WKATHER FORECAST: Unsettled; Possibly Shower. I EVENING POST. VOL 7, NO. 94. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911. $4.00 A YIAJL STORAGE BATTERY CAR PI3ttS A GSEAT SUCCESS FIRE ON THE KAISER. WHILE CRUISING OFF CORFU BnlleU Wkiatd Over ReyJ Cskio- On t, U Mm to lfcM. Wert to Bf M La Yr.i.'slav was red letter day f &ilry wxl 'oncord. Ti Mri wiittihifuJ to the latter city bot Kalwbnry wan greatly tftrlrtl s a her neighbor. It ,n r4i Nalmbury exhibition . n .a uu tiitr ity at the Sou im trminal of the Salisbury to Owuni r!rurban railroad. The o was lb final tartiin? of th tiersge battery r, Kd 1U eue emful operation proTed beyond J1 daht that tie storwpe battery j a sot Miljr practicable but is on uso&f ifce greatest iaventkme. of I ti? f.' in tfc economy of power. aad another triumph for Mr 1W fa Slionry j oriirt ib (itworo yesterday i.vMnn W H. Miller, N. H , HiB,e. T. U. Vaaderford. W. IL JUrimd. I. L. Gawkill. J. I) Sarvnod tul others. fteMics j tJw there were preaeot number ( ormnioent ra ined oftVisls. snd rrpraUtie of manufaf n. Mr. lnwn and sir-! IVari, inventor and originator of e 'At were not present M was ;nnj vxi expected on amount tf piwwu) mattnra elaewbere. rii.f-iil amoaa um party rtl tb final Wt of th CT were Mr Lf-Roy 4tt. general cub' of the SVderaJ Sr ff Rattery Car Ownpany. He , been in Salisbury tor several termtnig UBf BU. , Per lalisbory Jpattoer sUOeray. Tba fkt e&r.wa buflt for the 3tiury-pttter Railway Coev psay ici ni fgaUy UkB Pi try Mr. W. J. Ou ter, 4o)iu M BiU aad tb form r onrkUtktoni of the eompttiiy in ) M f tb toct. jul art for tii atitat To be Uiod w InWnriM. ottwr far of tb tmm W W rrotaix the oWtrl trel- mm bulb on tb city linm in Wf. Haimbury and Coward 4oo thf intnnirtitn Mwwa tlx Work i to ben oo Uw inter- rtin In nithia thirty 1J. tbe Twmtiu; wo on J 2 to prf?t final rrn(fe la fct gradinx bai 1 "xly bpfriitt ui4 ,iroartiu t on irmuml. Mr. Oliver y h Tnpl,t th Un to Vnxord forty tire dy. Th fart that trolly pnk or wira will bp re for thi up-tChdat con ro.rti.n mns more rapid work -arliff fompLrtion. aWOTKEIt BOSBKS TAKEN. Jouctman Cnm, of Spenotr, tanu wfth Cha. Mayo. Polireman ,T k f"nti of Snco- m rf turned from Wireton where hi weot to britnf tlarlea Mayo, on of the at P ':har(red witb robbing tho TT of Mr W p V-,,--, - Srun. w'r about three mouika ago, and ?nouer now aafely in the of Sheriff MoKenii. iirried mim time ago and rwinri over to the Supenor court. Band to Flay. Pnhy nipHt from 70 to 9:30 Vd will ply for the spring op f the Olympia Candy Oo. Ail wh. wish ta luu SUKidmrr'a "IVat band should avafl tiiem It of thia opportnnUy. ; . Mr. .loho W. Pag baa gono to uth Carolina whejre he has ae P1 a position aa bou in ih 'wtruotion of a bridge, aecom the t l)te river. . 1 1 uir It: CONCORD'S ST0RAOE BAT1TRY STREET CAB. The "above is a pictura of the new Storaga Battery tar, put in operation in CvScord Monday. number of the Eal'ibury gentlemen who art prominently identified witis the company. These cars ry -Spencer line and will also be uted on the inlerurban to Concord .. AN ODD FLLLUW NIGHT CLLIBHATE 92 ANNIVERSARY Dr. Steele Mslies SaWia Asortit- Laiits Stree KtfresWeats. The Sclcd sanAt rirr of the or- SAn:aatioa of thi wt vrdrr of Odd IVltowi was iwkrbrd by Oonioo tody?. No. liiS, last niris: ita appwp? , tria li mrtin wm held is th lodr nom orer the Sinirer rVwinf Ms- ftiia omn on jhit Main v.r4rt aad eocs'mted of wmga. nvn by Mr. lienu'a string band, tax Coo- oa corset Mud. aa aoVlren by ri- R. K 1. nf fwiMr and Utort talk by loeal Odd Fellows. Th KxUfe room wa erowaxj. quite a nuBrber of ladies being prwnt. Dr. It 8. r'oa was manter of eerrmonica and waa too busy entertaining to make a apeeen. . The aaaresa 01 vr. weeie was Rinf & mmuLtr he read and iirt- eonrj the story of the good Sa maritan, applying to iratermiy, making ft apwial application to to order of M reiiows. an right well did be orient the ea. He took op eae h character in the h.trioal narrative, the man beat en by robbers, the priest, tie he- M( SSd 1ST V'.W krv and made each one a kind of membvr of the order. He mad the Samaritan and the donkey th best membern, wira we Better ones et..vrmff ttti .ink.v: The annliija- Ition waa not intended to ridicule but to nresent a strnnit truth. Tbe donkey is willing to work any where sod any time, hence the good member ihould tie tixe ne long-eared qualruped. Th. Anrul Muster. B. N. Hack- ftt. who was on the program for i-as, who was on the program for an address, for reasons could not be priwent and the members were dbppointed to this extent. After the program was exhausted the meeting was turnea over 10 ur. Steele who introduced a game "Walking - Around Jesicno, wv;Ai. nMn ' interesting and lamusins, and broke up the stifif- noss which usually exists ou inese Thin was a fieartv 'laugh and sll immediately became tk. Ai ni"Tt took ohanre and sensed refreshments, consisting of ice cream, eakc ana innw. in concluded a most delightful even ing for the local Odd Follows. w - t r. rv nA dsiuahters. si 1 t . .nd -I I . are. Uiia u. aua " " " . Jr.. from Portsmouth, Va., wUl rriv ttis eveminr f" o'clock. Mrs. larr com . her fcusband. J. U Carr, who has been her ain January '8th. as manager of the Gate City L.? and Health Insurance laey will make HalisDury wvu the Tttture. . A UFE TRAGEDY. Mr. Weddiagton, of China Grove. Killed Emsetf Yesterday. i Newx eonv fc.ra ina Gpv, I that Hr. ( . U V.-ddlngt--. jWt'll known citir.-n tlvat place, cmaiittni nici!" kia home Kfj yi-strlay hv -Ung h'tn- v it ir. the Wt's.4-' ta a 'Sa-esli. I Kvraonh iiaie Mr. Wrd4!tflt tA b.o duflVr.ug w tK asu.nu an.! f.n yns!erday told a o gf -i'ir tnat t.e ;f..ugrt he wwuld .kill bilf. a' h was ti'A ble to iu at hi family in any way ats4 was 'aa vspeniw to the-m. ! Just beforenoon hi wife found him with U r.ia .in his hid but ni. Her sajv-ilios -te - just t 'awy.' At t;an.r-1a tiv joiitcf tSe faiily in ihc diait? ro, b dkl not -tl anythieg end rrtura.. tj his room and in a f'w mini! s m.W ws bord in the room f !f hi h.sd fs'lAn oft the .floor. H wif" sr.! rn run t.. h.:s tw'.Uu as-l'fcnai iim lying acios th b.l canping and th gxin betww b- lein. IV fr a j-ysician euli t o:;m he wns dead. Mf Wedding." wa- Ifcout t y sri eld snd i survive by t wife and several children, also two o'r ttree brothers liting in Cslnrrus and Rowan countien. He ws a member of St. Mark 's Evan rriical Lutheran ehunvh and the interment . will take place .- in Greenlawn eemetcry. AT THE GRADED SCHOOL An Amasing and Instructive En tertainment Tomorrow Night, ok Friday night at S o'clock t tVe graded school house Ir. Steele will present steheoptiroo views of things and places he has cen in Xiirway. Sweden and IVnmark. and explain them in s most attrac tive way. There will not be aUill moment from 8 to 9.:Ki o'clock, better than any movins picture show. Come and enjov this treat fit 10 cents for children and 15 cents for adulU. It is given un- !der the auspices of the Royal Cir cle of King's Daughter", for char- jity. Come and belp a good cause. ami encourage tne young wvraen. The Orand. For the next three days the management has , secured an act that U a head liner. The Careno Trio in a comedy juggling act are a itcream, The pictures for tonight are a feature Ml. a Jy tno its-tt-auh Co. A Little Lad from Dix. ie, showing an eight year old boy's devotion to his flag in the days of '61. Every school child in Salis bury should see this picture aa It is a history lesson by photograph. There is also an Edison comedy, The Resurrection of John t&et is one long laugh. fr V H Rrvson. of Snencer. left this morning fof Oklahoma City, Okla., where he goes on bus iness.,: He expects to oe gone abont five weeks. II it 0 I?TTEP.E8T CONTINUES. T-o Profeaionj Last Ni'ht, Spe cial Meeting to Children. Jsvre.v ia the meeting at II- Ja-. M.-msriaf eoaiinue-'. R -v. ('. M. frbori, the pastor, is priW 'i;s v.th pott-er and un'iiTstand irr. !itt niyht there wen' two pit.tona of faitli. The wtrvicea r- b-.-sg held at 3 and H . m.. i !, iifternooa and night. TvHorrow ifiernoon th-re will t . spe"ial wrvii-e for children anl all sre invited. It m earnest l.v hoped that every one who can will be present. MEETING AT CONCORD. Ib-urch Workers Convention in b v- Hrtd Thert April 23 31..,., Th. V. I'ln-h Workers Cnves n .f the Crttitral distri.-t i.-f u.' 'oftk " "!:na Cia;, of the Ri fml church, will.tneet ui New Head church.. Coni-or.!. Sutur ay aud Sunday. April -iy-30. . lectinsr of the minit rrur.s will 'C held Friday evericg at 7:10 'clock-in th? parsonuiro of th hur.-h. - . -A splendid program ' been irraned for the nvMition. Dr. ft, n, Duttftti, of this city, i ich.duled for an ad.lress at ll:i"' Saturday morning, subject.- Alms living a Part of Christian Wnr. hip. There will be installation ser vices Sundv morning at ll o'clock. The iwnunittee on this pecial work Ls: Revs. W. H. Csaxey, M. M. N'oacker and W. 11. Duttera. The officcTs of the convention sre: Rev. M. M. Noieker, presi dent; Rev. Paul Barringer. vice president ; R.'V. (X B. Heller, secre tary and treasurer. Indians vs. Spencer. On -Monday, May 1st, the Cher okee Indians will cross bate with R. L. Julian's strong Spencer team. The Indians come with a reputation of being the strongest independent ball players in the Cnited States and no doubt will play the boiler makers the best gam to be seen here thia season. Manager Julian states that he can get some very goodgames for the season if the people will turn out and it is to be hoped that, every fan iu Salisbury and Spencer will turn oat for this game. ' Andrew Jackson IVodge. There will be a regulur eom- tmunication of Andrew Jackson Lodge, No. 576. tonight at eight o'clock. Work in the first degree. A full attendance of the members iu urged. Visitors will be wel come. - There will be a joint business meeting of Hickory and Rosewood camps. Woodmen of the World, tonight at eight o'clock in the Forest over Davis & Wiley Bank. A1J Woodmen interested in th good of the order are expected to be present. ITT I 1 In the picture can be noticed a re soon to be put on the Salisbu ANNUAL CONVENTION. SUNDAY SCHVOL WORkLa Met ia Hiii Point Yesterday (or a Tare Days Sasiiaa. I'nd.'r the most favoVable usii n the twenty-eighth tannual wx ion of the North Carolina Sunday Vhool Association wan opened in lw large Pickett warehouse on onian street yesterday after m,n. Beautiful weaAer, a hi-ar-i fueling nf ' wclwme" and tb ;ce!'it arrangement for seat ...3 -.! ejitertainiftg the large ' lid ..?.'.f' -liiadei eerrWy feel 1(1. The people, were comforta. y f-ated on good, bonest, old- fi-iioaed "split-bottom'' chairs (on -ach ooc. of which the thoughtful, business people of the nty piavd fans) liste&iag t the .niecdid ow-orce sontr and devo- ;ti.'ci.i tervice led by Mr. and Mrs. ! But!, r. This servie was Xillow Itsi by a mo t hesrty address of wn iiom.- by Mayor Tate, who in wi'll-cho.v.n words tendered, in be half of the citizens; the best that High Point has within her gates j to all the delegates and visitors to 'this or.ventien. The response w made by E. S. W. DameTon, of Burlington, who. j in an. eloquent adtlreas. spoke of the great practical and systematic w.rk whioh, the nKxiern Sunday school is now doing for civic life and for religious and political in stitutions. He also spoke in the highest terms of the whole-souied greeting snd welcome which tie citizens of High Point have ex tended to the delegates and visi tors, and in fitting words express ed hia appreciation for such fine hospitality. "The Value of a Vision." by Rev. R. M. Andrews, president of the State association, waa the next, feature on the program. This address was renlete with the truth that all great movements of far-' reaohinir import m the 'history of the world have their start from visions and ideals. He who has visions and sees clearly into lat ent spiritual and material forces is tv one who bring great things io pass. The convention wrtll be in ses - sion three days. One of the mam features of this afternoon will be a great Sunday school parade, in which all the Sunday schools of High Point will participate. A largo -number of new delegates arrived last night on the trains from fee north and the south and a big excursion from Greensboro will be a red letter day for Hirh Point. Tomorrow will be th closing day of the convention. .: V Masters Clarence and Curtis Loflin left on No. 36 today for Greensboro to visit their uncle. Mr, Horace Pennintrton. Efferi Made to Secart Particalars. London, April 27. A dispatch received here from Corfu by the IHlziel News Agency says tie Kaiser' yacht, Ilohenzellorn, with : lie kaiser aboard was fired on three times with rifles while cruis- u if off Corfu. The bullets whizzed ovur the royal cabin causing muofa excitemont. Inc. tiring is attrib uted to disaffected Greeks. Tho German embassy reporteil that every effort is being made to se cure particulars. SENATE ARRAIGNED. Resolution in House Demands Amendment Abolishing this Body Washington. 'April 27. The xi-usational arraignment of the t"sit-d Stall's Senate, contained i:i :l:e resolutions iiitroduoed in tie llmi'i; by Reprenentativo Ber--' r. of Wiscon-sin, a socialist, de i:ur ls a constitutional amend .t. abolishing the senate. The resolution says the tendency of ivilized cations he . been toward le.ljrmg greater powor iu the t'ur.itu of th" people's replssenta tive. that the I'niteil .SUtes is be hi.i'! in this movement. Tic said, "in thin particular the senate, has become au obstructive and use less b.idy. a menace to the people's liljt-rt ii s, and an obstacle to social growth." FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT. After Attending a Damoo Parties Go for a Ride. .'Xoraralk. fjonn., April 2jT. Miss KiWifii Smith, of .Patteraoa, N. J., a trained mi'se, was killed and four others injured, one fatally, when an auto tire blp-.v up and the auto skidded into a telephone pole mashing the machine. Nona Ral eigh, also a nurse, waa fearfully injured. After attondir.r a dance nil went for a ride in T';ddeu Hots' auto. DETECTIVE BURNS. Deferdt Himself Against Attacks in Regard to McN&mara'a Arrest Iudianapolis, April 27. Prior to leaving for his Ohiosio offices. Detective Burns defended himself against the attacks :n connection with MoNamara's arnwt. Ho-eaid, "the evklence will how we can connect John McN'amara with dy namiting in almost every State m the uuion. If we cant convict him iu Los Angeles, well bring fcrm back to Indiana or Illinois and try hiroon the casea." B. AND O. TRAIN WRECKED. Waa Carrying Great Crowd to a Circus Engineer Killed. Parkersburg, W. Va., April 27. A B. and O. paeeenger tram carrying a great crowd of Ritchie county people to a circus near Pe terolcum, was wrecked at noon af ter leaving the tunnel. Engineer Albert Lucas was killed and many are reported injured. A snee.ml. carrying physicians to the scene, Has left nere. 1 Weather To Washington, Aprjl 27. Cnset tlod weather, showofs late tonight and Friday, n the lweather fore cast today,, Assistant AUoraer General. Washington, JApjil 27. Presi dent T-eft today nujninated as a sistanV to the ; Attorney General, James A. Fowler, if Tennessee. A To Oo on .Lecture Platform. ;NrvrYork! 'April )27. John MiU. chell, former : president of the Mine Workers, ba' onmminced be will go on the lecture -platform and talk on labor eubjeeta. i recast. 7' s?

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