II r si 'i I ' FAQ EOHT, . ,w.i'f ..Krapiw , i 4 t ; m 1 3 rii: Ml ik r f.1 if:; 1 ft P ill I. r ,t, II'! ' 1 it r i V 1 i 1 ' : ' ' -i tit J ' it V If ' t il', i t It I 0 i hi) 'fl. . fa!3 '.. mi 1 1 jf i Remarkable Total EcllpsrofihrStin Simple and wII known though She T-vt may bf, ijfecmUug to the plaoa?!'iw if astronomical KKKt, that a solar eclipse is taxu. A by the iulcrvention of the mooa between tli sun and the a&rth Jur,n? the daytime, and Sin! the offvo! )f sudj iutrp.i tioa is to .instruct the suo'rt ray? th l;ght b-iiii? turned iut J 4rkne. n hile tile pheuouieuoa tarts tot.i! v'lar eclipse is. ithout doubt, the most sublime in 1 awe iasp rmi! spectacle upon v&ich the ey of man is permitted h) size. By f.ir the mixt remarkable ex h.yiion of this kmd was that ttKh occurred a June lb, 18", itn the sua in t lit? northern part f the t'nite.rrirr was, totally dipsed for narly five minutes aboat half an hour before noon, B iridth of the moon's shadow ietD; about 150 nides, or about 75 m tach side of the central line. TVs eclipse of 1806 is regarded by astronomers as the most mem jMft ever known in the (Jolted 3tat and that of August 7, 1869. atiag the next in grandeur and Uiieejt. Fortunately for the interests of Kitxta, June 16, 1806, was a day a3, remarkably fine weather, lejrcely a elouj being visible in oy part of the heavens. The Jirknros was so intense for tliii, part of the day that a great num ier of stars were to be seen, in tiadiog Vemas and Mars. The impreRs'ons made by such in exhibition upon different aiods are not the least interest img points. James Fenimore Cooper, the novelist, though but a oath at the time of the eclipse, vas so enthusiastic an observer of fie spectacle that twenty-five ears after the event he wroto a jsunute account of what he saw aj how he felt during tlm won 4erful o- ctirrence. Thirinsr the eeliuk- the noonday irat began to lessen and some :JiiUj of the coolness of early siruing was noticeable. In Mr. Tauper'a narrative he says that '"all living creatures sem?il HrowTi into a state of agitation. 71s birds were fluttering to au.l fre in great excitement; they efmed to mistrust that this was jt the gradual approach of even- Never before in the history of merchandising ha there been of fered to the people of Salisbury such value in mco'a clothing as those offered by Feldmao. -Just think of it. Men's lit wool 3 the Imht tailed Inp to tUtcJjummerjBait iaevery color imaginaoie ior so.aa a sun ing and were undecided in their movements. Een the dogs bo .An uneasv and drew nearer their masters ,4 o-.l, ,,nrv naKl&7 .vrd th- children cams tloekingiRemembei. Uus. firm MM give any Ueir m.-thcrs in terror. Many a laborer left his employment te be near his w.fe and children as th- ,hrnn..s and darkness increas ed. Swallows were dimly seen .Ic.ipainfe .into the ehiaaeya aii th fowls began going to rot." But though she eciips" of IS06 w.n. a; least in the duration of its t iti'.ity. meaiorable above all pfe i lent, to American observers the I.itii ellipse of Augtut 7, 1560, w.s destined to b more important i'roai a scientific, point of view and to nil a more prominent place ip history oa account of the great iTurress in astronomical knowl edge and the corresponding im jprovement in all liie imtrume ntfi of telescopic observation, coarse. , tenzing the lapse of I three score years. I Never was more extensive preparations ma ie by govern- ' ments and men of science to have thorough observations of a solar eclipse than at this time, and nev er was the weather more propiti ous for such an event to be noted in all its phenomena.. I As usual, on the occurrence of s'lch a wonderful sight some I'liuje incidents transpired. la It. account of the 1S69 observa- , t:"a made by Prof. Watoon. at 'Mount Pleasa"nt, Iowa, Prof. Ty ler narrates the case of a good man who went around the town for days beforehand and denounc ed the impiety of the scientific proceedings going on; that the as tronomers were profanely at tempting to pry into God se crets, and that he had veiled His sun in order to baffle them. The i cloudy weather, which continued up to the last day. 3eemed to give ' some support to his deelarat iona, i but notwithstanding his assertion! that trod would kep bis rain a-' going and prevent the use of their j irreligious telescopes, the day; cleared off with the utmost splen- j dor. Another local prophet an- j nounced that the eclipse was a j judgment ' n the world for its abominations and that the path of j its shadow over the earth would be marked by utter blight. $600 la Oold (Uvea Away. man $500 in gold who eaa prove that the- ibjvi is not correct. Feldman has headquarters in New York where the clothing is bought at h own prioe, therefore his prices are lower. If yon expect to bay a suft of clothes go to Fcbl man and let him show you his clothes, he no trouble I" show goods, you don't have to boy cither. Remember Feldman is one of the fastest growing clot h iag houses in the South today. 1? you want more information read the big advertisement on page 5 of today's Post. I June Bargains to lie Found X Belk - Harry Company's The One Price Cash Store. Excursion to Ashsrille. Peeler and Fesperinan are bill ing the town for an exenrsion to more thanTAsherilte on the 8th-of July. The train will start at Albemarle. Mr. E. II. Marsh returned this morning from a short trip to Old Point Comfort. Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admir able results. It does away with bed wetting, and ii also recom cended for use after measles and scarlet fever ornelison 4 Cookx Smith Drug Co., Salisbury; 11. M Look, Spencer. LINEN BAH3AIN& We are certainly headquraters en Dross and Table linens. "We buy it in very large quantities and from headquarters. Aod this i why we always sell a botler linen for the price than yuu are able to And aoybere else in Salisbury. COLORED LIKE 12 1 3c. Lot of Colored Linens, checked, etc , fine for ehildrens Dresses and worth Sa. Our price only ' .. U1-2C . Lot of Colored Linen, 27-inch' wide, all linen, solid stripe, worth J9c. Our price., .. 35b One lot of 36-inch Colored Linen, very heavy and fine for Coat Suits, in natural and several col org. Special for tfeia week. 28c )Hard wide White Linen, nice and soft, worth much inure. Our special price. . .... 20c 39-inch All Linen Cambric, an ex tra nice quality, worth 35c for 25c Yard wide double fold Linen, lit tle heavier than the Cambric and fioe for shirts, etc., for- . .25c TABLE DAMASK. Mice Bleached Table Damask for only.. ....... ..25c 70-inc.h Linen Damask, real pret ty pattern for 48o Extra good values in Table Linen at.. 7k and 98c Cotton Napkins, ready hemmed for only . .48e doxea Give us a look for what you want in Linens. It will pay you. 1 Belle-Harry Company. fl. W. Winecoff 's Great Anniversary Sale is Now on. Below are Some of the Many Bargains to be Had : CHARACTER I N S I L V E R W A R E The mark sterling on a niece of silverware stands i ly for the metal from which the article is made. The char acter of the silver depends on the ability of the designer and the skill of the workman. The difference in price oetween the commonplace and the exclusive is only enough to keep the more distinctive lines from becoming common. This season we are showing patterns of unusual merit. Every line of these patterns Is absolutely perfect. The pro portion of the handles, the size and shape of the bowls of the spoons and the tines of the forks, are just enough diff erent to show the great care that has been taken by the manufacturers to get up-something to appeal to people of good taste and artistic appreciation. To realize the class of these new patterns you must see them. We shall be pleased to have you call, whether as a intending purchaser or just to see this beautiful silverware. Everything of the best at Creen's Jewelry Store, Leading Jewelers. White Goods Anniversary and Domestics Shoe Sale Thousands of yards of Standard Men's and Women's Oxfords.. akes and grades of Lawns, Lin- We can meet almost erery te,- os and Domestics will be put on quiremcnt in every style of Sum- jmie at today's Mill Prices. mer Shoe, and we are going to Tard wide Domestic .. .. . . . 5c make the prices low enough to Barker Milta Domestic ... 9 3-4c make it worth your while to lay Aadros Cogin Domestic . . 9 3-4c in a supply for the whole summer, Lonsdale Cambric (12c and maybe some for next summer. Striped Dress Linen 19c The following are just a few 40ioa Lawns 8c and up. sample prices: White Dress Linen ..19c Men's Shoes.. 98c - Men's Shoes ...$1.10 " Men's Shoes ., ., $2.39 Embroidery Sale : : . : fit Ladies' Shoes $1.79 Thousands of yards of Em- Ladies' Shoes .. $2.18 Vroidenes, with Edgings and In- Ladies' Shoes $2.39 stations to match. Here are a few sample prices; irtat::.v.v.v:;.v.v: Ladies Rcady-to- hz :-::: wear Department . Wash Suits, Skirts, Shirtwaists. ' J 4, J Bargains when you need the ifflpreceQenieQ 1? buck shirtwaists 390 1alllOC in CSftf Whita nd Wack lrtwaists 63c I UlUvO III Oil AO White and black shirtwaists 89c White skirts 89e All kinds and colors ranging White wash suits from $2 39 to Vasa 19c to $1.19 per yard. $4.23. JP ROOIWG We have Just finished Taking Inventory And we find Tve are overstocked in a good many departments. We are going to throw out many new bar gains to you and we want you to come and see them. V Skirts That Came in Last Saturday. Lot 1. At the low .prices, 14 skirts in Misses' sizes, in greys, blacks and blues. These skirts were made of goods from this store and are bargains at the price. They are worth $5.00, special - -. $3.98 Lot 2. Ladies Skirts made of goods out of stock. These goods would retail at $8 and $10.00. Most any size you want. Special $6.50 Lot3. Another -shipment of tine Voiles. We broke all records last week on fine Voiles' This lot consists of 15 different styles, worth $10.00. Our price - $5.98 We certainly want you to call and see the bar gains we are offering. Watch this space. Buy It and YouTI Never Need Roof Paint! wtlt you hU put U yon uii.lM f rrwJin ft rtrt 1 rrf Miiiaciaft.y toiftl 1. ft oa tun period by Ouyin Ampule. A wart i I s rnit tUm wvcV Amatitc h ih rooitnki tHi will n' leak; ht dftt r:; Uit it u, i ail.ctrd by bejt or cuW. Il l jtMi the kind of B U-eTricr3- bl ro tntg you nerd. It (tivf oeU.i protection ami wnfiet than any othei rea y frvoH- u, and caae yr no e flmvt atirr it is laid. The money spfnd m ba my tt t hi tint, lui uui miywtt. j S irh a roofing 1 worth tnrnticat-l n bii-aiM H will und itivetltffation.j F.i st das d,4tm handle Anuihe he, auw the demand virrantt it and itt-y can supply yoa with a tainplej r we- wilt mail e to ym bm .'evtipt w poattl f4wfV Frw 8miple Dml dvcid laattiiy Mirmi r u aome om'i may o ataaai et your aampiea and teat taent td hw in anind that Ammitk arf Don't lorfet M wken aiakrJ your aebxtiun. Thcri'i no ccoaod ta boyinc a roofiag and a fitiM I Keep u waterproof when yon can ti ready to Jay-a Coal lar rt' waternroof roniiif avnrr ' onaiMfaf, Amatirc. Write to-day (or a Sampk if tfotMitet telUng ail abovt it. I Salisbury Sopp y & tommisslon lomp If It Comes from Leonard's Its Rid Salisbury Dry Goods Go. The gift of a HOWARD Watch has been the deciding event in many a young man's career. The Howard hascharacter. Il impaitt k ctartctcr ts is mracr. Unromcioulr fcc brfim ' Gt up to kit witch. He Ktfito babitt of decitian of ttteaiioa W (tcuilt paamafity, the pollK- tanp, ' I Tka Iwien of Amtrlcn pfofrttt bnc btea croud n lf I . on Howard liint.1- . Emy HOWARD b w and adiuttctj as s tm witca. Caaes aad timed k ka owl cw tr aW HOWASO iwaraiai k luiln tfca brlmiL Tin HOWARD 'f I (Mo m i,o)-ri ftw uncM tkc hmj. ronwr- I n.i.t m kaow If ytm bo "" I : mef o auy aac it Mtoia aia. , I Wt atn Ak 4Mnam I U Uu tt ikxr k la yea. See our window disnla? of this rIhrflted Hon Watch. Prices from $35.00 to SIM 1)0. . VII. H. LEONARD, 138 MmM bJ ft. UUWINE60FF. &OOC A. a WERTZ, Manager. If It Comes from Leonard's Its K y 3 Phone 393, . . . , 103 S. Main St