wUkout hood. SALAXY QTCEEASCD. St. John' Church Apprtciatira of Err. Dr. Kinard. With September, Rev. Dr. U. M. Kinard began hi fourth year aa paator of St. Jobs 'a Lutheran church of thia city. Aa evidence of appreciation and conwqaent growth the church haa inrreaaed th paator'e aalary ;100 per an num. In au line of b -t activity, St. Jnhn'a ia beginning, aa never before, to appreciate her rpon aibilitie. QpnortUBits and ca- pacHiea. Within the pat eigh- IfS t6ntha ; marked change hava taken place. The Sunday n'htKil ia doing a fine work. The Men' Bibla dan ani the Worn an'a Miaaionary Society are agfn tie fur much good work- The official body eooipoed of It men who are wide aak to the intern! of the ehurch cm poae a atrotig for efBcient wjric Thew men consecrated to the cause of Christ and the work of the Lord utand for uc- ceaa in ilia name. The eiterior of St. John's ert'atlv beautified o that it luolt like a new church. The paiiutak tog rommittee are doing all in their power to produce the very beat mult and are - ancreeding plendidly. When completed St. John'a will be an object of beau ty and a credit to committee, congregation and city. Bl LAST TATTOO. r04 ConfederaU Veteran Mkt from Labor to Raat. iJ"1'' irmy witk a re ",k" " rich legacy to hia J"ff. di,.d on Chctnut Hill wmg at 9 o'clock Of eon- the boweU. , -- wis a. A ty - is wrvice. He .ntered the r at it, incipiency and iKabei of Co. G. 7th North !. Cook brigade. . Thoa y-y had no better aol- ' on Chestnut Hill tomor Cwr",',",,.5r'11 be interred in "in cemetery. VnTT awTpnoe, who has Mr. E. W. Burt returned yea- terday from eastern market. where he has been upending two weeka. While away Mr. Burt laid in a mammoth -.lurk 1 )i- th Empire Department Store. Mr. and Mr. O. D. Ware and children went to Charlotte this morning Mr U, W. I'ritchctt. of Oreena- borc wa in Saiwbury today. Mr. h. v.. Hlount. of Wilaou. lecturer and journaliat, waa in Salisbury toJy returning from Albemarle, where he lectured Thursday night. Mr. R. C. Whirlow left thia morning for WeU-h. W. Va, to work for the Camden Iron Works 00 a jail building at that place. H will b gone until about the 8rt of the year. Mr. D. R. Julian returned lait night from Wayueaville. MeM. W. A. and J. E. Hennea- e apent Friday in Greenaboro. Taey west through the country in their car. Mr. and Mr. F. M. Thompaon went to Hiddenit thia morning They will probably be out of town several week. Mr. W. W. Pool and family, ho have been visiting in Wina- lon, returned yeaterday after uoob. They made the trip through tne country, Mr. and Mr. M. 8. Bmn re turn tonight fooi Tale Springs. where among other place, thev have been rendi!;g vera! weeka. CHICK INS FED TOO MUCH. Support Thamaalvea. HHJ.K. LINK IN EXTREMIS Diatraanaf Newt Fraai Bedsio af Praaiaeat Sauabariaa. Thia distressing message wrh received by Cant. C. L. Welch from Mm. J. K. Link shortly be fore noon today. I Lynchburg, Va., Sept. 4, 1009. 43. L, Welch. Salisbury, N. C. Mr. Link is hopele.aly ill. Per forations have s-t in. MRS. J. K. UNX. "Mr. Link a stricken by ty phoid fever while in Lynchburg several weeks ago and for some time the outcome of his illncas in doubt. He had made such progress during rhe past two weeks, however, that doubt as to his recovery had been removed and today 'a message will prove a ahock to the whole city. Mr. Link has for a dozen years beeu one of .Salisbury' leading business men. Eminently suc cessful a a Jobbing grocer he re tired from the mercantile life to assume the presidency of alrong insurant; company organized and backed by local capital and with thu and his other interest had mail groat plans for the future. Despite Mrs. Link's message, better new is hiped for. METHODIST B ABACAS. Usual Meeting Tomorrow Mora K at 9:30 O'clock. The Pd'aca clats ol the First Methodist church. Mayor Smoot teacher, meet at 9:30 o'eloek to morrow morning in the Baraca room and all men are invited. The subject is Paul's Third Mission ary Joumev. the golden text. A Kowan Warmer Wlui Tjits Them 1 can 00 au .nmgs inrougn oniiE wmcn am'ngineoesi me. The following comments are fur mshed : Thia lt-suu shoas how f'sul f- ter going into Macedonia from Kphesu continued hu third jour ney according to n plan that would enable hiai to reach Jeru saleui at the following Pentecost Feast, bv changing hia route to avoid Jews who were plotting against him, by preaching tn pi; es where he had and where he had not been before by meeting the Ephesian elders in a touching farewell conference. All men should hear this great lesson. PHY8ICLAH TO SPEAK. Will Addrcaa Colored People of : Saiisbury on Tuberculosis. Tomorrow afternoon at five o'clock the city colored Y. M. C A. will be addressed at their meet ing nlace, Mowery HalL by Dr. A H. Ray, one of the colored phy- isiciana ia town. He will talk on Tuberculoaia, its prevention and cure. The president and officers of the Association are making an effort to get prominent physicians and other men of influence and ability to pea to the colored people on disease ana nygiene. Every colored person male or fe male if cordially invitad. A a reault of a special appeal made by the nresident of the As sociation urging the young men to aave and endeavor to accura ulate something a few of the young men deposited with the lo cal bank during we monia 01 Augtat, alone not lesa than $100. The appeal will be continues Service at St. Lnka'i. The Post ia requested to an nounce that Rev. R. tV. Hogue, of Chapel Hill, flndi it impossible to conduct the aervicea at St. Luke' Episcopal church tomorrow aa he had expected to do. There will he aervice by Hon. John S. Hen- deraon, as Lay Reader, morning and evening. Sermon at 11 a. m of Common Prayer and t 8 n. m. on "Sunday With the sale of the ejp he brought to Salisbury this morn iug Mr. Levy Shoe, one of Row an 's good farmers, hax disposed of 455 doen 'gg. all from hi own poultry, sinee the first of th year. In addition to this must be added th hora supply which would average several dozen weekly "What i noire." aaid Mr. Sh"e this morning, "my layers are all sdf -sup pitting apart from what I get for the eggs. 1 found that over-feeding made the hens slug gish and decided to let them try except in very severe weather to make for themselves. They have been doing it. They run at large, are in good condition and lay when other betis that are fed reg ularly and bountifully are show ing no eggs '- Mr. Shoe's theory may be old but it is new to this office and accordingly recorded A Prolific Rowan Hog. Mr. 8. J. Deal, of Atwell town ship, who ia in Concord today, tells us that he has a brood sow of the I. O. C. stock whieh is only 2 1-2 years old, and which has found 65 pigs in four litters. She haa found not less than fifteen in litter. Mr. Deal says the hog weigh nearly 400 pounds, and that, valuable as she is. he will be obliged to kill her on account of her vicious tendencies. She is o large and atrong that she can take her nose and overturn a fence, and no pen will hold her. Concord Times. New Ada. Today. Cha. C. Adam & Co., real cs tate and insurance, page 4. Oas Company, cook with gas, page 2. Gentry Bros., circus, page 6. Saleeby's Candy Kitchen, Call fornia fruits, page 8. The Empire, new fall goods, page 8. Brittain It Campbell, coat suits skirts and school shoes, page 4. J. Feldman, boy'a clothes, page DR. COOK OVERWHELMED REACHED COPENHAGAN TODAY Tbe Explorer Says He Will Convince Scientists-One Trip Enough for a Life Time. TWO KILLED, THIRTY INJURED , Can Wert Overtimed aad ft Dtw. aa EabaaluntBt. BEAT HIS BOARD BILL. South Carolinian in the County Court Today. W. S. Roger, of Griers, 8. C. was arraigned in the county court this morning charged with beat ing a board bill amounting to t- from an East Salisbury landlord The bill was incurred while Rug rs was working as a painter on the annex to the Kealcr Cotton Mill and the case against him was so clear that Judje Miller did not hesitate to give him a term on the roails. He has the chance, howev er, by paying the board bill and the costs in the case to escape the road. BANKS WILL CLOSE. AU the Salisbury Banks Closed Monday. To the patrons of all the banks in this city: You will please take notice that all the banks will observe Labor Dav Celebration, Monday, Sept. 6th, 1909. Respectfully. Wachovia Loan Si Trust Co. Davis & Wiley Bank, People National Bank, First National Bank. Senator Overman, who has been at mountain resorts in west ern North Carolina and eastern T' Tin1 ee for the past two weeks. -;i:i: 't! .1' n:z; ana will be at Copenhagen, Sept. 4. "Once is enough for any man. I will never return to the North Pole. A aingle experience of the eort I have just passed through will suf fice for a life time." This was practically the : first answer Dr. Cook, discoverer of the North Pole, gave to a volley of questions fired at him by a regiment of newspaper men who boarded the Hans Egede as she steamed into harbor at 9:30 thia morning. Dr. Cook admit that the na ture of the moving ice covering the site of the Pole will probably remove the evidencea he left there April 2lt and 22nd, 1908, but he states that hi record of observa tions when presented to scientific men will wipe out all scepticism He aaya he first planted his staff on the site of the Pole and then rawed the Americas flagr"Tftre in that God-forsaken, spot," Be said, "I realized aa 1 never had before the meaniug of patriotism and love for the flag." Seeing the flag would be whipped into shreds by the wind he took it down and placed another in a braas cylinder whieh he placed on a staff. Dr. Cook said he spent practi cally all of two days taking ob servations. "I had a sextent, a pocket watch, three chronometers and more modern instruments than were ever used by an explorer in the extreme North. I verified alt observations carefully and am confident the accuracy and com pleteness of my record will satis fy the scientific world." Dr. Cook talked to newspaper men but a few minutes. TIV gang plank was lowered at 10 o'clock and his welcome was the most unique in the world's his torv accorded a discoverer. The entire population of the city seem ed to be at the pier with thous ands who journeyed from all over Europe. For fifteen minutes the rowd cheered wildly. Police had to force a way through the surg- ng throng and take the discover er in an automobile and carry mm tohe 1'hoenix hotel, the auto's progress was slow through the streets crowded with cheering thousands who blocked the road. Dr. Cook was overcome by emo tions and tears welled into his eves. "I never expected such a dem lustration," he said. "It seems too much for what I have done." The reception room in the hotel was crowded by the most distin guished Danes. When Dr. Cook entered his health waa drunk in champagne. Johann Hanson, minister of commerce, welcomed Dr. Cook in an enthusiastic ad dress. After the formal reception at the hotel. Dr. Cook, iu response to the demands of the crowd outside. appeared on the balcony of the hotel and satisfied the throng by saying: "I have had too hard a time getting here to mke speech. I can simply say that I feel honored to put my foot first on Danish soil on my return." Cook then returned to his rooms in the hotel to rest and prepare to meet King Frederick. Evidence of the enthusiasm of the crowd was found in the fact that his clothing was torn iu a dozen Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 4. Two persona are dead, ten were seri ously and twenty slightly wound ed near Newcastle at midnight lant night in a wreck the work of train wreckers, officials state. The rail was cut and forced from the road bed. Two Pullman ears were overturned and two passen ger coaches, two baggage cars and the engine went over the em bankment. The thirty injured are in the Newcastle hospital. A score of railroad detectives are searching for the criminal responsible for the wreck. All are sure train wreckers did the work and be lieve robbery waa intended. MISS BMOOT VEST ILL. Mayor Smoot Called to Siater's Bedside. Mayor A. L. Smoot received a telegram last night from Old Trinity advising him of the seri ous illness of his sister, Miss Cora Smoot, formerly of Salisbury. Ho is with her today but uo word regarding her condition has been received. HOME DEPARTMENT DAT. First Baptist Sunday School Ar 7 ranges for Big Day.-.v The program for Home Depart ment Day at the First Baptist Sunday school has been complet ed and everything is now in read iness for a b;g day tomorrow. On notice to the superintendent be fore 8 o'clock tonight, convey ances will be furnished for all Home Department members who cannot come otherwise. In addi tion to songs and recitations by the infant class, some of the spe cial features of the program arc as follows: Words of Welcome, The Super intendent. Response, Mrs. Summersctt. Duct, Selected. Recitation, Mrs. Hatcher. Bible Reading. Solo, Mrs. J. D. Carlton. Address, The Church in the Sunday School, by The Pastor. Song. Handshake Service. The public ia invited and will receive a cordial welcome. A Hot Ball Game, The hottest ball of the season will take place at Fulton Heights Park at 4 0 clock this afternoon between the Craven and Chestnut Hill teams. Mr. E. E. Proctor, of the post- office force, leaves tonight for At lantic City. He goes as a delegate to the tenth annual national con vention of Postoffice Clerks. places. His first embarrassment was when he discovered that he had no clothing suitable for pre sentation at court. The King, when told of this, said: "Tell him to come anyway. Let him wear his hunting costume. I would rather see him in this dress than in court attire." So in hia hunting suit the explorer was driven to the palace and received. King Frederick embraced the doctor and showeed congratula tions. The explorer was visibly affected by the warmth of the greeting. The two discussed many phases of the North Pole discovery for half an hour, the King's manner showing the full est credence in Dr. Cook's state ments. When Cook returned to the hotel he found the King's tailor there under instructions to supply everything needed for tho explorers wardrobe. Dr. Cook says he will remain at Copenhagen longer than hs first intended. School."