rtAtHS FOMOASt.- Probably Bbower; Cooltr. " 4 .I.,1 E'ENIG POST. VOL 6, VO. 203. SALISBURY, K. CTCBTOAY, SEPT. 13, 1910. 1 A YXAJL IpSlTIC VICTORY. SERIOUS UTO WRECK. nil PERSONS ARE INJUKEO ta Isr Over tsekiaf Qk BE BIO KRESS STORE THE MOVING TU80KG.L' ADDRESS ON HOOKWORM KEEN INTEREST SHOWN will hia NEXT SATUBBAY. THOSE VflO COM V ANO 00 HAKE STARTLING STATEMENT -5 ' - - Or. Ferrn Cmu4 la Caauain I DEMOCRATIC PK1MAKY TODAY IEPIIBLUS USE UK Ort, MkUm ItmiU Bm What might have been fatal Ltoawwl aeeweot occurred nar Kannapus auous o u nw ,.wtffrfy afternoon. At it ' 'jar perion. Pfu"y Burt U,A am A J. Kluttx. - .... .,f Civenshoro.. a brota- of Mr, fhrle Klutt?, of this uniy, who wa diy nun m :b Iwsd. tongue eut and pther. tut bruised: nrrjtuwu, ,)r.siKro, elightly nitsrd u. of Charlotte, slieht mit; Mr. C. Q. Ferguson, of iTiiriott. shi n oruisea. m. nirttr wrw in an automo- '&m route from Charlotte to nnbor( ena when rounding a i.ri ine at UrfUtrftv mile r kinr. th brake failed to nrk, on tir exploded and th i.... ..mA h.rtl. W:J Mini bnkin seated by hi tide, the mi- a .. iMinff e htf Me. sun - - - Estta, both wrt pinned fait un in w ou'iy . oj ; ms tnacnwe, sue the other members of tbe srtv sustained only severe flesh null . v : ' ' !im V.iun n.i fiiwpr WAPf luliiy Bimonl from Cancr4 uj rrmlTrd temporary rvicet. Alt rrr plaid on No, 46, th MrthfeonaJ paawngi-A train, tiicfe nt 6ttM ia a field sear .M met ol the aotuteat. . . Hr. Klutt t waa tokn oE Ui Tii other memfcet of h party . . L vi Pallia it i kUefd kfiC wa hurt worse than ilr. EsUi. Word fma Rr. Klutt Miy u that he ia not Wly hurt, i Hm want injury i to one of hi! uUm. Tit wtwked automobile waj krwrht fa Saliilwirv t S nVSnrk arnint by Mesara. t'narlra Ujtti ami raui Berntiarut wno aufeine tn nlaeed ia Murdoch atrip fur rrpain and waa levn tf no; if a number ot eitueiu !o- It a ttly daongtd. rse HJ V IJIUMITO VII. 1 " " ... the riirht hind wheel are broken 'U .... .L.J . W twA miVm in iM the tnathmery a P1-1? Jan Thit U th aeeond ant'iwobile . -1 I - -- latore that has oeeurred in th Ktion ol the State, the otiter De af that of a young aiaa at Con ri arreral vaara afQ. who wa ir.vii.ir a mar tunc alone and no ;!o a bridge near that tity. , EUTJ KZXTQIO. tmnJ iBitiajtloo to bo ToUowtd by Efmhnvnta. Tbi-re will be as" important a"tiii of the Elk Uiniirht at W o'cloi;k. Several candidal. to be initiated- After ta in itijtion refreaiunenta will be erv 4 and a royal good time ia prom ! A full attendano of the wiabera i deaired. Daojhten of tit Confederacy. A mwtinif f the Krtbert F. noke Chapter Danghtfra of the "ontederaey will be held at Eni' tin hotel f haraday morning Sep- "fr 15th, at 11 o'elock, r 1" purpoee of appointing dele Ptct to the Stat convention.' "ra John S. Henderaon, Pre. Archdeaoom Webber. , - The mixflinn trviM tit be ion- teed by Archdeacon Webber at St. Luke 'a Epiacopal church will W ednesday at 4:30 p. ra. "ices also at 8 p. m. Alter lnday the aenricea will i ily at 7 -9ft t 1 .m n m and . . r ' P- Everyon oordially. jo riteii to attend theae aervicea. ; Mr. C. M. Lenhmir. nf Con- fd, spent yesterday in th city. Eaa Wki Which tW& Co Rwaiv M r Aw) Carb4 f CmA. ' ease with vhieh the Kress organisation baa received, nnpark- eu and put way the very lar(te van.v of Merchandise with whirh its big ttbr is being stock ed, if really marvekint Sjijtem with lr On; in the rrf of the corul'rn's niajruiSoent acroiwplibment(ffhoriirh, rigid and watting syiVm has brought the re&s organization success from 1 line of ih'iiiom in which many soother ha failed signally for want of it. v ' .fr A lafge number bf laeal men hav bsn busy the past several laya rjf oving, unpacking check ing aitu putting-aay tf; goods aecontwg to the 9Crw tystea. Thoai who have f been, behind the scene at theif Weiraot new storeroajt hav( fcprssaed them selve ai being vary sswh surpris ed at tfi absolute cpiapleHBea of th method, whielt aaake i poaai- ble to kindle aa4 large ooanti tiea of BterehandtM in so abort time, Tbe cla-tsifioati on and tyle of ha nl Line has much to d with the speed in eot-wtion wi(k th work,' ' Monday monntur th arranging of the interior ot th 0r btgan. This wip b carrieo ; forward speedily with the aid of omfor ty Salisbiry young ladies, Who will mak( up the selling forJV. The opning date of ajKres k' Co. stor4 haa been H for Sajtur- dat. Jiept, 17ttk . .. , Friday "afternoon and yrenng an' informal rsception I will -be held, whej U store will o open ,tot-VwMr' ' No- rix will b sold until 8 o'clock Sat nrday morning. , j 1 t : BH00TINO BATS. Violation of th Law, to do so " Misdemeanor, Several report have come to The Post of parties shooting bsti at Granite Quarry and Salisbury. This is, w ara reliably informed, a violation of th law1 and tne violator are guilty of a misde meanor. The Stato Audubon Society m behind this U, aod all bird that destroy bug, insect and other peta, to the crop are pro tected. -The bat deatroya any amount ot gnata and other in serts. - t '. Parties who have been killing these bird are advised that they have broken the law and are lia ble to prosecution, v BAJLACA TONIGHT. DelightfVl Kefreihmtnta to Fol low Soutin Buinst. The nraca class of the First Uottxwiut chureh will hold an in teresting meeting in the Baraca room at 8 o'clock tooignt. awier th routine businen dtlightful ntmiimaiia ri be served. All the members are urged to K. nmnl. and a cordial invita tion extended to the men of the' city to come out and enjoy a pleasant evening. ;r -.r.-jj, u-,. i . a k Good Clean Porformanca. tk fniinwinn tele-ram receiv- led from WUmingon in regard lo th Soul Kias apeaW very ravora klA frti. th BhfVW "Mr. W. H. Hobson, Manager Theatre. Salisbury: i ii..i via slaved here tonieht t a,.L,.ri hnii. A irood clean performance. Oast excellent, Oiri pretty. uosiumet nuo. reat satisfaction. Saw play" four .n,l vnn on ufelv reeODV MIHtJ BH 7 - mend it to your patrons aa there ia nothing ottensive in MarxiS. Nathan, Geu. Mgr. ui,ir;nit Theatres." - v Mr. Ifathan iia no connection whatever, the t'oM n a"" with th hfroney theatre. rcrsnal and Other Skart hem tf btercst. - Jlr. C. V. Barkley. who travels out of Salisbury for Swift & Ce., left this niornintj for Tennessee. Mr. F. t. Ailderholt is spend ing the day in Albemarle on bus iness... -J ' iliss Annie Vissour. of Char- liit.tcsville, is visiting Mr.' W, ST. ttester on Icing street. Mr. E. C. Land, who travels for a Greensboro fire insurance coifpany, went to Albemarle this morning. i Capt. J. P. Moore spent last night at home and returned to his duty at Hickory this morning. Mr. a. if,,. Ritchie, day transfer clerk for the Southern Express Company " here, ia spending the day in Albemarle. Mr. Charley Prpst, the night msn, is holding down his place for him. Mrs. W. L. Boggs and child left thia morning for Gaffney, S. C, to spend a few days viwting relative and friend. Mr, T, J. Brown, of Cooleemee." who haa been visiting relative' in the city, returned home this morning. 1 Mrs. W. F. Jonea went to Kan- napolis thia moraine to join Mr. Jonea who ia superintending the' building of the new Preabyteriaf church there. Mis Virginia Busby went to Charlotte this morning to spend th day. Mr. Caldwell Propst, of Spen eer, apeat Sunday in Conccrd vi iting hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. A. Propst, Mr, B. P. Lertt. of Concord, waa" i Slib1fry visitor Manila?.'" Mr. N. W. Collert went tn Bar- ber thia morning on a short busi ness trip. Manager li VS . Frund, of 8al- iaburv Gas and Electric Compa ny, left this morning for Cincin nati, Ohio, ta take in the Ohio Valley Exposition. He will be absent from the : city about a week. Mr. 11 If, Brown went to Al bemarle this morning on insur ance bueiness. Mr. F. S. Brown, manager of Reid's store, left hast night for New York where he goes to pur chase new good, with Mrs. E. B. Neave. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Kaita spe.tt Sunday afternoon in Charlotte. - Mr. and Mra. J. P. Cathey spent Sunday in Charlotte visit ing relatives. Mr. Jas. P. Cook, of The Up lift, Concord, was a Salisbury vis itor last Bight, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Fisher and children have returned from Blowing Rock where they spent the aummer at the Green Park hotel ' Mra. Jamea Kirk, of High Point, who baa been visiting Mrs T. L. Garner, j-turned home to day. To Attend Hons Party. Miss Susie Whitehead left this morning for Knoxville, Tenn., to attend a house party at the home of her friend Miss Annette Bran- deau. She joined Miss Mary Mor ris Richardson, of Greensboro, and Miss Sadie Booe, of Winston, here and all three young ladies took western, 11 for KnoxviUo to attend the party. , Oirlt Go to Scbooli. A bunch of girl from points down the Yadkin road were tn the city this morning on their way to achool. Some of them were going to Greensboro ' and others lo Raleigh. Ice Cream Sapper, The Ladies' Aid Society of Holme Memorial . chnrch will give an ice cream supper tonight on the church lawn from 7 to !&' o'clock. The public is invited to come out and help in. a good cause. Eratical th Dm On Wednesday last Dr. John A. Ferrell, ef Raleigh, an expert on Hookworm Disease, and now engaged as leeretary in the cam paign to eradicate the disease from this State, gave to the phy- lieianS of Ruwnu county a most inUrestiug asd startling address on Ihij maludy. His convincing words founded on examination already madi in this State leave no room for doubt that we havt the disease with as in this very city and cointy, in all clauses of Pople.. ' ; ' . Among the college studunta of thia State 40 to 50 out of every hundred have" been found infect ed with this disease. The mem bers of the State militia were.ra cently examined and about W per cent were found to harbor theae littl worme. Th same e-it be said of all thsses examine 1. I'm physicians of th county are sc iiuch i interested in the matter thai. Lhiv Dassed ii::.ini mously t retnlu'tion to eo-'er by" committee with' the ity CJuncil and with the achool baurd, in the effort to hv every pupil in our public schools tamlned for tins disease.?.. Dr. , Jalin Whitehead, Dr. M: L, Sit or i and Dr. Poole were appointed nnember cf the committee. : " Abstract of Dr. rerreU't Addrest Evidence exisU which show Out the ancient ffltvntiaW'. suffer ed with this sama..da'r'4B Europe It Jtas been Inowji since 183S. , tnlWi cQitty it hts been i.-. ..L i -.si I 11 IU.S ueru I Veam, It htS-Siis rith tho ne? kuuws ouiy aifnuuv ivu yuurw. was .probably brought country from Africa wi gro. ; - The disease is eonrine.1 t the South because of the .rltisVc which is favorable to the lit? t the 'parasite. - It is Iriprcnl dis ease. The worm die tn cold or dry climates. : It thrives btst in moist, sandy ou. It w siire:id and propagated in the Sauth, hV pollution of the soil from circicsa habits and by unsanitary privies. It is more common in ta-j eruu try, less common in town an 1 ci ties which' have sewage systcivs. It invade all classes, the r ch M well as the poor. ; . ' Th Worm Itself. The worm live in the inlettine. The female lay an engruinis number of very small egtfJ, srnd in a case of moderate aeverityv.a person with tbe disease will pass in the atoola from one to .four millions of egga in a single day. It is easy then to see how the soil may be polluted. These eggs can live from six weeks to six month. Whenin the proper soil, they rapidly develop into very small worms o small that overal of them could move freely in a sin gle drop of water. Thene tiny worms are now ready IV enter some human being. : They do o by coming in contact with th bare skin, usually of the feet or hands, causing what is knowr. as "ground itch" or "dew itch." The worm bores through the skin gets into the blood, goes to the lungs, and Anally lodge iu the in testines. ' There it li"e by suck ing the blood from the intestinal wall. ; ' When a thousand of these are in one individual the loss,rf blood i enormou. and the flush of hetlth (lowly give ay1 to a waxy pallor the skin becoming dry, the strength diminishing, and the mind dulled. In a mild, case; however, the victim feel sick and yet not sick enough to consult, a physician. 'Work Don in This State. Thousands of people have been examined for the disease college student. State militia, naval re serve and . others. : Only fiiur counties in tbe State have been thus far free from the disease. Rowan county -ia not one of th SMth Careliaa th Scan Maui Cot- ttt Between Fcatbtrst udBk-tM Columbia, S. C, Sept. 13. Keen interest and a larje early vote ia reported in the Democrat ic primary from' all parif of the State today. The candidates are to be chosen tor Governor, Adju tant 'Jeneinl, Railroad Commis sioner, , Representative In two districts and members to congress iu two aiaincis. iiie mum con test is bstween C. C. Feather- stone, the State-wide prohibition advocate, ana V. U Blees,iam pion local option candidate! . . . i . ii v. PHYSICAL CLASH. . Finland to Defy Russia,' Plan for Absorption. Helsiugfers, Sept 13.-i"hyi-cal clashes between tho giant Russian Empire and tiny Duciy Finland ia believed to be inevita-) ble. The Finnish diet meols t- morrow and it is expected will adopt auch a defiant course tow ard the Ctar'a plan for the ab sorption of Finland that a strug gle will be precipitated. In this struggle Finland hopes to put up such a stout resistance , that it will force intervention. BETRAYED THE PEOPLE. Chainnan Mock.- Strongly Ar raign th Republican Party. rlew.Tirk,. 8cpriS.rht In tfflsadvaj'acy of the new national ism OoUpfiosevelt admits the Re 'poWiaacs jrty during the seven years he was JPreifldcnt betray ed the people of the United 8taJ is the contention . of 'Nororag Mack, chairman Democratic Ac tional committee. Mr. Mat.t ad this afternoon the result yester day waa merely an indication of what is to be expected at this fall's election, DEA.TH OP MR. PHUTR. Brother of Mrs. Quinn Die at Hi Horn tn Dannlle. News of the death of Mr. Rob ert Smith Phifer, of Danville, Va., was received here yesterday. He waa a brother of Mrs: M. C. Quinn of this city and was about 58 years old. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The Southern's popular excur sion from Charlotte to Richmond tomorrow will pass here at 9:30 o'clock . tomorrow .'night, and reach Richmond at 6 :')0 (Thurs day morning. This is a splendid opportunity to see Richmond and the various places of interest in and around the city. Excursion ists will have three days and two nights in Richmond. The price for the round trip from Salisbury is .M. . Commencing yesterday the em ployes of the Spencer shops went back to , the eight hours per day schedule. They will work six day in the week. The order is in effect until further notice. four..,' . ' . ' ..- A '; v--, f A'"' The object of the -campaign against the disease is to prevent the apread of the disease by keep ing the soil free from pollution. This can be done by the use of the sanitary privy in the country or where there is no sewage ys- tem, and by having proper sys tem of disposal of sewage from town and cities. (Salisbury now pollutes hundreds of acres ot good tilled land by emptying ii sewage into shallow creeks which periodically ovqtiow large areas.) '";', ; ,.u -i The enre of the tlisean is easy and sure, the above mentioned' methods of prevention are the chief difficulties to be overcome in tits mmpiicv. again. fei: Local CesWitiesu Nat Raapesabl far ft the Reiult. Portland, Muie, Sept. 13 Lo cal conditions were not responsi ble for yesterday's Democratic victory. 'Hie people in the main voted on national issues. High' prices, contfol of the Republican party in the 'Interest of the trustn. Cannonisin, U . contributed to our victory. The people of this coun try are tired f Repnblivan m'F ruli. Governor-elect PlaUied, who swim) Republican M&ino in to the Dejiiooritic column for the Lfirst time "in fyirty years, sum marized in. Ihe. above statement the opiniom of the Democratic leader arc responsible cause for the turn-over.r U is admitted that the Progressive movement which is sweeping the country, was a potent faittor. The Repub lican leaders tLiy are claiming two congressmen; from the wreck of their machin. They say the official returns will show the elec tion of Asher '.C. Hinds in the first and Congressman Ouernzy in the fourth. ' J , The DoiaocraSc'leaderg dispute tliis and insist that all four of their congressional candidates have been successful. It ia cer tain that Die Democrata will have !imjority oA joint Ballot in the. iigislaturo. insurvig a Dcmocrat c , successor to Uulfe( States Sen ator, Hale. Plaisd'a plurality willfxceed 9,000. As result of the election therw a possibility that lha Main 'prohibitory law may-be resnbmittito the peo ple. . X - . Chance for All four' ' Portlaud. Maine, Soit.'l3. GeneraT,thourh incomplete t trn from all over Main at noon KmJay allowed that the is still a obencetthatf The Deatuerats win capture all four- congressional PAPERS ISSUED, Packer to Face a Possible Jail Sentence. Chicago, Sept. 13, Pederal Judge Lund is today issued mrtti- musses for the arrest ot ten lead ing packers throughout the coun try. A a result thia action holds that the companies which were organized under the name na tional packing company and al leged to have controlled the price of meat, are brought face lo face with a possible jail sentence. The indictments were returned against thorn late yesterday, "out it is not expected to be necessary to serve the warrants as the pack ers will appear in court today with bondsmen: ' , RESULTS OF ELECTION. A Decided Shock Mr. T&ft Will Hardly Stand for Re-election. Beverly, Mass., Sept. 1?. There was "no statement for the public," given out at the aummer capitol today. The results of the Maine election wa a decided shock and little attempt was made to conceal tbe fact,- 'Al thoush nothing (bordering on a statement or even an intimation eame from the President direct, the idea is adopted by common consent here that Presideni Taft will not be a candidate far re election. The eyes of all' tie po litical generals of the sdmigtistrav tion forces are now turiiad on. Ohio and New York arid lbs best strategists of the' party will be called on to lend t heir aid M the contests to be foilght in these two States. -., -!, The Winston Sentinel says: The Southbound Railway haa or dered 60 flat oars and " 100 box cars to be used on their road ' which will probably he completed in October. The facials are aim I making ehd:;le ,f ratea.-s :.. v i i 5 i i H