ti, r 4 Lg fOBECABT: Fair and Colder Wednesday. EVENING POST. K- ; ,1" 5k' i HO. 287. 8AUSBUBY, N. 0, TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 1909. $4.00 A YEAS. rf FOB GOODE H C. WILLIAMS DEAD DIED IN BALTIMORE ZELAYA IS REJECTED OFFER OF PEACE IS SPURNED SALISBURY RAPPED LIKE RATS. - WrnDPTIIRIVTfl PFN WAR NEAR SAYS HOBSON DECLARES IT INEVITABLE. Herriaaac Hera Begs Coatran far Larger Approariatiaaa. A CHOICE SPIRITS PASSING. Bravt Bat Fatilt Fight Agaiaat a Falal i J. Huicnison death. MOTHER DIES WITH CHIIDREN Lj Bj Got. CIcm Fraa jS.Ttar Term. q- (and not Owens, . ..wi- gsetM is toe result or !0tfr Salisbury offi--Jay tight. l:arsapo ana wnen ne sfvntf-u (ioode stabbed lj i Davidson county us assaulting his fa tli- us convicted, Judge 3 lir.iwn presiding, and M penitentiary for twen- -an Hue oi uoveruor iist official acta was to jilt, bis attorney, T. II. ;M, Jr . having aecnred wttMit of Judge Brown imli.-atiim fur pardon, a panted on the ground n ranth and great pro- It i believed, however, pinion was conditioned b fw4 behavior and the h have written Governor .nquiring if such ia the it is then uoode will is W required to again mice in the State pris- higt Miller convened ;ty court this morning iiode. father of Earle id not ken taken and the beta wa deferred until t morning Later in the tWer 0.i)e was arrested trials tomorrow promise exertional interest. MaUy. TWO WEDDINGS. 8pncber Unites Two Couples. h Ilnsea Crnwell, of I and Mws Gracie Walton. f Sr. John Walton, of t tosnship, were mar s' parsonage of Union thureh at 2 p. -. Sun 12th, by Rev. L, B. 3 if the same afternoon ane place Mr. Spracher 3 matrimony Mr. James Jaralev, of Salisbury, MHinnah Powlaas, daugh- John Powlaas, of Gold UCASUMS ELECT. V 3 (600,000 Insurance In Salisbury. The death of Mr. H. Cliff Williams occurred at the White-head-Stokeg sanatorium last night at 9:40 o'clock, marking the ter mination of a brave anil pathetic fight against a fatal malady. That Mr. Williams has been !eyond medieal aid for several months was known even to him but he lung tenaciously to life. Not that he feared or murmured at the coming of the White Horses, for his was a serene ami uncom plaining spirit. 1U desired as he expressed himself to a friend a few weeks since, to take a longer lease upon life that he might ren der larger service and thaf senti ment represented the great heart of "Cliff" Williams. Coming to Salisbury from Dan ville, Virginia, eight years ago, a vigorous and ambitious young man of 28, Mr. Williams engag ed in business and but for the work of tbe malady chirosis of the liver that finally claimed him would have easily taken a place among the city's most suc cessful business men. To every cause and interest trial enlisted his activities he gave unlimited energy and fine executive ability. He was free of sham or guile and his fellows rated him for what he was a true man Mr. Williams was one of the leaden of 4he Salisbury Lodge of Elks and this order gent an escort composed of Messrs. W. C. Man- pin and Cook Clayton to uan ville with the remains, which left Salisbnry'at noon today. He was a member of other fraternal or ders. The funeral services will be conducted in Danville tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. Surviving Mr. Williams are his widow and four children. ' Ngular meeting of Sal 'acil. No. 272, R. A., B!tbe following officers "!1 to serve for 1910. putative to Grand pun- Buerbaiim. Pta, James H. McKenzie. pt Thomas P.- Johnston. Nuit, D. M. Miller. L. C. Ridenour. "Put. W. T. B. Jenkins. '-arj, Theo. Bncrbaum. Ft, W. T. Klutta. K J. M. Brown. ;w. J. W. Treilcr. Berry W. Hall. pa. A. E. Bost : w. R. B. Ketohy. , Geo. W. Wbitloek, nmer, Max Moses.. p-Mrr Council is in pros- rtonmtion, with 256 mem- fj" 5 total insurance of rtoOO. This order has P.Salishnry to the widows pins of deceased members t llDCe ita ArAnntvntlOtl "f Grand Regent .Tames S. f ill be in Saliabnry for Ftwo weeks to look after 'ft of the Royal Arean- ung ail n oht was rded and enthusiaslical r-wiea. Kneechea were "lUeputy Grand Regent ' ' f. Johnston. D. M. Moses - and W. M. THE BLUES WIN. The Membership Contest at Spen cer Ends. The membership contest of the Spencer Y. M. C. A. came to a close at 10 o'clock Saturday night with a total of 199 new members to the credit of the membership committee. The Blues secured 15S and the Reds 71 of this num ber. Number of points for Blues 640 and for the Reds 336 1-2. Prize winners are as follows: Morris Stewart, a handsome Meerschaum Pipe given by H. M. Cook j 2nd, J. N. Haden, a pair of shoes given by C. 8. Iirawley: 3rd, J. W. Payne, a Stetson hat given by Spencer uiotning anu Shoe Co.: 4th. Fred Broad, a month's laundry work done by the Spencer Steam Laundry; 5th, Lee Burton, one - suit of Union Made Overalls given by the l-or-rn Overall Company: 6th, Pear- lie Elliott one case soft drinks given by the Spencer Carbonating Company; 7th, D. r Taylor, The Crescent, one year given by Mr. Geo. B. Craven; 8th, J. M. Hoke, one box and contents given ny an unknown friend; 9th, J. C. Buch anan, one month's barber work given by R. P- "ght. Vitor Umphreya, of Lcx- in Salisbury today. Prominent Saucer Citixta Expirta S aid air aa BaltisMra Stnet The distressing news came to Salisbury this moraine that Mr. T. Jack Murchison dropped dead on one of the principal streets of uaitiiiiore last night. The wire was later confirmed bv Mr. Jake C. Sowers, who camp in from Washington City at 10 o'clock this morning. Air. Murchison, who has been associated with the Dorsett broth ers In business at Spencer for many years in the capacity of buyer, accompanied Mr. James Dorsett anil Mr. J. ('. Sowers to Washington list week. He went on to Baltimore to do some buy ing, promising to meet Mr. Dor set! end Mr. Sowers in Washing ton last night and return to Salis bury with them. At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr. Dorsett received a telegram from him saying he had been detained and would not be able to reach Wash ington on the evening train. Just as Mr. Dorsett and Mr. Sowers were preparing to laave their ho. tcl to catch a train a long dis tance telephone message was re- eived advising the. former that Mr. Murchison had dropped dead on a prominent business street. This message Was received about 9 o'clock and was sent'; shortly after Mr. Murchison died. Mr. Dorsett went to Baltimore and will accompany the remains to North Carolina tonight. Mr. Murchison was a native of Chatham county,' North Carolina and saa 47 years old. - He earn-' to Spencer when the town was in its infancy and has been one of its most valuable and valued citi zens. He possessed fine business qualities and tbe success of the big mercantile establishment with which he was connected has been due in no little measure to his splendid judgment. While not a robust man he bad not recently suffered a serious illness and his family cannot associate him with heart failure, to which his death is attributed. The Funeral. A telegram received this after noon announces that the body will be taken to Siler City tomorrow morning, accompanied by Mr. J. D. Dorsett and the burial will be in h family burying ground at that place. A VALUABLE PAPER. The Dental Brief Presents Salis bury Dentist's Paper.. Dr. J. De Lane Carltou, of Sal- isburv. is honored in the Decern ber number of the Dental Brief, issued at Philadelphia and the teadinir rublication of its kind in the country. The Brief presents a naner on "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Porcelain," nrcnared bv Dr. Carlton and read before the North Carolina State Dental Society at Charlotte, July 1908. It is an exhaustive dis cussion of the subject and the onlv naner read before the Asso eiation to appear in tnia numoer of The Brief. Estrada, Tied tf Waitiaf, Tks Otfeasrrs. Blueflelds, via Colon, Dec. 14. A battle between the government and revolutionary forces twelve miles from Rama is momentarily expected. Estrada is tired wait ing for Zclnya and an attack is urged by the revolutionists. He is massing the strougest army possible for the attack. Estrada has a gunboat to operate ou the river and expects to surround the Zelayan troops, striking from all sides. Estrada's determination to assume the offensive results from the failure of Zelaya's peace conference, Good authority says the conference was proposed by Zelaya to assassinate Estrada and I'-strada s emissaries present. Zelaya's Resignation Rejected. The offer of Zclava to resign the presidency in favor of Jose .Madriz has been flatly refused by Estrada, who says Madriz would be no improvement. Madriz is considered Zelaya's henchman aud believed to be unsatisfactory to the United States. Madriz de clares that Mexico supports him. New Orleans. Dec. 14. Private despatches from Panama declare that General Morales has declar ed against President Zelaya and hat marched agniust Rivas with all bis forces. He has captured Orisii, Su,voa and small towns near the Costa Rican border. Washington, Dec. 14. The cap ture of Rama by Zelayan forces is reported if Bangua, according to despatches to the Stat Depart ment. . Washington, Dec. 14," War is inevitable, declared Congress man Richmond Pearson Hobson. the hero of Santiago, in a speech before the House today. Hobson urged appropriations for six bat tleships annually to uphold the Cnitcd States on the seas. He declared race jealousy, trade competition and the acquirement of valuable lands make war a constant menace. ItalUa Laborers art KiDea ia a Baal read Wrack. CHARLOTTE WINS. Downs Salisbury High School in Basket Ball. The Charlotte High School bas ket tall team downed the Salis bury. High School team Saturday by a score of 27 to 4. The game was interesting from start to fin ish. The features of the game were Query's fine work at for ward, and Taylor and Fowler at guard for the Salisbury High School and Austin's fine work at gnard for Charlotte. This is the first game the Salisbury team has plnyed this year. The time of tne halves was 15 and 20 minutes res nectivelv. the attendance 230. Some fine games are booKea lor the near future. A SOCIAL NIGHT. Woodmen to Elect Officers Then gerve Jtelraanmenis. There will be a called meeting tni.vu1 Canin. No, . . l(o, V 1 - . , . WnnHmen of the wona wnigm for the purpose of electing offlcen 4h unminir term and the m- i.i;i nf candidates, aiier refreshments will be serv ed. All Woodmen in Salisbury and Spencer are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Mr Samuel H. Wiley, Jr., left last night for New York, where Ka aii him na.rwnts. .ani. anu Mrs. W. Murdoch Wiley. Dr. J. William Tankersley, of Greensboro, it in town today. TONIGHT'S WEDDING Miss Young to Become Bride of Mr, Yeager. . This evenina at 7 o'clock at St T.uke's Enisconal church Miss Josenhine. the talented and at- ' .. . . r tractive daughter 01 Mr. anu mrs. T. Frank Young, becomea tbe bride of Mr. John William Yeag. a A number of Out-of-town guests are here and the wedding is to be one ot the season s ieaa- ing social events. . Walter Murphy, Esq., went to New York last night on a business trip. Hia friends will be glad to learn that Mr. L. O. Russell is lm proving. MEN'S MASS MEETING. An Important Meeting Here on Thursday Evening. v The National Laymen's Mis sionary Movement, representing all denominations, have asked for the use of the First Presbyterian church next Thursday at 7:30 p. ra., for the purpose of presenting the cause of missions to tbe men of this city and also for the pur pose of scenring delegates to the State convention to be held in Greensboro in January. Every Protestant denomination in North Carolina is taking an interest in the Greensboro convention, and it is believed that several hundred delegates will attend. All of the ministers of Greensboro are co operating and such business men A. M. Scales, E. P. Wharton, Charles H. Ireland, W. C. Dowd, nd Julian Carr are interested in the Salisbury movement. Promi nent laymen from out of town ill be prosent Thursday evening. The men of the city are invited. Cincinnati, Dec. 14. Six are dead, four dying and many were nously injured as the result or tenement house fire early today. The fire escapes were cut oft by flames and special exits board- 1 up. The people were trapped kc rats. Mrs. John Henderson f Cincinnati, was burned to a risp with her three children round her. Erie. Pa.. Dec. 14 Three Ital- n laborers are dead, seven seri- usly injured and eleven slightly lured in a wreck shortly before cm i ght by the Twentieth Cen- ury limited which crashed into the rear end of a Chicago and oston special. Blinding snow prevented the engineer from see- g the tail lights of the car which was smashed into kindling wood. The Limited was undamaged and nly the people m the rear car, the smoker of the special, were urt. Burned to a Crisp When Dress Catches From Grate. End of the Life of a Good Woman Today. BANQUET AT BARBER. Dr. Burns Entertains in Honor of Friends. Mrs. M. J. Trexler died this morning at 8:30 o clock at the ome of her son. Engineer Joe Trexler, at East Spencer. The funeral will be from Christ's Lutheran church, East Spencer, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mrs. Trexler's pastor, the Rev. J B. Goodman officiating, 'the nterment will be made in the church cemetery. Mrs. Trexler was 73 years old and was one of the best known f the older residents of Salislm She moved to Old Fort with her son. Engineer Trexler, when he was placed in charge of the mountain helper on the western railroad at tkt point and came back with him when he located at Salisbury. She was an excellent oman and many friends bear with her kindred the bereave ment that comes in her taking off. Au event of brilliance and rare pleasure to thiAy-two guest was a banauet given at the Thistle Hotel at Barber last night by Dr. A. B. Burns, the resident physi cian, to friends in the community, the occasion being tne ceienranon f another anniversary by Dr Burns. The service would have been a credit to a metropolitan hostelry and the aramd fellowshin that pre vailed made the evening one of exceeding trieasure. Following uoon the banquet Dr. Burn was presented today by his guests with a handsome shav ing set. The menu last night was : : Oysters Crackers Celery Gherkins Olives Turkey, Chestnut Dressing with Cranberry Sance Asnaragus on Toast Rice Maoarom Boded Ham Saratoga Chipa Candied Yams ; Bread French Peas. Cream Bauee Nut Sati.. Plum Pudding, Hard Sance Ice Cream ' Fruit Cake Cheese - Coffee Wafera Salted Almonda After Dinner saints French Punch Cigars MRS. M. J. TREXLER DEAD. FARMERS' TO MEET. Mr. G. H. Page Goes to State Con vention in Greensboro. Mr. G. II. Page goes to Greens boro tomorrow morning as a dele gate from the Rowan County Far mers Union to attend the state meeting of the Union which meets in that city. The meeting con venes on the 15th. Big Stock Transferred. The Brown-Palmer Clothing Company has transferred its en tire stock to C. N. Harper & Uo of Chicago, and for the purpose of arranging and re-marking tne stock the store will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The atore will be re-open ed Friday morning and it is pro posed to close out the entire stocx within the next twenty days. Policeman George C. Eagle be came ill while on duty at 4 o'clock this morning and was compelled to go home, ne has been having chills and i now threatened with pneumonia. Cotton remains at IS centa to day. The market has been quite active. FATALLY BURNED. Winston-Salem, Dec. 13. Be- ore Mrs. fc. I). Jolts could res pond to the agonized erics of her year-old child, Bessie, this even ing at 0 o'clock, the little girl was burned to a crisp over her whole body. The child is alive at 11 clock tonight but the physician says she cannot recover and has but a few hours to endure her awful pain. rpu ii.'.'Si I J. . . - tne ni"iiiiT llnu Mrjfii uiii. u the house for a few moments. leaving Bessie with her infant brother. Her dress got too near the fire in the grate and in an in stant the child's clnthiiu; was a mass of flames. The physicians could do nulli ng, and Dr. J. r. Jearrmgton itated that as soon as the kidneys refused to throw off the impuri ties usually thrown off through the pores of the skin, the child would die. The parents arc prostrated. Mr. 'oltz is a tobacconist. "The Evangelist Raymond on Four Great Sins." One of the largest men's meet- ngs-ever held in the Spencer Y. C. A. was that of Sunday af ternoon by Rev. Raymond Brown iug. Every chair in the building was full and for an hour and a half the men were held, almost pellliound, by Mr. Browning on the subject "The Four Great Sins of Men." Profanity, Dishonesty, Intemperance and Impurity, were the four sins discussed and every man who was privileged to listen to the able discourse was made wiser and better. The speaker was plain and pointed in the dis cussion of these great sins and used clean, clear cut ami timely il- ustrations from both the Hiwo and modern times to drive home the truths. The meeting will continue alt through tliis week and everybody is invited to attend. The management of the Bijou presented a splendid vaudeville bill last night. The singing and dancing was equal to the best ever shown at this little theatre. The bill will be repeated tonight. Two -ictnre 'i each ev ening. The condition of Mrs. A. D. Brawley, who has been suffering from blood poison for the past seven weeks and who underwent a second operation Sunday, ia more satisfactory today, bno was doing quite well at noon. Miss Virginia Harris came in last night from Greensboro to at tend, as one of the bridesmaids, the Young-Yeager wedding tonight. I f w i v 4

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