BATtUUDATT JiX: , 1910, AGl TWO. tULISBUBY EVBMNO POST. Begin the lb Tnr Happy And'stay so by sending us your work. Salisbury laundry Co. The Qualify laandry. Phone 72. SALE OP VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. Pursuant to the decree obtain ed from J. Frank McCubbins, Clerk of the Superior Court of Sowsn county, in the special pro ceeding entitled Chas. W. Mow ery and wife Roxie 0. llowery, Henderson H. Pool, Chas. W. Pace and wife Mary A. Pace vs. Oeo. 0. Pool, D. M. Miller and Walter W. Pool and wife, Magda line Pool, directing the under signed Commissioners to re-sell certain lands for division, the un dersigned Commissioners, will ex pose for sale at public auction for eash, at the Court House door in Salisbury, N. C, on Monday the 7th day of February, 1910, the following city property: Lot No. 1 beginning at the cor sers of Kerr and Kllis streets and rans N. E. 40 feet more or less with Ellis street to the W. N. C. B. road, thence with said W. N. C. R. road 100 feet more or less to Kerr street, thence S. E. with Kerr street 70 feet more or less to the beginning. Upon this lot it situate a store room. Lot No. 2 beginning at the cor sr of the Salisbury Graded Sehool lot on Ellis street, thence N. 45 deg. East 63 feet to a stake, thence North 45 deg. West 75 feet to a stake on the W. N. C. R. road, thence with the W. N. C. R. road 72 deg. West 126 feet to the Jin of the Graded Sehool lot, thence South 46 deg. East lik feet with the line of said lot to the beginning. Upon this lot is situate a two-story dwelling. This Jan. 5, 1910. STAHLE LINN. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Commissioners. TERRIBLE STRAIN RESULTEDNOT AMISS A Lenoir Lady, After Two Weeks Grinding Labor, Feels Better. Than Ever. ' Lenoir, N. C. "I am not tired at an, tnd am stouter than I have ever been," writes Mrs. Kate Waters, of Lenoir, N. C., "although I have Just finished a two weeks' wash. I lay my strength to Cardui, the woman's tonic. I have taken a M of it and I can never praise It (Bough for what It has done for me. 1 ess sever thank you enough for the sd ice you gave me, to take Cardui, for dace taking It I look so well and am Anitas a mule." You are urged to take Cardui, that gen ie, vegetable tonic, for weak women. Its a will strengthen and build up your sys tem, relieve or prevent headache, back acne and the ailments of weak women. H will surely help you, as it has helped fnsands of others, in the past 50 years. It B Write to: tidies' Advisonr Dept. Chttta y Medicine Co.. Chattanooua, Tenn.. lor Special tefrneftonr.indd4.pa8e book, 'Home Treattntal fce Woaaca, itol ia plain wruwer. on review, NOTICE 1 The public is hereby forbidden to harbor my daughter, Rath Tiola Lentz, who is a minor and las left home. 20-tf David L. Lenta. RECEIVER'S SALE NOTICE. North Carolina. Rowan County. The K. B. Taylor Company vs. Dixie Mfg. it Novelty el at. Pursuant to the provisions contained i'l a de.-re. .f the Su perir Court signed bv Judge & F. Long on November 23rd. 1909, in the abene t.-ntitled cause now pending in the Superior Court of Rowan County, the undersigned Receiver will sell at public auc tion at the Court House Door in I 1 Monday, the 7th day of February, ) 1910, at 12 o'clock, M., hi! hc real estate and personal property of U.ik JMauufae tunng ami Novelty Company and particularly described as follows: 1. One lot 200 feet by 200 feet with one main building and two small buildings, beginning at the West corner of the intersection of Itorah and Boundary street in the South Ward of the city of Salisbury and ruus thence S. W. with Boundary, formerly Wiley street, 200 feet to a stake; thence N. W. parallel with Ilorah street 200 feet to a stake ; thence N. E. parallel with Boundary street 200 feet to a stake; thence S. E. par allel with Ilorah street 200 feet to the beginning, being lots num bered 66, 68 and 69 on William Smithdeal's plat "ol Brooklyn and being the same land conveyed by the Centaur Knitting Company to John S. Henderson-gird Thomas n. Vanderford by deed dated Nov. 20th, 1905, and registered in Book 106, page 237, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Row an County. See deed in Book 107, page 208, in the Register's Office of Rowan county. 2. One vacant lot 50 feet by 150 feet, beginning at the South corner of tha intersection of norah and Wiley streets and runs thence Eastward with the edge of Wiley street 50 feet to a stake ; thence S. W. parallol with Wiley street 150 feet to Klutti & Ren dleman's line; thence N. W. with Kluttz & Rendleman's line 50 feet to Wiley street; thence N. E. with Wiley street 150 feet to the be ginning, being the same lot of land conveyed to . O. Morgan by the Dixie Land Company by deed dated August IS, 1905, and registered in Book 107. page 134, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan county. Also see deed registered in Book 112, page 346, in the Register's Office of Rowan county. 3. Personal property as follows: Machinery consisting of engine. 40 H. P.; 60 horse power boiler, feed pump, dynamo, and a large lot special machinery used in the manufacture of toy wagons; a large lot of raw material consist, ing of 25,650 pounds sheet steel, a large lot of band iron, bar steel, round steel, crescent tire steel, axles, nuts, bolts, -washers, hub stampings, oak and pine lumber; also a number of ready made gears, wheels and wood bottoms; also one Williams typewriter. . The read estate and personal property -will be sold separately and then as a n-hole and knocked down to the highest bidder. Thp sale will he left open 10 days for a 10 pe;- cent bid before eontirma ' ion . his January fi. 1910. JOHN G. HEILIO, Receiver. P. S t'l. ' m. Attorney. 'h Cai lina. Row.. (' ,unty. In the .juperior Court, February Term, 1910. S 'ie B. iilasgow s. Alona. .. llasgww. NOTICE. he de ndanvt above named nh 'ake itice that an action en titled bove has been com menc , the Superior eourt of .' an co nty, by his said wife, .t'-ititf a oe named, for the pnrp. e . obtaining a divorce from '.. ii nds of matrimony on 'V roun i of adultery and that h s requ d to appear at the .cbi -ary ,rm of the Superior court , ' a d county to be held on t;he ? ,t . ' nday before the 1st ..v .day ii March, the same being ' 14fh . ly of February, 1910, at thi house door in Rowan count-, "t islmry, N. C., and ans wer ,r de ur to the complaint in s' ' actioi or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said complaint. Dated this 1st day of January, 1910. J. P. McCUBBINS, CluTk ftoperior Conrt. T. G. Furr, Atty. for Plaintiff. SOME PRIZE MISTAKES. Selection of School Boy Errors Submitted in Competition. Detroit NcrtS. The following is a selection from a large number of "howl ers submitted in comieelion i:h ;i prize competition, arrang ed lay the University Correspond: enl for the best eollevtir f twelve mistakes made by school boys : Lord Raleigh was the first man to see lii.- Invisible Armada. J" India Van nut f -ragfe ,n,iy not marry a wnion out of anoth er cask. Tennyson wrote "In Memoran dum." George Eliot left wife ml ehiMi'i'ii To riiotiriTliis genii. 1 nomas Bec-ket used to wash the feet of leopards. llenrv 1 died of entinir Pal. freys. Louis XVI was trelnliro-.l ilnr. ing the French revolution. Romulus obtained fh firt eit. izens for Rome by opening a lun- siic a&vium. The Rhine is bordered bv wooll en mountains. Algebraical symbols are used when you don't know wlist von are talking about. Geometry teaches us how to bi- si'X angels. Gravitation is thai u-hieh if there were none we should all fly awav. A renegade is a man who kills a .king The nrens todav is the mouth organ of the people. A lie is an aversion to the truth. A deacon is the lowest kind of Christian. Pythagoras built a bridge for asses. Etymology U a man who catch 's butterflies aud stuffs them. Women's suffrage is the state 'f suffering to which thev were born. II pleut a yerse. ne cries at poetry. Le eoeur purine. The disin fected yard. Ad hostes supplices sucerdotes venerunt. The priests came to the enemy in their surplices. Terra tribus scopulis vastum procurit in aenuor. The earth being laid waste by three scor pions runs into the sea. Celeri saucius mains Africo. Celery sauce is had for an Afri can. Hors de combat. The hour of battle. The South 'i Advantages. News anil Observer. The ManOfacturers' Record has printed many notable editions showing the wealth and possibili ties of the South, but never one that will do more good than the issue of January 6th, in which more than fifty pages are devot ed to special articles by experts, dealing with the South's future in mineral industries, in iron and steel, in hydro-electric power, in cotton and its product, in citrus fruits, in shipping, in land recla mation, in immigration, in public improvements ami other activities for prosperity and progress. These inspiring and illuminating stories are furnished by thirty special contributors, who have peculiar ability to write of the subjects alHiut which they treat. They tell a story of profound interest that will be of incalculable value to every portion of the South, and will bring capital and settlers to this section now on the threshold of a development paralleled only by the wonderful spirit of the West. The Result of one Litter of Pigi Mr. R. F. Becson about ane year ago had a brood sow which gave birth to a litter of ten pigs. These little porkers were divided out among his children who have families of their own, with the exception of one pig which was kent for brpedinir week a killing took place of the nine surviving porkers with the following rpsillt ao nnnna. 255, 267, 276, 281, 300, 314, 315! wo and 4UO pounds or a total ol 2,784 pounds. Winston Republi can. 'Roosevelt employs onlv six skinners in Africa," notes the Brooklyn Eagle. Well, that i six more assistants than he ever seemed to need in Washington. Washington Herald. ' The labor unions at Nashville. Term., have established an em ployment bureau. The leadinc? nitrn of iha timna the dollar sign. Mr. Finley on Depots. Charlotte Chronicle, The American Institute of Ar chitects recently gave a banquet in Washington and Mr. W. W. Fiiiby. president of the Southern Railway Company, took advant age of the opportunity to give Home ideas on the subject of rail road depots. He spoke of the dif ficulties in the way of seeuriug utilitarian and architectural ef fects, and then came to speak of the way the towns have of pester ing the company for new depots. As a case in point, a certain city is provided with station facilities that are not quite up to the stand ard of similar facilities in some other places of approximately the same population and commer cial importance. They are not such as tEe community would like to have, and thev are not such as the railway management would consider ideal. The community believes it is entitled to the bent of everything. It docs not want a station that will be merely as good as one in a near-by town of tin- same size. It wants a better one. It would like to have the h"t and most beautiful station of any town of the same relative importance in that whole section of the country, and it docs not hesitate to say so through its mu nicipal officers, its commercial or ganizations, and its newspapers. The railway manager is in much the same position as the house keeper when the old piano, which is still fairly good us a musical instrument, has had its case bat tered and scratched and the daughter of the family demands a new one. If he could draw on unlimited supplies of money he would like to provide every city on Ins line with an architectural monument, and every little way station witu an artistic gem. It would be a splendid advertise ment of his road, and the .Ameri can Institute of Architects would hail hirn as the greatest railway manager the world had ever seen. But, just as the housekeeper would like to buy the now piano must think first of the monthly grocery bill, of the needs of the family for clothes, of the leak in the roof, and, possibly of the ne cessity for' an addition to the house, so the railway manager, whose resources are always strict ly limited by the earnings of the road and its credit, must think of his operating expenses, fixed charges, and taxes, aud of the need of additional tracks, more cars, and additional and more powerful locomotives. He is glad to contribute to the gratification f the artistic taste of the pub ic, hut his first duty is to haul the public and its nroiiertv over his lines, and his first care must be. so far as the resources at his command will permit, to provide adequate facilities for perform ing this service. In the long run it is to the interest of the com munities along his lines that he should do so. In tne case of the typir.e! community we are consid j ering, its people have a vital in terest in having their traffic handled promptly and satisfacto rily, and it may well be that the money which the new station would cost, if expended for addi-l tioual tracks in their own neigh-i borhood. or, possibly, at some choke point on the line many! miles away, would be far more heneficial to their citv than would be the most splendid passenger' station to which they could as pire. In that case their interests and those of the railway are iden tical, and it is better for all con cerned that they should pnt up with the not entirely satisfactory station faeilitie for a few years longer rather than that the more i vital improvements should he de-! layed. Statesville, ojo you get much encouragement out of that f Keepuij Sweet Potatoes,. There are several different methods for S tOri HIT An1 1r unrti n n sweet potatoes which have proved successful. Potatoes, when first uug, nave a large amount of mois ture in them, which must evapor ate. When the weather is good they should be left out in the field until this evaporation is complete; otherwise the moisture and the intense heat generated by their drying in a hill will cause rot. When this is not possible mey snoma De piled loosely in a dry house for a iwpolr Thev niilV then Via otr,rn,l i (!, loft of a building or in a room, wnere tne temperature will be such that they do not freeze. Seml-Weekly Port $1,00 a Tear A Useful Gift is the One Most Appreciated. You will find full and complete line of Furniture, Pic tures, Lamps, Drug gets, etc., here. Just the thing for Christ mas presents. G. W.Wright, Leading Fgriitnre Deakr and Undertaker. Foley's Pills What Tny Will Do for You They will cere your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn oat tissues, and eliminate the eicesa uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and reogth. Refuse substitutes. Summersert Undertaking Co. 108-110 West Innis St. All calls day or eight answer is promptly by their andertak era, Messrs. T. W. Summers tt and B. M. Davis. Day paona 12 Nigh", phone 311-1, or 201 HOTICI. The annual meetinr of the Stockholders of the Peoples Na tional Bank of Salisbury, N, C will be held in the Directors Room on Tuesday, January lXth, 1910, at 3 p. m. Salisbury, N. O, Deo. 11, 1909. I. XX Iforwood, Cashier. NOTICE OP BALE. Bv virtue nf n iower vMtd in me by a mortgage deed executed by Cornelia E. Collett and hus band A. J. Collett, and duly re corded in the office of Register of Deeds o Rowan county. North Carolina, Reeord of Mortgages No. 30, pages 538 and 539. 1 will. on Monday, the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1910, at 13 o'clock M., sell for eaah, to the highest bid der, at the eonrt hmmi in Salisbury, North Carolina, the fol lowing jot ol land, lym and be ing in saia county and State and bounded as follows, towit: 'Adjoining the lands of Martin Blackwelder, Betsy Beaver and others, beginning at a hickory, Paul Yost's corner IR rvrll corner, now), and runs thence S. 87 i.. .11.50 chains to a stake in the middle of the railroad .track j thence S. 1 1.2 E O ehuina n . stake in the railroad track j thence . oi w. a cnains to a gum in Yost's line; thence N. 1 1-2 W. 9 chains to the beginning, contain ing 30 acres, more or less, and be ing the same as evidenced by deed in Reeister' nffina Pv..n ty, in Record of Deeds N. 76, page This land is sold to natlEfo '',. Provisions of &iA a-i.. amount therein named: not having wrru ptuu. This the Ut .1 r... . 1910, T. J. Jarnma fp . . iruiue, f f .. wanes, Atty, Concsrd, N. C. NOTICE TO CEEDITOSS, Debtors, BtocKnoiaers and u Parties Interested in the AffI oi tne vnn awwiuaciurilig fluveity uuuspauy. - The E. B. Taylor Co. vs. Dixie Mfg. 4 Novelty Co., 8. Henderson, Trustee, and J Notice is hereby given to l? creditors, debtors, stockholderA and all parties interested io tk-.-affairs of the Dixie Manufactj, ' ing and Novelty Company tne unaersignea, jonn u, Hej, , was appoiuled Receiver of ud company oy nis aonor, fl, f Long, on aov. ajra, lauy, , n -i :!.. j . ' 16 aouve cuuticu buwuu how ing in the Superior Court of Eoi an county; as such Receiver ttJ undersigned nas iuu cnarge of ti affairs and property of said f, pany ana is tuny authorized I empowered to collect all dt!;f due said Company by suit orot's erwise together with any and if onpaid subscriptions for shira,. stock in said Company if oefV sary to pay off its indcbtfda, v and the coats of this action t" persons indebted to said aom are hereby notified and rel to make prompt settlemecof I the undersigned; all eredi said company are notified in and file their claims wittfcij undersigned, duly verified u i quired by law, within four msijjf , V,,.. .,,... O0.l 1RM they will be forever barred frs participating in the diitritah of the assets of said comply,, further notice to all parties isw j ested in the affairs of said Cop ; ny, the summons in the abort ii titled action is hereto tttim and made a part hereof u tii as if written herein. V JOHN 0. DEIUG i" Receiver Dixie Mfg. & Not. Cut P. S. Carlton, Attorney, North Carolina, Rowan County. I- Southern Loan & Trust Companf vs. ,. Concord Mining Company, w f others, ls,I In the matter of the rtferenml:,: the above entitled cause, i Before Jno. M. Cook, Eefosf To the Concord Mining Compi.' and all other parties havajf claiming any interest u j subject of this sction: j Take notice that the 1my titled ease will be heard 1:1, offices of the Whitney Compss, J in the City of Salisbury, N. CL ; r Wednesday, the 12th day of k usry, 1910, at 10 o'clod i before Jno. M. Cook, Mtm h -pointed by the Court to uiiW ttate an account showing: I 1st. The names and sum ,P' which the various stockhoii have in the Concord Mining C Dsnr. together with tneir 2nd. An account showmif bslsnee due the Concord M" Company from its eo-defcndi-f John 8. Henderson, Richard derson, W. L. Cotton snd I Parker. " This December 4th. 1909 d.NU. 11. LWli Bete State of North Carolina Department of State. CERTIFICATE OP DISSOIS no I To AU to Whom These ftsf? May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to ?lwa;e 'Mfaetion, by duly sutheii!erj reeord of the proceedings voluntary dissolution thei the nnanimous consent of A T , stockholders, deposited ia 'Vf. erfi Company, a corporstios rf Ol... 1 - . - i laic, wane principal situated at No. - Stn the town of Gold Hill, Com!? Rowan, State of North Cu" fRonrv P Kmith Hnina, Iht 1.1 therein and in charge tl'T upon whom process may be 4 eai, has complied with u quirementa of Chapter 21, fe" n of 1905, entitled "Corporstoit " 61 e a Je r Now, Therefore. I.. J. -tr- unmes, oecretsry or Btaie "i-.. State of North Carolina, do if oiaie oi jNortn Carolina, ao t by certify that the said corrC tion did, on the 13th day olr eember,T909. file in mv o? duly executed and, attested sent in writinir to the dissoW of said corporation, execute ail the stockholders tni which said consent snd the of the proceedings sforessH now on file in my said offirr provided by law. . . ft In Testimonv "Whereof. I C hereto set mv hand snd sfr my official seal, at Raleigh, k 141L j a r,.. . a r iota ub; ui . uecemoer. inoo ijiia, (Seal) J . BRYAN GRIME